What would it look like if Yea Forums did a meetup?
This is what the recent /fa/ meetup looked like btw.
What would it look like if Yea Forums did a meetup?
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Fucking Megamind in the middle right there is freaking me out.
Have a /jp/ meetup
why are white people so cringy?
based and redpilled
ol niggamind lookin fresh
>bringing your infant to a Yea Forums meetup
Imagine being male and visiting /fa/
My man!
>bringing your baby to a Yea Forums meetup
I wonder if the parents ever told it
why are they all wearing cargo shorts
Just go to any esports arena or video game bar or barcade everyone knows what Yea Forums is, unless of course you’re a retard with no social life.
where's mt?
Lmao, look at that curly haired faggot (fourth on the left). I bet he discovered Yea Forums half a year ago or so.
>cargo shorts
I hope you guys dont wear this
reminder if you go on fa, these are the people critiquing your looks and clothing
This is edited, right?
People on Yea Forums, /jp/, gaijin who hang out in akihabara are unlikely to dress well.
>Sigourney Weaver browses /jp/
color me surprised
the guy on the right is pretty cool
Damn, there are right, these outfits are superior to jeans and a t-shirt in every way, how will I recover?
>moot is the best dressed
how do you know? have you met him?
How is it that moot is the best dressed among that group? Jeans and shirt, all you need people.
>cargo shorts
is hating on shorts some sorta dainty /fa/ thing? how could something so common and mundane trigger people
bruh look at this dude...
Guy in the middle looks 11.
tall kid on the right is the only one that doesn't look like a sperg mongoloid
Oh shit is that fuckin Yakub in the middle?
not shorts specifically, extremely baggy cargo shorts
t. cargo short wearer
But most of them are in a t-shirt + jeans with a jacket.
Because moot is relatively normal. Do you think the average person posting on Yea Forums could hold a job at google or whatever.
Keep in mind most people just don't dress well. I live in Japan and that's generally the summer american in akihabara outfit, minus the sandals.
Cargo shorts are universally known as fashion suicide my guy.
i feel like if you walked by most of these people you wouldn't think anything of how they're dressed, but for some reason when they're all lined up like this they look dumb as fuck
How do I get a thicc neck like the dude with the blue cap ?
That guy in the Dortmund shirt. (Yellow soccer top)
No way is that his real face
Bruh, look at this dude's neck
that akatsuki cloak
what the fuck
Be a walking penis in disguise
>Keep in mind most people just don't dress well
I guess that depends on where you're living? Most people in Melbourne put some effort into looking decent, especially our Chinese population. Literal weebs on the other hand are bound to have awful taste in fashion, so it's about what I'd expect. Same with many expats living in Asian countries really, they stick out like a sore thumb.
Based and Akatsukipilled.
I think they all look pretty cool.
Better than me in my lime green jogging bottoms and snot covered hoodie I wear in public
>posting the edit
Somebody's out of the loop.
No shit.
Yes, it's just fashionfags hate everything that has utility purposes, or any purpose at all.
Yakub created those around him as slaves. Look at his stance, he's mind controlling all of them.
Where to buy far right jacket
>utility purposes
do you really need those pockets?
It definitely depends on where you live, my hometown is full of lazy/shitty dressers but the people where I live now make me self conscious about the way I dress sometimes, I feel like I don’t fit in if I don’t at least try. There are still exceptions but they’re fashion inept losers like me
you're right, i should really start listening to buzzfeed :^)
Fashion isn't about utility or being comfortable, it's about looking good. If people cared about being comfortable we'd all be out in a shirt (hoodie if cold), cargo shorts and runners/flip flops. Utility with fashion has to be hidden, like a usable pocket inside of your jacket.
> universally
Nah, only in Burgerland.
This user is correct
Visit any country in the world and tell me how many people you see wearing cargo shorts that either aren't complete losers or dads with dad bods.
>a female actually wearing denim shorts and tights
So it's not just an anime thing. That's nice to know.
is this what Yea Forums looked like before /soc/?
>What would it look like if Yea Forums did a meetup?
That association has been around long before buzzfeed was a thing
What's sigourney weaver doing there?
Yurop here, cargo pants are only acceptable if you're actually working in a profession where you need the space, mechanic or electrician or something
Apart from that it's dads that ceased giving a fuck
This is a /jp/ meetup user, they base their fashion off the anime they see.
I don't get it. Looks OK. Would hang out with.
haha yeah buzzfeed invented that
>Yuropoor doesn't know how fucking hot it can get in the southern States near the Equator and how comfy and easy cargo shorts can be
who the fuck is that curly hair faggot with that 5head
holy shit that's fucking ugly, I bet he can't get a job, even at google where no one probably cares how he looks
Weeb females are still females though.
Are we really gonna act like the giraffe next to handicap Hitler in OP doesn't have a freakishly long neck?
Or you could just wear normal shorts and retain a basic level of dignity
This is what men in Europe wear on the streets on hot summer days. I'm not even joking.
>/jp/ meetup
>female anything
keep deluding yourself
>Normal shorts
Post examples then, faggot Yurocuck.
Why do you bug chasers all want other men to dress in tighter more effeminate pants. Every suggestion from regular old shorts and cargo shorts are tight ass hard gay shit.
I'd fuck that twink in the middle so hard I'd feel bad about it afterwards and bake him a frozen pizza. Stuffed crust, like his butt.
Still looks better than cargo shorts.
they dress and look like highschoolers.
they would all look monumentally better if they went to h&m and bought a pair of pants and a tshirt, and that's sad.
basketball shorts. they are infinitely more comfortable. what are you doing man
something like this
As long as it doesn't have bags on the side
I'm absolutely shocked that Yea Forums is, on the whole, thinner and more diverse than reddit or tumblr.
wtf, i hate cargo shorts now!
i need to start wearing panties and pants that don't even cover the ankles
It's a shoop, son
>cargo shorts
>common and mundane
Only for low class americans. The same way niggers chimpin out are common an mundane. There are practically no stores that sell cargo shorts in Europe.
No user it doesn't matter for you, your aura of autism is worse than any cargo pants could ever be
Basketball shorts are what shitty rich white kids wear down here in Florida
>Doesn't cover knees
>People on Yea Forums pretending to be fashion gods
lmao shut the fuck up already you fucking fat greasy virgins
>covering your knees
shit user what the flying fuck are you even doing
Only the Brent Tarrant portion of the image. The rest is real imo.
Who would even go to a Yea Forums meetup? The crossboarding faggots making off topic threads? The Ubishills?
shorts that don't go past your knees and have 2-3 pockets, otherwise known by adults as regular shorts.
Daddy longneck, psyhead in the middle, face on the left, probably more
This is a typical french male wearing the standard european summer fashion. Are you saying that cargo shorts are better than this?
They used to be quite available in Dutchland, I wore them 10 years ago. Nowadays I'm too much of a /fa/ggot to still wear them though so I don't know which stores carry them.
The only reason I would go to a Yea Forums meetup is so I could beat up every single one of you nerds
You /fa/shion divas keep your gay shit to yourselves. Most guys don't want to look like you twinks.
I love how none of them know how to even stand without looking awkward
Actually, the more you look the more things you will find that are shooped. They all are modified to some degree.
>fat Yea Forumsirgin dwelling in his basement thinking he knows what regular human males look like
I like to do board tourism.
/fa/ only cares about brand shit, none of them are actually interested in their own topic.
/k/ is knows nothing about self defense laws
/x/ doesnt give a shit about anything but succubi, and they wont talk about David Paulides for some reason
Yea Forums is into rap, so no point ever going to it
/fit/ is filled with practical advice, but everyone spends half the day calling eachother manlets
Fun times
That manlet must certainly be shooped, there's no conceivable way a legit male is this small
>now he's projecting a fat strawman
How precious.
If you feel like your shorts have to cover your knees, you have a confidence problem.
how do you stand without looking awkward
>/fit/ is filled with practical advice, but everyone spends half the day calling eachother manlets
not to mention crying about >no gf
but that place is based
I'm 165cm
I'd go if it had some aussies or south americans with good taste in vidya. Would be nice to play them without crippling delay.
Those two ladies, are those their moms?
I actually lift and don't have fat, pasty thighs
>skinny legs on fourth from the left
>pissed pants on psyman
>katana on naruto
>underage ebin memestars
looks more like /pol/
about half of them have regular relaxed posture.
the dudes with their arms straight to the sides look awkward as fuck though
Uh huh, sure you do.
That's because it's literally impossible.
i think he was trying to reply to , but his dainty little fingers couldn't aim the curser well enough
>y-youre projecting!
wew lad hit the nail on the head
Same type of people that work at buzzfeed were writing in fashion magazines and other inane shit, he's right, giving a shit about fashion magazines and the like are things only women should care about, guys don't give a shit if a guy wants to wear cargo shorts to put all their belongings in.
Stop being such being such a femme fag.
>Yea Forums is into rap, so no point ever going to it
Huh, I just thought that they're all into Neutral Milk Hotel.
>/fit/ is filled with practical advice, but everyone spends half the day calling eachother manlets
That and faggotry no-homo
Why are you quoting me?
So if someone doesn't want to dress like a hotdog smoker, they're fat, and it's totally not projecting. That's adorable sweety.
Fucking hell
I didn't realise anybody else was left that was around to see NZFG
People don't just "stand" around, they're doing something - even if that something is simply enjoying the weather.
I used to wear cargo in middle school. It was nice having extra pockets.
r8 my cargo shorties
what should I wear? I just like shorts that are practical and go to my knees, and I was thinking about getting some. Hopefully there's more to your reasoning than they look bad, because I don't care and even if I did they look fine. Is there a more practical option for shorts? I'm honestly curious
/pol/ meet up
The console warriors and the erpfags duh
based and redpilled
Do you even know what projecting means
Because your post was one below the one I actually wanted to quote
best one so far
homonymous- aspect us
With a cig in your hand. Easy pz.
Lmao at that Leon S. Kennedy cosplayer next to the goblina.
you clearly don't
Yeah with your personality you should consider real suicide.
You're simultaneously calling the people mocking you skinny fags and fat
make up your mind
Its like when you randomly pass someone wearing the same shirt or pants as you and you feel like a dumbfuck for some reason, even though theres nothing wrong with what youre wearing
No they just look bad
What do you need all that pocket real estate for though
Take that snickers bar out of one of your pockets, you're not you when you're hungry.
is /pol/ the most /fa/ board?
Nate looks so fucking weird without his bestguy -shades.
>Brittany Venti
>4 different el americanos
/pol/ is the most normalfaggot board
What is fashionable in that photo to you
Fuck me user you're right. I'm sorry dude.
is that really, the best guy ever???
yes, because if i don't wear a jacket, i need space for othe shit if i don't want to bring a backpack
/pol/ is the most diverse board on Yea Forums.
The white nationalist and Nazi depictions of the board is false.
Less than a third of NYC is white, and a white person showing up to any "/pol/ meetup" is an easy way to get fired.
not in my country
>You're simultaneously calling the people mocking you skinny fags and fat
You seem to be confused, but that's alright. It's not like you can hurt yourself posting on the internet.
Maybe it's the worst guy ever?
Never could tell which one is which.
fourth from the left looks cute
Anyone can take the redpill
ok /fa/
Fucking Christchurch.
what makes you think women don't
at younger ages 16-20 that's nut uncommon
you're right. they aren't dressing like fags at all
look at those chads in the middle
pure confidence
Jesus now wrestles in WWE
I mean not all cargo pants have a bunch of pockets. I'm pretty sure I've seen ones with just two in the front and two in the back, so that seems reasonable. Also it can be nice to have pockets for your phone, wallet, keys or whatever and still a place to put your hands. I really don't like just shoving everything into one pocket and rifling through it to get to the one thing I need. It's also nice to have pockets that properly close so I don't worry about things falling out on accident. I know that a lot of people think they're ugly but they're comfortable and they make sense for the way I like to distribute my stuff. If I'm being honest I would probably wear them more often if people didn't judge you just for wearing them.
Fuck off Nate.
Based as fuck.
This was a funny fucking thread to read. Thanks
>tfw your face is on there
Feels weird man
Are you a time traveler? That look hasn't been popular with the youth in a long time, I guess it depends on where you live.
That's why I don't go on /fa/. Although Farthest to the right is okay. He's the only one who doesn't look completely retarded.
Right? They're all dressed normal enough until you put them together, and then its suddenly a band of autists.
is that mootykins
my ex looked like this when i met her a few years ago and i still see it every once in a while
Is that really him?
Where do you live?
This is how I picture Europe, bitch boys with good taste.
Southern Germany
This was a /fit meetup a year ago, you can notice it by jugs of milk laying around
Tell me Yea Forums, how should one dress?
>Those descriptions
one should not dress at all
why are his legs so short?
Can't say I know much about German fashion, basing it on my experiences in Australia, US, UK, China and SK.
like you just got them from an op shop
is far right a trap or actually just cute?
>only one guy is somewhat fit
Yep, he's really good at public acting.
its shooped m'dood
Jesus, even the dog is obese.
>even the dog is fat
holy shit I take back everything I said about /fa/
I don't
>/x/ doesnt give a shit about anything but succubi, and they wont talk about David Paulides for some reason
You forgot the mental illness, so much fucking mental illness.
15-20 year olds
25-40 year olds
why do boomers like reddit so much?
/fa/ is just /r/streetwear but somehow worse
Why do women get so fat?
It would probably be composed of 20% people trying to identify gay people in the group so they can start a fight, 30% people who would complain about zoomers and mu quake, 30% people who complain about boomers and muh fortnite and 20% people who sit in a corner, not even interacting with anyone, just awkwardly looking around and hoping no one will engage in social interactions with them.
why? a buncha manlet tryhards is as bad as reddit
>only one of them looks fit
look at that neck, and yellow shirt's face, and even the shirt with 'pussy nigga 69' on it
shits shooped to hell
at least I can look at those manlets without wanting to puke
HWNDU was a magical time.
ok I'm retarted
>using a rope as a belt
Might aswell use an electricity cord.
Fuck like I would hang out with the dude in the top left with the Kentucky shirt and the girl in the bottom right purple is kinda cute. Dude in the middle right with the blue stripes wants to clearly bail the fuck out.
I say it's not shooped enough. The effeminate faggot with the colored glasses needs something more done.
so pol is made out of self hating minorities and goblinos?
Yes. Only creaturas, goblinas and abominaciones.
no I am him HEEHEE
No, Yea Forums is. It's mostly ESLs and EFLs too.
based and nudistpilled
Hello there reddit user, you seem to have lost your way.
post you effay, Yea Forums
post template faggot
The whole boomer and zoomer thing is mostly ironic. I doubt anyone would pull that shit in public. I think it'd just end up as some guys in Nintendo shirts talking about Dante and Monster Hunter.
he's 12, everyone is an old as fuck boomer in his eyes
closest i currently have, not going through the hassle
it's the darnest thing
the far-left who demand diversity is always the pastiest collection of individuals you can imagine (with one or two token living racial stereotypes)
the far-right who demand the opposite are always bunch of weirdo mutts (with one or two SS posterboys)
>plain shirt
>monocoloured hoody (no zipper!)
>dark jeans
>old vans
>a smart phone by... Cubot? the fuck is Cubot?
That flame shit would unironically go down pretty well
>self hating minorities
What makes you say that? What about /pol/ do you know that would lead you to that conclusion?
here it is you lazy shit goblin
t. flame master
yes it is, it just means that the internet is a bunch of fucking nerds screaming at each other
don't forget the healslut faggots, redditpol, and like one guy who actually wants to talk about video games
here is the Yea Forums meetup
me at the bottom, on the right
so for Yea Forums its either be a final fantasy reject or Guy Fieri
If there aren't at least 3 people dressed like joker ranting aboust society, I'm leaving the convention early.
>Most guys don't want to look like you twinks.
>>now he's projecting a fat strawman
I call it "Low effort + cheap (apart from fone) but still somewhat fashionable" clothing that I wear every day.
wait youre actually all incels?
im getting out of here
Too many larpers on /x/
literally all mutts
surprising amount of cute girls (female)
i dont like the way classy rick's nipples graze his shirt perfectly but im guessing that helps him stay focused
one big yikes whe was this?
holy moly i am legit disappointed in what Yea Forums actually looks like and i feel like an idiot for expecting the incel stereotype to just be a meme. i dont know what to do with myself now.
I'm a boring faggot.
You can start by fucking off.
dont fucking reply to me if you look like the pics that have been posted, i dont want your untermensch energy rubbing off.
whats that type of jacket called again? bomber jacket?
>fat, pasty thighs
The thing is that normal people aren't stupid enough to post pictures of themselves on this website, that only leaves that autists and narcissists.
fag here
none of these mutts fit the "white" criteria.
what a fucking joke.
dumb fucking american LARPers
Yep, best kind of jacket for lazy fashion.
Do you guys actually believe that people act irl like the memes they post on taiwanese foot massaging forums?
Again, fuck off if you actually think Yea Forums is anything but that. Stop seeing this shithole as some fancy lifestyle enhancing chamber. It's just some nerds yelling at one another.
ive been meaning to get one of those for awhile
Like every board on the sire /fa/ is gradually going to shit over time. Back in the oldfag times it had people who were actually into avande garde fashion and tripfags with actual connections in the industry. Then said tripfags left to do their own thing, normalfags and /fit/ came filling the catalogue with threads on how to dress casually without looking autistic, /pol/ came in with their "aryan aesthetics", a lot of /fa/gs spread in several discord channels etc.
>Many of them is fat
Board is full of liar
some do, you underestimate the autism of some people
youre a retard bro, theres some la creaturas there but theres some clear whites. you retards took that shitty mutt meme and ran it far past the ground and into the center of the earth tbqh
Ah, not a single pair of cargo shorts. Now that's a group of people I'd want to hang out with.
Very few. This stuff is way less exciting than you believe it to be.
based and redpilled
the last time i wore cargo shorts was when i was a child, its honestly shocking seeing an adult walk around in them. jean shorts are even worse though.
fuck off faggot tbqh i can use ironic nigspeak whenever i want weeb bitch
Who is the guy fourth from the left? He looks like a huge faggot
I've met quite some memespouters in college
i'll have to admit they were mostly ebin redditors, but i have no reason to believe Yea Forums users would be any different
What else am I supposed to wear when it's fucking hot outside.
Even more importantly, why should anyone even care whether you approve of their clothing?
I don't know what it is like in your progressive America but where I live, men who wear cargo shorts or any cargo shit are generally, well, men. The kind of men who can do a lot of shit from basic wiring, carpentry, woodworking, cement-work, metalworking, farm work etc. You know, what men used to be. That and fishermen and hunters.
where do meetups even get planned?
If there is one thing Yea Forums has above reddit, it is the constant crushing self-awareness. It's a blessing and a curse, but mostly a curse.
i dont expect anyone to care it just looks like shit the vast majority of the time imo
in case like that they look fine, but its usually fat neckbeards who you see wearing them
Do you guys really put in zero effort in fitting clothes?
Do you bathe? Shave? Brush teeth?
Do you maintain your hairstyle?
Do you at least exercise 30 min a day?
Please I'm so scared.
You didn't answer what someone is supposed to wear instead.
People thumbing you as someone who doesn't care about their appearance can really become annoying, but that wouldn't matter if you just talk to mummy.
>everyone unconsciously keeping distance from the middle kid due to all the psychokinetic energy he's putting out
Is this bait?
Leon S. Kennedy wannabee is some spic.
The one next to him is clearly a tranny and has some azn in it.
The one in the back is an arab.
The only one who really seems to be white is the fat beta next to the riot terrorist.
youre retarded
I wear these or chino shorts but I seldom wear shorts.
Yea Forums has everything over reddit you faggot, have fun talking with your reddit sissies and updooting trash
Have sex
This is how real men dress. If you haven't cut off your balls to better wear tight pants EVREYONE is gonna laugh at your poor fashion sense.
for me, its athletic fit
I don't even go on Reddit. 95% of what I know about that place is via screenshots I see here. I just assume that the place doesn't put a mirror infront of itself every time someone makes a post.
Jew-girl next to blue hair looks cute and funny.
not much
shower daily, bath weekly, shave every other day and brush teeth twice a day
no, because i'm a lazy lanklet
>Leon S. Kennedy wannabee is some spic.
He isn't, but unfortunately he is very mentally ill.
She's a la creatura with big tits.
Not a mirror but a facet, people in that site aren't themselves because they try to pander to what would get the most votes
I think that's Venti.
I didn't know Sigourney Weaver went to /jp/
>brown eyes
Not white.
id suck her mutt tits
Brittany really nails that ugly in an attractive way look. Pretty sure there's a word for this.
its called 'big tits on an ugly girl'
Ugly but big tits.
theres got to be nudes leaked somewhere
Shut up dweeb
fugly or butterface
I'd watch this Netflix adaptation.
I guess. What I mean to say is that her ugliness actually compliments her, if that makes sense. 10/10s are a dime a dozen and they all look the same. Deviations from the norm add some spice.
/cgl/ meetup
Light blue Italian cut suit because I have a big boy job.
4th from the left would be fine if not for the 3/4 pants.
Those are just mods
Actual /jp/ meetup
>/fa/ is actually fa
I have zero idea what clothes "fit together", I just pick the stuff I always wear because all my stuff looks the same mostly.
I shower every morning, except on weekends sometimes. Then I only shower before going out or after a football match.
I brush my teeth, but they are pretty ugly because I didn't bother with it much in the past.
Don't need to shave regularly because shitty beard genetics.
I go to the barber when I notice my hair is getting too long, so like once every 3 or 4 months.
I play football three times a week, does that count as "exercise"?
Imagine the smell.
sigh, nevermind
burgers are so ugly
What's with people putting their phones on these?
That's not an accessory.
Kanye looks like he's going to punch the faggot in the 'Proud to be American" shirt. Truthfully, the fag probably deserves it.
I wear skinny jeans just about every day. My roommate said it makes my ass look fat.
I thought the one guy was hanging himself.
t. burger who is better looking than you
My ass actually is fat. Looks kinda weird because I am otherwise super skinny. Like so skinny I almost have abs.
I work out regularly, I've got a very visible six pack and I do butt exercises, which is probably why my butt looks big.
rent free
what? whats "rent free"? are you just saying random buzzwords?
wow, the girls are actually cute
You have to be cute if you wanna make it there
want to make it where?
>/d/ not having a bulge
How could she fuck it up so badly?
Damn. I find /pol/ really obnoxious most of the time, but these legit look like fun guys to hang out with.