It's going to surpass Deus Ex
It's going to surpass Deus Ex
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it's simply not possible to surpass deus ex in depth and complexity without deus ex tier graphics
I know, check reddit.
Literally NEW BAD, OLD GOOD: The Post
No shit. The real question is will Sony censor the PS4 version?
>PS4 version
I don't think it's coming out this gen.
t. underage retard
graphics themselves have nothing to do with it obviously, budget, team size, priorities and marketability do
Dude CDPR is on the verge of bankruptcy! They need to make some fucking money. Their last release was in 2016 and that was DLC
a GTA V clone has nothing in common with Deus Ex
who cares?
Deus Ex was great. 2077 will probably be good. I doubt it will surpass Deus Ex, but then they are very different games. We'll have to wait and see.
I cant wait to play it, does it come out rhis year?
>Their last release was in 2016
That's not too long ago, besides the witcher 3 sold pretty well iirc
>who cares?
That's a good point.
TL;DR: yes and it's probably Q4 2019
It's in development hell and everyone talented has left the company. It will be a piecemeal fucking mess when it comes out, barely complete at all.
You know I'm right.
It's a long time for a company like CDPR. EA and other big companies can handle it but they need to make money. Expect a 2019 release date at this years E3
They don't even need to release it, they could just open it up to preorder and make an easy 20 mill and keep developing for another 18 months.
>You know I'm right.
You're lying and I can't fathom why. None of those things are true, but I'd be glad to concede if you could post some proofs.
Confirmed this gen and confirmed before 2021 (likely late 2019 or early 2020)
The real question is, whether or not my 980 + 4690k rig can run it. Please god please
>Dude CDPR is on the verge of bankruptcy!
Thats the reason they bought a new building and are hiring 200+ new people right?
Lmao what a shitposter
Why not? If it's coming out this gen then you should be fine, not highest settings though.
check if you can run the demo at that one website.
GOVERNMENT FUNDED... Which is weird... Seriously why is the Polish government buying these people things?
In sales, not in quality or message
Not him but what demo?
'Cyberpunk 2077 demo'
From E3
>why is the Polish government buying these people things?
to promote the only successful business ever to come from this country. everything else is either shit or a scam ran by former regime spies to launder money.
>Still perpetuing the lie that everything they have on money is from goverment
Jesus dude just stop
You are lying and moving the goalpost like crazy.
From what little gameplay they've shown, no. Especially not with that dialogue wheel.
hey man i'm cleaner than a cunt in a convent
>check if you can run the demo at that one website.
wait wtf? Source?
it's fucking garbage, it has the minimum requirement listed as a 1080ti abd 8700k
Basically it's what CDPR ran the demo (the strongest rig on the planet).
Yea, those are probably the recommended specs. I expect a 980 to be able to run it at medium-high for 60ish fps providing it's at 1080p
Didn't they run the demo at 4k?
Also shit, I'm fucked either way with my 6th gen i5 and 970.
Dunno, heard it was 1080p at 30fps but that was likely stability related. Also, I wouldn't worry about a 970 + i5 not running the game, it has to run on a PS4 and Xbox One, so a 970/i5 should be fine