I still love Celes. Only those who stay with their waifu through thick and thin unlock their true power

I still love Celes. Only those who stay with their waifu through thick and thin unlock their true power.

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This is objectively true, correct, and good.
Lonely faggots who wish they were normal can never unlock the power of the waifu. What a shame.

Terra > Celes

Terra is wonderful too of course. Still, I only have eyes for Celes.

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How long have you been with her?

war criminal waifu

Is that an opera floozy?

You got impeccable timing OP. I was just playing this and got to the part in the magitek factory where she helped everyone escape. GET OUTTA OF MY ROOM Yea Forums!

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Around 18 years.

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Oh hey, it's Locke's silver medal.

I have always loved Rydia

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I mildly dislike her. Maybe even strongly dislike.

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Any likeness to opera floozy Maria are purely coincidental!

Rachel endorses Locke's relationship with Celes.

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Your dedication to her for all these years is admirable. Was it love at first sight or was it on the slower side?

Slow, but constant.

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Kids prefer Terra. Men prefer Celes.


>loli rydia cute and protectable
>adult rydia biggest nuke until Cecil gets Excalibur

She made my dick feel funny when I was little and still does now.

You kids are delusional...

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but 5 is my favorite final fantasy