>Yea Forums tells me it's an overrated movie game
>It's actually a 10/10 and pure kino
When did you learn not to listen to Yea Forums?
Yea Forums tells me it's an overrated movie game
you made this thread but for RDR2
enjoy your shitty combat and 2 weapons
I never did. Yea Forums is full of shit.
When Yea Forums said TLOU was bad, if you watch it as a movie it’s unironically amazing
>Western game
>action game
>close OTS camera
it's shit
It still keeps winning awards. People are still talking about it. This game is kino and I laugh at you Yea Forumsirgins always being wrong lmao.
sony payed for the praise and awards
nah it's a 6/10 movie, not terrible, but the plot is awful
How so?
yea it was good, not 10/10 though. Yea Forums is still always wrong
Yea Forums has been obsessed with hating sony since at least 2005
one of my coworkers is going to give me his copy to keep for free on friday. looking forward to playing.
This is was the best game I played in years, fuck everyone on this board
Zero response. Literal trolls hating on life in general
This is the type of person that gave GOW2018 perfect scores
anytime Yea Forums shitposts about a game that hasn't given me any real red flags, I put it down on my backlog
hasn't failed me yet.
Never listen to Yea Forums ever if a game is getting 10/10 and GOTY that just means it's Nintendo babies shitting on it
What if that game is BOTW?
i think mathewmitosis explain the main problem well enough to not have to explain everytime on Yea Forums why it sucks as an action game
Thinking your opinion is a fact
No it's not, it just your opinion
Some people share it, others not
Based on this, every game of the year awards before was bought...
Game was good but they really should have made some of those skill upgrades that just add basic tier combos to your weapons just innate. Your moveset is so fucking limited for like 10-15 hours. Did the Swing-Pause-Swing etc moves need to be locked away at the very end?
It's a movie alright.
If it's a sony exclusive Yea Forums is gonna be fucking retarded about it.
>play something Yea Forums shits on
>try it myself
>its good
this shit always happens. at this point, im convinced that a game that gets shit on a lot just means that its good.
case in point, fortnite gets shit on a ton here but its the most played game out right now.
A smiling guy taking a selfie at what I presume to be a Disney theme park? So you mean happy people with lives gave GOW2018 perfect scores? good to know, user.
When everyone was trashing The Last of Us here, I have been ignoring Yea Forums's opinion especially on Sony games.
If a game is overrated by the press is only a problem when it isn' a Nintendo game.
Yea Forums is a place for teenagers and overgrown teenagers to vent their sexual frustrations. You shouldn't take their opinions on anything seriously, even when they agree with you.
You max out the skills pretty fast if you do the sidequests I ended up with hundreds of thousands of left over XP by the end. There's also new game plus where you start with everything maxed out with new gear available.
How do I know you're not one of them?
Hey, user, want to help me vent my sexual frustrations?
We all are. That's why we here.
The entire plot revolves around the Fireflies creating a vaccine. Making enough vaccine for everyone would require resources the Fireflies do not have. Distributing the vaccine would also be a logistical nightmare. They might be able to do it if they worked with the government, but the government is tyrannical and the Fireflies are terrorists. There is no chance of them working together. The government is not the only faction that would want to get its hands on the vaccine either, every single group of hunters in the country would try and take on the Fireflies, and a few of them are strong enough to succeed. And even if they somehow make enough and get fairly distributed throughout all the main cities without mass chaos from rioting and theft, what then? Spores and bites are no longer a major problem, which is nice. But there are still countless infected. Major cities have fallen into complete lawlessness and are controlled by gangs that will shoot on sight. A vaccine would do very little to fix any of that.
Also there is no reason that anyone would need to take an entire brain in order to get a big enough sample of the fungus to make a vaccine, that's just retarded writing.
TLoU has great characterization and is a fun game overall but plot and setting fall to pieces as soon as you start to think about it.
An action game where you need to fight enemies all around you having a camera that prevents you from seeing things to the side and behind you is a complete failure as an action game. And yes, that is a fact.
Speak for yourself
>An action game where you need to fight enemies all around you having a camera that prevents you from seeing things to the side and behind you is a complete failure as an action game.
Sounds like you are just bad and blaming it on the game. Embarrassing.
I'll take that as a yes. How are you doing today, cutie?
Fuck off, Goldstein.
Nice ad hominem
>And yes, that is a fact.
No it's not
You can't see behind your back in real life either
That's why you move while you fight to positions where you are strategically in a better place to see your enemies
I'm sorry you are a degenerate
Nowhere did he say it's a fact. No shit it's an opinion, what the fuck do you think OP is?
There's little arrows that indicate when enemies are behind you and ready to attack during combat you don't need a birds eye view like the old GoW it works perfectly fine.
Does anyone else hate the RPG mechanics? It just seems so bloated and all over the place, a lot of the stuff should unlocked from the start. It's like they tried to make the game more complicated then it is.
Yes Zelda BoTw is more overated btw.
It was really good. Definitely not 10/10. 10/10 Story, 7/10 Gameplay, Feeling a 7 or 8 overall but I didn't do any of the side content and it looked like their was quite a lot. There was too much repitition of bosses, but all the god fights and the dragon fight were sick. Especially the final one
You only made a list of in-universe problems the inhabitants of the universe would have to overcome in the event of a vaccine being developed. How is it in any way bad writing?
The story never claimed producing a vaccine would solve every problem ever, and those problems don't exist, in fact, that is kind of the point of the ending, that sacrificing a life for a vaccine is not worth it, showing that Tommy's village is the real way forward.
When will you learn? Always do the opposite of what /polgvt says
Still true.
It's not very complicated at all you just equip armor, enchantments, talismans and weapon handles to increase your level and the higher it is the more powerful you feel.
I mean is there any thing to it other than "me child... me boy..." parent bait and Norse fanfic?
I see nothing wrong with that.
>Yea Forums recommends an open world game
>it's fucking boring and wasn't even worth the hour it took to pirate
tbf TLOU has decent enough gameplay but I originally watched the entire game as a playthrough and have felt no desire to actually play through the game myself despite owning it (came free with my PS4). The multiplayer is fun though when you aren't fighting p2w fags
As someone who browses GameFAQs and YouTube's Alt-Right clickbait channels looking for Anti-SJW/Alt-Right audiences to debate with, I know about them all too well. These people have always been in our society but seek solace in gaming. Gaming is a fantasy lands that, in their eyes, should be a reflection of everything they've always wanted but can't get out of life. It was made with white men in mind, and now that it's starting to change to better reflect its audience, they feel like they're being attacked. Western gaming is taking steps to diversify their protagonists, diversify their developers, and create female characters that aren't grossly sexualized, and they hate it. So they move on to Eastern gaming while condemning Western gaming for its themes of progress.
What's interesting that I noticed about GameFAQs topics and stuff on Yea Forums, and how they align with the Alt-Right, is that you see this pro-Japan agenda theme frequently. It first takes the form of "Japan makes better games" or "JRPGs are superior." But then, it starts evolving into the fetishization of Eastern women, which is a common theme with the Alt-Right, due to fantasizing the submissive stereotypes of Japanese women. They then start talking about how Japanese gamers hate progressives in America due to censorship, and how their culture is really traditional is what makes it superior. Slowly, but surely, it evolves into a "this is why homogenous societies are better" argument, because the themes fill every checkbox in what interests them. Women, traditionalism, homogeny, white, etc..
I'm not sure what can be done about these people, honestly. To me, they're in the same category as the Alt-Right It's really hard to get into an honest conversation with some of them. Some of them have no intention of ever changing their views, even if they acknowledge they're in the wrong.
Nope, just a fallacy.
I get that's it's simple, I guess my issue lies more with the UI, a lot of it seems unnecessary.
it's like fucking clockwork
I actually tried Fortnightbut didn't like it, yet I could see why someone who enjoys online shooters would be all over it
I'm starting to think Yea Forums literally does not play games at all
100% true
nu-GoW is boring trash
I feel like the people who didn't like the game played it on the normal difficulty, it's just braindead and requires zero effort, thought or mechanics.
On GMGOW mode it was some of the most intense shit I've played since God Hand.
Yea Forums is just mad because it's a Sony exclusive
they'd shit on the PS2 Ace Combat games if they could just because it's on a Sony console
It's true that it's a fallacy yes
Started NG+ the other day and forgot how good it is then I went and started up a new game of GoW3, which I haven't played in 6 years, and realized how similar they really are and just how much NuGoW lacks in some of the areas they still share. I still think the new one is better than the old games on an overall level but older games have greater spectacle and way more challenging and engaging combat
You can't play the game
That does not make his statement fallacy
still true
It's setting up things for the future GoW. This is really Atreus' origin story we're just playing as Kratos. It's very likely Atreus will be the main protagonist when he grows up.
How do you explain Yea Forums shitting on multiplat games?
Don't own the game. I lost all interest in it when I saw how the camera works with those stupid flashing indicators to tell you when an attack is coming from off-screen. Looked embarrassing.
Yes it is.
It's almost as if action games are about playing a character that's an incredible fighter instead of a random joe with no situational awareness.
I don't want to be constantly adjusting the camera just so I can hit things, if I wanted that I would play a shooter.
It's still a devolution in design. There's no need for it.
Because it makes everything the Fireflies do retarded. If they were serious about making a vaccine then they would have to make a deal with the government. That should have been the plot of the game: convincing the government that Ellie is for real immune. There is no way that the Fireflies can pull it off on their own, and that should have been obvious to every single character in the game. The entire journey is pointless and needlessly risks Ellie's life.
>Western gaming is taking steps to diversify their protagonists, diversify their developers, and create female characters that aren't grossly sexualized, and they hate it
And how is hating that a bad thing dearest? You can look for fags to debate with all you like, but diversity for the sake of diversity or it being shoved into everyones throats did not result in better games at all.
gow2 was peak gow.
>Because it makes everything the Fireflies do retarded. If they were serious about making a vaccine then they would have to make a deal with the government.
True, but how does this make it bad writing? Yes, the Fireflies are retarded, that is kind of part of the plot.
>That should have been the plot of the game: convincing the government that Ellie is for real immune.
Sorry but nobody gives a shit what you think should have been the plot. There is no objective reason for that to have been the plot other than you saying it should have.
>There is no way that the Fireflies can pull it off on their own, and that should have been obvious to every single character in the game.
It's been a while since I played, but my impression was that not too many people sincerely believed or cared if they could do it. Joel in particular never gave a shit about it, he first just wanted to get paid, then he did it because it was the wish of his dead partner, then at the final part out of genuine care for Ellie, but never because he thought the Fireflies could save them all.
>The entire journey is pointless and needlessly risks Ellie's life.
Doesn't make the writing bad, conscious choice to be part of the plot.
The skill tree system is fine but limited, as far as stats, enchantments, and perks go it's fucking awful and I hope they realize how much of a problem it really is.
>Game tells you what stats do but don't tell you how those numbers directly affect those things
>Overall power level ends up meaning more than overall stat numbers (i.e. you can have the same number strength but will do different damage vs the same enemies based on your level)
>Each armor set has unique bonuses but most become fucking useless after a certain point because they have lower stats and level even with upgraded to the max compared to newer gear you're getting
>Same problem with talismans, pommels, and enchantments
>Perks that have chance to activate something don't tell you what the actual percent chance is, using vague words instead
>Perk effects that boost a stat don't tell you how much it boosts that stat
>Skills you acquire have bonus effects depending on the number of certain stats but most are only achievable end game on your first playthrough
I could go on a bit more but you get the point. The system has a good base in theory but they fucked up a lot of the more minor details that have overall big impact
>shitty combat
it's fun
It's just sad seeing Capcom dig up their old decrepit franchises and dancing them around in front of zoomers. Hideaki Itssuno needs to retire already.
>True, but how does this make it bad writing? Yes, the Fireflies are retarded, that is kind of part of the plot.
Because you don't feel anything when Marlene or any other Firefly is killed because they were retards and it was going to happen to them eventually. Because Joel has to be equally retarded to have believed them. The game loses it's emotional punch because there is no reason any of it had to happen, and there's no impact to Joel's choice if he's choosing what's clearly the better of two options.
>Sorry but nobody gives a shit what you think should have been the plot. There is no objective reason for that to have been the plot other than you saying it should have.
That's what the plot would have been if the characters were smart. The plot relies on the characters being stupid. And not just one, but multiple. Marlene, Tess, and Joel, all believing in something impossible.
>It's been a while since I played, but my impression was that not too many people sincerely believed or cared if they could do it. Joel in particular never gave a shit about it, he first just wanted to get paid, then he did it because it was the wish of his dead partner, then at the final part out of genuine care for Ellie, but never because he thought the Fireflies could save them all.
And that makes him weak. He doesn't do what's best for Ellie, and instead he follows the dream of a desperate dying woman.
>Doesn't make the writing bad, conscious choice to be part of the plot.
There's a difference between a great effort that proves to be futile due to unforeseen circumstances, and effort that is futile because the person making that effort is stupid.
>It's just sad seeing that Devil May Cry 5 became the best action game of the decade. Hideaki Itssuno needs to retire already.
OK. Really makes you think, huh.
This game looks like shit. Why do Kratos's animations look so bad? Like he's just skating on the floor and knocking mannequins over? And why does every fire/particle effect look cheap and fake? Why do the enemies look so lame?
>has pale, white skin
>nothing to cover his ugly body
Tell me how I know the person who made this never played god of war, old and new
DMC5 played it completely safe it didn't try anything different like GoW 4 and isn't as acclaimed as a result
probably because you already hate the game for some stupid reason and thus everything about it just disgusts you
Characters are flawed, and should be flawed. I don't get why it's so unbelievable that some people in that post-apocalyptic wasteland would blindly clinge to what they percieve as hope.
Doesn't feel unrealistic at all when you consider there are still many religious people around the world, sometimes waging wars and killing in the name of religion.
To me, it's stupid and any "character" in the real world should be able to see that worshipping imaginary ghosts is retarded as hell, but they still unironically do it. So why is it a problem that in a video game people act stupid too?
There are people who believe or side with the Fireflies, but not everybody. The Fireflies are not depicted as the good guys at all. It is hinted in in-game documentation that they don't actually have the means to carry out a proper research on Ellie.
In-game characters acting stupid is not bad writing, it happens all the time in real life and you are just as powerless to do anything about it, doesn't make it unrealistic.
Aren't you a little old to be playing videogames? It's been 14 years since DMC3.
I'm 32, so no.
Yea Forums is always wrong
Yea Forums thought nuGoW, spiderman, rdr2, re2, dmc5 and sekiro were gonna suck. The only times blunderfags were right were fallout76 and anthem
>it didn't become some easy mode parent simulator with minimal gameplay and clunky movement so I'm going to say it tried nothing new
>I'm also going to ignore the fact they made a whole new character who plays nothing like Dante or Nero
You may have nails in your brain
>but muh critical acclaim.
From the same people who brought you Dumber Than A Pigeon and I Can't Move And Aim At The Same Time... You shouldn't be bragging about that. Its like bragging you won the special olympics because you weren't a cripple.
>God of War that is GOTY 2018
>Gachashit that is gambling for .png
t.Yea Forumsirgin
kill yourself normalfag
>steals your spotlight
Heh nothing personal kid
Persona new gacha game?
Not sure where you're getting this idea that GoW has " minimal gameplay" when it's 3x the length of DMC5, has a fight every few minutes and 2 of the realms you go to are straight up challenge arenas with nothing but combat.
Rockstar pays their reviewers to give 10/10 scores for their games. It makes sense considering both GTA and RDR have shit controls and it always goes overlooked.
No, that's a live event which they use to announce new games and have live bands play the music from the games.
The perceived "Vocal Majority" on Yea Forums don't play games. They spend all there free time here on the boards shitting up the place. disrupting actual game conversation, remembering that one game they beat over a decade ago and posting chicks with dicks.
That being said GOW2 is still my favorite among the series but I did enjoy this new one as much as I did 3. Ascension is trash though. Fuck that game. The PSP games are alright I suppose.
Do people actually try replaying this game
It must be a nightmare to force yourself into fucking slow walk ingame cutscenes
Make me, bitch
Maybe. I still think it looks tacky though.
There's a difference between a character having flaws and a character being too stupid to exist. And yes, people in real life do stupid shit but I don't care to hear stories about them. Unless it's a comedy, I guess.
The problem isn't so much that characters are stupid as it is that the characters never ask or answer the important questions. Like what will they do once they make a vaccine? And the result is that they don't feel real, they feel like they're just set along their narrow path.
Nice copypasta. Got any more?
Straight-to-DVD-movie tier writing like all movie games let's be honest here
>when it's 3x the length of DMC5
Slowly rowing boats, slowly carrying boars and crystals and climbing slowly or walking slowly so you can do more exposition dumps than a Sonic spinoff game kind of does that yes.
>but there's combat
See here's the problem, the combat is shit.
The game is melee centered yet has auto tracking towards the nearest enemy so you aren't whiffing as many attacks. That is shit for an action game. I am a competent person I can point myself at what I want to attack. If I press the button and am facing a specific direction I EXPECT that I'll attack in that direction. Not slightly to the left so I don't land a double hit, not skating 4 meters to the nearest enemy.
Then there's the cinematic slowdowns on blocks and parries which fucks the rhythm of the game up completely. Shitty RPG stats for a fucking action game. The fact they let a broken combat system through 4+ years of development by adding a shitty indicator because they spent too much time on cinematics that they clearly made the gameplay as an afterthought. You can't argue against this since the evidence is they literally had to include an indicator because they needed the game to stay as over the shoulder for their gay "One shot" bull crap.
If a game is kino something's clearly wrong.
Its from RetardError, some faggot has been making threads and replies using direct copy/pastes of posts from that shit hole.
Okay this might be an issue of personal opinion then. I don't feel them any less real, because while it's easy to ask these questions from behind the comfort of the tv and Dualshock™ 4, these characters are struggling to survive from day to day, which I think the game did a good job of showing.
Real life is full of people who never bother to take a few steps back and ask the important questions, so it's not unrealistic. I can understand though that it could be frustrating to see this in a story, and that's fine, but even then in stories I don't think it's that uncommon. Still wouldn't call it bad writing for this reason.
I can though. And it is a fallacy.
Still true that it's a fallacy yes.
Xcucks always project their woke shit onto the competition. It's embarrassing.
>Yea Forums spends over a decade shitting on the GoW franchise for being a shitty, dumbed down DMC clone
>franchise changes and becomes a halfway decent Souls clone
>suddenly everyone always loved the old games and considered them to be on the same level as DMC3
If you really want to argue length then DMC5 is longer
>Devil Hunter first playthrough
>Heaven and Hell
>Hell and Hell
>Eventually Human to clear out the table because the autism gets to you.
>S Ranking them all
GoW is short by comparison.
stop, you're gonna make me fall asleep
Maybe you should stop playing GoW while posting on Yea Forums. That might fix your issue.
Nah it's definitely you're regurgitated DMC posts. Dunno why you're even in this thread for a game you don't like, you should go get yourself jerked off in the actual DMC thread instead. Anyways, don't bother replying because your last post definitely made me want to take a nap.
Good night user and remember GoW2018 is more casual than Senran Kagura Versus games. Sleep tight.
It looks like a failed attempt to copy bloodborne combat. While in BB you are faster and have a smoother transition between different attacks here every attack seems to have a half second pause in between. I like it but the next game should have faster combat and better enemy AI. Just standing around is pretty stupid.
Get off my lawn you little shit.
Difference is GoW has a feeling of weight and power with every blow that Bloodborne and Souls don't
none of them are just standing around except for the projectile guys who strafe around between shots because it would be lame as shit if they just spammed projectiles endlessly.
They are all at least being stunned by the parry shockwaves or getting up from previously being knocked over. Most are winding up attacks and get interrupted, or sometimes they attack Atreus
>DMCucks now trying to shit on GodOW
What makes the new God of War better than the old games overall if they have greater spectacle and way more challenging and engaging combat?
Most of the mechanics come directly from the previous GoW games
Case in point
More challenging is debatable, old GoW had alot of QTE stuff that new GoW doesn't. You can't kill the valkyrie bosses as easily as some old GoW bosses.
Tighter level design, not as linear, while the older games have greater spectacle the new game is a lot more beautiful and has gorgeous enviroments, just don't expect to be doing shit like tearing the soul out of hades himself or having an entire level based around a giants body. The newer game is also a lot more better to control despite peoples complaints about the close camera. Problem I have with older games is the fixed camera sometimes being really wonky, especially in certain combat scenarios where enemies can be blocking the view of your body and your dodge only having 4 directions it can go so the camera can make it hard to really tell which direction your dodge will go. There are also aren't as many completely boring and unfun sections that add nothing surprisingly, you get these sections in Nu GoW but they're filled with dialogue or beautiful scenario most of the time, older games constantly have boring ass climbing and wall hugging and rope climbing that take forever and are just a pain, only sometimes being used to showcase some grand spectacle. QTEs out the ass are annoying along with some boss fights having boring, predictable, unchallening phases that just waste time.
>Yea Forums tells me it's an overrated movie game
>It's actually a 10/10 and pure kino
>A Yea Forums term
So you agree that its a movie?
Most of the time, you only did QTEs when enemies are close to death and they typically aren't require to kill an enemy with some exceptions, same with boss fights.
>You can't kill the valkyrie bosses as easily as some old GoW bosses.
I disagree, all valkyries besides the final one have extremely easy movesets, with only 1-3 different attacks between each one.
New GoW has barely any recognizable patterns along with enemy attacks being slow and having a flashing symbol telling you to block/parry or dodge as opposed to the older games where there weren't indicators and some enemies could do really fast rapid attacks that require good reactions to stop or get out of the way, i'm not gonna say every enemy in the older games have deep and complicated movesets, they're mostly simple but enough to be challenging and there is more variety in their attacks. For example a gorgon, which is a stronger but still common enemy, has range attack that turns you into stone but is fairly reactable, a grab that is very fast but can be escaped, a tail swing attack that has good range and can seemingly come out of nowhere, and finally a basic 1-2 rapid swipe attack. This right here is more varied than the large majority of the enemies you face in Nu GoW. They really need to step it up next game
>Same Boss rehashed 7 FUCKING TIMES. not once or twice, BUT 7 FUCKING TIMES
>That shitty enemy variety
>Combat is severely unbalanced with dew moves being overpowered and literally no reason to use the rest of moves.
>Kratos now levels up to feed the ADHD ridden Sony audience
>He also has purple and gold loot now btw. Please like our game
I enjoyed NuGoW but if you think it's anywhere close to a 10/10 video game, you are part of the problem why all video games are the same fucking game but with a different story. It's fucking ridiculous
>god of war combat is fun
Sorry user this is nintendogaf
Only Zelda games have good combat, enjoy your movie.
>god of war is good
Get fucked buddy, this is Nintendogaf only Zelda/Mario games are good.
Enjoy your trash movie.
>v tells me it's a movie game
>it's actually the german word for movies
Woah sick burn dude
It's over Joe
>BoTW cocksucker
>valid critic
Get out nincel
It’s actually more like 1 weapon, since blades are shit. I’m pretty sure most people use them to just cycle trough runic attacks.
But axe is very nice and combat is surprisingly good. If only the second move set switch wasn’t so retarded.
>has impeccable taste
>valid critic
Yeah checks out.
>likes cartoon Ubishit branded with Nintendo
>likes cartoon Ubishit branded with Nintendo
Nobody ever said zelda game have good combat. Or even any combat at all
>botw gets criticized
>someone on Yea Forums is enjoying the official GOTY
>thread pruned and OP banned
Just fucking kys nincels shitting the board
>It's bad because I interpret the story not panning out ideally, not even due to any plotholes
Stop pretending you know anything about what makes writing good or bad.
>The entire plot revolves around the Fireflies creating a vaccine. M
literal murricuck detected
the plot revolves around coping with loss and the choices you make as an adult. eat shit retard.
The story is actually deeper than that. In the end phase you can find notes that pretty much prove that the last doctors on earth are more akin to ancient witch doctors, not solving anything, more practicing a form of voodoo science akin to the slaughter of no-pigment africans by retarded african countrymen.
>Slowly rowing boats, slowly carrying boars and crystals and climbing slowly or walking slowly so you can do more exposition dumps than a Sonic spinoff game kind of does that yes.
It has easily 2x actual combat than your favorite punching bag emulator.
>See here's the problem, the combat is shit.
Your arguments for that are flat wrong or retarded.
My favorite games are anything Nintendo
>uniconically using a term used by Orwell to describe how retarded racism is as a racist slur
/pol/ never ceases to amaze me.
Trying too hard
>Uncharted 2
>The Last of Us
>Metro Exodus
>Batman: Arkham Knight
>Horizon Zero Dawn
Basically anything that's bad because of exclusivity, something negative a developer said about PC, nostalgia or spergs huffing TORtanic fumes.
Low enemy variety and the kid are my only issues with the game, fighting giant #14 gets really fucking boring
but sex minigame in 1 was also pretty fucking hilarious
Is this webm actually implying that footprints make for a better game?
Why would I torture myself replaying the same punching bag emulator five times, two of which are needed if I just want to get to the place where some sort of actual challenge begins without a guide, if I'd already seen all the cutscenes and gameplay only gets better in the sense that errors are punished much harder, so you actually have to learn how to juggle your punching bags?
am I the ONLY person that found bloodborne super easy? (except for the final DLC area, fuck that)
>I like it but the next game should have faster combat and better enemy AI. Just standing around is pretty stupid.
Then it would filter 95% of Yea Forums to easy difficulty, because it already has some of the fastest, most aggressive, and least easily controlled enemies in action games ever.
because some people aren't incels and find it embarassing to play a 'dating simulator' and prefer to just have a realistic world where they can go nuts. You keep your tits in your doa tiddy simulator, your furry MMO boobsliders and your childrape e-books, let us worry about the more normal looking women, k thx.
>explain the main problem well enough
I think the webm is showing the difference of 2 decades of software development
Contrary to your opinion, the fact that women in western videogames now are ugly goblins like you won't make your hole more desirable.
>There is no auto-tracking
>There is no gliding 4 meters to an enemy
>They didn't intentionally leave in bad game design because they put the gameplay on the back burner(its not like we got proper combat gameplay not from an official source but from a leak a month before release)
>There are no cinematic slow downs on parries and blocks
>There are no RPG stats
Are you honestly saying that all of this is true despite the webms posted in all GoW threads as well as all the facts easily research-able from playing the game say the contrary?
>being this retarded
it is proven time and time again that women prefer looking at prettier women in advertisements. How would this be any different from gaming?
I have explained my point, it is up to you to understand that someone else can have a different outlook. also have sex
I would never listen to Yea Forums unless they agreed with me. I'm way too good for the current Yea Forums user's opinion to be worth listening to.
Watch Matt's analytical critique it will blow your mind (assuming you have at least over 120 IQ).
I didn't like god of war that much, 6/10 but your post is 10/10 true.
>western movie-game fan
>high iq
I thought it was pretty good. I think it was smart for God of War to switch lanes, instead of feeling like a shitty DMC now it feels like a way better TLOU. It knew it couldn't compete so it stopped trying.
But yeah if you've been playing games at least a decade and have 2 brain cells to rub together current Yea Forums has pretty much nothing to offer.
Literally who?
>e-celeb garbage
>literally who?
>can't even make an opinion of his own and has to parrot shit that an angry incel spews
>literally who
Try lurking Yea Forums for more than a week. He's a respected icon around her.
oh it definitely needed to switch lanes. I just didnt like the twitch combat on hardest difficulty and the boring as fuck travel element combined with a 'meh' world map. I had easily 10x the fun with kindoms of amalur than I had with GOW, which I dropped somewhere when I got that boat and that fuckhueg lake to peddle in. I should pick it up but I prefer to just replay das 3 for the umpteenth time on pc -> tv screen.
oh and... very important, I REALLY HATE the 20 fps on my old-ps4. It's unacceptable for a fast paced game like that. And since sony will jew me with paid online, I wont go for a ps5, so I guess I'll never play the game on a decent framerate... shame because the visual artwork is stellar.
>respected icon around here
Did I hurt your feelings about about your e-celeb? YT is cancer and always has been
Fuck off to reddit you're trying too hard
It needed more walking sections where you hold up for 20 minutes, hack and slash games really benefit from this guys.
>10/10 Pure kino
>It’s literally a fucking movie
Does anyone else remember how easily it got its thunder stolen at the game awards?
People were actively tuning out before the joker’s in smash reveal happened
It's just salty microsoiboys upset they get dabbed on by kratos all year while sea of soi flopped. Now God of war picked up.another 5 awards along with goty at the baftas.
>There is no auto-tracking
But there is. Moreover, a huge percentage of your attacks are downright auto-aimed.
>There is no gliding 4 meters to an enemy
Neither there is any in GoW.
>They didn't intentionally leave in bad game design because they put the gameplay on the back burner
Game design does not become bad just because you say so with no valid arguments.
>There are no cinematic slow downs on parries and blocks
Which makes the game superior exactly how? Do I need to remind you that Bayonetta and MGR are chock full of these "cinematic slow downs"?
>There are no RPG stats
Because buying moves and improving your stats for red crystals is totes different than doing the same for EXP?
But snark aside, you also have to explain how having RPG stats is a bad thing. There is exactly one valid criticism of RPG stats in an action game, and it is that they allow you to overlevel by grinding mooks somewhere and bruteforce your way through the game instead of experiencing proper challenge, like in Souls. This criticism is not applicable to GoW, because exp only allows you to buy moves. To raise stats you have to obtain materials for upgrades, which are mostly locked behind tough opponents. You can only choose which of them will be tougher due to facing them first. Because overleveling by grind is not on the table, RPG stats add nothing but benefits, allowing you to customize your character and attempt different methods of tackling challenges.
Even for one playthrough DMC5 is longer
>God of War 2018 - Time to complete 15 hours (including all cutscenes and tedium bits for exposition, Total time of this content is at least 8 hours 5 minutes)
>DMC5 - Time to complete two playthroughs due to the second playthrough being a totally different game gameplay wise to complete (14 hours * 2) 28 hours including cutscenes(Total cutscene length - 3 hours 13 minutes * 2 = 6 hours 26 minutes.
Total Play time of one GoW playthrough(minus cutscenes and tedium shit) = 7 hours 55 minutes
Total playtime of one DMC5 playthrough(minus cutscenes) = 10 hours 47 minutes
Total playtime of two DMC5 playthroughs(minus cutscenes) = 21 hours 34 minutes
One full playthrough of DMC5 is longer than a full playthrough of GoW
Cutscenes and tedium disguised as loading screens isn't gameplay.
Have a sex.
What retard though it was a good idea to take her entire brain?
That’s not how it works.
You take a blood sample then filter out the blood for the antibodies
Even if you have to study her brain you don’t need to kill her they do full brain surgery while the patient is still awake
>source: my ass
Combat is what saves nu-GoW. Everything else is pretty plain except voice acting. Don't understand why people give it 10s.
Devil May Cry 5 is far superior.
Kill yourself you indie movie faggot.
How long to beat begs to differ. 20>11. Gow wins again.
>Time to complete two playthroughs due to the second playthrough being a totally different game gameplay wise to complete
>2 playthroughs = 1 playthroughs in a DmC fanboy's braincell
I finished both games and you're just sucking your own dick while taking two cocks up your ass with this opinion.
GOW is way longer than DmC it's a fact you delusional nigger
You said
>Your arguments for that are flat wrong or retarded.
Auto-tracking is there, there's gliding(you can see it in most webms being posted by fans of the game), the bad design is literally a marker saying there's an enemy attacking you from behind because they spent too much time on their faggy one-shot camera. If they did gameplay first that piece of shit indicator WOULD NOT exist. Slow down is fucking awful since as I said, it kills rhythm.
>Defending poor balancing
Maybe they should've made better enemy AI instead of going "LOL the enemy leveled up so now its going to take EVEN LONGER to kill it, YAY" It's a fucking action game, levels shouldn't even come into this.
>But its locked behind equipment
Like that's any better
>hey here's an enemy because we spent all our money on a shitty camera he looks like all the others but he's one level higher than you meaning he can one shot you and takes forever or may just not be possible to take down right now, come back later.
>He's including all the cutscenes and padding to make GoW longer
Walking while exposition happens isn't gameplay.
Imagine being dmc and only selling 2 million in two weeks on all platforms while gow sells 3 million in 3 days on only one platform.
And the game is longer with and without it.
>Imagine having infinite marketing money so everyone and their dog knows the game exists and paying journalists to review your game in a fancy 5 star hotel.
Gee, its almost like its all marketing and not based on the quality of the game at all. Its also not like journos tried to shit on DMC5 because it wasn't being made by a western team like DmC was.
>meanwhile ign gives dmc5 a 9.5 and dmc by ninja theory gets an 8.5
Kingdoms of Amalur has better combat that this
>Actually defending obnoxious padding bullshit
You have issues that only a lobotomy can solve.
Why are you taking opinions from others before your own?
kino is the german word for cinema
congratulations you played yourself
I have arrived to the conclusion that if you love GOW 4 you probably dont like games
>it's okay when rockstar do it
Hmm wonder where all these Xbox fanboys are in the rdr2 threads
I should've bought PS4 instead of XBONEX
obviously you like shitty kino movies
>it's okay when rockstar do it
Never said that because as you SHOULD be able to imply, I fucking hate that gay ass shit.
How come this thread is still up then?
>Weeabo faggot proves everyone right by being a retard
I bet you like Xenoblade and KH3 you fucking dickhead
>When did you learn not to listen to Yea Forums?
When they were hyping Disgaea, Final Fantasy Tactics and Okami back in 2005-2006
>because it would be lame as shit if they just spammed projectiles endlessly.
Except that's exactly what they do. The one that was strafing around was just trying to get a clear shot at Kratos from around the sandbowl thing in the middle of the lift
holy shit god of war literally cannot be stopped if it was on pc or switch you faggots would be going snoybtfo best game ever
>When did you learn not to listen to Yea Forums?
just do the opposite and you'll be fine
But God of War was always shit
When do you think this contrarian meme ends?
What is going to replace pretending to shill and praise terrible games?
I like Ghost of Sparta a lot too. At the time I skipped it because God of War III had already come out the same year, but when I actually played it I found it to be one of the best ones.
I'm not a big fan of God of Boy, for various reasons.
I don't hate it. The threat indicator is a sloppy bandaid, things get too spongey on higher difficulties, and the axe has a lot of cheese potential, but hitting shit feels good in a fundamental way. The fact everyone has magnets inside them keeps things fluid but it's also a sloppy bandaid, and the way everyone zooms around looks terrible. I don't think the combat is bad though. I just don't think it's good enough to excuse everything else.
The moment the edgefags started hating on Spec Ops
>Auto-tracking is there,
Not to any greater extent that in the game you supposedly like.
>there's gliding(you can see it in most webms being posted by fans of the game
There isn't and you need to have your eyes checked.
>the bad design is literally a marker saying there's an enemy attacking you from behind
Sorry, this is not your favorite punching bag emulator where enemies mostly stop attacking whenever off-screen, and neither this is Souls, where if you're engaging more than one, at most two fast enemies at a time, that is already a result of a major fuckup on your part. In GoW 2018 you constantly and by design fight gangs of relentlessly aggressive foes, so the attack indicator is necessary for most players.
>because they spent too much time on their faggy one-shot camera. If they did gameplay first that piece of shit indicator WOULD NOT exist.
[citation needed]
And for that matter GoW 2018 easily has the best camera of any action game of the last few years. The only thing that can be considered a flaw is automatic delocking on literally a single boss attack. At no point you will have camera angles and enemy bodies preventing you from seeing what is happening on the screen, the problem which is still not completely solved in DMC 5.
>Slow down is fucking awful since as I said, it kills rhythm.
No, it doesn't. It doesn't do so in Platinum games and it doesn't do so here.
>Defending poor balancing
This is literally impossible, as I firmly reject the idea that GoW 2018 balancing is poor.
>Maybe they should've made better enemy AI
But they did. Enemy AI differs between difficulties and in general is among the best I've ever seen. Then again, given that you're a DMCuck, your idea of AI improvement must be enemies stopping needing ten second to attack you if you stand perfectly still.
>It's a fucking action game, levels shouldn't even come into this.
But not if you buy them for orbs!
>Like that's any better
It is and I explained why.
>>Yea Forums tells me it's an overrated movie game
That's because it is. It had zero impact and is already largely forgotten.
>Tighter level design
It's tight in that railroady there's-nothing-of-interest kind of way.
>listening to Yea Forums
>or gaming community in general
That's your mistake.
There was equally if not not more people here saying it was good you cuck. I got the PS4 Pro console with it. Pretty based game. Sekiro is better however and you should be talkingg about that
Its the only one of sony's movies that I'll actually go to bat for. The rest are boring shooters. But this is a halfway decent action game with enough to do and an interesting premise.
It keeps winning awards but I actually don't see that many people talking about it anymore
the only thing i don't like about it is that a fucking greek god is voiced by a black.
Tell me how I know you're a sad piece of human garbage for taking that picture seriously
The only standout moments of this 30 hour snoozefest are the first Baldur fight and the Blades of Chaos scene. The rest is poorly paced bloated shite where you keep retracing your steps. You walk up the same damn mountain three times.
So in other words, that isn't just spamming endlessly.
I was surprised at how cool and emphasized the callbacks to the old games are. It's sort of strange that the game glosses over his mortal provenance and first wife and daughter, though. Being a god didn't really define Kratos in the older games as much as God of War 4 makes it seem.
Hah. No.
Yeah just standing around right?
one of the best eras in Yea Forumss history was the dead silence after god of nu was released. the whole board was so blown out of the water it couldn't even cope
>5 minutes of carrying a boar
>Not a movie
God of war had moddest marketing. I honestly didn't like the marketing at all. I didn't really like the trailers for the game that much they were pretty good but also very average.
The week of reviews was one of the biggest bombshells in recent years.
I am completely surprised that the game sold like 9m in no time.
Jesus christ that is the jankiest, slowest shit I've ever seen
God damn lords of the fallen has faster combat than that
>There isn't
What? It's not Arkham levels of ridiculous but it's definitely in the game.
>movie game
so basically Yea Forums was right but your casual faggot ass enjoyed it nonetheless
>20+ hours of not carrying a boar
>a movie
This sucked ass user. You pretty much had to never use the axe because it felt like you were slapping a rock with it, and it's always better to just push enemies up against the wall.
It's funny cause the new character is fucking braindead gameplay, really makes u think.
I don't get Yea Forums's autistic fit over nuGoW. Sure, it's not the greatest game in existence journos make it out to be, nothing could be in the 2010s anyway, but there's gameplay. It has combat, it has combos, and meaningful progression. It has the hallmarks of a good action game. Do brief cutscenes trigger your autism or something?
This is bait, no one can be this retarded
>respected icon
It's popular, therefore its faults are exacerbated.
I'm not bothered by the game's existence or anything -- and I'm not that guy that thinks everyone that likes it is a dirty casual or whatever stupid shit. That said I do wonder if God of War 2018 needed to exist. Kratos's character progression is natural enough, but is this a story God of War of all series needed to tell? Especially when the game design principles have shifted so much to accommodate recent trends to do so? All this seems to hinge on the idea that God of War needed to be revitalized and shaking things up was a way to do so, but I don't think God of War needed to be brought back at all if this was the closest they could get to the spirit of the originals in the current climate. How much is a name on its own worth? Clearly a lot, judging by how well it sold. But for me it just embodies the worst impulses in video games and reboots more broadly.
There are specific parts of its story and game design that I'm not a fan of either, to be fair. Maybe if I liked the game for what it is more than I do I'd be more forgiving about its divergences and general mission statement.
No because it was ALOU clone, while that works for ALOU, it dosent work for a action game
GOW has always been bad just capitalizing on what is popular, but aleast old GOW were copies of a action game
2 weapons
no spell
boring tedium inbetween action
it wasnt a bad game but it could be better
So what I'm getting from this thread is nuGOW was bad because Japan didn't make it?
I've never seen the west to make a decent action game in the vein of DMC, so pretty much yes.
How did Kratos cool off between GoW3 and GoW New
God of War was a great game. I wouldn´t give it a 10/10 however. More like a 8.5/10
I mostly score good games a 7.
the only 10/10 games I ever played was probably the first god of war or paper mario.
Even my favorite game from my childhood Jak and Daxter would just barely manage to reach a 8.5 now
Everyone was dead. With no one left to channel his anger at he was left with a fucking mess. Even in the older games Kratos had moments of clarity and could be somber. Ghost of Sparta highlights this the most of any of them, but the series starts with a suicide attempt. He always had a softer side.
Killed all greek goods marryed a witch and had a kid with her?
>When did you learn not to listen to Yea Forums?
Today, because of this fucking thread:
I wanna get bullied by a Valkyrie!