How do we save Western gaming?

How do we save Western gaming?

Attached: The2019WesternGamer.png (1022x703, 567K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Wtf is this shitty image even trying to convey? You need help.

Spotted the ResetEra user

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By putting wojak-posters in death camps.

it was her turn

Don't give a shit mate. Western Comp games are miles ahead of the eastern ones.

Yeah dykes, black porn and ugly women didn't exist in 2007 when you were a kid picking your nose

Restera? Sounds gay
Sorry for not liking your Ms paint project

Found the tranny.

Notice how to make an image like this you have to use AAA games in the 2019 slot, yet Yea Forums likes to shit on indies all the time. If you like "gameplay" focused games, western indie gaming is pretty great now. At least ror2 will make (most) people shut up for a while.

>lol imagine if marxist commies ran gaming haha never

Literally nobody said or thought that in 2007.

Only discord trannies and /pol/cels use ms paint comic/wojacks.

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Imagine playing westcuck games LOL

That's the future of western gaming, bro



I have fond memories of drinking mountain dew and playing oblivion


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Well fixed the image

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We did it reddit!

DAMN if that's how high the overall population is, just imagine how high it is when it comes to irate trannies

>Darkies aren't even good at killing themselves
Damn white people take another win

Not a fair graph since slavs get tossed in with the whites and completely distort them

Are slavs black?

>32% of old white men kill themselves
no way

Proof women cannot experience genuine sadness also that trannies are still men

what's wrong with blacked? they make some good quality shit.

Trannies is a white people thing, thats why whites must die

Imagine how much better this image could've been if you didn't use your faggot wojaks

>How do we save Western gaming?
Why would you want to?

You don't. Just let it die.

Based. Modern western society should collapse.

by getting into development. how can you save it if you are a useless piece of shit?

ragefaces were soul

wojak is soulless

You don't, let it burn. Japanese games are better than ever.

>britbongs actually believe this
This is why your country is a joke in Johnathan St. Oliver's current year.

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>wanting to save western gaming
lmao stupid zoomer

>How do we save Wester-
Stop right there. Fuck off.

>Top says 2005
>Source is 2007

whew laddie

Ironically, 2007 was the beginning of the end and not nearly as good as you remember it. Try 2002.

You know that a report from2007 can use data from 2005 right?

It says that 32% of suicides are from white men


Attached: 2007-the-year-the-internet-went-to-shit-1st-generation-25267065.png (500x724, 99K)


>It says that 32% of suicides are from white men
Most trannies are white men, checks out.

>you will never walk home from school and go to your friend's place on a friday afternoon and just order some pizza and soda and just play Halo and L4D in split screen and dick around again

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What is this pic?
2007 is the year videogames went to shit.
Halo 3 and COD4's influence has been pure cancer in gaming.
And Oblivion?
TES has always been the RPG with, by far, the worst gameplay of all, literally the clunkiest RPG franchise ever, down there with Gothic 2.

Heck, even Tf2 is more competitive than gook shit. Wipe that chink cum off your mouth, lad.

No, it's just white women don't tend to be autistic neets.

I actually miss and prefer the "DUDE BRO MOUNTAIN DEW AND DOIRITO DOUBLE XP HELO 1080 NO SCOPE BREH" times. I rather see edgy emo kids everywhere then the fucking freaks we got now.

Where did everything go so wrong?

And guess which one of those you fall under.

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I thought this post was about western games, but you mean people in the west who play video games, right? So that also applies to weebs?

>lists decade plus old games
>uses present tense
This is why we laugh at you westacucks.

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I hope someone didn't put more than 2 minutes of their life making this

>posts casualshit
What part of competitive games don't you comprehend?

>not having national and cultural pride
Competitive spirit is what brought us greatness in the first place. Maggots like you deserve the death and misery you reap.

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I love how the fucking JIDF try to use "Based" like it's an upvote and give themselves away every single time.

>britcuck buttmad he got his ass plowed by Orenstein & Smaugh
Also allow me to utterly BTFO your Overshit and Cucknite with a single image.

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Good shit, OP

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Is Competitive Spirit what brought you cinematic setpieces, Press X to Awesome, easy difficulty options, and gameplay that tries to automatically win itself?

nuke the west

We gave you the privilege of trannydom, and we can take it away.

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>fighting games
>more depth than Quake, Cs and Starcraft
Even mortal kombat is more competitive than that, nigger.

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im an sjw and i only play japanese games.

Actual SEETHING tranny janny
Can't make this shit up

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No because those aren't the ones (((placed))) into the positions of AAA development, dumbo.

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>a game based around meme finisher spectacle codes rather than balancing a mechanically diverse lineup with a series of sophisticated combo and reversal systems (and that's just for starters)
No one's falling for your trolling, sir. Also
>Quake, Cs and Starcraft
Again deflecting to past tense. This is the 21st century, the present. Where is your 2013 and onward western competition for Guilty Gear Xrd?

Western consumers buy western games. Eastern consumers do not.

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Trannies didn't matter AT ALL like 5 years ago. It's crazy to think how things changed in just 5 years.

>starcraft 2
>quake champions
>not 21st century
Man, playing casual console shit really fried your brain, didn't it?

>Actual SEETHING tranny janny
describe to me what was deleted my good user.

>halo 3
You're one of them op

2007 was kinda shit though. That was the year everything went to shit. It was the year all the casualization started. That was the year the downfall of gaming begun.

Niggers cant afford ropes, guns, gas to drive to a bridge, etc

Can frog posters join them?

The 2019 gamer looks like he's having a lot more fun than the 2007 gamer desu.

>tumblr was founded. nuff said.
But tumblr was kino from 2007-2009 and cancer but in a fun way from 2009-2012. I would know; I'm a tumblr oldfag who joined in 2008.

Why the fuck was deleted and gets to stay up?

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Because it was implied, faggot.


+ Halo 3 release
+ New consoles (360, ps3, wii) were all booming , especially wii

Using wojaks are playground insults should be a bannable offence.

*offense, just fuck my shit up

How do we save Yea Forums?

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Make using wojaks as playground insults a bannable offense.

Stop the journalist threads.

They clearly advertise every one of their articles with a perfect crop and question, goes unounished by mods, then idiots here send them to bump limit creating free publicity and money to the sites we all hate.

You can't

This is a pretty shitty picture, but it does remind me of how rotten video games have become. You just need to stop buying shit. Just get something you know is good and is actually a complete game worth your money

I never even read the article i just write angry replies.

That's a secondary issue.
Not unimportant, but not the most important.
Fact is, you can't disagree with anyone here because the reply, nine times out of ten, will amount to "this is what you look like". When that's solved, then it's time to tackle the buzzwords and find a way to discern actual shills from fans/hypefags.

>You need help.
>pathologizing the dissenter
hello retardera

you don't it's not just Yea Forums it's the entire internet going mainstream as a result of the invention of the smartphone

At this point, I'm fully convinced wojakposters are actually sub-80 IQ. Honestly even more braindead that frogposters at this point.

Yea Forums has died from irony poisoning
Nobody expects any sincerity thus all posts are shitposts thus the content of the post does not matter

i mean 2007 is obviously ten times better but it's funny how the 360 dudebro, dew drinking codbabby was the worst fanbase of that era too

I miss when pizza used to talk to you like that desu

hating wojaks is fair but OP pic was no more than 1/4th wojak

>muh mongolian stamp trade forum is serious business!!!

We don't. Let it die and be born anew. As long as western game development is driven solely by profit seekers, it will remain shit.

>I can't take it seriously means nobody should
>I am the sole arbiter of what should be taken seriously and what shouldn't
Fuck off.

make me ;)

The wojak is an instrumental part.
Why do you think it is that an image like this has NEVER been posted WITHOUT the wojak? Only wojakposters do shit like this.

Are you proving me right or trying to go on extra layer of irony?

>Why do you think it is that an image like this has NEVER been posted WITHOUT the wojak?
but it has been all the time for the past four years? lmao wtf

Get rich and make your own studio and direct your own game. Hire people that have the same vision for the game you have in mind.

why don't you come and find out?
*unzips dick*

Seen it happen like twice, and both time the OP was a wojakposter anyway. It always checks out.

It's beyond salvation. You can try as hard as you want and ban wojaks for example like suggested, but shitposters will always find a way. You could also try to get rid of console war threads, but that, too, would be like fighting against a raging storm of shit.

>There wasn't any black ciucking porn on the internet before 2007!
>Women were all pretty and beautiful before 2007!
>Lesbians were Just a porn trope before 2007!
>Deny this and I'll call you a Discord tranny be cause of an incident that left me with paranoid delusions!
Are a stupid enough brainlet to unironically believe this?

>Inb4 seething tramny/soiboy/insult-of-the-semester
Yeah, yeah, go on. Your brain would get fried if you could coincieve anyone else disagreeing with you anyways.

>not knowing Yea Forums is filled with 14 year olds that say "nigger" all day cause it's funny to them
>implying they're not all /pol/cels and discord trannies

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Next step is post irony internet where even anonymous posts are taken as they are
If you post like a retard, you are a retard

Be honest with yourself, why are you on Yea Forums?
Definitely not to discuss games.


you don't
if you want to talk about games, go to reddit
Yea Forums is funposting