Celeste's creator on Sekiro Easy Mode


What a fucking faggot. Why should a game bend itself for fucking casuals? It was created this way, if you can't play it, DON'T. Nu-males are fucking stupid, honestly.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>muh accessibility
>muh retards and quadriplegics need to be able to play it too!
fucking tiresome.

>implying I'm going to that link

Nice try pcgamesn.com

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>play game where part of it's charm comes from it being somewhat difficult
>game length also takes into account how long you might take on some bosses
>play it on a easy mode
waah game is too simple and short, why didn't they make a longer game. it was so boring!

you know what
fuck them
when I finish making my game, I'll make it so hard that not even normal people can beat it
they'll fucking keep my game in an archive of humanity somewhere until we evolve to a state where someone can finally finish it and see the whole story

I love how this game is a journoblaster

Why are the Celeste devs authorities on retard modes now? Because they let the player access the dev tools in the options menu and gave the "cheats" section some patronizing title and left some paragraph in the game about how we're all OK just the way we are?

>creator of some boring ass 2D indie pixel platformer
who cares

I bet your story will be trash

>Celeste's creator
>What a fucking faggot.
I think we all are very well aware of it by this point.

not to evolved humans

>Nu-males are fucking stupid, honestly.
Not as stupid as people who unironically talk about "beating" games like they're fucking Americans or something.

fuck you nigga matt is based and all his games are good. I hope he doesn't get pozzed too badly in future

you got a loisence for that shitpost?

is that the pixelshit platformer with tranny protagonist?

sekiro plays like a lvl 1 character in NG6 on dark souls, it would be very easy to crank down the difficulty on the first NG cycle and ramp it up appropriately on later cycles

the game is actually obnoxiously difficult to the point it's just a chore to play and learn, which isn't bad but it objectively excludes a huge portion of people's interest from ~experiencing~ it

i don't know how you nerds don't see that. it doesn't matter what developer or random twitter nobody says about this, it's just an inherent design flaw that leaves only a very small group of people willing to play the game to the end (and an even smaller group of people who have any interest in replaying it afterward with how exhaustingly shitty everything about the game tends to be)

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Based and evolutionpilled

>reddit spacing xd

Fucking him and the music chick's dyke fucking cunt of a girlfriend because "Hurrrr dont say that not all games are for everyone because everyone should be able to enjoy a game" Nigga, no they arent.

>it objectively excludes a huge portion of people's interest from ~experiencing~ it

t. trash
sekiro combat is deliberately designed to punish shitters

Why do we have so many threads about this? There's nothing to be said that hasn't been said already.

The idea that everyone should be able to play the game is entitled as fuck and I applaud From for sticking with their own vision for the game.

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Hey guys, I want to play chess but the game is too complicated. No, I don't want to play checkers I want to play chess in particular. Can't we make all the pieces queens so that everything is powerful?

White going first is problematic as well, can we change that?

What do you mean I should find another game to play? I want to play chess with you guys but it's too hard to learn because I'm a fucking faggot who can't be bothered to put any effort in learning anything.

How much longer are they going to keep whining about this? From doesn't care. They aren't going to change their games for these pathetic journalists. Their games sell just fine without dumbing them down for babies. This is all just shameless clickbait that accomplishes nothing but a reason for trannies with cartoon avatars on twitter to circle jerk about what good people they are for sticking up for all of the disabled people who never asked for help.

literally making up things to fit your small wordpool of buzzwords.

Where do you get the tranny part though? Isnt the protag just a little girl?

>play a ninja game
>expect to be a peerless warrior

Come on.

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twitter.com /aurahack/status/1113469669606719488
for reference

>Why should a game bend itself for fucking casuals?
It's not only about easy mode - it's about an assist mode that allows people with motor disabilities to finish games too.

I dont know I read it on here

>play as a divine shinobi with a lifetime of training
>your legendary katana strikes with the force of an actual pool noodle


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I think you read tranny composer, not tranny protagonist

Lmao get a load of this faggot. Not all games are for everyone. Sound like fucking aurahack

>motor disabilities
It's not about motor disabilities, it's about making games more accessible for the mentally disabled, ie: game journalists

Do you complain about not being able to dunk on a basketball rim if you're below six feet? Should basketball rims be lowered for you? Go watch some streamer play the game there's your easy mode.

Fuck the disabled and fuck niggers too.

Ninjas were spies, not warriors.

A quadriplegic can play the game AND play it well. No excuses or using cripples like a shield. It's solely about easy mode. Admit its because you're a shitter, we tell you to get good and we all leave happy and content as the cycle is complete. Now either admit the truth or hang yourself. Either or.

Composer is just a dyke, an ugly one at that lmao

>from the s0iboy who gave you this cuckholdry, comes another worthless opinion

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What is preventing people with motor disabilities from beating Sekiro?

>this kills the gaymen journalist

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What about that video where one of these guys beated the game?

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>a creator of a garbage game has a different view than devs of a good game
Yeah, no shit.

D i F i C u L t Y

this. it took me 35 hours to beat sekiro because im a shitter. id imagine on lower difficulty the game would had been barely 10 hours.

>katanas historically designed to slice through peasants
>many enemies in the game are wearing armor
>none of that even matters because most regular enemies can be deflected once or twice and be killed with a deathblow
You're just SHIT and never bothered to actually learned how to play the game. Did you ever think of that?

some fucking guy beat dark souls with some stupid shit like donkey kong bongos controllers, guitar hero drums, and guitar

This honestly sounds fucking terrible and an utter waste of development time.
>Infinite resurrections
>Set game speed
>Fucking invincible
might as well just install a trainer or watch a youtube walkthrough at this point

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>invisible while sneaking
what the fuck

Celeste? More like Incelleste.

Because OP is a fag who didn't archive

The worst thing about this, is that Sekiro is easier than Dark Souls was at the time. Casual and female streamers have been bumbling their way through the game.

list 5 people who want to play sekiro but can't because their janky hands and shitty arms are all fucked up

Nobody is forcing you to play easy mode, its about player choice.

>install a trainer
I don't get why people don't just do this. These people are complaining about wanting something that already exists, Sekiro cheat table were available within days of release with god mode, infinite posture, perma stealth, etc.

How the fuck, do those bongos actually have multiple inputs in each drum?

>indie clique sjw faggot sides with journos

>the words in this book are too complex, reduce the reading level by several grades
>the themes and symbolism of this movie are too deep, make them simple and obvious
As a clueless video game addict, I wonder if these things ever happened.

Natural evolution of a game's discussion. It's a single player game so the plot/bosses/gameplay has been discussed to death and all we have left is outrageposting and in a month or so we have contrarianism and mental gymnastics about how it's From's worst game yadda yadda and a month later from that the only threads left are posting about how the game is a failure because the discussion died down so fast. Evolution of game discussion on Yea Forums.

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nobody is forcing you to play this game :^)

1) Your mom after getting a train ran on her
2-5) All the game journalists complaining about the fucking game. But it's not necessary.

that is just called a shit game

They will never add easy mode because being hard is the stample of their game and all this thousand of articles only help marketing the game
In the era of handholding this is refreshing for all the players who wants to try this game
>dude you heard about this Seppuku game? Its so hard no one can beat it

Because all these casuals are obviously console peasants.

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It’s not that hard, you just suck and are trying to pretend it’s the game’s fault.

A literal quadriplegic already plays and enjoys Sekiro

>Be a literal child
>See a game with a cool plane on it
>Buy it
>Turns its a quasi-flight sim, don't have joystick
>Can't even pass the first mission on KB+M
>"Oh well, cool designs though"
Back then I also thought that people mature as they grow but it seems growing up is a choice

>a literal quadriplegic beat the True corrupted monk without cheesing the fight
>Lefty journous and resetera trannies posting in Yea Forums demand an easy mode
what is the meaning of this Yea Forumsros?

>order extra spicy curry
>the curry is too spicy
>complain to the chef to make the extra spicy curry less spicy

Are people retarded? The whole point of souls games is do give you the endorphin rush after you beat the really fucking hard boss because you feel acomplished. If you can just trough the whole game without any issues the game will just get bland without any atmosphere.


Filthy casuals should shut up about muh impossible game i want is easy BS and go back and play NES and Snes games. Games have always been hard. And that is a good thing

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I'm weak-willed and I'll admit that if the easy mode option existed in Sekiro, I probably would have taken it early on. And I would have regretted it because working my way around those roadblocks have been some of the most satisfying moments in gaming for me.

It's almost like that's what the devs were going for...

>normal people
>implying that us gamers aren't the next step of evolution and surpass normies

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exactly, there are none, or maybe one (1) guy on twitter REEEEEing that is actually handicapped. The rest is just a falseflag by shitty journalists that are terrible at videogames. Shitters (and that includes me, I don't care for these games) should go play one of the other 3500 games released every year.

Fuck you accessibility shitheads that cant respect artists vision of the game shouldn't even play it

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>excludes a huge portion of people's interest from ~experiencing~ it

Its a niche game for a niche audience. Why does it need mass appeal?

I think Sekiro, like Bloodborne, ramps the difficulty up way too high way too fast, giving players little time to learn how things work before getting their shit pushed in.

Nothing wrong with a game pushing your shit in, but when players are getting walled in the first area of the game maybe you should ease up just a tad.

It balances out around midgame but the first couple hours are almost deliberately frustrating, and I don't think frustrating the player is a good design choice.

Wizardry is just a poor man's Etrian Odyssey.

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Never heard of Celeste

thank god that table exists
I don't have a controller and I don't know how I would have played without "disable camera auto-adjust" cheat
it's 100% based but should have been in the base game as an option. fucking fromsoft never learn.

With how much this is trending for absolutely no good reason, Japan is going to catch wind of this and totally mock the fuck out of Americans. I'm so happy FromSoftware is a Japanese company so they don't have to bend to anyone's will. The game sold extremely well and they have a dedicated fanbase here now so there's no need for concern. Just ignore these people and move forward.

git gud faggot

I eat at a Thai place that warns people that they use real imported (expensive) chillies from Thailand and that anything past "spicy level 3" is VERY SPICY... and people still order a 10.

When they complain, the chef laughs in their face, takes a picture of them, then posts it on the wall.

You'd think she'd lose customers, but her fucking restaurant is always PACKED.

Really makes me wonder if "appeasing everyone" is the right choice.

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this is the first game where the tips actually lie to you. also the game doesnt tell you L1 regenerates posture (except on a load screen).

>game says to dodge/attack butterfly

>the best way to beat her is to L1 parry her flurries for massive posture damage

>Sekiro ramps the difficulty up
It doesn't. The game's combat is just different enough from the studio's previous few games to seem hard at first. But as you familiarize yourself with it, the game only gets easier.

>Sekiro difficulty




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The people who want an easy mode are female steamers who can't play it and want the massive money fromsoft makes from viewers.

>wearing armor

>enormous fat baby hammer men walking around naked
>literally a giant half-naked fat drunkard man
>a goddamn ape
>multiple wiry-built gun-toting dingdongs wearing bandages
>last boss is an old man wearing paper-thin silk in either form

nice shitpost, it's almost like the lack of damage you deal vs the absurd input you take is horse shit game design that leaves everything feeling like a god-awful health sponge if you aren't specifically going for posture breaks. you might say that's "the point of the game," but it feels more like a byproduct of every other playstyle being dogshit from dick-assed design

it's equivalent to taking making parrying and riposte/backstab the only viable form of damage in a souls game, it just -feels- shitty and forced when you know damn well there's way more cool shit you could be doing in every fight other than going for sicknasty parries every god damn encounter

Its all so tiresome.

I too feel like listening to these people whose game only got noticed due to falling back on DUDE MENTAL ILLNESS LMAO

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If playing games is your job and you are bad at it, you should be fired and find another job. Like with any other kind of job

Why don't they make the mount Everest climb more accessible. That way even fat slubs can make it to the top. Mountains should be for everyone to enjoy.

Literally. Shouldn't be the developer's job to mod their own fucking game to suit a vision they didn't themselves share or create their game around. If that's what the playerbase wants, that's what the playerbase should fucking do.
Naturally, like most things in this hobby, the problem is the console jews gimping their game versions and blocking mods/third-party software, and the normies that just want ACCESSIBILITY ACCESSIBILITY GIVE ME EVERYTHING NOW NOW NOW

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I'm weak willed too but funny thing is that if I can switch difficulties I tend to pick the harder one because I get some peace of mind that I can change it if I want to mess around/grind
if I can't change the difficulty I tend to go for an easier one


that journos and SJWs use disabled people and minorities to further their agendas and earn good standing points with other hyper liberal internet circles?that they don't really care if they are offended by being constantly subjected to the soft bigotry of low expectations?

>obnoxiously difficult to the point where its a chore to play and learn, which isnt bad
You contradict yourself by implying that the game's difficulty is bad because it's obnoxious, then you continue to say it isn't bad.
>inherent design flaw
>leaves only a very small group of people willing to play the game to the end.
Like many 'obnoxiously difficult' games, Sekiro only asks the player to have a firm grasp of the game's mechanics. Once the player understands how it works, you'll see that the game has a consistent level of difficulty, and is completely fair. Enemies' attacks are obviously telegraphed. It even goes out of its way to provide you items that allow you to have the upper hand in certain situations such as prosthetic tools, sugar, etc.

TL,DR; Literally get good, fucking crybaby.

There's also getting attack and vitality upgrades which helps a lot.

At the beginning of the game your health is pitiful and Chained Ogre, for instance, and nearly one-shot you, and you only have what, 3 gourds?
So for a lot of the beginning of the game, the margin for error is absolutely tiny.
And the beginning of the game is where mistakes should be tolerated the most.

Why does every FromSoft game cause this? What other games caused as articles like this? I know Furi had some shitty Kotaku one

chess is not a singleplayer game, so nice analogy


>a visitor steps in front of a painting at an exhibition
>artist comes to him and asks what he thinks about it
>"I don't get this." The visitor respons: "It's just a bunch of squiggly lines and shapes. I just don't understand it."
>The artist then replies a bit indignant: "Well, you see, if you're looking at the classical works of people who worked in this genre before and study their history in particular, you'd see that I've included several allusions and plays on other people's style, meant as a comment on their respective bodies of work."
>The visitor tuned out halfway through and looks bored: "I don't understand this. Why did you paint it like this? I don't want to learn about anything like that. I just want to look at pictures of horses. Please change this picture to include horses. Don't be a snob and make this picture accessible for me. Draw horses on it."

>shitty journalists that are terrible at videogames.
I don't even think they're necessarily that bad at games- it's just that it's become fashionable among journalists to champion causes of those less fortunate than yourself recently. It makes them feel good about themselves because the groups they've been going to bat for (women, minorities, trannies come to mind) have generally been praising their efforts.

It's only okay to be entitled when nu-male SJWs do it.

t. soulsbab who couldn't abuse roll iframes

get btfo kid

it doesn't help that the ogre has teleporting grabs.

honestly, he's almost owl-tier for early game.

I'm not listening to someone who had the gall to put cheats in their game and call them "accessibility options"

deracine didn't caused any of this
it was just basic vr movie game

Go fuck yourself, everyone should be fucking forced to learn, adapt and defeat Genichiro, Owl and the fucking ape just like I did.

If they want to say that all games are for everyone then I demand that God Of War have an option where all the characters are turned into anime lolis wearing micro bikinis. I can't get invested in a game that doesn't respect me as a player and thinks I give a shit about some shit game about being sad dad or whatever, lolis in micro bikinis will make this better. Also do the same with TLOU2 since I feel like they're gate keeping the game from me by not including characters I like or care about. Also change the mechanics of these games so they're less casualized and magnetic.
Notice how none of that will happen. That's because games are made for different audiences and not all games are made for all audiences.

Nioh upset Arthur Gies to the point where he had to start going on Twitter and talking about how good at Ninja Gaiden Black he supposedly was back in the day after it was revealed that it took him 100 hours to clear the story, plus he was co-oping every mission with another Polygon writer.

does anyone have a pic where testers were complaining to dev about game being too hard so he made it even harder?

>enormous fat baby hammer men walking around naked
Backstab them.
>literally a giant half-naked fat drunkard man
He's slow. He has almost two whole seconds where he's open while taking a drink.
>>a goddamn ape
It's a large ape three times your size.
>multiple wiry-built gun-toting dingdongs wearing bandages
You can attack their all the way down just by attacking and there's nothing you can do about it.
>last boss is an old man wearing paper-thin silk in either form
>either form
Already explained it yourself.

Appeasing everyone just ends up making sure that you don't really satisfy anyone. Its a great way to provide everyone with a watered down product, since its impossible to appease everyone.

This is why if you have something you are good at. Stick with it. Sekiro and other souls games are good at hard combat that gives you a stiffy when you get good at it and when you finally crush that boss. Without that the game would be a bland mess.

The only thing this fucking studio has to actually do is fire whoever is in charge of the camera coding. Fucking hell if the camera does not go full retard mode in every single game of theirs its not really a from software game.

Man Arthur Gies is such a babby cunt.

I wonder if From will give us a statement on par with Itagaki's Ninja Gaiden Black comment.

Celeste is a shitty game why would anyone care what that person has to say?

excellent shitpost, wouldn't be surprised if it too was taken from twitch/reddit

Because many people get upset when they can't partake in what's hyped or the new hot thing, not realizing that if anyone could do it without any effort the whole point would be moot.

Why do leftists want everything to be easy and "open" for everybody. Maybe some things aren't meant to be enjoyed by stacy and tyrone

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If you consider that the analogy is essentially saying "simplify the game so it's basically the same as checkers", it does make sense. Has nothing to do with a competitive handicap.

>are trying to pretend it’s the game’s fault.
yes this webm clearly demonstrates the fault of the player and not the hilariously consistent failures of fromsoft when it comes to any form of hitbox design as seen prevalent throughout the entire fucking game lmao

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>I don't understand this movie. Make it easier to understand for disabled people.
>I don't understand this piece of art. Make it easier to understand for disabled people.
>I can't beat Takeshi's Castle or Wipeout. Make the courses easier to beat for disabled people.
>I don't get how to enjoy this music genre. Make it more likeable to me for disabled people.
>I couldn't pass the army exams. Make them easier for disabled people.
>I couldn't beat your videogame. Make it easier for disabled people.

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The camera is like that because Asians are notoriously near-sighted. It's for immersion.

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the hardest part of sekiro is realizing you are supposed to use L1 instead of the dodge.

you'll still die a lot, but that's the hardest part.

Friendly reminder that this is the Celeste composer you've been jerking off to pre-transition, Yea Forums!

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I would add the Easy Mode to make them shut the fuck up - but in fact only the first hours will be easy and difficulty will be cranked up to 200% to make it twice as hard to teach them a lesson


Don't reason with the left. Modern leftist simultaneously thinks "I oppose homophobia" and "muslims welcome".

What's with the need to be part of the zeitgeist? DaS3 was the only Souls game I played and finished on launch. The rest I just took at my own pace.

What the fuck are you talking about? You can rape mooks in a few hits/deflects. Of course the minibosses and shit are going to be tougher.

>make easy mode option
>does nothing and game stays virtually the same

Retards with poor motor skills shouldn't play video games that require motor skills of a fully functional human being.

I'm not very good at these games, hell I'd even go as far as to say I suck dick at them but if anything they should add a hard mode. If I didn't want to get my ass whooped I'd just play an easier game instead.

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Because they are crippled mentally
They have complained on Cuckhead for Fuck's sake
I'm no better, never finished Ninja Gaiden Black either after 14 years

Many NES and SNES games were extremely difficult

These people are so detached from reality it hurts

DSP is progressing through the game smoothly, he beat Owl 2 yesterday.

Sekiro is quite an easy game.

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I think they should make an "Easy Mode"; when you select it from the main menu, it starts you in the silvegrass field and Isshin says "Hesitation is Defeat" and falls over dead, giving you a choice of endings and then credits.

Because that's fucking easy.

This shouldn't surprise anyone that has been paying attention. When Celeste came out there was a bunch of "wow celeste has a game journo mode with no difficulty" praise from journoscum

Is this whole deal with this whining about an easy mode just the usual casuals and blue check marks on Twitter mad because they feel "gated" out of a community they feel they deserve to be a part of?

game journos are literally subhumans, even worse than niggers
even niggers provide more for the country than game """"journalists""""

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Its not even about how close it is. Its just that it has a few moments in each game where it just refuses to cooperate. Either unlocking from monsters. Spazzing out watching clouds. Or just panning in straight up the wrong direction.

Or I'm just the unluckiest fucker on the planet.

>Literally get good
so run circles around the enemy and bait out punishable attacks from an AI that just shits out random moves regardless of where you're distanced at any given times?

do you think that won't work? are you telling me that the most shitter playstyle of all time can't beat your game? are there not hundreds of people posting videos of beating the game with this exact "strategy"?

jeez, it's almost like there's something wrong with the game itself

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I just don't understand why this is coming from someone who made a hard game and, presumably, knows about the satisfaction gleaned from beating said hard game. It would be a lot easier to parse for me if he made a baby game with an assist mode.
>inb4 celeste is not hard
Post your saves with B and C sides completed, niggers.

Lucky for them, Sekiro doesn't require full motor skills. They can play it successfully as long as they have decent learning and reasoning skills.


It's a sweep grab, you're supposed to jump OVER it, not try to dodge to the side.

Playing the game with the demonbell off is easy enough.
I have never played any souls game, I mostly play jrpgs, and still beat the game without much problems, did the normal ending and shura ending.

DSP is only pretending to be retarded for views, he's a very good player.

Since Sekiro is Activision published, Bobby should see the potential of milking who can't git gud. Not giving an easy mode, rather some temporary bonus for a hefty amount. The more you refuse to git gud, the more money Bobby can get.

I literally have dyspraxia and I still overcame Butterfly and Genichiro after learning their attack patterns.

I dont know how Celeste landed on my blacklist. I think it was tranny shit. Anyway, imagine being such a cuck that you have absolutely no confidence in your own game design and instead make people tweak it themselves. What a gay.

I don't find sekiro to be "exclusionary" to anyone I know, and many "challenging" bosses (rape apre mark 1 and mark 2, mundus) are trivialized by just using run.

I don't really care at all about the people trying to make a point about easy mode. If it is present, it doesn't affect me one way or the other. But when I see the mass reaction to "NUH UH IT WAS MEANT TO BE EXPERIENCED AT THIS LEVEL OF DIFFICULTY, FROM REALLY CARES HOW YOU EXPERIENCE IT", I think that Fromsoft are the same guys that poorly communicate mechanics. For example, there are health threshholds where posture regens slower (less than 25% health, it stops entirely), and the whole "allegedly spamming unsuccessful deflect makes the window smaller" thing.

And when I see that, I think "from doesn't give a shit how you experience it, they just can't communicate", and so maybe the people leaping to their defense are doing so for the wrong reason. Maybe they just hate journalists, which is fair, like that dingus who was completely clueless about cuphead's air dash and called it like "dark souls of platformers".

A fucking faggot with more clout in the industry than anyone on this website, unfortunately.

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How can someone jack off to this fucking gross thing?

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Why are journalists trying to make "git gud" and the concept behind verboten? What's next? Are they going to now say "git gud" is some alt-right gamergate call sign?

>Invisible while sneaking
Why? You can just run past all the mobs already without even trying to stealth.

This is from demon's souls, right? Just random art?

>"We worked hard but here's the easy mode for you!"
>"Oh I dont like video games"

To be fair, many NES and SNES games were also an hour to two long without the difficulty if you just played trough them without dying too much.

They already said that
If you want challenge you're an alt right nazi racist

>MMOfaggot thinks he can critique almighty Nipponese video game design
Kill yourself, cancer.

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They should make an easy mode, then when you click the easy mode it's just someone else playing through the game.

Took me 23 hours, on my second run it took me 7 hours and I still died a few times to DoH and Isshin.
10 hours is a stretch, would probably be 7-8 hours. They wouldn't even need to put so much effort into designing movesets for enemies if the damage they dealt amounted to nothing, they could design 2 bosses in the time it takes to balance one.
I don't get how people don't understand that the entire game was balanced and created around its difficulty, it simply would not work with an easy mode.

Why is everyone on Sekiro's dick and not various other games? Why are puzzle games exempt from this, shit like the Witness is literally impossible for me to beat because I'm a brainlet AND I'm pretty sure you can't beat it if you're colorblind.

Really feels like they just feel left out because Sekiro reviewed well and people like talking about it.

Holy fucking shit this faggots solutions aren't just to increase the health x4. which makes the game feel messy & and more shallow.
but to slowdown the game 50% (Sekiro is already a really slow game with slow enemy attacks).
Give you Infinite Posture, infinite revivals, make you invisible to enemies.
and give you invincibility.
Fuck this faggot. Don't even bother playing the game if you're going to cheat like that.

I hope sekiro makes a hard mode dlc in the future

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I know how it did mine
>Pixel art where the characters have no eyes
This is the pinnacle of lazy bullshit and I refuse to play a game with pixel art if the characters don't even have eyes. It's like 2 pixels each eye 4 pixels total and they can't even do that? Fucking lazy cunts don't deserve a cent.

Because Celeste's creator is part of the clique.

Gotta commend the dude for losing that weight.

Good thing the game tells you about that then. Just like it tells you about guarding bringing back posture quicker and jumpkicking sweeps dealing heavy posture damage, outside of loading screens. Don't pretend the game is flawless. All those things should have been included in the games 5000 other tutorials.

Ok as someone trying to make sense of what you are arguing with that guy. What the fuck are you even saying? Is the game hard or not? In some post you say its hard, then you say lmao everyone can beat it with the most basic strategy. What the fuck are you even talking about now?

I'm linking this shit in every sekiro easy mode thread. This guy is fucking awesome

>Don't pretend the game is flawless.
I'm not. You don't "pretend" to be dumb and pick an actual issue to complain about next time.

And to think I was consider giving this fucker's game a try, but it looks like I'll have to give it the finger and the boycott instead. I will NEVER support this Western cancer.

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From should add an easy mode and remove every boss, have every enemy NPC constantly ridicule you, and not allow you to betray your dad (you must obey the iron code)

This only matters to me because this whole debate is so telling of what kind of person someone is if they think a game like this should have an easy mode. There's something scary to me when people don't understand that creators should be allowed to make thinks as accurate to the vision as they like and making his games difficult is no punishment. I understand if people dislike the game and take no issue with that, but to exclaim that the creator must change their vision to fit your needs is just sad to me. Why can't it just be the way it is?
Life is about adapting and if you have such a weak will to give up because for once you're being pushed, then you have never really experienced hardships before. The games are fucking hard, but just like anything else, you practice and practice picking up more information each time while getting motions memorized and get to a point when you can plan your attacks.

I'm sorry for the rant. I'm just sad that so many people are like this.

if you complete all the base categories of training with hanbei he also teaches you how to counter sweeps by jump kicking them. But, then again, I was past genichirou before I even found that.

Unironically what is it about the medium of games which attracts the false belief that everything needs to be for everyone? Is it because it isn't a "mature" medium in the sense that literature, film, music, and art are (to varying extents). I've never seen this position championed in regard to other things; is it because games demand direct input from the player, whereas someone can struggle through Finnegan's Wake or whatever and decide it isn't for them? There's nothing wrong with that.

As an aside, I really dislike the argument that an easy mode "doesn't ruin a game" or whatever. It doesn't ruin it, but you're a fool if you think you're getting anything close to the intended experience. When a game is as finely tuned as Sekiro - built on years of Fromsoft's experience in the ARPG genre - you're robbing yourself if you don't play it the way it's intended.

motor disabilities

because those are options, you aren't forced to use them
I don't know about celeste, but aren't B and C optional? it appears to me that he added harder options to the base game just as much as he added easier options

Lmao wait was she actually a dude?

HAHAHA Holy shit it literally tells you all of that. Did you dismiss every single explanation window or maybe you didn't actually play the game?

It's not really interesting until the difficulty is completely artificial and bullshit, but you beat it anyways
I remember shitters playing splatoon 2's DLC couldn't beat the secret final boss
It brings me joy on a spiritual level to see shitters with their endless lists of excuses for why games should be easier

Well duh. You blind?

Because you can clear puzzle games with guides, and you won't beat Sekiro with only a guide. You have to get somewhat good to beat it and can't just overlevel like in other souls games.

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I did, retard. You claim it's a "sweeping grab" which is never tutorialized. It looks like a grab, so of course people are going to dodge it. Hell, dodging works half the time, the hitbox is just so wonky that you get caught the other half. I beat him easy on prerelease pirated version but got meme grabbed when I restarted for release.
No, it literally doesn't. Post the tutorial popups that tell you to jump sweeping grabs, guard to regenerate posture and jump kick sweeps.

To be completely fair, over time this particular industry taught people to be this way. Things like music or movies don't give a single fuck about user input, they don't even read that shit. In video games you can voice your opinions on game design and there's a small chance you'll be listened to.

This, its memewagoning.

But taking a bit of her health with dodge attacks made building posture dmg easier. Good mix of both did it for me, but yeah the tip is kind of bad. I'm only 8hours in but finding out guarding lowers my posture bar from the loading screen when i was already at lady butterfly is my biggest complaint so far.

It's basically journo curmudgeons who are alienated from mainstream games and just want it to be easy so they can stop wasting time. They're in a position where they need to play it, but don't want to play, so want a way to expedite the process.

Because it's a niche game and appeals to this niche forum? Are you fucking retarded?

>team of Brits make the hardest video game humanly possible (Battletoads)

>American nerd makes the hardest video game humanly possible (I Wanna Be the Guy)

>entire Western game development industry is up in arms about a somewhat difficult Japanese action RPG

What the fuck happened, bros?

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>never tutorialized
Are you seriously demanding the game to tell you which button when to press to avoid the enemy attacks? That's your "issue" with the game?

Why do they make games this unappealing. Super Nintendo/Genesis had beautiful pixel art and even going back to NES/Master System they dont look this blocky and shit. What "era" is this supposed to be?

Sekiro is not that hard, this is the height of irony.

I almost guarantee you it has to do with gaming "journalists" becoming pissed off that they couldn't beat the game before their deadline to publish a review when the embargo lifts. So instead of write the review they whine about easy mode in hopes that they don't get embarrassed like this next time. Then when people criticize their behaviour they deflect it with the disability excuse, which starts a whole rally of blue checkmarks trying to virtue signal.

Sekiro has a 90 on Opencritic, Miyazaki is the most respected game designer in the industry right now, what gives this fuck the right to tell him how to make his games?

How so? I can understand that a person with no fingers would find the game maybe a bit too challenging but I'm not sure what an "easy mode" would do to resolve that. If you can press buttons on a controller, the game can be completed.

If a disabled person is genuinely having trouble with this game, maybe consider that's simply because it's a hard game; not because they're disabled.

>the game is actually obnoxiously difficult to the point it's just a chore to play and learn, which isn't bad but it objectively excludes a huge portion of people's interest from ~experiencing~ it

bullshit, the game is objectively less punishing than any dark souls.

witness took itself so seriously and put on such a titanic air of depth and avante garde that reviewers couldn't call it out without looking uncultured. I'm convinced that the context-less clip of Nostalghia made them cream their pants and so they fell in love with it.

you don't need a fucking pop-up to tell you to jump over a sweep holy fuck. and yeah I got multiple tooltips about guard regenerating your posture early in the game as well.

>Am disabled
>mfw it just takes me a bit longer than most but I get it eventually

Genichiro killed me so many times I gave dragon aids to NPC's I havent even met yet, I still got him, plus I've done other stuff in other games, like finishing NG2 in master ninja. I really hate how this conversation is happening now because game journos can't just brute force or summon one to carry them.

It just patronizes what disabled people go through, it feels good to conquer something tough, like you're playing on ultra hard mode.

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Why are all of you so goddamn mad? Really.

>making the changes in difficulty invisible to people while they’re actually playing the game.

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The FOMO this game causes is insane.

It's what happens when all the (((money))) and talent goes to glorified film studios, leaving the few who want to make actual video games left with table scraps, see

The right to free speech. But what gives him MOTIVATION to do that is that for years now the game industry was way too eager to include users in the development process. Whether From in particular did that or not doesn't matter, people noticed open betas and early access games and started thinking their voices are important.

Coming from the souls games, I expected very little in the way of tutorials. Needless to say, I was surprised by the volume of tutorial popups. Did YOU play the game? The fucking popups are still happening when you get to lady butterfly, I'm pretty sure. But not one of them tells you that guarding brings back posture or jump kicks posture damage sweeps.
If said sweeps are unblockable and unparryable, yes you do. It would also be nice if the full extent of the mechanics were explained in the same tutorial box so I wouldn't have to argue with mouthbreathers like you who probably haven't even beaten the game yet.

Have the people who say this is harder than Dark Souls actually played that game? I feel like Sekiro is just the first game they have played from Soft and are just looking for excuses to complain about the difficulty even if it means lying about playing another game.

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Here's the real reason, because journo scumbags hate 'gamers' and since difficulty appeals to gamers it's all about cultural ownership and trying to have dominion over the medium. No one cares about The Witness because it appeals to their politics. Just like how Stevens Sausage Roll or Getting Up with Bennet Foddy are substantially harder but they don't get the treatment because they pay heed to the correct politics and are made by the right people.

TLDR this is just another shitfight between plebs and elitists

>This game should bend itself to be playable for people such as myself

There's Youtube for that.

yeah having beaten the game I'd say it's the same difficulty as ds3 and easier than bb.
the only people spamming THIS IS THE HARDEST GAME EVER were literal shitters who couldn't grasp the simple combat system as far as I know. I've beaten sekiro 3 times now for endings and the only time I ever worry about dying is Owl 2 and Isshin. every other boss has become a literal breeze.

>post the tutorial that tells you to jump kick sweeps

14 minutes and 20 seconds.

>what is it about the medium of games which attracts the false belief that everything needs to be for everyone
(((Cultural))) prejudice.

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>Are you seriously demanding the game to tell you which button when to press to avoid the enemy attacks? That's your "issue" with the game?

He got used to the batman games, maybe?

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>mad at casuals
>Yea Forums

>It just patronizes what disabled people go through,
They need to be called out on this more. That's what really rustles my jimmies about this whole thing- they are championing a cause that doesn't want or need it so they can feel good about themselves.

Who gives a fuck. For those with autism just don't pick easy mode. Quit crying get over it and fuck off back to your shitty game.

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>But not one of them tells you that guarding brings back posture or jump kicks posture damage sweeps.
But that's wrong. The loading screen tips do.
inb4 "but those don't count"

I'm thinking Atari but I think even those had eyes(some of them at least)
As for why, because they can't make anything better. A good emotive sprite can't be so easily redrawn for a walk animation and needs to have some personality. Those noodle limbed nobodies look like shit in motion and the fact they expect you to care about some character who doesn't even have a face except in dialogue boxes is honestly fucking stupid.
If they were smart one of these indie devs would make a game where you start off with no face and defeating enemies gives you parts of face until you have a super emotive sprite to finish off the game with. Like a game version of Dororo or something.

I have an idea
How about this: Beat the game to unlock the Easy Mode. Simple isn't?

>they are championing a cause that doesn't want or need it so they can feel good about themselves.

have you missed the media narrative of the last five years?

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So that's how he became the FGC champ, and not because of a glitch exploit.

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By the way, post those tooltips about guarding bringing back posture, because I guarantee you not one exists outside of loading screens.
That's better than nothing, but you can't deny (unless you're a fromdrone) that it would have been better to include it in the initial perilous attacks popup.

I don't even get why. There's nothing wrong with saying "X movie/book/game/etc. looks cool but it's probably not for me".

Why its always have to be fucking trannies or nu-males or faggots?

how do we protect japs from the army of he/hims and she/hers which demand easy modes?

I've gotten 3 of the 4 endings already little bitch. do you actually think a game needs to tell you how to counter everything, even when it's extremely intuitive? that's the fun of palying an action game ffs, figuring out how to beat enemies. if an enemy has an attack that can CLEARLY be jumped over, and the game features a really high jump, then I will obviously jump over it because I'm not retarded.

Just like how Miyazaki has a right to make his games and not listen to the western cancer that praises interactive movies.

That's already implemented. NG+ is easier than NG if you don't take both hardmode debuffs.

who is crying bitch?

they don't give a fuck lmao

That would be fantastic

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They literally don't. You might look away from the screen during loading screens, you might not finish reading them before they're completed, and last but not least, you might literally never get them due to them being randomly selected. I didn't get that one until fighting Owl. I had no idea that it was a mechanic until then.

Sekiro was a popular release, and what happened was that the videogame journalists now make money off of adds. So they need people to check out their websites. So they need to write something really egregious article to pull people in. But then because this is the internet and everyone wants their own echo chamber, actual retards started to get pulled in. And people who actually hold these completely retarded opinions (the ones being displayed in the articles) start spreading their shit all over the internet. And voila, here we are.

Sorry, but that's dumb. Everything shouldn't be made to have everyone in mind in any given scenario. That's an unrealistic expectation to set on any media, especially gaming. Even if they made an "assist mode", that only helps a portion of the people who are unable to adapt to their disabilities well enough for gaming. What can you factorize into making an "assist mode" that helps absolutely everyone with motor disabilities so no one feels excluded?

That's unironically a terrible idea.

>should have been in the initial popup
ya. You have to beat up the tutorial guy before this option even appears. Like I said, from can't communicate. I don't think they actually care how people play the game.

Sounds games usually have ways to cheese enemies you're having trouble with (firebombing Capra demon from outside the fog gate, for example). Sekiro seems to be designed explicitly to prevent you from doing that kind of stuff.

>game gives you an immortal training partner that teaches you how to play the game in the very beginning area
>ignore it
Never give in to retards. Ever. Give them an inch and they'll take a mile. Developers should make games how how they want them to and if they're good they'll sell on their own. Any retard like this or journalist looking for clicks can go kill themselves.

we need more games like sekiro to filter the pleb

Proud of you, champ.


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They also think simultaneously think "homos are alright" and "virgins are scum". Much like how they oppose tax cuts for the rich but fully support feminist hypergamy.

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He is right you know. Know what Alien Isolation did? It had several difficulty modes but it outlined that hard mode is intended for best experience

Well when the game is in the process of telling me how to counter everything, it's just a bit weird how it doesn't actually tell me how to counter everything.

It's not a souls game retard.

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>Celeste's creator

Literally who the fucking cares

And then you wonder why western games have giant popups with PRESS X TO MEDKIT, with giant arrows pointing you in the right direction. And reminding you every 10 seconds about some super basic interaction in the game.

People are legitimately too retarded to think.

DSP is a retard with no patience so he doesn't understand game systems (which makes him shit at games like MGS) and he hams it up in front of the camera by complaining a lot.

His execution is probably on the same level as anyone in this thread or higher for what it's worth.


I'm gonna make a ridiculously hard game and all the difficulty options besides the hardest will just call you mentally disabled. Beating the game on the hardest difficulty gives you access to a scrub free forum. I'll call it Gatekeeper.

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Language barrier already does most of the work.

someone please draw pictures of horses

Look at the replies which support this or accuse people of gatekeeping.

Every time. Every fucking time.

Okay, fromdrone. Just completely ignore the fact that it would have made more sense to include the full tutorial in the initial popup while you're explaining literally everything else. Still waiting for that "guard for posture" tip outside of a loading screen, by the way.

That's actually a pretty good answer

It's only Activision published in the West though.

The game gives you a fucking punching bag to practice the mechanics.
It's the most retard-friendly fromsoft game ever made, thanks to activision.

>the game is actually obnoxiously difficult to the point it's just a chore to play and learn
you HAVE TO go back to souls

>Miyazaki is the most respected game designer in the industry right now
The question is, though, where is that respect coming from? Because it's certainly not from those who have the most say in the state of the Western gaming industry, see


>games are a form of art
>but games should also be for everyone

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Cool projection nigger, you ain't ever gonna get that easy mode no matter how many times some journo decides to write an article about how much he likes having dildos in his ass

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>especially when I'm a weak piece of shit
the fucking height of arrogance of some of these people

>make easy mode
>does nothing except lock your choice later into the bad ending that cuts the game off earlier

There are some people who will pass up the game if there's no easy mode, but there are some people who would still play the game even if they would have chosen easy mode if it were an option. Then there are people who would always play on the intended difficulty. FromSoft gets this and is doing a favour to that middle group who would have a lesser experience with the game if there was an easy mode. Why should they cater to the first group who are never going to enjoy the game in the first place?

when you get stuck just keep trying until you're frustrated and then take a break. Play another game or do some yoga. Work on it each day and make some progress. Just like anything else you learn better a bit at a time, not cramming for hours and expecting to memorize the whole thing.

I think people just wanna play each new game and be done with it. Lame.

>Getting mad about a option in a game that is not forced on you.
Niggas please LMFAO!

No, I wonder why this game has a multitude of tutorial popups that explain about 90% of the mechanics while leaving the other 10% for you to find through optional NPCs and randomized loading screen tips.


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people only think sekiro is hard because they went in thinking it would play exactly like soulsborne and they refuse to learn the new mechanics

why cant they just leave our games alone what is wrong with these people

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A terrible idea, but a brilliant parallel to how life actually operates: working to earn your privilege and leisure.

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I mean, universal health care isn't all bad, there are ups and downs. On one hand, basic care goes down the shitter and queues for a non-essential doctor appointment become just silly. On the other hand, those rare cases where you really need exotic life-saving treatment no longer mean financial ruin for you.

>Why should they cater to the first group who are never going to enjoy the game in the first place?
To have larger audience, better sales and less toxic community

>you mad xD
>no you are mad xd
you can go back now

Why is anyone in games media able to just accept that they aren't the target audience? I don't enjoy certain types of movies, so I don't go see them. If I do occasionally get dragged to seeing some capeshit with a friend or date, I just go in knowing it isn't made for me. There are already so many easy and laid back games, outside of Indies FromSoft is the only studio really doing these games. Just let them fucking have it, and go back to your 10000 other studios.

That's the thing though, it's not in the game, and it never will be

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>Genichiro killed me so many times
Probably fewer than me.

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Someone post the pics of that nigga who bought the game, thought it was gonna be a cakewalk, got anally ravaged, wanted to return it but stuck to it and started to progress?


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The black pill is that internet news outlets don't really have "opinions", just curated content aimed at maximizing ad revenue.

>Unlimited resurrections
What the FUCK

Journalists just want an Easy mode so they can zoom through the game and write their shitty reviews before the embargo lifts, they're just writing these articles to bring in revenue before the next big game. The usual retards who are agreeing with them are either in their clique and are fannibg the flames, or are actually retarded and agree with them and adding fuel to the fire.

The game gave you a REPEATABLE tutorial to do that tells you EVERYTHING you need to know about playing the game. If you're too fucking stupid to find the area where he is standing in plain view, you are retarded. There's no other explanation. If you're too braindead to explore enough to find this guy and talk to him to find out what purpose he serves, you're too stupid to play the game. None of the other From games have given you a brainlet tier tutorial area like this before. You're just a stupid, ignorant monkey. People with lobotomies could probably figure this shit out with all of the information they put in the game to help people figure it out.

Commies are retards who want to bring everything down to their level.
If they could, they would flatten Everest so everyone could climb it.

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Don't misunderstand, I'm not implying that every game should only have one difficulty mode, but I get a great amount of satisfaction knowing that my experience is the same as everyone else's. Not to mention that when a game is built around one difficulty, there's is far more thought into designing the layouts for enemies because the levels are designed to punish players for making certain choices and if you're consequences aren't that intense, then there's no reason to be concerned about making poor choices because you can easily evade dying.

That just sullies the entire experience

yes, sekiro might actually be easier than all the souls games and bloodborne because the levels themselves are trivial with stealth and you don't need to worry about fucking up your build. sure souls is always gonna be easier if you summon phantoms but in solo play I think sekiro is an easier game.

Reminder the next Souls like game, which may be Sekiro, will 100% have an easy mode because the japs will be told they are discriminating against the disabled and feel really guilty. Nothing you can do about it. This is the "she/her" world we live in.

It gets even better. Tradewest made Battletoads harder for the Western release, with increased rental revenue as a popularly theorized purpose.
It's amazing just how much things have flipped over the past decade alone. Gaming has gone through its own Southern Strategy.

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In case you didn't notice, video games are not real life. We've been over this an immeasurable number of times, but more of your kind never fail to show up again with the same idea.

They don't give a single shit about people with disabilities since i'm literally not seeing them promoting help with other types of disabilities like colorblind mode. It's all about them havinf to spend less time playing a game to not be called out for not finishing it before shitting out review. Where is the angry article from that celeste shitter about lack of the colorblind mode in botw? You know, what is actually affects millions of people.

>Too many notes.


It's like ringing up the Antifa to ask their opinion on Antifa violence. Or asking Tim Sweeney his opinion on exclusives. You know you're asking for a specific answer and the leasr you can do is get a 2nd "expert" with an alternate perspective to contrast it.

I didn't say it was a good idea. Calm down you kneejerk crybaby autist.

You just don't get it, it's about the EXPERIENCE and the STORY not the game itself.

and EO is just a poor man's Elminage
what's your point?

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it's just the usual "muh equality" commie psyop. don't think about it too much, i'm sure the faggots that keep complaining about this dumb shit don't either.

neither of those games are the hardest games you dumb fag.

What PC spergs often get confused is that most of this open-ended games were messy garbage that was rarely challenging. For every Deus Ex, there was a boring doom clone.

Okay, fromdrone. But you know deep in your heart that it's strange to have 10% of the tutorials sectioned off into an optional NPC whose tutorials mostly tell you things you already learned from the games multitude of tutorial popups.

And if they did you bitch about it even though it's a option LOL GET FUCKED LOSER LMFAO!

Isn't this what the guy who did Braid tried to do but people finished it anyway and he exploded into salt?

>You just don't get it, it's about the EXPERIENCE and the STORY not the game itself.
Pure autism in this post.

Because it assumes the bare minimum of gumption from a player to try hitting all their different buttons in different scenarios to actually learn how to play a videogame instead of act like a lost toddler because there wasn't a glowing sign to say "If you aren't hit by an attack, you don't take damage!". Why does this have to happen with every game that expects basic human competence and interest?


The people who give this shit awards and permission to make more of their massively selling pixel ghetto shit, apparently.

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truest and most based post

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>toxic community
Looks like someone got told to git gud once too often

Could you elaborate on that metaphor? I find it interesting.

the exact same shitshow about easy mode happened in 2011 or so with dark souls 1, and based From didn't add shit. they just added the option to go to a harder difficulty in dark souls 2, probably as a fuck you to all the demands.

Yeah IF cuz it's never gonna happen bahahahahahaha

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>neither of those games are the hardest games you dumb fag
No but they do have that reputation for good reason.

Janky freedom is preferable to a polished railway.

I'm not sure who is this post making fun of.
Because playing through a game on easy and on hard are two drastically different EXPERIENCES.

Sekiro already has two hardmodes, one of which is pretty gosh darn hard.
Activating the demon bell makes bosses a lot more aggressive, and giving away Kuro's charm in NG+ makes blocking take 50% vitality damage. You'll learn quickly how much you relied on blocking once you give away that charm.

Fine with me i have better taste in games loser HAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Pic related keep that shit away from me.

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Wow, if only there was something in between. Not to mention competent combat mechanics.

See And personally, coming from Souls to Sekiro, I kind of did feel like I was being treated like a toddler slightly, not only because of all the tutorial popups, but because of the way items always pop up when you collect them, even if they're just duplicates of shit you've already gotten before.

NG+ also turns your posture into a tiny pp, so you can't just block even with Kuro's charm, or you'd get posture broken in a couple of hits. So you have to deflect either way, just so you wouldn't go beyond 99% posture.

Nah just thought she was a dyke not a tranny

Just stop giving this shit attention, fucking faggots.

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>game is too hard it didn't tell me how to do anything
It's a lot better than putting the tutorial in a one time pop-up that comes up that appears in a battle that mongoloids like you will mash through without reading.

this webm demonstrates you need to git gud lmao

you clicked on the thread so you must be gay as hell lmfao get owned epic style scrub

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This is so stupid.

Celeste was partially designed with the assist mode in mind., so there was no extra work needed to implement it.

Sekiro wasn't designed to have an easy mode or assist mode. If all these fucking shitty journalists, etc keep trying to force one in you are simply adding more work to the design and balancing team when those resources can be put to better use on the dlc or future games.

Fuck these entitled people.

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At first I thought this was an MtF meetup until I saw their hair and faces are normal. Why do they all have moobs?

I hope they add easy mode. I'll buy it and play only on easy mode just to piss off the cunts on Yea Forums.

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2hus will always be the best, laugh at the pissbabbies until they git gud

>Getting mad about a option being added.
Your a huge faggot LOLOLOLOLOLOL

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you need to be a game dev to give suggestions to how an easy mode is possible to be made

>Sekiro wasn't designed to have an easy mode or assist mode
Who cares cuck souls is shit

>just to piss off the cunts on Yea Forums.

Attached: 1554086772406.png (1000x1000, 66K)

>wasting dozens of hours on something literally nobody will know you did to "piss off" anonymous users of a message board
everyone has their hobbies I guess

>Getting mad about a option not being added.
Your a huge faggot LOLOLOLOLOLOL

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They're called pectorals

Thorson just added to an ongoing debate. He never said Sekiro SHOULD have an easy mode. He speaks from experience and contributes with insight on game design. Of course constructive contribution is something some people here are unfamiliar with.

I am beating Celeste B Sides now, which is a fairly engaging fucking challenge. I never used the easy mode. Likewise I am having trouble with Sekiro, but I never would use the easy mode.

I did use the easy mode on a mission for Wargroove, but that's only because I thought the mission design was bullshit and I wanted to see the story.

I don't think games having an easy mode makes them worse for me playing the normal mode. All CRPGs have an easy mode now and I don't even consider it.

How about you contribute something worth while to the conversation instead of >hurr der cuck souls is shit

>leaving the few who want to make actual video games left with table scraps
Bitch please, Milia Wars DX, EroIco, Pretty much any ACT type eroge doesn't have this low effort shit and that's made on an actual ramen budget. There is literally no excuse for them to be so lazy when some horny otaku can make better sprites and animations.

>>Getting mad about a option being added.
Your a huge faggot LOLOLOLOLOLOL

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I never said it was hard, nigger The game already included a fuckmassive strawman, you don't need to construct any more, thanks. It's strange how almost every mechanic is explained in a tutorial popup save for two that I can think of, being jumpkicking sweeps and guarding to regenerate posture quicker. If you think it's not strange, you're simply wrong. Stop being a tunnel visioned fan.
And before you reply saying the guard tip is in loading screens, just don't. They're randomized so you could potentially beat the entire game without knowing about the mechanic.

Did you not realize that nobody is mad about an option being added? Because the option wasn't added. Literally the opposite. Retards are mad that a retard mode does not exist in the game.

Used to be Republicans were liberal and Democrats were conservative. The former were abolitionists and the latter were slave owners. Then after the Civil War, Dems in the South tried to appeal to the massively conservative masses and shifted the focus of their policies to match, kind of like how the modern Dems went from "live and let live with equal opportunity" libertarians to "we must sacrifice certain people's rights and traditions to advantage others so as to radically transform society into a post-modern utopia that totes works" in the 1980s.
I mean you can just go Wikipedia it if you want the actually correct details.

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I've never heard of Celeste until today. Why are people praising its assist mode? It's lazy and shows a complete lack of faith in their own ability to balance the game. In the 90s it would've been called a cheats menu.

Attached: celeste3.jpg (1200x675, 82K)

The entire game is optional when you think about it fag

Celeste was literally made by söyboys and trannies, what do you expect

Yes you are.

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Xenoestrogens. All zoomers have that shit.

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If you haven't already noticed he's shitposting

This image has never been more relevant on this board.

Your mom is a option and i choose her!

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How will it piss them off if they can't see you do it?

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What is it about Sekiro that it utterly devastated these faggot to a point that not even Soulsborne did? Is it because they removed co-op?

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>language barrier
>apathy because gaijin are just extras if the game breaks even in Japanese sales
>The mindset of "they're probably just bitching about lolis again" so they don't listen and give canned responses.
All 3 are already in effect. If anything expect some good ol' fashioned mockery coming out of this sometime soon.

Nah it's because there are no better topics at the moment. These people have to write something or starve.

You're too stupid to figure out how to use a tutorial.

Literally because of people like you.

cry all you want little bitches we all know you faggots will still buy my game

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Jesus that twitter conversation was painful to read, it's such an hugbox with all the same opinion and pride flag.
I take solace in the fact that Sekiro will never have an hard mode and that even if it does, those person will eternally be shit at the game, not because they are bad at it, but because they couldn't stand the idea of failing and learning the mechanic

Well we're already six games in to this era and style of Fromsoft games and at least they still agree with you.

Japanese dev studio that didn't add any leftist political crap or anything to pander to them.

Go back to resetera you subhuman tranny

>You're too stupid to figure out how to use a tutorial.
Reaching real hard there kiddo HA!

Attached: LOLLLLL.jpg (217x217, 12K)

They still live in a culture that actively offers like-minded connections. I don't think you realize just how niche actual gamers are outside of Nipland.


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how does it feel to be on the wrong side of history? next souls game will have "assist mode" or "easy mode". The trannies are just too powerful

He's not wrong

>Is it because they removed co-op?
Yes. Any shitter could complete any Souls game as long as they could beat the first boss because they could summon for any other level or boss. I personally know people who would summon their way through the entire series, then act like beating Dark Souls was a real achievement. You can't do that shit in Sekiro, you actually have to git gud.

Your argument is
>they didnt tell you how to do a thing
They did.
>no thats not the way i wanted them to do it
They still did.
Stop responding to me.

>These people are complaining
Except they aren't, this is just a theoretical exercise. Find me a post where Thorson complains about Sekiro.

>play the game eventually when it gets cheaper
>easy mode will be added by then
>blast through it effortlessly, getting every achievement in the way
>nobody can tell

Attached: lower the difficulty to easy - doesn't disable achievements.png (853x132, 23K)

Sekiro removed the souls training wheels (huge iframe dodge windows,summons that play the game for you,and the griwn children

Apparently the devs thought much the same thing, going by the fifty thousand mandatory tutorial popups that happen naturally in the initial area and subsequent path of progression. Is it my fault if I talked to the tutorial guy, saw shit that I already knew, then walked away? Do you think it would be better if the mikiri counter had no description and the only way to figure out what it did was to go back to the tutorial guy and select the new tutorial option?
Seriously, it's never a good idea to become a fan of something to this extent.

It kind of sounds like an argument until the subtle implication that bing bing wahoo shit is "more of a game" than Doom.

Still reaching...have you dislocated your arms yet? LOL

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Reminder: You can't "complete" Celeste unless you have a mental illness

>accuse people of gatekeeping
I will never get this, I mean I know they're not using the definition of the term but its just outright wrong. It can't be gatekeeping if people are actively encouraging you to play the game. That's the opposite of gatekeeping. No one is saying they can't play the game. They can go down to the store and buy a copy right now and people would be fine with it. That's not gatekeeping at all.

Yes he is

because they're weak pussies that don't like videogames

these people literally are just jorunalism major that dropped out of the real industry to then get stuck in vidya and they detest it, so when a game comes around that suddenly isnt casual shit it means they suddenly actually have to do a job

You're forgetting the fact that you could also grind in Dark Souls so that you could become overleveled and steamroll bosses.

Did your jimmies get rustled?

Attached: oppression.jpg (491x488, 19K)

Yeah good luck with that

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No it's fucking not. And it's the easiest souls by far since the difficulty isn't artificial and you have TOOLS to deal with everything

>because they're weak pussies that don't like videogames
(Internal laughing)

>lose argument

From is so fucking based

I can't laughing at you LOL

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Where's the option for the game to play itself?



Just go back to resetera...


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Okay. Sekiro isn't even that heavy on the tutorials in comparison to other games. None of them force you into tedious gameplay and almost everything is explained succinctly. Almost.

Racism. That's literally what it is, racism.
The Left have a passive aggressive animosity toward "problematic" Japan that would make nigger-hating /pol/ blush.

Attached: From the last thread and I'll go a little more indepth.png (1126x437, 75K)

You have tools but you don't have crutches like in Soulsborne games.

Back to (insert a modern shit shooter here) LOLOLOLOL

People actually using some of the game's core features? Unacceptable!

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Looks like we're both having a laugh, eh? Is your stuttering the result of that?

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The fucking game is already on easy up until you find the Demon Bell. What a faggot

he/him: "but if you are discriminating against crippled people!!" x20
FROM: :( we are polite japanese, we mean no harm. okay we change the game.

Reach for your dilator and shove it up your axe wound.

Go for it the game is shit.

Why are you using doom which is one of the game that avtually was made to entertain players and was crafted with love for games?

I'd say early FPS like Doom wasn't meant to mimic any other industry, that happened more with the CoD generation.


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>Japanese games filtering retards or faggots who cant commit 1 or two hours to play a game.

These guys are total fucking faggots when I was stuck in at shitty 9-5 I came home and fucking blitzed it and did whatever the fuck I could to enjoy my time before going to sleep and starting the grind again. These guys have no goddamn drive and want this shit to be handed to them the fucking laziness of these people.

t.angry car mechanic.

>axe wound
Sounds sexy.

Attached: 1554418384760.jpg (1431x1305, 318K)

>dodge into the ogre's big meaty hands
>get grabbed

incredibly based

Maybe pause to catch a breath? You're devolving into monosyllables here.

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add easy mode but make it like MGSV where you have a chicken hat or a binky and bib or some shit, that way we can tell who the shitters are

>one of the few times life tells them no and like any normalfag they just can't handle it not being their way
So much this. Saw this so many times in my life.

sekiro is goty as far as im concerned simply because of the asshurt

ive started playing it despite me being typically shit at games with the reaction time of a slug

this game so far is really fucking good, i actually want to play the other games they made now, I wasn't expecting the "charm" that im feeling, I always got some kind of eurojank vibe from looking at dark souls stuff but are those games filled with the same quirky shit? I can't really explain it but its got this deep black comedy layer in it but very serious at the same time

also really like the combat, how people find it insanely hard i dont understand, its just 2 shoulder buttons and a dodge

Um no I meant you're metaphor applied to video games. I don't need a cliff notes version of history I know what the Southern Strategy is.

FACT: "Beating games" is not an accomplishment to act proud of. The only people who think that are actual losers whose lives revolve around video games.

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>Gets mad about a mistake
>God forbid i make a mistake
Good thing your not in charge. I would be burnt to death for shitting wrong filtered.

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Can it also be the reason that journos are pushing egs so much? They can't do a shit to steam, except for having rogue employees to ban borderline cases, but i'm pretty sure that sweeney will cave in for them pretty easily to deny wrong game from wrong developer.


As someone who browses GameFAQs and YouTube's Alt-Right clickbait channels looking for Anti-SJW/Alt-Right audiences to debate with, I know about them all too well. These people have always been in our society but seek solace in gaming. Gaming is a fantasy lands that, in their eyes, should be a reflection of everything they've always wanted but can't get out of life. It was made with white men in mind, and now that it's starting to change to better reflect its audience, they feel like they're being attacked. Western gaming is taking steps to diversify their protagonists, diversify their developers, and create female characters that aren't grossly sexualized, and they hate it. So they move on to Eastern gaming while condemning Western gaming for its themes of progress.

What's interesting that I noticed about GameFAQs topics and stuff on Yea Forums, and how they align with the Alt-Right, is that you see this pro-Japan agenda theme frequently. It first takes the form of "Japan makes better games" or "JRPGs are superior." But then, it starts evolving into the fetishization of Eastern women, which is a common theme with the Alt-Right, due to fantasizing the submissive stereotypes of Japanese women. They then start talking about how Japanese gamers hate progressives in America due to censorship, and how their culture is really traditional is what makes it superior. Slowly, but surely, it evolves into a "this is why homogenous societies are better" argument, because the themes fill every checkbox in what interests them. Women, traditionalism, homogeny, white, etc..

I'm not sure what can be done about these people, honestly. To me, they're in the same category as the Alt-Right It's really hard to get into an honest conversation with some of them. Some of them have no intention of ever changing their views, even if they acknowledge they're in the wrong.

Imagine being the guy who openly admits that his nation sucks so badly they need training wheels for a motorbike.

>FROM: :( we are polite japanese, we mean no harm. okay we change the game.... Wait a second, this for gaijin? FAKKA YU GAIJIN! YU PRAY ON HARD RIKE ERRIWAN ERUSU!
Fixed for you friend

please don't be a brainless fromsoft cocksucker

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All the people I've worked with who played hard videogames like DaS/Ninja Gaiden/God Hand etc all are highly successful people to this day because that same drive you get for repeating until perfection and getting good permeates into your actual life. You get a better work ethic and a stronger sense of taste and finess.

All the people I currently work with that play movieshit and watch marvel movies are on autopilot and are "fake happy" living from one fix of media to the next. When game of thrones is over I imagine a good half of them will nearly if not actually commit suicide.

The game is literally the easiest Souls-like game. These people need to fuck off and die.

You okay m8?

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Not really lol. I prefer difficult games myself, but I also got lots of freetime I'm not afraid to spend on them


the game really isnt that hard and im a stupid fuck who's generally pretty mediocre at games.

Not quite the same but i have crohns and am in rough shape with it at the moment. Atypically it's all small intestinal meaning my major symptons are starvation ones, so i become literally 85IQ, exhausted with nerve issues like numbness and tingling in the extremities, with raging headaches. I also have arthritis in my thumbs and my fingers can 'lock' which i put down to low nutrients.

Despite that I've completed sekiro. Admittedly ishinn took me forever and i had a blinding headache on owl so although i knew he was easy i just couldn't concentrate on it and died a lot.

I become a total invalid when my gut is bad for a few months, so anyone should be able to finish sekiro.

There's a massive spectrum of disability, and one disabled person beating it doesn't invalidate the need for accessibility options. You can try and pretend like this one person represents all of those with disabilities but that's just not true. In any case the inclusion of accessibility options doesn't detract from your experience at all: if you don't want to use them then it won't make a difference. If developers don't want to include them then that's their call, but you can't act like their inclusion affects you in any way.

>resurrections: infinite
holy shit what a fucking tard, literally just use a cheat engine at this point

>games continue down the path of handholding you at every moment
>games stop giving a challenge
>people who play games continually learn nothing from endless button mash sessions
>people who play games apt to turning into mental midgets

The agenda is starting to make sense.

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I bought this "Animal Crossing" game and it's way too easy. Game developers need to cater to EVERYONE so they need to add a hard mode >:(

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most people marketed towards by games nowadays aren't little kids who can spend all day sitting their soiled beds getting gud. Funny how having a day job takes you away from putting the time in.

That's why people with jobs and livelyhoods have long called video games toys. Because only kids have the time to make the most of them

Wet hands...posty homocilde depression!

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>Japan has a thriving middle market where they get the best of both worlds of technology, opportunity and gameplay, allowing the medium to soar into the stratosphere
>meanwhile all our "based" developers are stuck drowning in a budgetless, teamless pixelshit sea, destined to make do on an endless Commodore 64 hamster wheel in a Pentium cage, leaving literally whos like Otherside to choke on the Kikestarter noose

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sup little pussy ass gaijins, I've heard your pleas and whining for an easy mode so we've decided to add hard mode where enemies have double posture and you're not allowed to heal during fights, just try and stop me ya lil bitches hahahahahahahahahaha

Attached: chad.jpg (700x941, 36K)

Where is colorblind mode in celeste?

The game is not that fucking hard once you at least learn to fucking deflect and not just mash buttons like a retard. Just follow these three simple steps:
>watch the enemy's movements and time your deflects
>use your regular attacks while the enemy is stunned, or when crossing swords to keep them from regaining posture
>time your dodges which you should do against telegraphed attacks that leave an opening or are not worth deflecting (e.g. Demon of Hatred)


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At the same time though, I don't see what shrieking like banshees about how they must be included otherwise they're actively against disabled people is going to help with any of this.

As well as the fact that I'd be pretty fucking insulted if someone purposely demanded easy-mode options and then got into my face about how this will help me and how nice they are for helping the poor disabled person who obviously can't do anything by himself.

>To have larger audience, better sales
This is one of the most retarded arguments for easy mode of them all since from soft games are marketed based on their difficulty. The initial boost in popularity that demon souls and dark souls is large in part thanks to the "toxic" community surrounding these games.

Anyone using the "appral to a wider audience' argument is 100% talking out of their ass.

just like...play a different game...lmao...

sekiro only needs 3 buttons and a joystick to actually beat.

Any disabled person can play any game there is, and they do and have for years. Left wing faggots in a constant loop for looking for marginals to coat tail on for their lack of fucking spine or effort themselves.

They grew up in world of free music, free porn, low effort everything, crap coffee across the street, candy by the registers. They're violently at odds with a game that asks them to go and scavenge for some fucking ability.

Western society will collapse not because of jews, or muslim invasion, those will happen because weak spineless people are inheriting this fucking mess and will just rollover at the first sight of difficulty. Trade negotiations? From the harry potter generation? Lmao

Also, OC. It is impossible to defend this. Game is great, probably GOTY, but this shit is annoying.

Attached: shitbox.webm (1920x1080, 2.9M)

A colorblind option would take away from the message of depression.

Journalists either have to admit they're casuals and need to git gud or they have to say they're mentally handicapped.

Thought about it real hard, and I've decided this is actually the most retarded post I've read today. Good job user!


So? There are some who wouldn't be able to finish an easy mode? What about locked in patients?

So easy mode is an elitist hold back. Games should all just automatically begin self playing when you put in the disc. Of course putting in a disc is exclusionary, so devs will have to come round and do that.

Now, not all people have the same experience due to different TVs as a result of class oppression so the devs will bring the TVs as well.

So, are you saying that if it's not trannies-approved disability it is not disability, amrite?

>game becomes famous precisely because of its punishing difficulty
>a trait that is carried through every successive game made by the dev
>lowering the thing that pulled people in to begin with is going to result in a larger audience
This is some special kind of retardation.

So play the massive amount of games designed around being casual with them.

Some disabilities are most disabling than others.

I wish there was a game where your parries are your health/stamina hybrid bar. Your character's body is a one hit kill if the enemy can get a stab in and so they do an automatic standard parries, and you get maybe six standard parries in a short space of time before they become exhausted and have to back away or be left open to a death blow. But if you do a metal gear rising style timed parry you can block without losing stamina/health. It would solve the issue of seeing characters in such games being bullet sponges and make them look at least competent swordsmen

You joke but that's actually something a lot of people wanted out of JRPGs (it's one of the big reasons ROM hacking became a thing), before the Casual Black Death of the 2010s hit.

Attached: Chrono_Trigger_cover.jpg (857x600, 522K)

Manus, half of DS2 DLC and Orphan are much, much harder than any Sekiro boss.

Based Miyazaki dabbing on wagies

Pretty much, trivial difficulty is the strongest argument against CT.

Oh, yes, inability to see things at all in some parts is much less problematic than to play couple more times to git gud.

Ishinn was harder than orphan.

but user that would proliferate the idea that people only want casual games

>dodge right into sword strike

There's a difference between adding accessibility options and adding a difficulty level.

For me it's only Orphan. Demon of Hatred is harder than Manus.

If I ever make the action game I really want to make I'll add an easy mode for the journos only it comes with two conditions despite being an easier game it comes with much heavier mental strain and emotional strength also the game becomes almost a parody of itself as all the characters will be lolis and shotas who aren't actually fighting but play fighting but I'll keep all outfits the same including skimpy swimsuits for the girls. Now journos can choose, play easy mode and admit you'll have to look at sexy lolis every so often as well as be outed if you even try and talk about the story or play normal mode and not have to pretend to worry about getting a visit from the FBI.
I'd also make a more legit version but with some of the playing pretend aspects kept in as a selectable option for the other modes provided you beat normal mode or higher once with the normal characters because I realized I'd love to play this lolified version of the game as well.

Why the fuck do I need to deflect shit? I'm a samurai badass who should be blasting shit away with my big ass katana blade.
>watch the enemy's movements
How about I fuck their shit up instead?

omG that's so troll dude because it's is a hard game already haahaha

you dodge too son and right unto the sword strike, you probably rely to much on invincibility frame instead of proper dodging

A physical disability is merely a hindrance, mental disabilities are the true suffering. Crippled people still have the privilege of being sound of mind.

Literally how? Demon is nothing and r1: the boss

>(it's one of the big reasons ROM hacking became a thing)
Damage sponges are a challenge.


Your OC is trash. You dodged right at the start of his delayed sword attack. Dodges have i-frames but you need to time them correctly.

You do know that nobody on Yea Forums, or even 4channel, uses the word "toxic" unironically, right?

Attached: 1480605076063.jpg (637x627, 74K)

because samurai are famous for deflecting sword blows. Every samurai movie does it.

In reality if you were a samurai you'd just be headshotting guys from horseback and exaggerating sub part swordmanship to make yourself sound more formidable

If they are toys why are you having trouble with it? Why do you need help to get through a children's toy?

Ignorance isn't an argument.

not that bad

Hold L1 and stop dodge spamming like retard.

A few dregs dragged in by discord ops can't tell post style difference so think they can get away with it.

It does make for the perfect "babby's first RPG" as it is, though. Sometimes you just want to give the kids a spectacular fairy tale ride. The problem is when that kind of design monopolizes an industry to the point where it gets its clutches in places it doesn't belong, and you end up with the disaster that is Current Year AAA.

But you're not a samurai badass, you're a shinobi.


Attached: The true Dark Souls of Video Games.jpg (600x600, 66K)

No idea how you can think this, Orphan is so unpredictable it's literally the worst boss in existence. Isshin telegraphs everything 2 seconds before it hits.

>I always got some kind of eurojank vibe from looking at dark souls stuff but are those games filled with the same quirky shit? I can't really explain it but its got this deep black comedy layer in it but very serious at the same time


you didn't pay attention to the last post did you. I didn't say they were simplistic, I said they expect too much time out of the people they're marketed towards and those people being the ones with more important things to do.

>you aren't a katana wielding samurai,you are a katana wielding samurai
shut the fuck up

*"It's just a game, you elitist babies!" - some journalist
Yes, it is and since it's just a game, they should keep it challenging. Why are you so angry that certain games are hard? Games are not serious business, right?

>the game is actually obnoxiously difficult to the point it's just a chore to play and learn
then dont play it
just accept that the game isnt for you and move on
not every game has to be made specifically for you

>grow up around people who aren't like him

Relax kiddo. All I see is you whining just like they do, according to what you've said. Don't tell me you're whining is any better than theirs.

The only people bitching about including an easy mode are shut in neets who want to exclude everyone who doesnt have as much time as them. Games are toys not skills.

Look, I know it was really enticing to try and defend something described as impossible to defend, but I want you to resist the temptation next time, or at least confirm that what you're trying to defend actually can be defended.

Attached: shitbox.png (1920x4320, 2.83M)

>ninja = samurai

Attached: 1431623773590.jpg (640x454, 31K)

Souls feels even more dark comedy-ish, that's sort of its staple

You can hurt orphan, whereas ishinn has a perm-guard and really you have to posture break him. Which would be fine but his posture regen is faster than yours so you have to constantly perfect parry him. That and four phases in which really 2 mistakes and you're done.

Only thing orphan had on him was messiness. First times you had no idea what was happening on screen with all the screaming and flailing.

>t.autist taking vidya very seriously

Uuhhh, acktchually, shinobi means ninja in weebspeak, thank you very much.

>Games are toys
If they're toys then why do you have so much trouble playing them?

>CELESTES creator
>"I understand the game design of dark souls because I made one 2d platformer"
>Easy mode is good therefore

Holy shit dudes I think we have conclusive evidence now that easy mode is the way to go

Ninjas never actually existed. They were a western myth that Japan exploited to sell their culture for interest in their products and tourism.

>only samurai wield katanas
>not knowing the original weapon of the samurai was bow and arrow

Doesn't make sense you realize? Easy mode would be an ADDITION so by default someone is pushing for it.

>giving players little time to learn how things work before getting their shit pushed in.

investing fifty hours in a game over a few weeks when you have the leisure time isn't a huge problem. If this is what you want to spend your free time on, there's no problem. There are plenty of easier games for people to play if they want to. If they want to play Sekiro bad enough they'll put in the time that it takes. It's hilarious to watch you retards have this discussion over a moderately difficult game. 100%ing Yoshi's Island is harder than Sekiro. If you're too much of a bitch to lose a few times before you succeed, or don't have the free time to learn it, go find something else to do or watch a let's play. also,

So is every boss, eventually. Why don't you explain why you think Manus is harder? They are very similar bosses, with some swipes and some magic attacks. I personally find Demon harder.

From what I gather of your post, the first Assassin's Creed game actually did something like that. The only attacks that actually landed were the ones that killed and those that reduced "health" had a block animation still.

>this whole debate is so telling of what kind of person someone is if they think a game like this should have an easy mode

Fucking this.

Busty asian women never existed either.

They did exist, but they were just boring agents who dressed like peasants and exchanged overheard words. The myth is portraying them as xXxShadowAssassin420xXx

I've never played a souls game

Try again ESL.

>he needs a easy mode to play a toy

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Post easy mode.

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>they were just boring agents who dressed like peasants and exchanged overheard words

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>if i insist something is what it isnt even though everyone knows im wrong ill win the argument


But its a toy isn't it? You shouldn't have any trouble if its a child's toy ESPECIALLY if you're a grown adult like you claim to be.

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Let's phrase it nicely for you. Souls fans aren't bitching about plans to add paid cosmetic drops to sekiro are they? That would certainly only be them bitching about it. It would be odd in fact, as it came from nowhere.

However in the case of making the game easier people have suggested it. Making it pertinent and by definition not "only" souls fans bitching about it. It was a non-issue until journalists got mad.

I'm fine with some games being difficult and some being easy, one of my favorite games is Journey, which is super easy short game.
I'm much better and less autistic compared to journalists who can't accept that there can be games that are exclusively hard.

>those people being the ones with more important things to do.
Then the game clearly isn't for them, is it asshole? If you've got better things to do then why are you playing Vidya? Devs shouldn't be expected to cater to your incompetence at time management and incessant need to blitz through every game in one or two sittings without learning how to play them well.

Your dumb little theory is clearly wrong as these games are marketed as being difficult and yet they are highly successful and sell well

>post yfw activision caves and asks from to make an easy mode
>its still to hard and game bloggers still cant finish it writting more articles

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>hold guard
>ignore hitboxes

This guy wanted celeste to be empowering. That was the idea behind celeste accessibility options.
Dark Borne games are not about empowering. They are about dis-empowering and suffering, gameplay wise and thematically. Also, games are already easy as fuck if you read online what you should be doing to gain easy mode. They are dungeon crawlers hidden into 3rd person action games, they reward patience and knowledge, something reading online very quickly makes unnecessary.

this video is clearly being conveniently ignored so that more bitching can continue.

yeah the sword never came close to hitting him it is a garbage hitbox. I guess they were just like fuck you parry his swings & if you don't the game wont even work properly for you.

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>The only people bitching about including an easy mode are shut in neets who want to exclude everyone who doesnt have as much time as them.
>Games are toys not skills.

Activision is only handling the publishing in the west, they don't have enough power and really, even they know these people are wrong. From has spent the past decade making challenging games and making bank from it. To tell them to change it would only backfire.

This has nothing to do with me and my skill level since I'm not playing these games regardless. Nice strawman though.

That's not an argument against including an easy mode.

It will destroy sales. A large part of the fun is knowing everyone is in it together and faced the same challenges. Shared advice etc. You would trash the communal spirit instantly. For example just recently resident evil 2 had hard bosses but there wasn't any conversation because half the people were probably playing on normal or easy. There wasn't any real comparison.

>journos and wagies seething because they have to put a modicum of effort into gitting gud instead of just pressing X to awesome
stick to naughtydog games

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The attack has connected by the third snapshot, you dipshit. If you're acting like the hitbox reaching up to his fist rather than ending precisely at the bottom of the sword hilt is "indefensible" then I don't know what to tell you.

>he think he has skills in vidya

> ideologue not part of fanbase demands changes to the media
> kills media and moves on

Yes it is fucker.

Hey you guys have been doing this back and forth for a while, could you please stop? It's kind of just cluttering up the discussion

>argument relies on calling people shut in neets with too much time
>gets dismissed and called a fag
o i am laffin

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Uncharted games are pretty punishing. At least if you play on hard or above.

Whatever you say, drone.

>knowing everyone is in it together and faced the same challenges
This. I believe Miyazaki has talked about this, how he wants that shared experience where everyone is going through the same challenge. And it clearly works considering how much people, to this day, enjoy talking about the enemies, bosses, world of Dark Souls, Bloodborne and now Sekiro.

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>I've never played a souls game
Then why should anyone care about your opinion? Get lost fag

>Dark Borne

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Holy fuck can any one faggot be more wrong?

Miyazaki's games are about empowerment. Empowerment of the player. You are faced with what are "hard or impossible tasks" and you overcome them.

"Handing out" empowerment like Celeste only dulls and weakens it. It's not power at all, it's just nothing at all.

You're one step away from the faggot whiners mentally speaking.

No game is defeatest and wants it's audience to give up you retard.

>I'm not playing these games

>That completely changes what our games are trying to accomplish but okay we will do it. Are you happy now?
>fuck you i dont play your shitty games
Memes are real.

Who are cooler, shinobi or samurai? Only one can be the coolest.

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I'm not the one asking for easy mode lmao get dunked on

Imagine if weight pl8s had different actual weights than the numbers based on how easy you wanted your getting to 1/2/3/4 experience to be.

Western soldiers.

If I didn't I would need an easy mode :^)

Would be more accurate if it said

>killing the heroes and gods of the land as a plucky little manlet
>not empowering
the atmosphere is oppressive but it is juxtaposed by the moments of sheer victorious bliss when you arise victorious from your struggles
maybe try analyzing vidya for an audience of retarded youtube shitheads instead

>see people shooting hoops at a park
>walk up and say that basketball is too hard, that dribbling rules should be more lax and basket should be lowered
>get mad when you are laughed at


I'm not trying to do anything. I dont have any influence over the genre. Im just explaining why this crusade of yours is so sad.

The difference is what I've said is much more likely to be based in truth than assumptions about me that I've already disproven.

A fair point but people posting clearly do. As you do otherwise you wouldn't be so angry.

I dont know why you quoted me

Imagine being proud of how well you play with a toy

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>I dont know why you quoted me
Because you are demanding developers who make games you don't play do what you say. You are not their target demographic. You have no say in what they do. Your voice doesn't matter.

>That satisfaction you get after beating a boss that was kicking your ass for the past 2 hours
>Not empowering
More empowering than literally changing the game mechanics to let me win.