Buyer's regret thread?

Buyer's regret thread?

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Boo hoo nigga wasted a whole $100 what a tragedy. Wake me up when you have a real health complication.

Imagine buying that piece of shit

redditors are the first type of people to be won over by a slick PR campaign.

>one of the most anticipated games in vidya history goes on sale a month after release
>nope, not at all suspicious, gonna buy anyway
2011 was a different time.

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>boo hoo I spent lunch money on a game I didn't like

Try a $1000 bike that turned out a piece of garbage. Don't buy Jamis, ever.

Duke Nukem Forever did nothing wrong

MGSV Collectors Edition. Wish I had just got the regular game. Now I have a monument to that train wreck on my shelf, forever reminding me.

I haven't bought an AAA western game on release in 5 years, and it has really paid off.

The only thing worse than this game was the army of defenders it had. It's like fucking Deadpool, the shock value of the humor attracts some of the worst people. It was a genuinely terrible game but that didn't matter to the 12 year old telling others to "Blow it out your ass! XD"


Tides of Numenera
Though I hear they eventually went back and patched in all of the content that had been missing from the original release, I've yet to go back to it due to the bad taste the initial game left.

Just watch him and his brother both buy the Supremo Battlepass Ass Rammer Mega Deluxe edition for the next major release game with an "ingame" footage trailer that gets their peepees nice and hard. These consumerist zombies shouldn't even have rights.

I got the MGSV PS4. I loved the game tough.

I think I either preordered it or got an email about a beta demo. Played it and for sure wasn’t going to buy the game. This was before I stopped being a retard and buying shit games

My dad bought it day of release, he played it for 2 hours and got really pissed. I just laughed.


Dayz and Rust was my biggest mistake.

An EA title being a waste of money? How unprecedented! If there was only some way that this young man could have seen this coming...

Wake me up when you supported SOE for more than a year.

World War 3
Ghost recon
>fucking friend wanted to coop and left after 2 hrs

Fucking Rust gets me heated. In concept it's alright, but you're playing against literal autismos with 18 hours a day to build their bases and max out. Also I have no idea why food and water is a thing when it's widely available and boils down to you clicking an item every so often just to keep a meter up.

I backed Pillars of Eternity at the level that gets your name in the credits. It was complete garbage on release. It did get better with the White March but I still regret backing it and not picking it up in a steam sale.

>never preorder
>never buy western games
I haven't had buyer's remorse over a game in years.

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>buying Bioware games after the absolute fucking abortion that was Dragon Age 2

Serves retards right.

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Dragon Age 2 was the last bioware game I preordered, never again after that fucking mess.

I bought the full size Japanese arm and I love that thing, even if the game disappointed

How the fuck are there still retards who look forward to these almost guaranteed trashfires? The data was there.

I dont get it dont these people look up trailers and info before the game releases? They should've known what they were getting into

> bikes
You deserve to get fuckin' run over faggot

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The fuck are you doing here, son? Go study, you little faggot.

>reddit screencap
take a hike

Where we hiking, user?

Yea Forums users would be the classic case of that

holy fuck was that a scam and a half
the first hour was fun though

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Multiplayer too bugged to play for weeks, eventually just played the campaign to get some value for my money and never touched it again after. I learned my lesson.

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dw he will kill himself in a crash before long

shogun 2 was my biggest waste of purchase. couldn't play more than a couple hours before i had to quit, it's so shit and frustrating, and the game expects me to learn 45 different jap names for units fuck that shit what a waste of 80 bucks i even bought special edition.. friend jebaited me into thinking the game might be good

how does she keep her neck so thin and fragile?

Do yourself a favor and don't make the same mistake I did.
I didn't look at the warning signs.
This game is fucking shit.

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I knew everything and I still tried. I knew how bad it was but it didn't sink in until I played it

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I regret buying Overwatch full price in 2017
It's the one and only game i truly regret buying

>forgo the cabin that protects you on impact
>forgo the safety of a seatbelt
>forgo the four wheels
>literally hated by everyone on the road

are bike fags the stupidest motherfuckers in the world?

I think this was the last game that stung me on buyer's remorse.
I still pre order games (When the word of mouth is REALLY good or if it's from a series I love to death and would accept a 5/10 so long as it was still along the lines of the series) but after you've been buying games for more than a decade, if you're still getting duped by really shitty games (No man's sky, Jump Force, Brink, Spore) then you're just not doing enough research, you should be aware of what games you like and what you're willing to gamble money on.

speaking of buyers regret, convince me not to buy a vita

>impotent cage rage

Yees, feed me it. I will take the lane and you won't do anything about it.

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ubisoft stuff was on sale a few weeks ago so I bought Far Cry 5 because I had fond memories of the old games
I do not like this game so far at all, but I'm past the refund period so I'm just completing it so I can justify the £13

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bought it on ps4
should've bought it on steam because the mods are 10/10

Borderlands 2 and Fable 3.


>tfw me and my brother did the same with GW2 when it came out because GW1 was the GOAT game
>our faces when playing GW2
I wish I could get that money back

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>talked my brother into buying it
Shit bro, if you want to play with your bro be a bro and buy him the game yourself.

Enjoy the brain damage.

My dad actually did nearly die from a motorcycle accident. He’s not smart. He still rides and I to this day still hate him cause he was never a good father to any of his children. Also he’s a fucking Manlet

NIggggaaaaa. Let me tell you, I was so hyped for this game because the trilogy was lit as fuck. I played it, first couple hours were great. Gtot to that ice planet where the bug occured that didnt let you progress with main story of the planet, was bullshit. Didnt play for a solid 2 weeks. It got fixed and I slogged through the rest of the game and wow. What a fucking mess. AND the cliff hanger as if they were gonna make a sequel to that dumpster fire. Lmao, 2/10

>tfw live in bicycle country so cagies are always at a disadvantage wherever you are
They should just stay on their clogged up highways.

>redditors preorder bad games
oh WOW what a surprise?!

>Go to dinner with rich friend
>Meet rich guy he knows who is from a super wealthy family but works in game development
>Guy is super pompous, talks about his ski trip to eastern europe and junk like that.
>Asks my friend questions about me, never asks me anything.
>Talks about me like I'm property, tells my friend that it's good to keep "The handy ones" around.
>Goes into a spiel about how great anthem is going to be and says he's ordered 5 copies so all his gaming friends can play with him.

It was at that moment I knew literally everything about that man was wrong. Just totally irredeemable.

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have never played an MMO since I got baited by this

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latest scam, Breach

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Their last game before Anthem was Andromeda they've been going to shit for a decade

>tfw unironically bought Tortanic because a friend bought it and I wanted to play with him
>he quit like 1-2 weeks later
>barely got to play together
>$60 bux down the drain (I think the first month is free)

god damn what a shitshow and I can't believe I bought that shit

but aside from that, I never pre-order games nowadays unless they came out in another country first like Japan and can watch gameplay
even then I use keysites like greenmangaming to make the best deal possible

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Still mad.

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>"You should get Siege bro, we'll totally play it together!"
>"You should get Overwatch bro, we'll totally play it together!"
>"I should get Resident Evil 7 and RE2Make, I'll totally play them for longer than their 8 hour playtime!"
Truly, I'm done blowing $40+ on videogames. Pirating everything from now on.

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Yahr ahr
A pirate i was meant to be
Gets all the games for free

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>Preordered the pipboy edition of fallout 4
>Preordered the limited edition of arkham knight.
It was a hard lesson to learn but ive learnt not to preorder anything unless i know exactly what im getting into

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Buying Bioshock Infinite collector edition when it came out, what a shit game, at least that figurine is cool but 14 y/o me had really shit priority
Same thing with Call of Duty, can't believe I bought Black ops on ps3 when my brother already bought it on PC
Buying all Borderlands on ps3 as they came out was also a mistake

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oh shit rekt lol

>visiting r*ddit
>even once

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lmfao never saw the right picture


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You sound like my retarded friend that only guys games after we play them for 2 weeks and then we take a break for a few days and he gets triggered. Then when we come back to it for a patch and he refuses to play with us.

Never preorder with paying upfront. ...

how do you know its shit if you've never visited hehe

>imagine Bioware isn't in your shit list since 2012
>or 2010
>or 2007

Mass Effect was fucking terrible and anything since has been worse and worse.

imagine thinking donating money to a twitch whore is like filling a relationship gauge where you get rewards at the end

You bought a knockoff motorcycle? How fucking stupid and careless do you people get! You’re buying a piece of machinery with all the safety and protection of a pedal bicycle that goes 180 mph, and you go cheap on it? You deserve your death.

Never got to play this but I always found the people who were vocal about disliking it idiots.

Dead by Deadlight I guess but I refunded it just within two hours. I don't know what I expected but it wasn't fun. Maybe you need those friends things

Even Twitch can't refund dignity.

I bought the Witcher 3 CE after being a huge fan of the first two games.

It was of poor quality and I thought the game was ass, even though most other people liked it. I felt the same way as I did with with Mass Effect 3 with the writing of the main quest being so poor and the trilogy wrapped up so poorly .

I was stupid to trust the weeb. Never again.

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It's a clunky, unpolished and grindy game. Why do you need to grind in a 1v4 survival game? It's so stupid

One google search could have saved you from typing out all that idiocy.

>tfw you bought fo76 the night of release
never been burned harder

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I don't know, it's was not fun for me at all.

>Bought it when I was 16
>22 now
>Game still as shit
>Last I checked like a year ago; still ran like shit
>Argued with Bohemia Software for a refund

Fuck those Jews

>buying full price games in 2019

what the fuck digital keys are always discounted

>buying from EA

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>Wife scams betas and virgins in her free time
Good wife.

lmfao I hate my dad too but imagine actually getting mad about his height; bruuuuuh imagine hating a parent that lives with you lmfaoooo
did you get his manlet genes??? lmaoing at you

Did you play the souls games beforehand?

>County builds extremely expensive bike road
>Goes from one end of the county, all the way across
>Wide bike road that is literally fucking perfect
>Still have cunts in the middle of the road, next to the fucking bike road
>Literally everyone would win if they just used the bike road

If cyclists on the road would at least follow the traffic laws, it wouldn't have been so bad.

>Preordering games
>Buying games on release
>After shit like duke nukem forever, guild wars 2, dayz, no man's sky, atlas, skull and bones, mass effect 3, mass effect andromeda, anthem, sim city, the sims 4, battlefield 5...

You guys deserve to be ripped off.

Regret buying both Fallout 76 and Battlefield V on release, I would still buy both these games but maybe two of so weeks down the line when they were already half off

Dissidia NT on ps4. I am generally pretty good at feeling out games I'm going to like based on previews and whatnot and that hasn't steered me wrong in many years but I fell for NT based on how much I liked the PSP games and knowing it would be different.

Easily my biggest buyer's remorse in years. I played it for like 5 hours and dropped it forever.

I bought Hitman 2 for £45 near release and just over a month later it drops to half price in the Christmas sales. I could have got the Gold edition for £50 had I just waited.

Yeah, I liked them all. DS1, DS2, DS3 and Bloodborne. Now I'm playing Sekiro and I love it. But with Nioh something feels off.

Overwatch played only the first season never again

Destiny 2 played it with coworkers only main campaing never again

Pubg played it with coworkers for 15 hours never again
Killing floor 2 played it with friends like 10 times never again (was 10€ whatever)

these are the ones i really regret buying also fuck coworkers and friends with their shittastes annoying you to buy something.

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>But with Nioh something feels off.

Is it that it's genuinely hard and not nu-hard?

Enter the Gungeon
Mean Greens

>never buy western games
thats because you're buying so much actual garbage you dont even know what remorse is anymore.

Nioh is neither hard, nu-hard nor alt-hard.

I believe every gamer on steam should be flagged if they have refunded more than 7-8 games. Expose these fags and let other Steam users know who the cheapskates are.

>what is hatred

It's just as easy to bait Yea Forums, you just need the right marketing

Probably Train Fever at launch. Bought into the idea of the game, not the reality. My autism really let me down. Toop fucking toop.

>not waking up after Jade Empire
>not after NeverWinter Nights
The signs of decay were visible from afar

ironically i felt this way about destiny i read an article about how some metroid prime devs were working out it and the promo vids looked great..$110....never again

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they didn't patch in all the cut content, just the toy companion and a few other small things. i regret that purchase too

I think it's interesting at just because you can see the influences from all of the eras that it spent in development hell in it.
I don't have buyers regret for it just for that.

I have cancer...D:

The last game I paid full price for was portal 2, why would anyone buy games on release? Games get cheaper as time goes on and they usually get better from patches and fixes, also it's not like there aren't any other games to play, my backlog is so huge that I'm probably never going to finish it. Also from a pc player perspective you don't need as many expensive upgrades for your rig.

So I really don't get why people buy games during release or even pre order them

>Drive on rural road
>Fucking retard cyclist putter along on an 80kph road at a sails pace
>After dark
>With no light or reflectors
One of these days I am just going to obliterate a cyclist that I won't even have a chance to see and he'll deserve anything he gets.

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Tends to happen when you're on Yea Forums for too long.

No you won't.

>live in one-way street
>turn into said street
>biker shoots past me
>gesticulates like him almost getting run over was my fault
Bikers are the niggers of traffic.

The fuck do you mean by that? I've already had one close call that was only avoided by pure blind luck. Sooner or latter it's going to happen as long as these retards keep going onto unlit rural roads without any visibility gear. The bikes built in reflectors are usually so dirty they don't work too.

I was counting minutes for Arkham City’s release day and we were a week or two away from it, so I bought Lord of the Rings: War in the North thinking it would help with the wait. It was really fucking bad and I had to live with zero extra money the remainder of that month because of that dumb purchase.

I bought No Man’s Sky, even though I knew it would never live up to the hype, because I thought it would be nice to explore randomly generated worlds, turns out it wasn’t fun. Thankfully, they added more stuff to the game, which is ok-ish now.

A few years earlier, I had saved money (poor college student with no part time jobs) and bought Alpha Protocol and Lord of the Rings: Conquest full price. I am usually ok with game jank and I have a high tolerance for bad games, I rarely not play what I buy even if I dislike it, but these two games were so fucking bad I couldn’t play past their purchase date. Biggest mistake I ever made gaming-wise.

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>Not just driving into him so he crashes and then drive off
Who cares? Not like he's going to be able to see your license numbers while he's rolling in agony on the concrete like a fucking loser.

I told myself it was impossible to fuck up a collection.

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I liked War in the North. A decent 10 dollar couch co-op playthrough.

>not liking the best total war ever
lol too bad you have shit taste, I just played Shogun 2 today and had a blast like always.

>tfw in my country 1-way street means 1-way for everyone except cyclists
Stay mad cagie, and watch where you go.

ruined games for me in general, can't sit still and enjoy it anymore

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good i hope these dumb cocksuckers start realizing they need to abstain from vidya to make it better in the long run

Cyclists are the vegans of the road.

I'm just saying no court in my country would sentence me if I didn't brake next time. Law is on my side in this.

Depends on how good of a liar you are, and how dead the cyclist ends up I bet.

>buy Sekiro
fuck from software and nerds who encourage this shit, can't get through lady butterfly or the drunkard. anyone who's good at this have sex

Hey fuck you, LotR: Conquest was fun

GW2 is the reason I don't get hyped or preorder anymore. What a disappointment.

remember that people literally, figuratively, and metaphorically delayed their suicides for that game

Not really. He didn't follow traffic rules and I had no time to react, it's that easy. Worst thing he could get is a concussion anyway because of inner city speed limits, unless his head gets under a wheel or something.

>buying a Bioware game after DA2, ME3, DA:I and ME:A
What did he expect? A good game?


>also fuck coworkers and friends with their shittastes
Holy fuck, my dude. You have no idea. I work with two assholes who have the most fuckawful taste in video games imaginable. I avoid them like the plague because they constantly harass me about playing [insert new generic piece of shit here]. Holy FUCK are they annoying. What's worse is that they're terrible at every game they play. I spent fucking hours carrying their asses through content in The Division because I was trying to be nice. They're useless.

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I bought Disgaea 4 (digital) for Vita, never played it and hacked my Vita. I also bought Mugen Souls Z (digital), I'll never played it because I hate the first Mugen Souls. Never buy digital games, it's worse than burning money.

ikr, bioware has been bad for a while, just like bethesda.

It goes both ways where you'd have to be an idiot for thinking it could live up to the hype, but you also can't blame someone for expecting an above-average game after all that fucking time. It was average at best and the history behind it just made it feel understandably worse.

No I mean if he's dead he can't talk. The Chinese approach.

ME3 and Inquisition were pretty well-received overall, even if 3 had horrible story issues and Inquisition was mediocre. It wasn't until Andromeda that people started to really turn against the studio and most people assumed that it was just an occasional bad game instead of the entire BioWare brand finally shitting itself to death.

I was one of the few people being optimistic about the game (even though I fuckin hate Bioware) and even I didn't buy that shit. If I'm delusional I don't know what that makes people like that.


Because shes a dumb slut that fell to the leg day only meme

How'd people spend so much on Anthem anyway, isn't it just 10 bucks a month if you sign up to EA's gameflix then just unsubscribe if you don't have any EA games you want to play?

I once suggested that me and a friend purchase Don't Starve Together. That game is genuinely fucking awful and neither of us had a good time. I don't understand why it has such positive reviews when it's the most anti-fun game I think I've ever played in my life.

Every once in a while I think about the ten bucks we spent on the game and I get pissed. Absolutely shit game.

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Don't worry pal, i have a friend who got the power armor edition and he STILL hasn't got his shitty bag that they promised to send him
That and he can't refund the game since it was a pc version and he used the code
That helmet will forever be a monument to his pain

What was so great about gw1 anyway?
I played trough the first area and it seemed pretty dull outside the story, which wasn't fantastic.

Typical Reddit and Twitter “geeks” so caught up in the geek shit they’d buy any hot ticket bullshit due to their obsessiveness a and need to feel the void in their lives.


If you’re dumb enough to give EA your money after all these years, you deserve to get fucked

I got this free with my card and still haven't even bothered installing it. Would I be wasting my time?

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>Think it's going to at least provide a few nights of fun shenanigans with massive battles and people being pirates n shit
>It's just fuckin Ark with boats
>Need to claim land to progress
>Not enough land on the server for everyone
>Claiming it is as simple as sitting in someone's base for 10 minutes, which means good luck ever keeping it if you aren't in a chink zerg guild

Hot, liquid garbage.

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How are people just now realizing bioware is shit? I guess they were blinded by bioware's past work.

Wizard of Legend
Incredibly light on content and hasn't been updated until this month, which isn't even close to what it needs. Blatantly unfinished game with opaque devs.

>Such a good art style!!
>Flash animation
I never trusted those reviews.

Until DA2 and ME3 Bioware were the "masters of RPG games", kinda like CDPR today. You knew you could buy their games blind.

ME:A was the point when even casuals and Biodrones finally lost all hope.

>Until DA2 and ME3 Bioware were the "masters of RPG games", kinda like CDPR today.

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rust is probably the most bang for the buck i've gotten out of a game
>launched in early access
>devs weren't satisfied with the result
>basically rebuilt the game from scratch while the old version is still available to those who want to play it
>still balancing the game and adding new shit 7 years later
>all for $30
i don't play it anymore because it's so time consuming and i have no patience, but they really put their hearts and soul into that game

Spore was released 3 years before Duke nukem forever though.

In terms of marketing hype, not in terms of actual quality. The genuine quality of the games wasn't being referenced in that statement.

there’s a guy i used to go high school with who bought Anthem and it was sad to see him on there looking for people to play with and no one responded

dude was a pure dickhead tho i remember he went to a for profit college, was actually bragging about his bullshit degree and his new career as a computer security guy or some shut and ended up getting ripped off by the school. dude just gave in recently after life humbled him and joined the coast guard

one of those “i have to be into all the geek shit! HAHA THANOS SNAP BRO” people

At least it got good eventually. BF4 on the other hand was a complete shitshow for ~a year and only managed to be a lesser version of 3.

Diablo 3. RoS eventually fixed the game, but I'm still mad.

nice rare sean

>supporting a company with as shitty of a track record as EA

>supporting bioware after Ass Effect Assdromeda with gay lisp aliens

As it turns out, the best way to play the game is with a complete naked character and the starter gun, so yes playing the game is literally a waste of time

>buying a bioware game ever again after the first five minutes of dragon age 2

>implying that nubioware tanked with Andromeda and not earlier

that killed me
somehow an alien speaks english and speaks like a high feminine gay man

casualized inputs, shit netcode, and majority of roster is dlc, then later they added loot boxes and ads in the game. a shining example of 'games as a service'

that killed me
you mean to tell me all way out there in space in another galaxy a fucking alien is gay and not only that the alien speaks like a feminine gay male human

I wasn't able to understand the stat breakdown behind the weapons since I've never played the game, but it was shocking how fucked and pointless the level scaling is in that game. Literally no point in grinding for better gear.

What's funny is that I don't mind if a Krogan is a cross-dressing fairy who shoves ten ton dildos up his/her own ass. Lisping up the voice is what killed me inside.

after MGSV i lost my vidya love, i can't even play single player games anymore

maybe im just getting old

What kind of fucking retard buy a game before it's out.

Those retards deserve to lose their money.

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>finally buy overwatch thinking that i'll have friends to play it with
>they all move on to fucking destiny or next popular shit or whatever
>could've spent that 40$ on tf2 hats
fucking blizzard. never should've bought into it.

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The stat thing pretty much boils down to the average of your equip, so if you don't equip anything except a single epic item with a high stat only that stat counts. So naturally your average is way higher than if you would equip that epic gear with something else.

The thing with the starter gun is just that it has the highest base damage in the entire game

How about buyer's sadness? Since i still play Rising storm 2 on the weekends sometimes, but since tripwire's announced plans for something new, that means work on RS2 with suffer.
Honestly for the most part, the community is doing most of the work for them. I love the games but these devs bro. I just don't know... There could be so much more..

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> plastering brand names all over Dhalsim's skull necklace just to make money
> the skulls of dead children

I don't have the screencap on hand but I wasn't sure whether to laugh or cry at how out-of-touch Capcom is.

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shit play my switch more than anything, mindlessly it’s the best console for drop in drop out play

barely touch my ps4 and my xbox one has been sitting in the closet since 2015 when I got it.

i really don’t have the propensity for shit like RDR2 that feels more like a fucking chore to play than my actual job

I've been hearing all those stories about how BioWare's management forbid anyone from comparing the game to Destiny when trying to rebalance the game and kicking out the SWTOR devs who were trying to warn them about all of this. Makes a lot of sense now.

the kind of hypebeast pussies basically created by the same companies they bankroll

that last game i ever preordered was gta v and I could have waited

still can't believe anyone ever thought no man's sky could live up to the bullshit they were talking at e3 or whatever. If you were disappointed, you only have yourself to blame

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Holy shit. Indisputable proof that Capcom does not respect their playerbase on any level.

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i can’t believe i thought these graphics were good in 2016

>Starter weapon has the highest base damage
>In a looter shooter
What the fuck were they thinking?

Mass Effect died for this.

M Night Shamalamayan twist - you ARE the cancer, shitting up this board with every post.

>Safety concerns
You can ride a motorcycle safely. You can avoid most accidents by paying attention. Yes if some faggot is on the road you might be killed, but the same thing can happen in a car

>four wheels
What? Two wheels are much better

>hated by everyone on the road
Why would anyone hate motorcycles? Who hates them and for what reason?

Evolve, still upset

Not him but I hate motorbikes because there are way too many idiots driving them. And you've got way more scope to be an idiot weaving in and out of traffic in a bike than you ever could with a car

IIRC that's because they wanted that new players can play with their high level friends. The game is broken at it's fundamental core, that's why it can't really be fixed. Unlike FO76 for example, which only had technical and not game related problems

Funny enough, there are parts of East Asia where most motorcycle owners are elderly people. They actually do a fine job driving too.

> motorcycle
> elderly
> Asian
> decent drivers

Shocked me too, I know

Buyer regret? You kids waste time on the most useless hobbies these days. Men like me had real hobbies back in the day: Football, beating up spazzes and nerds, going bare-back on cheerleaders, sneaking Playboys everywhere, punching random things in random places. We really knew how to live life. You kids just have no clue these days.

fuck ass defect

Recently i bought a game Hover because fags here said it was a decent jet set radio inspired game but it was total garbage.

A Nintendo Switch, I literally had every game I cared for either on my computer or my Wii U already, the build quality didn't feel good either, seemed like it was gonna break with just leaving it in the closet without touching it, thankfully I managed to sell it before the revision rumours came out and made 90% of my money back, I might consider another one in a few years when a good revision comes out, I definitely don't want model 1 again

I honestly have no idea how people fall for these scams.
I saw No Man's Sky being a fucking scam a mile away, same with Fallout 76 and Anthem. It's so easy to see if something will be a disaster and yet people are too blind apparently, I just don't understand.
Even if you're unable to tell if something's odd or not then just don't fucking preorder.

Attached: 1553884128899.png (604x340, 342K)

>lunch money
>over 100 dollars

How fat are you?

Attached: images(9).jpg (310x163, 6K)

I mean sometimes it's easy to tell, sometimes it's not (especially if you are a fanboy)
for example I was a massive blizzdrone a couple of years ago, when they announced overwatch I thought that it was definitely going to be the next big thing and look how that turned out

Fallout 76 was clear garbage. I couldnt call Anthem though i assumed garnage when i heard it was like Destiny

I did exactly this

>Bought DC Universe Online
>60 dollars
>15 a month subscription
>year later it's FREE TO PLAY

Attached: images(18).jpg (209x241, 15K)

Yeah it turned out to be the next big thing and is only behind gay shit like battle royale and league. Maybe you don't like that it was or got bored with it by now, but it was.

Right? It's even more baffling considering how much shit all these games were getting on Yea Forums, and while I know most games get shitposted about nowadays there's a noticeable difference between regular shitposting and the mocking that games like ME:A and F76 got. I can give NMS the benefit of the doubt and assume that everyone that got hyped for it was too young/naive to remember Spore due to it happening over 10 years ago, but buying trash AAA games is just pure stupidity.

Smash Ultimate.

Over years of seeing and playing games you should develop an understand of how what works and how communities function.
Good example is Evolve.
I hear people from the con talking about "wow its so amazing, so fun, this and that, longevity, E-sports!|"
I look at the game play and from what I see I think two things
>This doesn't look fun enough to keep playing for longer period than a week
>You can't see shit and there are no clear lines, how is this supposed to work as an """""E-sport""""""?
Lo and behold, turns out my observations weren't unique and the game flopped hard

You deserve it.

I wasnt able to get into many games but the only 2 im disgusted just by having them in my library are Dragon's Dogma DA and DMC2, god they were garbage

What's so bad about Dragon's Dogma? I couldn't get into it myself so I'm just curious.

This. Playing with my ex was actually mind numbing but I wanted that pussy.

Fuck man, me too. Was gonna post this.

Literally everything aside the midly fun
customizable combat and some monsters, everything else is below trash, and fags say its supposed to be a beat em up focused on combat when theres many games that do combat better, you want the deepest combat learn a fighting game ie, either you love it or hate it i guess

not him but I also have 30 minutes of play time on Dragon's Dogma and can't be bothered to go on, here's what I didn't like:
the pawns or whatever they're called are a stupid fucking idea to give you party members without having to give them a background or characterization
interface is shit
as I said I have played very little but the combat gave a very bad first impression
the story is generic as hell
the artstyle is generic as hell
the world is generic as hell
overall I can only blame myself because I thought it was a western game

I kinda liked it.