I still love Celes. Only those who stay with their waifu through thick and thin unlock their true power.
I still love Celes. Only those who stay with their waifu through thick and thin unlock their true power
This is objectively true, correct, and good.
Lonely faggots who wish they were normal can never unlock the power of the waifu. What a shame.
Terra > Celes
Terra is wonderful too of course. Still, I only have eyes for Celes.
How long have you been with her?
war criminal waifu
Is that an opera floozy?
You got impeccable timing OP. I was just playing this and got to the part in the magitek factory where she helped everyone escape. GET OUTTA OF MY ROOM Yea Forums!
Around 18 years.
Oh hey, it's Locke's silver medal.
I have always loved Rydia
I mildly dislike her. Maybe even strongly dislike.
Any likeness to opera floozy Maria are purely coincidental!
Rachel endorses Locke's relationship with Celes.
Your dedication to her for all these years is admirable. Was it love at first sight or was it on the slower side?
Slow, but constant.
Kids prefer Terra. Men prefer Celes.
>loli rydia cute and protectable
>adult rydia biggest nuke until Cecil gets Excalibur
She made my dick feel funny when I was little and still does now.
You kids are delusional...
but 5 is my favorite final fantasy