Let's have a thread discussing the relatively fast growing LGBTQ+ culture in Vidya

Let's have a thread discussing the relatively fast growing LGBTQ+ culture in Vidya.

In recent years LGBT representation has been more prevalent with Overwatch being the first example to come to mind. Is more exposure in the medium a good or bad thing? Why?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Why did he feel the need to post this on a Metroid subreddit

OP is actually a faggot

Trannies are losers lmao

This is literally the become the cute the cute waifu meme posted here. Except this one still looks like man.

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I'm convinced that 90% of these trannies were originally beta male incels who decided that it would be easier to become a girl than to put effort into getting a girlfriend.

betas be playing on easy mode

good since the LGBTKBBQ+ retards keep falling for the marketing meme and we can easily filter which company we should give any sort of support
nice hairline lmao

It's a bad thing because the focus in the video game industry should be the creation and play of good video games, not promoting mental illness to try and get a few extra sales.

The Metroid community is starved for content since MP4 probably won't be releasing until 2026


it's a combination of that and so many hugbox spaces on the internet telling them that they are pretty and this is a good idea.

They were always there. Social media didn't exist for you to find out.

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I mean, Imma say it. I'm half-gay. Overwatch is shit, tho. Anyway, I think the current trend is just pandering to the liberal demographic, really. I think a better way to expose the "community" is by just having LGBT people be more normal and not having being gay as their one character trait. That, I think, will help things as a whole.

which is funny since most trannies from Yea Forums and resetera are poorfags because no one wants to hire a mentally ill loser. this is why most trannies earn money through porn and prostitution.

>tranny thread got to 500+ before the 404
Place your bets for this one. I'm gonna go with somewhere around 230

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here's the secret, they are not fastest growing and they are still just a tint fraction like they always been. they are just loud and noisy af, and silly publisher confuse being loud with quantity. also they are more active on social media.

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>Is more exposure in the medium a good or bad thing? Why?
It's meaningless because most of them will off themselves eventually.

Fucking gross

That's because they are. It can't be a coincidence that the recent crop are nearly all into nerdy male hobbies.

Not looking to the rash of suicides when their looks fade and the media blames """transphobia"""

> Is more exposure in the medium a good or bad thing?
Depends on who you ask, for developers you'll have to ask for their values and demographics.
For consumers it's a pretty good thing, more homies to spread games and their values to project onto
If you don't want a product don't buy it

You realize the top is 95% of trannies right
There's a reason the best looking ones are in porn or prostitution

It will stay up because the jannies want more views on the ads while being lewd free.

Being that said:

At least. I was the guy that dated one for 4 years, any final questions?

because video games are for gays and sitting around inside all day hampers both brain activity and healthy hormone levels.

the human brain was built for an active lifestyle and we can see visually how brain activity slows to a crawl during sustained periods of physical inactivity, regardless of how ""stimulating"" said activity claims to be.

lack of sunlight, poor diet, and zero exercise also makes men especially weak and feminine.


Also, is that tranny from the other thread that was claiming he passes still here? Youre a fraud.

Reminder that trannies will NEVER be cute girls.

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>Implying jannies aren't glad to see daily threads about something they base their whole identity around
I'm betting low 300s

Yeah, kill yourself

Social media encourages it and spreads to other weak minded individuals. It's similar to "self-medication"

Guilty as charged. Though even after getting a girlfriend/getting laid, the tranny thoughts still remain. I also blame Jew programming being near-impossible to undo

I mean, it's a joke picture, but okay.

Domt worry, the me that was with a tranny is already dead

based adding to the 40% poster

I will never understand why you people cannot just act normal and talk about games instead of your hormones or genitals. Want to be treated as a normal human being? ACT LIKE ONE.


That, and the fact that nobody tells them they are being fucking retarded.

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that feel when stuck on stage 2 for over a decade and counting
i love hentai goddamn i just want to fuck perfect 2d

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Who the FUCK is fucking these trannies?

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The same kind of people who become trannies, desperate betas deep in hugboxes.

And they'll never be cute traps like Bridget.

Remember Bridget?

>relatively fast growing LGBTQ+ culture in Vidya
>Vidya going down the absolute shitter

>"people" actually fell for the gender dysphoria meme

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>Be male ally
>Can't fuck the hairy-but-skinnyfat chicks
>Get rejected by the fat chicks
>Decide the only way to show my support is through dicking trannies

Other trannies.

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Jokes on you, I want to suicide without even going through the tranny part.

no amount of hormones will make you a real girl

>tfw been fluctuating throughout the first 3 stages for 10 years now

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Promoting the mentally ill isn't done to try and get sales from the mentally ill but from do-gooder SJW Californian types who base their purchases on what will get them more progressive points. Actually helping the mentally ill trannies is never a factor to them, or to the developers, it's a feelgood circlejerk. Why do you think they always talk about representation and how content creators need to be more inclusive, while almost none of them have ever gone down to an actual charitable organisation and put in a day's work to actually help out? They'll raise awareness about trannies committing suicide after selling themselves on the street and demand literally everyone go out there and do something about it, then they'll go home and do absolutely nothing about it. Welcome to progress.

Don't remind people about Bridget I dont want to be fighting that run away yoyo cunt again in the next Guilty Gear

It’s really just this.

> trannies were originally beta male incels who decided that it would be easier to become a girl than to put effort into getting a girlfriend
I am sorry but what the point? You won't have any ponos in a vagoo this way in any possible sense.

Gay is gay. You can't say it's only a half.

I don't give a shit and if you do you should kill yourself.

another reddit screencap thread on Yea Forums, now this is epic

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Both should be 'X' because both kinds are mentally ill and are generally insufferable to watch when they speedrun. The only entertaining thing about them is their novelty of being mentally ill worthy of ridicule.

hi, its me again

I'm happy for you, here's hoping you eventually go through it so you can finally stop hurting

Why the fuck would you wanna be a tranny. Imagine your entire identity being some freak's fetish.

>Tfw have the same Super Metroid shirt

Reminder that gender and sexual preference are one and the same.

You will never be this.

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reminder trans people make up less than 1% of the population, they deserve no representation, this forced agenda is totally without merit

nice fetal alcohol syndrome

Its bad and OP is a faggot.

Also most of these people are just trending because they're impressionable and the media paints it as "cool" and "brave". Literally no different than the emo phase. Give them a few years to realize how retarded they've been acting.

Contrary to what /pol/fags believe, there is no magic therapy or medication that'll instantly make you happy with your body (inb4 pimozide)

Maybe some of the girls I asked out should have given me a chance. I didn't even have unrealistic standards either. I wanted to be a girl since single digit age and before I had sexual thoughts, but no girl giving me a chance certainly contributed too. What's funny as that once you do become a "girl" you get obscene amounts of affection and attention to the point that it's actually overwhelming and it's difficult to choose who to actually be with sometimes.

This is literally a textbook example of autogynephilia. Hang these fucking faggot degenerates.

>"AHEM getting back to me please! All eyes on me, don't look at anyone else but me or my friends including troon ben franklin that would be greeaaatttt mkay?"

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Nice penis.

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Attention. It's literally the reason dudes larp as women.

Very lady like of you to have a big dick.

These people are REALLY narcissistic aren't they.

I talked to a tranny for awhile. It was horrible. They literally had nothing to say but how much they wanted to be a girl. Anytime I tried to broach a topic they would tie it into their being transexual or post pictures of their legs and subtly try to beg me for steam games. It's remarkable how many "pale thighs in stockings" pictures look like exactly the same person.

i recognize this guy who is this


hey someone posted my clip

I just skipped all that shit and stayed at homo.

Emos were nice. Although most had daddy issues, they looked cute.
Lost my virginity with one in fact.
Sloppy, but really fun.

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Not me lol but she's still posting in thread


Adam Sessler.

The only bad thing I've ever gotten out of this stuff is people bitching and moaning about gays and such even existing.

And even then you'll never get close to being as cute as that real woman

yeah so cutting off your dick and being mental freak forever is the answer
fine, but don't expect the rest of the planet to follow your stupid shtick, tranny

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You just know.

He looks a lot like Ernie from George Lopez

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is it transphobic for not wanting to date someone who's "trans"?

you nigger everyone can see its from a month ago

Are you trying to be retarded on purpose?

According to them yes, but who gives a fuck.

lol yeah I didn't see you in thread till just a moment ago, thought I'd carry on in your stead on the chance you weren't. I hope I've helped defend your honor and your gargantuian cock

Where's the cunny?

This. 100%

Lame ass losers who gave up and decided to become girls just to say theyve been with one

It's not the same thing.
Emos was just another form of teenage angst.
Trannies are a literal mental illness.

And people wonder why we think trannies shouldn't be out in public.

You ever heard of bisexuality?

I"ve always seen PMG as more of a Fred Flintstone. It's all in the jaw.

Not video games.

>yeah so cutting off your dick
i've been on hrt for 5 years and never considered cutting my dick off. hormonal therapy is the correct treatment.

fucking manlets
check any of the anime related threads, lots of pedo apologists there

regular guy is at work probably

>be man
>literally nobody cares that you exist
>your only value is in financially supporting a woman who treats you like the disposable loser you are
>can't even sit down without being accused of rape, resulting in you losing your job and all your friends

>become a tranny
>thousands of people treat you with respect just for existing
>can get anyone in deep shit if they so much as insult you
>can hit on girls as much as you want and they're too intimidated by your social status to say jack shit about it
>in high demand, people will hire you to fulfill diversity quotas, online communities will welcome you with open arms, countless betas and women will think you're fascinating

seems like an obvious choice to me

Nah Natalie Mars had a videogamestream on Twitch her fans posted here for few weeks.
Her voice was so incredible annoying nobody wanted to hear that thats the reason she does porn now

This is why our pm put on a kebab wrapper too.
Virtue signalling is the new God.

The biggest problem with trans-suckers are they aren't getting a vaggo. Their getting a hole where there dick used to be. It's not and will never be a functioning part of your body. If the Male-to-female process was actually capable of doing the fairy magic everyone wants it to be, there would literally be no problems. The problem is that their smear snake oil on themselves and declaring themselves cured of the plague.
I feel bad for the deluded. The technology just isn't here. Shoulda waitied 30-40 years when we get clone technology and brain transfers.

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see pic related
its not very big

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cant get the GF, be the gf

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