You're gonna buy her game once it finally comes out, won't you Yea Forums?
You're gonna buy her game once it finally comes out, won't you Yea Forums?
who is this old hag?
Why did so many dicksuckers in the indie scene choose to prop up a literal antifa commie?
If it's anything other than a game about scamming idiot white knights, I'm not interested. Who am I kidding, I'm not interested anyways.
Catalyst for G*merg*te
Because they weren't the ones actually doing the dick sucking. Wink wink
I'd fugg her for free. But you'd have to pay me to play her game, or listen to anything she has to say.
You have low standards. Those tattoos are hideous.
Fuck you. Zoe a QT even her chubby form.
that looks fun ngl.
her and Nathan Grayson started Gamergait
Idc about the tattoos. I just said I'd fugg her, not do anything beyod that.
I'll buy the book version
Was talking to some chick about her hair that looked like that, that could easily be a 700 dollar hair dye job. The I talked to got it for 150 cause she dated the hair lady's son.
was this supposed to be funny?
Not him but you should honestly be ashamed of yourself. Fucking a couch would speak better of your self respect.
looks like a shittier Dichen Lachmann, who is she?
It's not hard or expensive to bleach at home, the key is to get the purple shampoo and remove all bronzing.
that game is never coming out
Oh yeah bro, fucking a couch is bertter than fucking a real woman. Dumb nigger Yea Forumsirgins, what the fuck is fucking a couch anyways? Have you fucked a couch?
I dont know what Zoe is in your scales, but in mind a non fat Zoe is a 5, and anything 5 and up is a go for me. Plus, theres the element of her beinbg an absolute dumb cunt, and that makes it better. Again, I dont want anything to do with her besides fugging, what dont you brainlets get about that?
I unironically would fuck the shit out of Zoe Quinn. She's the perfect mix of "eh" and "wet hole" that I need to really take it to that mediocre level.
what happened to her boob job ?
reminder that she was right
So what's the dick count?
that video holy shit. it's like these people are aliens who have some warped sense of what comedy is, they take some of the elements and mash them together but just don't really understand it
omg!!! its jsut like my adult swim cartoons!!!! shut up and take my money!!!!!! WUBALUBADUBDUB!!!
Looks like garbage version of Paris Hilton.
I didn't ask for this.
>muh self respect!
Nigga you're on fucking Yea Forums arguing about how you don't like tattoos like a weak bitch. Fuck off with your poor ass judgment.
>I'd fugg her for free
You do know she has HPV which she has to take meds for the rest of her life that's easily transmittable though sex right. And before you'd say you'd double bag it keep in mind she will insist on eating her pussy on the first date .
>was literal who
>goober gaber virgins "fighting" for a better course start harassing her
>LMAO that will show that bitch FIVE GUYS AND FRIES xD
>becomes famous over night
>now makes 1000$ for 90 minutes talking about Yea Forumsirgins
>started working out and can now lift more than 99% of Yea Forums
>GG is forever known as a bunch of fat, spaztic incels
Lmgao at Yea Forums's life.
Yea Forums and /pol/ BTFO yet again. I'm laughing so hard remembering that whole mess to bring zoe and anita down that backfired a few years ago
No. I've seen this bitch's nudes, she has no power over me.
Fucking Zoe is gayer than anal with a women or fucking a discord tranny. At least a discord tranny won't slap you with a retroactive rape charge five years down the line because one day she decides "that fuck sesh was kinda lacking. it was pretty much rape because I don't enjoy it now even though I enjoyed it then"
now post your face to prove you have sex all the time.
>went from earning 4 dollars and 50 cents an hour to over 1 thousand for speaking engagements
I can't be mad at that. Fools and their gold etc
Hi Zoe
>still fat
>still has bad nudes online
>still sucked journalist dick
>it wasn't a media stunt
>sex with a woman is gayer than sex with a man who pretends to be a woman
KYS discord tranny
Is that a nu-Jumanji tattoo
I've never heard of anyone taking medication for herpes, usually it goes dormant
That the same livejournal where she poured her heart out about how her babysitter let her two sons have their way with her in the back of the car when she a was kid and how her dad's friend would watch her, have her sleep in the doghouse filled with fleas outside, and then molest her on her parents bed?
Nah dude, look up HPV. There's different strains and she may she got the kind you can treat with meds, but with Zoe's past and how "men try and rape her" and stabs them in the face who would wanna take that risk?
>would rather get cancer eating Zoe's HPV pussy.
Cope more.
maybe I'd buy a copy when it gets released.
which we know isn't going to happen any time soon.
Literally scammed 85k and no one bats an eye, not even Jim Sterling (because he's in it) he'd rather wail on some steam trash that has 200 sales
Step 1: don't eat her out
Step 2: use protection as you would with any one night stand
Don't worry, user, it's still coming out just as soon as Zoe gets back from her third getaway to Japan in half a year. It's coming!
that rancid puss would probably destroy any sort of protect you could think of using.
Or...step 3: Just...don't. She has the power of MeToo at her fingertips. Though admittedly no one believed her when she said Max Landis was a creep which is funny bc everyone up until she opened her believed that Max could conceivably be a MeToo creeper.
Ugh. Is she trying outdo Super Seducer as the worst possible FMV game ever. Bc it looks like she's gonna pass with flying colors.
Because it's the indie scene
Problem is that those fools funding another fool, allows the second to create more fools.
then you'll get the pushback from her game press paypigs who will call anyone who says that complicit in her latest harassment campaign.
All part of the plan, user, heh...all part of the plan.
She has all the traits of a compulsive liar.
Hi nameless Incel, what's poppin'?
>off-topic e-celeb drama that constantly has 10 active threads gets autosaged
they all literally fucked her and she's a histrionic personality. all those journo boys are soft ugly fags, she's probably the most attractive girl physically they've ever bedded.
well easily over 5 that's for sure
Chuck Tingle is a fucking meme who's only popular because of a failed Sad Puppies voting campaign.
Why is nobody making a big stink about that? Seems like something that would've raised eyebrows.
Female privilege
Super Seducer is not even anywhere near the realm of terrible FMV games. But yeah, this shit right here looks like a contender for the worst FMV title.
Shut up Zoe, go suck some cocks
what was Yea Forums like before people pretended to care whether fags or blacks were in video games
>"How I start with yours? It comes with a Steam key of my game."
Is she making the long awaited sequel to her first game, Suicide Quest?
miss me yet, Yea Forums?
You need to touch a vagina. It will change your opinion.
I remember watching Jim's videos back when he was shitting on Juggalos and Spax3, seeing him become such a popular youtuber was pretty weird.
You even spend time outside the iron lung anymore, Jimbo?
I forgot they actually spoke in front of the UN.
How in the god damn did they manage that over umpteen global issues?
You can say what you want lads. I'd pin her down and fuck her while I grab her throat and shove my tongue inside her mouth.
That's because late 2013 early 2014 people kept linking his vids on Yea Forums and the rest was history, for better or worse. Smaller lesser known vintage Jim is comfiest Jim.
>dont know what Zoe is in your scales, but in mind a non fat Zoe is a 5
honestly if I didn't know who Zoe was and I was going off your pic, I'd say she was a solid 6. I guess I don't have the testosterone to fuck things just for the sake of fucking them, though, and her personality subtracts 5 points.
You do that, be expected to do it regularly bc if you miss a beat she'll mattress girl you in a second.
Yeah I remember the Mighty Number 9 one in particular was all over this board. Probably more than any other video before or since.
By swallowing a Guiness World Record amount of cum.
Remember that photo where Zoe was in some club with a sòyboy who was a mod on Yea Forums and did his """work""" for free in the said club?
He sure took his """job""" seriously
you're gay
of course
Wasn't that Alex Lipshitz? I think his dad makes missiles that rape and murder Palestinian kids for the Israeli's if I remember correctly.
wait, is that an actual gameplay video? fucking hell, an i struggle with meaningful gameplay when i learn to gamedev and you can do shit like that? why bother
There's something wrong with her face. I'm not sure if it's the ridiculous amount of foundation or her masculine jawline.
You'd probably catch something dude
I don't want superaids or whatever that whore has
>"Oh hey, that's a darn nice looking collection, missy. Wanna do a crossover sometime!?"
that's a jaw that would make actual men jealous
She had work done. Tit job and jaw shave.
I think so. It's that quirky lol-so-random humor that everyone seems to love, where you just throw goofy shit at a wall and hope someone laughs at something.
She's just not an attractive woman. You'll see plenty of them if you ever get around to leaving your house.
no she isn't she's nasty looking both inside and out
Zoe Quinn being a whore is one thing, but Anita is a straight up con artist.
Bitch didn't even play the games she was critiquing
Van Valkenberg doesn't make games. She's a con artist who whines for white knight bucks.
prove it, incel
>fucking a woman is gay now
Wasn't Zöë a lot fatter? Anyway, I would.
No Jim, not after you made an ass out of yourself and lost to fucking Sargon
She was caught stealing game footage from others, and she said all kinds of blatantly incorrect things.
She's a total fraud
Anita is not a con artist. She's just a deluded hack. There's nothing unusual about that and especially so in the sphere of feminism.
There's a difference between an unattractive woman and a woman who looks like a post-op tranny.
lol no proof, just more alt-right conspiracies
have sex
>have sex
what for?
I don't know how people still managed to get scammed by Zoe Quinn.
But having sex is the biggest redpill of them all
She doesn't look like a "post-op tranny", you retard. She just looks like a regular unattractive woman. You people and your fucking "manjaw" bullshit...
Jesus Christ, Zoe. Chill out.
I stopped watching him when he put up a video about some guy being a paedophile or something and he joined a voice chat and started having a go at this guy and a girl spoke up to say something and he then went completely off the handle and spent the next minute yelling at her and calling her a stupid bitch and stupid cunt over and over again.
Only thing I've seen of him since was a bit about trying to paint Nyanners as an anti-semite for some vocaroos that came about from back when she was accepting commissions to read shit from Yea Forums years prior.
>Sargon gets banned off twitter for sending gay porn to alt-righters
>Sargon ecstatic about people getting thrown off patreon
>then proceeds to get thrown off patreon too
>his own kid gets miscarried
Jeremy Soule still hasn't delivered on his kickstarter which had an estimated delivery of 2013 and yet Yea Forums still worships him.
No she is a legit con artist. Notice how she stopped putting out any original work of note after McIntosh stopped writing her scripts
Some people are just so cucked it defies all logic.
Hello Ross
>this is a scam
>yeah but what about that other scam, huuuuuh?
She is just a hired face. The real artist is Josh McIntosh but he couldn't have pulled it himself, being a straight white male.
>Notice how she stopped putting out any original work of note after McIntosh stopped writing her scripts
No, I don't. Because she hasn't stopped producing work. The fact that gamers moved on from her long ago doesn't mean she stopped working. The condition for being "of note" is not incels whining about you online.
I'm going to assume that guy was the paedophile in question. Having a go at him isn't the problem, my issue was with how he went fucking apeshit at the woman in the chat over absolutely nothing.
Keep telling yourself that lmao
why does she look asian in this picture
>strategically covers that hideous jaw
>"and a girl spoke u-"
That's a hole, a thot.
Nyanners is a dumb attention whoring bitch who kept trying to gaslight to get Jim to notice her and he didn't give a shit. He knows she was aware of who was and she pretended the whole time and went full thot and he mentioned her in passing.
Remind me again how many dicks she took at one time.
God, it was just a different the hell did he get away with it?
She's put out MORE videos since McIntosh left, it's just that nobody cares because there's no controversy or drama around Star Trek podcasts for a show nobody cares about.
Would smash. Zoe looking cute in these
They're both con artists. Everyone knows that.
Zoe took the money retards donated to her Kickstarter and went on a trip to Japan.
>games I never played/completed: the photo
seriously, theres no way in hell she spent more than 5 minutes playing King of Fighters XII
I wonder what her pussy juices taste like
Literally looks like a MtF tranny. Anyone who finds her hot ITT is a closeted homo, you'd be less of a gaywad for lusting after a convincing trap.
Holy shit, Carl really likes to skip taking his HRT most days don't he?
>2k views average
my channel has more views kek
Spax3 is a name I probably haven’t heard of in 4 years but suddenly I now remember his entire life story. Damn I miss the old lolcow days of the internet. It’s just faggy drama these days
>making threads about Zoe in 2019
>Anita fans still running damage control on Yea Forums
I can't tell who's sadder.
>Nyanners is a dumb attention whoring bitch
I agree, but digging up years old commissions to try and prove someone is an anti-semite as a petty gotcha is stupid.
>who kept trying to gaslight to get Jim to notice her and he didn't give a shit. He knows she was aware of who was and she pretended the whole time and went full thot and he mentioned her in passing.
I have no idea what you're talking about.
>my issue was with how he went fucking apeshit at the woman in the chat over absolutely nothing
You mean the dumb hole who defended that pedo, and just couldn't shut her mouth for a second?
Don't feel bad for that basement dweller.
Recording podcasts nobody listens to isn't the same as producing video essays, but nice try
>You mean the dumb hole who defended that pedo, and just couldn't shut her mouth for a second?
Didn't even get to that point, she literally said all of five words before IA went off at her.
whatever you have to tell yourself
It's all about the makeup user, it just shows we're more attracted to clowns than real people.
I'd fuck her.
>Don't feel bad for that basement dweller.
I remember she threatened sucide by jumping out her window and everyone went "Your basement window lol?"
well that's fucking dead, innit
>star trek discovery
my missus is a trekkie and even she doesn't want to watch that shit, and she watches star trek all the fucking time.
Would you guys rather do Zoe or Suzy?
I’m actually feeling depressed for them.
Suzy no hesitation.
ayyy lmao
She's between a 5 and a 6. Fuckable, but not on an I'll work for it level.
I think I'd just masturbate. I'm not even really a good looking guy and I've turned down better girls than them in real life.
>willing wanting to stick your dick in a prostitute
Is there that many 3rd world niggers on Yea Forums?
>Averaging 2k views
And gaming as we knew it was killed off FOR THIS?
tingle means clit in the philippines lmao
Anyone dumb enough to give her money is the kind of insufferable fuck who would never admit to the fact that she's a horrid person or else they would be "proving the Gamergaters were right"
>encyclopedia dramática's nude gallery is down
I really wanted to fap to bestiality
>that journal
>things that never happened.txt
Don't believe it user. Remember it's always a scheme for pity/likes/money
>Jim acts like a fucking manchild during all of that
>still ends up being exposed by Sargon for trying to groom a teenager
>acts even more like a retard trying to damage control the situation
She can have mine. Jokes on these incels she isn't even ugly. Inb4 "get higher standards" and other memes about how you'd rather fuck a tranny