Is it finally good?
Tropico: 3.3 You Can (Not) Redo
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graphics look awful, a step down from 5, would would I even play it
6 was my first Tropico game. I prefer the Anno games though.
Tropico 6 is alright, but it has a few problems for example how rebels work.
I think its the new devs first attempt at a Tropico game and they made it more of a city builder/management game than a dictatorship sim/economy management game that the series traditionally
These motherfuckers keep releasing the same game over and over again. Fuck that shit.
It's good. The political aspect is finally a bit harder to do. Many buildings will make some factions slightly angry, while making others happy, and they keep making demands that you either have to fulfill or have them dislike you a bit. You also need a bit more patience before expanding your economy. Expanding too fast can hit you hard. And the broker is a great addition, finally something worthwhile to use your swiss bank account money on.
This is good stuff, something that was lacking in the last couple of games.
On the other hand, you're very rarely under any time constraints, so taking it easy and slowly expanding your economy will make you filthy rich. It's still not totally clear what goes on on your island - how much time are the people spending on X, Y and Z; how much food do I need, and what happens to the surplus; are my finished products just sitting and awaiting pickup from teamsters; etc. They really needed some alerts or something, something that'd say "hey, your teamsters are working full time and some products haven't been picked up for 5 months now" or "this citizen have only spent 15% of his time working - focus on transportation and the places he needs to go". This has always been the case, but I wouldn't mind them doing something about it.
Oh, and the customization of your avatar's personality is embarrassingly bad. You start as "normal" and can freely choose another trait - free of charge, no downside, you can even do it during a mission.
there are also other problems as well, like what mentioned about rebels
unlike previous tropico games where the rebels would actively try to destroy buildings when they popped up, in this one the rebel squads will just pop up near their target building and instantly set it on fire as soon as they reach it which will count as a victory for the rebels
like seriously, after the colonial era, you have literally no reason to build a military since having a military is useless for dealing with rebels due to how they work meaning usually they have reached their target and set it on fire and fucked off long before your squads even leave the street their base is on.
hell after I figured that out I stopped building a military at all only build military stuff when a faction asks for one, and usually I destroy it shortly afterwards so it doesn't be a useless drain on my economy
If I liked 4 but disliked 5 will I like 6?
Kind of boring since it's the exact same game with minor tweaks. The tweaks are good but it's still just more of the same.
I can't support the games ever since they went down the overboard of DLC route.
Seconding this question.
Also, how's the humor, as subjective as that is?
I have low standards, I wouldn't know
How do you make money bros? What is your early setup?
Farms/Rances+Industry and/or Mines+Industry?
I haven't had much experience with rebels. It's fairly easy to keep people happy.
It's been like that forever. It's a dictator simulator, but you get more of everything by making people happy.
Why would you be cruel and oppresive? Well, to get more money and to stay in power. But as there's no time-limit, you don't have to make money fast, just as long as you're making money. And you can stay in power if the factions are happy, which is a bit harder in this game but is still very doable. Once people are happy you can ignore 80% of the edicts and building-modes.
These games really need to pressure you more.
Faction demands are a good way of earning money. The faction-bonus is only really worthwhile in election years - otherwise they'll disappear before then.
Gold mines are a good starter. Rum is very profitable. Raiding resources can often be worth it. Check the prices for the products - no need to sell rubber if you can earn more selling coffee.
Take your time to build up your economy. Planning an building a huge setup can end up fucking up your economy before it gets going.
made me chuckle
Aren't rebels easy to shit on by just building towers near docks?
Just spam mines on whatever resources you have and then build factories for whatever sells for the most. Rinse and repeat for every mission.
Tannery since you will build Cow Ranch anyway to boost farms.
is it possible to just fuck over the citizens and rule them with an iron fist? or will they just complain and overthrow you if you dont do what they say
It feels dumbed down and edicts aren't as fun and useful as before. I maybe only used like 4 of them in total. Also no rebellion even having less than 15% of support and no elections. It feels empty and not finished at all. Tropico 3 was the best and 4 was a decent expansion of content. That's it.
that was previous games
in this one Rebels are even more of a non issue if you can keep your people happy
but the biggest flaw with the way rebels work in 6 means you can no longer go full asshole militaristic dictator since it will both totally cripple your economy and it is not fun at all to deal with rebels since they will more often or not pop up right next to their target building and set it on fire straight away
In 4 you could. You even had labor camps and shit
How the fuck do I get people to live in the houses I build for them? I have like 200 empty house slots and 70 homeless this is infuriating
people want to live close to their jobs
so instead of doing shit like making one big city where everyone lives and having them drive to work via shit like busses or Parking lots, you want to have their houses within walking distance and instead of a big mega city build small scattered towns instead with shit like Farmland in between them
I really like 3 and 4, thought there was no reason I shouldn't be able put up statues of myself with 5. It was fun playing with friends but I thought they stripped out too much non-optimal stuff, what if when I'm playing MP (or singleplayer) my friends and I just want to play a dictator simulator like previous games? The epochs were better than dogshit Modern Times which just made building models more ugly in a bad way, but there was a big loss of character.
Was not a fan of 5. Too few buildings and every custom mode map was a fucking rectangle.
Are the homeless poor?
Remember that they have to be able to pay rent. If they can't afford living somewhere they won't move in.
No. Broker is dumb and designed by dumdums and it pisses on everything. Game already doesn't throw any genuine curveballs if you're not doing a campaign mission, you don't need a mechanic that's basically a cheat menu where you can just buy get out of jail free cards so you don't have to juggle faction/superpower requests.
Housing has rent unless you switch to a mode that removes rent or offer free housing. Also location, if home is too far from work the will shack up.
It's better than 5, but still has a lot to fix.
The devs obviously learned that the "campaign mode" of 5 was utter failure, but failed to impose time limits, so only one mission has actual difficulty in it.
Balance is somewhat off, tourism is shit, rebels are meaningless, elections are a joke.
There are some new mechanics that are not explained properly, like work shifts.
I like the new characters. Except that intellectual nigra, she isn't a parody of a person that could exist but something out of a webcomic.
7.5/10, almost certainly pirate, maybe buy
>The devs obviously learned
actually its a completely new dev team, they have never made a tropico before
the Kalipso is still the publishers, but the its completely different Developers than the ones who made Tropico 3/4 and 5
Humor in 6 is less annoying and more clever than in 5.
5 was too much like 4: Modern Times, meaning pointless wack LMAO LLAMAS. That radio slut was utter shit.
6 is more political and satirical. Not always good, but at least it doesn't annoy.
Why did you dislike 5?
If humor, then 6 is more like 4 than 5.
If mechanics, then it's more 5 than 4. Except for rebels, which are completely redesigned and so weak that you can actually be a ruthless dictator without fucking self up.
Agree with you there. I don't think Tropico will ever top T3. The soundtrack is even the best in 3. Civ games have a similar issue.
>It's been like that forever. It's a dictator simulator, but you get more of everything by making people happy.
In 6, it's not.
Fun happiness buildings are bad, you can just tell elections to fuck off, rebels are a joke, crime doesn't do much.
6 achieved the dictator gameplay, even if only by effectively disabling rebels and elections.
>that massive difficulty drop when you get to build offices
They just fucking print money
even cold war trivializes many things, tax cut is a guaranteed election win and the colosseum is the most overpowered thing in the entire game
Why would you bother with elections and happiness? I had 0% approval for a great deal of the time.
Going for fun happiness means you can't do prohibition.
The only world wonder I actually used was the high school one. All the others felt like filler.
>the colosseum is the most overpowered thing in the entire game
The wonder buildings are all pretty damn powerful. Getting a "free" entertainment building that gives great Fun, can handle a lot of visitors and doesn't require any employees is awesome in itself.
They should be harder to get and you should be limited to one from each age.
>you should be limited to one from each age
uh, I thought you are?
each Era has a single wonder which is vastly superior to all the others
>Colonials best one is the Registan of Samarkand to all but eliminate the need for highschools
>World wars is the is the Eiffel Tower because of that Map wide Radio/TV coverage
>Cold wars is the Colosseum because it eliminates almost every happiness drain except food and fun, the two easiest to solve
>modern is either the great pyramid or Temple of Heaven depending on how much agriculture stuff you have
I still don't get the eiffel tower, does it auto generate all stations? or do I need a tv/radio station still and it just boosts the broadcasting through the entire island?
I have had Stonehenge and Hagia Sophia at the same time. I don't know if you're allowed one for each age (opposed to one from each age), but you can have two colonization-wonders at the same time.
Are you supposed to play this in endless mode, or do you do all the missions?
the later, you build the station and set its mode and it covers the entire island
The missions often have special rules and limitations, so they can be fun to play once you get the hang of the game.
As a side-note, why the fuck aren't the missions marked when you finish them?! If I return to the game after a couple of months I'd have to go through the achievements if I can't remember what missions I haven't finished yet.
are you blind or genuinely colourblind? there's a stamp on the pictures when you finish them
missions are marked when you complete them
they get a stamp over half the icon when you do
Welp, turns out I'm a blind idiot.
If you go coliseum you get the hagia sophia so you can say fuck hospitals too so you don't need the future doctors from the registan of samarkand.
finish a mission in hard mode to get a red stamp
Can ships transport infinite resources now? I never build more than 1 dock and it's always enough.
doesn't the hagia sophia just prevent death? Isn't it actually worst because you'll have people with 1 healthcare happiness that won't ever die
10k of each resource which is normally enough
Well if you have the coliseum no one gives a fuck about healthcare happiness.
not meeting faction demands can have consequences other than loss in popularity now.
capitalist pigdogs
Should I just reinstall 3?
It's pretty stupid that factions with minuscule representation can still make demands.
Makes converting people to different factions pointless.
>people actually playing tropico on release
Tropico 2 is the best.
is there any way to stop an ultimatum? kill the faction leader?
I usually just quickbuild that whatever they want or use the broker distraction.
Their demands tend to be easy to fulfill, except maybe for constitution changes.
Does propping up communists make the capitalists angry and vice versa now? It's pretty silly that I could be the most commie bastard and push red propaganda everywhere in 4 without the capitalists getting all up in my ass about it
How toaster friendly is this?
it can run decently on my gtx 750ti on medium settings. Anything other than that gives me a heavy frame skipping
Mission 3 is building up a communist state. Capitalists approval is almost 0 since I institute wealth tax. Religious don't seem to have noticed yet that I've destroyed all churches and changed the constitution to atheist state
Do you mind if the game literally looks censored?
The game has a render resolution mode that goes down to 25%. This really speeds up the game on a toaster, but makes the game look like christian porn.
No, the only cost to pushing propaganda from specific side is that it lowers liberty.
it's a fucking resource hog. While the graphic options can be fine tuned to match your GPU's capabilities, the CPU load will spike up once you decide to build up a to 2000+ people Tropico. Then as the population grows it will get worse. It's fine for small maps and shit I guess. But at like 5000 people putting the game on 4x speed makes it a powerpoint presentation on most machines. People with OC'd 8700k are complaining so it's not like its some laptop gamurr.
There's also complains of memory leaks on very long games.
Just like most modern releases, its only kinda playable on release, many improvements need to be made.
The maps are also lackluster, not that many big ones. Which now that I think of it, might be intentional since they probably know big maps means big populations means stuttering shitshow.
Also thread theme:
youtube com/watch?v=5tIZ7AtOT8M#t=1h30m20s
I miss Father Esteban and the Sheik with his wives and camels
>Fire all dock workers
>Dock continues operating
How the fuck so you make in T6? I'm stuck on the 3rd mission cause I can't get out of debt.
Never play Tropico before, is 6 good?
Nanomachine son
its better to make a little of everything than a lot of one something, try to get as much varriety in Trading goods as possible
and make sure you always take lot of the smallest amounts for trade deals, to both refresh the trade thing often and get a ton of the cash bonuses for completing the trade contracts, thats where the bulk of your profit comes from
It's solid
Flawed, but still fun
You may actually have more fun than veterans because it's rather easy
It's a better entry point than 5 because 5 had annoying wacky humor.
Make planks and put game on 4x speed
Most important question:
Are the songs with vocals back in 6?
No vocals no buy
I turned off the music because it's overrated in all Tropicos
Nah, Tropico 3 is God tier music, perfect for immersion
I liked 3 and 4 and hated 5 for the fog of war and era additions. Which is 6 more similar too?
I feel like that their is a lot of hidden information and some things are a bit unclear.
How much money do you get from multiple banks? How does the % change?
Citizen are slower when unhappy.
Do all entertainment buildings give the same boost to fun?
Why are some edicts/building modes super uselss?
How many farms/mines do you need per industry building? How many do you need if its a 3er chain? (see wood->logs->boats/furniture) 4:2:1? 4:2:2? 3:1:1?
Why do some industry give you _VASTLY_ more money than others even though the buildings almost cost the same?
Eras were great, the spread the content too thin because the devs were lazy but all in all they were a great addition
Also T6 is closer to a city builder than 3 4 or 5
Your industry chain depends on the resource you're using and transforming
All raw resource gathering is different on type, all industry buildings work at different speeds
And lastly some industry gives you more money but you might only have that industry because certain resources are available on the island for you, if not you'll have to fall back on other industries, so you need to diversify to keep your economy healthy
I'm actually curious about the economy side. In 5, I had to build docks all over the island because I was exporting too much, and I can not for the life of me stop the export of raw goods that would've been better off being sent to factories. The game becomes unplayable when you can't export fast enough to pay the expenses
Will 6 improve that situation or is it just overlooked again?
>the only cost to pushing propaganda from specific side is that it lowers liberty
this is one of the worst things about the Tropico games in my opinion, too easy to fulfill the wants of each faction despite them being at odds with each other. I could be the most capitalist banana country dictator and the stupid communists won't even lift a finger because I have a lot of apartments. shit sucks
Best starting point for the series? I wad thinking 3.
wtf Civ 3 is nobody's favorite
buying a new Tropico game is like buying a new Madden, FIFA, NBA2K game and realizing you just bought the same game two years in a row like some dipshit.
But you should of saw it coming because it's only been one year...but Tropico? no, they like to play it out. Wait, 5-6 years… here it comes... it can't possibly be the same game yet again. you can't possibly just build sugar and tobacco plantations and ultimately crush everything simply by selling rum and cigars right? its more of a challenge now right?
no. same thing.
6 has no fog of war bullshit, but it has eras.
in 6 if a particular good is being used to produce another it won't be exported at all
like if you place a single cheese factory, even if you have like 10 goat farms you won't be exporting any milk at all
It's good if you're not too burned out on Tropico. I skipped 5 because of the bad reviews but loved 4
yes, but 3-5 are a bit easier than 6
hows the presidente creation
The info is incredibly sparse.
>conversion rates in industry
>work shift - duration and effects
>duration of use of all buildings
>need decay speed
>Why do some industry give you _VASTLY_ more money than others even though the buildings almost cost the same?
Probably because the buildings seem to show not money balance but money "produced". So if a building consumes $1000 of planks and produces $2000 of boats, it will show as $2000 produced.
Had to measure it myself because the game doesn't say it.
>Hover over money display in top left
>Tooltip is a short sentence telling you what money is
>Then navigate to the Almanac to get an idea of what buildings are operating at a loss, or to see my monthly incoming/outgoing
>Just flat SPENT/EARNED blocked by month, flat building purchases and upgrades lumped in with production
Was Tropico always this unintuitive, or have Paradox and Civ games spoiled me?
I mean in a game about running production lines and making money, this seems like the absolute most basic information to have available constantly.
Plus the controls are absolute garbage, it screams controller.
Shame, because the style and flavour are amazing.
i played tropico 1 a lot. is there any real reason not to continue doing so?
>Was Tropico always this unintuitive
I started with 4
I'm 80% sure that there was a building that had a production mode operating at a loss, meaning that devs were as stumped as the players.
my main beef with Tropico 4 was the overpowering DLCs, but yeah I skipped 5 since all the reviews were negative to mixed. Seemed like it just dumbed stuff down and maybe focused more in on multiplayer support than 4 did.
if they brought back the tongue-in-cheek satirical political humor that's cool. The personalities were the most fun part of Tropico rather than the simulation aspects. Although okay it was funny to be such a neurotic dictator you could zoom in and track your citizens on an individual scale.
I hate that how you can only see your revenue from exporting from the almanac but you can only see the prices in the trade menu
>Tooltip is a short sentence telling you what money is
>Just flat SPENT/EARNED blocked by month, flat building purchases and upgrades lumped in with production
It's fucking GARBAGE design, even Sim Hospital on PS1 was better than this.