Literally Impossible
Literally Impossible
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Just throw firecrackers at him and grapple attack.
Not gonna make it.
legit the easiest boss in the game I've faced.
whats his name again?
I just got the platinum trophy. I can assure you that it is not impossible.
He’s really not that bad
One of the most kino fights in this game though it really made you feel like a swordsman facing another warrior in an honourable battle.
he's actually easier than minibosses that lead up to him.
He's pretty easy, you don't even have to time your parries because the damage he does to you posture is laughable, and he got lot of downtime to hit him freely
Watching ENB fight him made me realize how piss easy this boss is.
Firecrackers are a free 4 hit chain.
Grapple is a free 3 hit
Standing on his right side is free damage, all you have to do is deflect his swings.
hold down that circle button. sprinting > dodging
Take deep breaths and focus. I found that the fuckin battle themes always hop me up on adrenalin and make me panic. Face him directly, don't be greedy with your strikes, block and wait to deflect blows. Back away if you see him stand up on his horse and get ready to grapple to him for a few extra hits, then back away.
When Yea Forumstards gets hands on remotely involved game.
There is a 30 minute speedrun already, stfu.
What was his name again?
I got it, I definitely got it. It's WOOOOOOOOOOOO
You can literally block all his attacks
and if he ever stuns you, you can recover before he attacks again
the only thing you have to worry about is his unblockable charge which you just jump out of the way
other than that, just hit him 2 times, maybe 3 and block for the rest of the fight
when he gets his spear stuck in the ground attack again.
there's a cliff on one side of the field where he gets stuck on some trees. Also does a turn around animation that lets you grapple attack him for free.
how kill orin
So's that fiend or whatever it is at the end of the Bloody Baron Quest in Witcher 3. I was like "what the fuck is THAT" and well, proceeded to fuck it up.
Don't be a dick.
How are people having trouble with her? Her patterns are really straightforward
Deflect her combo and watch as she destroys her own posture.
try on path of further hardship
she's the hardest boss in the game when you give kuro's charm to him
I beat him in one try, he was one of the easier bosses along with Genichiro.
>use grapple attack when prompted
>move out of the way or deflect his attacks
>liberally use firecrackers to startle his horse like they tell you to right before you enter the ring
It's fun as fuck deflecting those crazy bastards. How come we didnt get a kite prosthetic?
lure her to the rocks by the sculptor's idol so her pathfinding fuck up and she's stuck in a walking backwards state.
>he's blocking attacks instead of deflecting them
i can tell you didn't play with path of further hardship
no need replying again
I hate some autistic rage when I said Genichiro was easy and I beat him first go. But I had trouble with butterfly. Is it so hard for people to understand bosses are different?
>hate some
Had* some, had a stroke
There is no honor in fighting a guy from horseback unless he also has a horse. He's just a big pussy.
All giving back Kuro's Charm does is enable chip damage on blocks, he told you to deflect attacks instead, when you deflect you take zero damage at all. Don't be hard-headed when you're in the wrong.
Lady Butterfly is a really tough fight, definitely the hardest one of the game for me by the time I met her, but luckily she's largely optional and you can just come back to beat her whenever you're ready and when you are it's much easier.
Butterfly is really hard when done at the time you first encounter her and using the intended method
Butterfly is a joke if you cheese her with dodge attacks locking her into a never ending animation cycle
Are you fucking kidding me? Is this a troll post? Are people really that bad at games?
my roommate has been stuck on him for the past 3 days
he sucks at every game though
No shit, dumbass.
But you have to deflect every attack perfectly or your posture and vit take a huge blow.
>try to introduce simple fighting game mechanics into a single player adventure game
>dodge, block
>too hard
I'm done. If this is what we're dealing with then everybody can just fuck off. I'm bad at fighting games, very bad but come the fuck on.
Can someone link the streamer rage. The one where he slams the ps4 remote against the table.
Nigger hes literally the easiest boss in this game.
fucking this
Reading, comprehension.
hold L1
Yeah, Tenzen was legitimately harder than him.
I think what MAYBE, you asshats, what the OP is trying to say? Is that it makes no sense for the samurai sword to block a massive, supernatural weapon like that. So uh, whatever.
Yeah I'm not trying to be rude, but honestly I can't imagine not being able to beat Gyoubu. Is your roommate new to action games? Or just games in general?
he might be one of the easiest fights in the game.
You'd think a guy on horseback would be faster and more threatening but in actuality most of his attacks are stupid slow and he doesn't really do anything dangerous with his horse, it just gives him a massive hitbox
Sure op
>No shit, dumbass.
>You just have to do exactly what was already mentioned.
Good job angrily agreeing with me, I guess.
lol, he's been playing on the genesis and other old consoles said he could pick up a controller
he plays almost every new game that comes out, he's just naturally bad at video games, but loves them too much
he also starts yelling and getting mad when he's doing really bad, which is often
Literally just parry when he starts very obviously swinging his big stupid slow fucking blade and spam in between you god damn shitters
there are literal demons and you play as immortal.
Shut the fuck up.
Interesting. Maybe some people just play but don't bother to try to figure out how to actually do well at something. Like a monkey just banging it's head on a door until it opens.
I always play when I'm tired and it really fucks me up.
Beat Owl yesterday, went to monk and got her 80% of the way through phase 3 on my first try then after that died 6 times without making as much progress. Thanks for reading, and don't forget to subscribe.
>he says this as he plays on easy mode
stop replying to me, queer.
Game is a fantastic casual/pleb filter. One of the best in a while. Based FROM has done it again.
Mist noble is easier
"Muh honor" has always been bullshit, even among samurai. Shinobi certainly don't give a fuck.
This is literally the first time I've seen someone died to the fucking chicken ever.
just deflect bro lmao it's not that hard, her patterns ARE straightforward.
>He says that as Sekiro is different from Dark Souls, players may first find it to be difficult, but as they learn new ways of fighting and new tactics and get better, they should feel the pleasure of getting better, which is part of their usual unchanging theme of gaining catharsis through overcoming hardship,
>He did not make any concessions where he felt that he should not,
"Get better." -Miyazaki
yeah, I tell him how to beat some parts of games, but he would always ignore what I say, and he gets real touchy in general if I mention how he's playing wrong, so i just ignore it now
I think it had to do with poor pattern recognition, kinda sad actually
Just block 3 Times and hook your way to him
I killed him first try
I honestly almost died to the chicken you run into before the first boss when I first started the game
Just fucking say "anime rules."
Plus I'm not OP, whoever that is. Fuck the card game, just eat the table when it's anime rules.
how the fuck do i beat this guy
Sometimes, when I lose, and it's a game over; I know It's because I didn't try hard enough. I didn't prepare, I didn't think about the fight. This is one of those games. If some sandal-wearing shithead, reviewing games in a toilet of an apartment, in California doesn't agree?
Fuck em.
Cant even remember who that is, looks like a common mook
yea he's tough.
took me a a while also.
Holy fucking dogshit
what's that haircut called
JUST resurrect
He keeps jebating me with his fake double slash.
That's the one in fountainhead at the end of it. Takes very little effort to win that one.
What the fuck are you talking about you can LITERALLY just MASH parry and it will defeat him.
Firecrackers locked behind a fogwall of this bossfight.
just parry bro
WoW Undead Male.
You can buy it.
AFTER you beat the boss and have access to merchant.
Then how come I've seen videos of people using the Firecracker against him?
this is literally the easiest boss I've faced in a game, I beat him on my first try and was like thats it? that was a boss?
didn't even have firecrackers at the time
Great, now we have a new influx of gen z assholes because of WoW classic. I'm going back to my hidden board.
No? The merchant is before the chained ogre, right next to dying mommy's boy.
You don't need to beat the boss. You get the firecracker prosthetic for 500 sen from the crow merchant near the house with the old lady with the bell, way before you even reach the boss.
No idea.
When you jump into the area, stairs on the right is always blocked by fogwall.
I always thought that firecrackers unlocked after Gyobou, cos your next target is bull, which is pretty logical.
merchant is before the boss, close to where you find tengu
Nah you can by it from a crow mob vendor near the old lady that gives you the bell
you mean the chained ogre of teleportation grabs
what the fuck was fromsoft thinking having that be a required miniboss.
I don't understand how people have trouble with the grabs. All I did was jump away to the side whenever he went for one and was totally safe.
He ain't called Sword Saint for nothing.
I've been here since 2004. I remember when moot had donation goals for servers. You are seething.
you can do a frame perfect dodge and still somehow get grabbed.
and the kick has shitty tracking too. you can beat him by sprinting/hit and run, but relying on the dodge is death.
Yeah I never bothered dodging because it didn't seem like a good idea against something so big. Jumping gives you the distance you need.
and right before, the game tells you: jump for sweeps, dodge for grabs
but if you dodge the ogre you die.
the quick grabs are ok, but that one where he lunges forwards has like 10 meters in diameter grab range
Yeah you have a point with that. But at the same time you have to concede it's rather intuitive to make as much distance as you can when something that large tries to grapple you.
I don't know if it's you're being serious or not but I will thank you for making me laugh hard.
>tfw Genichiro before Isshin is making me mad because his black fire swings randomly hit me even when I'm behind him
dodge should still work, the tracking on the ogre is just bad. when I saw the drop kick spin in mid air I was like "wtf".
pressure him way more. He can't handle it. He couldn't in the first fight and he handles it worse in the rematch.
no! hahaha you fucking retard! NO! You can buy them before the fight! Are you fucking kidding me with this retardation?!
Just use a trainer bro
If you get grabbed, you likely dodged too early.
Actually he's called sword saint because the translator is a retard who doesn't know the difference between 聖剣 and 剣聖.
im serious please its been 4 hours
Please explain for us EOPs female streamers.
They use the same kanji, but one means holy sword, and one means master swordsman. The guy who translated didn't know the difference. There were lots of other things I noticed that were off based on what my friends have mentioned or what I've seen from screenshots here. I guess since this game isn't supposed to be in English like their previous games, they really didn't give a shit about how the translation was handled.
i underestimated on in the ashina depths forest and it stunlocked me to death, first time one of them ever even hit me.
Hey we're talking about bosses here what are you doing?
sword saint sounds like a cool oxymoron
they had no say in it, Activision was doing the localisation this time, which is why the dub is atrocious and translation botched
Nah, it sounds like the guy is just shit at his job. Still not as bad as the monkeys, though.
don't get me wrong, the translation was terrible but people like the nickname sword saint.
The immortal blade however is a stupid name. Alot of the dialogue makes no sense because of the translations.
What happened with the monkeys?
>Sword saint
>kills you with a machinegun
In moon it was written like "Seeing monkey, Hearing monkey, Speaking monkey, " with the last comma indicating there was one more monkey whose name you couldn't see. The English just went ahead and butchered that.
The creator of the game
>almost 90 seconds of mashing R1 and occasionally pressing O
>for a single enemy
What a garbage game.
>sekiro can deflect hits from gigantic fucking apes composed of pure muscle with his bare sword
>can do the same thing to attacks from a myriad of other insanely strong creatures as well
>can pierce the hide of the great serpent god and cleave right through all of it's thick scales and flesh to chop it's face into fucking two with his sword
>can also do the same to the divine dragon, a literal godly being
>but his glorious 1000 times folded nippon steel can't even pierce the plates on the armoured warrior
Just HOW fucking durable is that euro armor that it takes terminal velocity from presumably a hundred and a half meters high in the air to kill the user of it from impact force? If the same seemingly normal blade Sekiro can kill anything with can't hurt or pierce it, does that mean the Armoured Warrior could have a chance to beat Isshin? Could he feasibly challenge any of the characters given the indestructible nature of his armour?
garbage enemy you mean. like the bull, or like demon of hatred. any enemy relying on grab or big ass not worth to deflect attacks is dark souls shit where you just spam B or run around, not fun at all
plate armor was the end of all be all for war till guns were made.
Just one problem though.
isshin has guns and lightning so no.
Did anybody not one-shot this boss? He is the first boss, he's so easy.
JOHN CENA. Tutudutu~
>[standard videogame logic]
Such amazing insight.
>how do I beat X boss?
>he's called sword saint because the translator is a retard
I skimmed some nip videos, they all 剣聖->kensei->sword saint.
That one seems correct, I could be wrong though.
Sprint away when he leans forward. Don't wait for the danger sign to react.
Is this like ghost pirate vs. pirate ghost where the two are very different things but idiots get confused and think they're the same thing?
So that's Gyoubu the demon...
Interesting I didn't know about the crow merchant I got mine from the merchant behind fog from beating him. Tho I'm on my first play through just beat Devine dragon and have used the firecrackers only on bull fight and missed with all but 1 of them during the fight lol
I just beat this guy in one try a moment ago. I don't understand how a human being can get past Lady Butterfly and could genuinely complain about horse dude. Lady Butterfly was absolute hell compared to this guy.
I get that the OP's most likely just fucking around and wanted to start a Sekiro thread, but I really don't think anybody who's played this game should be allowed to complain about the horse dude.
my sides
I just beat the horseback dude and the butterfly lady, moved forward on the main path and got ran the fuck over by the bull. Am I missing something here? I dodge right or left but he runs out of melee range before I can hit him. Do I have to deflect his charge or some shit?
How I long for the simple, naive days of dying a couple times to the horse guy.
And I beat butterfly first try, sight unseen. She was a chump. Died a handful of times in the horse tho neither was terribly challenging. Everyone is different.
I almost bear Giraffe Centipede on my first try, the parry spam pattern was super easy.
That boss is only intimidating if you're trying to dodge like DS.
same with the elite dude in ashina castle. Myazaki found a way to make this challenging for dark souls vets, impressive.
You died to Oniwa? Lol.
I found the dodge heavy bosses to be more fun than the parry rhythm game bosses.
A mix of 50% dodging and 50% parrying depending on the combo is probably the best.
This is why Ape's such a fun boss.
Deflecting the bull isn't recommended, it just destroys your posture.
Just use firecrackers and hold circle to chase after his ass.
Try to get him to rush into a corner so he has less room to rush away from you for another charge.
Don't jump, he has massive range when he thrusts his horns upward.
I also beat the dual apes first try. How bout you? The horse was overwhelming the first few tries.
dual apes is easier than the solo ape, i beat that first try and horse mcspearfuck first try too.
There's another merchant before the boss.
No, not that guy that you have to give information money, another one.
Plenty of ppl die to Oniwa because they're still in the DS/BB "gotta dodge" mentality, especially against a big heavy spear like that.
The fact that the room was extremely tiny should tell you that you can't run away like a bitch and should fight like a man
I beat this guy first try with no real problem but my first time with way of tomoe? 29 attempts.
Butterfly is easy. Just spam whirlwind slash and it stunlocks her.
So did I, dual apes is pretty easy though shitter, you simply got used to fighting him before. The ape coming to help is a huge pushover compared to the white one.
I will never understand why people who don't know Japanese insist on commenting on Japanese translations. No, it does not mean sword saint.
Kind of but not really.
Unironically yes. If it wasn't for Isshin having both guns and lightning at the very least.
Can someone please explain to me why the sculptor turns into a demon?
I get that it's a cycle, that in one ending Sekiro becomes the new sculptor that will give the prosthetic to a new shinobi but I have no idea why the sculptor is destined to become a demon.
beat him first try, stuck on the 1k spears asshole atm
its possible
Vinny Vinesauce, an furry SJW and streamer, won this fight after 3 tries.
You have no excuses.
it's literally the easiest bossfight in the game, even easier than minibosses like chained ogre due to them having funky grab detection.
You should never, EVER die to Grubbo.
The shadows of Shura.
He took death and killing too far, and lost to his inner demon.
>literally living peacefully in a hut while making carvings for Buddha
>somehow caused him to lose his humanity to his inner demon
I guess I can understand if you get to him before going through the Hinata estate and at least getting the first four beads. He can barely touch you when you're in his face (which makes no sense, it should be more dangerous because he's on horseback) and he can't stop you from just chopping him down. He is able to move away easily, but if you have the grappling hook attack (the first skill on the tree) you get to effortlessly close distance with him and get free hits. He's freer to R1 spam than the basic ogres with the clubs.
Hes carving budda in order to calm himself so he wont go demon again. The ministry invasion kinda made him snap
myazaki knows this
After we all beat Sekiro, can we agree that Dodgin >> Parrying as the main combat mechanic? I hope for BB2 to be honest
>which is part of their usual unchanging theme of gaining catharsis through overcoming hardship.
This is so fucking on point and I dont think there's a more satisfying feeling then this.
the ministry invaded,
i can't go back to dodging anymore, i hope the next souls game will make dodging more viable but i want the sekiro style of combat, deflecting is satisfying as fuck.
>deflecting is satisfying as fuck
It would be better if you could actually dmg the enemies, clanging for 10 minutes
based miyazaki, one of the last devs with integrity left
>clanging for 10 minutes
jesus i hope you are exaggerating
You are damaging their posture bar while clanging.
posture bar>health bar
That man is not peaceful at all. He is like a raving mad man that has since long gone mad, blinding himself with booze while trying to pre-occupy his mind with carving budha idols and praying that he could just leave it all behind.
Whenever he closes his eyes he just sees flame, death, and feels hatred. Then the attack happened that poked his metaphorical hornet nest and it was all lost.
Like giving alcohol to a sober alcoholic. He falls right back into it.
DSP's first death was to a chicken
ofc it was a hyperbole but the corrupted monk and Owl boss fight were fucking slow, especially the owl one i am pretty sure it was like 5 min + of just fucking clanging and clanging
>faceless army shows up to fight the bad guys that you want stopped
>somehow this triggers you
is sculptor actually autistic?
Sprinting around attacks a hair's breadth away from them over and over > Dodging through attacks with Souls iframes = Parrying attacks
So, I used the snap seed when I walked up to the locked door because I thought that maybe the lock was an illusion or something, since there didn't seem to be anywhere to get any kind of key nearby. Have I just fucked myself over big time?
that's easy
7 spears of ashina on the other hand...
you mean at the hirata estate?
you have to talk to owl first
>It would be better if you could actually dmg the enemies
That's what I did. Vitality damage is a lot more reliable. Might as well break their posture near the very end though if the opportunity presents itself after their vitality is already depleted. But I always focus on vitality damage.
hardest boss in the game
pressing L1 at the right time is essentially the same as pressing B at the right time.
Yes it feels cool in Sekiro and you get used to standing still but at the end of the day all you're doing is recognizing when an attack will hit and pressing a button within a window to mitigate it.
In fact Sekiro is even easier with Kuro's buttplug since you can hold the button and basically only lose stamina.
I want BB2 as well but they could always surprise us with yet another new IP again.
But regardless of what it is, I'd like to see more playstyle available.
There's no reason why rolls, parries, deflection, etc can't all be rolled into one game.
NG+ is a snoozefest with how Sekiro is designed.
he was a shinobi once and it's implied he fought in the war against or possibly for them at one point, maybe he wanted to go all out.
He tells you to not be afraid to go all out the last time you talk to him
Monkeys and even Lady Butterfly are easier
literally 1st tried this bitch.
Yeah, apparently I'm supposed to go somewhere else before I find the cave into the burning mansion area?
Seems like a weird design decision when the game gives you the ability to swim, a grapple hook, and calls you a "shinobi", I would have that finding routes that aren't "walking down the fucking street filled with enemies" would be the method the game pushes you towards.
you really need to read his moves better, owl's moves are so punishable
> The literal translation of kensei is "sword saint".
Cool fight, shame he's easy as shit
>NG+ is a snoozefest with how Sekiro is designed
sad but true, i was wrong. This game should of had pvp
It's hard for me to take any enemy in the game seriously after beating Isshin Ashin and Isshin, the Sword Saint.
Fucking nightmare bosses for me.
It has two healthbars it counts as a boss right?
mini so no.
here u go bby
then that's your problem dumbass
Any tips for demon of hatred?
Bosses are enemies that have two or more deathblow prompts on their final healthbar.
If you go to the memory there are like 5-6 in one area jump in and you are fucked.
any person with half a brain can see that the monkeys represent that
A boss gives you a memory while a mini-boss gives you a bead.
Dodge right most of the time and use the Fire Umbrella for the leaps. Other then that its just about getting the hang of it.
>Using the English Wikipedia page that gives the meaning of each individual kanji instead of the actual full word meaning in Japanese
It doesn't mean sword saint anymore than 小姓 means small last name. Why is everyone who doesn't know Japanese but tries to look up things about the language in English to pretend they understand it so fucking stupid?
fire umbrella his aoe attacks
>use the Fire Umbrella for the leaps
literally why?
it's his most telegraphed attack and it's easy to sprint away from.
Did you actually read the post you quoted?
>unironically liking English dub
The attack you can use out of it does a pretty big chunk of damage, and using the umbrella costs only 1 charm so you can use it a lot.
It would probably give players too much freedom.
Who? Fuck off newfriend.
Japanese is an ugly language and weebs are disgusting filthy creatures though
its more like just this part is the only good part. Had everyone else picked up the slack like Gyoubu did it'd be top-tier
>Japanese is an ugly language
It's much better that Chinese and Korean at least.
lmao kill yourself nerdddddddddddddddddd
same here. I just beat the bull and lady butterfly but I'm putting the game on hold until I'm done with my college semester. I'd rather play when i'm care free and caught up on all my lost sleep.
Did you miss the part where he can't carve a Buddha without a furious expression? The man's a ball of anger issues.
I actually laughed out loud at this shitpost. Well done.
>literally every boss but Gyouba took me 10+ tries so far
>Shinobi Hunter prob took similar amount
>Genichiro was probably 30+ tries
I just don't get get it man. I don't know why I'm so fucking bad at this game. I mean so far I've eventually beat every boss I've encountered but it's always this huge roadblock. I keep expecting the combat to finally click but it almost never does (but when it does it's amazing) and I think after each boss that maybe now I get it but then the very next boss it's like I'm back at square one. I'm starting to think I'm retarded or something. Especially when I've played, beaten, and enjoyed all the old memedifficulty shit like NG and shit but this just feels like a tedious slog every step of the way. I'm almost debating watching a fucking stream of not shit players or something because at this point it legitimately feels like I'm missing something; like I'm one of those people that somehow didn't learn to parry in MGR but beat the game anyway. It's rough being shit.
Hmm he looks kinda familiar...
Don't forget he's also a father. The only thing he's missing is a shield on his back. I'm 90% sure this was a refrence
Considering this is the most forgiving fromsoft game in years I'm not sure how you've come to this conclusion.
One of the chickens behind the old lady's house in outskirts knocked me over the cliff.
I learned late too user.
I don't feel like I really got it until Ishiin where you really are forced to get it and then the game's over.
I died to a Gecko in the prologue because I didn't think to heal when I got the flask and didn't expect it to attack me.
>Considering this is the most forgiving fromsoft game in years
That makes no sense. Dark Souls and Bloodborne games are literal cakewalks compared with this.
>It doesn't mean sword saint anymore than 小姓 means small last name.
In this case it does, it sounds awkward because it's a literal translation.
It's a literal translation that has been used in the west for decades. Sekiro isn't the first piece of media to use sword saint, other localization teams have come to this same meaning. I'm literally just corroborating professional translators, I don't get why you're being such a nitpicky faggot.
No one in Feudal Japan wore plate armor so their swords weren't designed to pierce it
so basically his name should be Isshin, Holy Blade? That's pretty sick
Are openable shortcuts pointless in this game? Teleporting to an idol seems way faster than using any shortcut I've found.
Sekiro beats the shit out of you more than DaS/BB at the beginning but is the easiest in the long run and NG+.
I beat Lady Butterfly before chained ogre and felt at the time she was more difficult than anything in Dark Souls or Bloodborne, harder than ever twink 4kids or twink Soul of Cinder or Ludwig or Kos.
Then I beat her in a single try after beating the game and realized it's literally all just doing the parrying.
I can still find some challenge replaying DaS or BB but Sekiro is just like one big hurdle of getting over dodging and it's all there really is to it.
fuck it, just quit at 7 spears boss. this isnt fun
On the one hand I feel slightly bad that I'm skipping over most enemies in NG+ but at the same time I am not really bothered since I have all the items I need. But am I missing out on good XP? I only started skipping because mobs give trash xp and aren't worth the effort, only minibosses and bosses are fun, trash mobs die in two hits. Anyone else doing this?
Sword Saint sounds better and makes more sense.
He didn't seem particularly holy, he was more devoted to combat and conquering.
In a sense the art of war was his religion, and so being a saint of the sword is more befitting.
>Japanese is an ugly language
The ASMR I use to go to sleep disagrees with you.
This game has really infuriating stagger mechanics.
keep going, you've barely started.
All you have to do is press B while moving forward or standing still and you will do massive posture damage on him when he tries a stab attack.
All he is really meant to do is force you to do that move.
I feel like they made that decision so that the name in English would carry some of the 'weight' of its meaning in Japanese. A literal translation to "master swordsman" probably doesn't sound how they wanted it to in the original language
he's an optional mini boss so you can just come back once you have more health/heals/attack power
only when you get posture broken
I don't even count tries anymore. I'm stuck on Genichiro/Ishin for 3 hours by now and can't even get him into the third phase.
What we are experiencing now is the second wave of Yea Forums shitposters finally giving the game a try after we shilled it so much
good luck, assholes
I get the mikiri counter every time then he 2 shots me from 50 yards away.
my tism doesnt let me pass by bosses in this (except for the purple orb dude)
There's a vendor near the start on top of a tall hill surrounded by cliffs in the area you first run into rifle mobs
getting posture broken is actually a good thing most of the time.
You just dodge out of the stagger and you have all your posture back for free.
I have never been punished for having my posture broken, it almost always happens at the very end of an enemy combo.
Make sure you backstab him before beginning the fight.
Use the flame barrel then swing then flame barrely to catch him in a loop until he gets the burning stat then stop.
This is an early game trick that works on many bosses and allows you to get their health down without much risk.
With lowered health your posture damage will last longer and the mikiri counters will be more effective as a result.
Then just play it safe until he's worn out.
Lmao I just killed Corrupted Monk and that silly bitch only had one healthbar. Is this what people were struggling with? Easiest boss in the game desu. Fucking casuals
mikiri counter is your friend
there is one attack where he delays his thrust and a counter-mikiri that you can counter so he falls down so there's that
you should be gucci if you deflect and mikiri, dont even need to do damage really
D-do you have to kill the snek? I want to know whether I should play gemu.
only for one of the four endings
Only if you want the true ending. Otherwise no, just take out an eye and move on.
how the fuck does corrupted monk have better porn than Emma?
I'm curious if you can provide some examples or your thought process of how it's the most forgiving Fromsoft game in 'years', unless it's just a shitty attempt at wordplay since it's been years since their last game came out. Even DS3 and BB have huge windows to heal and most bosses are far more forgiving with their attacks and how much damage they do and attacks are far more telegraphed in those games aside from gotcha pokes with single digit startup frames. If anything the Nioh dlc has been the only thing that's been a comparable difficulty for recent years. This is probably more on par with Ninja Gaiden on the higher difficulties it feels to me.
That's a bit worrysome. I 'quit' after beating Genichiro and felt like I was starting to get it then got butt flustered by Butterfly cunt but after looking at how some people are talking I'm beginning to suspect I missed a lot of shit since I'm at 1 prayer bead upgrade and 1 attack upgrade and 3 heals and people are talking about fighting earlier bosses than I fought with more upgrades and more tools. Might head back and do more exploring since I pretty much just rushed the dojo when ten thousand of those crow shinobi faggots started attacking me on the rooftops. Like I said when the game clicks it's fucking amazing but it's just more often not clicking than it is but I do remember how much I hated DeS before 'getting it' so it's hard to just drop the game because I'm a bitch that can't beat bosses.
have you seen the size of her body, she's fucking UNGA tier compared to womanlet Emma, or everyone else basically
where are you seeing all this corrupted monk porn
your playthrough sounds fucked.
I beat Lady Butterfly at 2 heals no beads but that was hard, a lot of people are fighting LB at 5 heals.
You are really supposed to beat LB before Genichiro.
You should be proud you beat Genichiro at only 3 heals, 1 attack and 1 bead, that's really low for that far in the game.
I think you've accidentally skipped a lot of bosses and minibosses.
>what is rule34
Now post the full pic
She's a big girl
Nobody likes womanlets, especially when they have to compete with lolis and traps.
this boss immediately made me switch back to JP when I was trying out eng. The dubs are cringey as fuck.
nice larping you stupid faggot. Firecrackers are not obtainable until after you beat this boss.
based retard
>Firecrackers are not obtainable until after you beat this boss.
They absolutely are you fucking retard. You can get them from the merchant near the lady with the bell
>Firecrackers are not obtainable until after you beat this boss.
you can get them from two different vendors
one is before the boss, one is after
Yeah that's what I seem to be figuring out just now. Makes me feel a bit better on Genichiro though. By the time I beat him it was pretty much a flawless fight since most of his shit 1-2 shot me so there wasn't much room for mistake. Guess I gotta go explore now to see what I missed. I think this is one of the real problems with these games (or maybe I'm just a retard) but it's often hard to tell whether something is hard because the game's supposed to be hard or if it's hard because you're there too early.
>can't find porn because he's 11
>tell him where to find it
>"Haha user it was you who was retarded all along"
those pictures are from pixiv you retard
rule 34 only has two pictures and they're both from pixiv
you're crying because you think those two pictures are all there is
Buy it from the first mob after the first general boss in Outskirts.
As I said I got fucked up by LB thinking that was where I was supposed to go, didn't even meet a vendor yet when I broke through her.
It can happen, it's not a huge deal.
you realize rule34 wasn't invented by the boorus that use it as their name right?
Geneshiro tips pls
Same here. I got the bell and did the drunkard and made a couple LB attempts before even fighting the red eye ogre.
deflect his combo for easy posture.
his jump attack can be easily dodged then you have a big window for health attacks.
if you can mikiri counter his stabs that's great but not required if you find it tough.
3rd phase is easiest, just bait out lightning bolts and volley them back at him.
Also Geneshiro is easily cucked by Ichimonji if you have that, especially the double.
Very simple user.
You just deflect his moves, hit him back, mikiri his thrusts, and redirect the lightning. It’s not difficult really, just four moves the entire fight.
>tfw got to Isshin 3rd phase for the first time and did it on first try
I get so nervous deflecting lightning because of all the zappy stuff blocking my view I can barely tell what's happening.
I want to kill the first purple ninja at the Hirata Estate legit, but I keep fucking up somehow. Any tips?
I missed that guy too. Looked around for forever before I found him.
his wombo combo kick ends with a thrust that you can mikiri
his leaping attack will very likely end with a sweep attack that you can counter by kicking his ass mid-air
Wow, a faggot you are
he's a fucking coward, why would you fight from horseback when your opponent is on foot
literally parry, pull some firecrackers and wreck his shit, he's legit one of the easiest
I've managed that but I still somehow panic. Do you keep charging him or do you back off every now and then?
holy fuck how do you tell which Issins attack which? It's literally the same move. FUUUUUUCK
no it's not.
he has very distinct movesets and combos.
There's literally no reason to back off from enemies unless you need to heal. Be aggressive and the game will be much easier.
my rule of thumb for every enemy is attack until you are deflected, and vice versa
there are exceptions of course for specific enemies but you'd know if that strat is ain't working
>There's literally no reason to back off from enemies unless you need to heal.
unless you're fighting headless on NG+ and even if you block his combo there's a chance it will chip you half your terror bar and instantly kill you.
Alright, yeah I've been trying that but I seem to default on trying to back away when I get deflected, and I get punished for it because they've got a longer reach.
When you get deflected do you try to back away while blocking or just stop moving entirely and try to deflect?
it waste time sprinting away plus you can do alot of damage while under him when he is recovering from the leap
>hit him back,
His riposte are fast and very hard to block, that's what fuck me up. Even mashing L1 doesn't work
it's because he is a giant dad
I actually backed off from Isshin whenever he did his sheated attack and after it stepped in for free hits.
It was a lot less dangerous than trying to parry his 2 fast attacks + the very fast sweep he does if you're close.
deflect of course, this isn't a souls game after all where your main strat to avoid damage is to dodge
deflecting is much more rewarding and subjectively reliable, you give them posture damage, while also makes for an opening for you to attack too
>literal translation
No, that's just wrong, you fucking idiot. Translating individual kanji is not how the language works. This is a matter of opinion or preference. You're a fucking retard who doesn't know Japanese, but is trying to define words in the language. There are literally 0 Japanese dictionaries that translate that as sword saint. Try actually learning the language and then reading what the word means.
is not a matter of*
>minimal problems with mini bosses and regular bosses
>get to baby mode easy version of corrupted monk that everyone says is the easiest boss in the game
>die repeatedly
I don't know what it is about this big bitch. I guess I'm a shitter after all. I didn't even have any trouble with O'Rin.
Killed him first time. Maybe because I killed LB before him.
MY NAME (I don't know the romanji)
Alright. I'm going to try again tomorrow, I just wasted three hours trying to beat him earlier and I want to do him fresh. At least I managed to beat the general up the stairs to Ashina Castle legit. I still need to get to Jyuzou and Lady Butterfly though so maybe I can do those first, but since I heard the purple bastards get a lot more common I decided to at least try and get good with the first one before moving forward.
you have to get good all over again, and don't play it like souls, deflect is the way to go, even if its just partial deflects.
he is the toughest boss in the game, beat him and you can beat anyone
Being close means you're getting it user, you can do it.
I'm surprised how much posture damage he takes in the 3rd phase. I don't get how to deflect the lightning yet but you can do without it apparently
>finally kill sword saint
>3 healing gourds left somehow
it's over... now for demon of hatred
prepare for an easy ride, he's just a low-tier bloodborne boss.
Even singular grape is harder than him.
lightning is tricky, the key is to not chicken out.
the fear is what makes it challenging.
Basically time it so that he hits you with lightning while you are mid-air, if you did it right you will light up and defy gravity for a millisecond and before you hit the ground hit r1 to send the lightning back.
basically you want top be hit in mid-air by the lightning
lightning is easier than it looks.
there's a massive window to return it, you will think you've taken damage but then press R1 and it will almost always work as intended and send it back.
Just commit to it and you'll be fine, the game wants you to succeed.
That's not how you're supposed to view it, you're supposed to react accordingly to what he's doing. If it doesn't have a red kanji then you can parry it.
They really aren't. The probability of trading blows with him is awfully high, and you don't want to do that. There are a couple of completely safe situations, but even then you only have a chance of striking him once (maybe twice if you get lucky).