The protagonist is branded by a curse

>The protagonist is branded by a curse.

Attached: LuzonBleedingHeart.jpg (1280x850, 165K)

Other urls found in this thread:

that's a nice birb

Attached: puffboi.jpg (960x1280, 189K)

birbs are nice

Philippino bird?

>The boss has scars from previous battles

Attached: 1543070682344.jpg (1080x1080, 106K)

Leave this website and kill yourself

Attached: 32.png (211x239, 9K)

Attached: 1548235086439.jpg (917x599, 57K)




whahappen? did someone shoot the pigeoin with a bee bee g un?


Attached: 1483765883258.webm (1024x576, 2.95M)


Attached: birbmagnify.png (232x255, 121K)

R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1

pigeons are good birds that have just as much right to be here as we do.
nature. it's a dog eat dog world/

Attached: pigeondab.jpg (540x358, 60K)

Like niggers and kikes birds are vermin, but flying ones. Did I hurt your ''feelings'' NPC? Facts don't care about them.

Birbs are soi for you? Begone faggot.

Attached: 1551205473281.jpg (1127x751, 290K)

>not liking our birb overlords

Attached: deletthis.jpg (425x722, 28K)

Attached: DEfC1ZxW0AAWxxT.jpg (819x460, 48K)

That looks like a bloodfeather

Attached: 1552587447132.webm (720x720, 1.94M)

i actually hate birds (besides birds of prey) youre just a faggot for using that shit meme

>one penguin just strolls by like he saw nothing
>the other simply watches
penguins are the cucks of the bird world

What the fuck Yea Forums, this is thread about fantasy RPG plots not birds.

Attached: Ancient Evil.jpg (251x251, 9K)

>final boss is your brother/clone

Attached: 1533626160591.jpg (1080x736, 99K)

what happened to dat nigga?

comfy. how do you get them not to shit everywhere?

Attached: Flamingo-June26_1011-002.jpg (1638x1486, 455K)


Yeah this falseflag isn’t going to work

Attached: 1542239563830.jpg (1288x966, 93K)


Attached: ambushtiels.gif (640x480, 2.48M)

Nature. Survival of the fittest birdo ma boy

This newfag didn't play hatoful boyfrriend

>you can only dye your entire set of armor

Attached: article-1256577-08A814BC000005DC-517_634x802.jpg (634x802, 150K)

Birds are cool when they aren't shitting everywhere or ripping eachother apart violently

Freedom ain't free

Attached: 1543237849847.jpg (1938x1095, 195K)

Attached: 1539038658324.jpg (1584x1224, 135K)

>The Mage has an amble bosom.

Attached: Sage Grouse.gif (460x259, 850K)

bird shit is water soluble and doesnt smell, and the ripping apart is just nature. we have not overcome nature, we live in it and must accept that and accept our birb friends

Attached: tielhop.gif (245x170, 613K)

Calm your tits bird

Attached: 1526291118408.webm (460x258, 2.89M)

Yeah still not cool when a bird shits on you or tears another bird's babies apart on camera

Fire nation bird

Remember, you dipshits. Don't get a fucking pineapple conure as a pet if you already own a raven or crow! The latter is gonna eat that bitch like a light snack!

>You were helping the final boss the entire time

Attached: Reed_warbler_cuckoo.jpg (446x628, 69K)

Attached: Owl-eye-4e2769a0cfba4_hires.jpg (2304x1642, 738K)

>final boss fight is a radically steep difficulty curve out of nowhere

Attached: venusian_aikido.webm (640x360, 794K)

How are Ravens and crows as pets?

Attached: screenshot-66.png (676x380, 302K)

>some pirds want to see the world burn

Attached: 1523270192551.webm (720x720, 2.9M)


Imagine being THIS mad

move to a different planet then.

Attached: boppy_birb.gif (380x380, 648K)

Thanks doc

>player is an outcast

Attached: sadbird.png (658x784, 387K)

thanks doc

Birds Are Not That Important

This guy is irl pigeon man.

Attached: pigeon man.jpg (512x384, 149K)

>getting your insides eaten straight out from your ass
what a way to go

Nah I think they just hated that guy

>t. Mao

>he likes getting shit on by birds

I kinda thought they'd be little assholes with their Galaxy brain.

Won't that thing die if it's held too much longer?

That's a male...

Attached: 1537637264626.jpg (1024x1024, 279K)

theyre an important part of our ecosystem
ive never been shit on by birds because im ot an idiot

Attached: nicetit.jpg (880x587, 101K)

easy. they just shit everywhere

Is this dude's channel ironic? I watch his videos every once in awhile when I need a good laugh; he's kind of like a significantly more sophisticated chris-chan


Woah, badass. Does this guy join your party later in the game?

Fucking bird trannies reeeeeeeeee

>The protagonist must fight its own family to ensure their survival

Attached: i am sorry brother.jpg (320x320, 39K)


That or you've never handeled a bird before

Fuck you gay bitch.

Attached: 9416497.jpg (1280x720, 47K)

Humans are the odd ones where the women have the attention getting projections. Males having "tits" that females lust after is normal for most species.

I always enjoy this guys weird spergy rants about his pets. They're all the same. It's kinda like comfort food.

Some dudes just look like girls.

maybe if he stopped shittalking ravens his raven wouldn't be such a dick to him?

>/r9k/ gets reincarnated

Any good games where you play as birds?

Attached: bird pov.gif (500x282, 1.81M)

Attached: bluejay funeral.webm (480x360, 2.91M)

Its a joke you tit.

Ravens do not give a literal flying FUCK about how nice your are to them.

> That Feelther when

Meanwhile Albino humans that aren't sub-sahran get laid all the time.

Found the seething groundcuck

Attached: ExcitableAmazingBlueandgoldmackaw-size_restricted.gif (500x288, 1.77M)

Attached: out skilled.webm (640x360, 1006K)

I bet you're a chink

Stay mad bitch boi

Attached: birbdab.gif (448x269, 2M)

>game let's you raise monsters

Attached: 20180704_084238.jpg (2560x1440, 1.2M)

they think they slick!

Attached: cat plays, chicken slays.webm (720x404, 1.6M)

Bring bird posting back

Attached: kingfisher.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

lately , i have been obsessed with pictures of small-ish birds sitting on a branch looking to the RIGHT.
i have over 17 GBs of them and i dont even know why

Clever girl.


Attached: 1540127797097.jpg (1500x1125, 186K)

post that shit retard
we /van/ now


Tells you they don't know why and you still ask.

Attached: 1537415154367.jpg (1079x1288, 194K)

Attached: quicksand.gif (445x250, 2.42M)

Attached: cuphead bird.webm (640x360, 2.32M)


>boss instakills you with environmental hazards

Attached: shrike.jpg (624x351, 17K)

Attached: you just came to the wrong neighborhood motherfucker.webm (568x320, 1.64M)

>reincarnation of Isaac Newton

Post a couple, please

lmao this dude sure is fired up about his birds. I'm a fan

Attached: training montage.webm (888x500, 2.03M)

This thing is gonna betray the entire bird race one day and become duke of a rotting world.

Attached: 1537552043351.webm (888x500, 2.01M)


eat out a runny nigger ass

Attached: delet.jpg (474x474, 16K)

Attached: 1535484671165.jpg (1129x884, 81K)

it's just a grain silo bro
they're 100% fine

Attached: 1491629897528.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

Attached: bird hug.webm (408x720, 2.94M)

its over 100k image last time i checked

they are too satisfying for some reason. I just feel happy looking at them, still dont know why. There is NOTHING SEXUAL about it like the tiles guy
i organize them by countries so which one? or do you want me to post my favorites?

so cute


I dont believe you for a SECONd that you don't fap furiously to birds looking to the RIGHT.

Favorites, please. But Greek birds would be cool, I'm visiting the islands in a month or so.

Attached: 1506225920190.webm (360x640, 2.93M)

Favorites sound good, how can you expect anyone to choose from 17 GBs of bird images?

>Game lets you romance other species

Attached: secretarybird.png (564x846, 533K)

Attached: 1532487337039.jpg (2059x2130, 528K)

Attached: cocka war cry.webm (720x720, 2.86M)

use or something if you have to

gorgeous bird

Attached: 1494696136751.webm (320x240, 2.48M)

Gee, Bill

>I just want a hug Brah
>Just let me hug you Brah

>just yall wait till i finally fucking snap

when your only friend in life is an insufferable faggot

Attached: the matrix.webm (800x450, 3M)


>"There must be more to life."

>Legacy of Kain: Defiance
seriously though I wanna see the act of impalement rather than just the post-mortem

Attached: 1541119986146.webm (720x452, 2.92M)

i don't. I am pretty much vanllia
don't shame me please.

Attached: NAM-FAKE53.png (832x756, 516K)

>the PC is the final boss
>You need to lose to get the best ending

he didn't fly so good


Attached: sun conure dinosaur.jpg (1280x756, 301K)

>my ancestor


Attached: duck.jpg (1280x720, 98K)

Attached: seagull breaking and entering.webm (640x350, 2.8M)


Attached: Shore Penguin called for help!.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

Attached: birds of paradise.webm (1600x900, 2.43M)

wow can u be any more of a conformist retard.

Attached: 1ad.png (361x333, 93K)

What game?

this man is ahead of his time and no one understood what he is saying, you will all be regretting saying birb like its the next doge pupper numale normie speak and if you dont then follow his advice.

Attached: 51736010_349862688944714_2542512325445687206_n.jpg (640x640, 43K)

Attached: duck duck go.webm (480x480, 876K)

Fucking duck bro's

>making a post that triggers everyone else in the thread

Attached: 1552479628923.jpg (2439x2183, 2.72M)


Attached: v.jpg (809x1080, 151K)

Attached: owl slowly loses composure.webm (404x720, 2.88M)

>"Charles Darwin didn't do this bird any favors," says birdwatcher

What an utter retard. He probably thought he was saying something intelligent, but didn't stop to consider, "Do the words coming out of my mouth actually make any sense? Or am I just clumsily referencing the one thing I half-remember about evolution?"

In other words, Noam Chomsky didn't do this birdwatcher any favors.

>Area is full of traps

Attached: 1553380381177.webm (1280x720, 1.11M)

Tale of Symphonia 2


i don't have much of favorite greek birds. Are you a greek user?
For what?

Attached: MAC22.png (670x815, 425K)

no nigga, it's this thing called "a joke"

>I don't understand the quote, because I take everything literally
Thank you for removing all doubt.

>"peace was never an option"

well you see the English accent makes him sound smarter

Attached: ignoring mod warning.webm (502x574, 2.87M)

>Protagonist's village is attacked in the prologue

Attached: the eyes.gif (409x214, 1.44M)

last week I threw some bread to some seagulls and those motherfuckers turned it down. I didn't know what the fuck. have seagulls drunk the anti gluten kool aid?

too relatable...

Attached: Lain 56.png (1197x900, 825K)

That's a male tho, female sage grouses don't have those

Seagulls do stuff for food that wouldn't even register with most animals. They're like smaller shittier bears.

they've tasted better and they don't want your pity bread any more

Attached: 1506227400867.webm (1280x720, 2.88M)