Other urls found in this thread:
>Chaim Gartenberg
___ Is Always Right.
>make 120hz panel
>everything runs at 60fps
wow truly thw future
Is this accurate for the future?
either the axis are switched or you're implying that both PS+xbox can travel back in time while Nintendo just stops
Yeah, I fucked up my axis placements.
>playing psvr
>No Spiderman VR
>Snoy boys fuming there's already webslinging games on PCVR
Until we have technology like in that one anime where I can smell, feel, and be in the game I don’t give a shit it’s not virtual reality unless it feels real. Until then we’re just dumbing down games and strapping TVs to our faces. No thanks Snoy
>Until we have technology like in that one anime where I can smel-
Since you mention it, user...
Jesus fucking Christ, Sony is dead, Microsoft and Nintendo are going to run circles around them next gen.
Iron Man unironically looks better than anything on the Xbone. Cope.
No, Nintendo and Xbox should be going up while Sony goes down so far they go beyond the chart.
>It's the Xcuck leech struggling again
The reddit/resetera shill is back.
Leddit and Xcuckera is your hideyhole, buckaroo.
But they love Sony and their garbage movies, plus they're trannies too, you'll fit right in.
Garbage movies and trannies is a Cuckbox speciality, Xcuck.
Xbox gets video games, only the PS4 gets movies and that all comes from Sony, tranny.
>Gets games
kek good one, Xniggie.
You probably posted this image over 500 times already.
What game is this?
>can't go anywhere with graphics anymore
>have to rely on gimmicks like VR
o my fuck
Just goes to show how relevant it is.
>Five years later and the Xbone still has no (zero) games
>old games remastered with poorly implemented VR
>games that are just glorified VR tech demos
>VR "modes" which have hardly any content compared to the main game
>Move controllers are still actual fucking garbage
When does it get good?
Blades and Sorcery.
That's what mods are for.