So Randy is in full damage control mode and gives out the handsome collection almost for free (95% off). Is it worth it?
So Randy is in full damage control mode and gives out the handsome collection almost for free (95% off). Is it worth it?
Its a decent chunk of content. Its ok I guess for such old games. Borderlands 2 is where its at though. Pre sequel is not so great.
Yes it is
If you have friends to play with just go for it it's easily in the top 3 best coop game
Are the headhunter packs for BL2 even worth it? Is TPS DLC worth going through as well? They're the only things I don't have in the collection.
I don't. Is singleplayer fun?
It doesn't contain any weapons of value. Endgame is cookie cutter af and you only use certain weapons for maximum dps.
2 is really good (with friends), especially as Krieg and loli. Pre-sequel has the best movement, but the quest design is terrible.
Shame 1 costs so much unless you already owned it (it's free then), it's very straightforward, has less yapping and "humor".
>give away HD updates for BL2, TPS
>give away new version of BL1
>that is if you were a loyal customer
Gearbox does something right, giving away shit for free for existing customers and then reducing the cost for those who didn't. You faggots call it damage control and bitch. All because you're mad BL3 is a 6-mo exclusive. Even though he obviously cares enough about his steam customers to either give them gibs or cut the price of their shit so you can afford it. Yea Forums has gotten so reactionary that you're criticizing companies that do something right.
And nobody gives a flying fuck about Colonial Marines. Get over it already.
Moxxi's head hunter thing is about 1-2 hours of content. Claptrap's fantastic voyage is pretty good DLC.
It's even probably best to wait out BL3 a bit too when considering in all the DLC that's likely to be made for it. Unless Epic also buys the DLC part too and timegates it.
Yeah I guess, it's still the same game and thats 100 hours of content for like $15 so its worth it
Level-up DLC
handcome collection is 95% off every other week.
>give away HD updates for BL2, TPS
HD updates are almost always free or an optional download for the extra huge files.
I already own 1 and 2, played them to death and a nicer coat of paint is hardly anything to be cheering for. As an already loyal customer this does nothing, absolutely nothing for me and I will rightfully continue to shit on the BL3 exclusivity you cock smoker.
How do I get HD update for BL2 and TPS?
They're considered DLC packs.
So I have to buy them?
>Is it worth it?
I just started playing Borderlands for the first time so yeah, definitely worth it.
>give away
>So I have to buy them?
it's so weird that back when borderlands 1 first came out people were like 'man this game feels like an offline MMO, it's boring without friends, etc.' and now a lot of people love it
I've recently started playing the pre-sequel for the first time, and my god it's so fucking boring... Is it the game, or am I just burnt out on borderlands?
it's so weird that Yea Forums shitting on a game when it first came out is not reflective of the people who liked it, sticking with the franchise until today, who are excited for the next installment. Weird. Must be some kind of conspiracy.
>100 $ worth of DLC
Why is this allowed?
I gave Borderlands 1 and 2 a try and just couldn't get into them. The shooting was okay but the RPG mechanics felt off and the story didn't really grab me.
I think there are also a lot of people frequenting Yea Forums now who didn't when Borderlands first released because they were too young. I don't mean that in a "you damn kids" way, it's just my speculation.
I like how in the first game each class had preference in what weapon types they use: Lilith - SMGs, Brick - shotguns and rawket lunchas, Mordecai - sniper rifles and handguns, Roland - assault rifles and shotguns.
In BL2 it's all: whatever, just use the gun with the highest damage you have.
I know it widens the player's choice when it comes to which gun to use. But on the other hand it further homogenizes the classes. Which is especially bad when they each only have one active skill and the rest of the trees all being passive stat multipliers.
Anyone else here prefers BL1 style? I hope BL3 addresses this issue.
I think BL2 did an overall better job with the skill trees, but some weapon specialization would be good. TPS had the best classes, but were stuck on the worst game.