Link is drinking a jar of milk

Link is drinking a jar of milk.

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Link is eating a meat and mushroom skewer.

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that's my semen

Link? What link?

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Why is he drinking semen? Is he gay?

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dairy drinkers be like

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Our boy, Young Link!
He can drink lots of milk!

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no he can't, Link must go vegan...

I have a meat and mushroom skewer for link.

i think a fish be like that actually

>implying he want to eat any plants when he was grown by a fucking plant
Vegetarian is complete opposite for Link

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Only shitskins and sѹboys can't drink dairy

Veganism isn't about eating plants as much as it is about avoiding suffering.
If some plants had feelings, vegans would not eat those.

>ywn open a chest and find a shota inside
Why live

I love shota

I wanna drink milk that Link has freshly squeezed.

>me on the left

yeah drink that milk boi

oh hi japanese alphabet

haha, hi, can you imagine what link smells like after all that milk? like wouldnt it be funny if link sweated all over you? can you even imagine? lol it would be funny haha

>avoiding suffering
>the motherfucker who stabs EVERYTHING that can be stabbed
>fights wolves on a daily basis
>is really good at fishing
>and generally takes no prisoners

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Guys, why are young link wearing skirt too short? what if wind blows and it turns inside out?

only one thing to do if that happens user touch his butt

I want to drink Link's milk!

>Hey Marlon, what're you up to today?
>Oh just prepping the bull semen to breed the Moomoos
>Eww haha that's so gross. Thanks for the bottle of milk by the way?
>Bottle of... what bottle of milk?
>The milk you left on that shelf over there
>... oh my god
>W-what is it?
> you drank my fucking milk

No, he is a Bisexual

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thats pretty gay

that's good, gotta stay healthy


No, he is a long

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