Are Tidus and Yuna supposed to be white or asian?

Are Tidus and Yuna supposed to be white or asian?

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Yuna is probably Asian but I think Tidus is supposed to be Hispanic or Indian

Why did they write Yuna's name as Yuna when it should actually be Yuuna according to any romanisation system?

yuna is from besaid and tidus is from zanarkand 1000 years ago and they're probably both modeled after japanese people but with changed hair and skin


Tidus is Okinawan

they honestly both look japanese to me with like maybe 1/18 white

Because it's just a lazy way of writing Yūna. Same reason we get Osaka instead of Oosaka, or Tokyo instead of Toukyou.

They don't really represent real people. They are fictional characters that don't exist.

Cause she was named after Yunalesca duh

You mean Yuunalesca.

This person is a fucking retard.

Asian. Spira is literally your average medieval FF setting, except it's based on Japan instead of Europe.

the FMVs were outsourced to some shitty chinese company so they look nothing like in game

They look pretty Asian to me.

Anyone who thinks Final Fantasy humans are not based on what Japs see every day: other Japs, despite any setting or hair colour you are fucking retarded. The fact that anons have to keep clarifying it at all means you all fucking know whats up. They are "fantasy asians" and thats not even up for debate. If a western dev made a WRPG with a character with clearly western features but with blue hair and pink eyes, you wouldn't even question ethnicity.

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Bust our cloud and squall and we'll talk

ok then. Looks like a korean boy band member in a wig.

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Both are japanese.

Yuna is willing to make the ultimate sacrifice in order to save her people. Western heroes are not like that. They are not allowed to die because the US became selfish after ww2. If anything, the writers are willing to kill them at the very last second if there's no other option. But not really, because they need the character to chug more sequels, spin offs and shit. Profits over storytelling. So, you won't find a hero willing to sacrifice himself from the very start. US is just too individualistic.

Tidus could be from any part of the world that can make a person so emotionally stunted due to years of neglect and physical trauma. And japanese fathers are pretty good at neglecting.

HAHAHA. He's some sort of Asian islander that lives in the city. He looks far more Asian in the cut scenes. But in reality they're neither. It's a fictional world. If anything both would be some sort of Asian islander. Pretty sure the only "race" mentioned are Al Behd. Zanarkand was likely multicultural. It was fuck huge.

They're not from earth.

so we are not going to call them human either then. Where does it end user?

ok but yuna doesn't die and tidus shows up in the several cash-in sequels, books, gachas, etc

No we're going to call them human, unless they're specifically called anything else in the game, like Humes.
Spiran Humans are not Earth Humans any way. Looks like they're modelled after east asians if that's what you really want to know.

Kids in the US are told to read Atlas Shrugged in the schools, and anything that goes for the common good is anti-US. So their morality is something like:

>“I swear by my life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine.”
>“Do not let the hero in your soul parish, in lonely frustration, for the life you deserved but never have been able to reach. Check your road and the nature of your battle. The world you desired can be won. It exists, it is real, it is possible, it is yours.”

When being the most selfish person possible is the only way to achieve the highest virtue, heroes like Yuna are something that is heavily frowned upon by western screenwriters. "How can a person will be willing to die so easily for the others?"

The hero of american stories is the man willing to put others down in order to lift himself. In japan, it's in reverse.

It's not the fact that she dies or not. It's the fact that she's willing to from the very start. The conflict is how she puts others (her people, her traditions, her ancestors) before her desires.

There's no american hero willing to do that.

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Tidus is white. Yuna is asian.

American heroes are mostly criminals, to be honest.

>Iron Man
Billionaire arms dealer that realises something so elemental that war is actually bad after getting almost killed. So he makes more weapons to fight the weapons he himself created but the weapons he created actually go against him so he has to make more weapons to fight these other weapons in a neverending cycle of death. At some point it's just something normal for him. It's kinda like US interventionism since the 60s.

Emotionally stunted manchild that feels like the only thing he can do to prevent the crime that affected him personally is to get high end military equipment to beat criminals up, without thinking about the conditions that got them in the first place. Because morality is created in the vacuum and everybody can overcome their circumstances. Yet act surprised when the people you beat actually wants you dead.

Petty criminals, dumb victims and useful idiots. If they follow the characters they are inspired by (Heat, Reservoir Dogs, Fargo, Scarface...) they should all be fucking dead by the end. But in GTA everybody gets a happy ending for some reason.

>Red Dead
John is a criminal that tries to redeem himself comiting more crimes. He dumb but he sees the irony in that but he's too far down the hole to change it. His curse goes for generations and the cycle never stops.

This takes inspiration from greek classics so doesn't really count. Kratos is like the protagonist of Falling Down, a wronged man that turns himself into a force of autistic chaos.

>Call of Duty
Do we need to say anything

Nips in FMV, white in-game.

yuna's arc is realizing she was wrong to defer to her tradition and people, every comic book hero is in it for the good of their city or the world, and you have a cartoon view of america

Yunalesca was pretty hot man.

Say something nice about the protagonists of the two greatest games in greatest gaming franchise.

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Better question: is the Switch version based on the Vita version? PS4 and Steam both need 40 gb space, Switch needs 12.
Also: according to Wikipedia Switch doesn't support PhyreEngine, how did they make it work? Always thought the reason Hotline Miami, Danganronpa, Trails of Cold Steel, Neptunia, Tokyo Xanadu, the Arland Atelier games, Disgaea 4, The Witch and the Hundred Knight and Unravel aren't on Switch because the engine isn't supported. What magic did SE use?

>yuna's arc is realizing she was wrong
Yet she was willing from the start. If Yuna was american, she would have cried "there's other way" until the other way magically appears.

>comic book hero in good of their city or the world
Batman continues spending his endless money in high technology (satellites, space stations, tanks, combat jets, power armours) while Gotham remains a fucking hellhole and will remain like that forever.

Superman, the supposed most pure comic book hero, goes to his mother in Batman vs Superman and she tells him "it's not neccesary for you to save people, do what you want". And he is considered a Joke and a Reagans puppet in TDKR

And don't get me started with Marvel shit. Where most characters are "grounded" in the sense that they are fucking awful persons that only get to act when their own actions fuck them in the ass.

Most have a cartoon view of America because America has a cartoon view of itself.

what about COD?

Isn't Yuna also a russian name?

Literal military propaganda

>American heroes
>lists video game characters and comic book characters
You live in a dream world where the big bad AMERICA lives in your head rent free.
They’re across an ocean bud. You’re safe. If you wanna know about some real American heroes find a book or two about American history. Anything from pre or post civil war.

You’re an idiot and I wish you wouldn’t spout your nonsense. You’re taking a view of the world from fiction and applying it to real life. You think America is a comic book? You’re right. We’re all super heroes who shoot laser beams from our eyes and we’re all rich crime fighters or criminals with non stop badassery all around. Come here and find out instead of shitposting on a topic you know nothing of.

Did some research and apparently PhyreEngine is still not supported (even if some gaming journalists claim something else), a manager at Sony Interactive (Jason Doig) already said that it isn't.
Apparently Dragon Quest Builders and Final Fantasy X were ported to another engine which is supposed to be very easy with PhyreEngine. That also explains why the Switch version needs twice as much space as the Vita version.

If you had a basic level of reading comprehension, you can actually deduct we are talking about works of fiction the whole time. The only person who is bringing real world logic is you. Go back to bed. Lack of rest is fucking your cognitive abilities up.

Same. Why the fuck would I compare Yuna to "american heroes" when we are talking about fictional works? Yuna doesn't exist. She's not a real person. Go back to sleep.

Because you’re a retarded fucking man writing shitty comparisons as if you were some expert on the subject. You’re a fucking idiot with no understanding and it’s the worst kind. Don’t breed, please.

Holy fucking shit you sound mad and nude. Take a rest for a while and come back later.

Fantasy asian.

It is me or does Yuna look a little bit chubby in game?

Why are you so concerned over their race?

Never have I seen such a shit list.

No, you just cherrypick.
>Kratos doesn't count because it's inspired by greek mythology
Let's not forget that Kratos is a projecting asshole on his destructive path for revenge.
Jesus Christ is a pretty popular figure and you see characters going for the ultimate sacrifice often. Neo from Matrix became scifi Jesus, Leon the Professional, Lee from Walking Dead is protecting some child and dies for that goal, warmovies often have soldiers dying for someone else and so on.
The ultimate sacrifice is a popular trope

White, but just asian enough that Japanese will still buy the game.

To be honest, it's usually the secondary characters that die in war movies.
Agree with Neo. Never watched Leon The professional.

Yuuna, dumb amerifats.


Tidus is a fuckboy in japan, tanned and blond guy and FFX japan edition has more asian faces on yuna or Tidus and international edition more white faces.

Otherwise is more likely

Don't matter as long as dey aren't Al Bhed brudda

Pics for proof pls

lmao why is Wakka so racist

>muh machina muh yevhon
Yet he plays blitzball in a spherical pool made of machina...curious

They only look "asian" in cutscenes because they were completely motion-captured by Japanese.

tidus and wakka is southern south east asian like thailand or indonesia, yuna is chink or northern south east asian like vietnam.

>advent children

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Thread is juvenille, no one posted exploding blitzball memes yet.

Holy shit, that's awful, enjoy your (You)s
XV's the first mainline entry to get a pass since IX and IX is top tier.

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They're supposed to be whasian

Is this better?

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What the fuck were they thinking?

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>SS tier
I cannot comprehend people like you. I've tried to, I've replayed X-2 multiple times to try and understand why people seem to defend it, but I just can't.


palerians were the 1st
hyperboreans the 2nd
lemurians the 3rd
atlantians the 4th
aryans the 5th

and hapas will be the 6th Root Race of the coming age

What happened to this poor innocent girl?

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didn't yuna become Miley Cyrus and Titus died kicking a bomb he thought was a blitzball?

Absolutely, low poly is best poly.

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impulse control, future orientation, violent tendencies, 13% commit 50% in spira, etc.

That sounds like Al Bhed talk.

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>not knowing about FF lore

gtfo normalfag
