I'm gonna do it!

I'm gonna do it!


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Other urls found in this thread:


>I'm gonna do it!


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wrong board faggot

Don't do it bro. Another good video game might come out someday. Besides, there are probably plenty of old ones you haven't enjoyed yet.

instead of killing yourself why not live your life however you wanted before you arrived at the decision to kill yourself. if you fail at least you'll have an actual reason to kys rather just being an asspie

>I'm gonna do it!


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post pics of your dick before you do that.

This is a part of my plan.
I plan to spend last year of my life trying to get illegal drugs, even if it means risking prison.

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Dumb moralfags

>adding your name to a wojak edit

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whoever made that probably doesnt even know the name wojak

nothing i posted had to do with morality dumb polshitter

I'm gonna do it!


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what kinda drugs you gonna do user?

>I'm gonna do it!


Unironically had a drunken meltdown in front of my parents the other day and for the first time since forever, I genuinely considered suicide. It went away quickly though (i'm 24 years old, 6ft1, have a BSc, live in upper middle clouse household) but yea, alcohol is a bummer. Need to get my shit together and stop being a degenerate alcoholic neet

It's not my last year yet. I'll give therapy a chance before that.

Back to

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t. npc

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well hopefully therapy works. I used to be pretty depressed but got it together a few years ago. now I'm married, got a decent job, have plenty of money and time with my wife, play lot's of video games with her, life is good now. Never give up before you give it another shot, you might be surprised.

Ummmmm you probably won't have much issue with prison and drugs unless you're trying to distribute them or are a repeat offender.

Suicide is a last resort. My plan when I inevitably have a breakdown is to leave everyone I know and go back to Cambodia. Insanely cheap cost of living, many legal drugs, whores galore... modern western life is agony, why not try something else before pulling the plug?

I live in a slav shithole

What up all my fellow living humans
One day at a time my dudes

That's my plan. Go to Japan to enjoy it then pulling the plug

Might as well get a gun off of some blackmarket to shoot yourself so you don't have to spend the rest of your life in prison when the cops start knocking on your door.

What is this, r9k? fuck off faggot

It's actually hard to get guns here


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is a fucking sickness that needs to be culled.

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Make sure you tell your Discord groups and your Steam friends that you won't be seeing them again. Also make sure you've given your Cat(s) to your relatives, or at least let them out if you don't have any relatives.

Don't do it user, we are here for (You)

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This makes me wonder if I have more in common with niggers than I previously thought.
I suppose we do both hate the masses of society, though for different reasons. Maybe I'll try to see if I can find common ground with them.

See (you) on the other side.

don't do it

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sell EVERYTHING and go to US or hawaii or somewhere exotic and calm

>Set Fire to Self
>Agony 95
Fuck yeah!
Remember though: don't set fire to your head. Focus more on your abdomen, arms, and legs. If you set fire to your face, it'll eat up the oxygen you're trying to inhale and you'll suffocate.
Remember to strip down before dousing yourself so you soak your skin moreso than your clothes, and use something that can't be easily put out by smothering or removed by washing. Mixing petroleum with packing peanuts produces a sticky substance that still burns after you roll on it.

For added benefit, perform this action in an action of religious or spiritual significance, such as a Church, Mosque, Starbucks, or Apple store.

Consequences will never be the same

>Shotgun to the head
Where's that sneaky 1%?


>life i want is frugal neethood without being guilttripped every day
right, now where'd i leave that rope

Shotgun mistakenly loaded with Glocks instead of buckshot.

>explosives has a lower agony than shotgun to head
>shotgun to head is 1.7 minutes
nigga what

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See you tomorrow
You know there is no way out

So long, nerd.

People put the shotgun in their mouth or under their chin and pull the trigger, resuling in them them shooting off their face and frontal lobe, which doesn't actually kill you until you choke on your own face.

>Apple store

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holy fuck

STOP don't kill yourself without killing my enemies first

Shotgun to face or side of head instead of brain.

Is it worrisome that I am genuinely reading this just in case I need it?

>Cut wrist
>only %6 chance of death
>71 agony
Holy shit what a bad deal. Who the fuck would do this for anything but attention?

whats your dream life lads? my is to live somewhere near the beach, in a sunny state, working out everyday, not caring about money, having a good wife maybe, enjoying nature

I just want to listen to music every day

>user is screaming for help
>mods delete thread

You won't even be able to get the small amount of joy that imagining that in your head brings if you blow it all over the wall.
Don't do it, lads. Just drift into the peaceful sedation that is anime tiddies and substance abuse.

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Why not just put it to your forehead and blow your brains out?

NEET life without depending on mommy

>I live in a slav shithole
That's a hard case.

no you wont faggot

youre gonna come back here tomorrow

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I'm just about ready to die too. Life is a big struggle

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Is there a comfier way to die than just chilling in your bathtub and drinking a fuckton of alcohol until you lose consciousness and drown?

Put it a few cm / an inch away from your eye. Less chance of your skull deflecting it that way.
People HAVE survived a shotgun blast to the forehead simply because your skull is thick and it would very much prefer if solid objects didn't go through it.

Also, if you aim laterally along your forehead you have a possible chance of missing the important parts. You want to hit the parts in red. Hitting the part where your brainstem connects to your center brain instantly kills you. Hitting the rest of the area in red has you dead in under 20 seconds.

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I can't kill myself that's just letting clown world win

nips hate weebs such as yourself, and so do i