Come on Dad my last two games weren’t that bad
Come on Dad my last two games weren’t that bad
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The bad games had sprint like "dad".
Can someone photoshop doomguys helmet on chief
They were.
Dad's last wasn't that great either
Still better than any Halo game.
Better Arena 2016.
Nobody gives a shit about Doom. Even 343's shit Halo games are more popular than Doom.
>nu-doom and halo
zoomer trash
halo is kino as fuck, one of the best experiences I've ever had with vidya
talking only about the bungie games of course
Since when are there so many gaylo shitters defending such a casual tier game on this board?
>he didn't get to play deathmatch with his buddies all day long
you just had to be there, you will never get it
>play that shit
>when tf2, killing floor, Cs, quake, ut2k4 existed
Unlike you, I'm not a retard who plays console shooters.
Popular =/= good
Realistically, how would D44M's arsenal fair against the weapons the UNSC have developed? For example, the Heavy Assault Rifle the UAC that is used by their security uses .50 caliber rounds at a 500 rounds a minute. That's not getting into the chaingun or UAC's more... experimental weapons.
Why do Doom fags call Halo casualized then defend Doom 2016? That game was barely anything like the originals.
people give a shit about Fortnite though amirite? Go and play that then.
zoomers with halo nostalgia, god damn
halo is not a bad game, but its not a great game
just cause its your only reference doesnt mean its the pinnacle of the genre
I love how you retards have this delusion that everyone who likes Halo has never played other shooters before
cause it really shows thay you didnt
that or youre a casual shitter with little taste or understanding of deeper mechanics and variations in the genre
woah... so this is the power of self-proclaimed boomerfaggotry
>nu games bad old games good!
>cause it really shows thay you didnt
So how is that
Wow, it's like you guys didn't know that this game didn't exist.
Now Black was a shooter ahead of its time.
I was in the prime demographic for when Halo swept adolescent/teens and I'm 30 now. Besides, knocking down newer games as a way to uphold the superior taste for "the classics" is day 1 Hot Topic hipster shit, going back as far as Hot Topic still being around.
What was so innovative about it?
>Barely Anything
How so, user?
>Nobody gives a shit about Doom
>doom eternal trailer has 13 MILLION views
>halo infinite has only 5.5
The last, and perhaps only, good Doom game was Doom 64.
>trailer views
Weapon upgrades
Very few demons in a level
Fight sections where you're locked into a room to fight X amount of demons before progressing
Little ammo/health in levels forcing you to glory kill to replenish often
I hope the new Doom works out better than the last one did. In 2016 the first few missions feel incredibly fun but it quickly falls flat IMO. There needs to be some kind of progression throughout the game.
you're such a fucking retard holy shit
Wasn't people's complaints on Yea Forums at least the fact it had a progression system in the form of the Praetor suit tokens, weapon challenges to get the full upgrade for them and Rune challenges?
...So that's what makes the game "Barely anything like the originals", then. Those 4 relatively minor things? I'd like to imagine that you're the kind of person to freak out when they change the color of the coffee cups at your local coffee shop.
> Weapon Upgrades
Modernization, and Modernization that doesn't take away from the base doom experience.
>Few Demons
DooM, assuming Max Skill level: 2312
1907 demons in (2016) total.
In fact, They're more evenly spread in (2016) Then they are in OG Doom
>Fight sections
I'll give you that Closed Arenas weren't that present in doom. Though traps along that vein of "Kill before you progress" were present.
> Glory Kills
I'll give you that, but they did that in order to pull out the more traditional doom combat: Constantly moving, avoiding cover, etc.
I want to see them fuck
NuDoom sucked too so I don't get it.
Because nu Halo has sprint and ADS while nu Doom doesn't have any of that bullshit.
You know companies can buy views and likes on YouTube if they so please