The shills are pulling out the race card. Soon, criticizing Epic will be tantamount to racism from incel gamergators.
The shills are pulling out the race card. Soon, criticizing Epic will be tantamount to racism from incel gamergators
Other urls found in this thread:
korean surname, so he should be on board with gassing the chinks
literal chinese telling you they aren't spying, don't listen to their lies
Sure thing, dog eater.
Koreans only hate japs tho
>doesn't hold up
>has been proved dozens of times
He might be a North Kim.
Interrogation is required.
I remember when Origin was called spyware, nobody said that was racist.
You can literally see it for yourself
Kys with an escalator
Korean name retard
The Chinese in China are communists it's not a race issue, other asians hate them too.
I wonder why no journalist has even commented on this stuff yet.
Oh, right, Epic pays people off in broad public, why would they stop at just game publishers?
korans are chinks both culturally and genetically. they both eat dogs and cats
>Open my Epic account
>2 new friends have been added
>2 new friend requests as well
Oh this seems really fucking safe.
Tim Sweeney approves
Because Steam does literally the same thing and this level of idiotic shitposting is too stupid for even game journalists to fall for it.
Fuck jannies and fuck chinks.
Hear that, Yea Forums. From the man himself. There is nothing there.
I'm more upset at their shady business practices but that's to be expected from Chinese companies.
... So?
Whenever the faggots cry about some random "ism" then you're getting close to a good target.
When some Jews chime in and kvetch about it, you know you've struck home.
How are the blue checkmarks on Twitter reacting?
Really? Where's the video of Steam digging through the Epic Launcher's data?
This gif, I enjoy it and I will save it for it is of great quality. Thank you.
>friend of the Chinese
He's selling out the Western world.
As in they dig through ALL your other data on your computer which you also agreed in the terms and conditions which you never read. So Steam does literally 1 less thing than Epic.
Yes, because anyone else in his position would say "Well shucks, ya got me. We're total bitch boys to these here Chinese folk."
Come on now.
I can't trust a man named Pony.
never trust anything made by chinks or chinks themselves
their entire society is about swindling you
>Shit on me for anything BUT the Chinese thing for the love of god
He's not very good at this sort of thing is he?
Lets not pretend chinese people aren't racist as fuck.
Fuck Chyna
add koreans and vietnamese
It literally is racism.
It's going to be fucking hilarious when Steam starts handing out bans to protect their biggest userbase, Chinks.
out of all the criticism of-course they pick the low hanging fruit.
>Ceo defends company
It literally doesn't. It scans my hardware, if I allow it to do so when the very clear question pops up if I want to participate in a hardware survey, but I respectfully decline.
What'd Chyna ever do to you?
Honestly I'd use epic store or any other shitty dev store if they were as good as steam. But none of them are. Almost all of them are garbage, poorly designed or just generally worse. Steam has a monopoly for a reason desu
Who else wish they could go to E3 to give a big punch to his face as a thank you for ruining PC gaming?
>steambronies keep digging their hole deeper
But he's a Tencent CEO and played a lot of UT!
>Matt Kim
probably some twinkie faggot 2nd-3rd gen immigrant son who bitches about that stupid shit asian americans bitch about, oh right 'cultural appropriation'
probably can't speak korean but shittalks about how korea is backwards, never liked immigrant kids
t. gookman in gookland
Steam has no monopoly in any sense of the word.
They know the stigma of racism is enough to make the opinions of anyone they label as such instantly invalid and instantly ignored in the minds of NPCs. Guilt by association is a very powerful tool against the weak minded to keep them from entertaining views that certain people would rather they didn't.
Go read the T&C, explicitly says they are allowed to continuously take all the information they want. The 'hardware survey' is not optional they actually take your data anyway.
This is how pathetic you are, you would rather pretend this isnt true then test it yourself. This is an empirical fact, get over it.
You can't make victims out of the Chinese or Japanese, everytime they try and give them a race card it gets taken away for a multitude of reasons.
>Dont release your game on steam
>Lose all your sales
>Get shitposted to death by valvekiddies demanding you release it on steam or get boycotted
>Literally doing that right now
Its a monopoly, end of discussion.
The irony is absolutely delicious. Seething steam fags are single handedly making the situation worse in every possible way.
>This is an empirical fact
Care to show me zhang?
This only means he's 100% behind selling customer data, not only to TenCent, but to anyone who is willing to pay for it.
Same here. """Asian""" americunts don't have right to speak for asians.
reminder that chink games launcher spies on you
You might want to censor this. I can tell from it that you live in southern Sumatra.
>I have no idea what a monopoly is
If they released on both stores. Why would anyone buy it from the Epic Games Store? Sweeney should focus on that.
I can buy a lot of the steam games on many store venues, physical as well. How is that a monopoly?
Reminder that Steam fags are a hivemind of lying subhumans trying to push a baseless, racist narrative because they can't live without Gabes cock in their ass.
Tim need to all be charged for treason
What is wrong with southern sumatta now? Do they have angry silk monkeys that shoot poison darts at you?
>every Epic thread is full of anti-chinese posts
I don't mind that you faggots are racist but can you at least stop pretending you're not?
God help Epic if Microsoft ever decides to play the exclusives game on their PC store.
There won't be anything but scraps left and Epic does not have the cash to compete.
A lot of this is because Epic Launcher uses internet explorer to authenticate back at base, and internet explorer is a security hole.
True, I can't explain why it's scraping process names, but the Certs, the NLA, and the use of internet explorer are just iexplore being a shitpile.
It using iexplore for Auth means that all the security vulnerabilities for iexplore also work on the Epic Games store, too.
Zhing-lao... how is tianamen square these days? I hear it is great but I would protest against that.
No, but they aren't very good at DotA : )
>that broken as fuck english
yes poobear I believe everything you're saying
>how is tianamen square these days
Still strong despite an attempted CIA coup. This is what happens when a nation protects its border from CIA niggers
>Chink pasta
>Wonders why the rest of the world now perceives them as racist, childish retards who are to be ignored.
Keep digging that hole champ, literally no one in the video games industry is going to want your money now that China is their biggest market.
How do these people explain Huawei then and all the stuff they been involved in? How can you not be wary about these big Chinese tech firms after Huawei and after government around the world limiting their exposed to Chinese sourced tech? Are they going to say all that is just anti-Chinese racism?
>Are they going to say all that is just anti-Chinese racism?
thats been their strategy for literally everything
>How do these people explain Huawei
Look the other way and keep buying their shit. Just look at Germany.
get used to it
I'm anti gamergate and I respect and love the work gaming journalists have done to grow the games industry over the years but this epic games store debacle seems weird to me, they're supposed to be on our side but they keep defending epic games store for some reason and never seem to write anything bad about it.
Not everyone is in it only for the money, but I wouldn't expect you to understand that
>Russian 7.70%
suka bliat
It's funny to me personally as someone who works in the tech security field. The epic launcher is pretty has been demonstrated to have some of the same behavior as spyware yet people will defend it.
>Not everyone is in it only for the money
>Video game industry
>Not in it for the money
Yeah, Valve is absolutely not in it for the money, that's why they've been sucking Chink dick like it's the only source of oxygen on the planet for months now.
Should we be concerned about Lenovo as well?
Reminder that china is not to be trusted
www bloomberg com/news/features/2018-10-04/the-big-hack-how-china-used-a-tiny-chip-to-infiltrate-america-s-top-companies
We really posting a "Number of people that own steam" metric?
We're not going to mention the sheer amount of shit banned in China, let alone the fact that its quality of life is incredibly low compared to say, english speaking country, so the potential market for games isn't nearly what these stats would have you believe?
Why do people on this site love statistical noise so much?
Almost as bad as the people that post about VR headsets having like a .35 user % but refuse to realize that 90% of steam users either don't even have a PC capable of running or the money to even fucking buy it, because they're third world retards or straight up poorfags running a fucking laptop
By law a chinese company must help and be on the lookout to help the chinese goverment by any means, including spying, and cyber/economic warfare.
it's not really a race issue when the chinese government is literally known to disregard human rights and that chinese companies have a very questionable sense of morality and ethics.
>these are the """""people""""" that epic is selling out to
Which English speaking country? Niggershart, Part and Parcel, Literally banned Yea Forums, or China's Southern Mining Prefecture?
There are plenty of good reasons to hate china my dude
Sure thing Tim.
>US spies on everyone
>China spies on everyone
All of them, actually, have a much better quality of life than falling into a sink hole in the streets, getting sucked into escalators or having a child get run over by several vehicles and no one does anything.
>and we invited Tencent
The US doesn't eat dogs and make oil from literal human feces and try to pass it off as normal
you forgot having motorcycles that explode into flames after crashing at low speeds into something
Literally nothing wrong with being racist, especially against chinks, niggers, and jews.
I ... suppose you're right and that's a bit unfortunate. But don't worry, quality of life is rising slowly in China and falling fast in other countries so we should be equal soon :)
I'll just leave it here
>Steam has a monopoly
How many Wang? Answer for once.
Did you know there are more people with genius IQs living in China than there are people of any kind living in the United States?
Yeah "appeal to the future" is actually retarded concern trolling, like saying a game is bad because the playerbase will die out "soon"
You make a retarded argument based on what may happen, makes you look like a desperate cuck
>>US spies on everyone
You must be 18 t opost here, mate. Come back back in 10 years.
I'm assuming your argument is actually "More high IQ people in China than US"
Well, yeah I'd expect that, with the population China has, and if those people were really smart, they'd fucking leave
that's just the few who made it into media/journalism who want to stand out and move up. i don't disagree with you, but almost every asian i know never whines about social justice. a lot of them a busy making good money
Obviously defended by a chink
Don't disrespect the partyx. It's doing all it can to help the lives of their citizens down to the microsecond.
China's a shithole for many reasons, I'll give you that. But it's not like the West is a picnic either.
No, more Chinese people with genius IQ than the entire population of the USA.
lol 3 of those
Yeah until I see toddlers getting run over by several vehicles in a city while no one does anything I'll start being alarmed
>the race card
But it literally is racism. You're probably the only one here in denial of that.
Privacy protects indiscriminately.
I'd rather have openness of government than privacy for citizens, though admittedly I also live in a country where you can own firearms and so there's more force parity with the government than you would have in China.
can't have many chink genius if your people get killed all the time.
If that's true, either the data measuring this is wrong, or something severely fucked up is happening in China, if you got more geniuses than the entire US population you'd think these people wouldn't be living like a third world country with retarded infrastructure.
US already has a social score its called credit score. stupid imperialist pigs
and how many of those were on the streets rioting when a chinese school decided that 90% or so of their students cheating wasn't acceptable?
Truck of peace!
what that webm info is cool as hell
imagine needing witness testimony and some forget what they saw so you go to the camera that records the clothing and even what sex you are(male or female kek no trans)
Just a temporary increase because of PUBG. Chinks have their own launcher now and the number of Chinese users has been in steady decline.
Why does EGS have to scan every single open program in order to make sure it can perform updates to certain games? Why does it not just look at what games are installed, which it knows since it's a launcher, and see if those are open? No, it has to scan every single program. There were also some cases where it just randomly checks your installed steam games folder if i'm not mistaken.
Name them. Which ones exactly?
IQ is measured differently than just academics, dude
Mind telling me why it also scans Steam files and how that's fine chinaman?
I am not literate in finance.
What is a Downward sloping demand curve? What does it measure/mean (assuming it's not obvious from the description)?
you asked for a number dude you only get one
if you guys r so smart how come you still eat bugs?
>"Hmmm, the Chinese are living like actual shit, awful safety measures and shitty government"
>"They got lots of genius level IQ people"
>"So wouldn't that mean that they would be able to fix these problems?"
>Epic's store, with exclusive games and a spartan feature set
>spartan feature set
>Halo isn't coming to the Epic store
What I love about that is how they say they don't want "western values" like liberal democracy, they instead want...Marxism.
>chang can't name them
Yeah, tough so.
>that street post with aimbot
>implying you can't practice for IQ tests
>implying you can't cheat on IQ tests
you definitely don't have a very high one if you thought that that post was an answer to mine in any way
That's not social you stupid chink
>no features
>still needs more memory then the "bloated" steam
I always assumed it was config searching, honestly. I thought it was weird that subnautica had the same config settings as steam when I got it for free back in december. SMB had my save too.
i'm in MENSA. you can't cheat.
Not if they don't want to fix the problems.
It's probably good for more ironyic lelles to use sewage as cooking oil and have wAcKy eScAlAtOrS xD.
>falling for a scam organization
>incel gamergators
What is it about incel gamergaters that makes them think they are the only ones having an opinion.
You might want to learn how to read basic information before you make more of an ass of yourself.
Wrong, this is nippon board
Didn't someone actually fucking find a botnet packaged inside the epic launcher that sends packets to China? Could have sworn that was big news a few days ago or maybe a week.
in america everything revolves arounds money unlike China which has many honorable traditions and much celebrated culture
>pretending any corporation in china with that much influence isn't a part of the communist party
>Russian has more than doubled.
>in Weis world 267 is less then 176
I tough chinks were supposed to be good at basic math.
>pulling out the race card
Such as lying through their teeth if it benefits them or their image.
Scams aren't honorable, Xing Pi
>We can share all data with our partners
>Tencent is our partner and friend.
It's just bantz, bruh. chill you stupid slant eyes
Ah yes, the time honored traditions of watching as children die in the street or being eaten by an escalator.
>US gov tells US company to give them access to stop immediate terrorism
>US company says GTFO
>Literally Apple
>China gov makes law that any Chinese company needs to comply
>Chinese company bends over backwards for it
>Literally Huawei
They behave differently. This isn't an issue about possibilities or the future, Chinese companies are corrupt now and their government uses them to fuck up non-Chinese shit now.
They haven't been caught red handed, they've been caught stabbing someone to death and as they turn and explain how they're innocent they haven't stopped stabbing.
We're talking about memory user, not HDD space.
But thanks for confirming that you literally can't fucking read kek
Kim is a korean name I think. If you want to be a winner you have to outsmart your opponent, you're only proving ignorance, not superiority.
Empirical, as in told to him by the Chinese Empire.
>90% or so of their students cheating
What? This sounds hilarious.
Yes, and?
It's just a diferent kind of honor, mang.
>We're talking about memory user, not HDD space.
>>still needs more memory then the "bloated" steam
>not only bad at math but illiterate on top of it
kek, thanks for the laugh I guess.
That's a readout of a task manager buddy
that's their memory usage
North Koreans are chink boot lickers, though, and south koreans are just north koreans born a couple meters to the south.
Have a clit bigger than my dick
If you trust chinks you need to kill yourself hard. They will scam you at every opportunity they get.
Did you even read the first post you absolute brainlet?
>they're calling our conspiracy theory a conspiracy theory guys
>how could this happen?
I sometimes forget that many people really are actual impressionable underageb& and aren't on 5 layers of irony.
Subnautica uses it's own folder for user data located in "My documents" like many other games (including Steam ones)
I thought those things were actually identifying people. Instead it's just adding tags describing what anyone with at least one working eye can see.
Seems like it's mostly for search functions so investigators don't have to carefully watch the entire video when they're looking for something specific.
>Earlier this month, ahead of notoriously difficult college entrance exams, an angry crowd of 2,000 parents and students descended on a high school in Hubei province to protest a new education policy that banned cheating. They smashed cars and chanted outside. According to the Telegraph’s report of the riot, one educator inside the school posted on a messaging service, “We are trapped in the exam hall. Students are smashing things and trying to break in.” At least one teacher was punched in the face
if you google it you find lots of articles about it.
They are right though.
Also, Ping Pong was a name invented by a french person and they speak english in hong kong. I'm pretty anti-china but you are a dumb, unfunny class clown looking nigga. Did you peak in highschool?
>conspiracy theory
try harder chang
>this shill has grorious Asian IQ
>hello everyone i am fucking underage
"conspiracy theory" as a phrase doesnt mean that you're calling it untrue, faggot
learn something new every day, thanks.
Honestly I just don't care enough about this spyware accusation to really land on one side of it or another, at this point I've been using epic launcher for a good three years for paragon, then fortnite. If they wanted my data they'd have it by now.
My main concern is, how do we not know where it's going, if it's going somewhere? I see everyone calling it spyware but has it not been dismantled to figure out where they're sending this info?
>making fun of involuntary celibates because of their inability to have sex
MODS, the tranny is harassing me, help!
It's not anti-Chinese in regards to race, it's anti-Chinese in regards to a government that itself anti-western
Is there a single culture not built on greed and thievery of it's own people and other people?
>The shills are pulling out the race card.
lol literally fucking what?
Have you seen Epic/Steam threads, they're 100% racism.
>he doesn't wanna play vidya with Ivan
>being so intelligent that you figure out life is shit
>because of that you do creative and sometimes spectacular ways to end it
Smart really
>I literally don't know what makes a monopoly, but my orientation told me it's the buzzword i should use: the post
That's because Marxian thought has been wringed and repainted so much, it can be used to fit any and all cultural viewpoint, while Liberal Democracy fits only Western or deeply Westernized societies. Confucianist societies do not fit with Liberal Democracy (Japan had to cut off parts of its culture to successfully adopt Democracy, if you are wondering)
>B-but China Is a huge market for Western stuff!
This isn't Civilization, where if a country listens to your country's pop songs and buys your Blue jeans you have converted them to your way of thinking. You have to get the intellectual and dominante class to think like yours. So far, this hasn't happened.
>ok we scan your steam folders, but only so we can easily import friends lists ok! NOTHING MORE
Hmmm Tim "big long honkong dong make me sing this song" swiney sure seem trustworthy.
>Why does EGS have to scan every single open program
It's called an anti cheat
>im like 18 or something
basically the internet is really fucking big, so trying to track data (especially espionage/international/dirty data) isnt exactly easy, especially for rag-tag autismo's
wow you really believe it
There's more to it tough. The goal is to develop a system that can identify you within seconds and the chinease police is already using it to identify people who break any traffic rules.
a game almost always uses the same filepaths regardless of what platform you launched it from
>"fuck china" is racism
imagine being an actual 14 year old america who doesn't know what racism actually means because of "american culture" destroying the word
>>Seems like it's mostly for search functions so investigators don't have to carefully watch the entire video when they're looking for something specific.
which is fucking terrifying already. the chinese government isn't to be trusted with something like this.
I guess that's fair enough. Is there actual concrete evidence that it's being shipped out? I haven't looked into it and there's so many outrage clickbait articles that I can't find any that go in depth about the findings (other than it's searching steam directories).
>Be racist
>Get called racist
>It's called an anti cheat
>CEO comes out multiple times after the scan controversy and never says anything along these lines
>CEO straight up admits that they are taking the data even though they said the wouldnt, and assures us "we're not doing anything with it :)"
its been 2 months retard, if you cant lurk threads then dont post in them
You can't really "dismantle" software. This is why that disc with the Starcraft source code was a big deal.
>destroying the word
and that's good thing.
EGS is not a video game, it also does this when there's no game running, or even installed. EGS also doesn't offer an anti-cheat measure. Are you trying to justify this shit programming by pulling shit out of your anus?
> I'm pretty anti-china
>But it's a private corporation so Tencent's 40% doesn't mean anything
>Ignore the Tencent representatives on the Board of Directors
Right, it just has to actively scan outwards and through all content I have to see I am not cheating.
I don't buy it.
You're thinking of a different issue here where they copy over your steam profile's data upon each time you launch EGS. I was talking about it actually scanning running processes of each program, which Epic has tried to justify by saying it is to "see if the game is running before we can update it."
Not to mention, why the fuck is a store launcher scanning for cheating software and not the game itself? I'm assuming there's a variety of cheating programs, and instead of each game checking the ones for that game, EGS runs a blanket check?
Maybe if you had a well furnished store with consumer friendly practices the ire would be significantly reduced?
Not him but it's just kind of expected that every single program on your computer is harvesting at least a little bit of data from you. Steam, discord, windows itself, etc.
Nobody will deny the fact EGS does it, people are upset that it's going to china because the government essentially owns it and they won't hesitate to use it in the seediest way possible.
>Are they going to say its racism
Where have you been for like the last 10 years user, everything is racist. Literally everything, ever. History? Racist. Eating food that is not from your ethnic group? Racist. Your favorite movies and music? All racist, or if its not made by whites, youre still racist because youre culturally appropriating it.
Everything is racist.
You shall not cheat inside of our video game store web page!
>anti-chinese sentiment
perhaps he would like to go live in China for a bit and see what these insects are like
notice how it doesn't require you release ONLY on steam
Concrete evidence isn't really a thing in cyber security until you're already past the point where someone's been affected. For instance, you don't know you've been hacked until you get an email saying someone logged into your account from Sri Lanka. You don't know your credit card info's been stolen until someone starts racking up charges. And even then, you rarely know where that breach came from because concrete evidence is a rarity
If it had an anti-cheat tool it would make sense, something equal to VAC. But since it doesn't it makes no sense.
No it does not. Epic has not documented an anti cheat measure in EGS.
Now open Steam...oh you won't do it.
Where are the articles from real security experts saying what Epic does is spyware?
You retards do understand that information security is a huge field with people all over the world contributing?
Epic is a hugefuck company with thousands of computers running it's store and you think the only people "woke" to the imminent threat to the western world are 15 year olds on a bamboo weaving forum?
If epic was doing bad shit you'd read about on the bbc. This is their program reading a friends list, not trying to steal your loli collection.
VAC is just a tool for developers to implement into their own game if they choose. It's still the game software doing the anticheat, not the steam client.
Hahahahaa chunks btfod
wat, 1 in 5 chinks is a genius?
fuck off moron
>white hats
>real security experts
lol no
welcome to the pit. other signs of white incel MGOTW gamergate supremacism include "um.. the reviewer you're fucking's in the credits for your game? seriously?" and "while FROM games have never had an easy mode option, a lot of other games do. why not play them?"
anyway. if you don't want to be a PUA gamergate incel, you should support Epic's store and demand FROM patch an easy mode into Sekiro and include the same in every game they make from now until forever right away
just a reminder that Tencent is tied to the Chinese government like all other chink corporations
The media is compromised and full of shills that only report on fake news like Russiagate.
Please do not interrupt the circle jerk. The dirty chinks are spying through Epic and no amount of evidence to the contrary will convince me
But Asians are successful, which means they have internalized whiteness, which means you can't be racist against asians.
kekked out loud, feelin PUA CUSH mate
Well done Comrade. I'll personally make sure that you social score will get an appropriate increase.
Hey Zhang, why do you pee pee in my coke so much?
>This is their program reading a friends list.
But the program does not need to do that.
Why are sjws using the term incel in place of virgin? I thought that calling a man a virgin is a lot more insulting than calling a man an incel, as those are two extremely different things. A virgin has never ever had sex, whilst an incel is someone who is not currently having sex, not for lack of trying. Why are they picking the inferior insult?
If bait, you deserve a (you)
If sincere, well that should frighten people.
just a reminder that the Chinese are the semites of the east
they flood your country and take over entire areas which they bar to the native inhabitants, and if anyone ever dares to wander in to newly occupied Chinese territory, they call YOU a foreigner in Chinese, safe in the knowledge that you can't understand them.
not only that. Tencent is sponsored by chinese goverment. They shovel large amout of money to buy western game companies and then they shovel their propaganda into them. Still better than western sjw propaganda tho.
>If epic was doing bad shit you'd read about on the bbc.
pretending to be retarded is not shitposting user
you're reading UK satire, its bait dont worry i can tell, read it in like Ricky Gervais's voice or Russel Brand or someone else you hate
a man uses the epic game store. an incel steambays
especially when there's an api available for that that's so simple to use even literally who web and indie developers use it without issue all the time
because bitter and hateful virgins have picked the word incel to pity themselves.
Of course the liberal retards on twitter
>oh no the poor oppressed Chinese, with their population of 1 billion
How else should it implement the feature?
Offer to copy your steam friends over without checking if you have any or if you have steam? That looks stupid.
If you're saying it shouldn't have the feature in the first place, explain why.
Because most trannies are virgins that couldn't make it as men. Virgin hits too close to home so they made up a new word for the wrongthinkers.
By using the official steamfriends api that valve provides for free to literally anyone and everyone
yeah no I'm not retarded enough for this
fuck sweeney, he clearly doesn't give a fuck about customers, he can't even put enough effort in to pretend to care
fuck him, and fuck epic
>tell lies
>get caught
>b-b-b-ut muh shills
Simply and literally epic
Use the offical steam api like every other goddamn fucking programm that needs that data. Christ, do you fagtards even follow the shit that is going on or are you really just copying whatever you think fits the context from a cheatsheet?
>everyone says this is a big deal
>nobody can explain what the fuck is supposed to be happening there
Sasuga Yea Forums.
You'd think building your own scraper would be more effort than using an api.
Clearly, there's a reason they went that way that isn't covered by "haste to make the store work."
Great argument, son.
Actually I'm not your son. What a clown, making up lies about an upstanding citizen of the western world. Typical chink, no arguments, no morals, no soul.
Is is scanning you steam user data. Some faggot said that they are using that information for something but there is no proof they are using it for anything.
Projection. It's always projection.
If they're not using it for anything, why are they scanning for it?
The programmers are american, try that with a southern accent.
Did you know that Origin and Uplay also do this? Steam probably does it as well for other launchers.
Please remove yourself from the gene pool and the internet completely you actual fucking retard.
The CEO said what they were using it for, and if you look at the file in question it doesn't have any personally identifiable information. It's completely innocuous but they shouldn't be doing it.
Things like cheat engine and the like. For instance Beth launcher does the same.
Show me any kind data packages that are being sent, you faggot.
RPS did this weeks ago.
Moving goalposts now.
The joke is that that's the excuse the chinks at tencent would use, regardless of who programmed it.
You keep trying to sound smart, but evidently you aren't.
We've already been over this though.
EGS does not have any kind of anti-cheat software in place that they've talked about.
>The shills are pulling out the race card.
People are making it extremely easy for them to do that.
No i'm not. Origin, Uplay and Steam have been doing it for years and no body has been bothered.
Now buttmad seething steamfags are shitting on Epic for doing it while they choke on Gabens cum with his cock rammed down their throats.
"trap" is a billion times more offensive, because it's never ever ever used to degrade the tragically mannish, but rather (exclusively) in the context of admiration of the alluringly passing/feminine
anyone who admits that mannish stringy haired ogrish transsexuals aren't as hot as soft featured, feminine traps is directly contributing to the rate of mannish, stringy haired ogrish transsexuals committing suicide. or being beaten to death by transphobes a million times per second. each day. every day. year after year
how dare you. you fucking monster
>cheat engine
no, they only scan active processes so their launcher doesn't try to update a game that's already running
>there is no proof they are using it
>We only import your Steam friends with your explicit permission. The launcher makes an encrypted local copy of your localconfig.vdf Steam file. However information from this file is only sent to Epic if you choose to import your Steam friends, and then only hashed ids of your friends are sent and no other information from the file
Anything can be explained as part of the elaborate chinese conspiracy to steal your friendlist from steam.
>Origin, Uplay and Steam have been doing it for years
Post proofs
opinion disleboated.
>Steam probably does it as well for other launchers.
Prove it
>steam looks through your steam files
wow holy shit volvo drones btfo
He moved that goalpost right up his ass.
And nothing to do with the fact that incels are basically people so fucked by the sexual expectations present in this society that they think women owe them sex? Meaning that they are that much easier to ridicule?
>t. Psuedo-incel
>what is metadata
The people you know and the games you play are valuable information
imagine how bloated epic will be when they add stuff beyond just a search function
It's a joke, retard.
Holy shit, it's true, the trannies can't meme. My sides.
the cotton ceiling
>Epic Games is NOT owned by Tencent. They may be a major shareholder, but they do not make decisions for Epic, or impact the decisions Epic makes. Epic Games is an independent American company.
>fast forward two months
>Ok yeah Epic Games is owned by a Chinese company but hey SO WHAT if you can't deal with that you're a RACIST GAMER who hates BASED Chinese ppl ;_; go back to Steam RACISTS NOT WELCOME
Honestly I thought the whole 'Chinese spyware' thing was a meme up until this point but now I'm on board with it. Glad I never downloaded that shit.
Nothing in the history of the universe is more hilarious than men dressing up as women, nothing.
He likely would be if he was actually Korean and not raised in the West. The general sentiment among the East Asian and Southeast Asian countries is that they hate each other more than they hate white people.
Thank god the memory intensive shopping cart is still six months away.
please post this as text, it's easier to get the chink fuckers go offline for a while
>Chinese are living like actual shit
They're not though, they're literally the most advanced nation on the planet right now. Update your decade old information.
>51% is owned by one single individual
>40% is owned by a Chinese business that the Chinese government has its hands in
>the remaining 9% is split up between a bunch of literally whos
China owns more of Epic Games than Epic Games itself does
>*picks up dead baby from the side walk and throws it into the trash can*
All these SEETHING steamcucks
>*does the same but calls it abortion*
free tibet
>epic is shit, look
you're making it so obvious, chang.
>calling consumers and anti-consumer
is this dev trying to guilt trip people into using epic? the fuck?
Those are chinks bud
give me the name of the program and i will
i've asked in 5 different threads so far and nobody came up with the name. i wonder why
Well when people's abuse instances like the Epic store to further their racist agendas, yeah.. that's kinda what happens. If you just say everything you don't like is because niggers, then eventually everything you don't like is going to always be in the same conversations as niggers and talking about it will be as bad as saying nigger.
Maybe don't be a stupid nigger, and you wouldn't have these fucking problems.
When the FBI finds out Tencent has been using Epic's launcher as a backdoor I hope Sweeney gets tried for treason.
He made all the decisions after all.
Hope the first comment is 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre
I wonder why...
Except the exact same bullshit argument was made about Origin. Stop reading anything into this except valve corporate cocksucking. That's all it is.
I don't think you know what that word means
The weird thing about it is that they don't offer anything to the consumer. They take less of a cut which is good for devs, but the consumer still pays the same price -- sometimes even more depending on their payment method or the region they live in. And vying for exclusivity means there will be some titles where these people don't have any option but to pay the inflated price or resort to piracy. If anything Epic is the most anti-consumer party involved and the idea that one of them would call a consumer anti-consumer is honestly just mindboggling.
almost as if scanning steam would show jack shit
but feel free to name the program and i'll prove myself wrong
>born too late to explore the world
>born too soon to explore space
>born just in time to watch Tim Sweeney get hanged from the neck until dead
HELL yes.
It might make enduring clownworld worthwhile.
EA isn't owned by a company tied to the Chinese government.
I don't think you know how percentages work. 51/100 is more than all remaining denominations.
>when you're so buthurt you can't buy games on steam you accuse the competition of high treason
so this is the power of steam drones, woah
>Been asking in 5 threads and can't find anything
Meanwhile I just found it on THIS thread.
Quit being blind.
Owned by a single individual and not Epic Games itself.
No, and yet the exact same bullshit baseless accusation were made against them. It's almost like valve dickriders have no arguments and make up lies.
just link me then
>Check Epic's twitter
>Half the posts are shitting on them saying they'll pirate whatever game they tweet about
>Other half are fortnite players fucking FURIOUS demanding they revert the last update
This shit is golden.
Jesus user
You literally only have to write on Google "Process Monitor"
It's that simple.
>"being anti X means you're pro Y!"
i don't have a brainlet image small enough for your post
What percentage of Epic Games does Epic Games own then, if 51% is owned by a single individual, 40% by a Chinese Entity, and 9% is spread around other entities that we have established are not Epic Games. Because if it's 0, then why the fuck did you even bother typing anything?
>and yet the exact same bullshit baseless accusation were made against them.
No it wasn't. EA Origin rooted through a lot of your computer's files:
Fucking EA is less sketchy than Epic.
The gwailo knows, shut it down
Somewhere, Andrew Wilson is sitting there wondering how Sweeney managed to fuck up more than him.
Epic does not transmit the data before you use the import friends feature.
A guy changed it with some alternative to wireshark.
>Keep digging that hole champ
faggots don't realize that we aren't against a foreign company making our games, it's that this particular company is giving the information it collects via spyware (Epic Games Launcher) to the Chinese Government
Fake news.
The problem is they assume they can't compete with steam's features so they don't even try which is the wrong way to do it. They could do a lot of things better or at least differently than steam does things but they choose to do nothing and ignore the consumers wants and needs in favor of lining the pockets of devs and publishers which a lot of consumers don't give a fuck about because it doesn't have a direct positive impact on them.
okay then, it accesses mainly it's own sdteam folder, appdata steam folder, some files in system32 and nvidia folder in programdata, and then there's a shitload of registry access and some tcp data. it's basically something like 150k events.
lel I'm gonna have to remember this. Thank you user.
>Which online forum is more popular?
>Yea Forums
Nazi Germany
the irony
How is it compared to the Epic Store webm?
>Chad Manchu slaughters his way through a thousand manlet Chinks
Steam is a foreign company for like half of the posters of Yea Forums.
honestly i have no idea, and i guesss my approach is flawed since i don't have epic store installed, so i don't know if steam does anything to it. it doesn't seem to check any other folders than the oness i mentioned. it doesn't check my games folder or anything. honestly there's literally 150k entries in the list, most of them being registry access. in my unqualified opinion it doesn't look as bad as the epic webm
>Game goes on steam
>Available on every other storefront
>Game goes on epic
>You have to buy it on epic
Which one sounds more like a monopoly?
>game goes on steam
>doesn't release anywhere else for years
happens all the time
There are way more games that are only playable through steam than there are epic exclusives.
>NONONO cultural relativism states we can only hate white western cultures! Who cares if the chinese literally have lying, scamming and stealing embedded into their culture!
this man is absolutely cancerous, he makes gabe look acceptable
You have a point but mentioning the BBC or any mainstream media source is going to get you ignored here.
Is that because Steam paid for exclusivity, or because many of those games use the Steam API for shit like multiplayer? Just give up, fucking retards.
It says they could. That is not empirical fact. Empirical fact would be showing that it happens, which it does not. Empirical fact is the one type of fact that it is not.
I can't think of the last time that a game was only avaliable for purchase through the Steam storefront.
Steam doesn't pay for exclusivity, it is ultimately up to the devs if they want to bother with putting it on other storefronts
Or it's just whoever is publishing the game is too fucking lazy to expand to other storefronts.
>written by slanty-eyed, yellow-skinned, small-dicked communist
Doesn't matter where you pay if you have to use Steam.
Epic also gives keys to humble bundle.
Why should that matter to me as a consumer?
It's exclusive in practice.
I haven't seen a single valid critique of Epic that wasn't baseless racism and this thread literally proves it.
Are you fucking stupid?
Loads of games get released on steam before other store fronts because of how their support makes it easier.
There is literally no difference between a publisher choosing the path of least resistance that sees their games sold on steam first and other store after if they are in shape to do so, and a publisher choosing to take a large cash payment to only release a game on the epic store.
Chinkrats should be cordoned off into their own exclusive intranet, they literally ruin everything they touch.
Read the thread again, dumbass.
>It's X because I say it's X!
Literally a SJW mindset, fuck off.
Hi chang, hope you dont get run over in the next protest, or shot for not running over the protesters
>a shit load of valid critique over dozenss of threads
fuck off chang
That might happen soon. Russia is also looking at that alternative. And with the EU fucking up net neutrality, the internet might soon be broken up into regional networks with different rules and regulations. I'm moving to fucking HAMNET if this happens.
yeah haha never mind chinese companies have literally 0 accountability in the west and are already from a dystopian country where lying and scamming are cornerstones of their value system
Yeah, that's right, we hate Chinese. Got a problem with that tranny faggot?
Steam just keeps getting BTFO
I can't play the game without steam.
>Doesn't matter where you pay if you have to use Steam.
But the point raised was that you could only buy games through Steams storefront, which is simply not true.
>Epic also gives keys to humble bundle.
That's up to the publisher weather they want to, and that's only one other storefront.
Could also say that it doesn't matter where you pay if you have to use Epic Game Store.
Then just "install the app", retard. Eat your own arguments and fuck off.
people say valve is lazy but valve has built up an infrastructure that totally replaced GFWL, gamespy and all those weird janky services you had to long into to play games like the rockstar social club.
Fuck that shit, I'm glad those days are gone.
This some Sibyl system shit.
They have a similar proportion of "genius level IQ people" to anywhere else in the world. They have a lot of them because they have a lot of people and universal education allows them all to come out and become obvious unlike many in india and whatnot.
Btw. I hate how everything is called "app" these days. Might be because I'm an old fuck.
It's usually because the devs chose to use steamworks for their game's DRM or multiplayer solution, and steam doesn't allow you to play steamworks games without steam. Steam gets its exclusives because it enables devs to make games. Epic gets its exclusives because it enables devs to make money.
>when it's a proven thing that's happening
liberals always try to claim phobia lmao, nah it's disdain, stop pathologizing anyone you disagree with, it's patronizing and you never debate the actual point
user, no journalist has yet to comment on ANYTHING bad done by Epic.
No matter how angry people were, they always kept dead silence.
BUT! When Rape Day, a game that wasn't even approved for silence, appeared on Steam, every single journalist wrote at least 3 articles calling for shutting down Steam forever.
>because it pays off devs for exclusive rights
Why do people think this shit does anything? It's just worthless spam.
Every single company that sold data to Chinese government has claimed that Tencent doesn't actually control much and they're just hands-off investors.
Chinese players are actually hating epic because epic are blocked in china
They're probably actual asians, asian americans are probably the most insufferable people I have ever seen.
I want you to be aware that yesterday there was a specific guy spamming threads and shitposts regarding the epic store. It was much like today but with its majority of shitposts able to be pinned to one person to one person due to the copypasta and the fallout of his bans. However an old thread that contained this sort of Chinese filter never saw him post, same with a new thread that lead with the filter. Just thought you would like to know that.
You need to get disproportionately upset about digital violations of your privacy because software is a black box you can't see inside so you have no idea what kind of information gathering is going on. Any violation of your trust needs to be approached with the same enthusiasm you'd have if they just stole your personal information and credit card info and shit because for all you know, they have. Nowhere in their privacy policy do you consent to them scanning files outside its own software or system files relevant to its operation.
post proofs
You're so smart lad, could you also compare it to steam checking the same stuff with fiddler?
read threads
i did it with procmon not an hour ago, it mainly accesses its own folder, its appdata folder, system32, appdata nvidia folder and something else windows related, can't remember now
>being racist to asians in the west
I doubt anything would happen since asians are techincally in the bottom of victim points. Now if Ebin's major stockholder are black and/or africans.
I've read every post in this thread, no proofs
Origin leaked ALL of their user details to russian "hackers" and they neglected to inform any of their users about it. In fact they even denied there was a breach. EA's service is as shit as Epic's but for different reasons. It also was a featureless store at launch. Stop being a faggot.
The Chinese deserve every bit of hate they get.
Epic recently had a major bug where hackers could get authtokens from other players through the game itself and then use them to sign into their account in three easy steps
You kinda can, it's called binary analysis, disassembling and reverse engineering.
Source: Literally my job.
It's more a matter of scope. How long would it take you to reverse engineer e.g. Starcraft from scratch?
sounds interesting
>"There's literally no difference between a publisher choosing a platform GOOD AND EASY SERVICE to release their game to and being allowed to publish the game anywhere else at any other time, even providing keys for it ON THAT PLATFORM where the platform doesn't get a cut from, and a platform that PAYS FOR EXCLUSIVITY because its service is so shit no one would use it for any other reason."
Huh, so that's why I got called s hick for calling out the Chinaman that was shitting up a thread. These people care about the Chinese now? What a fucking world
...but we've already seen this it is spyware. It's been proven and shown. How can they have the audacity to claim that it's a false accusation?
If racism is prejudice and power, and if Han Chinese have as much power in their society as white people have in theirs, is it not racism then if you're racist to the Chinese?
OP is not exactly wrong judging by this thread. The moment a journalist stumbles upon a thread like this is the moment when Valve gets assblasted by 24/7 media coverage.
Remember all the land Sweeney was buying lately? It's probably more than that.
Does that include individuals who are not involved in this at all?
By those standards reminding people of the six gorillion would be racist to Germans.
probably wouldn't be that hard for a few competent people
It's more about their hostile government than race anyway. Their social and business culture is pretty trash too but that's just an extension of their government's history.
>Fucking EA is less sketchy than Epic.
Reminder that Sweeney is 200x times richer than Wilson, but somehow pays even less.
It really depends on the language the program has been written in. If it's low-level compiled language like C/C++ then it's a bit harder because you need to use tools like IDA to identify building blocks for code, make the disassembled assembly somewhat readable, etc, but most of it will become a lot of guesswork, manual instruction tracking, and a HUGE amount of manual tinkering just to get to a reasonable state (and this is assuming the binary doesn't use fancy code obfuscation techniques, but that's a topic for another time). If it's Java/C# (like parts of the Unity codebase for instance) which are just-in-time compiled/interpreted languages running on an instruction virtual machine, you can often decompile almost everything up to a state where it's almost the same as the original source code. Some function/method/class names might be entangled a bit but overall it should be fairly readable. IIRC back in the day this is how people got Terraria and Minecraft code and is how Minecraft mod and mod injection (before mods were supported, but I haven't played Minecraft in almost a decade) were developed.
Asian here. Nothing wrong with shitting on East Asian leadership since most Asians hate them too. The chinks have been actively undermining their own government for decades and the gooks kicked out their own fucking president. Fuck Tencent and fuck EGS.
>Having an anti Chinese sentiment is somehow bad.
Is that the same as all the email addresses, plain text passwords, real names, country of origin, and what games you owned being dumped to a whole bunch of websites for everyone to see?
Except it isn't. I could summarize this thread as "kill all chinks" and it wouldn't be inaccurate at all. I care about the shitty monopolistic practices from Epic and Tencent as much as the next guy but let's be honest here, most people here are genuine racists. I'm making no moral judgements on that, I'm just stating the facts.
Unironically not an argument, Ming. When's the next Sino-Japanese war, one Nanking wasn't enough (even though it never happened).
I remember the Pirates of the Caribbean game (Actually Sea Dogs 2) was in unobfuscated java. Had a lot of fun modding that game.
Not an argument either, Shlomo.
Not on China scale.
So the moonrunes on the back of this roach's vest are for distraction.
>Asian here.
Insects are not welcomed here, fuck off chink.
That's only if you're seeing it in a vacuum. I know this site likes to play up racism just to fuck around but the vast majority of this thread is just a bunch of jokes and jabs compared to the genuine shit-talk towards Blacks, Muslims, and Hispanics. You have to look at things relatively if you want a genuine gauge for bigotry on this site.
what the hell are they doing? Are they afraid to fall through their shitty escalators?
No it's not. Chinese culture is very bad after the great revolution. It had legitimately ruined their people. They used to be like Japs, about honor and shit.
It's funny because as far as I know all of the original devs are gone and their latest game is literally made by modders. They're still using assets from the original Sea Dogs.
What's funny is that Steam doesn't even scan the hardware on its own, it just uses dxdiag and reads the hardware portion. This shit Epic is doing though is straight up cyberjacking, and it'll do it every single time you boot up Epic's launcher, you don't even need to log in for it to run its bullshit.
>anti Chinese sentiment
They say this like the Chinese dont view the rest of the world the same way the rest of the world views the Chinese.
Even though reality disagrees with them, these cucks thinks that they can kill every chinaman in this thread by posting a copypasta, telling them otherwise will hurt their feelings and you'll be subjected to the collective rage of the hivemind.
their escalators are actually that shitty
>Anti-Chinese government sentiment
>Anti-Chinese sentiment
Pick one you brainwashed chinks.
uh so why aren't you posting the EULA?
Lefty gooks love China and hate America Righty gooks hate China and love America
I don't, in fact, like China or the Chinese
> insects are not welcome here
I think you're being too harsh towards insects
The Chinese legitimately hate the rest of the world. If you visit China you will actually be viewed as a foreign spy by an alarming number of 'people'. Forget about moving to China
>please help separate facts and opinions from the lies
He says as he constantly lies through is fucking teeth about developers benefiting from the increased revenue share when in reality it's the developer's publisher that receives any of this cash. Fucking Timmy pulling a hands up don't shoot on everybody here.
I pick the latter, the former just isn't that prevalent in this thread.
Because people weren't saying chink every ten seconds.
Daily reminder that anti-Halo fags are actually Epic shills who are salty they won't have Halo.
I pick both. We never shoulda went against Japan in WW2 and shouldve let them have their way with China.
This post reeks of nigger.
>Epic adds even more spyware shit, now it hijacks your webcam and mic in order to spy on you in real life
>Jumps up to 550+MB
That's mainly because it wasn't the chinks back then
>the chinks
The Chinese Government and its associated corporations*
You don't get to say "it's not racist" when you're saying chink constantly.
PirateCHADS don't have this issue
>Daily reminder that anti-Halo fags are actually Epic shills who are salty they won't have Halo.
What backward ass logic is that
If nothing is there then Donald Trump built the wall
butthurt faggot who cares, at least we don't call them slanteyed insects (which they are)
But you are doing that, the main issue is that you nigs are pretending like you aren't racist just because your skin tone is darker than that of the chinks.
Yes you do.
Why doesn't Tim actually show he is the controlling shareholder some time?
>big, generation-defining IP coming to steam only
Remember, Tencent has no say in what Epic does. Tim only happens to listen to the two Epic board of directors (who also happen to work for Tencent) and considers their advice incredibly essential and key to where Epic stands in the market today.
I can't wait until Tim "stands down" from his own company after people get so tired of his greasy ass just his existence is hurting the bottom line.
Next you racists are going to say you are against Israel because it "doesn't respect the sovereignty of other nations", not because it is Jewish. Stop lying.
Course you can't.
Because his Chinese overlords would be very unhappy about that.
>big, generation-defining IP
Halo 1 was on PC, Halo 2 was on PC, Halo 3 was on PC. Nobody cared.
If you really think Reach and 4 (LMAO) will change that, you're severely delusional.
I'm against Israel because they're occupying where Palestine should be.
>Epic only has 3 seats on the board of directors
truly epic post
>smug chink
>thinking nigger emoji
>above anyone
>Halo 3 was on PC
No it wasn't. Halo Online is some barebones and buttfucked Halo 3 multiplayer with several missing features.
Halo 2 Vista was unplayable because it required Vista AND GFWL paid subscription.
>Chinks can't read
What a surprise.
>"Just trust me, dumb fucks" -Tim Sweeney
What did he mean by this?
Yeah that's not racist
>Halo Online is some barebones
ElDewrito 0.6 is missing nothing, yet nobody is fucking playing it.
>Halo 2 Vista was unplayable
Project Cartographer took that shit out, and guess what? Nobodys playing it
> u racis doe
fuck off kim
>I went there on business
The board from which this post came from is the defining factor in whether the post is actually based on reality or not.
>ElDewrito 0.6 is missing nothing
The entire co-op campaign and several Halo 3 maps?
Because nobody wants to play illegal, it's Halo we want to support it officially.
> accusing me of not being anti-Semitic
Way to make a bunch of shitty assumptions about a diverse group of individuals, you fucking bigot
>The shills are pulling out the race card.
Chinks are not a race.
Nor are they human either.
This was done on purpose, there is no fucking wya they haven't made that a marketing tactic by this point.
Did you know that your president looks like Winnie the Pooh?
China and Japan have both fucked over Korea throughout history, the Japanese just did it more recently
>accidental purchase on steam
>press refund
>refunded in an hour
They learned from EA with their homophobia wall
>several Halo 3 maps
The ones that matter, yeah.
>nobody wants to play illegal
Hahahahahahahahaha holy fuck thats dumb
Halo 1 and Halo 2 are completely legal, though. Thats like 40% of the MCC?
China is only mildly inconvenient. I went there to visit my family who lived on the 20th floor of an apartment. The elevators would work perfectly every time, the doors will always open and close when appropriate, and the elevator would stop level with the floor. I never decide to take the stairs as there is no need for me to use it, but I would have a curious glance and nothing out of the ordinary was seen. The stairs were concrete as expected and is not in a state of disrepair.
(reddit spacing to emulate the screenshot)
I will go back someday. I love my family and I would like to visit them again someday, but I'm slightly frightened by the cherrypicked webms in those chink hate threads on /int/ and those chink hate threads disguised as vidya threads on Yea Forums.
there was this famous shit in esports about a chinese tournament, WESG i think, where the finals were in some big chinese city, and they had all the players in one hotel that was supposedly new(ish), and that place was pretty much a shithole. it was really unfinished apart from the lobby, no light/electricity in some rooms, water damage, mold in some places etc. like shit was literally hanging off the walls, it was bad.
i think it was similar in some dota tournament in china, except at the end some people got food poisoning and some laptops were also stolen.
never going to china, even on vacation, that's for sure.
Never ever buying an epic games store game
it has been debunked on /g/ the moment it was created but Yea Forumsesetera is basically twitter outrage culture so they will keep parroting everything
>Yea Forums
Anecdote completely disregarded.
Is he going to start defending built in spyware in chink hardware next?
Bet you're the same Chink claiming the guy who dealt business with you faggots over steel was lying too.
Oh sure, you are not racist. You just happen to hate Chinese people and Jewish people even if it mean supporting literal terrorists.
It always ping pongs back and forth. Wish people would just look at something and say "yeah, it's shit" instead of trying to deflect blame like that.
Stuffing words in my mouth does not make your argument any more valid, and you've just lost the bet.
chinks not even on suicide watch, because there isn't one in china
Why post Israel firing WP on civilians while saying that?
The kikes hate the chinks though, why do you think this thread was made?
>wah wah the poor oppressed Chinese
Because its not spyware and is literally collecting the same information that every regular app is doing. You can read about it here
Theres a reason why none is posting source or evidence for their spyware claim, because they got none. The guy who started the entire debacle literally goes to admit in his post that he knows nothing about programming and programmers looked into it confirming its not spyware.
People are just desperate, heres the thread that started it all
OP saying hes a amateur that doesnt know jack shit
>But this isn't about that, this is about what I've found after poking the Epic Game Store client for a bit. Keep in mind that I am a rank amateur
Developer response
I pick both, fuck gooks, fuck chinks, and fuck jannies
>create new email [email protected] for all my accounts
>every password is TiananmanSquare1989
>rename every folder to a include mentions of ghosts, skeletons, and/or gays
Spyware proof
Not even the same user. The post has more substantiated truth behind it than your one line "nuh uh."
You must be stupid, they use plain clothes and hide weapons in their "civillian" buildings. WP is used to blow up ammo dumps, so why do you think it was used here and why do you think they made a big fuss about it.
You're the one who made the argument, thus the burden of proof is on you. I am perfectly within my rights to say (in the words of your strawman) "nuh uh".
>being a chink lover
>The guy who started the entire debacle literally goes to admit in his post that he knows nothing about programming and programmers looked into it confirming its not spyware.
Literally fucking lying out your teeth.
There is nothing in here about "I don't know anything about programming" and the guy is in fact quite tech savvy.
Israel does the same, so they are all military targets too, see how easy that is to claim?
>coming to steam only
>Windows Store
WP is not used in open areas like that to target munitions dumps. They're used for "illumination purposes" but the real reason is fucked-up version of riot control where they can just burn civilians out of an area instead of planning a proper military operation.
I know that you're just fucking around but it's shocking to me how a lot of pro-Israeli people refuse to understand that. They also don't understand how small children have trouble outrunning a fucking WP strike.
Why do chinks hate racism so much anyway? They're racist towards everyone else but when it's against them they spaz out
>You're the one who made the argument
Except I'm not, because I wasn't the one who posted the image. I think I've seen enough nightmare stories from Dota pros, contract workers, those working on business, and Liveleak videos to understand China is a pretty shit place.
The children were plain-clothes terrorists too.
they don't hate racism they hate being on the receiving end of criticism because china #1
>why are people hypocrites
why indeed
How illegal would a comic featuring Tibetan winnie the pooh becoming a gay skeletal ghost after being killed at Tiananman Square 1989 be?
If you consider your anecdotes to be valid, then my anecdotes is equally as valid. I am well aware that China is unsafe and has poor safety standards, but life for the most part is far different from whatever liveleak webms you've seen spammed on /int/.
Chinese kids post shit like that as a joke all the time by fucking with image filters so they can pass them through WeChat. It's a pretty fascinating example of how a massive government is still too retarded and incompetent to control a bunch of kids who just want to shitpost.
Still scary as fuck that their government actively scans and monitors all of their texts. I don't know why so many Americans seem to think they'd be okay with that shit.
>false reporting my posts
Did I hurt your feeling cucks?
If you've already accepted racism in some form you should accept that people will talk back. It's just funny
>but life for the most part is far different from whatever liveleak webms you've seen spammed on /int/.
I'm sure, everybody knows those videos are fake.
Those videos aren't fake, but if you base your view of the people on cherrypicked liveleak videos, then of course you'll view them as nothing but insects.
>a site specifically for uploading fucked up gore accident shit
hmmm I wonder what I could find on that site...
New thread
don't see that many accidents from my slav shithole on liveleak, chang