Anyone else played this masterpiece?

anyone else played this masterpiece?

>that scene when the final boss from the previous game shows up and joins the party
>you can romance her
>she has a deep and convoluted story
>bants with the rest of the party and mentions stuff from the previous game
>she's energetic and aggressive, but shows more of her feminine side as you progress
>great costumes
>amazing music
>25 hours long but i played it for 90~ trying to do everything, just running around having a good time

I was NEET when I played it and had no responsibilities, nothing to do... best time of my life. I would sit down with some snacks and play it for hours on end. sometimes i listen to the music on youtube to remember the good times. I wish i could go back

Attached: Ar_tonelico_II.jpg (354x500, 34K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Don't forget her level 1 spell hitting harder than level 3 and combined spells of the other two girls.

The combat is TOO easy after you learn how to use replika


Omg favorite series. The music is God teir. Characters are amazing deep. Man I really hope the rumors of the ps4 being backwards compatible is true. I would play through all of them again. Although I still have my ps2.

Yeah, I remember the game freezing if you don't beat the last boss in 3 turns and the translation being utter shit.

If anyone reading this wants to play this game again. Get the re-translation patch that fixes a shit load of bugs and brings the writing more line with the Japanese version. As well as correctly translating the Hymmnos.

Replekia was OP against anything around your level, but it wasn't enough to beat Level 10 IPDs underleveled. What really breaks the game was those Perfect Guard++ skills, you turn nigh invincible against anything.

Friendly reminder that my wife, Ion, has had her first game translated now!

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PS2 era Gust was amazing but this is one of their issues. They made great turn based battle systems but didn't balance the games around knowing how to use them, which in turn makes them pretty easy when you get good. Would be nice if one day someone goes and makes a rebalance patch for Ar Tonelico 2 and the Mana Khemia games.

Wait did they finish it?

Why don't you just replay them on your PS2?

Is there a reason Gust won't re-release their PS2 era games? I missed out on them, But I'd be interested if they revived them

Gonna need source on that

Too busy making Atelier re-releases instead

>play the first game
>took a break after 50 hours in save data
>a month passed by now i forgot all about the game
I want to play it again but i'm afraid to turn on my PS2 after 10 years.

Ar Tornelico thread?
Oh yes.

I would buy them in a flash, but other anons mentioned there are copyright issues making it too hard to deal with. Not sure if that's true, Banpresto handles the massive clusterfuck of rights of the Super Robot Wars series just fine. No idea what's holding Gust back.

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The first one was better, if a lot easier.

>Lyner is a better MC
>Only good waifu in 2 was Jaquli while only bad waifu in 1 was Aurica.
>Consmospheres were WAY better 1
>Infelsphere can go fuck itself

Didnt help that NISA fucked the game up when they translated it, but at least its a better game than 3.

Because it is a pain to hook up when all read have my ps3 and ps4 hooked up

no one played these for the challenge. I can't remember ever getting a game over in any of the 4 games

>Completely ignoring how 2's battle system shits all over 1's
user, I actually really enjoyed 1 and preferred Lyner too but 1 isn't nearly as fun to play.

The right is currently belong to Bandai Namco and Nosurge is flop hard that make Gust pretend this series never exist

Ill agree that 2 had more engaging combat, but I still prefer almost everything else in 1. Both are still great games, I wish another series had a system similar to the Cosmosphere.

Ar tonelico probably has the best world building of any given entire JRPG series. It's not necessarily the best series of games but everything about the game world was hashed out, consistent and ultimately intended to work as a trilogy from game one.

It also has nothing but bangers on the OST.

>best worldbuilding
>better than Trails series
>better than Mass Effect

Its quite good for the first 2 games but its not even close to those other series. They also fail to make the games feel connected to each other since every tower is all but cut off from the others.

OST's are bangers though.

No she hadn't. Aquagon refuses to release partials and translation is still well underway.

2 is a lot better than 1. Croix is fucking dull but that's still better than Lyner who was just a shit. The girls are a lot better since Gust was more confident so they gave them flaws and personalities that were more complex than "likes your character for no reason" and "is shy and also likes your character for no reason (later drops being shy for being wacky)". The plot is also much better since it actually exists, unlike in 1 where there's no real focus on it since the game is nearly entirely character driven.
Infelsphere is good too. I don't know how you could dislike it. Instead of getting one cosmosphere per character now you get a cosmosphere and an infelsphere so you get to explore their characters more. Given that this is an Ar tonelico game and characters are really important that's a good thing.
Overall rating is 2>3>1. Though that's really unfair since the later games built on what 1 started so they have an obvious advantage there (even though 3 went backwards in loads of ways, god damnit Gust).

Don't forget how the protagonist gets his imouto cucked away from him in the sequel!

I've not played Trails so I'll can't pass fair judgement but Mass Effect is both not a ~J~ rpg and ME2 and 3 have basically no relation to ME1 at all.

Ar nosurge and Ciel nosurge are both co owned by Bandai Namco too.

I think Croix is best MC in series thanks to his mature personality and family man even though he doesn't have much role in the plot

While other MC is just generic beta dumb pussy fucking idoit that don't even know what's going on in the plot

>Mass Effect
>the game in which the central conflict all comes down to a bunch of robots repeatedly murdering everyone because they don't want robots to murder everyone
>good setting

Aoto's the best. Aoto is actually a good and likable character who has fun interactions with the other characters. Croix is inoffensive because they designed him specifically to be flat so people could self insert more easily. Which works, and it does mean there's nothing bad about him, but there's nothing too good either.

Thats fair, I tend to mix them together.

I see why you dislike 1, but I dont see why you would prefer Lyner over Croix since he has about as much personality as a cardboard box.

His choice makes no sense as well as we, the player, are given no reason to attach ourselves to either character. One is a complete bitch to you till about 5 minutes before the choice and the other is confirmed a manipulative liar in about the same time frame. Neither character is endearing to the player in any way.

Also its been awhile so perhaps I have the wrong name, but when I said infelsphere im refering to the part of the game where the plot just completely grinds to a halt and you have to do dives into the plush to make new land. Its tedious and by this point I care so little about either character that I cant be bothered.

Croix was kinda bland, too much of a straight-man. Panicking when shit happens to Cocona and being made fun of by Jacqli were pretty much his only good interactions.

I kinda liked Ar tonelico 1, and my PS2 fritz'd while I was playing 2, but I found the protagonist pretty irritating. One thing I find pretty annoying was how the Cosmosphere was treated like a euphemism for sex and I literally never used that thing where you insert a magic gem into the girls because I found it kind of excessive. Either fuck her or don't, but don't fucking stick a rock in her neck while pretending it's the same thing. Plus they literally said that it's basically the same as poisoning her so why would I want to use it, especially considering the game is easily beatable without that mechanic? I'm all for fanservice, but it really grinds my gears when they try to justify that fanservice. Also, the whole "making all these girls fall for Lyner and then forcing you to dump two of them near the very end was irritating. Leading Aurica on was pretty lame.

I just really dislike Lyner. He's dumb and immature and annoying. His first interaction with Misha is ridiculous and makes him look like a dick. He does get better over the course of the game, but I still don't like him. Croix is boring but at least he's not a negative to me.
I can understand you not liking Luca/Cloche though, and you're right that making you pick between them right after the point when they're at their worst is bizarre (the only logical choice at that point is to take Cocona and leave after telling every other character to fuck themselves, but you're not allowed to do that). I'm okay with them since at least they have reasons for their actions. If you can't tolerate them then the infelsphere would be terrible, though, yeah. A huge focus on characters you don't like. That'd be really bad.

Crotix is literally written for Jacqli route.

They are perfect couple.

>Learning a language simply to sing a love song
>Only track with a male singer
Truly the best ending


Hymnos was designed specifically for Japs to easily pronounce. All you really have to do is read the lyrics straight.

Their relationship is so fragile, it can break at any time.
It lasts forever in m heart.

Do why is series dead again? Also Cass was so perfectly flat

Gust is retarted. Also they never will work with Banpresto again.

>Do why is series dead again?

>The plot is also much better since it actually exists, unlike in 1 where there's no real focus on it since the game is nearly entirely character driven.
That's completely backwards though, 70% of 2 is just Croche and Luca going at each other's throats until they finally get their shit together as the actual focus of the story.
Also the other guy didn't even mention how 2 was budget as fuck with only a small handful of areas you're constantly going back and forth to and how the sprite work is incredibly shit compared to 1. And then there's also shit like the two subplots with the administrator guy who fucks off to find his new land before showing up again for 2 minutes right before the end and the other guy who posits himself as a rival to Croix which both feel completely undeveloped and conclude without much resolution.

Oh, and I also forgot to mention all the incredibly tedious IPD bullshit, which while mostly optional ends up being a requirement to progress Jakuri's cosmosphere if you miss one of her talk topics which you're given little warning of.

>25 hours
Why is it so short bro? I want longer jrpg kino

Why is no retranslation patch for 1 when 2 exist? Am I supposed to just start with 2 without touching NISA's 1?

>Spends all his time hanging out with bitches and whores and blowing off best girl whenever she tries to be nice to him
Croix is a shit.

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Can I get everything in 1 playthrough with save and reload? Any new game plus?

fuck you Aurica was cool. At least she wasn't a liar who ran away from singing chronicle key.

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You need 3 playthrough to see all heroine ending so basically the game is around 60 hr or so

>like the Mana Khemia games that have an interesting plot with some comfy sprinkled here and there
>Try Rorona because I was recommended it
>Nothing ever happens in the story
Are all the atelier games like this? Was Mana Khemia just some one and done kind of deal?

1's translation was acceptable so it doesn't need fixing. It was only 2 that was fucked up.

The games have two different routes so you need to play them twice to experience both. But the route splits also account for like 1/3 of the game so you could make a save before the split and then go back to that after finishing the first playthrough.
There's no NG+.

except for the occasional "Screw you!" when someone says kisama, the first game's translation is fairly accurate.

Mana Khemia 1 and 2 were pretty comfy, though 2 less so. Flay is best boy

I'm kinda surprised you like MK's plot. Everyone else I see seems to prefer the parts where it doesn't try to have a story and just sticks to your characters chilling out at school. I personally found the plot in MK to be bad and to actively detract from the game when it got brought up.
Rorona is extremely light on story though. For Totori they had slightly more of a focus, though you still spend like 80% of the game ignoring it.

Mana Khemia and Iris are outliers, the only other Atelier games with any focus on plot are Totori and Ayesha, and they're both personal stories about finding a missing family member.

>abandon her dream to keep weapon shop opening for the man she loved even though she realize that he will never look at her more than friend

Maybe, but Aurica tries to guilt you into giving a fuck about her, while Lyner was kind of a dick to her.

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you're gonna have to elaborate here, because what you said sounds like what all three heroines are doing and frankly that's just normal female behavior.

My memory is very fuzzy since I played it almost 8 years ago, but I believe it was around the time you have to choose to go with Misha or stay in the lower world with Aurica.

So I have to replay same game 3 times with the only difference being is the ending while all other things are basically the same?

rejoice user, as someone made a patch that not only unfucks the translation but also the crashes.

How did you read "the game has different routes" and come to the conclusion "only the endings are different"?

You only need Jaquli. Who cares about any one else

Overrated shit.

>only one girl's route makes sense from a character/story perspective
>levels/maps are boring empty garbage

The combat was unique in a good way for a turn based game though, really the only part I thought wasn't mediocre.

There are more changes than just the ending.
You should just pick one girl and play through the game once though. Don't be a slut.

Actually it was supposed to be 2 don't know why I typed 3.

>tfw you cuck the previous protag

>a whole game of nothing but Ion
How horrifying, she was bad enough in Ar no Surge.

Chronicle Key>Rig Veda>Cosmoflips>Sphilia>Haibanation>Suspend>Arphage>Rebirthia Protocol

that wasn't related. Lyner would choose to head down to Nemo because he felt indebted to return the favor to Falss. And after I played both routes, frankly that was way more cool with the ensuing jihad.

Play Atelier Ayesha and Atelier Escha and Logy. Those two are more focused on plot.

> the others

Tonelico 4 when?

It's not an euphemism for sex, and I'd like you to see if you wouldn't be embarrassed about having somebody elsr come into your mind or read what you're feeling through a mark in your skin.

It's not. That's also ignoring the whole history behind the Hibernation plan, discovering why Metafalica was a series of failures until the end of the game, and solving all the mysteries around the Goddess and Infel Phira.

Also, Alfman's story was concluded in the AT3 novels, and faulting the sprite design despite that being the style Gust adopted after Atelier Iris 3 is nothing short of idiotic.

I want harem ending bros.

Dude, what? 90% of the game is "I hope we'll be able to reach that thing in the sky someday" and then the last 10% is infodumping when you get there.

>Also, Alfman's story was concluded in the AT3 novels
That doesn't make its conspicuous lack of resolution in the game any better.
> and faulting the sprite design despite that being the style Gust adopted after Atelier Iris 3 is nothing short of idiotic.
Iris 3 also looked like shit.

2 still has more of a plot focus than 1 though. 1 spends like half the game just finding a macguffin to kill the invincible monster. Or at least it's ostensibly about that, in practice you just wander around meeting Misha and Aurica and having a good time exploring the world. Then you finally remember that you're meant to be helping Shurelia fight the monster which is apparently just chilling and you get back to it. Except you as a player don't care, because the plot in At1 is just something that happens in the background. The focus is the characters. That's what you care about.
>be me
>10 years old
>get to scene
>no idea what the fuck is going on
>Wow that was a neat moment to build up Lyner and Aurica's relationship whilst explaining being a type 3 sucks dick
>fast forward to present
>watch scene again
>can't stop laughing

oh look it's the newfag /jp/ autist
back to your dead shithole

As if the series as a whole didn't use additional material to explain or finish up stuff they didn't in the games.

Anothet good example being that Beta-6D doesn't appear anywhere aside of the AT1 novel, or that novel is the only place where it's depicted how the situation that led to Mir's Rebellion started.

>Then you finally remember that you're meant to be helping Shurelia fight the monster which is apparently just chilling and you get back to it.
the viruses aren't idle, the knights are fighting them constantly but can't get rid of them without the purger. Remember when you finally return to Platina it's about to be overrun.

I don't feel that either of those things particularly needed explanation or felt like the story was missing something through their absence.

>first two parts of Sublimation can't be overridden by Replakia
>this masterpiece
>can be overridden
What were they thinking?

It did, as otherwise we wouldn't have seen how deeply the Reyvateils are connected to each other or what exactly sparked Mir's revolt

They're coded and implemented differently due to needing part 2 segue seamlessly after the first phase of the boss is dead. Just going into the sound files for the songs should evidence enough of it

You should expand your vocabulary. It's getting stale. Go read a book.

post jakuri

AT thrads were good before the permanently butthurt newfag showed up and insults anyone who dislikes his terribly written shit waifu ion.

Never. Ar Tonelico's story is complete.

>Its an AT thread on Yea Forums
Nice, been done on 1 and 2 last year again. Breaking the game as early as you can is fun if you already know when to do it.
>Setting up Lyner so he can get 3 - 4 successive turns
>All elemental damage, all elemental resist and 5 hits per attack. Seeing all the numbers looks amazing
>Agility reaching almost 2000 meaning no one can hit him unless its a non elemental magic.
>No one can touch him at that point, not even Ikaruga Mk.II's 9999 defense will keep it safe.

Ar Tonelico 1 and 2 are the best JRPGs ever made. Just the fact they have a made up language and writing just for this game is proof of that.

>the music
>the setting
>the battle system
>the absolutely insane shit that goes on inside the girl's heads

Everything is top comfy.

Attached: ar tonelico.jpg (480x360, 17K)

I miss the GUST threads in /jp/. Them doing a torrent for all AT music is great. Glad I get them before it died.

This always made me angry. Why do they introduce love interests that have no routes?

I loved 2 so much. Its too bad I never cared for any of the others much.

At least Stella Glow gave me the same good music anime game vibe.

Quite honestly the parts i enjoyed most in AT3 were the bickering dialogues between Finnel and Aoto during item fusions. Also best baseline reyvateil

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>At least Stella Glow gave me the same good music anime game vibe
Whats this?? i've been craving more since i've gone through AT 1 - 3 a few years ago

>dialogue during item fusion

Secretly the best part of these games. Why don't more games do this?

Go play it user. It has similar idea of AT which is song as powers, and also something like a cosmosphere.

The only downside is that the gameplay is horribly sluggish.

An extremely divisive 3DS game, notable for being imageepoch's last game. It's not a good game, but that shouldn't stop you from enjoying it if you get into it, which many people can.

Also don't feel averse to cheating, the battles are bad.

Thanks anons i'll check it out
Right now just waiting until ciel nosurge translation patch is finished so i can play that then finally get to ar nosurge. i'm autistic when it comes to playing games in order

Literally ripped off the plot of Macross F

>Them doing a torrent for all AT music is great.
Is there one for all Atelier music though? I've only got everything from Rorona onwards.

>They also fail to make the games feel connected to each other since every tower is all but cut off from the others
>he didn't read the light novels
Also, games share characters, even though they are from different towers.
Meeting Cocona, Jack and (busty) Krusche was awesome in AT3.
Not to mention that Mir was the best character in AT2, even though she was the main antagonist of the first game.

>Everything is top comfy.
i want to go back

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An idiot that has a severe lacking in neural functions shouldn't be telling others to expand their lexicons

How stupid

Try checking fireden? Just look for the last GUST thread in /jp/. I think someone did an atelier OST torrent.

compelling arguments newfag

Didn't read the novels, setting books or check any of the drama CDS

has anybody ever been owned harder than this

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I wish I can read the novels, but I'm can't play AT3 because if being a poorfag and can't emulate it. I hope I can finish at least the whole AT series before I die.

>draw a girl
>call it a guy

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I should use the Relocalization Project, correct?

Yep. You don't want NISA's mess destroying your playing experience. The site has been posted here if you want to look for the patch.

DAMN son

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The AT1 and AT2 novels and books are to be read after their respective games, not after AT3


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Thought it will spoil the mainline AT3 plot so I stay away from those. If thats the case then I'll read it later.

Akira Tsuchiya is so damn talented

it's a shame he's working on stupid shit like this now

I'm actually angry Luca has one of my favorite songs

Koei-Tecmo was a mistake.

Isn't Trinary dead already? I remember hearing it somewhere on an AT thread.

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Oh, yeah. Jaza's experiment that turned out so badly she had to seal it away

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Reminder that with Augmented Reality Girls Trinary dead, Atelier Nelke and Atelier Lulua released, and no other games currently announced by Gust, we could get a new Tsuchiya game announcement any one of these weeks.

You just have to believe!

At first I wondered why I couldn't remember that outfit, but then I remembered that when I did Luca's route I cucked her with Jakuri instead.

>that one artist who drew like 300 vanilla pictures of mir and croix being cuddly
how can one mediocre artist be so based?

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There's some of my bias for already liking the game, but when I was reading on Ar Ciel's lore it felt like I was reading an actual history book.

Bless that artist for having best taste. That pic makes it look like a shoujo manga.
Posting just in case someone is too stupid to find it himself.

Finished the whole AT trilogy with all additional material a while ago. It was a really wild ride.
Now onto Surge Concerto.

No, pls OP, don't remind me when gust still good...

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Any issues playing this on pcsx2?

she deserves a shoujo manga ending desu
gosh dang just a little bit of comfiness in her life

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None if your PC isn't a potato

There's still the AT3 drama CDs, but they'll come in time

I'm sorry, but has Luca even engaged in sexual intercourse? Oh, that’s right. She hasn't even made contact with a man outside of dive therapy. In fact, it’s only therapy involving fields for soothing. Does not having a cliche tsundere personality make you a slut? Is that what you’re saying? Because if you’re saying that I can assure you that you’re wrong. Why would you make this topic when the game is already finished and we know for certain she is pure? Luca has to go up against one of the sluttiest reyvateils in Ar Ciel who just happened to have a lead because she was praying on Croix's innocence. But you know what? Cloche is still a whore. Luca is the best heroine in all three games, she has the best songs. Luca has already won Croix over, she would have done it sooner if it wasn't for her tragedy with her sister throwing her for a mental loop. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when Luca is proven a better waifu than any other in AT2. Cloche tries to latch on to anyone who would have shown her a different and free life. Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this board again and I’m fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you’re the only guy making all these anti-Luca topics because you’re a faggot hater who doesn’t like a heroine because they’re canonically pure. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll these fucking idiots on the board, like I give a fuck. It’s so easy to spot out your threads now, you’re a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don’t you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That’s just you, you’re always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.

none for the first game
for the second game it may freeze after a cinematic (anime) cutscene. to fix this you'll need to exit to remove the save state. for whatever reason having a save state interferes with it loading up after.
so be sure you save using the in game save system
it only happened once to me though

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I love Nay!

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Her first half cosmosphere in AT2 is shoujo as fuck. Jakuri's should have one of her stories actally published and be an item in game or become an actual book.

>You can't romance Akane in AT3
Sad. My little autist can't be this cute.

Got a laugh out of me user.

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my thirsty 500yr old genocidal android can't be this cute

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I can't believe somebody actually typed all of that.

How did Croix win her? Guess those Paradigm Shift do her good.
You got to post more Jakuri user, it does good to the heartboner.

I hate her so goddamned much.

I couldn't believe it when I played Ar tonelico 1, I fell in love immediately, the story, the music, the world, the characters, despite playing it really late.

Shurelia is to this day my absolute undisputed waifu.

Attached: Shurelia.full.943137.jpg (2440x3388, 2.71M)

Getting the crap beaten out of her while being sung a lullaby did wonders for mellowing her out
mir with vidya

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wait, didn't she say in game that she lived 1500 years before meeting Lyner?

I want to like it but I just unlocked Diving in 1 and I'm not feeling it. Does it get better?

nvm too much vidya

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I liked the first game better. I feel like they tried to make the battle system more complex in 2 and made it annoying to play. If it isn't broke don't fix it.

It got retconned.
They also retconned her to actually be Eolia and therefore a character who a lot of the characters in the game worship as a goddess. She just never mentioned that. It's a little strange.

It wasn't retconned. Shurelia is just a chronic liar about her age.
Also, the Origins are not the demigoddeses from Stelliarhythm, they're just named after them.

Each lass has 10 levels of dives, each more extreme and fucked up than the last. Surelia is an exception with only 5.
Keep at it.

Would it be possible to create a fan game using the setting of AT? The worldbuilding of AT is too good to be left in the dust.

I liked 3, but I'm still mad they went the 3D route. This marked the death of GUST for me

I absolutely loved the 2D backgrounds+3d characters ala ps1 ff, I wish more game did this.

The full 3D environments were pure garbage though and the animations were awful.

Also the shift to garbage fanservice was a mistake

idk about a game but there are some doujin albums that make generally the same type of music. think a few even tried to use hymmnos

You could probably do some /tg/ stuff with it without too much difficulty.

Every reminder that this serie is dead hurt so fucking much.
Why is it we can't have another game again?

I had the game and played it but the indie game look turned me off. It was the kind of game I expected to see on the gba not in the PS2

There is already an AT fan-TRPG. Untranslated, of course, but it's out there.

Heard some of them, it was included in the AT Music torrent that I've got years ago. Truly amazing stuff.

They didn't just try: they actually used it, and some even made their own words and dialects

Awful 3D, terrible combat and shitty fanservice really ruined AT3 for me. It's a shame since there was a nice story there.

>best girl not playable in 3

Attached: at3-akane.jpg (900x1300, 94K)

The story, music, setting and characters are the important part in the end

I agree. Those are the things that got me to continue playing AT3, even if those other things were awful. Game still felt very disappointing with those other flaws.

At least it was a satisfactory enough ending for the series setting and story-wise

It was a truly retarded move to make for the conclusion of a trilogy.
They still can't do proper 3D and animation to this day.

yes, but they added problems that weren't in previous game, it was a huge step back.
Even the characters arts were disappointing.

Only good part of AT2

Most problems with the pacing and the way the story was handled up to Phase 3 were also in AT1, whose combat was nothing to write home about either

Horrible opinion

To be honest, I don't think I've ever seen so awful fanservice that Ar Tonelico 3 had. Why the hell did Tsuchiya and other devs go with that change compared to previous games? Or did we get some meme translations from NISA?

Never heard of this game but after reading this thread, maybe I'll try to emulate it.

But where's my Mana Khemia chads at?

Mana what? Please have another yuri game, in fact, have a lot of them!
I fucking hate what this company has become.

Not like there was so much fanservice if you ignored the Purges. And the translation was pretty bad too

I don't even know how I decided to get it. I was just in Gamestop one day, saw a box that was different than the rest and just decided to get it. Then when I booted it up, I was hooked when that bass kicked it.

Really enjoyed my timer with MK2, enough to finish the male story-line and wanted to do the female one too, but had a crash during some side quest monster and i couldn't figure out how to beat it before it bugged out.

Combat is too fucking fun in those games, with time card setup and character swapping. One day ill get a replacement PS2 and finish it.

Dumb bitch with the chakrams and the stuffed chad are godlike.

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Ar Tonelico games have been one of the few things I'd like to see getting remaster or remakes.

If you really think about it, no, you certainly don't want to. It would definitely be full 3D, the art would be different, you would lose a lot of things that made the games specials.

>The combat is TOO easy
That's just jarpigs in a nutshell. Either the combat is too easy or it's so hard RNG can just fuck you and force you to reload.

>binge played Iris 1 - 3 then Khemia 1 - 2 within a years time
>got to see how refined and satisfying the combat had developed over each installment
>time to try out rorona
>entire system was fucking neutered
>quit before the second month was even over
can't say i was a long time fan but it became something i adored. what a letdown

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This. The most boring character in the game(s). At least Ar nosurge gives a great amount of screentime to Delta/Cas.

You're a testament of what happens to anybody who didn't go through Ciel nosurge

Reminder that out of all Exa Pico universe characters, Japan likes Ion most.

Iris and Mana Khemia are outliers. Atelier was like Rorona before them

Not like Japan has proved that they have good taste like ever in any form of media.

And this.

PS2 gust thread is so comfy.

>didn't go through Ciel nosurge
I get Ion's cham, I really get it. But that doesn't make her a less boring character than she is.

They also hurt, so, so much!

Your waifu is shit. Back to nu-/jp/ and don't come back.

Delta and Cas are far worse characters than Ion.

I played Ciel on release, keeping up with the episodic content every 2 months or so, and I still think Ion is one of the worst girls in her games. She's hopelessly naive and has no plans besides being saved by plot armor. Even if you disagree with Kanon, at least she had convictions that were internally consistent and acted on them in ways that made sense to her value system. Same with Nei once she got over her revenge obsession.

Granted, it's not a problem unique to Ion, it's a plague on most JRPG protagonists who always want to find a 'third option where nobody gets hurt'

The problem is that you're judging her while missing the entirety of her character development. In Ar nosurge her character arc is already closed

I fucking hate how the sprites look compared to 1, that and how gay and faggy the MC looks

I haven't gone through the extra material yet but my headcannon tells me that final bosses in AT2 got completely, unequivocally steamrolled, and that makes their final song much more heartbreaking desu

>remember how ar tonelico/mana khemia era Gust was so good
>now i look at the most recent Atelier game and its 79.99 season pass and die inside
What went wrong?

>What went wrong?

you know the answer but lets not ruin a comfy thread

Ahih rei-yah, QuelI ein te hyme and mei-fa-re koo-ja-i aren't plot armor in any way. Also, as if she didn't get a lot of shit flung at her, to not mention the duet of diabolus ex machines that were chapter 7's ending and the terminate pack

They didn't. Croix considers them the strongest enemies he ever fought

Mana Khemia is pretty bad compared to Ar tonelico though. Nowhere near the same level.

The gameplay is fun and challenging though.

I loved the tag team system.

Atelier Iris 3 has fun gameplay too but nobody seem to cares

>auricuck btfo

Because Mana Khemia did everything it did and better

Fuck I was looking for this gif for a few years

Agree or disagree: Luca's spiteful dialogue in the Infelsphere towards Cloche is some of the most entertaining JRPG dialogue ever written.

Luca is a massive bitch

I never touched Luca when i didn't need to so i missed it.

I'd like to play Atelier but I really hate Yuri bait, what atelier game can I play?

You can't play them

To be fair AI3 was a prototype for Mana Khemia

the iris series and mana khemia

No it's not, it's mostly just dull spamming attacks with no more thought than in Rorona (actually less, because at least in Rorona you have to think about whether you want to spend items or not). The only time it's good is against certain bosses, and they're only a tiny part of the game. The rest of the game is boring as hell.

Xenoshit 2 is the game for you then.

What's your opinion on this cute girl?

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I just can't get over the fact that they invented a unique language to use in the lyrics.
That's Tolkien level shit.

me, this is fucking good 100/10 game in every way

ahih rei-yah was absolutely plot armor - she just got lucky that Delta thought up chaining and knew how to set it up, and managed to get just enough cielnotrons to have the flowers get tall enough. Any reasonable person worried about their kids would have taken Kanon's refugee offer instead, it only worked out worse for them because, again, plot armor. Ion even made things worse for them by trying to get Tenmon to take them back which just made them hated by both sides on Yumenotama, too.

She DID grow as a person between chapters 2-12, but unfortunately she didn't take any of the lessons she should have learned from the experience with her into Ar nosurge. Nei and Kanon both did.

Correction: six languages

AR Tonelico on the PS3 was a massive flop and a shitty game too. So they just stick with what they can sell better.

The year 2019, my tsundere cunny receptionist gf is forgotten

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Infel is love

To be fair they just mishmashed a bunch of languages together and slapped the emotion declarations in front but it sounds nice tho

No, it wasn't: it made use of the technology they had available combined with the song she endeavored to craft and sing with Telefunken. Under that optic, you could claim any song sung in any of the games was plot armor.

Also, Kanon's offer didn't do more than make things worse for everybody due to overcrowding the Chimon District of the Colonia and having the refugees treated as outcasts due to being not Chimon and Tenmon traitors.

Also, had Ion not learned anything, she wouldn't have tried to stop the stupid war the humans and Sharls were locked in, and she'd have been deceived by Zill when she encountered her in the Bezelielpurger.

Piece of shit

The fight against time mana was so fun.

Wrong. Several words have no roots in any natural languages, and the Binasphere Chorus and Function features don't exist in any natural language either

You're one of the stupid IPDs who betrayed her

Name pls?

Cunt was going to unplug me, bitch.

Reicher was more fun to fight.

I don't think we're gonna end up agreeing, because you keep saying 'actually Ion was right, because things ended up working out better in her plan!', and I'm not arguing that isn't true, it is. I just think it's lazy writing. It's not unique to nosurge, a lot of JRPGs have it - where there's a really hard problem with no solution that doesn't have some sacrifices, but both plans are better than the total destruction the protagonist could have unleashed if -everything didn't work out in the end against all reason- because of, again, imo, plot armor.

Again, I'm not against someone trying to find a third option if they go about it in a smart way that respects the hard decisions and sacrifices in the ideologies of each side first, but not when they just hardhead it in a 'let's just all get along!' way without a plan and the game lets them get away with it anyway.

This makes no sense

Good thing you were here to remind us.

Because you are intent on declaring everything you did as "plot armor" without bothering to consider the setting and story reasons that led to things happening the way it did. But whatever catches your fancy

Someone actually put him in mugen. Quite popular character too.

You can't come to an agreement with a literal newfag shitstain waifucancer with unwarranted superiority complex. AT threads took a nose dive the moment this retard showed up.

What if there was an AT game where you play as the reivateil and choose between different people who gets to dive into your cosmosphere?

Is Nosurge better than 3?

Played the first one until you beat the dragon that wrecked the main character's ship at the start of the game. no clue how much was left.

Almost 2/3 through the game

That could be interesting, since Reyvateils get different songs, costumes and levels from different Divers

Great now everyone gets to be a dive slut like Luca

You're really lacking in brains if you think Diving is an 1:1 equivalent to sex and that Dive Therapy is prostitution

It's okay if you only let other girls Dive

So, and just going out on a limb here, but... go buy a copy and play it again?

You can get a PS2, the game and a memory card off ebay for like $120 or so. Just do it, faggot.

I'd rather see the series stay dead then go yuri or become the abomination that is Atelier with relationships.

Or just grab the iso and the retranslation and play them

>There are countless jrpg series with its first game ends with happily ever after but have a sequel and many character from previous game dies just for the sake of it.

It was the second most sold game in the trilogy and the one with the best opening sales. That's not a flop by any stretch

They have already hinted a plot points for a sequel that don't involve having anybody die. The thing is if Gust will bother dealing with the copyright morass the series is in and allowing Tsuchiya direct another project

Iris 3 was a good nexus game, but ahd a terrible plot. Time Mage and Puppeteer best forms though.

Real chads like Iris 2 the most.

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>god-tier lore and setting
>great soundtrack
>great characters
>great designs
>great combat systems (at least on paper)
The whole Ar Tonelico franchise had the potential to be one of the greatest jrpgs ever made... unfortunately the very low production values and high amount of cringy shit (like 80% of everything that happens inside the cosmosphere) ruined it.
One of the hugest cases of wasted potential ever second only to Xenosaga and FFXV; if I had the money I'd fund an entire HD remake of the whole series.

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user don't tell me you can't translate that bottom middle bubble.

>You'll be 40 soon. 40.

As if the Cosmospheres were only fanservice and didn't actually, you know, deal with all the nasty psychological baggage the girls have, to say nothing of sexual stuff being a given for all people

finnel's scat CS is very though provoking and physological

Reminder that
AT2 >> AT1 >> AT3
Jacqli >> Shurelia = Crusche >> everyone else

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where is mgs5

AT3 is the only one with cringy fanservice shit.

And what happens in that level aside of the scat stuff? From what I remember, it also involved a suicidal game involving a bomb that'd kill Finnel and Soma

I'm not that guy and I'm mostly in love with Ion because the non-dive content in Ciel and the sekailink extras in Ar do a really good job of setting up Ion as a super pure geeky angel of forgiveness and DIY magic, something you can't avoid feeling at least some sort of moe towards. Though Nei is still my favorite girl in Ciel, because her arc was surprisingly strong and the character herself is incredibly likeable.
You have to understand the thematic context under which Tsuchiya operates. He's always been a hippie pacifist and all the games in the franchise are about overcoming incredibly convoluted sociopolitical and personal issues through pure emotion and forgiveness. The entire metapoint of song magic in the universe is to have a deus ex machina under which to pull that shit off, and when seen through those lens you can't really fault Surge Concerto for sticking to the same guns, especially considering it's a prequel. I know it's an awful cliche of the genre in general, but I'm willing to let it pass within this franchise in particular because it's legitimately at least somewhat heartfelt, thematically consistent and not just a cynical asspull for the sake of pandering to naive nip teens and not offending the sensibilities of a relatively pacifist society as a whole.

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Let's not forget towel and demon Aurica, naked shirt Misha, or BDSM Cloche and Luca. AT3 isn't the only game with fanservice in the series

Besides, wave science supports that angle as well due to them laying thick that positive emotions are what allows matter to be created and maintained, while negative ones only serve to corrupt and destroy

Good taste
but i also liked finnel enough to be in the middle tier with shurelia and crusche

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Is any conventional Ateller game actually good? (i.e. not Mana Khemia/Iris)

Literally did nothing wrong (except for having shit taste in plushies)

Violet is still peak Atelier. All four Arland games are pretty okay, alongside Ayesha as well.

If you like a game that's centered around item synthesis and time management, yeah. Otherwise, you should look for another game

>having a PS3 hooked up

They could've made it equally well (or better) even with less cringy shit and more actual gameplay

They're good enough as they are already. The only thing that could have improved in them is making Aurica's and Misha's latter levels more different instead of just being echoes from each other

Are there any good playthroughs of the series? The only ones I've seen have the player reading all the text in stupid voices like they're competing for the Autism World Cup

The VN sections are part of what made the series what it is, brainlet.
The AT3 cosmospheres were legitimately atrocious, though, alongside some of the extra Ar nosurge ones (Ion's genometrics are pure kino though)

It blows my mind that some obscure JRPG that probably didn't even sell too well has such amazing music and a whole goddamn fabricated language that the music is sung in. What a kickass world they built for the Ar Tonelico games. It's such a shame everyone only thinks of them as those games with the cringey innuendo everywhere.

Why do they do that?

Finnel's was pretty good if you went all the way in, and Tyria's is the only time we've ever seen anything from the first era

>Get access to Replakia after hearing about how powerful it is for most of the game
>It actually IS that powerful

Why can't more games do this? I hate when you get access to a character or weapon that's shown to be amazing in cutscenes, and then they suck in your party.

People are stupid and get carried away by first impressions and appearances.

"Humans are made up from misconceptions and stereotypes. They think they know each other, but in reality they don't"

Because they don't realise you don't have to fill every second of your video with noise and have to be 'wacky' to fill the silences.

Yeah, I wouldn't know, I went Saki route for my first playthrough and just lost all desire to replay the game ever again.
Tyria's one also has some relatively mundane bullshit early on that's a huge DP sink before the ball finally drops.

Calm down, Aquagon

>skill called blade of ultimate power
>does shit damage because of garbage damage formula


They made Gigaslash a shit skill in that game?

>Play Ar Nosurge expecting little connection to Ar Tonelico
>Eventually they start talking about finding a new planet to live on
>"Oh, this is going to end with them going to Ar Ciel and setting up the civilization that we see in Ar Tonelico"
>They go to the new planet
>Is that goddamn Shurelia?!
>People are already here
>The first tower has already been built
>Minor details that only an autist would care about like the Grathnode discs being intact are shown on the tower

Holy fucking shit was that kino. I expected them to pull the "distant prequel with no direct interaction with Ar Tonelico" thing, but they went for it.

>tfw you will never live inside your hot mother

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I literally bought Ar No Surge for Vita and PS3 and I STILL delete it after maybe 10 hours. What the fuck why is this so fucking boring compared to Ar 2nelico? At least 3 had cute girls. Also Ar 2nelico is MY favorite game of all time tbqh i will name my kid Jacqli.

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Though Shurelia even being there screws with the whole chronology. But that aside, they really got all the details down in there: the Grathnode Discs, the Wings of Horus, the Parabola Shield...

The Ar Ciel planet model is even an expanded version of the world map image from the extinct AHPA site



You can't even spell her name right. Disgusting

Becuse a lot of world and character knowledge relies on you having played a ripoff budget Love Plus phone game retrofitted into being a Vita exclusive for the 40 hours or so long visual novel attached to it
When you actually get into it Surge Concerto reaches kino levels not even AT2 has though, actual gameplay aside

Are you a fag that calls her Mir you fucking nigger?

Mir, or Jakuri. The "Jacqli" spelling is an eyesore

Hot opinion but no.
Literally every single PS3+4 era Atelier game has felt unfinished and barebones.
All the characters are shallow as hell from a conventional term, Im not going to debate their personalities and such but the amount of development and even dialogue every character not the heroine gets is pitiful

>Not calling her Mule
I bet you also call Orica Aurica you fucking fags

Actually gigaslash is pretty good in dqxi. It targets all instead of just groups like the 2h version or like dq8

I never really got deeper on the localization bullshit because I was like, what, 19 at the time I played this game. Black haired, black eyed himecut lolis are the best. Fuck Luca though. Cloche is alright.

>Surge Concerto reaches kino levels not even AT2 has
It doesn't though. AT2 is better in every regard than Ciel/Ar.

>Though Shurelia even being there screws with the whole chronology.

Does it? I don't remember the timeline well enough to know. Also didn't know about the AHPA site map.

Luca is still an infinitely better heroine than both Misha and Saki, and unlike those her route is actually good too.
But Mir isn't a loli. She was just made by a lolicon.

How can whores even compete?

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I'd say taking both Ciel/Ar as a single product it does reach heights not even AT2 can afford to.
Unlike AT2 all side characters get compelling character arcs and enough time to develop, it toys with fun concepts despite the arguably lacking execution, etc.
Also while I might love AT2's soundtrack, Ciel's is fucking amazing when it wants to be, too. The script might be filled with more technobabble and the story's pacing might suffer early on due to Ciel's episodic odyssey format, but if you let yourself to get absorbed by the fiction the feeling of immersion with the world manages to tap into just enough some of the potential within AT that none of the three games really managed to take advantage of.
Or well, at least that's how it goes if you play them in their intended language.

3031 - Seven Bloodstains. Syestine is destroyed.
3031 - Shurelia is born
3037 - Shurelia falls in loves with bunnies

well at least Rune Factory 5 in going out at some time

>chronic liar who keeps trying to cuck away every hot guy she meets from their gf
In hindsight Shurelia was a really shit girl

She didn't try to cuck Croix, Aoto or any of their party members when she met them though

Ill pick on Escha and Logy despite it probably being my favorite modern atelier because its flaws sum up the entire modern atelier series.

Your here for 3 years do to work on minor tasks and failing doesn't really matter.
The first thing you are assigned to do is explore the mysterious ruins outside of town
>Do you accidentally find a room and awaken a mysterious sleeping girl?
>Do you find a mcguffin artifact that kicks off the plot?
>Do you cross paths with an evil empire general?
>Do you accidentally AN ANCIENT EVIL HAS AWOKEN?
Nope, you walk around the ruins, see nothing of note and the chapters over.
Thats basically sums up the entire game and the entire modern atelier series, theres a very loose plot but for the most part nothing happens until the end up the game and you fix whatever low hanging problem the game tells you the whole point of the game is.

Only because she knew it'd hurt Lyner in the mommy issues real bad.

To be fair that whole scene was especially retarded in the context of the game
>Delta I know someone controls your actions from time to time and forces you to do things you dont wanna
>5 minutes later you force Delta to romance Shurelia
Like god damn 10 minutes ago you took note that I the player force Delta to do shit he doesnt actually want to do.

E&L (and Dusk in general) is actually worse than that in that you don't even solve the problem. The world is dying and all you can't actually do anything. You wanted to actually fix things or at least stop them getting any worse? Too bad, there isn't anything you can do. The end.

To be fair, Cass is pretty retarded and that's made clear even during her better moments. She bitches to Delta for shit he has nothing to do with, makes friends with Nero without never really giving an answer to her pure feelings and names her and Delta's genetically engineered childwife after their fucking dead childhood friend.

Never finished the dusk series, do the explain why the world is dying?

She didn't name Prim though

>enjoy RPGs for the gameplay (AKA the only valid reason to enjoy a game)
>exploration, resource management, creative combat systems
>buy Atelier Ayesha
>all maps are extremelly small and linear
>the combat system is shit
>you are only forced to make decisions while crafting
>even gameplay aside, the story is shit and that's coming from someone who loves Aria, K-ON and other slice of life anime
Why does this shit sell?

Gameplay is far from being the only reason to enjoy a game

>Why does this shit sell
They don't anymore. Most people seem to be sick of Modern GUST's shit at this point.

>Thread still alive.
Good thread. Been a while since the last AT thread.

Right here my man. MK had some of the best fucking boss themes. Really with we got a 3rd game.

Gust has regressed to the point that they're only capable of making garbage yuribait games now.

>Playing games with ""ROMANCE"""

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I'm an ESL, and I vividly remember that this was the first game I dropped because the English translation was so bad it was unplayable for me.
I never even considered my English good enough to notice bad translation before that. It seriously ruined my enjoyment, even though I loved 1.

There's the retranslation now if you want to give it a second chance. NISA's version really tarnished the game to the point of unthinkable

It's painfully obvious even today, that Gust can't design the gameplay part of their games for shit. The "balance" in Ar Tonelico 1 felt like some teenager's first attempt at trying to create levels in a game maker, it was embarrassingly bad. A rebalance patch with a long proper look at the whole thing from an experienced game designer perspective would do wonders.

>do the explain why the world is dying?
The world is a metaphor to Gust. Gust is dying and there is nothing we can do to stop this, that is the message of the Dusk trilogy.