>Go on a rant about how Sekiro should have easy modes for developmentally challenged people and those that just want an easy/good time
>YouTube quad makes a video of himself playing Sekiro to prove a point
>Gets BTFO by a literal cripple
>STILL acts indignant about Sekiro and its fanbase
What's wrong with Sekiro haters on Twitter?
Other urls found in this thread:
They refuse to admit anything Is their own fault, even something as basic as losing at a videogame, so they blame others and demand it be "fixed".
Game good? No, game bad!!!
Nice arguments incels)
>Literally too mentally handicapped to play video games
Why do they work in the video game journalism industry?
>twitter and reddit in the same post
This board is hopeless. And the janitors bullshit is just the icing
I don't get this "game hard so disabled can't enjoy" mindset. It's implying disabled people are too stupid to play a game that requires them to think on their feet. The issue is accessibility with controls and that's something devs and controller manufacturers are indeed working on.
Are they trying to imply it's an issue for mentally disabled people? Because for one that isn't a good look for game journos and for two that's a losing battle. Tetris takes no effort to control but ask someone even a little retarded to play that at speed 9 and they'll never make any progress without being in full-on rainman mode. Nevermind the ridiculous speeds it gets to beyond that.
Someone just figured out they could generate a lot of internet drama (read clicks) by using the disability argument. And judging by this thread they were pretty successful.
>Guys, someone on the INTERNET has an OPINION that we DON'T AGREE WITH!
man who gives a shit
your life is a trainwreck if you care about anything any person on twitter has ever said.
why do games need universal appeal
devs shouldn't have to compromise for the sake of inclusiveness
What the fuck did he mean by this
>Diablo can be easy or as hard as you want it to be
>Chink chonkese still haven't figured out difficulty options
What happened?
Autists are upset over this game getting an easy mode because they can't accomplish anything in real life of any value and are afraid of their safe haven, the only thing they have being diluted by filthy casuals, aka other people who also want to play the game
more like dan simpleton lmao
Sekiro has difficulty levels. The default is easy.
Blame Nintendo for lowering down the standards for difficulty in gaming. You can expect all these numales bitching about Sekiro only play sóybóy toys like 1-2-Switch, Kirby Star Allies, Labo, Super Mario Party, Pokemon LGPE, and NSMBU Deluxe.
>They refuse to admit anything Is their own fault, even something as basic as losing at a videogame, so they blame others and demand it be "fixed".
If you try to appeal to everyone, you'll end up appealing to no one. Fuck off idiot.
>be me
>gets tossed aside by both pro and anti-easy mode people for being both mentally disabled and against journalists in favor of the physically disabled
>physically disabled pissed about being used as a prop and insisting that all disabled people don't need easy mode while ignoring me as well
>we're all acting retarded over some stupid new game and shitting up Yea Forums even more than usual and it's going to keep happening until this game dies down
Sometimes it feels like the internet in general was a mistake.
Or, maybe, you know... This will take time from devs, the time they could use to make more content, like DLCs.
Bingo. Souls fanboys have their sense of self esteem all tangled up in beating a video game that the internet calls hard, so if that game can be beaten by the dreaded casual, their singular achievement in life becomes worthless and they're forced to look objectively at their lack of value as a human. It's a desperate coping method.
>have no argument
>just call them incels
2019 rocks!
He's calling you insecure, stupid. Your brain has been fried by memes.
Not an argument
Accessibility is things like
>control input for physically disabled
>colorblind options for those with it
>captions for deaf people
>no commentary walkthroughs for those who want to watch or can’t play
accessibility is not
>add an easy mode
they use disabled people as a shield when most of the time it’s a physically disabled who needs control input tweaks
but they’re referring to all disableds as retards who need their hands throughout the whole game, basically projecting themselves
like i understand being a casual and wanting a retard mode. i dont respect it, but i understand. trying to turn ez mode into a social justice issue? why the actual literal fuck
It's incredibly patronizing to disabled people to say that they need an easy mode.
The sweet release of death
Have sex.
Stop being an incel.
I too am appalled by the existence of these people and the miracle of their continued existence. But why the hell do you feel the need to dredge this shit up every day? It's the same fucking screen caps over again and again.
>"We don't want to include a difficulty selection because we want to bring everyone to the same level of discussion and the same level of enjoyment," Miyazaki said. "So we want everyone … to first face that challenge and to overcome it in some way that suits them as a player."
>The creator continued: "We want everyone to feel that sense of accomplishment. We want everyone to feel elated and to join that discussion on the same level. We feel if there's different difficulties, that's going to segment and fragment the user base. People will have different experiences based on that [differing difficulty level]. This is something we take to heart when we design games. It's been the same way for previous titles and it's very much the same with Sekiro."
Make me.
>”Ahhh, finally Fromsoft has added an easy mode!”
>”Another win against those incels, heh.”
>”These rooftop views are nice. I wonder what’s that sound? It can’t be Jamal...”
>sound gets quiter as he approaches
you had one job user but you still failed
Why do people get so insecure about not being able to beat a videogame that other people can, to the point where they try to falseflag the concept of betraying design and authorial intent as "accessibility" just so they can abuse people with legitimate issues (that aren't the ones asking for an easy mode despite that) and prop themselves up on a false moral high ground by standing on their backs? Isn't that really shameful and disgusting for people who are just supposed to enjoy videogames?
Have sex
Would an easy mode be more inclusive? Sure. But the devs decided not to add it so suck it up you fucking faggots.
Go play Celeste if you want a game with a journalist mode.
>most of them want to be treated like normal people
Twitter has tons of terrible communities for everything which makes it awful that people post those literally who scum here. There are some good artists though and if you find some that dont speak english you get a lot of good art and no drama.
>game journalists
>ok, so we need to make a story about sekiro
>how about the same old its too hard story
>no no,that's too overdone, but wait how about we twist the too hard story, into being accessible for disabled people!
Sekiro haters are all trannies
Yes, and? Difficulty options is just as worthy of critique as anything else.
Could you imagine how hard Devil May Cry fans would bitch if the game didn't have harder difficulties? If it was just stuck on normal mode because the devs felt that having different difficulties was a bad thing?
Should just add cheat codes back into games.
Games are not meant to be playable by everyone, if you guys find it too hard then either git gud or git a refund.
Why is more options bad? Do you believe DMCV or Bayonetta to be inferior games because they include modes for absolute shitters too?
Hell, what about God Hand? Is that game for casuals now simply because people who aren't good can dial down the difficulty?
For years casuals convinced themselves they knew how to play video games.
Then came Sekiro.
Even a cursory glance at their complaints makes it obvious their true issue is the difficulty they themselves have playing the game. So basically they're calling themselves actual fucking retards.
to be fair
it is an effective tactic to start a discussion by promoting outrage and presenting an enemy, while grabbing your attention. it will get more replies than “hi can we discuss (game)”
the same as those clickbait articles that tell you how to feel but more subtle than “and here’s why”
What the actual fuck did he mean by this?
different people have different reasons for wanting an easy mode. ability is one part, time is another. some people might have minor conditions that impact their enjoyment of games and just don't want to deal with it. the quadriplegic probably has nothing better to do than spend the whole day practicing playing with his tongue or whatever. for him, this is the one thing he can be good at so it's a source of pride for him. which makes him exactly the same as the able-bodied gamercels who have no meaningful accomplishments to speak of so they cling to these kinds of games because they mistake exposing their manchild status as a badge of honor. most other people would rather be spending their time doing more productive things like making money or having sex than figuring out how to to cheese through a souls game
but as always, it's not really about making an easy mode since "easy" will mean different things to different people. they should just stop caring about stupid things like achievements and implement cheat codes so the people who want a free ride can get one without impacting the design or development resources. we never had this level of complaining before the 360 generation. before that, a hard game was just that - being hard was not a complaint, just a comment. and you could decide for yourself if and when you needed to cheat
>Could you imagine how hard Devil May Cry fans would bitch if the game didn't have harder difficulties?
There wouldn't be fans if that were the case.
Yes however the discussion quality from it is abysmal
I think this is definitely the kind of game that needs a demo. Would let people see if it's the kind of game they would even enjoy, easy mode or not.
This easy mode shit is rage-bait. They must be seeing their analytics go up for the first time in a while.
100% this
game journalists are worse at games than quadriplegics
they are dumber than pigeons
why do people still listen to them
Why the fuck is THIS the narrative everyone in the game journo clique agreed on? It's not like lower difficulties would make something like that Doom gameplay footage less humiliating.
I'm okay with hard games getting an easy mode as long as easy games get a hard mode.
Looking at you, Kirby.
>I don't like thing
That's fine
>Change thing so I'll like it!!
What? No.
This idea of an easy mode for traditionally difficult games is so dumb. If someone's really THAT interested in the gameplay but is unwilling or incapable of beating the game... They can go watch any of the 1080p MLG yolo SWAG let's plays on YouTube or Twitch for fucking free.
Yes. Devs of every game out there have a set difficulty setting in mind for overall experience that they want the player to feel. There's no reason to play souls games at a baby setting. That undermines the experience the devs want you to have. There's no reason to play fire emblem with phoenix setting. That undermines the experience the devs want you to have. The list goes on. If you don't want to play a game that the dev makes, don't. It's that simple.
steam has a 2 hour demo for every game
Sounds like a Greek spinoff to me.
It's almost like different games are designed in different ways and for different experiences and difficulty options can come into that.
That's not even it. Games ARE playable by everyone regardless of difficulty, you simply need the game and controller. What the game actually consists of, whether that be an array of challenging encounters to overcome or a story focused experience, is based on what the game itself is intending to be. Take that away for some shallow pride issues and it's not the same game any more, and people should consider themselves better than that or be more aware of what they're playing to begin with.
First reply, best reply.
There are three main counters for this.
Firstly, having shit-tier casual low-optimisation plebs in a discussion will interrupt your game discussion with noise. Enough of them will overwhelm the signal with noise.
You can see this most clearly in Dwarf Fortress and Space Station 13, though there are other games out there where the people who play games """for fun""" outweigh the people who find enjoyment from being good at the game, or from discussing their experiences being good at the game.
Second, aforementioned low-tier casuals do not deserve enjoyment.
While you can't prevent them from loading up a different game to enjoy, you can at the very least make it so the one game you DO control doesn't add to the existing evil.
Being able to be rewarded despite not having any skill adds to a society-wide plague of laziness and low standards. This is a bad thing.
The third counter is the very obvious counter - that it DOES diminish their experience.
You, as a human being, do not exist in a vaccuum. A lot of human beings enjoy being social and sharing their experiences.
But you can't share your experiences properly without a shared language to describe them.
If the word "Sekiro", in common language, means "Easymode crap", then you will not be sharing your experiences with others when you describe beating it. You will instead be describing the experiences of a casual pleb.
You can no longer share and describe your own experiences with others unless you take the extra time and effort to clarify that yes, what you did was actually challenging, and not what the average person thinks of.
This is a right pain in the ass, and having to do that because of some easymoding faggot hijacking your language is infuriating.
There is also a fourth option.
That the person honestly hasn't had their experience hampered, but still wants YOUR experience to be better.
And your own experience is better if you're forced to git gud.
fair enough, however the topic in like Twitter screenshots in the OP would always warrant low quality discussion
they’re always polarized and since Yea Forums shared somewhat of a unified culture, you can expect discussion to be one sided or like an echochamber found on ResetEra. You will get low quality bait from people pretending to be the opposition, ad hominems all around, and more screenshots so people can laugh/rage at the “enemy”
Even if op didn’t use a Twitter screenshot you can always expect what the thread would be like
who the fuck is playing on "hard" ?, game doesn't have difficulty settings bitch
Fucking done
This stupid fucking game, it's so goddamn bad YOU HAVE NO IDEA how goddamn bad it is, you have no idea. You literally have no idea how bad it is dude, you have no idea.
When you get hit, GUESS WHAT? You stunned for like 3 seconds so you can't move oh yeah by the way he does like 40 attacks in a row.
You're welcome.
Fuck this stupid game dude. I'm done. I'm done. This is fucking gay. I'm fucking done. I just broke my controller, I don't even give a fuck, I don't even fucking care. It's literally the dumbest shit I've ever seen in a fucking video game.
>use disabled people as a shield
>they tell you to STFU
PLEASE Yea Forums!
What are the odds the same people who want easy modes also support censorship? Pretty fucking high I'd imagine, but that's just me.
lol @ another dumb fag stuck on Snake Eyes Saranoobraper
Dare i say it?
Git gud.
i'm glad from software isnt bowing down to these journalist faggots
people thought working with activision would make the game casual, yet it ended up being harder than any of the souls games
>game based on trial and error that gives you satisfaction of beating something through experience
>retards want to skip past all that
what's the point of playing the game then, i don't understand.
No one disbaled has ever placed well in highlevel fighting games, yeah there are blind people who are surprisingly good with just sound ques, but they have no chance against the gods, or even the good but not goodly players who are able to sometimes take games from the actual tops.
Despite that no one ever talks brings up "let's make fighting games easier" without basically be laughed at.
>Could you imagine being so Salt you wrote a book about it and charged $100?
i'll stop only if you become my gf
And if a dev makes a shitty game, you're saying you're not allowed to offer any criticism because you're not obligated to play it. You're a dumb faggot.
>It's almost like different games are designed in different ways and for different experiences and difficulty options can come into that.
No shit sherlock, thanks for pointing out the obvious retard. My point is that far more difficult games exist and have difficulty options, therefore criticizing the various Souls games for not having them is a valid criticism.
I really fucking hate soulsfags because they act as if their games are somehow a rite of passage.
I dunno, is being a fursuiter a disability?
The same people who are mad about "entitled gamers".
They wouldn't be real fans. I mean do you think Donguri wouldn't just make combo videos regardless?
>Cant grind for stats
>Cant summon
>Must git gud
Sekiro is amazing and it pisses me off we're having the conversation of accessibility NOW, there's plenty of small things developers could do to help the disabled, easy mode sure as fuck isn't one of them.
Not everything is for EVERYONE, getting so fucking tired of everything needing to be some hand holding fuck fest.
Dumb nigger, Snake eyes is so easy.
Get good.
>people thought working with activision would make the game casual
Guilty of this myself. Glad I was BTFO.
You'd be right. All of this stuff is coming from egalitarian ideologues, whether it's scrubbing "offensive" language or removing "exclusionary" barriers.
Yea Forums gets owned on the Sekiro difficulty question
my GF watches that stupid Ru Paul show every night
i told her i would watch it too but i feel it's too gay for me, if it'd were a little less gay i could also partake in the fun isn't it? what's wrong about that?
>Could you imagine how hard Devil May Cry fans would bitch if the game didn't have harder difficulties?
I'd love for DMD to be the only difficulty.
More options means more dev time is required. I would rather less options with higher quality than more options with lower quality.
>an argument involving an aspect of videogames devolves into typical tribalism across the entire social media sphere with people now picking sides and shitflinging with no desire to come to reasonable conclusions
Got to love the internet.
What I'm really interested in is how all this bitching about how the game is hard is drumming up tons of new buyers who might otherwise have not cared.
When a journalist says Game is Good Game is Bad Game is Racist, nobody gives a shit. Lugenpresse gonna luge.
But when the journalist says Game is Hard ... it's like hanging up a sign that says "Wet Paint". People just have to check.
yes im fucking mad
>I really fucking hate soulsfags because they act as if their games are somehow a rite of passage
considering the dumbfucks on twitter are getting buttblasted for having to think in a game, i'd say they're proving soulsfags' point as to their game being a rite of passage.
is there a name for this generation of people yet?, i refuse to believe there is something worse than us millenials
nobodys watching your 15 minute video go self promote somewhere else you worthless fag
I mean of course he would, but the thing is that the reason a lot of the advanced mechanics in DMC exist is so you can chump on enemies on higher difficulties.
The higher difficulty settings are meant to entice people into obtaining mechanical mastery with a game. You beat it on normal, then go to SoS where enemies kick your shit in in, and so forth.
You could make a DMC game where you're immediately locked in a room with three furies and none of the weapons or upgrades you obtain later in the game, but that would be a shitty initial experience and teach you nothing except how to scam a single enemy.
Soulsfags would get absolutely destroyed if they played God Hand and would have to play on a lower difficulty.
>calls me the soulsfag when he thinks Souls games are the only ones without difficulty options
The Sims doesn't have difficulty modes, does it? What a dumb move, shit game. Or maybe you're just grasping at straws that mean nothing.
Stop giving these fucking idiots attention. Seriously, they deserve to be ignored and forgotten.
They can no longer think for themselves
Whatever they are
>People arguing for easy mode for accessibility when they really just want it because they're shit at video games
I hope From put in an easy mode in their next game and make it harder than normal mode.
>Game plot and main mechanic revolves around reviving
>Won't die even once because they add easy mode
The game is not THAT hard, but it's not an easy one because that's the game theme
Anyways, I've never seen these dudes add difficulty modes in their dark fantasy games, not even on king's field or shadow tower, it's like some old habit
Maybe they want everyone to play the same game rather than some playing the way it was meant to be played while others play on babby mode.
God Hand has an absurd amount of broken shit in it.
name 1 (one) game with difficulty options where all the difficulties are well balanced and fair.
Nigga how fucking stupid are you? The Sims series has had cheats for the longest time. A lot of games have had cheats as a way of letting people break a game wide open.
But you heard the faggots here on Yea Forums, adding cheats or more options means you're taking away valuable dev time.
When has any argument that takes place primarily on social media not ended in exactly the same fucking way?
They just suck and refuse to learn the mechanics of the game they deserve the asswhipping Sekiro gives them
Pretty much this
People loves to talk about souls fanbase being "elitist", but it doesn't come even close to the "do it on dmd on s rank or you never played the game" gang
It is still millennials, m8.
>>be me
Who else would you be, you fucking retard?
adding cheats isnt the same as adding a new difficulty because cheats don't have to be balanced or well-designed at all retard
what a bunch of entitled sissy whoresons. no, the world must change to cater their beliefs, they can't just admit their inability and move on like an adult. these people should never be listened to. fucking pathetic children
Assuming the option to play normal mode still exists, their accomplishment still stands, and it stands taller in comparison.
What you're seeing is instead the opposite.
if You can't beat the game on its intended difficulty when some anonymous jerkoff can, then that's showing You your lack of value and worth as a human.
These people think they are better than you and don't want to be around you because you are trash. That is why you are dreaded. Not because you make them look bad, but because you make humanity look bad.
To be fair, you ARE also trying to interrupt the safe haven and you are doing so with belligerence and disrespect for its natives. There's a word for that. Invasion. They are reaction the same way anyone would react to an invader: Resistance.
Yes, and despite that no one bitches or whines because there are other difficulty options. Casuals get to live off elsewhere and people of different skill ranges can play at different difficulties.
And no one bitches about DMC being hard to play.
Generally there's nothing wrong with an easy mode, but when "difficulty" is basically the entire cornerstone of the game's design it's a different matter.
If the game is about overcoming obstacles rather than story or whatever, you can't do it. If you add an easy mode, the game isn't that game anymore.
It's like having a football game with no football.
This narrative of yours isnt even original, been done to death by fat, colored hair women on twitter and reddit, you have to go back and bore someone else
In DMC the difficulties are pretty much NG+ rather than actual difficulty levels that are unlocked from the start.
That said, Human difficulty can be canned immediately and I'd be fine if all games were on SoS only instead.
DMD in 5 was/is terribly tedious and not fun though, especially the bossfights as V
>The Sims doesn't have difficulty modes, does it?
Yes, it does. Difficulty is proportional to the number of sims the player has to look after and their resources. In Sims 3 they outright refer to this as "difficulty" which ranges from level 1 to level 6.
I don't buy video games I won't enjoy. You should know what the game is like before you buy it. There's no excuse. You can tell developers that you want an easy mode, but don't act like you deserve an easy mode.
When all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a sickle.
From the last thread and I'll go a little more indepth
>There is a massive, MASSIVE anti-Japanese bias in the West. Western devs and "journalists" get absolutely butt blasted whenever a Japanese game especially an overtly Japanese one succeeds this much without compromising their vision (that we know of) especially since they're having a quality resurgence after 10 years of shovel-ware while the west is going the opposite direction
Game "journalists" are the most normalfag of normalfag and if there is one thing normalfags can't abide it's not being the center of the zietgiest. They know Japanese games aren't for them and they hold no sway like they do for Western deves due to a language and literal barrier that is the Pacific Ocean, they can't coerce, cajole, threaten, brown nose or bribe Japanese devs and the idea of not being the cultural gatekeepers enrages them. In the end they are the same upper-middle class white people they claim to oppose by wearing the cloak of social justice, self centered colonizers trying to control all that they see, they are hypocrites and losers unable to see that they are the very enemy they claim to oppose, they're mad because this is one of the few times life tells them no and like any normalfag they just can't handle it not being their way.
And how long does someone continue playing The Sims after putting in cheats? Maybe 5 minutes? Thanks for helping show why "options" aren't best for a game's design. Oh, and anything takes dev time to a degree, even down to debugging.
As someone who actual has a severe Motor Skills dysfunction so bad I've never met someone who wasn't baffled by my eligible hand writing
It may be harder to instill muscle memory perfect timings for deflects and your fingers will feel an innate bias to press about .5 seconds early, but as long as you can take the time to memorize the pattern, you can compensate with practice
I didn't no damage Demon of Hatred or get perfect marks on my writing exams by complaining about my fucked up hands
I. Improved.
how can there be ONE SINGLE game that doesn't cater to MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
I'm personally not one for games forcing you to obtain mastery via difficulty, which I argue DMC games don't you can still end up basically having no style and brute forcing things to death like you're never forced to use all of Dante's styles or all the breakers. Hell look at fighting games there are a lot of pros who could not do or even memorize the input for fancy ass super optimal-situational and/or death combos which on a mechanical level is a higher thing than spacing a footsies (but is less skillful in terms of competing against another) I mean really why risk dropping $10k to look dope when coming is second after doing the most amazing combo is just gonna have the other guy go "Yeah that's nice I still won bitch".
So for Seikiro I like that it just goes "no get good right away there's isn't a super cheese start" not to say that there aren't objectively easier ways to get through some fights.
desu having an "easy" mode on Sekiro is not a huge deal. As long as the standard difficulty is up to From's usual level and there's no option to change it mid game, then it doesn't really bother me.
It's like playing DMC5 with Gorbs on Human. Dirty baby casual mode, for dirty baby casuals.
No no no. They are right guys. There SHOULD be an easy mode. But do it like how shoot em ups do and give only the bad end in easy mode.
I hate this fucking inclusiveness meme. If you don't like the game, don't play it. Not everything needs to be tailored to suit your needs.
Read the post, you dumb amerimutt
Easy difficulties don't have to be balanced at all. Bayonetta literally has a difficulty that'll play the game for you. You can still balance everything around the normal experience, then throw in a babby mode for everyone else.
Here's a bonus: Babby modes are useful for speedrunning too because they open up new categories and new routes. But you're probably just too shitty to play a game fast.
You really are retarded. People who play The Sims with cheats usually intend to do things like home building or just forcing wacky interactions. It's a sandbox m8, it's weird for dumb faggots like you to get uppity over people not playing The Sims in the right manner of all things.
that's not how diablo worked you retard, you picked the worst example possible
diablo had ng+ with increasing difficulty
These pussies never dedicated themselves to anything. It's to be expected. They've never been forced to overcome anything legitimately difficult, so when a simulation mimicking difficulty appears in front of them they lose their minds. I can't even imagine what these soft humans would do in an actual emergency.
What's wrong with the "git gud" mentality? How the fuck is it elitist to play the game as it was intended? You buy the game for $60. You start it up and start playing but it's hard. There are 2 choices: you either keep playing -getting better-, or you refund it because it's too hard and not your cup of tea. Not every game has to be your cup of tea. There isn't a third option, and that's ok.
he literally says the game is fine as it is idiot
Just add a ,mode where the enemies literally just stand still, and make it as patronizing as possible. A lot of the fags who can't beat the game and whine about this have huge egos, and they wouldn't play it or admit to playing it if your "easy" mode was built in cheats or it was called"can I play too daddy?" mode.
there are plenty of people (including reviewers) who have shat on dmc games after playing them in automatic.
do you really think we need more retardo journos lowering the chances of more fromsoft games by giving them shit reviews after playing them on easy automatic and then wondering why everyone else thinks its fun?
The elitist mentality of git gud is why your distant ancestors were able to hunt for food instead of starving to death, you tremendous cocksucker. Gitting gud is what separates Man from beast. Only Man has the option of sitting on his ass and refusing to git gud, without either being eaten by a predator or starving.
>there are plenty of people (including reviewers) who have shat on dmc games after playing them in automatic.
[citation needed]
Easy mode should be paid DLC, or a separate safety version of the game entirlely.
well boo fuckin hoo for you faggot. nobody says its a right of passage. stop putting wordsin other peoples mouths.
dark souls has no place in this argument but if youre going to bring it up, I personally think the devs can do whatever the fuck they want and the experience they created is fine as it is. if i paint a picture without blue, im not going to add blue because your crybaby ass wants a different color.
this isnt your place to argue. no all games need to be ebatable by everyone. thats why there are genres. if youre that bad at a game that doesnt have a difficulty, go use a cheat code program. its single player, nobody will know. I fucking used cheats to beat games when i was younger and went back when i was better at games as a while to do it right so you can too.
on that note youre a double faggot if you remotely think your opinion matters or that things HAVE to cater to you.
just watch the game on youtube or use cheat engine if the game is too hard for you
there's no reason to ruin the game for everyone just because it doesnt cater to you specifically
but no, it's all
>People complaining about Sekiro's difficulty when its actually slightly easier than Tenchu games.
Casuals being casuals like always. Imagine Sekiro with tank movement controls and after you die to a boss you're forced to start over a 20-30 minute mission all over again. Thats Tenchu.
Paid DLC easy mode for $59.99?
More like isukirios
That's not an explicit mode, and Sekiro has similar inbuilt dynamic difficulty tuning through items, grinding for skillpoints and money, exploration, stealth, the bell and NG+.
I would have preferred it so much more.
I laughed my ass off the first time one of those guys dive bombed me.
firstly, an arcadey game like bayonetta is a whole different beast to an open ended fromsoft exploration action game. you can't just put everything on easy automatic without drastically changing literally everything about how a player would experience the game. shit like deliberately making the player getting fucking wrekt by an enemy in a certain spot (while still allowing said enemy to be defeated) in order to urge the player to explore in other directions would no longer happen on easy mode. it changes the players entire experience.
retards who don't understand basics of game design shouldn't even be reviewers let alone allowed to tell other people how to make games. fuck off.
Problem with babby modes is usually the people who want babby modes.
With no babby mode, they'll complain about how hard it is and how they hate the game.
With a babby mode, they'll complain about how boring the game is and how barebones the "story" is, because the entire point of the game is playing it and they'll never play anything beyond babby mode.
its almost like it was...
shocking I know.
> if i paint a picture without blue, im not going to add blue because your crybaby ass wants a different color.
Yes, and if you make your picture look like someone vomitted on a stick figure, I'm going to criticize your retarded painting.
You're essentially saying that the creators of these games are all special snowflakes that must be protected from criticism at all costs.
Guess you're right though. DLC? Not allowed ti criticize it. Developers selling cheats? Nope, it's their game, their rules. Developers are allowed to create whatever experience they want, no critique allowed.
>>Cant grind for stats
You can grind to get better techniques and gold for upgrades/items.
>Easy mode should be paid DLC
THIS. I'd love to see how casuals would react.
DMC5 had the right idea. You can either git gud or you can buy revives. If these retards refuse to leave then at least they can serve as cash cows.
Ninja Gaiden black is harder
i'm ok with this
There's thousands of games that are harder. What's your point?
>be me
>play game
>don't use social media
>has a good time
>says it exactly yet still doesn't get it
That makes it an entirely different experience to playing it without cheats. Now apply that to a game which is strongly focused around delivering a certain experience through the mechanics provided, to the point the developers flat out state "We're doing it like this on purpose.".
Shhh, they haven't heard of it.
Also, what is even your point? Tons of games are harder. There are even games that are actually unfair to the player, the opposite of Sekiro. Why say this?
imagine if they actually allowed infinite revives but every revive after the regular allowed ones costs a buck
oh wait I'm describing Let It Die, aren't I
You dumb faggot. Games have done dynamic difficulty since RE4 and God Hand. The game experience literally changes on the fly depending on how good or bad you are. You shouldn't talk shit about game design if you're one of those faggots whose only experience with games is Souls shit.
Not only that, but you could still maintain the core experience by letting people get wrekt while allowing them the option to skip past shit like with an assist mode. They still get the core experience.
I want you to save a screenshot of this post, and read it again in 5 years. If you're not ashamed of what a goober you are, I want you to kill yourself.
dont put words in my mouth. game difficulties are a choice by the developer because they want to share a specific experience or feeling. nothing you said in that post was remotely what i was implying.
by the way i hate the difficulty curve of the game too. i actually dislike the game as a whole BUT GUESS WHAT. I decided to NOT bitch about it like a literal child and move on because there are LITERALLY MILLIONS of other games i can go play.
go be an absolute retard somewhere else.
A killer soundtrack absolutely pissed away on a shameless quarter eating treadmill.
You're right, all of those people that used the easier modes in God Hand ruined my KMS runs. I'm glad to be enlightened like you user. I can never enjoy my favorite games ever again because some filthy casual might've played it in a different way than I.
Kool Kid Klub points. You see they have knowledge of a harder game implying they like the harder game more because they are cooler and hard core. Basically they are presenting their erection and wish for you to touch it for them.
A cute little girl.
>nobody posted this yet
oh boy oh man
Um a complete aimlet who can barely hit a target in fps even with aimhelp but you dont see me bitching them to make fps easier or auto aim. What I do is I dont play them.
>Souls shit.
so you hate from software games and just want to ruin them for the people who like them
i don't really get this "Sekiro is harder than souls games" thing, when was this consensus reached?
i feel NEW people are more attracted to this game because graphically and story wise is much more accesible than any soulsborne games (where people still debate on what the fuck key plot points even mean), and that's what they feel they are restricted to access since they never played a game like this before
a friend who doesn't even play games outside of cellphone shit told me he never cared for the souls games, and that they looked "boring" , but "that Sekiro game does look interesting", and he was even asking me to lend him my PS4 so he could play it
i feel people like him (who would undoubtedly get his ass handed down to him HARD), are the ones complaining, i can't fathom anyone outside of trolls and falseflaggers who managed to complete a Souls game asking for an easy difficulty setting on Sekiro, i just can't
>muh arcade style linear action games
yeah im done talking to you
>i don't really get this "Sekiro is harder than souls games" thing
it's about the same difficulty
the difference is, that you cant just grind or summon help in sekiro
which is how these game journos got through the souls games
>implying it takes any time to make an easy mode
It's literally as simple as just make the player's health bigger and making their attacks do more damage.
Everyone arguing for an easy mode is someone who mostly plays games where they tack on gameplay as an afterthought.
Ask anyone why they enjoyed Naughty Dog games
>I liked the story
>I liked the setting
>I liked the cinematic feel
A difficulty setting would have 0 affect on any of these.
Ask anyone why they enjoyed From Soft games
>I liked finally being able to beat the boss
>I liked finally being able to get through an area
>I liked seeing how much better I became after beating the game
A difficulty setting would completely change all of these. Having a difficulty setting in From games would be like adding a "Story: on/off" option to The Last of Us.
Holy falseflagging deflection this is only a few circles above the hell those "paint it as accessibility to pretend we have morality on our side" bozos are tweeting from. Feel free to criticize all you want, but if all it amounts to is "This game purposefully designed to be hard is in fact hard" then good luck turning that into something worthwhile .
btw i still feel the hardest boss of them all is still Friede, and she isn't even optional (albeit DLC)
>i don't really get this "Sekiro is harder than souls games" thing, when was this consensus reached?
Shitters can't call for help anymore.
No, I love FromSoftware since I started playing the original Armored Core on the PS1.
I'm just tired of faggots who play the Souls games and act like they're some experienced expert gamers who will melt into cheeto puddles if anyone else dares gets close.
Such as dumb faggots like this.
Huh. So how hard is it compared to other meme "difficult" games like Super Meat Boy, I wanna be the boshy, or Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup?
Because I beat SMB and DCSS without much issue, but Boshy took me a good long while. Sonic walled me for a fucking week straight.
that makes more sense now, although now i can't imagine a journo cheesing through the game with 3 summons on each boss and then claiming it's a masterpiece (which many did)
>Having a difficulty setting in From games would be like adding a "Story: on/off" option to The Last of Us.
Except this would be a good thing and literally no one would complain. It would be a god send for speedrunners, so your analogy is shit, friend.
I'm convinced people think Sekiro is hard only because they skip all tutorials, miss the training guy and then try to play it like Souls
The execution is not difficult. The hardest part for most people is unlearning habits picked up in other games like Souls games where dodging is everything.
and that snow part in DaS2 with the electric horses
most zelda games dont have difficulties for a reason
most metroid games dont have difficulties for a reason
that reason is something these two series have something in common
do you know enough about videogames to figure out what that is?
of course you're allowed to criticize them
but the game being hard is not a flaw or a mistake
it's supposed to be hard
it's made for people who want hard games
it's not made for you
an anime tiddy game having anime tiddies is not a flaw or a mistake
just because you dont like anime tiddies, doesnt mean the devs should remove them just for you
the games are made for people who like anime tiddies
Do you honestly think Naughty Dog would include a story on/off option?
>It would be a god send for speedrunners
so would easy mode
go in from gunfort and snek attack her, then jump around in her face and hit her a bunch and run behind the rock to heal and repeat till she dies. Go bananas!
it's the absolute shitters that need to review the game for their blog but can't beat a single miniboss so get assblasted. they're used to playing every game on the easiest mode but can't for this one.
Just give the faggots a god mode button. Don't dress it up, don't call "cinematic mode" literally just have a menu called "cheat" and under it "god mode". Watch them bitch and moan, because their easy mode is being called for what it is, instead of dressed up so it doesn't injure their delicate egos.
Their only recourse is to admit that they were using the disabled as an excuse instead of just admitting they're shit at the game. So, of course, they double down.
Faggots here have complained about shit like 'artificial difficulty' since forever, so I don't know where all of you retards saying 'difficult games are not allowed to be criticized' came from. Reddit, perhaps?
that part still gives me conniptions
And a SMASH THE PATRIARCHY to you too, ya fucking journalist.
i literally suffered through that for 10 hours straight trying to beat it in the fucking company of champions
yes im autistic
This happens all the time
> 'this body type is offensive!'
> person with said body type comes out and shuts that shit down
> they ignore it
Here's a hard truth, guy: not everything is for everyone. Always has been that way, always will be that way, and that's okay. Stomping your feet and throwing a temper tantrum while pointing at another kid's toy only validates the opinion that there a things in life you need to be more mature about.
It's a generation of spookynfed manchild that has known no war and no misery, they've always got everything they ever wanted given to them on a plate and when they didn't they just learn that crying and biyching can "fix" the situation so it became their only response to shit not going their way. They're lazy babies in the bodies of adults and responsibilities are their worst nightmare
I hope one day you will actually read what's being said to you instead of spinning the strawman roulette. I can only assume you're doing it on purpose at this point and pity you. God Hand is, again, a different game with a different design intention.
... Huh?
How the heck is Dodging at all relevant in the souls series, the Souls series is about animation locking and positioning, making sure you can get in and do your own slow ass animation on the enemy guy and get back out before the enemy guy can finish his own animation.
I understand PvP might be different, but in PvE the Souls games are even slower paced than fucking Gothic 2 NotR.
Kill me Yosemite
>How the heck is Dodging at all relevant in the souls series
What should I spend my 6 lapis on?
First playthrough btw
hey thats not fair, i've suffered plenty (chronic illness + resulting pain) and responsibilities are still my worst nightmare
These are people that have been told yes all their lives and led to believe the world revolves around them. So of course when they come across a no they have a mental meltdown. It's because they're privileged
>How the heck is Dodging at all relevant in the souls series, the Souls series is about animation locking and positioning, making sure you can get in and do your own slow ass animation on the enemy guy and get back out before the enemy guy can finish his own animation.
I don't know how the fuck you got through any game made after DaS1 without having to roll a bunch in boss fights. Bloodborne is dodging: the game.
use it for enchantments
if youre not at level 30 yet then grind with a fishing idler
dodge rolling (abusing iframes) through sweeps and other attacks that you can't just strafe around for is much more effective than blocking
God Hand's intent was to make a game that was ball-bustingly difficult.
Can you explain how that design intention is different from Sekiro? If you're going to say Sekiro needs to be difficult, then I'm going to point at more difficult games that do have difficulty options.
Artificial difficulty refers to setbacks and penalties the player suffers which cannot be mitigated by the player's skill.
It is called this because it's not difficulty at all.
Yeah but you're not bitching about it on Twitter
i'm not complaining about the difficulty or anything but still feel a PVP arena with Sekiro combat would be awesome if properly balanced
>Getting victimized because a video game is hard.
Fucking get a grip, holy shit.
Then say -rolling- is important to the souls series, which it is.
It's one of your main arsenal of slow-ass animations which can counter the enemy's slow-ass animations.
But to me, a dodge implies some form of reaction or speed, rather than a premeditated response to an action you know is coming.
Artificial difficulty that you can predict happening after you experience it once is fine in my book.
Every game has cheat. Why don't you just cheat your way up in Sekiro by using cheat engine? It's not that hard.
Shurikens are probably the best pick. After that I'm honestly not sure but I'd probably go with axe, it's hard for me to say really since I feel the other versions of the axe, sabimaru and flame vent are all fine as is.
How would they even add an easy mode to Sekiro? Making deflects easier would make it boring and more hp would just prolong the inevitable.
If hey want to add new mode where you're strait up are the hunter from bloodborne and can dodge through attacks and gun parry, I'd play it, but messing with sekiro's main mechanics..... why bother playing it just watch it on youtube.
In this context dodging and rolling are synonymous; especially when you consider the maneuver itself is described as a dodge-roll.
Why should devs waste time on making an easy mode so that people that don't enjoy videogames can play it?
You can't call it a fucking dodge any more than you can consider waiting patiently at a red light to be dodging incoming vehicles. It's not a dodge. It's a premeditated use of iframes in response to a very obviously telegraphed incoming attack.
Wow, he tried real hard to be clever but came across as a dumb cunt.
>After dying X times, you're given an option to use a Plot Item which grants infinite revives until you beat the next boss
It's thematically connected to the game, allows players to chump parts of the game and not take away from the full experience.
>Enemies deal less damage/have less posture/take more damage
>Blocks automatically parry
Nobody cares that you misinterpreted something benign, bro. Don't flip out into a pedantic rant.
All these people wanting an easy mode just want to play the game because it's the hot new thing they can be a part of. They're not going to even remember this when the next hot game everyone is talking about is out.
Yes I'm sure the only consideration made during God Hand's entire development was "make hard". There is far far more to how games are built and intended to be played than you want to imply.
Also, some games aren't made for everyone. If you don't enjoy a game stop playing it, its not made for you
>it's not a dodge
>literally (figuratively) evereyone calls it a dodge
>including the game
Nice damage control
Incel filter when? Or better yet blanket perma bans for shitty bait posts when?
I like that casuals are unironically comparing themselves to mentally disabled people to try and help their argument.
even now deflects are broken as fuck, you can just keep L1 pressed and then mash it a few times once an attack seems to be coming your way, you'll get the parry in most situations and if not you shielded and avoided damage
people are just choking hard for not paying attention to the numerous tutorials the game throws at you
>It's not a dodge.
>It's a premeditated use of iframes in response to a very obviously telegraphed incoming attack.
Give me some games with dodges that don't have any i-frames whatsoever if you're really going to double-down on these semantics you've invented to cover your backpedaling ass.
Then the game is wrong because it isn't a dodge.
Like pottery
>I'm not wrong
>It's everyone else who is wrong!
>the maker of the game can beat his own game
That sounds like a real fast way to tear out all the interesting mechanics and advancements the game made.
Give it a rest.
the legend of zelda ocarina of time
sorry bro i had to do it
>Give me some games with dodges that don't have any i-frames whatsoever
The sonic the hedgehog series with the spindash.
Hollow knight before shade cloak.
Quake 3, with a well-timed jump.
DOOM in response to incoming rockets or the BFG's ball (though not its tracers)
The use of well-timed nitron on yourself in Tribes Ascend.
Literally any fucking game with movement mechanics and an attack that isn't hitscan, jesus christ.
This doesn't work for some later bosses, but you're right for a lot of the game. For some you need to get the real deflect or they break your posture.
I thought the thing with speedrunners is they beat the game as fast as possible in the hardest difficulty? Like, no one would actually watch a REmake speedrun in easy with infinite rocket launcher, but there would be lots who enjoy real survival mode with only knife/handgun.
Every game should have open, honest difficulty settings. I don't see the problem?
aLttP has more dodging than OOT because a great deal of what you do in OOT has startup and a laggy hitbox.
I can see now why people think Soulsfags are insufferable. You think your slowass wait-for-animations-to-finish-em-up is a game about dodging.
It obviously isn't.
good post
It's dodging. You're welcome to petition Mirrian-Webster to revise the English language if you want.
>Add an easy mode
>Can now roll through everything without learning the mechanics
>Reviews start calling the game shallow because they never had to utilize those mechanics
That's not to mention how difficulty can play into a setting's atmosphere. They seem to think the only way to improve a narrative is to make it more movie-like and the gameplay is some icky thing to be tolerated.
>I thought the thing with speedrunners is they beat the game as fast as possible in the hardest difficulty?
No? The goal is to beat the game in the fastest way possible. Difficulty doesn't mean shit at the speedrunning level because you have the game routed such that difficulty is almost meaningless.
At that point mistakes can be equally costly no matter what setting you're on.
Keep digging deeper, it's hilarious
sage and reported for viral, autistic piece of shit
That's sounds like making it into a very repetitive cgi anime.
I would sincerely like to re-start main boss fights without having to load and run back and click through the cut scene...
They know some of the fights are gonna take a long time to learn, it woulda been nice to just keep re-starting and stay in the zone mentally.
Different categories exist depending on difficulty if routing diverges or the clear times have a large discrepancy.
What makes this even funnier is the fact they turned "accessibility" into a buzzword years ago.
Guess they needed the extra help after all.
Oh, I got another one. Playing Team Fortress 2 with melee only. In that game, juking out of the way of enemy's attack is actually fucking possible because you aren't locked into a specific movement for half a second, and neither are they.
I'm not going to say "Souls lacks depth" because it doesn't. There's a surprising amount to its positioning and considering your enemy's threat area, which you obviously don't have in a TF2 maul. But in a TF2 maul you can dodge.
Sorry user, having to restart and go through the cutscene again is part of the developer's vision. It's designed to make the game harder.
>Keep digging deeper, it's hilarious
Said the faggot defending the use of premeditated iframes in response to a telegraphed attack as a dodge.
>avoid (someone or something) by a sudden quick movement.
Does this sound even remotely like Souls to you?
No it doesn't. If you believe in the dictionary, then you don't believe in Souls having a Dodge roll.
depends on the game
Kingdom Hearts 2FM for example has people speedrunning the game on Beginner and on Crit Lv1
>Does this sound even remotely like Souls to you?
>he doubles down on his retardation
>Nobody cares that you misinterpreted something benign, bro. Don't flip out into a pedantic rant.
Nice deflection, faggot.
Your game has bad terminology and I will call you on it. Eat shit.
Massive gringe
>said user, tripling down on his use of fucktarded terminology.
Well does it?
Maybe to your 30fps brain but to mine, not so much.
I can only pray for you user that you will visit a neurologist post haste because you must have a very severe brain conditions that requires immediate medical attention.
>Well does it?
How does it feel to be so massively autistic you can't admit you made a mistake?
t. Discord tranny
Your use of language gives you away.
>complains about being called a fucking idiot
>while reposting a video of someone proving that they're a fucking idiot
Oh the ironing.
Chicken and egg, I'd say.
>a mistake
It's not a mistake.
I'll admit I make a mistake when I'm actually making one.
When your game calls something a "dodge" when it's far too slow to be one, it's not a dodge, and it's wrong.
When your community calls it a dodge, then your community is wrong.
Fuck's sake, you idiots are the same problem I have with Dwarf Fortress when people think that just because something is common knowledge, that it has to be correct.
People as a group can be completely incorrect. Look at anyone who unironically believes that Climate Change is a problem.
>first journos were simply bad at video games
>then they were dumber then pigeons
>now they're literally worse than the disabled
this shit is just comical at this point
"Hard game make good game"
>uggh it's not a mistake lalala I can't hear you you're all wrong!!!11
At least they're not as bad as Soulsfags who think their roll counts as a dodge.
I'm pleased to hear that Sekiro doesn't have it, because it seems to be a massive crutch for shitters.
Good reply dumbass.
>Kirby Star Allies,
>t.didnt beat soul melter ex
status: filtered
Projecting hard.
If you're so right, then give one piece of evidence why your roll is a dodge, other than "Because I said so".
Go on. I'll wait.
Reminder that Miyazaki has addressed this shit and said literally "get good"
>He says that as Sekiro is different from Dark Souls, players may first find it to be difficult, but as they learn new ways of fighting and new tactics and get better, they should feel the pleasure of getting better,
>He did not make any concessions where he felt that he should not
american retards can fuck off
another discussion where there are valid points on both sides but ultimately none of it really matters because the discussion is instantly soured and dominated by bitter, angry people who want to use it as an excuse to feel righteous and superior.
>yes it's not a crime for people to be able to want to enjoy a game in any way they choose and the celeste solution (have an easy mode hidden away with a strongly-worded warning that this isn't the intended way to play but it's here if you're not enjoying the game) could work
>HOWEVER miyazaki has said before that the lack of difficulty options is a key part of the design, and that they want everybody to be on an even level so discussion is consistent amongst all players. IMO, this is actually really smart for a game like souls or Sekiro, as I rarely see a singleplayer game's actual gameplay discussed as passionately- because everyone is suffering through the same thing on their first run.
tl;dr there's something to lose and something to gain but ultimately the decision should be from's because they're the fucking developer.
What caused this recent surge of easy mode begging? Not like this was the first hard game from FromSoft.
Why do casuals insist on adding easy mode to games too hard for them? If you aren't going to put forth the effort in getting better at the game and just care about the story, just watch the cutscenes on YouTube. For people that enjoy these games, the enjoyment comes from overcoming the challenge, and the reward is progressing through the game/story. You easy mode babbies want the reward without earning it.
Inb4 some bullshit "if I paid for the game, I deserve to be able to go through the game with zero resistance/obstacles" response
Hopefully one of these concessions was removal of the apparently massively overrated iframe roll.
absolutely based
You mean dodging?
Sekiro doesn't have good combat. Yeah it has difficult combat, challenge combat, and at best satisfying combat. But it's not good. Ask anyone who's beaten the game, they aren't looking forward to getting back into it. All the other FROM games had pretty versatile replayability but not Sekiro. The combat is entirely about memorization so once you've completed the game, there isn't anything to return to. Enemies completely lose their bite once your muscle memory has "solved' their patterns. You could argue this is true for any real time action game but the thingin Sekiro is that this is HOW you do the combat. Enemy animations and hitboxes are done in such a way that its impossible to pure react to them. You have to watch and observe and memorize the timings. You have to take hits to confirm those timings because hitboxes and damage frames are almost completely unrelated to the enemy's animations. Once you've don all this, the boss isn't a challenge anymore. The game just isn't fun to come back to. Sekiro has all these mechanics that instantly go out the window in the second half of the game for some reason, including special tool counters and stealth. No one wants to go back to unengaging gameplay. The game was never meant to be a nuanced action game, its just a very long memory test.
>press the dodge roll button
>it dodge rolls
>but autistic poster still can't admit he's wrong
like every other modern controversy, it's identity politics and outrage farming. One side painting everyone as stomachless filthy casuals, one side painting everyone as immature, insecure elitists.
No, because it's not dodging.
Apparently people who were using it as a "dodge" got schooled hard by Sekiro though so at least they were told to git gud.
If a game's pull is its combat system then yeah, it being very difficult would make it more rewarding
The roll is a dodge. You use it to dodge.
demons souls, dark souls, bloodborne, sekiro
>Finally beat Isshin after six tries
>Never felt such a feeling of accomplishment and happiness from a game in a while
I pity the ones that aren't willing to put the bit of work in to get better at this game and would rather bitch. I only have 3 hours of vidya time and I was still able to get through this. Feels nice they won't ever experience my happiness.
You're conflating difficulty with challenge. Fighting max level CPUs in streetfighter is hard for a newbie but its hardly fun.
It rolls but it doesn't dodge.
I'll admit I'm wrong when I'm not absolutely correct.
To dodge means doing something quickly, reacting, in response to something incoming. The Souls roll is none of these.
Right, you're not a fag but like fucking guys. Got it.
there are SOME iframes on the sekiro dodge, but they clearly don't want you to rely on it over parrying, which is sort of the core of the game. It's kind of like MGR's dodge, you aren't expected to rely on it, it's just there when you occasionally need it.
The roll is iframes. You use it in premediated response to a well-telegraphed attack. It is not a dodge.
Try again. Or better yet, don't. Because you got fucking nothing, retard.
But thankfully all you dumbasses have managed to convince me that Souls is in no way difficult if you brain-stunted morons can't tell the difference between a dodge and a very deliberate use of movement mechanics, and still beat the game.
Have you tried getting good? Because you can't get good with your attitude.
>The Souls roll is none of these.
Based retard with absolutely no argument, you just keep going in circles
Why you capcom fags assume people who play souls games hasn't played anything else?
There are people who play it because they just unironically enjoy those games
If I worked at From Software, I would make an Easy Mode and patch it into the game.
In actuality, it would be exactly the same as normal mode but enemies would do 2% less damage.
"I made your easy mode. It is easier. You got what you asked for. I answer no further questions for you".
I need no argument because my argument is obvious.
It's not a dodge
It doesn't act like a dodge
It doesn't have the properties of a dodge
And I can't for the life of me figure out why you seem to think it's a dodge beside "Some other idiot also believes it for no reason".
What argument would convince you to look up a fucking dictionary and read the word "Dodge"?
I’m so glad Japan doesn’t care about the opinions how spoiled western idiots, literally get good or don’t play the game.
>souls games hasn't played anything else?
not true on Yea Forums but in the real world, this is absolutely true. Go on any discussion space about action games that aren't souls, you can clearly tell these people are only Souls campers. THey want features frm Souls games, they get angry at anything different from Souls. He isn't wrong to joke about that sort of thing.
The joke is that everything in the game 2 shots you no matter how many health upgrades you have
I see you've been BTFO but are trying to cope.
No, I won't let you.
You are wrong.
Your roll is not a dodge.
Eat shit.
It's been a long time since I've seen someone get so worked up over making such a meaningless mistake. It's just a dodge.
You are wrong.
I fucking know, half of these idiots think the roll is a dodge, like they don't even know what a dodge is.
It's not a fucking dodge.
Do you have one single goddamn reason why it would be a dodge? No, you don't.
And you're trying to deflect because you are getting blown the fuck out
"It's not a big deal"
... Well maybe it's not, but you're still fucking wrong.
>I need no argument because my argument is obvious.
ESL, I assume?
>It doesn't have the properties of a dodge
sub-70 IQ, I assume?
It's designed to be hard. Why can't these worthless shitheads respect the developers vision?
What makes them think they can say what the game does and doesn't need?
>It can’t be Jamal...
mfw it's actually Jamal
That was a parry
>It's not a fucking dodge.
It is. Even by the strictest of definitions. You're rolling to dodge an attack.
Got a chuckle out of me.
No, YOU are wrong.
t. retard who doesn't know what "Dodge" means
Probably ESLfag projecting.
Here's a hint: Look up the dictionary for dodge.
I'll do you a favor and do it for you.
Do you see the words Sudden and Quick?
Do you know what those words mean?
They mean you're a dumbass.
Just rolling is not a dodge in and of itself. If you want to dodge an attack, you have to dodge it. Rolling can accomplish this, but it may just as well get you killed if you're rolling into the enemy's sword.
So no, rolling is not a dodge unless you make it one.
I agree that it’s not a dodge. Most people would use it to not get hit physically while getting hit by the animation, rather than completely avoiding the animation altogether.
That perfectly describes the roll.
>Ask anyone why they enjoyed From Soft games
They'll tell you a lot of things that aren't specifically difficulty-related, ackshuhually. Many of them not far off from the nu-Naughty Dog example. And while many of them are contingent on the difficulty factor (tension and mortality contributing to atmosphere and narrative), it's still pretty damn different from the Battletoadsy shmup scenario you're alluding to.
In the context of the Souls games it is.
No, dodging is rapid. Souls rolls are not rapid.
Do they move the player? Yes.
Do they result in the player taking less damage, i.e. avoiding an attack? Yes.
Are they a dodge? N O .
Not with the Souls roll you won't. The roll in TES IV Oblivion has few enough startframes that you can dodge stuff with it though, as does Sonic's signature spindash which could be described as a roll. But not the souls one.
>it's not a dodge if you don't use it to dodge something
WOOOOW I guess Bayonetta also doesn't have a dodge, eh?
So your definition of a dodge involves moving faster than a human body can therefore no human is capable of dodging something.
>That perfectly describes the roll.
Ok retard.
Do you see this word?
It's "quick".
Have you heard of it before?
t. I get all my knowledge from anime and don't understand language is plastic
hello I'm Charlotte and I can't play Sekiro because evil misogynistic racists from Yea Forums prevent from software from adding easy mode
please think about little disable children
Rolls are pretty quick in Souls games otherwise they're not very effective at avoiding damage. Dodging damage is the point.
Not if they're as animation-locked as the Souls games are.
Pretty sure you could dodge something IRL though since IRL doesn't have a quarter second of startup.
t. can't admit he's wrong and that his use of language is incorrect.
I don't give a shit if there's an easy mode, I just won't play it. I do give a shit if the game is already released the way it was meant to be played, and faggots are bitching and moaning at devs to waste resources to completely re-balance the game just because they refuse to learn the mechanics and practice.
Aris is legit good at the game; he caught on really quick, for a stoner.
>Rolls are pretty quick in Souls games
Are you fucking serious?
Laughing at your delusion.
How fucking slow do you live your life where you think the fucking Souls roll is quick?
Difficulty in a game is part of the design, which makes it part of the artistry. It's the dev's choice as to how it should be handled, same as art direction or sound design. Demanding it be changed is tantamount to trying to wrest control of the art from the artist, which is simply unacceptable.
This is an incorrect and microscopic interpretation of a word. You dodge in Souls games. Dodging and rolling are synonymous in the context of avoiding damage because it's the fastest form of movement you can employ to avoid damage on short notice.
>use of language is incorrect.
there is no such thing
The rolls in Souls games roll faster than most humans ever could, and you acknowledge that human beings are capable of dodging things, so by your own admission even if the rolls were slower in Souls games it would still be quick enough to qualify.
And here we can see that the retard has never actually played the games he talks about
>You dodge in Souls games.
Yes, but not with the roll. You can dodge the Anor Londo archers by moving out of the way of their arrows, as movement is fast enough in the game for you to do that.
> it's the fastest form of movement you can employ to avoid damage on short notice.
It isn't, assuming you currently aren't animation-locked. That'd be sprinting. Sprinting doesn't carry iframes with it though.
Can confirm, the games are just too slow paced for me.
I like having the hard mode only because i can't cheat as much.
Euros were the ones originally pushing for the epic cinematic story experience for everyone meme while us Yanks were still putting out based arena shooters.
The real reason is so when someone finally beats the boss they can have a nice video with all cut scenes as if they aced it 1st try.
>tries to talk about things he literally doesn't understand
Yes there is, and you're doing it.
>The rolls in Souls games roll faster than most humans ever could
Not with that startup. The problem with Souls is animation locking. Were you capable of a sudden burst of speed in a direction, that WOULD be useful for dodging, but you aren't.
Do you not know how slowly the dodge comes out in Souls?
Don't you just love how every once in a while a single topic spreads like wildfire across all 'news' outlets and verified twitters? Yeah I'm sure all those people just happened to have the same idea at the same time.
>You can dodge the Anor Londo archers by moving out of the way of their arrows
This is slower movement than rolling.
>It isn't, assuming you currently aren't animation-locked. That'd be sprinting. Sprinting doesn't carry iframes with it though.
You'll notice I appended my statement with on short notice. Sprinting takes more time to start up and is only covers more distance than rolling in the same amount of time after about a second and then surpasses rolling in speed.
>he says, clearly not understanding what the word "quick" means
>Not with that startup
I thought autistic people usually have high IQ, but I guess you're the exception, huh.
Then I shall clarify.
Within 200 milliseconds or 6 """frames""" (aka 12 actual frames).
OK. I think I understand what the problem is. You must be playing Souls games on a television with horrific input delay. It's dodging.
The retard journos whining about easy mode and gamergate or whatever seem to be american
I wish all video game devs and journos outside of japan would just die
The REAL question is, what does anyone get out of giving feminists and video game "journalists" an easy mode?
They aren't going to play the game anyway.
I do have high IQ. Have you considered that you're probably wrong and also a moron that can't tell the difference in speeds of things?
Nah, if you were playing on hardware that bad I could understand why you'd think the dodges are quick.
This entire thread must be fucking console plebs with wireless controllers or someshit.
On actual hardware, that shit's slower than RTS micro.
... can RTS micro be considered dodging? I'm not sure.
Which is still faster than sprinting within the same amount of frames. You've painted yourself into a corner by claiming you can dodge things by jogging out of the way but can't dodge things by rolling. You've chosen a really stupid hill to die on.
>I could understand why you'd think the dodges are quick.
You just called it dodging.
Because you can't. Your roll hitbox doesn't move out of the way but your running hitbox does.
Wait, CAN you move out of the way of arrows within 6 frames with a roll? I guess you probably could, so it is hypothetically useful as a dodge then. huh.
>I do have high IQ
Here we fucking go again
I guess you're right. In that specific situation the roll IS useful as a dodge.
It's not used as a dodge most of the time though. Most of the time it's a premeditated use of iframes.
>how to completely and utterly destroy your image in one single tweet
>elitist "git gud" mentality
jesus fucking christ it's not limited to real life... this type of behaviour is spreading. Fuck this gay earth, reset it all
I have considered the fact that you are literally, not figuratively, retarded.
The roll has no startup. ZERO. The moment the game registers the input, the character starts the roll animation gets iframes. The only "startup" is hardware input delay, which is inherent to all videogames
Well it's higher than people who think the roll is a dodge when it's used on a telegraphed attack.
>The roll has no startup. ZERO. The moment the game registers the input, the character starts the roll animation gets iframes
You haven't actually played the games, have you.
Which is why people call it a dodge-roll. You can dodge without rolling, and you can roll without dodging, but in the context of what is useful in Souls games you will roll to dodge attacks. Trying to discriminate it as premeditated use of iframes is unnecessary because it's indistinguishable from dodging. There's not a more common usage of the concept of dodging in Souls games to merit a distinction between dodging like that, and dodging with rolls. If that were the case then people would be using two different terms, but like I said in the context of Souls games rolling and dodging are synonymous. They're used interchangeably.
Hey, Lords of the Fallen was pretty unforgiving too. I don't remember anyone whining for an easy mode for that. though.
What gives? Shouldn't it be accessible for everyone?
do you at least agree that bloodborne actually has dodges?
it seems your problem is with the animations
good taste
Easy mode is already in the game. I would reckon they flip-flopped between adding 50% damage bleed on blocks versus 100% and decided to add it to NG+ as a compromise. When you add the Bell Demon and Kuro's charm, that's probably close to what they designed as "hard mode" for Sekiro.
Not him but i-frames occur at the beginning of rolling animations and drop off. There is much less delay than you are trying to make it seem. Which is why someone said you're probably playing with a ton of input delay.
No one ever got clicks or attention from writing about Lords of the Fallen.
Twitter is a shoutbox for everyone
And retards bait people in pointless discussions
I'll give you that Bloodborne has Parries and Ripostes. Those DO come out fast enough to be used as a reaction.
Dodges ... actually I haven't seen those yet but mostly because I haven't played the game, only watched videos. I did like seeing how fast the ripostes came out though.
what movie dis?
You have no argument so you pretend to know things that you have no idea about and when confronted with truth you actually lie and pretend you're right
Ah. Well the thing is I'm not actually playing Souls games at all.
Just know what I do from watching some videos.
I thought you still got hit in the first 3 frames of starting the roll.
Cabin in the woods
Yeah, whatever. Your game is shit anyway, that's why I don't play it.
And it's still not a dodge if you're using it on a telegraphed attack.
>tfw beat the game on NG+ with Bell Demon & No Kuro's Charm and can laugh at all these shitters
Feels so good
Why do journos call for an "easy mode" when what they want is actually the kind of "story mode" that most onions-sipping, simpering nutless indie faggots include these days where you get an option to skip past combat or "difficult" sections of a game?
Why can't they just be honest, fall to their knees and admit that they suck so badly that they need special help?
Clearly, the non-bitch approach would be to just watch a playthrough on Youtube and save yourself some money, but I can at least understand their plight. They want to play the game everyone's talking about but they're utter and total human shit at it in every way, so either they have to admit that or nag the developers by pretending they give a shit about the disabled.
And these people are not known for ever admitting defeat or that they're wrong.
Hey, I'm not gonna let Not Playing a game prevent me from criticising it.
Wow! It's almost like you can easily do that on pc with cheats.
They're progressives, their entire existence revolves around avoiding responsibility and taking the easy way out. This is to be expected.
>w-whatever, s-so what if I'm completely wrong and all of this autistic rambling has been for literally nothing
>b-btw ur gaem sux lol
You amuse me
I bet those disabled people are still better than game journalists
You're not criticizing the game. You're trying to argue the definition of a word because English is not your first language.
Wouldn't be surprised.
>Why can't they just be honest, fall to their knees and admit that they suck so badly that they need special help?
They do.
They are.
They're asking in their own langauge with you can't translate to English.
But what you need to know is that Journalists have no word for "I" or "Me". Everything they do refers to groups. That is how the marxist thinks.
It is my first language. But apparently the Souls community has a different definition of "Dodge" and "Quick" to me.
Have you considered that you might simply be using English without really understanding it?
I imagine I would play like this if I was using a controller and also only being able to play with one of my palms and no fingers.
I amuse me too.
Considering supporting the use of an easy mode for Sekiro now though just because fuck Souls fans desu.
Let's close our eyes for a moment and imagine a world without gaming journalism.
>he's still going despite getting absolutely BTFO
>fuck the shitty elitist "git gud" mentality.
So...no argument? Nice.
post the video user i wanna watch it again
You're not being attacked by the Souls community. You're being mocked by people who know what words mean. According to you moving out of the way of an arrow you know is coming because you can clearly see it coming is dodging, but rolling out of the way of an attack that started a split second before you can react to it is not dodging. You contradicted yourself because you tried to make up a completely new definition for a word. Even in the middle of an argument you described what was happening as a dodge because you acknowledge it's a dodge. This exposes your entire argument as an effort to hide the fact that your first response acting like Souls games don't have dodging was just a mistake.
The games boring as fuck without the challenge. I'd rather they refine the one experience they wanted to create rather than spend valuable developer time and resources creating an easy mode they need to have meet a certain standard for people who can just activate a trainer or fuck off and buy a different game
How hard is Orphan of Kos? I beat Sekiro and Orphan looks harder than anything in this game.
nigga you lie
He's fine. Just learn his patterns.
It's just the "would somebody please think of the children" custom tailored to this situation.
A large number of femsoi entitled leftists are trying to use disabled people to strenthen their view, but in fact it is just that they want to play the game without having to invest the effort needed to get good at it.
When that backfired, now they can only cuss in frustration.
>Yea Forums falling for clickbait
>implying journies give a fucking shit about easy mode or video games
>moving out of the way of an arrow you know is coming
Wouldn't that be close to impossible, considering the velocity of an arrow in flight fired at a distance close enough for the target to see it?
Assuming of course you're talking about a hankyū bow where the arrow is fired in a straight line, rather than a daikyū relying on gravity to fly a considerable distance before curving downwards to find its target.
gonna cry faggot? gonna cry little bitch? nobody cares about you
If you can beat Ludwig, you can beat Orphan of Kos.
The arrows in Dark Souls games do not move as fast as arrows in real life which is why that example is so heinously inaccurate to use for an argument about what is quick or not. You are wrong. On all fronts. About everything. You can dodge in Souls games. Full stop.
>demon's souls has an easy mode
>game never gets a following
>series never takes off
>From dies cause they got nothing else going
eat the shit out of my ass
>You are wrong. On all fronts. About everything.
I was just asking a question out of curiosity, I don't think I am who you think I am.
But okay.
Are you stupid? The fact that you're rolling to avoid an attack/taking damage is a dodge in and of itself. Souls series and blood borne are notorious for dodging like this.
How is this even a defensible argument?
I am pretty sure injecting Japanese words is meant to indicate its a joke, much as how when talking about velocity, one suddenly mentions the flightspeed of an unladen sparrow.
Silly question to ask if you've played a Souls game. Considering the person I'm talking to is claiming they've never played a Souls game and I'm talking specifically to them and you didn't stipulate you were someone else you can forgive me for treating you as if you are him.
How did twitter become what it is today? I mean, we're reaching the level of youtube comments on a Fox News video. Is the character limit per tweet really so mentally stunting?
He's referring to the style of bow which is not only accurate but proper in the context of his post.
This is the most manufactured bullshit controversy. It's not like FROM is ever going to listen to these entitled crybabies, so who really cares? Let them stamp their feet and cry on twitter. Twitter is complete fucking shit full of this nonsense anyway and not even a fraction of a percent of it matters to nip devs, especially if it's coming from westerners.
You say that but Sekiro's complexity and replayability have been neutered compared to Souls games and Bloodborne.
>if you've played a Souls game
I haven't, they don't interest me. I'm only in this thread because I think video game journalism is a joke position populated exclusively by whiny faggots who couldn't get actual jobs and even though souls games have no appeal to me, I don't want them to be dumbed down and ruin what makes them special for the benefit of a group of entitled, elitist aids clowns with pink sidecuts and ear gauges.
Which has absolutely nothing to do with these fags on twitter. If their crying about the dificulty has any effect at all back around DaS2's release we wouldn't be having the chimpout happening right now.
I didn't need a blogpost.
I'm almost certain there wasn't a pathetic outcry to lower the difficulty of DS2 by literal whos on twitter at the time.
Who was your biggest teacher that made you click? for me it was
Hanbei and Isshin for bad ending. Having to practice dying with that old fart made me realize you really just need to master the sword to deal with most of the game, no need for shinobi tools
Too bad, no takie-backsies.
It's quite simple. People that are literally too dumb to play videogames have to blame everyone but themself for thier lack of skills and effort. Mostly entitled hipsters that don't get the concept that you need to put effort in something to get results. I blame the "everyone gets a prize" mentality that people used and are still using to grow their children.
And the misunderstanding has never been cleared up because they don't WANT to get it/
It wasn't as bad, but there were a few dumb clickbait articles written about it being too hard. This is the same shit, only by literal who's on twitter under the guise of "whattabout them cripples tho"
Technically it does, since the demon bell exists to make things harder if you so choose.
Also relinquishing Kuro's charm.
>Shadows die Twice
What did From mean by this?
Is it an allegory for shinobi losing their honor, which is considered as good as dying, and then dying a second time when they eventually make a mistake?
Do you guys beat Sekiro yet?
The clock is ticking until Activision forces From to add an easy mode for more money.
I haven't read to the end of this hilarity yet but I do want to say that there is an inbuilt delay to the roll because it starts when you let go of the button as opposed to when you press it, likely done because it's the sprint button.
The two minibosses that appear when you return to the tutorial area, everything after them was easy (except Sword-spear-gun Saint Isshin)
Everybody is already playing on easy mode.
Kuro's Charm
Not ringing the bell.
You won't see a game journalist complaining how hard the newest RTS game is or how hard it is to learn Hearts of Iron 3, that's for sure.
>Tfw an oldfag and still beating the game
Spoonfed zoomers got exposed! They just suck ass and NEVER had a challenge.
>Using Twitter for anything except 2D porn
Well this game is the BIG MAINSTREAM TITLE right now, like Red Dead Redemption 2 was a few months ago and now completely forgotten.
The only way to deal with these SJW cumguzzlers is ignoring them until they lose interest like the dumb animals they are.
Doesn't seem like it would be a good PR move to add an easy mode considering most people know Fromsoft to be the "they make hard games" company.
Who even wants an easy mode aside from journalists, aka the type of people who get stuck on the fucking cuphead tutorial?
get good faggot
Hot damn and I almost missed this post too.
Pretty much exactly what me and a few friends were discussing earlier. It's all in the culture clash, the info war.
Japan just won't kowtow to their post-post-modernist horseshit and refuses to utterly deconstruct its society the same way the West is.
Yep, say what you want about Souls games being hard or not, people DO play them for the difficulty. Some people want to brag beating the game, known for it's difficulty, with a level 1 character. I don't understand how we got into this mess in first place, inclusivity has nothing to do with game difficulty, and retarded journalists hiding behind disabled people should probably use this time to learn the game instead of whining like a baby.
I guess that's how you get to be a game journalist in the first place, never learn from your mistakes and never try to improve and here you are, writing about games for a living.
This is where everything should have ended. This is the will of the director as an artist. If you don't agree with that, then don't play the fucking game.
Yea Forums as we knew it is over, friend.
What do Game Journies and Yea Forums have both something in common?
They hate video games
Well, you're not wrong. We just disagree with them on the reasons why.
twitter is starting to ban that too
At least OP didn't link to these. (yet)