How would you rate mainline GTA games in relation to each other?
Which one is your favorite and why?
How would you rate mainline GTA games in relation to each other?
Which one is your favorite and why?
Other urls found in this thread:
San Andreas > IV > Vice City > III > V
Haven't played V. What's so bad about it?
Vice City > 4 > San Andreas > 3 >>>>>> dog shit >>>>>> 5
IV >>> V > san andreas = vice city = III > dumpster filled with poo and used needles > GTA2 > same dumpster but on fire > GTA 1
Of the ones I've played:
Vice City>San Andreas>4>VCS>Chinatown Wars>5>3>LCS
I think objectively that Vice City is probably a bit lower and San Andreas/5 deserve to be higher, but what I just really like Vice City. It's the perfect length to play in one sitting and the opening part of the game isn't painfully slow like in every game afterwards. I replay it about once a month.
I liked V
Fuck you and your "mainline" games.
Vice City Stories is the best GTA game of all time.
>boomer tier
>zoomer tier
>patrician tier
>third world tier
>basedboy tier
>contrarian tier
>boomer but still a bit contrarian tier
What mod is pictured here?
San Andreas > Vice City > III > Vice City Stories > 2 > Liberty City Stories > 1 > IV
Didn't bother with V because IV was so fucking shit and RDR was abysmal.
Did you actually play GTA 1 and 2? They were actually good games and highly innovative for their time.
>IV at the top
Oh I see you are a shit taste pleb.
Absolute peak shit taste. IV was so bad it killed the series.
Project 2dfx, makes game not look like it came out of satan's butthole
I didn't touch anything past SA. What's wrong with 4?
IV is the only good GTA. Radio, driving, guns.
It's just GTA with all the fun removed and realism and physics turned up to 11. But don't you dare try to have fun with those physics now.
Anyone who doesn't have san andreas at the top is a retard or retarded zoomer.
The plot was just not very interesting. The least interesting plot of all gta's imo, and most forgettable.
Vice City > GTA 2 > GTA 3 > San Andreas > GTA 1
iv and v are shit.
didn't played stories.
VC > SA >GTA 3 > IV=V
I rank Vice City higher then SA cause Vice City was the first GTA I managed to bunker down and actually beat.
Or enjoys using guns in video games.
I personally just prefer aesthetics and setting of VC, it also has the best soundtrack in the series. Grungy 90's ghetto is rather dull, boring and, in comparison to VC, it mostly consists of various shades of grey and brown. The amount of content and side activities of SA are fun, and VC might feel a bit barebones on that side, but VC is also more focused and has the feeling of time and place that lacks in other GTA games.
I don't even know what you're trying to say with this retarded post.
I also think VC had the best radio talk shows in the series. I went back and listened to the VCPR station on youtube and I still laugh my ass off at some that shit.
That the guns aren’t satisfying in SA. Not complicated, ESL.
Who called the plebs?
nice argument
>a muh realism fag
Yeah, saints row is trash, too. None of this matters since Leslie Benzies is gone and Rockstar is dead in the water anyway.
Vice City > GTA 3 >> GTA 2 > GTA 5 >> GTA 4 > GTA 1 >>> San Andreas
extremely low IQ
It's really fucking hard to not let nostalgia cloud my judgement My heart wants vice city and 3 to be up with san andreas, but in terms of features, it's just not up to par.
San Andreas > 4 > 5 > Vice City > 3
San Andreas > 3 > Vice City > 5 > 4
I can't rank 1 and 2 since I never really gave 1 much of a shot and never played 2
>Vice City > GTA 3 >> GTA 2
What place and decade should the next GTA represent?
I'd place 4 before 3, but otherwise correct
Liberty City but done right
2 is my favourite
III is the most important video game of its era
VC has most soul
SA is the best video game
LCS, VCS and CW are criminally underrated for what they are
IV was most kino
tLaD was crap
tBoGT wad fun
V was garbage
It gets worse with every release. Gta 3D era was the best. My favourite is between 3 and SA.
Eh, I just found 4 to be incredibly boring. It's the only gta game I've played but hadn't beaten.
How much I enjoyed them at the time of release
Replaying them now
If you go back and play them now and are honest with yourself, V is by far the best. 3 and VC still have a great atmosphere but most of the missions and story and laughable compared to what you probably remember. IV had a great city but overall was just kind of unfun, and the game just has these overall clunky feel. SA is still fun.
I played them all during release as well and still think V is by far the worst.
nostalgia will bias me
from best to least enjoyed
I'm not huge on sa and vc, wasn't when I bought them when they released.
vc was too small and sa had the gang area's that were just annoying as fuck.
5 was just boring with 1 city.
I've come to the realization that all GTA games aren't as good as we think they are. They're jack-of-all-trades games that have scripted missions, scripted interactions, and are moving towards a grand cinematic direction.
My favorite? I really don't know. I've grown up with the series but grew tired of it after grinding through GTAO for so long. I might get GTA VI when it comes out because, hey, it's guaranteed to be a fun experience, but it doesn't revolutionize at anything. Just my two cents.