Are you ready for the future of VR?

Attached: Switch_NintendoLabo_VRKit_ToyCon_VRGoggles.0.jpg (1200x800, 89K)

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But I wanted a new F-Zero
It's been 15 years

I can't imagine anyone getting excited for this shit. People DID use google cardboard, right? It's fun for 2 minutes, and with the resolution of the Switch in portable mode, 2 minutes is way longer than you're going to be able to hold that fucking thing on your face for.

>third person games in VR
Dammit, even this guy managed to make Gothic 3 (third person game) work first person with Oculus Rift:

They're going to make it be on a stand like the virtual boy

I am way to curious about this and want to see how bad it runs when it comes out. Can't wait!

What's up with nintendos obsession with cartboard?

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>entire BOTW in VR

Attached: Impossibru.jpg (543x391, 24K)

>720p 60fps
>future of VR

So instead of developing much desired and profitable DLC for their highest grossing titles, they go about and develop some crappy mini-update involving half-assed VR?

Nintendo, I know you think VR is profitable, but stay in your lane. Focus on what you are best at. Trying to catch up to Sony with some mediocre, cheap baby's first VR is going to bite in the ass.

The ONLY way this could work in your favor is if all of your major software titles from now on incorporate VR as a feature and develop VR from the bottom up. Like, if Pokemon Sword and Shield were compatible with and designed for VR, and played in first-person perspective, that would sell a shit ton of systems.

armchair businessman

>It's cheap
>It's "innovative"
>It's safe

single player story DLC is a dead business model that's why nobody does it anymore.

It's almost as much work as making a sequel but never sells as well.

"good" VR already makes me impossible motion sick, so not in the least.

>when you're so successful you can do whatever you want

absolutely based

They should have learned the first time

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>with the resolution of the switch

literally no

>It's cheap
For nintendo, not for users
>It's "innovative"
>It's safe
paper cuts

Does this mean that Zelda and Odyssey will be fully playable in VR? Because if that's the case, I might just buy it. If it's just one or two levels available in VR then I won't bother.

Imagine how the edges of that cardboard will get damp and damaged from frequent use. Imagine it getting greasy and dirty.

>paper cuts
Nigga what?

Attached: 1548057795264.png (512x512, 264K)

Mario is just a few levels
Zelda is the entire thing

>For nintendo, not for users
Well, why would they care?

Zelda ran at 720/almost 30fps and looked like a travesty compared to the original Wii U "gameplay"

For VR they need to more than double the framerate. How will the game even look like? Certainly not like in the video lie we just watched.

They will launch it with the new Switch pro

>Zelda is the entire thing
fuck I might get it then

VR Zelda launched in 3 weeks, they haven't even announced anything related to Switch Pro

>it's safe
Will the "Nintendo Labo Shooter" ever exist?
The media would have a field day.

>720p 60 fps display
>when modern VR headsets target 90 hz and at least 1080p per eye
>no head strap so they expect you to just hold cardboard up to your face the entire time or build a solution yourself
>Nintendo expects people to play odyssey or botw for any length of time on this

Attached: pooh doesn't know what the fuck he's reading.jpg (613x533, 107K)

>VR Zelda launched in 3 weeks, they haven't even announced anything related to Switch Pro
Oh ok, scrap that then.

>no head strap so they expect you to just hold cardboard up to your face the entire time or build a solution yourself
that also worries me

It was fine when they were intending this to be a toy you look through for like 10 minutes, but if they seriously expect anyone to play botw on this they're delusional

It's probably something you can just try because why not. They'll add like a 3d effect that you can mess around 15 minutes for fun.
I don't know, why even complain. I'm gonna assume it's free anyway and not paid update.

But it sounds great as a marketing tool. It costs like pennies for nintendo to implement it.

Even if the update is free you'll need $40 for the Labo set

>Running botw at 60fps

Resolution will probably be lowered too which means as low as 240p per eye

But if it sucks so much, why buy it in the first place?
It's just extra stuff and marketing for the kit like other user said. Maybe some faggots will pay $40 just to play zelda with it. Who knows.
You can probably build your own later on like with google cardboard if you really want to. Just have to wait for someone to upload the dimensions and shit.

umm it's great Nintendo can make an affordable VR set, but looking at the games, these look just like different camera angle than a new experience.

That's all it is, a fucking marketing tool to bait people's expectations and make them think it'll be amazing. Especially Nintendo faithful.
>look at the official twitter announcement
>people cheering and happy, posting per-order confirmations
>they are all oblivious to the fact that this shit will run like hot garbage on a 360p per eye screen and bad framerate no doubt

And it fucking works. It always works.

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they already are see Why buy it? they are preying on the fact that most people don't know the ins-and-outs of what makes VR work/be stable. It's gonna run like shit no doubt.

Labo VR will work yes, it will be functional, you're right. But "why settle for good enough?" right goy?

>go look for myself
>the only negative reply I can see has 37 people telling them their opinion is worthless
As a Nintendo fan myself other Nintendo fans are the most tiring thing in the world

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