Earth... Home...
Earth... Home
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veto veto veto im not playing this fucking map again
At least it was before the kikes fucked everythan up
At least, before humans evolved and fucked it up.
>actually thinking thats a real live pic of earth
>actually thinking the earth is a sphere
Nice CGI. Show me a real picture.
Why do conservakikes take pride in actively destroying?
it's a realm
we need to secure oil deposits in order to conserve even faster
at least before the wh*te fucked everythang up
There is no beneficial reason for people to lie and say the earth is a sphere if it were flat. Shut the fuck up
God i wish an asteroid would hit so fucking badly.
ohhhhh yes there is
such as?
There's a specific type of person who lies simply to have the power of the truth over others.
That type tends to find its way into power because of that.
That said, its pretty stupid to think the earth is flat.
>Hide creation/God
>hallow earth
sphere earth supports big bang theory, big bang theory supports anti-creationism. It's all scientific atheist meme shit. They dont want you to know the truth about earth and our universe and whats beyond it. They want us to believe we are some random chance organism that came from a bang and now we are spinning on a giant sphere millions years later. For no reason.
Can you prove the Earth is not spherical?
If the earth is flat, why can you see further when you climb to the crows nest of a ship?
for one, NASA even admits those arent real live pics of earth. They're composites.
Nuclear War update when?
>why does a hawk see better than a human when it's in the air?
the evidence should support that its a sphere. There has been no legit evidence that its a sphere to begin with.
ITT crayon-eating retards that are mentally enslaved by /pol/ and get the bulk of their knowledge from YouTube videos and JPEG s
That only makes sense if the earth is a globe.
If the earth was flat climbing higher wouldn't make you see further to spot land/other ships.
That is because there are obstacles that block the vision of people on the ground. in the ocean there are no obstacles to block you, yet you see ships further when you climb up to the crows nest due to the earth's curve
>Flat Earthfags ITT
>tfw sun will destroy this planet one day
what's the point lads
I wont be around for it so I dont see the problem, and if I AM around for it that just means that life is more than the one you're living, and after the sun goes life will move somewhere else.
Besides gravity
yeah in like a billion years, faggot
NASA admitted the moon is inside the Earth's atmosphere. Pure Damage control. The sun is next in a few years.
If you want to scout terrain or see further you go higher. It's common sense.
We have billions of years left until that happens. by that time we may expand our civilization to other planets if we don't extinct ourselves
>actually believing in 345634 whatever gajillion years the sun will destroy earth
Thats not how it ends. Stop reading big bang theory shit.
lolololol gravity does prove earth is sphere. Scientists havent even discovered what gravity actually IS
>tfw you will die one day
what's the point lads
It's been 12000 years...
Would you like a game story and mechanics based around the effects of light-speed travel?
This made me laugh fuck you
>heat death and possibly proton decay will happen no matter what
what's the point bros?
If the earth was flat going higher would not make you see further when you are sailing in the ocean.
Pic related. the fact you can see further when going higher in the ocean is a proof that the earth surface is curved
It's easier to accept that one day you'll die if the earth is a plane and and not a planet. That means God exist and you matter. That's the point.
>unironically argues with lazy flat earth shitposters
they haven't. They even admit they havent. Do research dude
The earth does not exist
>if it's flat, everything will slide off the edge
>if it's circular, everything will slide off
>if it's any shape at all, everything will slide off
You all don't exist, in this moment as I type this on a keyboard it's just a dream
if they actually believe it i want to prove them its not flat so they dont stay misinformed
That wasnt funny
Look at this faggot. This faggot actually believes our stupid species is the center oft the universe.
You're right, it's an oblate spheroid faggoli.
more like nightmare
Please dont wake up I want to stay
I mean ya, thats another easy proof that the earth is a globe
>tfw there will never be a video game with this as the world
this is your husband, crash bandicoot. you've been in a coma for 10 years. please wake up honey, i miss you.
Why I exist in this form? Why I have eyes and ears and arms and legs and stuff? Why humans exist? Why planets exist? Why I'm seeing right now what I'm seeing?
So a camera/telescope can somehow hop over the ocean.
How successful am I in real life? That answer will determine whether or not I want to wake up.
Fuck the Earth
I don't have a connection to the real life, we are behind impenetrable wall
So you can experience the universe as the universe but in mortal form
globetards think this is a mirage and not real.
grasping at straws. whats done in the dark will be brought to the light. youre losing.
I don't even know what you are trying to say.
The image i replied to shows how a part of the tower is hidden behind the earth's curve and therefore cannot be seen from the other side of the lake
how do you know this?
I'll take my chances in this hellhole then fag.
Evolution, evolution, evolution, gravity and light
How am i losing when that was literally a photo proving the earth surface is curved, proving a globe earth?
here's your video game map bro
I dont, but the energy and atoms of the universe have existed for billions of years, just changing form. You are theoretically full of star stuff as Carl Sagan once said, and when you die your energy will be dispersed back into the cosmos eventually.
If the lens of the telescope was more powerful, you'd be able to see the entire city.
Humans will either be long dead, evolve into something completely unrecognizable and alien, or download themselves into virtual reality supercomputers floating through deep space before that happens
so you be saying I'm billions years old?
that's not a sphere you R-tard, that's a circle
Ok you have to be joking now.
You are either unbelievably dumb or a troll
Chicago literally 50 miles away a clear day. Apparently, my eyes are piercing through the ocean.
What a retard, kek.
What "no curvature"? You can't see the bottom of the buildings.
Your atoms are I guess. We waz stars n sheeeeit
You don't see the bottom of the buildings because of the earth's curvature.
You might see a little more than expected due to refraction, however in this photo its clear the bottom of the buildings is not visible, proving again a globe earth
That's a trick question. This is a picture of earth without water or atmosphere evening sphere out.
>aphex twin
My fucking nigga
You're not supposed to see the city at all. On the news, it was a mirage.
And an invisible man in the sky is a more plausible idea.
ew, earth is ugly without her makeup
it looks like two planets melted together
Andromeda and the milky way will collide eventually, of course in millions of years. Do you think any civilizations will exist to see it happen?
why I can't see New York from my slav shithole then?
God makes more sense. Atheists are actually just as religious as Christians, if not more. Anything scientists say you take it as fact and don't question it. Much like Christians with the bible.
So? You know how refraction and air temperature works, don't you?
As i said, you see more than expected due to refraction (mirage = refraction of light)
But you still can't see the bottom of the buildings
did you try standing on top of something?
that picture of the earth is flat, doofus.
That's actually an experiment showing that even over a relatively flat distance, if you're low enough, you'll stop seeing a comparably low thing.
As I recall, it was a light at the end of a hallway, with a camera being lowered. When the camera touches the ground, the light disappears.
If humans didnt poof from nothing, then where did God poof from?
went 1000km up and still nothing
What was before the big bang?
Ok, at least stick with the mirage argument.
That's because you're standing on the ground 50 miles away.
It's a highly exaggerated map of Earth's gravity field, you don't even know what you're posting.
Then the surface was not actually flat enough to see the light at the other side, genius
The singularity. Where did God come from? Can you answer this?
Sometimes I feel like humans aren't actually from Earth. Like what if humanity is in a cycle where we reach a point of space travel and all kinds of fancy tech but then eventually the planet is destroyed because of us and so we leave to a new planet but not before having our minds erased to the point of being neanderthals and bring stripped of our tech to ensure the new planet will last
>stick to the mirage
Mirages are caused by refraction. You clearly know nothing about how light works.
>god makes more sense
what is god again? oh yes. a magical space wizard with infinite abilities that is impossible to detect that decided to poof the universe for fun some day.
What a sensible idea! yap that definitely makes sense. no issue at all with this logic
Once we find Ayy lmaos everything will change
Battlestar Galactica: the post
Where did the singularity come from?
If there is a "before" or an "outside" then the big bang itself is evidence that it can influence this universe.
The big bang and the singularity... even the current thought about an accelerating expansion are all assumptions drawn from data based on other assumptions.
And, recently a number of those assumptions have been shown to be faulty. Like the "standard candle" we had been using.
That's a joke thread anyway.
Read the Bible smart one
We don't know. But that doesn't prove God. And if you say that since science doesn't know, it must be God, you're just using the God of the gaps argument.
That is incredibley convoluted and doesn't make any sense. If you can space travel you can build habitats and fix planets. Hell you can even build planets. Hell building planets is easier than FTL because FTL shouldn't even be possible.
If an asteroid were to hit the earth and end all life tomorrow, would you call her?
I did, it didn't do anything.
>avoiding the question
I looked it up for you and the answer religious fags had was "he transcends time and space". Aren't we assuming the bible is real? These stories have been translated and written by kings over thousands of years. Surely you dont believe there hasn't been SOME discrepancies.
>ayys your entire worldview
Not at all. But, science doesn't know nearly as much as it likes to pretend. Especially in pop-sci magazines and documentaries.
Alright let me read the bible.
Genesis 1:
"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth"
Oh shoot! we already have a problem. the first sentence in the bible claims earth was created in the same time as the universe, but we have scientific evidence the universe is much older than the earth.
Oh well
An all powerful being creating us makes more sense than random chance, or evolving from a fish. It's much like how humans create things. Evidence of intelligent design is everywhere.
Duuuudes this thread is blowing my mind
based flat earth poster
>random chance
It's not random chance you dipshit it's adaptation to environment. This is 5th grade knowledge. It is why creatures go extinct, why animals in caves lose their eye sight or gain light sensitive organs
>useless appendix gives you appendicitis
What is harder:
Explaining the existence of the universe
Explaining the existence of an all powerful being with infinite powers and infinite knowledge that cannot be detected
Just face the facts user, god doesn't make any sense. it never made any sense. also we evolved by the process of evolution, natural selection is not the same as a "random chance". the mutations are random, but which mutations survive is not random
It's actually "heaven" and not "heavens". It's referring to 3 heavens in Hebrew.
Heaven (Where God dwells)
>An all powerful being creating us makes more sense than random chance, or evolving from a fish.
Ignorance. It is the easier awnser, not the one that makes more sense.
It's the fucking same
I don't believe in God either but I wouldn't call any organ useless. We don't know all of their purpouses yet.
Alright i kept reading the bible and got to this part:
Deutronomy 21, 18~21:
" If someone has a stubborn and rebellious son who does not obey his father and mother and will not listen to them when they discipline him, 19 his father and mother shall take hold of him and bring him to the elders at the gate of his town. 20 They shall say to the elders, “This son of ours is stubborn and rebellious. He will not obey us. He is a glutton and a drunkard.” 21 Then all the men of his town are to stone him to death. You must purge the evil from among you. All Israel will hear of it and be afraid."
So, according to this, if i'm a "rebellious son", i should get stoned to death by the entire town? do you really believe this shit user?
I'm not arguing any specific god.
But, let's go through what would be asked of evidence for such a creature, and how it would be dismissed.
An individual? Mental issues/hallucinations.
A group? Mass delusion.
A large group? Mass psychosis and misinterpretation of a natural phenomenon.
Photograph? Faked
Video footage? Faked.
Audio recording? Faked.
Audio recording comprehended by any listener in their native tongue? This one might actually convince a few people. But, would it ever get to that point? Would a few people listen, then drop it as a fake?
Shit, son. Do you even know what a mirage is? You should read a book every now and then.
Do you know why people know and accept Earth is a sphere? Because you can do some simple experiments to comprobate it yourself. The greeks knew it. Egyptians knew it. Hell, even aztecs and mayans knew that shit.
How can you comprobate Earth is flat? Because a guy in YouTube told you so?
I hate threads like these.
No one here actually believes in flat Earth, it's just unbelievably easy to bait replies with it.
Look, nearly 140 replies in an hour, on track to keep going for the rest of the night. Stop bumping this thread Globe-defenders, you're making science-literate people look bad.
I would argue that sense doesn't exist, it's your brains pattern recognition function that is usually useful but can result in literal perception glitches and misconceptions, like seeing faces on rocks/moon/etc.
It's the same way we can't place ourselves into shoes of other people literally, we create an internal illusory image of said person with empathy and protect our feelings into that.
Most of our perception is tainted by brain functions not meant for such high functions and problems.
This. How sick would it be if something big hit the earth and we all died haha
As an athiest, yes. The world would be a measurably better place if you were dead.
wow you really got me there with this epic joke user
Wonder what it would smell like haha
Do you think the Earth would be embarrased? Just curious haha.
Agreed, I don't care if tripfags are on my side they're still filthy unwashed failures that want too stand out on Yea Forums of all places.
Tripfags should put energy into something productive.
Evolutionary adaptation is a result of mutations surviving better than other mutations.
The advent of those mutations, however, is random chance.
There is convergent evolution, but that is because there is a correct answer to an environmental niche.
The loss of eyes in cave creatures and the loss of flight in island birds is a cost benefit one. An expensive trait gets weaned out of the surviving population because it serves little survival point, and becomes a detriment in lean times.
Evidence of idiot design is everywhere - starting with our air and food intake being tied together and ending on our DNA replication mechanisms being prone to error. All life is filled with design flaws. That means creator is either stupid or evil - creating imperfect creatures that are bound to suffer.
Here's PBS for you, nice and easy to understand.
Its use was to proccess seeds when we used to eat a shitton of them to survive. We evolved past the need of it, but the appendix stayed as a barely used organ, and nowadays, as a completely useless feature of our body. Maybe in 100 more years, no human will have appendix.
Appendix actually acts as microbiome reservoir in case of diarrhoea. Fairly recent find, Google it.
The big bang and everything that happened after it was random chance.
The appendix is your body's library for the illnesses you had in the past. It helps your immune system respond quicker to threats. Eat healthy and you won't have problems.
You can't explain God, and you can't even explain gravity. That's why you should humble yourself.
The KJV is the only bible that uses heaven. It's not the same.
If you were an Israelite living in those times then yes.
They knew where they lived, pic related.
We were already made perfect. Sin ruined our genetics and we slowly degradated since. Adam lived 930 years.
Here's your map home.
Still wouldn't say that if I were you. There is evidence of it being important too our gut flora. Don't think that we know the exact benefits of all of our organs allready.
But we have undeniable evidence gravity actually exists, genius.
We have zero evidence that god exists and it doesn't make any sense to use "god made this" as an explanation to things we don't know, that is a fallacy known as the god of the gaps
At least until Saki fucked everything up
You stupid shitposter, that's just basic logic. Something you should excercise every now and then.
Jesus Christ... now I see why Yea Forums is in its current state. With these retards flooding the place, I can only imagine how much time we have left before we become as stupid as /x/.
user, every major variation in and between species, from coloration to metabolism, started as a mutation in the genome.
I understand, you have no idea what you're arguing actually is. And nothing on that page states where the differences in genes comes from. Simply that by being meaningful, these differences cause populations to split into different enough organisms that they can be called different species.
Unless, you're arguing that all genetic information has been there since day one. Which is a decidedly creationist argument. Just one step beyond "kinds."
kys christfag
You're right actually, the Earth isn't a sphere. It's more like a potato. The oceans give the illusion the planet is a sphere.
Alright, let me destroy you once and for all.
You cannot believe in the bible after watching this video
>That's why you should humble yourself.
Humbling one self is not the same as claiming too know that God exsists.
The people in the past thought they knew that the earth was flat but today we have evidence that it is not.
sometimes i wish hiro made a /sci/ and /x/ collab board
You'd think the /sci/ fags would btfo the Scitzos but you'd be mistaken. Scitzos are known too completely ignore evidence infront of them.
Lack of curvature is evidence of a flat earth, not a globe. Up and down are the same for everyone. There’s no one formula for gravity.
Or at least it used to be before I fucked it all up.
There's no evidence of gravity. There's plenty of evidence for God though.
The bible is the best selling book of all time. People love truth.
Not an argument.
I'm not watching any videos.
You or other guy just said the ancients "knew" that the earth was a globe. You're flip flopping. Apparently, we don't know who built the pyramids yet the Egyptians were mentally retarded when it comes to the shape of the earth.
Imagine being so cocky and arrogant you think you'd be able to find evidence of an all powerful God unless he wanted you to
An angel could be right in your face at this moment and you'd never know, stop trying to rationalize an unrationable being
So what sins did the animals commit to live way shorter than us humans. They weren't designed perfect because God didn't care about them or what?
On the side note I think back when Old Testament books were written, ancient Jews measured time differently, hence the difference in lifespans. There are some biblical characters to live over hundred years way after Adam, which brings the "methodical lifespan shortening through sin theory" questionable.
>state of 2019 Yea Forums
>People actually fall for flat earth bait
Nigger you just bumped the thread
Existence of curvature is the proof for a globe earth.
Up and down are not the same for everyone - which is proven by the fact you see different stars in the night sky depending where you are on earth.
There is only one formula to measure the force of gravity. there are other formulas regarding gravity that measure other things, not it's force.
Animals are lower beings than humans, made to serve us. They do not possess the mental capacity that we do
It’s not bait, we can see farther than a ~25,000 mile circumference ball would allow.
For fuck sake you can literally read Genesis chapter 1 and see how it claims animals and plants were created before huamns, and then proceed to read chapter 2 and see it claims the exact opposite - that humans were created before plants and animals.
Its not that hard, the bible is full with contradictions like this.
We were given dominion over the earth; we're the cause of it.
As far as life spans go, you're just not ready to accept the bible for what it is. If you don't even believe in God or the devil then I don't expect you to believe in giants or Hercules either.
So which is it?
>There’s no one formula for gravity
But there is, and even you can put it to test. Am I being bamboozled?
That’s speculative, not hard science. Showing the lack of curvature is repeatable, provable science.
Man was created in the 6th day. What's so hard to understand?
>Earth is flat
Two can play at the drop a video game:
That's actually pretty scary.
>"knew" that the earth was a globe.
I never claimed that. Argue with me not my predecessor.
>Apparently, we don't know who built the pyramids
That is a myth repeated buy people who don't know what they're talking about. We know it was the egyptians and we know of multiple methods on which they could have done it. We just don't know which method they chose.
It is also rediculous to assume that they knew the shape of the earth because they knew construction. These two things have nothing too do with each other.
Do you think a builder needs to know astrophysics to make a house? Shit, you're being retarded on purpose. Tell me that you are, please. I don't want to lose my faith in humanity.
Yes, but they are still God's creation. Why would he create our servants imperfect, prone to death and sickness? It clearly makes them less useful as servants, don't you think? Is it because he made them out of the same stuff as us (what science has proven) and he isn't really good at designing life (not all-knowing). Or maybe he left mistakes deliberately, because he wants his creation to suffer (because he's evil)
In Genesis 2 humans were created first, then god created the plants and animals afterwards. did you actually read the bible user? you would know that if you did
"7 And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
8 ¶ And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed.
9 And out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil."
This literally says plants were made after humans, which is a direct contradiction to the first chapter of genesis. then later in the same chapter:
" And out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof."
It says animals were created after humans, which is again,a contradiction to what was claimed in the first chapter
it will never be home
Imperfection is a result of sin
see The contradiction is so fucking obvious and undeniable that even you should be able to see it. in chapter 1 of genesis humans were created on the sixth day, AFTER plants and animals were created, yet in the second chapter of genesis humans were created BEFORE plants and animals
I can’t weigh the planets myself, it would take faith in man to use this equation, that’s not hard science.
Fuck this gay shit.
Anyone got any good anal-oriented panda links?
>an actual Yea Forums picture
Finally someone doesn't reply to the bait.
Earth being round does not disprove god, retard.
Flat earth faggotry is a new concept, everyone knew it was round for thousands of years, including christian scholars.
>mass is weight
So our sins somehow carried over to animals... Because we were given dominion over the Earth... Right...
That surely makes sense to someone.
Believing in god, especially as described in the bible, is just as stupid as believing in a flat earth
It is quite clear that the feeling of superiority being an atheist brings you is one of your only pleasures in life.
But, I'm sure you'll find more once you graduate high school.
Imagine being this retarded
I didn’t imply it was? Meds?
I'm arguing with several people. One of which claimed the ancients thought the earth was flat.
How do you think the Egyptians were able to move those stones when we don't even have machinery that's strong enough to move them today?
You guys are usually the ones claiming that pyramids were star gates to other planets or dimensions. According to your logic, they're much smarter than we are today. Your arrogance won't let you open your mind to the possibility of the Egyptians getting help.
It's not a contradiction. In Genesis 1 it's telling you which day each thing was created. In Genesis 2, it's going into detail and describing how man was created, and where they were.
Being an atheist is indeed superior to being a brainwashed religious retard who believes in a book that is so badly written that the first chapter directly contradicts the second chapter
Actually globe earth is a recent freemason cult theory.
>We don't have machinery that's able to move 2.5 ton blocks today.
Based retard. That's the mass of your average SUV, something we can easily move around with our modern machinery and something 20 bulky guys with some logs could do as well.
Sure, its also better than being on the football team and any number of other groups you hate for being happier than you.
Either tip harder somewhere else, or go for a high score.
And how is that not a contradiction???
> In Genesis 1 it's telling you which day each thing was created.
Yes, and it claims humans were created on the sixth day, animals on the fifth day, and plants on the third day. meaning, humans were created AFTER plants and animals
>In Genesis 2, it's going into detail and describing how man was created, and where they were.
And in that chapter, God first created humans and only then created plants and animals, and it specifically states how god let adam name the animals right after he created them, which makes it even more undeniable that it claims humans were created before animals, a direct contradiction to the first chapter
Come on tripfag-user, what kind of writing quality did you expect from jews?
Literally SMT 4
Strictly speaking, the garden did not have to be made after the creation of humans. It is merely mentioned in this order as it is now relevant to following the path of man through the Eden period. That being, that there was a garden that god made and that is where he put man.
Not the word is "the" not "then"
>How do you think the Egyptians were able to move those stones when we don't even have machinery that's strong enough to move them today?
Ones again false. You could move those stones with enough manpower. We move even heavier things today. Just because we don't have a standard machine for something doesnt mean we cant purpouse build something.
I think bringing up the flat earth angers people more than claiming holocaust wasn't real. You can sense the anger. I wouldn't be surprised if some of them where screaming at their screens right now. That's materialism though. Nothing matters.
We don't have the machinery to move around any of those stones. Google, your god, even admits it.
That doesn't make any sense. Adam clearly named the animals after he was created. You're trying to find things that aren't there, ie, grasping at straws.
We don't have the machinery to move the material.
user, it specifically states god created animals and then let adam name them after he created them.
The second chapter undeniably and unequivocally claims humans were created before animals, which is a direct contradiction to the first chapter
>You guys are usually the ones claiming that pyramids were star gates to other planets or dimensions
I think you got the wrong idea, m8. Nobody sane believes that. What I wanted to say was that you can build something without needing to know why stars exist.
(((((((jewtube)))))) is surely a better fountain of knowledge, Cleetus.
" And out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof."
Adam already existed when god started creating the animals. come on now, stop being delusional. this is a direct contradiction to the first chapter
Isnt it strange that the inverse square law just happens to apply to so many aspects of reality?
Totally a coincidence and doesnt imply that there is a greater connection between all of these phenomena.
>We don't have the machinery to move an SUV
Imagine being this retarded.
I love how i show the religious fucks here the more clear and obvious case of a contradiction in the bible, and they just look at the contradiction and say: "Nah uh not a contradiction"
Religious people are hilariously delusional
how does this explain the motion of the sphere of the fixed stars?
No, it says he formed them, then at a point after forming them brought them to Adam to be named. None of the passages presented a strict time-line, which is where your autism is flaring into high gear.
Now, you'll have better tac arguing that since ancient hebrew doesnt have a word for deep sea volcanic vent-shrimp if Adam named literally every creature upon the earth.
But, frankly, you'd probably be better served by taking a jog and a shower. Maybe the girls would pay attention to your supreme gentle manliness if you did so for a few months.
The bible says Satan was cast out of heaven later on. It doesn't mean the war in heaven took place while men were multiplying and creating civilization. It obviously happened before that. Genesis 2 is simply going into detail.
Like I said, grasping at straws.
It's crazy how the pyramids align perfectly with the stars though isn't it? Must be a coincidence. You put a lot of faith in man.
They're much heavier than an SUV. Take it up with the archaeologists and scientists.
Read the entire chapter.
"7 And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
8 ¶ And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed.
9 And out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil."
skipping later in the chapter to the part where he creates animals....
" And out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof."
There is a timeline here. Humans first, then plants, then animals. which means, if you asked a person who was created first, the humans or animals, both answers could have been correct depending on which chapter he prefers.
The belief that the earth is a sphere goes back to at least the Greeks. Eratosthenes even calculated Earth's circumference in 240 bc.
Yes, you're heavily autistic, and don't understand that things can be presented out of order due to relevance.
Flashbacks in movies and TV shows must cause you endless distress.
The earth is not even close to spherical.
Trying to inscribe an average radius sphere gives a radius that is not massive at all compared to the leveling of a mountain range. Saying it's a sphere is about as retarded as saying that chickens are spherical.
Again, read this part carefully:
"And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed."
Ill repeat, the man whom he HAD formed. HAD, in past tense. meaning he formed humans before creating the plants, which is a direct contradiction to the first chapter which claims plants were created on the third day and humans on the sixth day
Do you think humans were as fucking stupid as you are right ow through the course of centuries? Do you think humans built empires by being fucking retards?
Egyptians weren't fucking idiots, they knew how to fucking do things. Move some rocks with slaves, polish the details later and voila, you have a fucking pyramid.
It really angers me to see people acting like egyptians made their shit with magic or space tech, instead of thinking rationally and fascinate about how much creativity and manpower had to be put on to make them. The epytome of human will and retards will always believ it was made by a supernatural power...
Why the fuck do people argue that only the earth is flat and dont bother with all the other objects in space which obviously have a curvature?
See: >Ill repeat, the man whom he HAD formed. HAD, in past tense. meaning he formed humans before creating the plants, which is a direct contradiction to the first chapter which claims plants were created on the third day and humans on the sixth day
At least it was until
Yes, he put man somewhere after man was created.
that is literally impossible, space objects of this size can't exist without collapsing into a black hole, holy fucking shit schizo people are retarded
>man sends rocket into space
>is somehow less heavy than a fucking rock
You do know the average weight of those bricks is 2.5 tonnes? We have more than enough machines that can move that. More importantly you could even move that with enough men.
For fuck sake man, he talks about humans in paste tense when he talks about the creation of the plants, i don't know how the contradiction to the first chapter claiming plants were made before humans could be any more obvious
this doesnt seem fair, there are stars which are that big, if not bigger
inb4 you accuse all information that contradicts your fantasy of being a global conspiracy.
Also look at the damn things. What the fuck do you think they're made of if they weigh more than an industrial forklift can handle? Pure lead?
That's not the biggest issue, well respected theories suggest the universe will never stop expanding and the decreasing average temperature of space will make supporting life, forming stars, impossible.
For fuck sake man, he talks about humans in past tense when he talks about the creation of the plants, i don't know how the contradiction to the first chapter claiming plants were made before humans could be any more obvious
Fuck earth. Phobos is where all the cool kids hang out.
>It's crazy how the pyramids align perfectly with the stars though isn't it? Must be a coincidence. You put a lot of faith in man.
It's not coincidence. The architects looked up to the sky, said "it would be cool if these things aligned with the stars", and did it.
You put too mcuh faith on a fictional, intangible character and too little on your fellow, tangible brethen.
Because something something God said the Earth is flat and NASA is controlling your thoughts with classroom globes. Don't try to find any logic there.
>or download themselves into virtual reality supercomputers floating through deep space before that happens
Who tells you that's not already the case
>We will never be able to Terraform Mars
>We will never reach FTL
>We gonna die in our little planet without knowing if there is any other Civilization out there
It is obvious that you don't actually have as strong a grasp on language as you were led to believe you do.
Maybe you should stop just copy-pasting atheist arguments. They aren't as intelligent as they've led you to believe they are either.
That episode was pretty based unironically
What is the universe expanding into ?
not just that it is expanding but it is expanding at an ever increasing rate, even faster than the speed of light. Given enough time there should theoretically be infinite space between every particle.
Why is it that the idea of evolution being real and a god existing can't co exist? nothing really contradicts with each other
Stars are not solid objects
You have no more argument left so you resort to ad hominem.
You fucking know that was a contradiction. deep inside your heart you know im right and that the first chapter contradicts the second chapter
And current popular belief is that it is accelerating in that expansion.
Like most high end science, it is based on math and assumptions about measurements.
Okay. “Gravity” is still an occult freemasonic concept, not hard science.
*A* god existing is not the same thing is "my personal religion's" god. Most religions have some kind of origin of the world story and it doesn't have room for the billions of years of evolution.
Spoiler alert
It did
The animals were already created. It's rehashing what happened before Adam named the animals. This is the weakest "contraction" argument I've heard yet. Usually you're arguing about Hebrews or racism.
It wasn't magic or space tech. Neither exist. They had help clearly. Their positioning and significance proves that. You have eyes, but don't see. You worship anybody that wears a white coat and nametag. You guys are deeply religious and cult like.
Planets and space don't exist.
Man never sent rockets into space.
Read more.
That would be the astronomers that deal with that stuff first, not the architects. Professing themselves to be wise...>:'D
You already ran arguments with me. You moved onto two others.
No, that is an argument that you're making a mountain out of a divot in the ground you're calling a mole hill.
This, however, is an ad hominem: You are wrong because you're a pedophillic homosexual.
t. someone who's never read his Einstein
I don't give a shit if Bozo the Clown came up with it. If there's enough evidence to support it, I'll fucking consider it ok.
There's nothing in the bible that says that Adam and Eve are the same kind of humans you see today
We're gonna make it. Join pro human optimism. It's actually quite simple when you do some research on futurism too know what allready is possible.
Most atheists are homosexuals so you can't put it past them.
You're retarded.
Jump. you will be pulled back downwards after you reach the peak of your jump.
There you go, the existence of gravity was proven by a simple experiment
>Read more.
How about you read more.
The average weight is 2.5 tonnes and no amount of bitching will change that.
I'm not wrong
>Space doesnt exist?
then what do we see when we look up huh?
some sort of fucking sphere that revolves around us? Thats Aristotelian bullshit and you know it.
Speak for yourself schlomo, I'm living forever and nothing as stupid as "aging" can stop me.
Whatever can't be explained is just put in place by God. You can't argue facts with flat Earth idiots because it's an endlessly moving goal post.
>It's crazy how the pyramids align perfectly with the stars though isn't it? Must be a coincidence. You put a lot of faith in man.
People living 4500 years ago had the same brains as we do today, only with less accumulated total knowledge. Egyptians were also pretty good at math and since we're talking about pyramids in particular, there are even builder signatures and inscriptions all over them, with level markers or stuff like "Team Khufu" or "Sons of Horus". With other pyramids, we even know the names of the people responsible for the specific parts of the construction.
If you're an American you should be using ton.
You can see stars, the sun, and the moon.
>the brainlets in this thread
Have another contradiction, just for fun:
Genesis. 10:5:
"By these were the isles of the Gentiles divided in their lands; every one after his tongue, after their families, in their nation "
Genesis. 11:1:
"And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech"
Einstein was a plagiarist and a fraud.
Damn, I didn't know the Earth was a woman.
Part of what “woke us up” to the earth being flat was space travel being obviously faked. Those aren’t rocks hurtling through infinite space, they’re lights in the firmament.
Speculative science is an intellectual exercise, more akin to philosophy than real, hard science.
>If you're an American you should be using ton.
But I'm not.
video games
>You worship anybody that wears a white coat and nametag. You guys are deeply religious and cult like.
Jesus Christ, the nerve on this nigger. I'm out, Cleetus is far too gone to even try to reason with him. Believe in whatever you want, I don't give a shit anymore, just don't forget someone tried to help you before you jumped the shark.
The Heliocentric model can be proved with a cheap telescope, a protractor, knowledge of basic Euclidian geometry, and a car to take measurements at 3 locations at least 500km apart since your tools aren't super precise.
You don't have to trust ((((them)))) you can confirm it for yourself very easily.
Are you saying we are about to collapse into a black hole any time now?
I’m heavier than air, maybe that’s what was proven. Gravity comes from speculative freemasons. It’s a thought experiment. Notice the globes on top of the pillars? How one is a globe of stars? A globe is a type of map.
>implying flat-earthers care about facts
There is a very famous experiment about it.
Though, it also got higher success when telling the participant they were electrocuting someone answering incorrectly for very important and positive reasons.
They were actually stupid and ignorant, because they thought the earth was flat.
That's because they came together under Nimrod's rule when they built the tower.
Because you're trying to sound smart.
I've never met or heard of a negro named Cleetus. You're all over the place. Like a woman. I hate to see what your bathroom looks like. Bye though. Next.
Sun worship, hence "Helios".
But thats wrong it is physically proven that the speed of light is a constant.just look up the Michelson–Morley experiment.
>heavier than air
What's making you heavy then, you stupid fucking retard? If you were in a cloud of gas in completely empty space you wouldn't be moving at all.
Explain refraction without using someone elses words, oh wait.....
ever wonder why the sunset it red?
because of the way light bends and how its density changes
There's a hilarious video where a few smarter flat earthers devise an experiment to prove Earth is flat, only to prove on camera that it's actually round.
>"...Well, that's interesting."
>this thread
And suddenly all of them spoke the same language? makes total sense user.
The entire story of the tower of babel makes zero sense. they build a tower so big that it made god angry, yet the towers we build today with modern technology do not anger god, supposedly?
You are already delusional for not seeing the first contradiction i mentioned in the first chapters of genesis. believing this tho makes you even more delusional
im just waiting until this asshole leaves and this thread can finally die
>Because you're trying to sound smart.
No I'm not.
I liked how you stopped trying too argue with me and instead started you attempts at insulting me.
this thread has more replies in a low traffic hour than RDR2 threads.. Goes to show how overrated and forgotten that game is lel
You're not going to win this by quoting the Bible. Any firm believer can get out of any contradiction you point out by claiming the Bible is merely a human interpretation of God's actions and that interpretation could just be wrong.
Sometimes I wonder, are these religion/politics/other irrelevant shit threads on Yea Forums for real or merely pretending? At some point jest and genuine retardation become indistinguishable.
At least until we fucked up
It seems to be one baiting flat-earther and several people trying desperately to prove their intelligence. This is gonna go on until bump limit unless a janny mercy-kills it.
probably someone from /x/ trying to get yous
The tower of babel is a story about how man had tried to build a tower to break from this world/realm into the heavens. God got angry and didn't like it., Therefore he dissipated man into different languages and races to stop them from doing it.
CERN and everything about Quantum Physics is the new tower of babel. A gateway to break free from this mortal coil and realm of imprisonment. They are trying to beat mortality, and reach immortality. I'm not even religious and not the same user, but you have no idea what you're talking about you raging turbo faggot.
It's simultaneously a mere human interpretation of God's actions and the infallible truth that must be obeyed without question or you get eternal damnation. Fucking Schrodinger's Bible.
It's both an all to any of those types of questions.
So basically Satan inflated himself and turned into a moon between Earth and the real moon, deluding Man that he landed on the moon when in fact he landed on Satan?
What you said had nothing to do with what I said.
The density of my skeleton, ligaments, muscles, fat skin, etc. compare to the density of air is what makes my body heavier than air.
>If you were in a cloud of gas in completely empty space you wouldn’t be moving at all.
Does that actually mean something in your mind?
Well, I'm mostly tweaking the autistic atheist tripfag, because his arguments are bad and rely on stripping context and bad language skills.
Studying particle mechanics has nothing to do with immortality, user. Lay off the drugs.
>Cern and quantum physics try to reach immortality
It makes perfect sense. Even the UN building resembles the tower. It's a way of mocking the useful idiots. Humans aren't trying to build a tower to reach heaven today. Why would God intervene? Also, the story makes much more sense on a flat earth.
That wasn't an insult and I didn't stop arguing.
Failure to adress another man even while you're safe and anonymous is beyond cowardice.
The mods are asleep so we're having fun.
That you didnt understand how the speed of light relates to einstein and your so called "hard science" just shows how dumb you really are.
muh steins;gate
We are you saying the Tower of babel was taller than building that are built today with modern technology?
Besides, we went "to the heavens" already and there was no god there, just space.
>They were actually stupid and ignorant, because they thought the earth was flat.
So, either you're a) accepting you're stupid and ignorant for believing in a flat earth, or b) accepting they were flat-earthers intelligents enough to make pyramids and an empire.
Either way, I'm satisfied with the result.
Should I take the flat earth pill?
If you have to ask, you might as well.
>He hasn't seen the video of them conducting satanic rituals.
Yes. They also built the pyramids without modern technology. Also, we never went to space. You've been brainwashed by tv and movies.
I'm just just pointing out the hypocrisy. Either they were smart or they weren't.
Why are you all using Reddit spacing by the way?
Probably the same guy
The pyramids are way shorter than modern buildings you idiot
>That wasn't an insult and I didn't stop arguing.
You never gave me an actual number to the weight of the stones. Instead you chose too insist that I didn't read enough.
Because you stopped argueing with me I'll just stop arguing with you.
Kharak is FLAT! Khar-Toba is fake news!
S'Jet are trying to subvert the word of Sajuuk,
the scaffold is just being projected on the firmament with sorcery!
Make Gaalsien Great Again!
so uhhh... sciencebros? how did the dust required to make any of this shit get there in the first place? and if there's an explanation for that, how did THAT get here? did things just appear out of nothingness?
>we never went to space
Imagine being this delusional.
We went to space in both manned missions and unmanned missions.
>we never went to space
Explain satellite navigation and satellite communication then.
You brought up tech.
>Humans aren't trying to build a tower to reach heaven today.
user, one of our probes has already entered interstellar space and is about to leave the Solar System. We "reached the heaven" a long time ago.
>reddit spacing
Ah... it all makes sense now... You're one of THOSE people. I wasn't sure if you were baiting or if you were a legit, bona-fide retard. So thanks for clearing that up for me.
leddit spacing isn't real, you stupid fucking nigger-loving kike.
Pic related. we could take this photo from this close only because we have probes in outer space.
And there is no god there, just other planets, stars, and space.
>your so called “hard science”
You really think that’s a term I came up with? How old are you?
Try proving the globe, that’s how all this started, flat earthers are not religious freaks who thought it was flat their whole lives. The religious freaks are the freemasons who came up with this speculative globe “science” in the first place.
What's the context on this? Because this post really seems like the ravings of a schizo on its own.
Fun fact: The theory of dark matter exists because there are no functional models of how the solar systems or galaxies form.
So, instead of considering that their math might be wrong, they inserted a new variable that they set at the difference between the models and the known result.
>Quantom physics, particle acceleration, and the idea of consciousness creates reality, teleportation, super "D-WAVE" computers that the actual creator said "we dip in to different dimensions and extract data from", parallel universes and realities,
user I....
"All the data was destroyed".
Now for the damage control.
Lies and impossible.
Never happened. Stop believing everything you see on tv and other mainstream sources.
Yes, there is such thing. And it makes sense why you all have the same demeanor about you. Using racial slurs doesn't help you blend in either. Even on /pol/. Try again newfag.
Yes, yes it is. People who space out their posts like you are attention whores at best.
Do you know what happens when a particle hits something at incredible speeds? you get more out of it than just the particle itself
But the data was not destroyed, we got the data sent back to earth, what the fuck are you talking about
How do GPS work?
The universe functions in a loop, nothing is created or destroyed, simply rearranged in an infinite loop of expansion and contraction.
How can that happen once maximum entorpy has taken place?
Would that mean that entropy is already infinite?
imagine if the entire earth was just a bite sized snack for a cute alien
M-theory requires 11-dimensional space + time for 12-dimensional spacetime.
Conservation of quantum information means that no information can be destroyed. Therefore according to our current understanding of these subparticles we should be able to tap into extraspatial dimensions and extract quantum information from them.
This is still just studying particle mechanics
Triangles and shit
It didn't materialize out of nothing. That is a wrong interpritation of the big bang. If you ask me matter and energy is eternal and the laws of physics change every few Aeons. The eternal matter doesn't need a creator because it is eternal.
Alright lads, approaching 350 replies and about 2 and 2/3 hours. How's everyone feeling? I'm sure you've all made great headway in convincing the opposition of our beliefs. Surely you wouldn't waste nearly three hours arguing for nothing?
Of course reddit spacing exists.
Like flat earth.
Or ghosts.
Or succubi.
Who is this we? You did? YOU GOT THE DATA?!? CAN I SEE IT? WE implies more then one, so who the fuck are you? Got sent back to earth? You dont even know how to properly understand it. If by your logic, IT WAS "TRANSMITTED" not "sent" you concrete ape. You go based of hear-say, no sources, just empty big words from a lil man.
I'm asking how the fuck the universe began out of nothing, even if a single particle had to speed up to spawn it where'd the particle come from?
How do I summan a succubus?
why the fuck haven't the mods deleted this shitty thread? they deleted the chink jumping off a bridge thread, but not this?
This is exaggerated.
Right, all 20th century space exploration was clearly a great Sovieto-American-European conspiracy. Sure, the entities involved were locked in the Cold War and ready to throw nukes at each other over the slightest provocation, but by god, they could really work together when it came to this particular conspiracy for no reason.
Christ, the idiocy of your posts is physically painful.
Nigger we don't even know how gravity works, how the fuck do you think we'd know where the entire universe comes from?
You have that data too user. With the magic power of the internet you can access data from any space mission in human history.
>Surely you wouldn't waste nearly three hours arguing for nothing?
It's a beauty
I dunno man I just wanna know what the people who pay attention to science know about it
>extraspatial dimensions
user I googled, bing'd and duck'd that shit, and it is literally a made up word. You just made that up, along with your made up equation to justify your retarded bullshit. Unless im reading you wrong. You either are agreeing with me, or making up things that don't exist. Information is not matter. In the same sense that colors are not flavors. I have no idea what the fuck you are talking about. So please explain yourself. Or I'm calling bullshit
if we knew how gravity worked then we could connect it to Electro-Magnetism and then science would all be connected. Its why string theory was popular for a while.
>I’m heavier than air
You do realize that buoyancy is directly tied to gravitational forces right? You have no fucking idea what speculation means you autistic retard. All physics in the world are built up on empirical observations, brushing them all off as speculation is simply conceited.
>all physics
Not theoretical physics.
will there ever be anti gravity technology
Things are moving away from each other really quickly in the sky, so scientists have assumed they used to be close together, which makes sense.
That's pretty much everything there is to know about the origin of the universe.
Extra Dimensions
Extraspatial might be my fuckup, I'm not a native speaker. Sorry desu.
No-hiding theorem
This explains the convervation of quantum information. Yes, Information.
Don't they have that to train astronauts?
I meant flying cars and cool jetsons shit
They do that in water.
I can study buoyancy in a controlled environment with repeatable experiments. I don’t need theoretical “gravitational forces” to do that.
Gravity comes from mass and pulls two objects together. I suppose its not impossible but it doesnt seem all that useful. Understanding gravity might give some insight inti light speed or FTL travel though.
Theoretical physics stem from insufficient models based on empirical evidence. So by conclusion even theoretical physics stem from empirical evidence.
They don't do it out of pride they do it so that they can test if it exsist. You need to form a theory before you can test it user.
I personally think FTL will never be possible but that shouldn't stop us from interstellar travel.
I understand the miscommunication but I'm lost as if either you agree with my last posts or you are trying to tell me something different.
I do know about string theory and the idea vibrations, patterns, etc. Hence the HLC and so on. As far as the No hiding theorem, I totally agree where inormattion is not lost, but only hidden in plain site. I believe that there is forbidden and hidden knowledge that even with time and abuse, will be lost, but not forgotten, as it will always find its way. The language barrier is hindering but I would love to talk to you more about it. Unfortunately this thread will be pruned . Heres my email, message me some more, I would love to talk more about it.
That doesn’t make them hard science. It can stem from whatever, but once your experiments are no longer repeatable, you’re no longer doing hard science, but engaging in speculation. It’s more philosophy than lab science at that point.
That's not how they train astronauts though.
The earth is round we all learned in it school. You guys need to listen to people higher up then you more. They do the research you don't.
Grow up
Nice to see that there are still massive retards amongst us
You do need them if you make those experiments in different environments and suddenly come to the conclusion that your values change depending on whether you conduct them on the earth or on the moon. Then you will come to the conclusion that you miss out on a physical model which describes those changes. Hell, there is even no point in going to the moon, just climb a mountain and ask yourself why it is suddenly so hard to breathe. Your whole argument is just stupid semantics with no substance, pointless drivel. Gravitational forces are anything but theoretical, contrary to the flat earth shit in this thread.
When you say "anti-gravity" technology, I assume you mean disabling gravity, which is absurd.
This is just emulating a zero-gravity environment.
>average flat earther
based based without a trace
If you believe in Adam and Eve, then you have to believe in other ridiculous Bible stories like Noah’s Ark.
>but once your experiments are no longer repeatable
Yeah and your point is? Gravitational experiments are perfectly repeatable, every fucking highschool does them. Maybe you should have visited one at some point.
>flat earthers be like
That's a real pic of the earth, mate. Looks like a Sphere from space, but that's because it's an optical illusion: it's actually a cube with rounded edges.
Yyou are telling me there people who UNIRONICALLY think the Earth is flat?
I'm not doing your work for you, fucking retard, The burden of proof lies on the accuser, not the accused. You say "we have data" but you provide none and the little you do is "look it up yourself". You have no citations or sources or even a fucking wikipedia page to back up your absolute absurd putrid bullshit. You don't even leave a bread crumb trail, Just incoherent ramblings of an alcoholic boomer, who prolly gets taken care of by another boomer
uh oh bro doesnt go outside enough damn man
sorry the system and your hubris has failed you
Nice pasta.
Yep, somehow it's not just a meme. Try looking on /x/.
Yeah this basically. In the time scale of the universe, life is basically a flash in the pan. May as well just appreciate the limited time we have on earth during the limited time that the earth is around during the limited time where stars and planets are around. It's all going away eventually so I wouldn't stress.
“Gravitational forces” are absolutely theoretical. Gravity is a necessary component of the speculative freemasonic Big Bang cult. Proving that we can see land further than a 25,000 mile circumference should allow is repeatable science.
>*turns on lights*
>*Blocks visibility of the rest of the galaxy*
>*Throw junk on orbit*
>*Spits junk on all other planets*
*Throw shit at Mars*
*Electromagnetic waves blaring at max volume in space*
*Looks up towards the Sun*
Nigger, you just chose to be the accused victim in that argument. You being on the defensive like a little bitch already proves that your whole argument is a house of cards. It is always hilarious when you bitches start crying about how the burden of proof lies on others. Says who exactly? You always just slam down some rhetoric as a fact and then wait for others to disprove it. Thats not how it works bitchboi. Where are your facts faggot?
Least it was till the boomers fucked everything up.
how hard are you squinting?
>tfw find much solace in Plato than in the Bible
I dunno bros, that Socrates guy was pretty based to meet his death with no remorse.
Certainly would like to see that proof of yours bucko. I bet my left nut it is a complete clusterfuck of false assumptions, calculation errors, shitty equipment and falsely estimated environment.
It never gets old huh
It's all for shits and giggles, what else is there to do?
Literally The Binding Of Isacc
Thanks God.
How the fuck would I get this information by "going outside"? You claim hubris but this isn't about me you lanky faggot. You said the data was there? Wheres the data? who the fuck is talking about a system? what the fuck are you talking about? You're just typing words to read your own posts to make up the fact you don't get any UUUUUUs besides what im giving you. That april fools joke was really hard on your ego right?
Petty insults and absolutely no sources or citations or any type of information. I
If it's pasta then ITS OC. Ima save this then and repost it anytime I hear shit stain turbo niggers like you who bring nothing to the table
Actually if you have a perfect vision of exact 0 dpt you should be able to see things in an endless distance according to optical mathematics. But at some point the resolution which is limited by the number of photoreceptive cells becomes a problem. Squinting wont fix that.
Dude I dont care about your school yard buzz words. I simply asked a question? By your logic, You already made me a victim whether I wanted to or not. You faggots said "theres data" and when I boiled it down to "what data" You baboons scream "ITS ON YOU, FIGURE IT OUT FOR YOURSELF" with out giving any indication of what data, content, or context. Any you just pulled another school yard bullshit. I didn't claim to have facts faggot, you did, and when I asked "wheres the facts" you pull YOUR RHETORIC "WHERES YOURS" when I didnt have any in the first place, You cant differentiate between a comment and a fucking question you dumb nigger.
Such colorful language. You don’t need to prove anything to me. If you actually cared about where we live you’d do your best to prove it to yourself. Because of high powered zoom lenses a lot more people can verify claims for themselves these days. Not all those videos of mountains and skylines that should be “behind” curvature are mirages.
It's like a lucid dream. Before you become lucid, whatever the fuck can happen. Your subconscious is running the show and 'you' are just a witnessing passenger. Once you become lucid, you can take control and make whatever you want, consciously.
Now imagine a dream created by 7 billion people collectively where a small percentage are lucid and the rest are primarily running on unconscious instinct with no idea that there's even anything to take control over.
It kind of makes you wanna
>The Earth is flat
>Sun and Moon aren't visible on the sky 100% of the time everywhere on the planet
You turn on the lights at night and Earth turns into space Las Vegas, how in the everloving dickfucks is the sun only capable of lighting up a cone when he is a ball of light? And what about the poles you flatsluts? Isn't MONTHS with no Sun enough to show that there is some weird incline at play? Antropocentricfags proving that the sun orbited the earth were better at this.
Actually we all do exist but not in a sense you're thinking. We're just different aspects of the same consciousness that's fragmented and is observing itself from different angles, interacting with itself in different timeframes.
It's one big game of play-pretend.
The sun isn’t in outer space, it’s much closer, so when it goes to the other side of the land it’s just too far away to see. Air isn’t 100% see-through, either.
>I'v been to space, I know bro
>How in the everloving dickfucks is the sun only capable of lighting up a cone when he is a ball of light?
>lighting up a cone when he is a ball of light?
>when he is a ball of light?
> he is a ball of light?
Sun confirmed a person, 300 IQ Spherepost
Based Alan Watts
Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Existential Dread Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Find Your Own Meaning In Life Like Nigga Seize The Day Haha
Alright you chucklefucks, I have a master's degree in physics and nothing better to do so ask me your questions and I'll straighten you out
>Flatcuck ignores the question to fuck around with spelling.
You fuckers all ignore the real truth of time cube either way, fucking 1 stupids.
Good news is that "existential dread" has already been "solved", bad news is that you won't be aware of that in your current lifetime(most likely).
Why does the dick gets hard?
Say that to me again and not 8 light seconds away, see what happens.
Are you a gay?
The sun's diameter is about 864000 miles. There is no where on a flat Earth that you wouldn't be able to see it
So gravity is basically reverse buoyancy relative to a psuedo 3D-matrix as opposed to a pseudo 2D-plane, right?
Where's all our antimatter that was supposedly created at the big-bang and why doesn't the universe's observable mass add up compared to the effects it exerts?
The cube has no kinetic energy
What the FUCK is a quark
I've been in this thread too long shitposting, but humor me this. and I have asjked this before.
Explain Refractions without quoting someone or using citations needed to explain the so called "Atmospheric interference" which is used to describe these so called "mirages" and "anomalies" that give the "Illusion" that the sky, atompshere, the world itself. That it doesn't explain what it actually is?
It happens all the time in science.
>Hypothesis disconfirmed.
>Repeat test until you've found a dataset that by chance confirms your hypothesis.
>Publish it, and never mention the dozens of failures before the proof.
They did it out of pride, so that they wouldn't have to rebuild the house of cards and number tricks their hypothesis was based on.
Same reason Pluto was demoted, and we suddenly start hearing mainstream sources talking about an unknown planet. They didn't want to allow for evil "Conspiracy Theorists" to have beaten "Legitimate Science" to a discovery.
It's no different than layering a tube over the cube. You haven't changed it's kinetic energy
It's all just light that bends in a different way so the resulting image is different whan what it's supposed to be. All you see is just light being interpreted by your brain, and your brain is dumb so it can't correct for anomalies in light refraction along the way.
When you think about it, Genesis is simply someone's theory for how the universe was created, and the Noah's Ark story was probably written in the aftermath of a huge flood and the writer not understanding how anything survived it
If I turn on the lights on my speeding car does its lights' speed surpass c or are the photons too cool for that and stay at c even when i'm adding acceleration to it?
>mfw so many brainlets
Flat earth fags may I ask what your grade was in science and physics?
You aren't adding acceleration to the photons via your vechicle's movement, for the same reason you'd be effectively blind by going at C. C is a constant.
>"My brain is so dumb it cant comprehend the bend in light"
>Which is called by anomalies in light refractions
You just used the word in the same sentence you couldn't describe it. You just went full circle without explaing what refractions are. Its a borderline double negative. You're a fucking idiot.
Then where's the kinetic energy coming from mr. bigbrain?
There's a few genuine believers, but the majority of people who post about it are just shitposting.
There's no such thing as a global reference frame. Kinetic energy can only be described in relative terms.
Physics doesn't work that way for photons.
Anything moving at light speed has no mass for you to accelerate, and relative to the photon your car isn't moving at all.
Relativity is one hell of a drug
frame elevates perception of the event to the event happening.
It is junk science.
Why would going through the portal cause it to have any kinetic energy
My nigga gets it
You’re measuring it through machines, not directly.
That's how most religions goes with stuff like that.
>What the fuck is going on? I can't figure much right now, let me place some figures like me so I can recall and explain better later
Greeks are the hipsters of explaining stuff, so they had to go all out on phylosophy and spawn the scientific method to prove just how good they are at explaining stuff. Turns out it works like a charm nowadays. The opposite is pain in the fucking ass, too many people take science as a form of religion and half-ass it without knowing how it works
Also Christianism is the EA of religions.
If C is constant, why has it never been measured to exactly the same value?
Ok but what if the platform with the orange portal is comepletely stationary and the earth moves upwards moving the block trough it.
How is the cube moving if it has no kinetic energy
Then it would be B rather than A
Because from the frame of reference of that 2nd portal the box is speeding towards it.
Due to the movement of the portal the entire room has kinetic energy.
>if I put a box over another box, that means that box moved up towards the box to cover itself
The platform and the cube gets obliterated by countless kilotons of energy being shoved on it at tremendous speed.
I've desctribed it just fine, you just still don't understand it whis aint my problem. First you'd have to understand what photons are and you clearly don't.
I'll still try to explain it to you because I'm a masochist: "little things that make up what light is made of bounce around things carrying information about the things it bounced off and your brain interprets that information when those bounfcies hit your eye. Those bouncy things however hit atmospheric particles along the way and their trajectory gets all fucked up but your brain doesn't know that so it interprets the trajectory after the atmospheric speed bumb only"
To give you an example it's like someone throwing you a curveball from behind a corner that ricochettes off something before it clears the corner and because you didn't see it bounce off something behind that corner your guess at the trajectory is wrong
It's not. it cleared exacly 0 space, it's the space that did the movement around it.
I just want hell to be real, too many fucked up people around that cannot be allowed to get away with it, attention whoring trannies, etc
If your measurement of C is any different then it means that your measuring equipment is shit.
what is the real size of the sun then
At least it was until America fucked it up.
A and anyone who thinks otherwise is actually a retardation-tier brainlet.
Think of it this way, the circumstances that cause a person to act that way is their own personal hell
The portal essentially acts as a hole though, it doesn't matter what part of the universe either room is in
So babby is formed
I'm not an engineer
Portals on moving surfaces dissipate so the question is moot
No, gravity is best modelled as the curvature of the spacetime manifold caused by mass-energy
1. Nobody knows yet, probably due to C-P violation (some subatomic interaction that favours matter production for some reason)
2. The simplest and most likely explanation is non-electromagnetically interacting, or 'dark' matter, which faggots will throw a fit about while ignoring """"X""""-Rays and """"the wind"""", which are also things that can't be directly seen apart from their effects - other possibilities are modifications to relativity and Newtonian dynamics, but nothing yet models observable matter distributions better than there just being a bunch of heavy stuff there we can't see
A fundamental particle that makes up protons, neutrons and other hadrons. What would you like to know specifically?
Light rays moving from one material to another with a different 'refractive index' are bent depending on the relative indices of the materials. This can be seen if you stick your finger into a glass of water, it will appear bent. Mirages are usually caused by layers of air at different temperatures, which causes them to have different densities, which in turn causes them to have different refractive indices. Another cool things is that an object in a material that has the same refractive index will appear invisible, for example these beads in water:
thats not good enough for me
all those shitposting rich neet kids arent suffering, all those rich lonely people that commit suicide aren't suffering, they should not be able to escape what they deserve
i realize me being vindictive is probably sinful and i'm ashamed but i have strong feelings about it
It's more oval than round you however, are a faggot.
>Also Christianism is the EA of religions.
It'd say Scientology, Christianity is more like Capcom, people loved it, now they hate it, but now it's making a comeback
I can see it working on paper and on practical situations to us, but no way in hell I can see photons being special snowflakes with absolutes in the eyes of nature. Then again relativity is fucking weird, If I take too many plane rides I need to fix my watch because going too fast bopped me a few milisseconds into the future. Nature is too much for a single brain.
Light is affected as it travels through a medium, like air, water or glass. It "bends" or "scatters," changing its direction and frequency.
When you look at an object submerged in water, you can see that what you're seeing in the water doesn't quite line up with what you would expect to see if the object was in open air. Likewise if you shine a light through certain objects, you can see it change direction and color after passing through the object, even "scattering" into a rainbow.
The effect is much stronger and more readily apparent with solid and liquids because they're much denser than air (a mixture of gases), but it still occurs and can be easily noticeable under the right conditions. The sky changes color as the Sun rises and sets because the sunlight is refracted through the Earth's atmosphere at different angles, causing colors other than the normal blue we see at more direct angles when the sun is high in the sky. This is also why the Moon turns red during a total lunar eclipse; the only light that reaches its surface while the Sun is completely blocked by the Earth is light that's been strongly refracted through the edges of Earth's atmosphere. Rainbows are naturally created when sunlight is refracted by mists of water vapor at just the right angle. The air appear to "shimmer" on a hot and humid day because the air near the ground has become more energetic, giving it a different refraction index than the cooler air above it. The effect is stronger over bodies of water because the air above the water naturally has a lot of water vapor in it, which makes it a better medium for refraction than ordinary dry air.
Le epic pol boogeyman once again!
>The simplest and most likely explanation is non-electromagnetically interacting, or 'dark' matter
That's an awfully long way to spell "we don't know yet". Unfortunately the answer to both my questions is "a shrug", at least for now.
Jesus Christ user
But that hole is moving. Therefore in the reference frame of the 2nd room the entire 1st room is moving.
And therefore the entire 1st room, including the box, has kinetic energy.
>but no way in hell I can see photons being special snowflakes with absolutes in the eyes of nature
They literally are and we have no idea why. It's "admin says so" tier of bullshit but that's how our universe works.
According to either room, the other room has kinetic energy opposite the other, leading to the energy being cancelled out
its not even edgy, think of someone killing someone or commiting a horrible crime and then they kill themselves to avoid punishment, thats bullshit and hell is a form of punishment that they can't escape
you wouldn't get it because you probably had a decent childhood and life, rich people are fucking evil
I hope that God is real and he doesn't let these people roam free spreading suffering until they are dead
Am I the only one who wants to FUCK the world?
There's zero point of interaction between "the hole" and the box. "Hole" has no mass and occupies no space. It's "a thing" in the same way a hole made in a wall would be. If you'd pass a wall with a hole around the box the exact same thing would happen from the box perspective.
You can't cancel out energy across different reference frames since there's no global reference frame.
We've been fucking the world since the industrial revolution mate.
No, you're using pretty righteous judgement. Which is what you are told to do if you're going to judge.
maybe you are just jealous? if not, then why bother about these losers?
What's your point? The hole isn't giving the box kinetic energy, the movement of space from the 2nd room's reference frame is.
Explain how the cube comes out of the slightly upward angled stationary exit-portal without moving in detail
Have less kids, then we can totes save the planet bro xdd
You're a couple thousand years late for that user, both figuratively and literally. That is also clearly a case of oedipus.
>other planets
likely, but if the sun dies it's over anyways
>other solar systems
It would be true of any massless particle, not specifically photons.
It's hard to wrap your head around because it's classical everyday physics that works for every practical situation you'd actually encounter being applied to something that seems commonplace but doesn't actually work by those rules at all. Like how thinking about how "space" itself is a thing that can ignore the speed of light entirely because it's not actually technically a thing but gravity still affects it, and also time which is part of space like how mass is energy but there are massless particles like photons that still carry energy even though they have no mass and eventually you realize God is spitting in your eye for staring too hard
can you explain the difference between righteous judgement and refular judgement?
dont reply to me again poohbear
Alpha Centauri is only 4.37 LY away. At 0.1C which should be achievable in the far future that's only a 43 year journey.
"space moving around the box" has no point of interaction with the box either. The space moves around the box, not with the box, there's nothing "pushing" on the box itself simply put.
>tfw might witness the last of civilisation before natural death because humans are destroying the planet so much
feels good desu
I love discussing video games fellow Yea Forums patrons
Are you for real?
The exit point is angled and the box slids off the platform. The "movement" happens only due to gravity pulling on the box since the exit point is placed differently in the space compared to the entry point
Draw 2 dots on a piece of paper. This paper represents space.
Both dots are clearly stationary since drawn dots can't move.
Now fold the paper to simulate the movement of space, if those 2 stationary dots collide they'll affect eachother with kinetic energy.
The space isn't moving "around the box" It's moving everywhere and that includes the box.
Because when it's fully on the Portal B side, it's on an inclined ledge which it slides down.
Damn, sign me up
good luck keeping canned monkeys fresh for 50 years
This is the solution
You just described how it moves after exiting, not the actual way it exits out of the portal
We had nuclear bunkers stocked up for almost as long with just canned food and fucktons of water.
Am I suppose to take your word for it, or could you explain it so you dont sound like a middle school s/Low class? Have you researched this yourself personally? Or did you just tell me what you heard from "scientist"? and just spin it? Like I said, besides quoting or citing this, which you can't because you literally just told me what I already have been told. You have no actual independent, personal research and you just recited what you heard, but you made it sound really condescending, and tried to "dumb it down cause im so smart xD" attitude that only proves my point. Screencapped for laughs my dude.
if the earth spins really fast why dont landmarks in the sky move fast
they didn't have to bring it to .1c though
I don’t have the means of measuring it directly.
isn't jupiter probably that big though? also why does something that big automatically get eaten by a black hole?
No it's not "we don't know", it's "we have a pretty accurate model that predicts observable discrepancies in current theories much better than any other available, but we haven't yet been able to directly detect a particle that would fit the required profile to be a constituent of dark matter".
It's not a 'fudge', it's not 'flippantly adding more numbers to make the equation make sense', the observed behaviour of visible matter is consistent with the existence of large clouds of gravitationally-interacting, non-electromagnetically-interacting dark matter. If such matter also doesn't interact via the strong or weak forces, then detecting it is going to be (to use the technical phrase) a real bitch, but that doesn't mean it isn't there and again, the best available models based on empirical data on observable matter distribution suggest that it is. Only time will tell but if it quacks like a duck, leaves footprints like a duck and displaces water like a duck then you have to face the fact it's probably a(n invisible) duck.
Actually you do. All you need is a watch, a stick, a protractor, a ruler, and knowledge of basic geometry.
A alculator and a writing implement are helpful but not necessary.
he wants to be able to go up to the sun with a ruler
please respond
if you're on earth rotating very fast then the sun would change point in the sly constantly
>it's a real photo of earth however earth isn't a sphere it's an illusion and earth is an oblate spheroid my black science priest told me
Problem with your analogy is the dots being part of the paper, the box is not part of the moving space. It's a wrong analogy.
>isn't jupiter probably that big though?
Jupiter is mostly gas.
>also why does something that big automatically get eaten by a black hole?
Black holes are condensed matter.
Large objects have a strong gravitational pull.
Make it too large and the gravitational pull will force the matter to condense.
That's not the most accurate description, but it's enough to get the point across to a bra inlet like you.
it does it's called night and day
That’s measuring light in the atmosphere, it’s not a direct measurement.
no the things say you rotate waaay faster
to the point where the sun would rise and set in a few minutes
Reffer to
The image is simpl;y drawn wrong.
That's all fine and dandy, but to my current knowledge we can't even create a functional closed ecosystem yet, much less under water or under other extreme conditions
So even just a colony on Mars is a complete pipe dream right now
Any "landmark in the sky" that's still on Earth has the same frame of reference as you, it's not going to slow down much just because it's not on the surface anymore. All difference in speed is relative to the observer. You could jump between two trucks moving at the same speed without any apparent change in velocity but if you jumped off them you'd hit the ground at the speed you're actually moving (relative to the ground).
Anything in orbit is generally moving much faster than the Earth rotates and you can watch it move across the sky if you know what you're looking for.
You forgot your psychic friend a thousand miles away.
1 full earth rotation = a day (24 hours) my dude
The Sun is very far away, user.
>the box is not part of the moving space
Yes it is, according to the 2nd room. The box and the entire 1st room are getting closer to the 2nd room.
Either the 2nd room is moving or the 1st room is moving, depending on your reference frame.
The rooms are getting closer together, this is impossible if both are "stationary".
the so called videogame board
the earth rotates every 24 hours, but yes if the earth rotated faster then it would rise and set every few minutes.
>Make it too large and the gravitational pull will force the matter to condense.
why though
A cell phone will do.
Still better than Twitter screencaps desu
How exactly do you expect someone to "prove it to you"? You can either conduct simple experiments yourself or use a lot of expensive.
equipment to prove the exact same thing. Take your pick.
The way I'm trying to describe it to you is not because I think that you are dumb but because I can clearly see that you don't understand the basics behind those results and conclusions so I can either "dumb it down" or you'll accuse me of "spewing buzzwords" at you. If you don't want to "feel dumb XD" in the future I propose trying to learn the basics behind physics through both reagint about it AND experimenting yourself if you're so inclined.
why do educational documents describe it like its spinning at 100000 mph then
>Gravity and electromagnetism are primal forces of our known universe
>tfw no gravity elemental in games, instead we get dumb shit like water or fire elemental.
i don't think they do, the earth is MOVING very fast through space but not rotating a crazy amount
>flippantly adding more numbers to make the equation make sense
It really is at this point. It's fixing one "maybe" with another "most likely" several times over so the math holds together for now.
The Earth spins 'quickly' but is also fucking gigantic, like impossible for a human to imagine gigantic. Familiarity with the general geography and 'idea' of Earth means people don't think too much about it, but the world is much, much larger than most people's mental model of it accounts for.
So the surface's tangential velocity is a little over a thousand miles per hour, but the Earth has a circumference somewhat over twenty four thousand miles, so you have twenty four hours in a day.
It's actually only 1666.666km/h or roughly 1000mph at the equator.
i know that orbiting around the sun is different than a rotation on its own axis
they describe it like its spinning as fast as a basketball would if you spin it on your finger
it rotates at 1000 miles per hour and the circumference of the earth is 24000 miles
The Eratosthenes experiment could describe a flat earth under a firmament as well. The globe earth model is a freemasonic philosophical concept.
>Only time will tell but if it quacks like a duck, leaves footprints like a duck and displaces water like a duck
Then it's probably an elephant called quark.
You might be thinking of the Eearth's orbital speed, which is 107000km/h or 67000mph. That's the speed at which the Earth orbits the sun, not the speed at which it turns about its own axis.
>The rooms are getting closer together, this is impossible if both are "stationary"
The whole POINT of "portals" is to make that possible.
Eratosthenes only used two wells, which could explain both a spherical or flat Earth, but if you used three wells it would rule out the flat Earth
Actually it isn't since in the actual game portals on moving surfaces immediately dissipate.
thanks bros
i guess i just took diagrams too literally
No, it isn't. There are mathematical, fluid-dynamic models of dark matter that very accurately predict visible matter distributions which are anomalous under standard relativity. Brushing these off as slap-dash fudges is disingenuous.
When you get a huge fuckton of mass in such a small area, its own gravity crushes it so hard that the particles that make up the object start to break down, and you get "neutron stars" which are stars that are literally just made of neutrons, husks of stars more than twice as massive as the Sun that gravity has compressed into an area just a few miles wide. If you could approach the surface of a neutron star safely you would literally get torn apart by its gravity, parts of you closer to it would be pulled toward it so much faster than parts of you just a bit further away that it would rip you to shreds.
When a star that's even MORE massive goes through a similar process, gravity crushes it even MORE and even the neutrons collapse in on themselves, so the mass becomes a "singularity" that's infinitely dense and has a gravitational field so powerful that beyond a certain point (the "event horizon") not even light can escape its orbit, hence the term "black hole."
>portals on moving surfaces immediately dissipate
Depends on the game, but if you're refferencing Portal: the game then you can throw the whole image out the window.
Would it? How does the lack of curvature not rule out a globe Earth?
>fluid-dynamic models of dark matter that very accurately predict visible matter distributions
Yes, and you do remember that some equations have more than one answer? It still doesn't prove dark matter, only makes it "an option"
But the point of portals is to immediately connect 2 places via wormhole. This isn't a continuous process where the 2 "rooms" are moving towards eachother, that only happens with a portal on a moving surface.
Therefore normal portals don't run into this issue.
thank you
>Stupid flat earth bait thread gets 557 posts.
Never change Yea Forums
what do you think about black holes holding all their data on the lining as opposed to inside of them?