Steam could just reduce their share from 30 to 12 and all problems would been solved .
Steam could just reduce their share from 30 to 12 and all problems would been solved
Other urls found in this thread:
Are people really upset they have to download a different launcher?
Big surprise another wave of completely unsolicited Epic shill threads with the same brainless jokers making the same tired copy pasted arguments. Do not bump shill threads.
Maybe people don't want Chinese spyware on their machines.
horrible economic strategy
or maybe epic could reduce game prices so the larger developer cut is passed to consumers
You want competition? Compete.
Would you be happy having to install a new, inferior web browser just to look at Yea Forums?
Eh. Sure.
Devs aren't making their games exclusive because of lower fees, they're making them exclusive because Epic is paying them to.
Steam could have no fees whatsoever and there'd still be Epic exclusives since they literally get paid for a certain number of copies sold, even if it doesn't actually sell that much.
But they're fine with Gabe's spyware?
You have to be stupid to think epic would stop buying exclusives because of that.
>0.1 point was added to your social credit
Which one?
Lesser of 2 evils.
>Exclusivity, even timed, from the get go
Scummy but perfectly within the publisher's rights.
>Taking games away from other platforms for exclusivity
This is blatantly anti-consumer.
okay . but I have a question , since devs now pay only 12 % to epic , why not make the games a bit cheaper instead of full 60 dollars ? not make the price 18% lower , just a little , no ? so its a win win for them all ? even if half the people buys the game than steam ?
Neither, pokemon is trash
Nobody thinks that.
It's just a meme because chinese can be sent to prison for talking about these topics.
You can see this was made by bugmen because they can't even properly copy the text.
If you can suck Gabe's dick, you can suck a chink's dick is what I'm saying. With digital distribution (and software licensing in general) you get fucked no matter which store you walk in to. It's like complaining about the lighting while you're being fucked in the ass. This whole shebang really shows how retarded gamers are.
I'm not doing business with Tencent.
I don't really care either way. Epics gonna stop paying out of the ass for exclusives eventually, or they won't and I'll continue to pirate. Hell with all of the fortnite/unreal engine money being dumped straight back into the industry we might see a few games we wouldn't otherwise, and epic is nice enough to pay for your copy.
You could just stop being a shilling insectoid faggot and all my problems would be solved
All Gabe needs to do is wait it out.
>s-s-suck chinamans dick pls, you are getting either way
That's the shittiest excuse I've heard this week
you have proof? is steam is forced to share his data with the government too?
Wait what out?
Fortnite? UE 3 and UE4?
Steam is a full featured storefront that offers more to the user than epic ever has or will. It's more akin to getting fucked in the ass in a nice suite with climate control and mood lighting and all that jazz instead of a dirty alleyway.
The fortnite money will run out.
I'm upset about having to download any launcher. Fuck steam, and fuck the bootlickers that defend it
Fortinite is equivalent to Cs 1.6/ Half Life 2 Valve forced upon us decades ago.
For those of political inclination, it's unethical to give Chinese corporations money because of their incredibly low standards being so dysfunctional that it actually gets people killed. You have no right to joke about petty things like American Flags with a Made in China sticker on them if you throw money at China at every opportunity. American escalators don't eat people. American elevators stop once the doors open. American games are original intellectual properties. American motorcycles don't burst into flames at the slightest tap, only Tesla cars do that. Supporting an economy that does not have real standards, either written or unspoken, is enabling callousness and inhumane treatment of consumers and workers. Furthermore, if you are at all in favor of increasing minimum wage, you should by all means be outraged by China's cheap labor and should not support it in any fashion. If you aren't, you're either uninformed or genuinely don't care about the Chinese.
They already have reduced share once you sell a certain number of units.
You can still play AND find Nosteam CS servers even now, mate.
You could just stop spamming and all problems would be solved.
t. Xiang and Lao
If steam lowered it to 10% Epic would still just buy exclusivity and we'd all be right where we are right now.
Rather have Chinese spyware than American spyware desu famalam, what are those bugs gonna do to me all the way over there?
I choose a third option.
If Steam lowered it to 10% they'd be bankrupt, Steam only makes on average 20% due to them letting people sell keys at no cost.
This is without considering things like merchant fees, hosting costs, costs of Steam physical cards (10%+), paying all their staff, etc. Developers asking Steam to lower their cut 12% are not only borderline retarded but they'd also be shifting costs to the consumer, like Epic does. Of course, they don't care about that since publishers/devs are greedy kikes.
lol but huawei makes objectively good shit.
i did laptop repair for a couple years and their shit is just as reliable as any other laptop, but a bit cheaper. decently hardy design as well, you arent punished for not tearing it open for a dusting or for shooting milk out your nose when browsing memes
>With digital distribution (and software licensing in general) you get fucked no matter which store you walk in to.
Not true.
Wow based, I'm sure they are doing this out of their good nature! Those Chinamen definitely are good people and aren't doing any business scheming! No sir we really care for those game makers here at EGS! Please install our spyware so we can sell your information to friendly Chinese companies!
>Incidents involving elevators and escalators kill about 30 and seriously injure about 17,000 people each year in the United States, according to data provided by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Consumer Product Safety Commission.
I think you need to take a moment longer to analyze the situation and ask yourself that question a second time.
>What are jaded foreigners who are outside my country's legal protection system, making even multibillion dollar companies powerless to protect their interests, going to do with something as little as my credit card information and social security number
gee I don't know
best case scenario, blow your life savings on gacha
worst case scenario, weapons for the military
>Steam could just reduce their share from 30 to 12 and all problems would been solved
But even Tim Sweeney himself said that it's not sustainable and is only a temporary measure to attack Steam with.
It's not for you, user. If anything, the developers want to charge you more than $60. The 18% goes to them so charging you less means they don't get the money they expect you to pay.
literally what every other corporation does, scheming to fuck their competition. whats the problem besides them being chinese? dont worry about them ruling the world, they still have hundreds of millions of people willing to work for pocket change so we will still get cheap shit
>it's unethical to give Chinese corporations money because of their incredibly low standards being so dysfunctional that it actually gets people killed.
He says, while typing on a computer with parts made in China or on a phone assembled in China.
Why is video games the only industry where so many creators actively insult their consumer base?
>whats the problem besides them being chinese?
Except they're not collecting your SSN you dumbass, nor are they stealing your card info. Your post makes it clear as day that you're underaged.
Most if not all banks have fraud detection, if someone from China suddenly used my card to make a purchase it would be declined and my bank would lock my card, then their fraud department would either call or text me. If for some reason that didn't happen, I would notice the charge and reverse it with 5 minutes of my time and get a replacement card mailed to me within a few days.
It'd be more likely your phone is made in Thailand or india
Why would they? Epic is literally just shooting itself in the foot with a machine gun for no reason hoping that "maybe Gaben will panic and shoot himself in the foot as well" There is absolutely no reason for them to do it and even if they did what would happen aside from them losing profits?
>muh publish- uh developers will go back to Steam
the publishers don't give a fuck about the cut they care because Epic is pulling money out of there ass and paying them.
Have you seen the working conditions in the factories where those products are made?
>best case scenario, blow your life savings on gacha
identity theft is stupidly easy to detect. it could be annoying yeah, but if all the companies in the u.s get away with data leaks, what makes it different if a chinese company does? besides making the identity theft so obvious that the credit card company contacts you saying they already canceled the charges?
>worst case scenario, weapons for the military
we have nukes, they have nukes. our tech trees are done except for invading non-nuclear countries
Steam isn't forced to share the data it harvests with the US government though
>I trust them with my financial information
imagine being so retarded that you don't just go to a random gas station and buy a gift card to get your games
>check Tim's twitter
>full on chinese defense force
It's my right as a consumer to not support businesses I don't agree with the practices of and the vitriol leveled against me for my decision by Yea Forums shitposters makes me extremely suspicious of EGS, Epic, and Tencent.
Valve doesn't have a second income stream like Fortnite to act as developer welfare.
Just because that is our reality that boomers forced on us doesn't mean mean we have to follow them. I buy American made whenever humanly possible. No one gets excited when they see that China mark on their product but that's the clown world we live in now. You can avoid it by not supporting EGS but be a good little zoomer and suck that little yellow cock. Faggot.
>>What are jaded foreigners who are outside my country's legal protection system, making even multibillion dollar companies powerless to protect their interests, going to do with something as little as my credit card information and social security number
also applies to steam
>imagine being so retarded
>A different launcher
Any launcher. The fact they want me to have bloatware running in the background to launch shit is retarded as is, inventing competition toward it just means there'll be even MORE of that
>Make an Epic account years ago to download and tinker with UE4
>Forget about it for a while
>Check the email address I registered on
>Constant messages about someone trying to log into my account
Why the fuck would I ever trust this company with money?
He can deny it all he likes, but by 2021/2022 Epic will be completely owned by Tencent and gives the CCP a path to infiltrate US tech companies
China is still #1 in phone manufacturing last I checked, India is second.
Fuck off namefag
That can and has happened to any account
he is does it for free
Stop responding to tripfags
us tech companies infiltrate each other all the time. liberals love to make russian hackers and chinese hackers the villains since they also need a enemy to get people pissed about. republicans have the border shit, democrats have countries that finally upgraded from windows 2000 and are starting to return the favor to america. we invented hacking you know
Can someone tell me why they even send emails about that? If other companies did that, my inbox would be flooded. Only email me if they actually get in, not every time they enter a false password. What am I going to do, change my account's login email?
And you think I'm okay with that? That there's no American factories for this sort of shit, all because greedy fucks use foreign labor as Chinese minimum wage is, at greatest, about three fiddy (24 Yuan in Beijing)? I don't fix it by living in the woods hunting moose or whatever.
Steam bending over for the EU is the basis of its modern refund system. Your country's law has power over Steam.
>tripfag is a retard
>gives the CCP a path to infiltrate US tech companies
Uh China's way ahead of you on that one, Google is helping them develop AI (while refusing to help the US).
>all because greedy fucks use foreign labor as Chinese minimum wage is, at greatest, about three fiddy
Welcome to capitalism friend, enjoy your stay. The only solution is to force companies to manufacture locally which would spark an outrage about the Government being authoritarian, or lower your minimum wage to match Chinese slavery levels.
>Steam bending over for the EU is the basis of its modern refund system
That was Australia tyvm, don't steal our credit.
imagine being actuall paid shill
>fraud is no big deal!
>if it happens just fix it lol
Yikes tone it down there Chang it is a little too obvious.
imagine being anti-competition
I meant the games industry. Kind of fucked up there.
12% cut vs. 12% cut + guaranteed money to make up the loss if sales end up below a certain point
you a dumb dumb
Is there even a point replying to this? The guy just repeats arguments that were destroyed a hundred times before.
Or multinational sanction based on the premise of "it's slave labor", but people value their cheap chinese goods too much.
Epic is anti-competition.
Has EGS decided to go with anti-competition now instead of anti-monopoly?
imagine unironically being anti-consumer
no credit card? you can literally look at your monthly statement, say "hmm i dont remember spending 1000 dollars" then you call the company and report fraud and then problem solved. the biggest impact is that initial worry thinking the credit card company might actually be non-cooperative when it comes to reporting a felony, second is the feeling of not having a credit card for a week. like i said though, most of the time they will be the ones calling you saying they detected fraud.
Wrong. Epic are paying developes huge swathes of cash up front too.
Yea the Chinese spyware apparently is way worth more then the game itself
>That tweet where he says the CEO of Tencent for totally realsies played a lot of Unreal back in the day
Holy shit what a fucking shill, there is no low he won't stoop to for some of that sweet fucking cash.
Also looking at Epic's store right now there are currently zero games on sale. You get a couple bucks off one or two pre-orders at best. Fuck this anti-consumer pro-publisher shitheap.
If it is so worry free post your credit info! Don't worry you can just call your bank!
>but people value their cheap chinese goods too much.
Phones, clothes, etc. wouldn't need to be much more expensive, these companies are raking in increased profits year in and year out. That's just the lies companies feed you, "if we put an end to slave labour, everything would cost twice as much" which is nothing but propaganda. They could afford to pay everyone a living wage and still make immense profit on the $10 shoes they're selling for $250, or the $300 phones you're selling for $1,000+. Again, the fault of unregulated capitalism, nothing matters but increased profits year in and year out.
Yeah, like that XCOM faggot whose game was only made thanks to Kickstarter bragged about how he could refund every kickstarter backer who demands one and still have money. Sweeney is throwing down fat bribes and scummier devs see the money and come to grab for it.
>using communist Chinese money to undercut western companies in order to build a larger marketshare
I bet you think wal-mart undercutting local stores using cheap chinese goods and putting everyone out of business while having 70% of their employees on government assistance is good too right?
>second is the feeling of not having a credit card for a week
This isn't even a problem these days, if you have Google/Apple Pay many banks will auto update your card on those apps with the new one before it even arrives. Can't speak for the US but that is how it works in Australia and I assume many other countries.
Damn, Xbox live has almost everything from this list.
Not really, the percentage is just one factor, to GET exclusivity they have to pay money out first. Companies aren't switching because of some vague promise that they'll take less money, they are getting money up front to be exclusive.
>needing to borrow money
never tried it but yeah people pay with their phones all the time
It's not competition, they operating at a loss and eating the costs because they have HUGE fucking investors like Tencent and money from Fortnite.
They're basically playing chicken with Valve, waiting too see who gives out first, either Epic from losing money or Valve from losing business.
Reminder you ALSO get a better negotiation with your unreal license fee if you sign your rights over to China and Epic as a developer.
If Valve ever lowers their cut, epic will just raise theirs.
>on wishlist
You post these like it means something.
So Red Dead 2 is going to be an Epic exclusive, right? They have a partnership with Take 2 which would imply that.
I'm upset with your blatant shilling, and the control developers will have over reviews on the epic store, that is something that will affect gaming in general regardless if you use the store or not.
>Stop calling out spam, it's legit discussion I promise
okay, well i guess i wont sign my right over to china and epic as a developer. oh wait, im not a game dev so this effects me how?
Just showing how much spam and shilling there is for this Epic shit on Yea Forums
Games aren't exclusive to Epic Store because of a revenue cut you stupid fuck, they're being paid
you were also spamming, no one cares about this shit. i dont care, im just here discussing why i dont care
There's been a push recently by epic shills to act like because some of the people who switched to epic exclusivity haven't outright stated they were paid, that that must mean they left because Epic is just better.
Someone made this claim on a reddit post and the post immediately got gilded by another account after posting. That's blatant shillery.
it's just shitposting, same shitposting we've always had except now the subject has changed
I'm an American and it's my American right to choose only to suck American cock.
how do you know they're "shills" and not just one of Yea Forums many legitimately autistic retards.
Nobody shitposts for a new storefront like it's their job.
I get the guy who made the same anti sony thread every day at least 5 times a day for 3 months, he's just autistic and a fanboy, but nobody is an epic fanboy.
I am aware of Steam's near monopoly status, and to counteract that i'd rather buy more games on GOG than Epic to be honest. I'll certainly be buying VTMB2 and CP2077 from them over Steam at the very least.
Are you complainig about the hundreds of threads we have every time Steam shits out a shitty sale?
Than fuck off Steamboy
What will I become with the things I will create?
I never said that steam should bow. I never said that steam should break. I only want what's best.
Yea Forums's autists shitpost about stuff they identify with, so nintendo fanboys post anti not nintendo shit.
Nobody is an epic fanboy. They've done nothing to have any.
Any storefront that frees the customers is preferable. DRM is shit.
>epic shills
don't exist
EPIC is paying millions for the limited exclusives, so STEAM would have to shell out the same kind of money
t. Yongyea, Upperecholon and ReviewfatUSA
people pretend to be because it pisses everyone off, that's kind of the point
Nobody cares what you say.
lol just buy buy from third party sites
valve get zero profit from it
>I'll give you 88%
Devs deserve less than 50 as far as I'm concerned.
Devs get far less than 50. Publishers are vampiring a huge portion of it.
Which is hilarious, as publishers are also getting the epic exclusivity money, too.
Devs keep finding out their games are epic exclusive without any part in the conversation.
Nothing personnel, code monkeys. Oh by the way you're all being laid off even though we've reached record profits this quarter.
Imagine when the BR trend ends and FR goes into the grave
What then?
Last time I asked this someone insisted to me that fortnite would be popular forever.
Can't someone just post the 1989 Tiananmen Square pasta and all the Chinks shills in the thread would be sent to Chink Gulag?
you know epic earn the same share right? epic just get it by jacking up the price, ie from the consumer instead if the dev.
it's really brilliant when you think about it
>buy exclusive, killing competition
>raise price by 20% or more
>herro user-chan, we take ress from devs, we are good guys
>now pay us more.
This is what I don't understand. No game that has been announced of the epic store did so purely because of 12%. They did it because they handed them a huge bag of cash.
Epics doing the obvious walmart strategy here to try to gain market share.
Meanwhile the advertising and marketing teams all get raises, bonuses, and free round trip air fair to the company's annual tropical resort picnic.
even if it wasn't a Trojan, every launcher adds his shitty services in the background that takes ram and CPU for no reason.
Will that stop Epic from being grubby chinks who bribe publishers for exclusivity contracts? No? Didn't think Tiananmen Square Massacre 4 June 1989 so
why don't we just send a 1989 tiananmen square email to tencent to cripple the entire organisation
console and platform wars sound exactly like the kind of thing Yea Forums's autists would obsessively shitpost about. fornite is one of the biggest games in existence right now and you're trying to argue that Epic doesn't have fanboys?
>Steam could just reduce their share from 30 to 12
Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo first.
>Thinks it's about 12% and not a bribing with a bag of gold.
honestly I don't even care about the spyware, I just hate chinks
Epic doesn't have fanboys. Everybody who loves fortnite is 12 and trend following people who don't get real attachment to anything.
So when is it coming to Steam then? 2020?
which one? borderlands 3 is 6 months exclusive only, I suspect EGS paid less for that
Why does Steam trigger Epicucks so much?
Well, 12 or somebody trying to pretend to fit in so 12 year olds will watch them stream.
you already asked this in the other thread
>bribe devs of games
>tell consumers to fuck themselves, devs and publishers are king
I wonder why
Gotta build up that astroturfed movement to make people hate steam somehow.
Microsoft did exactly this when they were promoting XBox360 and nobody complained.
>inb4 consoles are not the same because you have to pay for them
Then why are you complaining about? It’s just another launcher, which does no longer spy on your Steam hentai.
Devs confirmed biggest cucks.
Do not equate first party exclusivity with what is happening. Nobody batted an eye when Epic put Fortnite on its launcher because Epic made the fucking game.
>and nobody complained
>implying I supported it when Microsoft did it
It's a blatant anti-consumer practice, I am 100% against third party exclusives. First party exclusives are great and are a good pro consumer way of promoting your store.
>nobody complained
360 did have a lot of exclusives from japanese devs because microsoft wants to get into japan
>Microsoft did exactly this when they were promoting XBox360 and nobody complained.
People complained about microsoft buying timed exclusivity a lot.
Especially when they'd announce that at e3 on stage. People would go crazy giving them shit here.
>and nobody complained.
hello zoomer
Ebin isn't going to do 12% forever because it's probably not sustainable. They're using daddy Tencent's money to buy themselves into the top of the PC gaming market at a loss with the 12% share and buying exclusives, and once they supplant steam they're going to start turning the screws and make Valve look like saints.
This is INCREDIBLY obvious and all the short sighted moron devs are digging their own graves.
I'm sure Tencent and their shell company hopes to be the only digital store worth using by that point. Apex must have scared the absolute shit out of them. Either way the money hats will end and Epic's take will rise.
>what is Lost Odyssey
>what is Infinite Undiscovery
>what were Star Ocean TLH and DMC4
And the list goes on.
Are these threads made by people actually getting paid or is it just more autistic shitposters?
It's entirely sustainable because they just jack up the price in certain regions.
Make crabcore a thing again
>because they just jack up the price in certain regions.
and surely no one would pay for those? especially if those regions were already accustomed to piracy because of the high prices?
Sure they might turn the screws a bit, but I'm fairly certain that they can be in a position to just shit on steam. At least when it comes to what deal they can provide to people who want to sell their games on their store.
I honestly can see that steam was currently just abusing their completely dominating position on the market to simply shit on devs. Don't get me wrong this whole steam vs Epic is currently pretty bad for consumers and amazing for devs. But hopefully when the things calm down we will just end up with 2 stores and you can just buy from the cheaper one.
Hi Sonytard. Aren't you upset Nintendo's toys has so many exclusives you can't play?
fucking this, somehow people dont see how theyre just trying to pull off a walmart move on us. also, the fact that bl3 only has a 6 month exclusivity likely indicates that they cant afford the price to make it exclusive for one year. this shit is going to bite them in the back sooner than later
how much of that 88% share goes to me?
they can afford it because they still make money from games sold on steam that utilize the UE4
they probably make more from the 5% on steam than the 12% on their own store
It's just a shame that the Unreal Engines are shit. So, they've been being paid for a long time to make the industry worse.
very stupid OP
Epic would still pay 2 million for exclusives, all this would do is hurt steam.
What Steam should do, is what it is doing. Wait Epic out.
Gabe Newell ????? Valve Software ???? Steam ?? Half-Life
??? Gordon Freeman ????? 1998 Black Mesa Incident 1998??????? Seven Hour War ?????? Resistance ??? Red Letter Day ????? City 17 uprising ??17?? Lambda ??? Index ??
Why do the bugmen never reply when this gets posted?
Meant for
Because they're not paid enough to.
timsie and gaben should marry eachother and merge their store
then neither will be virgins
None of it! Prease instar rauncher now
Act 3 when
From their own FAQ, jesus
>”why is it better for me as a consumer?”
>it’s better for developers
These games are even more expensive on epic than they are on steam for everyone but america
>Steam could just reduce their share from 30 to 12 and all problems would been solved
And how are you gonna support their GIANT infrastructure and all features they provide for free on 12%?
I'll probably be mad about it the day EPIC gets an exclusive I actually want. I'm not exaggerating there's nothing there I want yet.
Yea I am, I already have 7 others and besides them all missing the functionality and neat addons that steam has it's so tedious to log in and out of them since they're all resource hogs i'd rather just pirate.
Not that steam hasn't become a little bitch who can't decide to allow H-games or not, quality assure their store and can't develop a game that'd have 3 in the title.
>85 million registered accounts
>only 4.5 million downloads for a free game
the sad state of Epichink Game store
You shills have been saying this a lot lately
and this too, always an early post in the thread, trying to make it seem like people are just being unreasonable about it being a different launcher and ignoring 90% of the (you)s you get
Get ready for Dota 3
Those 30% literally prints them money. Going down to 12% would still let them be way in the green. It just wouldn't print money anymore. It would be at a level of a legit business.
You have fucking brick and mortar stores who charge way less than fucking steam for products placed on their shelves.
>already taking the cock? well what's wrong with taking yet another cock!
>steam should decrease share
Why should you care you fucking peasant virgin neet? I dont related to you a all
7.00 update was DOTA 3.
I would not be shocked at the least, in fact artifact was the card game successor in my eyes.
It'd be named something like Dota: Episode 1 anyways.
These things don't get you in jail
Developers could start giving their games physical releases with the entire game on the physical media and that doesn't use any console wannabe platform like Steam, I would actually start paying for games again
No it wouldn't. They are too big, they infrastructure is enourmous they have their own CDN.
They may be could go down to 20% if they optimize some stuff and get rid of something that they currently take direct loss (like Steam Gift cars cost them about 10% of loss on each sale and they are in MANY countries - that SHITLOADS of money, up to millions).
If they go down to 12% they will have to completely restructure and shift all their stuff. Some of the feature no longer can be free. They would need to make many things on demand i.e. instead of having ready to use infrastructure they'd have to expand on it and buy more resources by dev request.
Your mom could just had aborted you and all problems would been solved
Yes of course! We are pushing the industry for a better cut so it's a nice standard for developers all around the world! That's why Epic is so great and we chose to partner up with them! O-oh...? You want to know about this g-giant pile of money here? Don't mind that! It has nothing to do with our exclusivity deal at all! We're clearly doing good here! Pushing the industry, I swear!
heres your 10 dvds for your 45gb game
Steam could and probably will do what they did with VR devs early on and pay for anti-exclusivity deals where they give out money and the only condition is that they release on Steam as well, would probably be cheaper than Epic since they already have a huge established userbase and with no bad PR attached.
fuck off
Thanks daddi Xi
Steam gift cards are unfortunately also the only some people ie: Me buy stuff off of steam because they don't feel right using online transactions like most people.
They are also big in Japan and some other countries that prefer cash - this is how Steam managed to put a foot in these markets, as they explained it at this year's GDC. People think it is simply, just like make 12% revshare. but it isn't. Steam deliberately took loss to open very obscure regional markets for the devs. Epic WILL have to do the same to achieve it but with their revshare they simply cant.
Eventually, if they plan to go as big as Steam they will rise the cut.
>it's just shitposting
blind faggot, its been 2 months, how do you stay this oblivious
>there are people who say shit like "steamboy" who arent shills
every single thread i see this retard in he is either sucking nintendo cock or begging to be fucked
>Have you seen the working conditions in the factories where those products are made?
Have you seen people stop buying these electronics because of those working conditions? No.
You said it's unethical to give Chinese corporations money. Like it or not you're sucking Chinese dick no matter what.
>The only solution is to force companies to manufacture locally which would spark an outrage about the Government being authoritarian, or lower your minimum wage to match Chinese slavery levels.
Neither of which will happen because automation is going to eliminate those jobs anyway. Robots are far more efficient, don't require healthcare or retirement benefits, and don't have wages.
The hell are you doing, Cirno? Get back to Gensokyo.
It's a bad DRM. The UI managed to be worse than Steams and it's incredibly barebones by design, lacking a lot of features like mod support, cloud saves and achievements, ALL of these were deemed unnecessary by Tim yet they are working to make it equal in features from steam.
Not to mention that it eats up more RAM than Steam, so no clue what's going on here, considering it lacks 90% of the features.
And what then, you want your DRM to be superior, not equal. Epic's answer was "well we are anti-consumer but pro-publisher" , which obviously only made devs and cuckolds happy.
EGS was a shitshow from the very beginning and even if they manage to become good, I will always dislike them for his shitshow
Was Unreal popular in the east in general? I've never really heard of large Japanese or Korean audiences
No, it wouldn't you dumb faggot
cant wait until a year from now when they stop this non-sense and reveal how horrible an idea it was
>we paid a shit load of money for everyone to hate us and tarnish our brand and drove up piracy 500%
>Bongs still call themselves "dukes"
Hello, it's the 21st century.
But it's not about the cut? If the cut was enough for a Steam exodus everyone would have jumped on the 90/10 split offered by Discord.
Wouldn't solve shit. Epic is deliberately trying to shut Steam down and won't stop at trying to make them run at a loss.
>You are a fool!
>You underestimate the character of Valve.
>They are weaker than you think.
>You think that they'll surrender if you bind their merchant hands, but they are strong!
>Just wait and see.
I remember a couple months ago someone was posting about them, and one of them suddenly posted that they were actually working on it now they were done with some of the other stuff.
Of course, that might just mean news in a year instead of 3 years.
I would prefer blu-ray but that is still far better than being charged for digital distribution and I would be willing to pay for it unlike digital distribution
A dual layer DVD can hold over 9gb, so it would actually be 5 DVDs, they could also use compression
If a game ever gets an actual physical release on blu-ray for PC I would buy it for that reason alone, still refuse to use Steam or any console wannabe platform like it
Oh fuck this, don't give them more ideas.
>google image search
>all related to bullimia or anorexia
>wanting any tencent software on your PC
I refuse their shit tier games and I'm going to refuse their shit tier launcher; I've no problem with; Steam or Origin, fuck even uPlay is better; Epic on the other hand has literally no exclusives I care for.
I bought the Metros Reduxes for 12 euros a year after it came out and I couldn't care less about Borderlands 3 at release; same with Exodus; I've got a big enough backlog to not worry about exclusivity deals.
If Capcom or Sega started supporting Epic though I'd probably be mad since they're the only guys making good games recently
Collect data, profile the fuck out of you. Assign you a hostility index. Build up a network of known associates and prior or current romantic entanglements and interests. Search and collate for any criminal behavior, sexual preferences and degeneracies, post history, mentions of and views on China, the communist party, communism, corruption, triads, Tibet, Hong Kong, Taiwan, America, democracy, renewable energy, climate change, women's rights, religion and religious views if any, political leanings etc. Your favorite books, films, music, videogames, sports, hobbies. Combine with credit history. Algorithmically manipulate and manage your views to either fall in line with the Chinese government or something else they can use you or your friends or family for. Inspire and inject you with certain emotions so as to make you pliable and prime you for something just barely perceptible to even the trained eye. The possibilities are endless, it's the trade-off of living in a semi-virtual world where Beijing is just a small fraction of a second more distantly removed than your nearest hospital.
I'm just going by what's already being done, see link below, none of this is outlandish or in any way far-fetched. People have been made to forget, but it wasn't long ago anyone believing mass surveillance even existed was deemed a crackpot, then the truth came out and it was far worse than anyone could have possibly imagined. It would be prudent in this case to assume the worst and go from there, rather than assume the best. Because you will regret it later on.
The dystopian part of cyberpunk is already here!
Literally only happened with Epic launcher for me: never had any issues of a log in attempt bar Epic Games; best part? Either Brazil or Chinese IPs; really makes you think.
i was expecting a bus crash or a guy falling in a sink hole
Can someone post that webm of Epic store scanning through steam's info?
So what does all that writing actually say? It's not like it's looking them up, that camera is far too shitty and the distance is too far to be looking up their actual information.
before some retard jumps on saying something stupid like "japs won't work with chinks" there's a lot more of that shit nowadays, fuck, anime is outsourced to many other countries
I doubt most japanese devs would give up on steam's established userbase though, especially Capcom after MHW, REmake2 and DMCV, and depending on if they realize shit like attributes like "men" "women" "adult"
"black" "white" for the vehicles
Nobody has it?
It's not a "trojan", it's been debunked that's it's spyware multiple times and you have no clue what that image says.
I want everything to be in one place: steam. Not gonna download any other launcher.
>I-it's been debunked!
No it hasn't.
It will be coupled with instant facial recognition, emotional state and stress (from posture, gait, etc. such as the systems currently trialed in major Dutch cities, which is where all this stuff gets tested), body temperature, and a bunch of other stuff that humans can not or barely perceive, but gigapixel cameras and algorithms can pick up instantly. And finally, obviously, ALL of this gets tied into social credit score. And probably a few hidden variables they're keeping under lock and key.
>0.01 yuan has been deposited to your account
>implying outsourcing happens because of anything other than production costs
lmfao only work with the Chinese if we get the better deal, still fucking hate the Chinese.
they're like the Asian Jew; only care if you have a wallet
Go be Chinese or Korean here and watch what'll happen; enjoy joining a gang or pretending you're either half Japanese or hiding your dog blood
It's not even a case of two launchers filling the same purpose. I really think publishers should just charge less on epic so that they take away the same amount for each copy sold and can't be accused of being greedy, while the consumer gets to decide which launcher they think it worth their money. clearly everyone prefers steam but publishers are unwilling to charge different amounts for the same game on different platforms. I think the culture of expecting a game to cost the same amount wherever you buy it has to change.
EGS is a fucking cancer and I hope that every dev that goes there goes broke
>Collect data, profile the fuck out of you. Assign you a hostility index. Build up a network of known associates and prior or current romantic entanglements and interests. Search and collate for any criminal behavior, sexual preferences and degeneracies, post history
American companies do that too, as does the American government.
News flash, there's no such thing as "privacy" online. Do you have a cell phone? Your cell phone provider knows where you are and can track you. The only option to prevent data tracking is for you to go live as a hermit in the middle of nowhere, because even if you avoid having a cell phone and avoid using the Internet, as long as you're in a public place other people use those things and you're going to leave a paper trail.
>links reddit to prove his point
It's been "debunked" in the same way vaccines causing autism has been "proven". Get the fuck outta here nigger.
Literally go back to plebbit and figuratively fuck off
The software is closed source. Tim Sweeney can claim it cures cancer and nobody could prove him wrong, and he knows this all too well. But the NSA announced they will be releasing some of their reverse engineering tools for this year's DEF CON, then we'll have conclusive evidence. Sweeney has so far come back on pretty much every promise or claim that he made with regards to EGS and can't even refrain from contradicting himself in a single tweet, either because he's a compulsive liar or does it on purpose to confuse and FUD the shit out everything.
>lol it's okay when we do it
literally last thread
the people who matter the most are the consumers
Yes which links to
But right you don't want to actually be proven wrong you're just a shitposter
Fuck off Chinaman.
Today I shall remind them
Big yikes, what an unfortunate number.
>this appears on that thread
>more superior
>scans your files without your knowledge and consent
>sends results to servers
>epic store
>scans your files without your knowledge and consent
>sends results to servers
It's funny how Steam used to be highly praised for taking significantly less of a cut than retailers, or Sony/MS
Then indies with no business knowledge who couldn't possibly sell their games in stores before started to flourish solely because of Steam and suddenly it's a big issue
Ironically Epic themselves have made fucktons of money off of Unreal with basically the same logic ("you couldn't make your game without us, period, so you have no choice but to pay what we ask for licensing") before they started losing ground to Unity which undercut them
Steam is just calling a bluff at this point, Epic is going to have an extremely hard time supporting server load, customer service and all the other basic upkeep costs on 12%, especially if they've paid out for exclusives (which is extremely likely). Epic is currently being thumbscrewed by Tencent, which is only going to intensify as they find other ways to generate profit.
>scans your files without your knowledge and consent
>sends results to servers
>steam store
>scans your files without your knowledge and consent
>sends results to servers
What an incredibly misleading image, you might as well call Dropbox spyware because it technically "collects" all the files you upload with it
thanks for confirming that epic store is a spyware, chink shill
Steam isn't owned by CCP
yeah that picture was badly cropped
>Steam also confirms that it shares this information with third parties. The implications of this are as follows: Steam knows your name, age, where you live, your banking information, and what your e-mail is. Steam shares this information with other companies (at least, to the extent allowed by law).
>posts Ai
>post is retarded
checks out
This, pirating is worth it just to avoid having to load up steam every time you start your computer.
>steam will not work without an internet connection
how would it
>China is building a global scale surveillance and data mining and collation network in order to stand unopposed in its ambitions to become the world's first hyperpower. Threatening, manipulating, silencing, disappearing any and all who they deem even just a minor threat to their social, cultural or even their economic interests.
>But it's okay because some people are retards who use Facebook, Discord and Epic Store, use real names and birthdates, use one e-mail address rather than throwaways, don't use their ISP's free proxies or a paid VPN, don't use adblockers, don't delete their cookies, don't use uMatrix, install government and corporate malware on their phones and forget to switch off the worst most intrusive "features", and routinely get infected with malware.
That's not an argument. Just because most people are stupid doesn't excuse what's going on here. So what if plenty of people don't give a fuck that they've surrendered any and all autonomy and self-determination to "the CLOUD, man!" and don't mind being manipulated by forces they can't understand (and soon nobody will understand, after evolving algorithms through sufficient iterations of genetic programming). How does that actually pertain to anything? You're acting as if I should give a shit and surrender to the worst regime in history just because Joe Blow likes to "accidentally" post dick pics and routinely proclaims his undying love for some product or other because he has literally been transformed into a living, breathing advertisement. No.
Do you have a single satisfact to back that snack up? I can't find the source of this retarded claim.
fuck epic
fuck steam
fuck chinks
and most importantly fuck jannies
Thanks for confirming every site of all time is spyware since you were apparently forced physically to accept their privacy policy by an invisible force which you didn't consent to, faggot.
>developer cut
Producer cut, stop pushing the fallacy. Also Epic already passes on fees to their consumers in countries where they can loophole the shit out of the business practices, some Austrian or whatever posted he was getting an additional 6% slapped on during checkout, and Epic defended their actions by saying it's the only way they could keep doing the 12% revenue cut thing.
Yea Forums mods are compromised
You guys are a bunch of ignorants. Roblox takes 72% and no one even mentions it
I only buy games because it's easier. I buy most of the games from gray markets anyway for like -90% price of the original
Stop strawmanning. I'm not saying it's OK, I'm saying that your preoccupation with "China collects and collates your data" is myopic. Everything collects and collates your data.
because one of them is abib who killed SCP SL threads and many other hentai game threads
the guy is a no fun faggot who will ruin anything he doesn't like personally.
an actual redditor.
not really, sites dont get access to your private files, like epic. not even google has access to things epic has
How anyone can feel comfortable buying anything from epic at this point is beyond me. Even if you ignore the ties to China and the ccp, they have had serious security breaches over and over, and I'm the year 2019 as the newest launcher, lacks 90 percent of the features other do. Who is retarded enough to hand these idiots their credit card?
roblox's target audience wouldn't even know retailers take cuts and no one cares about it these days
They literally don't even deny it, and yet here you are denying it.
How will Gaben afford his food though?
Phoenix Point's developer flat-out said it, you fucking cunt. He bragged that even if every Kickstarter backer refunded, they would still make profit.
The cut is not why those games are Epic exclusives.
12% isn't solvent for a free feature rich storefront unless you're backed by a monopoly seeking entity like tencent that pays for all of it. Sweeney is a bugman. Steam is staffed by a brigade of politically charged pseudo-prudes that can't publish anime tiddies but will publish games with women getting their spine ripped out through their mouths. So much doublethink hypocrisy on both sides it makes you wonder how they can code without access to logic.
Maybe, but successful developers there are mature, so why won't they mention it?
>ctrl+f developer
>13 results
I don't know if you guys are fucking retards falling for Epic's carefully chosen marketing phrases or legit actual shills, but I'm gonna lay it out here.
Developers are not the ones seeing any of this extra money, nor are they getting the money that Epic pays to get exclusivity, okay? It's the publishers getting the money. Unless there is an explicit clause in the developer's contract, it's their publishers that get revenue from sales of the game. Maybe if the developer self-published the game they would, but then technically they're a publisher anyways.
Epic has made sure to trick all the dum-dums into thinking they're championing the developers when in reality they're not even interested in them, just their handlers.
Yep, it's all the big man decision. Actual Outer World developers were still working on Steam patches literal hours before the announcement, check steamdb.
Based thanks for doing my research. Why doesn't valve attempt to outbid epic for exclusivity?
Developers aren't in the equation, it's all publishers. Stop falling for Epic's marketing tactics.
Because there's no threat. Someone post that image with Steam's major 2019 releases so far.
Cool site. I'm so happy it taught me that Firefox, DuckDuckGo and even HTTP itself are spyware. But for some unfathomable reason, Pale Moon is given a lower spyware rating than Firefox when it's made by the Chinese government. It's weird though, I can't find an entry for Epic Games Store anywhere.
Epic already said it isn't sustainable. They're going to have to stop it sooner of later especially if they try to get more big name games onto the store. Valve just needs to wait it out while still doing their own thing, which is supporting open source and Linux compatibility.
user please don't tell me you're still not using https everywhere
Don't forget, Valve is using all that Steam money to fund their own hardware and software R&D.
Not really unless they throw in money for exclusivity too.
Nobody is actually moving over because of the revenue split. They're moving over because of guaranteed minimum sales (Epic will pay the dev/publisher a fat sack of cash on the assumption that the game would have sold x amount of copies) and if the game never sells more than that the dev doesn't make any more, but they keep whatever Epic paid them initially. The revenue split is PR fluff bullshit
Epic themselves said they cant keep doing this forever though
What does Epic mean by this?
>missing the point entirely
No, it really doesn't, because I'm not retarded. Well, I am retarded, but not THAT retarded. I don't spend 3 hours a day 7 days a week on Facebook, or even one second, I use proxies or a VPN whenever possible, along with all the other basic precautions I listed. I even get a security report delivered in an e-mail every month, which tracks most of the things advertising data miners might have collected about any of my online pseudonymous identities, so that I know which sites and services are compromised and what possible routes I have to cut off. All this stuff is *BASIC* Online 101 for Dummies, or it should be.
That STILL doesn't mean it's okay or should be the norm for companies like Epic and Facebook to do the things they do for the company they've chosen to keep.
tiananmen square faggot chinks
>Steam's near monopoly status
>There are at least 5 other digital pc game distribution launchers, with innumerable digital game retailers both online and physical stores
Near monopoly status would be living in an area of the USA where Comcast is the only available internet provider and they take full advantage of that fact by charging you out the ass for both data usage and construction work on the poles. Steam is huge as shit and can pretty much snuff out everything else, but they aren't "near monopoly status".
>bribe publishers
>and nobody complained
isn't it great how you could say literally anything on the internet, even if it isn't true?
You really think someone would do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?
Which is already expensive enough without cutting into keep your building and network infrastructure up. Valve keeps the 30% cut per purchase not only because it is the standard in the Vidya industry, but it also prevents undercutting physical retailers too much and allows valve enough headroom to experiment with various hardware and software that people have seen for the past decade now such as steam controllers and streaming.
>Ebin isn't going to do 12% forever because it's probably not sustainable
They know this, that's why in certain countries they charge people an extra percentage fee because, as Tim Sweeny put it, "this is the only way to realistically run a business at a 12% revenue cut". Hell they even stiff you with the card charge fee depending on your financier.
>Go through a bunch of shit to close my Epic account
>Somehow still receive emails telling me that someone has been attempting to log into my account
>Pale Moon is made by the Chinese government
Wait really?
That would make it even funnier that the Moon dev got mad that page called it spyware at all
Not him but what's wrong with it
So /g/ wasn't kidding when recommending iridium?
Some Japs have used UE for their games but the majority either do their own engine or license out a Japanese-made engine.
>Release your game on a platform with more exposure and better reporting of statistics for the sales performance of your game for 30% less revenue
>Or release your game on a platform in which Fortnite kids will give a glimpse to while they wait for Fortnite to launch and to buy more cosmetics with mom's credit card for 12% less revenue
Hmmm... Tough choice...
Literally, unironically yes. People go through all these mental gymnastics making false claims about muh China and muh Botnet, but it's all bullshit and has been debunked time and time again. I'm pissed about Epic's push towards exclusivity but I don't see that as a reason to literally start making complete bullshit up.
As long as Epic keeps filling this board with literal spam and fake news, they have no room to complain about misinformation.
Debunked how? I have yet to see a single piece of evidence disproving the accusations. Sweeney even admitted it.
This. I hate that I have to download 5 different launchers to have access to all my games and now with this exclusive bullshit it's getting even worse.
Reminds me of what happened to GZDoom where they slapped a bunch of code in that scanned your hardware and sent it to a remote server in one of the updates a couple years ago. When they got found out (happened immediately because how do you hide that shit from the hyper autistic users of Doom sourceports?) they cobbled up a half-assed defense.
Now Epic did the same thing with the bonus of also scanning all storage devices connected to your computer and your computer's network and guess what happened after hyper autistic users found it out? The same fucking shit happened, ol' Timmy cobbled up a half-assed defense. L-O-Fucking-L
The memory span of the collective consciousness is exceedingly short. With enough repetition, new information whether they're facts or "facts" will override older information regardless of whether there's any truth to them.
Nothing, he's a retard.
>disproving the accusations
How about proving your accusations first faggot
Valve should actually sue over the Deep Silver thing. They were paid by Deep Silver to advertise their game which ended up just turning into an EGS advertisement.
Nah, it's weeding out the cancerous anti-consumer publishers, I won't buy their shit until they beg for my money
>tfw I will never ever buy an epic games store title
Being an american means fuck china
Being chinese means fuck america
This is how the world works you faggot
imagine being pro-chinese
You have to go back.
Imagine being you.
>disregard that the publishers are the customer and the consumer is the product being sold
That't the wrong Unreal.
nono, imagine waking up and being (You)
He probably can
>doubling down on sucking tiny radioactive chinese dicks
>I don't spend 3 hours a day 7 days a week on Facebook, or even one second, I use proxies or a VPN whenever possible, along with all the other basic precautions I listed. I even get a security report delivered in an e-mail every month, which tracks most of the things advertising data miners might have collected about any of my online pseudonymous identities, so that I know which sites and services are compromised and what possible routes I have to cut off.
Good for you, you're still missing the point. Everything collects your data, including the company you pay for that little "security report" of yours.
I understand being against steam, but shilling for an inferior distributor is just silly. Not to mention you do it for free.
buying exclusives literally just makes me dislike epic even more
because nobody wants a fucking launcher war, we already had to deal with meganiggerAids console wars
if the cunts just sold it on the store with the 12% cut people would be against valve and kick a stink that they're cucking devs so hard
and valve will either respond or continue on, and epic would gain brownie points for being dev friendly
So it seems. It's pure autism at this point.
>Sucking Gabe's micro dick
whats china's stats big boi
>actually having a gook epic games micro dick
Their privacy agreement is a bit worse than steams but not so much to raise a fit about it. Both say they'll hand off info to third party partners relevant to providing their service. Both are just as likely to let info out for sale for whoever wants it, and the chinese can buy things.
When you start up epic games store, it reads my steam wishlist and also my friends wishlists.
The only reason they'd do this is to figure out what exclusives to poach.
They can go kill themselves, never ever buying an epic games store game, especially after what they did to actual fortnite and paragon.
We have a lot of old malls here desu, not even because niggers are fat
It's more for killing Unreal Tournament for me.
>Literally feasting on Newell's std ridden micro penis as we speak
Steamshitters truly are the worst.
>being a gook lover obsessed with penises
Feels good to win.
Post yfw you weren't born chinese
You don't need to be exclusive to get the extra revenue, but you do if you want the fortnite money
>he doesn't have a fetish for getting fucked in seedy alleyways
SEETHING Gaben buttboy
*slurp slurp slurp*
Steam changing their revenue share wouldn't change anything, Epic is throwing money around. Maybe in a year or two when Epic is done tossing around money for exclusivity then sure the revenue being better for developers would make sense if people started leaving on their own accord and Epic gets a marketshare not based entirely on Fortnite.
That's illegal, I'm not some IP thieving chink
imagine unironically thinking that chinks post on Yea Forums and shill for Epic
steamfaggots are either retarded or delusional
Steamsweats getting btfo. I hope steam closes and you lose all your games and are forced to kneel before the EPIC BVLLS
But then Valve would have to work and make games again instead of leech free money from other games.
Epic isn't making games either. They killed Paragon, Unreal and the original Fortnite and they are focusing 100% on shitting out updates on the BR Fortnite, which isn't any different from Valve making updates to Dota or CS:GO.
Yes. I was tolerating steam just because it had all of my games in one place. Now, when steam is bloated with garbage useless features, has anal region restrictions and every company has their own launcher that offers no useful functionality whatsoever, I'd rather just pirate everything I can.
I guess in a couple of years I'll be using only Discord.
>The Sinking City
>the logo says "The Sinking Guy"
>bloated with garbage useless features
>I'll be using only Discord
>Discord's games/store page is currently a useless bloat
>it transforms into essential feature as steam becomes obsolete
Why would they do that? The current Epic strategy is just going to run out of steam soon, piss off their own customers and makes everyone just go back to Steam.
I'm sure it has to do with the 30% cut and not the absolutely massive pile of money epic leaves on the publishes doorstep right?
What's so bad or dangerous if the Chinese government knows what games I play?