Risk of Rain
enforcer WHEN?
playable providence WHEN
Risk of Rain
Miner when?
I think we're all missing the REAL question here.
artificer's ass needs to be surgically attached to my face
never ever, even if sounds fun as hell
we'll mod everyone back in if they don't show up, AND a playable providence
they're already in the Yea Forums modpack iirc
So what HAS NOT been done yet regarding Artificer/Huntress lewds?
Give something original.
Requesting Mercenary or Huntress edit with Energy Drink.
Post best girl
One more Blazing Elder Lemurian gimps me in one shot and I'm going to shatter my keyboard over Hopoos head.
Show me your speed.
it doesn't even have to be providence, give me a heavy melee goddammit
merc is fun but i miss loader and han-d
hell enforcer basically was a melee too
If it makes you feel any better, a rebalance of burn damage is in the works.
i've requested artificer giving an assjob and the recipient nutting through the cloak, but i don't think anything's come of it
pls tell me the someone actually posted the mod
im drinking and my internet isnt the best so im probably going to be a shit host but fuck it i wnat to play 16p
Literally anything. 95% of lewd images are just typical ass shots from behind. There's still just about no actual porn yet.
16player get in u fucks
if my internet isnt good then find another host but dont know until we tgry
what the fuck bros am I just bad or is monsoon legit hard as fuck, even when I get good drops I fuck up on the 4th or 5th stage every time
>the virgin Yea Forums user
>avoids lunar pods because most are bad
>avoids wake of vultures because overcharge loses half your health
>the chad scavenger
>seeks all pods available to TRANSCEND in order to better know the ways of the carrion consumers
>stacks wake of vultures not having any health for them to take away and becoming one with the blaze to be overpowered himself
This is a joke the item still sucks dick even doing this, but the transcendence did change it so I went from losing 700 hp from overcharge when it ended, to losing only 300. But for the full duration of the 'buff'.
stop playing merc
make me host
im squid
godlike pc with good internet
is this the memento template or am i just old?
a bit late in the night for 16p lobby i think
Grappling hook or wall scaling item when?
When Loader returns
>Doing a new run after completing some achievements
Not sure I follow
>see multishop with soda and fungus
>shitter huntress buys the fungus
>later on boss is popped at 7 minutes on the first stage
>ping one of the vagrants to tell people to focus them one at a time
>huntress dies fairly quickly to shockwaves
>leaves and game ends because she was host
i should've left the second I saw that
I've playing commando
The Crowdfunder is good
han-d ha a grappling hook in his prototype kit in RoR2, but it doesn't actually do anything, just shoots out.
why did the devs think 8 seconds of elite ability is worthy of a red
Any tips for playing on moonson? I keep getting my ass raped on the stage 5
Enforcer is already confirmed baby
Fixed it for you.
Heavy Weapons/Specialist class when
>slow, high hp, high damage survivor
>machine gun with high damage decent RoF
>limited charges/rounds like Artificer for burst
>second ability is a warcry/damage amp
>third ability is a minor medkit/heal/sandvich to compensate for no mobility
>fourth ability can deploy his bipod/tripod and become immobile - granting no need to reload his weapon
US Midwest 4 Slot MONSOON
>people who didn't bother to push crabs off the cliff
I laugh at them and the fun they miss out on.
fuck no, the only active that's worse than it is hellfire tincture
only if you get that and the crown
Just run behind stone giants when they're about to fire their lasers they said.
>the lasers does an 180 and clips through their body and homes in on me when Im directly behind them
This shit is imbalanced
Man I'd be real bummed if he took the idea of a scuba diver with harpoon and anchor attacks with some water dash or something
I'd be so heart broken he took advantage of forward slash v forward slash and implemented Miner, Chef, and Loader.
MUL-T is already in
Does it proc onhits, and does its damage scale up as you level? Do syringes affect it? I keep meaning to give all my fuel cells to a friend so I can try it out.
How do you ping?
Pic related it's Enforcer
click scroll wheel
>misses 1/3 of shots past 5 meters
>misses everything small not within 5 meters
Imps are a bitch with MUL-T.
>slow movement
Instant trash character.
Oh shit really, I hotkeyed my Sprint to M3.
how the fuck do I avoid that shitty instakill blast the vagrant does?
Someone did
>what's the point of movespeed items
Go play balance ball if you want it so bad
u sure she isnt pooping on his dick
>if you think Artificer isnt contender for toppest tier you need to git gud
>if you think Merc cant style on blazing elites with proper play you need to git gud
>if you think MUL-T is even remotely best class after the nerfs you need to git gud
Drizzlets opinions need not apply.
No, run behind them before they start to aim their laser so they can't start aiming it at you. Run behind cover when they start aiming at you if you can't outheal the damage. You can also take cover behind an enemy, but I wouldn't suggest that aside from against regular golems.
Artificer with her cloak but no leggings/pants/underwear
I NEED the Artificer getting lazered by all those golems picture
it's line of sight based, hide behind any object
Get behind an object or use an ability that gives iframes right at the moment of the explosion.
Anyone got the logbook entry for Predatory instincts on hand?
Where is your asshole located?
Line of sight
oh, that's fantastic. thank you!
Sure merc can style on blazing elites, you just have to be careful as fuck at later levels where 1 fire proc will kill you
this is good
Break LoS
Tesla Coil is wonderful, I hardly need to look at little Wisps now.
Please press R to use the FUCK YOU UP Javelin Gun. I rarely use MUL-T's minigun
you missed the updated version he did
I got you
>needs to find them sooner than other characters
>having no mobility means he needs more speed than other characters
>having a slow base speed means he gains less speed from each movement speed item meaning he needs a ton of them
If he were strong enough in other areas to make up for his lack of mobility he'd simply be overpowered in the way the game is currently. At best he'd be a gamble of a character that is far more dependent on perfect items than any other.
is there a way to choose which items I chuck into a 3D printer or it just eats something at random?
I feel like every single artificer monsoon run i do ends in being hit by a single fire elite past 20mins.
bossifghts are also a massive grind compared to most other characters, because you've got nothing to allow you to play close to dangerous targets, and are hindered at longrange because nothing reliably hits and a big part of your damage is flamethrower.
Where did her lower body go?
Can someone post the modpack pls
yeah. confirmed FUCKING DEAD.
how do i check
Its randomized, otherwise it would be honestly too good sometimes
Command Artifact when
First item of same color from the right.
>stage 3
>cant instaburn boss
you are just retarded
>those tags
Hell really? I thought someone from a previous thread said
>you've got nothing to allow you to play close to dangerous targets
magic, now it's back
I see a box with a timer in the frozen place that blinks -9:58 in red, it changes places between runs. do I have to speedrun to it o get something cool or am I wasting my time?
Ignore me actually, apparently I'm double retarded
got any overloading wurm screenshots?
It's random. Don't be afraid to lose your 2 syringes when you have 8 other items you want to turn into sticky bombs though, it's worth it to lose a few good items to gain a ton of good ones.
Only exception is if you absolutely need all your movement speed to survive and can't risk losing any. Or if you like need backup mags for your character.
do I need something special to play 16p or can I just join a lobby
I can't art
Speedrun to get good item
You have to get there within 10 minutes of the start of the run iirc
Besides Merc with his air shenanigans, I hope they add a flight type survivor.
Bullshit you can't, you totally can
It will do.
you can't give up, there's people counting on you!
Keep going.
yes you can, nice back
Nope, it's almost impossible to get a flamethrower cast off on a magma worm without getting fucked, you nigger. also, good luck doing that to a jellyfish or stone titan, too, without getting instantly raped. That run ended with me killing two worms and being touched once by a brass fire elite at full HP.
I cant actually draw you turbo nigger
Tracing was the easy part
>In RoR1, There is an unused boss named "The Pale one" with the subtext "Hunter of time"
>In RoR2 time is supposed to play an important role, with the mysterious time ayys and such.
Could he come back? Would be nice to see a Stealthy boss.
>artificer has jetpack
>doesn't get to do anything with it, not even slow fall
Get gud, had no trouble flamedicking bosses left and right last night. Or your mom either.
Had my first god tier run with engineer. I want to play artificer but I don't get what I am supposed to do with her yet.
>he can't flamethrower a magma worm on stage fucking three
are you retarded or just extremely slow?
>jellyfish or stone titan
What the fuck could they possibly do to you you shitter? They're free flamethrower damage.
>Get through 2 loops as Huntress, barely into HAHAHAHA since I was pretty quick
>Not a god tier setup but Tesla Coil x2 and a bunch of spare magazines and stickies are carrying me pretty well
>Die to 3x Stone Titans boss on the plains because I mismanaged my teleport cooldown and there was nowhere to fucking hide
Feels bad man
>also, good luck doing that to a jellyfish or stone titan, too, without getting instantly raped.
You mean instantly raping them.
I woukd understand if you were having trouble with actual difficult bosses, but stone titans and vagrants? Really?
>travels back to the past and kills you at the start of the run
pppsshhhh, nothing personell kid
what am I in for?
>imagine being this fucking bad
a good time
drizzlet sighted
>Clay Dunestrider sucks in 15 Stone Golems when it has 200 health left
>Regenerates 2500 health
>Stone Golems can still freely target me
>Merc so close to Dunestrider, get sucked it and immediately destroyed
Fuck Blazing, this is the real bullshit
That fucking beam attack is bullshit, you can't dodge it since it'll just lock back onto you
>artificer will remain bad because brainlets can't comprehend the fact that they had a statistically improbable run filled with good items while screaming GIT LE GUD XD
ayy i made op
delivery for last thread
I wouldn't mind so much if they couldn't shoot through the back of their own head to get you
Why do people act like it's dangerous to go near worms? As long as they don't fall directly on your head they hardly do any damage, so if you keep moving at a slowish pace(jumping to dodge other enemies obviously), and look up when it's falling down it's not hard to have it chase after you and stay near it without taking much damage.
Are people trying to use Merc M1 on them while on the ground or something? Are they just way stronger on monsoon than rainstorm?
based drawfriend
A lot of sticky seed, apparently.
chef when?
Just like people who say Huntress is the best because of her glaive
Perfectly encapsulates the QP experience
Clay Dunestrider is easily the most frightening boss for me to see onscreen.
>RoR2 comes out
>locate me old risky rain folder
>start saving new pics whenever is see then
>half my folder is now huntress and artificers ass
How about this one?
>tfw Goggles don't stack visually like this
all I hear is beep beep beep beep beepbeepbe-
and the entire map explodes
Their burn from the fireballs they launch hurts a lot and is hard to dodge if you don't have extra jumps/jump height
>e-every single run you do with that class just gets improbably good items
Top fuckin lel
Artificer is a goddess, you just have to know how to play her
Gotta dab on them huntresses with your 16 whirlwinds.
i feel you
>four fuel cells with a crowdfunder
>cant get through one stage without being overwhelmed in enemies/killed by boss
i just aim, shoot, and dodge
It doesn't do anything sadly.
Am I shitter to think maybe the locking on of the stone golems, wisps, and other shit is too much? I expected to do some cool ass dodges but I feel like I get beaned every time. The few runs it felt good was when I had afterburner, speed items, and jump items then I was able to effectively dodge.
Also screw greater wisps and their ability to shoot when they're already dead.
You just made me sad
I've honestly never noticed them hit me in 40 some hours of playing on rainstorm, but maybe I've been losing health and not realizing that's what does it. They've always seemed more boring than dangerous to me, with the stuff around them being the real danger should you tunnel vision too much.
Fucking awesome
Meleegang for life
Magma Worm and Artifice do not mix in solo
move in a curve for the golem lasers, bud
Keep playing youll get gudder
based, thanks user
As much as I want to take cube on her I end up taking capacitor just for that reason.
Geez, did I pick a bad day to wear white...
The only ones that can do unavoidable lock on are stone titans and even those can be dodged if you know what you're doing
golem beams aren't much trouble, as long as you're moving quick just before it shoots.
fuck wisp attacks tho lol
Can you do something for miner drawfriend? It doesnt have to be today I just want some more art of my guy
>3 mountain challenges
>"we're grown bro press that shit"
>10 blazing stone titans
>we were in fact not grown
na east monsoon late night lads
I need some tips.
1. How do I adopt a good item to time ratio? Should I be going straight for tele? I feel like I tale too much time fully looting a stage.
2. How do you play artificer properly and what are good items for her? Her lack of mobility feels like such a death sentence.
Travis Touchdown cameo
I solo Artificer main and have zero trouble with worms. Quit being a bitch.
>you just have to know how to play her
Goddamn you're a stupid motherfucker. if you don't get doublejump, leech seed and excessive healing items on artificer your run is over or you're forced into longrange kiting, and that is the definition of poor design.
Man i miss those, especially considering how fucking AWFUL his M1 vs flying fucks.
I saw something exactly like this being discussed in the general or one of the other threads except it was "to reload my sword" or Merc just silently loading a mag into his sword.
How do I go back to playing any other class after getting good with merc? It's all so boring
Just realized Loader lacks a shit load of fanart or art in general just from searching
I made OC to represent what happened in my last run
no bully
Because it's basically a "Headhunter" belt from Path of Exile, which is one of the most expensive items in the game
I wish that engie's mines were replaced with his missiles
his M1 is great, his turrets are great, his barrier is great, but his mines feel so fucking lackluster after the first two levels. the only use I get out of them now is sticking them the party's merc as a backup plan for him
I snickered.
I sure hope you're playing merc.
>t. only plays on drizzle or rainstorm
>Have Wax Quail
>Have H3AD-ST V2
>Jump into a shallow incline
>Get launched a mile into the air
>Head Stomp from such a height delets several bosses
>leech seed and excessive healing items
Not that guy but hes right, you got no clue
Movement items > Magazines/Syringes.
Thats literally it. It snot hard, they are common items, acquire skill.
>Been doing runs all day and have work at 10
I wanna keep going bros.
He and Chef were the last additions to RoR. Many pieces don't even have them.
I get uneasy when I spend more than 5 minutes in the first few stages
For Artificer, just get a few movement items and WAX QUAIL. That one will be your dodge that you so sorely miss.
>they're already in the Yea Forums modpack
>play artificer
>get x4 explode on death
>get x3 chance to bleed
>get daggers sent out on kill
>get HP on damage done
>kill enemies, suddenly the entire map is showing damage numbers, i'm perma max hp and one 2 is sending the entire game into the apocalypse
I've noticed that Titan beams have a portion where they're tracking you but not locked on, so even with only a couple movement items you can outrun it
if it locks on to you though, better hope you have 10 cokes to slam down and zoom away
engineer also has a "jet pack"
Do you mean 5 minutes per stage or doing the first 1-2 levels in 5 minutes total. How do you make up for lack of items?
where's the weight gain porn
how would you realistically implement Enforcer in RoR2?
>short range attack but no good mobility options like mercenary
>MUL-T already has his grenade
>enemies in RoR2 are almost always in your face, shield stance could be either either bad or very broken
i did a run with a bunch of fuel cells and gestures of the drowned while that merc glitch was still in to test some things. managed to get a soulbound catalyst too
the fucking meteors don't stack in duration, they stack normally like every other item. it will become undodgeable if 3-4 meteorites are activated at the same time, and the screen will be nothing but explosions and constantly in a dark blue shade. I had that shit at a fucking 4 second cooldown and whenever I got into a fight the screen would suddenly flood with meteors.
First 4 stages: Grab a couple chests before fighting the boss, taking note of where others are on way to teleporter. Then use money after teleporter event to buy what you can after.
After that: Rush teleporter ASAP. You will get enough money to buy everything on the map when it is done. Don't spend too much time scouring every corner, just check all major areas once then leave.
Every magma level past the first: There is a guaranteed red chest spawn in some caves in one of the pillars near the middle. Look for the gold plants between two of the big pillars. Farm up enough to open that chest, and do a quick search for others and farm for that one too. Then do the teleporter and use the money to buy everything else.
Per stage, the lower difficulty makes up for the lack of items.
>How do you play artificer properly and what are good items for her?
Understand that her main weapon is really her alt fire, not her M1. Perfectly
placed nanobombs are disgusting, with AoE, huge damage, stun, and arcing damage during the travel path.
Don't overkill weak/low HP enemies, let the AoE finish then off while shooting at strong ones near them.
Time her stuns with nano and freezes with the icewall to interrupt dangerous enemy attacks.
Spam flamethrower, its cooldown is basically NOTHING.
Sprint any time you aren't shooting. Mobility items are your number one priority, then heals/defenses, then lastly stuff to improve her damage because its already immense.
Me except before and after I used the shrine of order
>Duped shrooms
>Duped Dio's friend
>Duped glass
fuck off
Turn Enforcer into THE WALL
Wax quail = your shift button replacement
Hooves+feathers+headstomp = your actually makes flamethrower usable late game items.
I really hope it's buffed in a meaningful way to preserve that iconic status HH has in the PoE community
Its fucking amazing but also really awful
Doing it with royal capacitor or missiles is great thou, royal has such a low cooldown you shoot off multiple a second.
Why is it sometimes when I start with artifice that I one shot wisps, but then other runs I don't? Both instances I don't have items and just starting the run.
Thx qt.
>ruin a great build / run early from mistiming eviscerate on a vagrant
>implying i can control the white items i get with a 1/2 in 20 roll on a 3d printer or chest.
You retards seriously just cannot understand the major argument i'm putting forth. characters that are solely reliant upon certain items to progress are forced into many more bad than good runs. It's simply not solid logic to say "get better items" when the success or your run is almost entirely dependant on RNG. This kind of problem can be changed with minor changes in design, and characters like engineer and mul-t are the types of characters that have mechanics available which bypass these item-induced chokepoints.
I feel like a shield would not work nearly as well in a 3D space as it did in a 2D one. If they do add Enforcer, he should be focused on crowd control rather than using a shield to block things.
Levels, my man.
Level 1 Flame Bolt doesn't one-shot wisps, but as soon as you level up to 2, it's enough damage that you can.
Shield stance covers 270° and curves vertically to protect him from things dropping directly down on him.
Not saying you're wrong, but it's pretty piss easy to get 4+ movement items by map 3.
You need to stop picking offense items so early.
tfw you kill shit so quick their ghosts dont realize they're dead and still try to kill you
You're right Artificer is trash but I just happened to always get magical christmas land item set ups every one of the dozens of times I played her and went deeper in the run than with any other character.
It is merely a coincidence.
As much as I hate to draw Inspiration from Overwatch, but Reinhardt's shield would be a good thing to use.
Literally everyone relies on mobility items to be good in this game.
What's good for art? Does attack speed help dump your flamethrower faster?
anyone know of any updates on the artificer skirt mod?
Didnt read lol get good or play an easy character if you cant handle challenge
>join Quickplay
>3 players
>one chucklefuck votes for Monsoon
>I'm not in the mood, pick Rainstorm
>remaining dude also picks Rainstorm
>2 seconds before start
>The server has shut down.
Would it though?
The only support character in ROR2 is high stack fungus engi.
That's 100% not useful other than keeping his turrets up later into the run due to mobility being key to winning.
While were taking notes from a worse game, would Brigittes shieldbash be a good shift? He'd run a bit further with it, of course
>tfw unlocked Merc but not Arti
>tfw everyone else already has the game figured out to a t
>tfw I have yet to be able to finish the first loop on Monsoon despite nearly 40 hours in the game, but refuse to lower the difficulty
>tfw the only red item I've ever seen is the ground stomp one with the weird name
Life is pain.
I miss him.
>Tear gas
>Stun baton
This is so easy
M1 Fire shotgun
M2 Change shotgun ammo (Scatter, Slug, Firebreath)
E Throw Smoke Bomb
Host should dictate difficulty; they need to make it to where you can select to host.
He probably wanted to get the elite boss kill item.
it procs the spooky horns a bunch at least, and for that, I love fungi stacking
I mean, what he described is basically a nail-gun multi with the movement speed and damage output of artificer and the health of engineer.. It could be done but its relatively redundant.
16 player time boys
>Does attack speed help dump your flamethrower faster?
I cant confirm this but I believe it does, yeah.
Mainly I just focus on getting glasses and on-hit effects though. Attack speed isnt nearly as big a deal for her as it is for Commando and Huntress.
Yeah his mines fucking suck.
This plus monster hunter's lance hops, because some mobility is absolutely required, but short bursts that require good timing to avoid the riffraff behind you rather than zooming around like everyone else does.
We don't talk about how game breakingly good that is.
That and charges her M2 faster.
Last I heard he was able to remove the jetpack exhaust effect, but not much else. Animations start fucking up when he changes the model.
thanks dudes!
Yeah i can tomorrow, i'll be around
idk, a dude last thread asked for it, i neglected the silently loading part
Does the game punish you for standing still a lot or something?
Is hopoo ass man?
If host is going to dictate difficulty, I want a server list so I can know going in. Especially to avoid Drizzleshitters.
>not voting monsoon every time you join
the shield would still provide protection from shots from flying enemies / lazers from stone titan or golems / fireballs from (elder) lemurians / balls from clay dudestrider / balls or explosion from vagrant / maybe acid shots from beetle queen. would be a lot more reliable (depending on how they make it) than hoping that engineer's fungus heal ticks decide to stop you from getting one shot.
What's the mod for
Does brittle crown only work on MUL-T, seems so underwhelming on the other characters
I don't disagree my dude.
That would be ideal.
I thought on-hit was only good for Commando.
Sorry, I forgot they do no damage :^)
You get fucking swarmed and shot at if you stand still at the wrong time
it's not a good item. you gain a lot less gold than you can lose.
Worms will oneshot you after stage 7ish
The fact this game doesnt have a match making option for difficulty is probably the most stupid thing about it.
Who the fuck wants a vote system? It forces people to leave. Just let us match by drizzle, rain or monsoon.
>ruin a good run because I wanted to find out what happens when I put the arcade token in the lunar shrine
I view attack speed as more of a defensive option than an offensive one. It lets you dump all your fireballs, charge you nano bursts, and spray flamethrower out faster meaning you can spend more time on defensive movement.
Definitely not as big a deal as other classes, but I think it's still worth seeking out 4 or 5 of them.
Keep in mind that in Overwatch, Rein and his team is being attacked by six enemies max at any given time and the maps are designed in a way that those six people will most often be on the opposite side of his shield.
In RoR2, you have shit coming at you from every fucking direction at once and when you turn to shield yourself from one assailant, another one will assault you from another angle. The shield worked in the original RoR because it was 2D, and thus there were limited angles of attack for most enemies.
It would be cool if Hopoo added more mods than the current fire/ice/energy mods. That would indirectly buff it right?
Any chance they'll add him? I had fun with him in 1. They already have lizard people so it shouldn't be too big a stretch. Have they said what all characters they want to bring back?
Newest modanon dll for 16 player
On-hit items are good for everyone from Huntress (much-needed DPS boost) to even Artificer (flamethrower is a hitproc monster).
>acquire gesture of drowned as first item
>acquire radar scanner second
>become a sun god
my whole screen was white and that was the first time i experience actual frame drops
Yes, also fixing the overloading leaving you at 50% health would be nice too
Shotgun blast, deals damage in a cone.
Shield Bash normally
In Shield Stance, change it to a slow moving, multi-hit wave projectile that has a wide AoE but an incredibly long range. Projectile pushes back enemies
Defensive shield stance. His shield explodes and becomes a curved barrier that covers ~34-50% of his body and partially behind him, and it's reasonably large enough that he could protect teammates behind himself. Pic related. It would act like Engineer's barrier where it blocks projectiles/attacks and players can shoot through it, but it also prevents enemies going into it as well.
Stun RPG. Similar to RoR, but instead of a thrown grenade, it can be launched at airborne targets.
make his shield wide as fuck with a slight curve so it covers half of his body and a decent portion above him. he carries his shield normally, but it expands/explodes into a barrier when activating it
>fighting blazing stone titan
>thought the laser would took about 5 seconds to kill me
>it 1 shot me in a milisecond instead
that was fucking scary
on kill and crowbars are king for her but she hits really fast so on hit is good too. You just need enough defense items to weather any storm.
I need to find a crowbar 3d printer on Arty. I'd be so happy.
Isn't it thicc huntress though? That's what I'd infer from the chain of replies.
Ideally you'd just get mags + hopoo feathers + goat hooves.
You'll be constantly airborne and will always have infinite range, high damage orb spam.
> survivor run with a friend and we get a 57 leaf clover
it was insane as fuck
inb4 >Drizzle
Imagine the smell
player time boys
>waits only 1 minute for people to join so its just an 8 player lobby
shit host
you can ghost the shopkeep neat
4man host when
You'll never escape being laughed at for playing that mode.
Crowbars are meh in my experience. Your Nano Blast shocks turn them off, and your flamethrower doesn't get much from it. Not to mention its problems with things like tesla coil, teammates, gasoline, etc.
there was a mod that removed artificers cape and i was able to look at her ass and thighs. the file doesnt work post-patch.
is this area in the game yet? it's on the steam launch trailer but i've never seen it in game, but I've only played for about 8 hours
Looks like the secret area in Wetlands.
in the swamp off a ledge facing an open abyss
on the side theres a branch you can land on and it leads you to this area
it's a secret area in the swamp level, hidden in a cave off the cliff
Is there a fast way to get those meme coins?
I've got 20 hours and still can't unlock the mage bitch.
yes its a secret place on the swamp level
It's a secret area below the wetlands level, you jump off a cliff to an edge below it to get to it.
>trying out Bandit for the first time
Yeah, he feels good to play without a million broken items unlike all the totally not shit bottom tier characters who apparently need a litany of exact items to function.
This is currently working, latest update as far as I know
They seem to drop more on higher difficulties.
They make fire orbs much more efficient in my experience. If I don't have a crowbar then lesser wisps are a giant pain in my ass. Though maybe stacking crowbars is the issue of lame here.
>>fighting blazing anything
>hp evaporates because you looked into the general direction of the fire
one 90min artificer run with 1400hp ended because I landed on the fire trail of a blazing golem. watching the dot chip away 1.4k health was mildly infuriating
Nope, just gotta hope they drop
you can cheat them in, it's all rng
How about you give him a shield bash attack similar to MulT's wheel mode but way stronger that covers a wide area and has knockback. Imagine lowering the cooldown and constantly ramming crowds.
is this 1.4? asking in case i gotta update
Play singleplayer or cheat if you're a faggot
What are the chances of a Pyro-like character being added now that Artificer has a flamethrower ability?
Replace artificers m1 cooldown with a reload animation, y/n?
When I hopoo updates and messes up the file, should I keep her jet exhaust in or remove it as well?
from AHAHAHA isn't all dificulties the same?
That only applies to huntress in the current build, but sure.
It was a bad day to pick commando...
US west
>implying the host has any choice over random retards hitting START
the modanon build.
dunno if he released a new one after that
thanks. how do i stay updated on this mod without begging for a link every time the game gets patched?
Yeah, one seems good to make sure you can keep up that one shot, but stacking seems like a waste to me since soon enough you're going to get AoE items that will both turn the crowbars off, and kill wisps without trying to.
Someone gift me ;__;
zero while Artificer has Flamethrower
Drizzle has over 40% damage reduction.
countdown starting the moment anyway hits ready is retarded, should up to the host to start the game/timer
sent ;)
Sorry you're a little bitch, not.
Yeah but its cake to get established before shit gets sideways in Drizzle. I did a drizzle run to unlock Mercenary, Artificer and Engineer in the same run solo.
>Infinite piercing shots
If Paladin gets in and covers more of a mobile shield with melee role, make Enforcer a slightly slower mid-close range wall with shield bash charging forward a little as a mobility option like the bulls, make each pellet count as a thing that might proc but at a lower rate maybe? Also, riot shield always blocks attacks that hit there, with shield stance instead making it expand into a larger shield in some way. R is the same old stun grenade. Could possibly implement that one user's suggestion for riding the shield if you activate stance in the air.
1 slot left!
No. I like being able to just dump however many I have in between other spells, and having to wait for one longer cooldown would make her feel way clunkier.
Literally half speed to your M1
He's definitely the most fun because of the constant gratification of getting an instant reload from a headshot kill. Can't wait until he's in the game, proper.
>94% damage reduction while sprinting
its a secret area to get an item/achievement
>When I hopoo
Something you're not telling us?
I'd be fine with removing it. Ideally the entire thing would go but there are issues as I understand
3D printers just make my day, I ruined my last run with a fireworks 3d Printer. I just sat there for a while using it as an artillery cannon
its restarting now
16 players
There was a strawpoll going around in the official risk of rain discord about most wanted returning character and Acrid was at the top so i am fairly certain Hopoo knows most people want him
number two was Bandit even tho hes pretty much a lock in at this point
Hit a nerve? Holy shit.
>he doesnt know
I linked the skirtless artificer mod, not modanons thing
You monitor the threads, that's what I do
>Still crying about being shit at Artificer
My fucking sides kek
yes, that's why i asked
You'll have a ton more damage output when firing it crowds
>12/16 players
prepare ur anus
This is THE RUN.
How did you know it was Shartificer? Someone else thought it was Huntress. Are you some kind of cuck for Artificer, what's your deal here?
>shield goes down
>instantly die
bros when are we getting vr mode
i just want huntress to sit on my face
seggending this.
The only thing that i think really needs changing on Artificer is her icewall should be taller and block projectiles/beams (enemies can still take it down by walking into the pillars like currently)
apart from that she seems good
i want a chicken sandwich
lobby exploded
new 16 player lobby
16 player lobby where
i got u
Overloaded blaze magma worm
Fucking kek hit a nerve kid?
We're done here, get good.
Are multiplayer item drops limited to what the host has unlocked?
breast expansion > weight gain
You're mentally ill with projections, and have woman like mannerisms. Grow up you social reject.
meh giving it a shot
US east
what if lorewise paladin is just the enforcer but A S C E N D E D
we still don't know what happened when he went out to get food
fuck no, fuck all bosses that make you look at the sky
DONT get the back up when you have tons of gestures and fuel cells
Timer counting down
No, what everyone has unlocked 99% sure
All versions of worm feel weak in ROR2.
It needs some sort of buff as that boss feels like a guaranteed victory with all characters.
what is this paladin shit? anyone have a link?
is it something in the game's files/assets?
I wish he'd actually target you instead of just spazzing around. Also the fact he emerges at the same spot he submerges doesn't help.
That would be cool but I want my riot shield and police look, not some weird energy knight guy. If Paladin is a separate character that covers a different shieldbro squad role I'd be fine but I want a normal-ish enforcer to come back, even if he's half dead
100%, tracking would help.
Anyone else wish they'd bring back meatcube and undo what they did to Monster Tooth? Shit sucks now. The only reason Meatcube was decent was because it was on-hit, not on-kill.
Jesus, how is that even running?
Just seems redundant when leeching seed exists.
That's fair
I just don't want my shieldbro to be dead. He should still use the shotgun even if that does happen.
need 2 more
Breast expansion
Aphrodisiac shenanigans WITHOUT fat ugly bastard
Thigh highs
Giantism where the woman has to fight the Kaiju (thanks Kon-Kit)
Amazons, monster girls, etc. that can only breed via human male
a run where I'm not spammed with cautious slugs and rusted keys that don't give anything from the iron boxes
My favorites
monster tooth is basically the worst item in the game right now
5 fucking hp? by the time you've walked your ass over to the orb, you've regenerated more than that passively
Nice cheats faggot.
fuck off fat fuck
who drew this arti
It's something an user found out about in the files, with a right click energy shield, ground slam, and some other stuff I don't remember.
Same here. Hopefully he comes back in some way or another.
Wake of vultures, Crowdfunder, and Hellfire tincture say hello
Leeching seed functions differently. Monster Tooth was +10HP per kill, per stack. Leech seed is +1HP per hit, per stack. Meat Cube was something like 15% change to drop a cube of meat that would heal 5-8 HP on pickup on hit.
I suppose it could work if they made the Enforcer more offensive (high burst with shotgun, more CC, shield focuses on protecting himself) and the Paladin more defensive (low DPS,shield focuses on protecting others)
My god, bless these artists.
I'm saying meat cube is redundant when leeching seed exists.
how many character files is that total now?
>HAN-D has model and some working skills
>Bandit is 90% finished
>Sniper has working zoom and model
>Enforcer was in files, model was a literal box
>"Assassin" is a new class in files with a stick figure/skeleton model
>"Bomber" is a new class in files with basically nothing
Is ice damage just normal damage with a slow attached? Does it stack with the item that slows on hit?
Oh, well, that's true, yeah.
I just wish the Monster Tooth would go back to the way it worked in RoR1, mostly.
Spread on ground, torn leggings at the crotch area, mostly just pusspuss shown, fat creampie oozing out.
lemurchads rise up
So I'm drawing some Artificer anal porn and it got me wondering.
Is Artificer a cyborg, an android, or what? Is there human flesh in there or should I make the skin the black surface?
>lemurians became invincible
>now they're skapping their limp dicks against the boss for an hour
how are people looking around at this shit? is it just a basic decompiler?
ok bros hear me out
i know you minerCHADs and the problably 2 people that played loader want your guys back but john hopoo himself says NO for whatever reason
what if we fucking COMBINED miner and loader into one character with mutiple styles ala D.Va
cut loader (the dude) and put miner in the loader mech, with loaders kit
give him a unique Q (so he couldn't have a Q item i guess) that shoots him right the fuck out of the loader, dealing damage to shit in his way, and then he just fights on the ground and gets his Miner abilities
and then in this style make his Q just fucking rocket him back to the loader mech, once again dealing damage and switching back to the loader kit
with the massive penis you'd get by playing this ultrachad you wouldn't even need a Q item
wud u fug a lemurian
I think it's safe to assume that the human-shaped characters are human
legs far too curvaceous and shapely to be just an android, and the robots are really obvious looking (see HAN-D, chef, and MUL-T)
since all the survivors from ror1 + 2 are fully and I mean FULLY covered, you can bet on her being a human.
Considering there are only four more character slots for 1.0, most of those are unlikely. Bandit, HAN-D, and Sniper are in, so that only leaves one.
Follow your dick user.
Man, I just want to know what the fuck the survivor logs are gonna be, since we never had those in RoR1.
we don't have her lore yet so we have no fucking clue
since hopoo called artificer a her, i'd go with human flesh
the only possible non-human character is huntress since she has that vertical eyes thing going on
do logs only drop in MP? i havent found a single one playing solo
>the only possible non-human character is huntress since she has that vertical eyes thing going on
Hopoo has said before that all of the RoR1 characters aside from the obvious shit like HAN-D, Acrid, and CHEF are human.
no shit they aren't all in for 1.0, but it was just a list of characters that had some files in the game.
at best, every one of those would be released in post-launch
i'm hoping for decently sized lore about why they're here and other details.
artificer is utter shit
>going for my 20 stage unlock run
>reach stage 16
>realize that i only do damage thanks to active objetcs and killing perks, artificer base damage is shit, slow and full of cooldowns
>overloading magma worm
With enough fuel cells, can I theoretically fly forever?
big fat chode
multiplayer boosts drop rate. sames true for lunar coins and chests appearing
what's going on with her eyes then? Gene mods?
btw i tried to do 5 lunar items at once but only unlocked 3 passive and the other 5 bulbs i opened were active
what the fuck should I do, i dont want to farm lunar coins for 15 hours to waste all of them for nothing
How's playing as a lemurian? Saw the webm of the dude as a med bot rolling around and that shit was hillarious.
game imploded again
16 player us west
Thanks lads, those lightning arcs are beautiful
we're forgetting that names in the code aren't necessarily the names of the characters
Artificer is called "mage" in the files, there's no reason "paladin" couldn't just be the code name for Enforcer
lemurchads gonna btfo everyone again
This makes me do a think, you know human vision is pretty adaptable, like if you wear glasses that invert your vision for a few days, you get used to it and you can do everything normally like driving and shit. I'm wondering if that would work if you wore something like that helmet that puts one eye above the other.
>Commando: "I'm just here for a job"
How many would I need? You seem to fly with milky chrysalis for about 15 seconds, so just 4?
Nothing theoretical about it, babygirl.
Just had a bug where I kept falling through the map in the snow map, it only applied to half the map though for some reason.
Mirrors :^)
Based MUL-T
Maybe the lens on the outside helm of huntress are kind of like camera lens and they project to her eyes inside the helm.
Hopoo feather stacking is better for flying forever
did 16p host die?
Hopoo outright said on Twitter that datamining does not mean something is currently planned and some of the shit we've found is scrapped.
I hope the logs are the transcripts of their interview for the job, except for the robots and Acrid which have their adverts and shipping details.
>mfw meteorites and brittle crown
idk where 16p host went
16 player lobby
Where were Miner and Sniper? I need them.
>at best
>So, you were in the initial Contact Light crash. What made you want to come back?
>yfw Engineer references the Tougher Times combat log about wanting to find his bear
That's so fucking fast I thought the webm was sped up
The helmet's "eyes" are sensor modules/cameras that link to a video feed HUD inside the helmet, dingus. She doesn't have vertical eyes.
I wonder when we're to see ror clones emerging, exclusive to epic store of course
it was full, you dodged a bullet though. this host has BR tier lag
why dont people like wake of vultures? seems like a good item.
based reaper bro
it looks cool
Then why does she wear the Glasses vertically?
you just plain lose 50% of your HP if you kill an overloading mob. if you get it early, it's a massive detriment
later in the game, it's probably fine, since everything's 1shotting you anyway, and appearantly it can provide momentary fire resistance
halves ur hp if u kill shield elite
goes away wihtin a few secs withouyt restoring ur hp
objectively detirmentla item
No one cared who she was until she put on the mask
Monsoon lobby, US git gud lobby
Why the fuck it has to have cooldown on m1 fire? it does shit damage and when you have 200% fire rate its useless
At least M2 its passable unless it has to charge
And flamethrower is ok besite you have to stay 1ft from the boss
its a mess
>Engineer: "I've come here to study the different types of fungi"
>Merc: "so is there a limit to how many syringes I can take? I'll take less pay if it means more. Please man I need my fix. Fine I'll do it for free"
>Mul-T Grocery cart that can haul all the shit we find
even without the shield problem that the others mentioned, it's just a shitty item in general that needs buffing
it's still only an okay item even with the Yea Forums modpack that fixes it and buffs the hell out of it
It can be good when you get blazing or glacial buffs, but when you get the shield "buff," 50% of your health is replaced with shields, which is okay I guess, but when the buff ends, the shields just go away without returning your health, leaving you with 50%. And since there comes a point in the game where you have so many AoE and arcing attacks that you really can't choose who in the crowd you're killing, you'll end up accidentally killing shield enemies all the time. So essentially the main mechanic of Wake of Vultures is randomly getting hit for half your health.
It's not as odd as you might think.
>everything is invisible now
I hope I can punch gay aliens again when Han-D comes out.
>use the condenser
>10 stun grenades, 4 feathers, and 2 glass shards
Maybe Acrid's could be an SCP article tier description of 'im.
Because the camera feed is stereoscopic and putting the glasses on one lens and not the other would mess with that.
i just ran against a slope and achieved escape velocity, i was catapulted throught the map skybox.
The drive by's i'm about to commit will be of legend
>this fucking game
one more time?
16 player us west
Gotta cover those lenses.
I achieved it by standing still
>unlocked everything
Okay, honestly what the fuck is the secret for the elite boss on monsoon?
I only managed to do it because I got 3 Dios and a clover that made me shit damage. But the elite boss only appeared in the third loop.
Is it really just luck based or is there a trick?
>mfw 39 stickies, 24 syringes, 8 mags, 18 fuel cells, gesture of the drowned, Royal Capacitor, Tesla Coil
>mfw finding a behemoth later on as well
shrine of the mountain
You have to use the shrine of the mountain to summon a boss then kill it
>amazing run
>get breathed on
>lose 90% health
>run for my life
>clay dunestrider rocks follow me around the corner
i will never have a proper run
Sequenced with red whip
You don't have to I got it off a blazing dunestrider no mountain.
Migration to /vg/ when?
it's a bit fucky in general. multiple anons have killed elite bosses and didn't get the achievement until they killed one while using a mountain shrine
Doesn't shrine of the mountain only double the amount of bosses?
Or is an elite guaranteed for two shrines?
>getting killed by a cuckstrider
what even counts as an elite boss? i'm sure blazing vagrants and overloading worms and shit do but i had a glacial brass bell whatever thing as the level 2 boss earlier, would that have counted?
If you use a shrine you can get the achievement before even doing a single loop.
no, can't be "mob" enemies
it doubles the effective points that the spawner AI has
earlygame this just multiplies the bosses, but you'll hit a point where instead of summoning multiple bosses, the teleporter will just have one elite boss
>dying on stage 6
how do you do that? I its hard as fuck to die in this fucking game unless you reach 3rd loop
and with those healing items
fucking jump user, JUMP
Anything with a suffix like blazing. Overloading worms are NOT elites, they are a unique enemy type.
But for that achievement you almost always have to use a shrine first to get an elite to spawn.
those aren't bosses. they're just regular elites
nope, because it isn't a "boss enemy"
what's the 16 player lobby experience like?
overloading worms do not either as they are their own enemy type with their own logbook
buff huntress and artificier's butts NOW
very laggy
t. drizzler that only plays singleplayer
people regularly lose runs to shit RNG on monsoon. if you don't get good mobility by stage 4 you're just dead
i dunno, i'd like to blame it on sprint constantly getting reset by skills/turning but i am bad too
it's really easy to go from full hp to nothing, especially with huntress
Sure I was bored
play it once or twice then never again
>Have black hole, ukulele, gasoline and will-o-the-wisp
That's fucking fun right there,goddamn.
never play any other mode because everything else becomes boring
Tincture is good if you have a decent shield. Or if your health is entirely shield.
First time I saw that OC, nice
Also nice
Is there some secret to getting lunar coins? Currently sitting here with a seemingly unkillable engie, wondering if this if the way to go about it.
>Half of the characters rely on backup mags
>Can't unlock it for the life of me
My saltiness has led me to the conclusion this is what the kids call "shit game design"
also the bar on the bottom gets so wide that the CONTINUE button goes off screen and nobody can leave the post game screen
>Greater Wisp horde on stage 1
Fuck this gay earth
turret kills don't drop coins
oh yeah?
try watching an immortal lemurian fight three mountain vagrants on stage 1
I enjoy how the game turns to tribes after a few loops
There's not a single game that's not improved by excessive ammounts of fast
i got mine by accident
>Two friends die
>Just me as Mercenary versus a near full health clay dunestrider
get on top of it and dab on it with merc and just EVISCERATE before it fires off.
US Midwest 4 Player Monsoon, come through
The game is sort of clunky and isn't very fun after playing for 10 hours and understanding the mechanics
NA CENTRAL Monsoon/Rainstorm:
who up
What about drones? I have a beetle guard and a fair few drones, reckon i might be able to just go afk and still live with my 13 bustling fungi.
>this bullshit
Is this true? Source me on this NOW
How are YOU doing on the prismatic trials, user?
Are you repping your favorite character that isn't mul-t?
Or not, just died.
>Burn yourself out
>This game isn't fun anymore
feel like this sums things up
do not ever reply to any of my posts again
you have been warned...
>Are you repping your favorite character
Currently impossible, my boys Sniper and Miner ain't in yet.
>Getting burnt out after only ten hours
Someone hasn't played the original
Can someone post item priority list for multiplayer?
This one is way less complete than the first one is. 5 maps, no end boss, less enemy variety.
still room
Take everything, fuck your friends, the slower you are the less you deserve to live
10 hours is burning yourself out now?
Any way to increase the chance of double mountain shrines?
stop me faggot
Where are the lewds stored?
>Any way to increase the chance of double mountain shrines?
Its random, there are runs you can find ton of them and runs there is no one
>find a chest for the thousandth time
>don't open it because i don't want to seem like a fucking dick to the other three people
I feel like I'm the only one who's decked out.
Does attack speed allow Artificer to spam M1 more often? Or are syringes worthless for her?
backup mags
stun grenades
all other items should be spread around. Sticky grenades should be stacked exclusively on 1 or 2 people though
in aqueducts secret cave
the RNG on it kinda sucks
Was playing with friends and we found 3 mountain shrines one time, sadly we only found the 3rd after hitting 2 and activating the TP
I've been plating for 15 hours and the game is still fun
Crowbars are great for MUL-T too. Increase the range where the rebar shot can kill in one hit.
Syringes shorten the startup on her flamethrower, and shorten the charge on her M2. Bear in mind you can sprint cancel out of a flamethrower, you can M2 cancel out of a flamethrower, and you can sprint after starting your M2 charge.
Seconding this before thread archives
>open chests to loot in multi
>press tab to see what other people wears
>that one guy who didnt looted nothing
>that one guy who activates the teleporter with 200 chests left
why the fuck new players dont try singleplayer first? why quickjoin is such a shitty place
Attack speed doesn't let her spam m1 more often, but it lets her discharge it faster, charge her m2 faster, and makes her flamethrower tick faster. It's entirely worth getting, though not as core as it is on some other characters.
No, you shoot 4 balls quickly but you have to wait tons of seconds to fire again, it sucks
its like, every other character can abuse fire rate but artificer dont
>and makes her flamethrower tick faster
There are no valid claims to this. It's rather up in the air until someone can substantiate it with footage.
imagine grinding for a meaningless currency in order to enjoy the game
Definitely this, crowbars should be spread out among the team so that everyone with a higher damage attack can pop wisps effortlessly.
After discharging four fireballs, why would you wait for them to recharge? Immediately switch to flamethrower, or throw out a ball, or snapfreeze.
>200% attack speed
>press M1
>200 dmg total
>press M2
>1000 dmg total
>press flamethrower
>1000 dmg total
>have to wait 20 seconds to have a chance to attack again
the lunar coin grind adds nothing of value to my game desu, blue items are risky enough without being locked behind an RNG grind
t. 12 year old
I think it wont, I tried it and dont feel faster or dealing more ticks
And what if every fucking attack is on cooldown?
Attack speed is useless for artificer
>have to wait 20 seconds to have a chance to attack again
>leaving scraps for drizzlets
>not instantly looting every chest you see as soon as you have the money for it
you snooze you lose fuckos, finding chests isn't hard
US Midwest Monsoon 4 players, other host crashed
>behind an RNG grind
at least if you could loot more than 2 coins per 200 minutes will be ok
I camp every chest I can and loot everything I can