You now remember Prince of Persia

You now remember Prince of Persia

Attached: 71WSHsP2IL.jpg (799x1255, 176K)

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Oh yes

Attached: Shahdee.jpg (1600x1200, 124K)

I sure do. I wish they'd make a new one, but it'd probably just be like Assassin's Creed. Started played the 2008 game last night and while the lack of punishment is really lame, I'm finding the game pretty pleasant overall.

I was waiting for another thread about Prince of Persia.

Ubisoft doesn't own the PoP license, so they couldn't make a new one even if they wanted to.

Oh. That's probably for the best.

No, I don't remember that one. Try this instead.

Attached: Sands_of_time_cover[1].jpg (279x358, 28K)

it needs a ps4 remake

No one in this board played the original I guess, with the helpful mouse, potions as health icons and one hour timelimit to finish it.

I was going to buy it during the Ubisoft sale a few weeks ago, but ended up buying Stronghold Collection
The trilogy is pretty good, too bad the franchise is dead

I did play it as kid but I never finished it. I saw my dad beating the game though.

WW > TTT > SoT

no we don't have arthritis you fucking boomer

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At one point I thought Assassin's Creed will be its successor.

The damage effects were pretty mindblowing to a 10 year old.

I beat it every year, fuck you.

Seeing the second game start like this, right after playing the first game, I immediately knew it was going to be a shitty sequel. I'm convinced that the people who prefer Warrior Within are the ones who played it first, because it was so obviously not meant for fans of The Sands of Time. They couldn't have been more obvious about how hard they were trying to abandon the existing fan base.

Prince of Persia x Donkey Kong: Kingdom Battle when?

I tried playing after unlocking it on my Gamecube copy of Sands of Time, but I didn't do so well. Not sure the Gamecube's controller was the best fit for it.

My recollection may be fuzzy, but
>Sands of time
Gameplay on the simple side, but literally the best arabian nights atmosphere in any game ever made.
>Warrior Within
Despite the edginess, the best combat and platforming in the series. Good world design too.
>Two Thrones
Tried to be the middle ground between arabian myths and DARKNESS. Gameplay was alright, but somewhat ruined with way too many QTEs and set pieces.

>warrior within alienated fans of sands of time
>warrior within is edgy and tryhard

However, Warrior within is still the best game of the sands quadrilogy, as someone who's played the whole series. The open world helps a lot for replay value and exploration, the combat is significantly better than SoT, and the dahaka chases are insanely fun and work perfectly with the rewind mechanic. You should give it an honest attempt instead of writing it off based on it trying to appeal to a different audience. The story is surprisingly good, too, it plays around with time paradoxes a lot.

I think Two Thrones did an excellent job keeping what was good about both games without being too much like either one of them.

I actually played Warrior within yesterday on the pc. Never finished it before because it was buggy. So Itried it yesterday. Played for a few hours, quit for the day. Next day started it up and the prince looked like a reject from the white walkers. Went online and saw it was a game breaking bug and that I need to restart. On the list there was a dozen more such bugs and suggestions to have multiple save files. Never uninstalled faster. Into the trash it goes.

>PC gaming

Many people dislike The Two Thrones for various reasons, but it did a pretty good job of tying the series together thematically after Warrior Within tried so hard to be a completely different fucking genre.

I just hated how they killed of Kaileena.

In all fairness, he's trying to play a 2004 game on what is most likely a 2019 operating system. Try putting 2004 console game disc into a 2019 console, and it will likely be even less playable.

Maybe the developers of The Two Thrones had as much contempt for Warrior Wtihin as the developers of Warrior Within had for The Sands of Time, and killed her off immediately out of spite.

It was an issue on the PS2 as well. The port literally changed nothing.

Nah Warrior Within was buggy as fuck even on the original consoles. There was a dozen or more bugs that just made it completely impossible the continue the game because cutscenes just wouldn't trigger.

fucking why
stop asking for this shit

It is a buggy game for sure.

Also, have you guys seen the shit one can do to speedrun the game, is like time and space manipulation.

Nigger I think about it all the fucking time

The cut Kindred Blades costume was my favorite look of The Prince

Attached: prince-illustration.png (500x519, 107K)

So did anyone play Forgotten Sands?

Wii version of Forgotten Sands was the last good Prince of Persia. Great design.

It also has original game in it. SNES version, i think.

I never forgot. Loved that shit when I was a kid. I keep praying a new good PoP game, but I don't think it will ever happen.

I played a good chunk of the Wii version. I remember it being pretty fun and lighthearted, but I got annoyed with some part (no idea what) and never finished it. I should try it out again soon.

Shut up and post more Seulgi

Almost everyone played the first game including zoomers.