Diablo 2 was the last and only game to bring the gaming sphere together both casuals and hardcores alike...

Diablo 2 was the last and only game to bring the gaming sphere together both casuals and hardcores alike. Prove me wrong, you can't.

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>nuVee doesn't even know what Diablo 2 is
Aaaaaaaaand I'm out

Ive been wanting to play so bad lately. Don't really feel like spending 20 bucks on it though, and I dont have any cd keys.

I cant. Diablo 2 was a perfect game

This is daft. There's been tons of games since then. Anything big and popular with a high skill ceiling easily covers those bases.

Arma, MOBAs, countless MMOs.

>Arma, MOBAs, countless MMOs

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D2 remastered edition virtually confirmed, lads.

>both casuals and hardcores alike
Sure that's true for diablo 2, but I don't think that it's that rare of a thing.
WoW did it too, and you could probably argue that any competitive game that also has casual appeal, like smash would also qualify.

>WoW did it too
WoW is a casual game nothing more.
>any competitive game that also has casual appeal, like smash would also qualify
Smash is a casual game

okay dude

why are you quoting

No, it's not. They can't fix shit because of how weird some sprites are made in isometry or some shit. What they should do is improve netcode and servers. If you live just 1000 km away from battlenet servers it's fucking unplayable.

You're the casual here big boy

bruh if you actually think smash and wow are on the level of d2 you don't belong here

Path of Exile is a pretty good successor to Diablo II without being the abomination that is III. That and I don't need to pay shit to blizzard or anything at all.

>always online single player farming simulator with segregated pvp and polygon vomit aesthetics

It's a vapid left click time waste, this is coming from someone who played it a lot.

Well you're not wrong. Like even in the pvp community you had your general pvp group and then you had the serious specialised pvp group of level 9(was it 9 or 11 that was minimum for pvp) dudes for pvp. Have you ever seen a low level(9 or 11) character so twinked out they slaughtered a level 21 character?

>left clicking
Just HOLD the button down.

When you one hit everything you still have to click to attack a new target, if your holding down left click you dps must be terrible and I'm laughing at your terrible build.

It's a right click waste if you're playing the trapping assassin

>When you one hit everything you still have to click to attack a new target
No you don't you just hold down shift and target the general area.
>if your holding down left click you dps must be terrible and I'm laughing at your terrible build.
Or you can not be a faggot and bind your main attack skill to the left click part. Easy done.

sounds like a bad way to prioritize enemies you idiot scrub

Why do I need to prioritize anything when they all die in a single click?

how about when you're being mobbed and you want to take out enemies that can hit you with status attacks that can get you into trouble? just stop responding it's clear you've never really played the game and when you did you never understood it and played it badly.

but the clicking is the best part

>how about when you're being mobbed and you want to take out enemies that can hit you with status attacks that can get you into trouble?
Lmao why would I ever be in such a shit position?
>just stop responding it's clear you've never really played the game and when you did you never understood it and played it badly.
Lol no I think the real shit one here is you. I've played every single build variation on every single class even expensive as hell Angelzon's and even the sub-optimal ones like caster zon's using Valkyrie's to beat up everything to Warcry barbs dual wielding Wizardspikes. Get fucking schooled kid.

>I've played every single build variation on every single class
you mean you just copied builds from a wiki? haha wow I'm so impressed

>copying builds from a wiki
Your underage is showing. Please stop trying. They didn't exist when the game was out.

They did exist when you started playing last year.

That's still 365 days longer than you've ever been playing you arthritis ridden faggot.

boy you are mad

>boy you are mad
This reply pretty much means "I got nothing clever to come back with so i'll reply with something weak." I hope you enjoyed your school lessons.

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--Diablo 2

s/n: 4H26-MU2F-4N1S-5NUI
s/n: M31K-NJ53-MSO3-MFAE
s/n: M57U-IN31-35MW-5P3M
s/n: gemz-n7j8-vxcf-f4cm
S/N: V2TK-26RZ-2TD4-N292

--Diablo 2 Lord of Destruction

s/n: FX7D-82PH-FTWB-2BR2
s/n: R44B-GDD9-644X-8XPD

>D2 remastered
cant. blizzard lost the technology.

>cant. blizzard lost the talent

no it means i have better things to do than argue with your autistic weeb ass and I'm leaving the thread now, thanks for the laughs.

Yeah maybe you can actually go and git gud at the game for once. Go on son, run free.

I don't think multiple people can play with the same CD key

look at this rat though

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this desu, I like poe and I still play from time time, just like I still play d2 from time to time, just not as much as I used to before poe came to be
but the graphics changed through the updates, back in beta and early release I think it looked very bleak and brutal, lots of nudity and gore, reminded me a lot of d2, now it looks a lot like geometry wars with all the effects
also they never did another cutthroat league, the pvp in its current form is not interesting for me
I still play it though, I dont think theres anything better out now

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is that magic johnsons son?

Is Diablo 3 any good? Thinking about buying it for Switch. Unbiased opinions only please.

Alright fellas. Tell me your favorite class and why?

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>Unbiased opinions only please.
you fucking what cunt

you'll like it

because spears and bows

looks hot and cool, also combos were kinda fun

I like druids in most games and I like when they shapeshift, played mostly werewolf

Druid and necro

Amazon is fun as fuck, but immunities make her impossible to solo play.

That's why you invest in more than one element, user-kun

pally. because zealotry in defense of justice is no vice.

I seriously hope not. look at w3 reforged, nublizz can't emulate the SOUL of their past prime

>I've played every single build variation on every single class
you sound mad bro


And it's because I like having an army doing all the job for me.

>Coming back from school and playing D2 all day
Take me back lads


Diablo 2 was always clickfest loot treadmill trash.

It was fun if just played through the game normally. Trying to play it more seriously just turned it into a boring grind though.

has there ever been a comfier character "creation" screen?