Why can't Mortal Kombat girls have this much soul?

Why can't Mortal Kombat girls have this much soul?

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Does soul mean "designed for male gaze"?

Then it's because it's 2019

Because Mortal Kombat is a shit series that outstayed its welcome. Its value is 100% in the gore. It was never a particularly good game.

because Boon keeps trying to make the series realistic but not

That's a Mortal Kombat tier character design look at that nasty outfit.

Arcsys geniunely has some of the best animators in fighting games. NRS has always struggled with this. MK11 is a massive improvement over 10, but I wouldn't call it impressive in this regard.


MK's animations have never been top of the line, they've always been passable, calling 11 an improvement over 10 is not really that big of an accomplishment, it'd be like saying a piece of crap tastes better because someone actually seasoned it


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You can almost see

Because NRS is a soulless western studio.


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Oh I get it, she is a zombie so she doesn't have a soul

How does she change expressions if it's a mask?

I didn't argue about MK historically having good animations. It has always been pretty shit when it comes to this, I just think that MK11 is a huge improvement over 10. It still has nothing against other games, though.

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She'd make a great wife if she didn't fuck cats

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I don't like this post

>carefully retouch the animation frame by frame to make 3d look like 2d
>the mouth animation when talking is still just 2 frames, making them look like a fish grasping for air
Why can't anime style into proper lipsync?

>modern GG characters
they're fucking weeb trash with excessive amounts of fanservice and "kawaii uguu" personality
you should kill yourself asap

>if she didn't fuck cats
wait what? I thought she got with Anji?

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2D = soul, 3D= soulless
It's that simple. Why is that concept so hard for devs to understand? Just fucking get someone to DRAW the characters and let models be a thing of the past.

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Why does she stand like that?

I've no idea, but Guilty Gear Xrd in general has some fantastic animation work.

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Her butt hurts

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From what?

That's... that's not Nine...

Third Strike is a broken mess but goddamn it has some beautiful spritework.

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When you hear a black man behind you

Not true, the scanned characters were cool too.

Don’t forget to dilate on your way out.

Because it’s not Japanese.

It’s called creative liberties you spasticated söyboi

broken mess? stay saul T

Shut it goober

Make me, thot.

Sorry, please, don't think all of us are problematic sexists like OP, in fact most of us are pretty nice, haha, hope you are not put off, it's always great to see women join our community

Dishonest piece of shit this bitch is everything wrong with anime fighters

dizzy is cute
can i fuck dizzy

This. MK was always about goofy over the the top setting and moves


begone shill

>this bitch is everything wrong with anime fighters
Which is?

To anyone who has ever played Third Strike for more than a couple matches, it's no secret that the game is kind of a mess. This is not to say that you can't enjoy it, but there's a lot of very stupid stuff in that game.

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Sometimes it’s hard to tell if these posts are ironic or not.

I’m just gonna assume it’s the same retards spamming the whole thread considering the post to poster ratio and the lack of ongoing conversation.

Not ironic, I don't want to see my wife get fucked by other men, but maybe that's just me

Assuming that guy actually plays fighting games, he probably likes grounded games like SF. Anime games usually have a lot of suff that people who like grounded based games can't stand. One of the biggest ones is how wacky each character can be, Jack-O in particular is based around the player planting these little houses that spawn minions who in turn, attack the player.She's not the best in the game, and everyone has their own share of wacky tools to deal with this stuff, but is something that is simply horrible for people who prefer a certain type of fighting game.

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What the fuck you talking about?

Well fuck that guy then. I like unconventional characters, and the little houses are a neat little management game in itself, if a bit frustrating at times.

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I do agree in that complaining that a different game with completely different design, goals and philosophy doesn't work within the confines of SF is stupid. I just tried to explain where that nigga came from. I particularly don't mind fighting Jack-O, if anything she represents one of the reasons why I like GG: Every MU is its own game.


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Old and busted

I bet Jack-o's jumpsuit gets transparent when wet. I want to rub her body with oil.

Hope Bridget comes back for the next Guilty Gear.

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It's not Mature or Respectul

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I like AOF3

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It will sell 10 times as much as any GG, stay seething pedos

I got the jist of it. I didn't even make that "such as" post, I just don't like when people want everything to stay constant and prevent new gimmicks and experiments, good or bad, from happening.
Honestly jack-o is the only xrd newcomer that kept my interest past the trying phase. She feels the same kind of "unconventional" I could expect from GG if that makes any sense. Bedman too.


Bedman just confuses the fuck out of me, much more than Jack-O ever did. I settled with Elphelt due to me liking her grenade and guns mechanics a whole lot.

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Yes, well garbage selling is sadly something we've all come to accept as the tragic norm. But if you take peace with the knowledge that you "won" because of that feel free to gloat about the downfall of the medium.

I'm also an old GG fag, but come on lad, May is one of the OG characters, we also have Dizzy and Jam. Not to mention GG offered one of the first widely accepted traps in anime media.

Shit on Kum Haehyun for having no soul, but Jack'O oozes the lighthearted side of Guilty Gear and is easily the most soulful Valentine.

Not that guy you replying too, but I like Kum a lot. However, I'd like that we'd see more of the cute girl piloting Kum. She only appears in the intro and IK.

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>they're fucking weeb trash with excessive amounts of fanservice and "kawaii uguu" personality
Are you implying old GG isn't the same?

Fucker has no classic metal/hard rock references. He's a 0/10 for me. Korean guitars my ass, either get Rocked or get Fucked.

It's what he's made to do.
too bad he's kinda ass in most fights
I hope we get to go full sicko mode with ABA in 3D someday.

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Are you sure Kum has no metal/hard rock references? Sounds weird for a GG character.

That'd be amazing, I'm optimistic for the new GG.

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To be fair, until recently Baiken didn't have much for rock references herself and it kind of made her stand out.

>Tumblr meme format with an NTR joke
please get dead

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While MK has some alright character concepts, its execution of them is rather poor. The series largely lacks in style or flare outside of the pulp/violent comic book aesthetic of the 80s and early 90s. From the way it plays and handles to the tones of gore and humor, it really feels like a lingering remnant of a bygone era that lost its soul and identity along the way.

To be honest the references and even soundtrack itself for Xrd feels a bit anemic compared to Xs

Yeah, the soundtrack in Xrd doesn't really compare to the XX games, especially the korean soundtrack.

The whole "vibe" of the modern games just doesn't feel like it connects. I know Daisuke probably wants it to be closer to GG2 or whatever that action musou shit was but as soon as he got into the whole Valentines and Bedman shit stuff just doesn't even feel like it's the same series anymore. I know the setting wasn't really super well explored because it's a fighting game but it just as a really different feel to it.

Also fuck this gay foxboy shit. I didn't wait however many years of hyping THAT MAN up for it to be this faggy ass shit.

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>designed for male gaze
You were designed for male gays

I dunno, dude. I really liked the Valentines and overall aesthetics of Xrd. ESE TIPO was dissapointing, I agree on that.


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*police siren in background*

Nah, the dude just prefers the style of the old GG games. I like both, visually speaking there's a lot of stuff that I like more in Xrd, but despite being good, the soundtrack really took a step back when compared to prior games.

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I feel it's just Daisuke advancing as a composer. For one He's no longer blatantly plagiarizing actual songs.

Listen to venom's theme in X2 and then listen to Breath to Breed by Napalm death.


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Yeah, the old songs all have a certain element of their character to them. Most of the new ones are just generic guitar shreds.




It takes over a minute for Bao Babel Nose to sound remotely "Chinese."

It's good he's not ripping off but that doesn't change the Xrd tracks are really boring compared to the X2 ones. I'd hardly call that "advancing."

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I find it kind of funny that some themes of new characters in central fiction sound more GG-ish than a good chunk of Xrd.

I dunno to me it sounds like xrd was played too safe.

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>gloves with fingernails

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Honestly I kind of get the impression that the BB stuff sort of bled over into the GG stuff and that's partly why the weird shift in aesthetic.

I've grown to like the Xrd soundtrack a lot. I genuinely feel for one Magnolia Eclair is better than Holy Orders and Give me a Break is better than Keep youraelf Alive. I will admit the X and X2 soundtracks have a lot of oomph. They still use Still in the Dark in live events for a reason.

You can totally palpate the progression of daisuke's style if you played blazblue in between Accent Core and them regaining rights for the series until Xrd

Have you read that bit in the big article about Anthem failures about how it has bits of useless dialogues that don't make sense just because they couldn't afford making new lipsyncs? That's why.

What about fingertips with cat paw pads?

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I think that's true but I wouldn't say Xrd has a better soundtrack. The songs with lyrics are fucking amazing tho.

I can totally hear an animator saying
>I just finished animating every puff of smoke in the game frame by frame each. I don't give a FUCK about about lip flaps.

The only new theme that stands up to its predecessor to me is Original Bet, but the Xrd soundtrack as a whole never really bothered me too much for the reason you stated. Then again, I went and bought original themes as soon as I could so that tells you what I prefer in general. I love all the new character themes though.

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Ramlethal looks like a bootleg murakumo so I can see that.

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Depends a lot on the song. But overall I feel Guilty Gear just has goof music period. Potemkin's Guilty Gear 1 theme will always be his best, Millia's and Dizzy's Heavy Rock GGX themes will always be their best and May's X2 theme will always be their best (it has way too good of a reference youtu.be/JMINkaubyuE)

Those look like blisters

Haehyun is a reference to one of the guys who did the Korean XX OST, one of Daisuke's buddies

The whole framework of Blazblue story in Calamity Trigger and Continuum Shift was Guilty Gear as well, so it's just a big back and forth Murakumo Units were cleanly based off Valentines from GG2

No, they're cat pads

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The one that died?


Fuck off with that weeb shit

The part at GDC when the audience applauded after hearing about the smoke was priceless


Lead guitarist I think

somewhere in the Q&A section of that: youtube.com/watch?v=yhGjCzxJV3E

Because it's a horrendously inefficient waste of effort for something that adds almost nothing to the game?

Fucking kek

fucking destoroyed

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Bcause anime is trash

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Who let you out of cellar. Get back work.

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>ywn work with a cute boy and his chinese boss

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In the event I hadn't made this abundantly clear, I really like Chinese girls.

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Jam is pretty cute and fun to play as.

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She got the WATCHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! That I like so very very much.

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I really like Jam and Jack-O being pals.

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Is her back ok?

She's very flexible.

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Because Shang Tsung keeps stealing them

Their story was pretty cute.

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burkas protect women from the male gaze, InshAllah

I'll never take this pairing seriously, those two act like brother and sister. And no, they're not the only Japanese alive, so they don't have to copulate.

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Jam really takes thing in stride. Very Tao outlook.

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They didn't retouch animations in 2d - they don't exist in the game. The game is completely 3d with an anime shader on it.

Xrd tracks are lacking because he's put all his music muscle on the vocal tracks. In fact, I dare say he's better than he was before, he's definitely improved

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Yes, they did it in 3d. Not sure why you're posting this.

You're getting your Arcsys fighters mixed up user. Nine from Blazblue fucked a cat.

Baiken is too obsessed with revenge for relationships.

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>The tracks are mostly worse but that's just a sign he improved.

Nah. I ain't shitting on the vocal tracks, mate but the fact the bulk of the OST is garbo is the more crucial point. Especially when the character tracks are the ones that play the most.

anyone else ever come to these threads just to save the sexy art and images other anons post? i know i do

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Fair enough, it doesn't have the same bite as before I agree. I think only a handful of tracks are comparable or better than the old character tracks but can I mention everytime Daisuke makes a Chinese track its like idk too on the nose? I find it hilarious.

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Because their souls are mine.

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>Shang is finally back
>he's DLC

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>Ore oraaa!

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2D KoF stages are so comfy tf?

He was destroyed!

He reminds me of Izuna. Wouldn’t be surprised if that’s purposeful considering they both hang out in the Backyard.

>all these people posting cute anime girls
If MK girls looked like that would you really want to tear them to fucking pieces and then burn the scattered remains? (Gurofiends need not apply)


only good post itt

Xrd themes still have a lot of personality to them imo. Bedman and Leo’s themes are great and some of my favorite tracks in the series.

at least their clothes would be torn off a bit that'd be nice


As much as I love Awe of She I’ve started to really love One Dawn. Awe of She is a great boss theme but One Dawn fits Dizzy’s actual personality better.


Anyone who disagrees with this probably unironically thought crash bandicoot was a great

Almost see what? Her pants?

Stop ruining it for me

Love the game, still enter tournaments for it, but it is a hot mess. A GOOD hot mess, but a mess all the same.

To be fair, it's difficult to find another game with a developer team of its size that feels like as much of a passion project as GG, just because Daisuke has a lot of control over a lot different parts of it, some might even say he has too mcuh control over certain aspects of the game. Still, I think it's unparalleled in how much personality it manages to convey with its designs and animations compared to other fighting games, it's not the only one that does it well, but you're setting a high bar for any other fighting game to compare it to GG. The girls in MK do feel pretty uninspired though, and I don't just mean in MK11 or because they're ugly or anything like that, I just feel like I see so few people who have one of the girls as their favorite characters, myself included, because very few of them really stand out. Mileena feels like the only one who's particularly popular, maybe Cassie too, but I didn't play MKX so I don't know how she is, people seem to like her well enough though. Either way, I still get the impression that a lot more care and thought has always went into the guys in MK than the girls.

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Yeah, Baiken should go to a real Nihon warrior like President Zanuff.

She looks pretty interesting, what game is this?

I can't stand bedman mostly cuz he is obviously the closest character to my old main, but so drastically different as well. 8 way air movement, litttering the screen with traps and setups, fuck even a lot of their normals seem the same. But Bridget was lame and liked to play keepaway while bedman is aggressive and heavily setplay focused.

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I mean Kum's whole gimmick is that she has the power to "tune" things like you tune a guitar and virtually every single line of hers is based on that.

But she isn't a direct reference to classic rock like a lot of others.

I wasn't too fond of SIGN's soundtrack, but I think the Revelator tracks have largely been very good.

Guilty Gear Xrd Revelator 2

Guilty Gear Xrd Rev.

Ram was actually first designed in 03 so she predates blazblue.

Your restaurant was destroyed dipshit.

What strikes me about NRS is that a lot of their developers are genuinely fucking incompetent. It's like the highest selling fighting game franchise by a significant margin, yet they have some of the worst artists in the business, worst animators in the business and they haven't produced anything resembling a decent soundtrack since MK Deception in 2004.

Even eurojank games made in a small eastern-european village where the game director is some 70 year old babushka that doesn't even know what a video game is, feel genuinely more competent at their jobs than the deadweight at NRS

Why is that? Is it because they fell for the "diversity and inclusivity (except for nerds)" meme?

>Nearly every woman in GG has tits the size of their head

No shit? Got a concept sheet lying around?

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She's wearing trousers lad

With the exception of Skullgirls, western devs can't into fighting games

Got the date of 2's release confused with isuka, but she was still created before BB.

This is Valentine, one of the playable characters in Guilty Gear 2. On a very technical plot level, this isn't the same Ram as in Sign but more like Ram 1.0, however they have the same backstory/personality/purpose etc.

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Punch planet is OK, although some of the character designs are meh and the balance is straight ass.

The new Power Rangers game is apparently good, again in a janky ass but fun way.

However in principle I agree with you.

Popularity is not an inherent indicator of quality.
>when most girls have giant fucking tits and fine asses


Had me going for a second, then. I was hoping to see some really early shit.
I know about the Valentine stuff, I was just making a jab at her appearance. The poncho and big swords always made me think she looked like a pre-fight nu/mu

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>tits the size of their head
Those are borderline flat chests

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Oh, I was thinking you were talking about her plot stuff, because story wise she's basically the exact same thing as a murakumo unit.

are they literally fox ears because the wiki says theyre hair clips

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>didn't know I had a mask fetish until now
thanks anons.


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>he didn't always have one

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im sure it was always there but I never truly noticed it.


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It's been too long and I've forgotten a lot of stuff, I thought role-wise she was just some shit made in the backyard to distract people while justice was being revived, but didn't die so sol and friends kept her around, and she learned how to feel. I thought elph and jack-o were the real "important" valentines to the story.

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Jack-O's gameplay is complete cancer. Design wish she is not bad though.

Jack O is the important one really (since she's basically just Justice but not quite), Elph is just a fucking boob who has been manipulated into filling almost the exact same role Ram filled in Sign.

I can't really summarize the plot that well because it makes almost no fucking sense, but the valentines and the murakumo units are super fucking similar to each other.


Thanks for clearing it up. The story honestly didn't seem too bad if you're following along but explaining it (without having to branch off and/or spoilers at least) sounds like hell. I'll give myself a full refresher on the story if Xth gets announced, I've got a couple other fighters I'm spending more time on at the moment.

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Wrong pink haired butch woman

I see you faggot

>>MK's animations have never been top of the line, they've always been passable
>Fence punching and robot movement

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mortal kombat is western cucked garbage
they're pandering hard to the tumblr/resetera nu-male crowd
muslim kombat will flop

You said X would flop too

Mk is shit, but lets not be delusional here. Normies will eat that shit up and make it a success like always

>one of the few fighters normalfags will eat up

Yeah I'm currently on a bit of a GG break myself. All my characters were gone in Xrd and while I was enjoying playing Ky him getting nerfed from S tier to higher S tier (cuz others got hit worse while he could still do all the same shit, it was just more annoying to do now) made me say "fuck it, I'll wait till bridget or kliff come back".

They're fingernailless gloves.

I just want another good marvel game....I miss Wolverine and the other X-Men....I miss going on a ride....

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That's because the story of blazblue is heavily based on Guily Gear.

>Clones of beloved person to the main character, who was turned into a powerful monster. Each of these clones in a way has the potential of gaining enough power to destroy the world, but despite being clones each have a personality.
There I just described both Valentines and Murakumo. Consider Blazblue was released as a response when Arc System Works lost rights to the Guilty Gear series to sega so many concepts were re-imagined
>Boundary = Backyard
>Librarium = PWAB
>Murakumo = Valentine
>Great Dark War = Crusades

Dragon Ball FighterZ is basically a Marvel game.

MK and Smash are some of the most SOUL fighting series out right now.

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I really like MK9, and MKX, havent gotten a chance to try 11

But every other MK game honestly sucks. How did it take them 9 games to make a good one and more importantly how did they even get to make 9 games? I'm not complaining since I'm glad the new ones are good but its really surprising


Listen to Magnolia Eclair from Xrd and Electric Eye from Judas Priest.

He is still up to his old tricks

But it doesn't have Marvel characters

I play Jack-O'

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Who do y'all main? All beat my meat RAM Ram stuff aside I actually really like her, corner kings are great.

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I want to marry that girl!
She's so cute!

Oh snap.

It was basically just "oh fuck we kinda lost the full rights to GG, what should we make now?"

"just copy it but not too close and nobody will notice."

>last name is Badguy

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>Give me a Break is better than Keep Yourself Alive
yeah i agree

>Magnolia Eclair is better than Holy Orders

It's funny if MK didn't have the history it has and was a new IP It would get so much shit for the violence.

Imagine sex with Ram

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I do everytime I jerk it, literally billions to this sweaty brown semen demon.

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I thought Cassie was pretty cute in mkx and music Lords of Acid did for the series was great.

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Soul =/= Sexualization


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dem dats hot who dis

Tits are to big

Would people complain about sexualization as much if there were more fujo and bara bait characters in fighting games?

Because nobody cares about anime games and even fewer care about barashit.

Forgot a "yes" there.

that's true Soul =/= Sexualization. that's why no matter how hard western devs try to remove Sexualization it doesn't bring them any closer to Soul, since the two are totally unrelated.
Japanese devs however have a thousand + year history of putting souls in inanimate objects through care and devotion, so it's second nature to them to add soul to their characters.

there's not really a shortage of those characters in anime fighters already. People just ignore their existence or try to wave them off as some male power fantasy even when they're bishonen like Jin Kisaragi who has no appeal at all to male fans.

I play Answer, he's easily my favorite newcomer in Xrd.

That aside, I hate fighting Ram. She's the only character in the game whose gameplay I really want reworked because she's such a chore to go up against. I still like her design, but the way she plays makes me want to end myself.

Too bad nobody fucking plays GG anymore.
You see Rev2 get shilled all over the place for how beautiful it looks, but nobody fucking plays the game. Most purchases come from waifufags who jack off to ramlethal in training mode and stop "playing".

I hope these faggots at least stick to Granblue Versus because it won't be as hard.

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Because mortal Kombat was never good. It only sold in the 90s because of gimmicks. It was always a kusoge.

Rev's ancient now, and the last patch was shit. It's actually incredibly similar to how SFV had a good update with AE, then fucked everything up with a shit patch that turned people off to it. the only difference is Arcsys makes more than one fighting game so people bailed on GG since the devs left it on a sour note.

They made DBFZ and BBTAG, both of which play nothing like GG. They're shitty tag games, play nothing like GG. There is no real reason to quit Rev2 and this shit was already on the brink of death when that patch came out too don't kid yourself

Doubt these gacha fags are even going to be playing it after a month, wasting more time that could have been used on either GG or BB. Both got left on shit terms.

the game is hard as fuck so i dont play it much. still a great game that i always recommend to people.

>recommending games you don't even play

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sensible chuckle

For what purpose if you don't even play it?

mk11 girls honestly looked better with more covering, looked more practical and sexier somehow. felt trashy and pandering before

This. I hope they make the next game easier so more people can play. As is the series is impossible for most people to get into.

Clean your axe wound and don't think about the 41% suicide rate.

Rev 2 had brought some life back into the game, then they dropped the Johnny buff and that pissed people off.

Fuck off jew.

BASED reseterachad destroying 4channel cucks on their own turf

it's still an amazing series even if it's too difficult for me.

Good fucking good I would love an Arcsys made Darkstalkers game

>designed for male gaze
Instead of typing 4 words just type "attractive" or "beautiful". It's shorter.

Listen to me, you fucking bagel head.
GGRev2 is not inherently difficult.
Even if they fucking remove DPs and other "hard" motions, make wakeup times universal, remove the weight classes...

All the "DIFFICULTY" comes from FIGHTING GAME VETERANS. They can get to MID-HIGH LEVEL WITHIN A FEW DAYS while beginners and low level players with previous fighting game experience need to grind for YEARS to catch up to them.

If you want to be good on launch and fight with veterans on equal footing, YOU NEED TO PLAY SOMETHING AND GET GOOD *RIGHT NOW*, preferably REV2 but ANYTHING will do. You get good in one game, you'll be able to pick up new ones way way way faster. That's just how it is

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Their costumes in mk2011 made me feel like I was playing some Dave Cheung tier gurofag shit whenever I used fatalities on them.

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I never touched online play. I can't even do motions or combos and in games like that that's just 1% of the difficulty. The overwhelming majority of people are like me and by making the game so difficult to get into the devs are massively shrinking their audience.

Not him, but for me the actual hard motion in GG is those wakeup 632146 motions like Dizzy's reversal is. I can do 623's all day no problem, but getting the timing right for 632146 with wakeup always trips me up.

Viddy, your trip


Attached: Jack-O Backwards Walk.gif (800x447, 3.54M)

Wow its almost like you need to practice.
And if you can't be arsed you can just turn on stylish mode youtube.com/watch?v=Yj4UB4oc1Ew

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How would you know if it's amazing if you can't play it? Not until you put that time into the game can you give a good judgement.

Just use UNGA BUNGA if the game is hard for you.

baste and medicated

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Gachafags have huge overlaps with people actually playing fighting games especially in Japan.

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I feel like this shit will be really obscure in the west
nobody gives a flying fuck about granblue

i watch a lot of tournaments and pro play

Man I really wish I liked arcsys games but they always have something that I dislike to the point I sto having fun with their games. That stupid slow down in Roman cancels that eats inputs is terrible and I really dislike some of the gameplay choices with the newer characters.

I feel something similar for dbfz, I wish I liked it but I really don't.

I might give tekken 7 a go but I was never really found of 3d fighters.

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That doesn't mean you'll be able to tell anybody shit about the game or why they should give it a shot aside from "it looks pretty."

Depends if Cygames decides to pump cash into bulldozing GBF into the west. They tried that with shadowverse and it almost worked, its just that the meta went to shit early on in its life that it left a bad impression even if it did get better down the line.

Besides, expect to see GBF pushed so hard in ever major because Cygames keeps sponsoring them

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Why not try BlazBlue?

Maybe you should stick with Jive?

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>third strike is not a hot mess.

I love it but the game has some really dumb shit. We could have had a 4th version of it when online edition came out but people were bitches and told the devs to not change a thing it even though they could have shipped both versions together.

Sometimes I think on what it could have been.

>even if it did get better down the line.
What is the current meta like? I have not touched SV since the Blood/Wonderland meta.

Be a bitch then. Just go back to playing whatever it was you already play.

>Makoto grab has a such a huge priority that it goes trough throws and grab SA

The othe day I did Alex hyper by bomb and the mother fucker just grabbed trough it, I was in shock. Still won the match though.

This shit's just gonna be another game people watch but never touch.

I did tried the second release of blaz blue on ps3 and a PSP version of it that didn't let you use the analog stick for some reason while the PSP version of GG did it is not really my thing. I think the only game I ever like from them was persona arena but Ihavent found anyone to play it with.

I love big breasts so much!!!!

I don't play jive either.

You now have 2 formats, rotation and unlimited. Rotation is the latest 4 expansions and Unlimited is everything. The new expansion just came in and it looks pretty alright. Every class is doing fine except Rune and even so its not like Rune is doing terrible.

Unlimited is the wild west of formats, you can literallt play anythibg as long as it has a dumb ginmick that can kill out of nowhere. Currebtly its dominated by Portalcraft since they pushed the new Portalcraft cards too hard and now the deck can highroll 8 power worth of followers by turn 2. Roach is still dumb as always, with aggro dragon killing you by turn 4-5.

Yeah P4A is really dead sadly.

P4A was stupidly fun.
Ultimax overdid it to me.

You underestimate Cygames. People will play it, good or bad.

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>Crash Bandicoot was about gore

I think a lot of people are waiting for the next game to get revealed and shake things up.

He's sponsored by the company that makes this game. Of course he's going to post about playing it.

Maybe, I just don't see the appeal of dumping diamonds or whatever into your phone to get .png files, or have much confidence in the people into those staying since a new one crops up every month. If I'm wrong, then I'm just wrong, but I'm just overly cynical of ASW having a bunch of licensed projects running at the same time.

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I know nothing about Granblue because I just can’t into gachas but I might buy it if someone in the base roster is cool enough.

>another game people watch but never touch
so like
every fighting game

They dont have any other projects apart from GG and Granblue. DBFZ and BBTAG is on dlc work already.

Name one fighting game people stayed to play outside of SF4

b-but it's .png files of cute girls user, CUTE GIRLS

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Jackie Chan - Fists of Fire

There's still a world of difference between getting matches in even Blazblue compared to Arcana Heart, even Street Fighter is niche compared to more accessible genres so arguing that high is pointless.

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If anything though I started Granblue when they announced Versus. I can see the appeal since its surprisingly nostalgic and reminds me of 90s squaresoft in terms of atmosphere and artstyle. Never spent a dime on it though, but the main pull is the story. Its a blackhole of grinding though, so I just """""play"""""" for plot.

Why are there so many fake baiken players and why are they all mental cases and/or sadposters?

She’s a ghost*, technically she’s all soul.

*Chinese hopping vampire ghost

Same shit applies to Juri
Same shit applies to Bullet
Same shit applies to Ramlethal
Same shit applies to Angel and Mai
Same shit is going to apply to Darli Dagger

fucking streamniggers

Equating granblue to any fighting game in terms of sheer popularity is disengenious though. The game is stupidly huge and rival Fate in terms of the power it holds in media even if it is only big in Asia. At worst you'll have an active online full of Asians and thats it.

>hehe big tiddy
Fuck baiken, I'm glad she's dogshit.


>I'm glad she's dogshit
Hello, non-player.
She's not bad at all anymore, you fucking retard

If they did, Shang Tsung would be the most powerful character in the universe.

Go azami a bullet waifunigger.

meant to quote

>Darli Dagger
You mean Shiki

I want to see her and Zoro mix it up and get it on, in that order.

Donate the rest of your money to whichever e-celebrity faggot you watch and starve to death you fucking streamnigger

Who give it to me RIGHT here?

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Yeah, a sexy design designed for the male gaze is BAAAAAADDDDD~

Meanwhile MK11s males have all designs designed for the female gaze and they are GOOOOODDDD~

Go fuck yourself.

Would Raven be OP in the MK universe?

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Bedman's theme is the only one that sounds very XX

>implying it won't be that new cute chinese girl

Lily of Steel sounds pretty XX to me

She will be, for the novelty of also pining for Yuyu in the process twitter.com/YUYU_FGC/status/1114030803896246272

Anyone that's new to the game is gonna eat shit from established players.
If they don't quit then they'll either be positive about their 2 year long ass beatings or take them personally and go mental

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Every x ray organ bone destroying shot Raven takes only makes him more excited

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You don't even have your insults straight, I fucking hate this dumbass meme titty samurai bitch.

You've been missing out. It's a wide world out there.

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You hate the beginners who pick her up and then quit the game. Don't blame Baiken for that.

Have you been around when -Sign- came out? People did the same thing but with Ramlethal

>Elphelt is just a plus sized dress up doll for her insane mother.

And those same retards jumped to Elphelt shortly after she came out.
They need to cut this waifufag bullshit out. They never stick around. They get hit one time and wuss out and we're left with shit clogging up the roster that no sane person wants to touch because of them.

> woman in sheer anguish

based NRS wanting the Ryona market.

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Eh, I can't really judge waifufags because I don't know if I'm one myself, really.
Designs are what determine which characters I try out first, and it's usually women, but if I don't like how my favorite gal plays then I'll just move on looking for more suiting functions. For instance I didn't like how I-No played so I dropped her for Bedman

>epic pose
Is this a JoJo reference?


You can like girls without being a waifufag about it.
Shit like people whipping their dicks out for that under night samurai bitch and then just dropping the game is what I'm talking about.

Boobies are pretty great

Attached: top heavy.webm (920x770, 2.23M)

>killing games just to bust a nut
Just watch porn.

If only Chris posting could be moved to Anji posting


But that's not broken games at launch or shitty DLC practices

How do you guys (veterans and decent players) feel about beginners and low level players? I can't imagine playing against them being fun or beneficial for you, especially during launch months.

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If they stick around a get better then its a win win.

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How is liking a character killing games?

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Dumbing down games to appeal to the lowest common denominator and stripping them of their identity shouldn't just be ignored because other absolute scumbag shit is happening at the same time.

It usually takes them like 2 years to get good though
IF they don't give up

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How do I get good at fighting games?

>not taking newbies under your wing like a sensei

Don't tell me you want badly animated bouncing breasts mk shill

This. MK was pure pulp fiction and unapologetic about it

Now it's "respectful and mature"

Keep playing and learn from your mistakes.

Attached: Jam.webm (800x400, 2.57M)

People say play them but that's not really true. You can play but never improve. They also say to practice correctly but don't explain what that entails.

>t. also shit at fighting games

Wait until a new game comes out.
When it's out, play A LOT of matches, make use of the lively playerbase.
Once you get the basics down after about a thousand matches, start asking around in discords or in Yea Forums threads for advice.
Post replays and people will give you a whole LIST of things to work on.
Keep playing, analyzing your replays or having others analyze them, practicing how to punish stuff in training mode, practice your reactions, practice your blockstrings and combos until the end of that game's life cycle.

If you do everything right, you will now be good at that game but it will be dead.
However, you'll be good enough to pick up a new fighting game on launch and get good way faster because you now possess fundamentals, now you have the potential to become a high-pro player and keep up with everyone right off the bat

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You're on Yea Forums nobody here can help you.

Jam is such a nice lady, she cooks food for you after she beats you up

MK looks like garbage.

I like Rokumon

why does she have no nose

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unironically get a friend

if he's good he can teach you
if he's bad you can git gud together

doing it alone is inefficient

Only the nose knows.

Attached: Jam2.webm (800x400, 2.79M)

she sold it to rebuild her restaurant

I have a friend and after he beats me 50/6 he just tells me to hit the lab.

Nepotism trumps talent every time

>"diversity and inclusivity (except for nerds)"
agreed this is fucking bullshit. gamers are the most oppressed minority

X lost a lot of goodwill due to its mediocre scenario.

Don't listen to him, just find someone who is good at giving advice.
Do note that being a good player doesn't automatically mean they're gonna be good at giving advice. Most veterans tell me the same thing, but others can provide way way more insight.
There are specific channels on discord for this, ask in there and you will get good advice.

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>just hit the lab bro
shit friend who won't lab with you
he should tutor your ass like a piano tutor or math tutor

Fuck you, nigger. I actually play Rev2 and I really like it. That said I can see why people can be scared to get into the series

It’s just too bad that they used them for a guilty gear game when the overall style would make for a good blazblue game
>tfw we will never get the classic guilty gear style back
>tfw no picture can adequately express this feel

It's really not that hard. GG got it's reputation for being difficult from XX, not Xrd.


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BB is definetly getting the 3D graphics next game, sprites cost way too much and arc sys is shitting the 3D graphics out rapidly

The last patch wasn't even that bad, people just overblow it because of things it didn't do, most notably not nerfing Johnny. It's not like they made the game worse though, I'd rather play now in 2.1 where you're not constantly going up against Raven's who base everything they do against the endgoal of getting you in the corner, doing 236H, flying in and repeating.

Why are there barely any lobbies anymore then? Even discord is a wasteland now

there's that fan-made one on fightcade. i tried it out and it adds moves buffs all of the lowtier characters especially sean which makes me really happy
overall it was pretty fun but pretty much the entire population of fightcade is on jojo, 3s, and kof 98 so you'll need a bud to join you

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A little bit of time in training mode grinding that muscle memory.
A little bit of time watching high level match footage for the character you pick
A lot of consistent time just playing matches to apply what you're watching and so you don't spaghetti mid match and drop your combos because you're in an unfamiliar situation because I know at least half you fuckers do this
How much time specifically really depends on the person and how fast they want to advance, but generally play more than you watch, but don't neglect either. Then realize it's not about getting gud but getting better.
If a game allows it, learn those shorter routes that are more versatile before even thinking about those big dick, blow-all-your-resources-to-style, combos too.

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because ggXXXX WHEN
3 arcsys fighting games have come out, probably a 4th with granblue, before a new gg

Not him but is just stealing blockstrings from match videos enough? Sometimes combos if the game has no resources. I don't really know what else I'm supposed to pay attention to

Because anime players don't stick to shit.

I haven't been playing recently because I'm on wireless internet and would only get 0 bar connections right now, but last time I checked you had around 200 people playing daily, and I could almost always get a game when I wanted to without bothering with discord or any of that, and I don't think that has changed. The game's still less active than it was a while ago, but that's no surprise when it hasn't been getting support in a while and there's other fighting games to pick up for people who aren't so committed to GG, but being less active doesn't make a game dead. I'd be surprised if I went online right now and couldn't find a lobby, and that's with me being in EU on PS4 where it's not as populated as it is elsewhere. I wouldn't get any matches with a good connection, but that's just a consequence of my internet being in a bad state.

It's the bestselling MK entry to date

I'm EU too and I cannot find any fucking matches. At best I'll see a locked EU lobby some light blues made to play together.
Asking on discord is futile too, nobody responds anymore
and I'm on PC

I can't speak to how populated it is on PC because I don't play on PC, but I've always been told more people play on PC in EU than on PS4, so I assumed it was true. How many people are usually online?

Can't see how many people are online in game on PC afaik
Two lobbies up right now in EU, it is 8-9PM after all which is the most active hours but 2 lobbies is still pretty lucky
On discord, a fuck ton of people are online. But almost ALL OF THEM moved on to UNIST.

You can find UNIST matches throughout the whole damn day

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Pay attention to blockstrings and how they open people up, how the player uses their tools to get out of pressure, and what moves you see them "fish" with. Prioritize learning some smaller combos from those "fishing" moves to make sure your damage starting out is consistent if you can.

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I play BBCF, I'm relatively new I guess. Been playing for 2 months now but I played GG before for about 5 months.
Things I need to work on are
>generally very poor burst habits
>poor ability to punish
>poor oki, very easy to escape and get back into a neutral situation
>generally not very good at spacing myself properly
How many of these can I fix by just watching matches? I kinda feel like the best solution for me would be to play the game more because I still feel uncomfortable in a huge majority of matchups

That's kind of shitty, but at the same time I'd say just having those two lobbies is enough to be content with. Obviously it's not ideal, but you only need one other person to play and you can get that there. It is a little surprising to hear more people are playing UNIST though, last time I played that there weren't that many people playing. Granted, that was before it got announced for EVO, so a lot of people have probably latched on since.

>Granted, that was before it got announced for EVO, so a lot of people have probably latched on since.
Oh yeah, a fuck ton of people did and I kinda don't like that they did. I dislike bandwagoners

It’s the same for every genre, we’re only seeing it so much now because technology has advanced so far: the art style is the soul of a game, older games were sometimes forced to use an art style in place of realism because the technology wasn’t there. Now that we can make people look so realistic in games they’re beginning to lose soul. You can still have a good game that’s realistic, sometimes evens amazing, but that’s rare. Stylization can turn a good game great and an amazing game into GotY/GoaT material (see: Breath of the Wild).

>no resources
find resources
tutor yourself in peacemeal chunks
work on inputs for specials
work on deliberate, precise movement
work on deliberate button presses, know when and why you would ever push a button
work on short, bread and butter combo
work on hit confirming stray hits into short combo
extend those short combo
learn the flow of battle and when its your turn

the order you learn stuff doesn't really matter. "work on" means muscle memory in training and using in actual matches

I said, if. There's enough resources for my character.
Also I am not new, I can do a lot of this stuff, I'm low level which i consider a tier above beginner level

MK is western

Not him, but I think it depends on what your issue with those aspects are. Do you know how you should be handling it and are just fucking it up, or do you just have no clue what you should be doing? If it's the former, I'd say you should play and you'll get the hang of it overtime, otherwise you might want to see what others are doing differently. I feel like no matter what your issue is you should prioritize playing over watching the game though, mostly just because it's more fun and it's easier to learn when you're enjoying yourself.

I don't really mind so long as they actually play the game. People who just post about it because it "killed Melee" or anything like that while barely having played the game are pretty annoying though, and I expect that's a lot of people seeing as it feels like a lot more people started posting about Mika around that time as if she's their favorite character, and yet I barley ever saw anyone playing Mika in my time with UNIST. It could be just that they like her from CTB, which I've never played so I don't know how many people play her there, but it does come off as people who spend more time shitposting about the game than actually playing it just latching onto Mika because she already had that meme gif for them to post over and over.

>>generally very poor burst habits
You can watch matches and see how people use their bursts and/or what burst baits you could keep an eye out for but that's for later
>>poor ability to punish
That's just going to mostly take matchup experience and knowing what other characters can and can't do, but watching can speed it along a bit.
>>poor oki, very easy to escape and get back into a neutral situation
Watch the pros of your characters and see how they do it, then work on applying it
>>generally not very good at spacing myself properly
That one again is mostly going to take matchup experience and generally knowing how the game feels to get it "right."

And again, it's not just watching matches, it's watching with the purpose of seeing what your character is capable of in different situations. I'm still pretty ass myself but I've had countless "aha" moments just from watching someone else use my character in ways I didn't think of.
I forgot to mention, but this also applies to yourself. Save some of your matches, win or lose, to review later because you'll be in a completely different mindset when you're not in the thick of it and just watching yourself play and notice things you probably missed in the fight.

Is that Sora's mom?


Oh, I practice blockstrings and mixups in training mode but have a hard time doing them in real matches, I get pressured and spaghetti my inputs and thought process and stuff.

And about the UNIST thing. There's a lot of stream monsters who are just trying really hard to be "apart of the community".
For instance, the mika thing holds true. Nobody plays her in UNIST or BBTAG.
And then there's the constant unfunny B TATSU, BATHWATER, ELTNUM JAV xD spam. It's annoying and definetly coming from shitposters who dont play.

Thanks. Whenever I watch match videos I usually pause a lot to reasses situations and find answers as to why they did something or just to see what the right thing to do is or to learn what they are doing. Takes me about 3 minutes to digest like 30-70 seconds in one match.
Yeah I take it that I should just play more then. I learned a safe jump combo (for oki against characters with DPs) in the corner for Ragna but I still haven't even landed it in a real match

>Arcsys geniunely has some of the best animators in fighting games

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>Western FG

Attached: Raybun.png (1424x934, 255K)

you dont got oki buddy sorry

You don't need to be gud at fighting games to enjoy them. You can always just play against computers, try lots of characters and unlock stuff.

Maybe she should spend that money on a bra

Attached: 1553293360824.png (1461x1080, 1.76M)

The fact they fucked up in very few animations doesn't change that fact, user.



Japanese artists know noses are ugly, so they draw as little of them as possible
Meanwhile westerners add tons of detail to noses for no reason

This is the number one reason western art looks bad, and why western art is so easy to spot

It'll slow her down.

Attached: jamHD.jpg (1920x1080, 182K)


Yeah get on that shit. IMO the most important aspect is getting as much raw experience as you can, then refine that into how you watch match footage/what combos you focus on grinding. If a situation keeps buttfucking you, like I'm going to say getting pressured as an example, pay extra attention to when your character is put in that situation in a match and see how they respond to it. Reduce the mental stack so your mind and hands respond with the right action quicker instead of going "what do I do" over and over in your head and losing track of what the opponent is doing.

Also just keep in mind. What people need to get is if you genuinely want to git gud, you're going to have to put a lot of time in, but that's not the only way you have to play when it comes to a fighter. If you're not happy or having fun with this shit, just stop.

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Her nose was right in that webm

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Improving and getting good is all the fun for me. I love that shit, it's addicting as fuck. Especially the feeling of beating someone in a set when you would usually lose badly against them

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Smug potato

You could have said that if OP posted a character that was purely designed to show her tits, or if she had an extremeley arousing body and a poor amount of clothing (and also was doing suggestive poses). But that's not the case and you are a faggot.

I live for those moments of absolute clarity and having shit click for me, being able to do things I thought would be impossible for me just months before. My favorites are when the solution to a problem was something incredibly simple and obvious.

Attached: 1548528488413.jpg (1280x720, 225K)

This. She is the least sexualize arousing character in fighting game history