UNIST Thread

Challenge all that you see

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eating 2 pounds of chicken wings. spider will be on after

Pass is vee.
I was feeling myself earlier in some pub lobbies
Know your CVO routes lads

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turns out i don't have a circle gate so i tried switching back to the square gate. hated it so back to octo gate!

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I just don't understand how I can possibly have a way better connection with someone in california

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I was able to get some studying in while watching a stream of a a dude named Dyrus who had a Linne in his lobby doing some pretty neat stuff.

Here's hoping I can pull from that and perform some of it tonight!

Never get xfinity or else you end up like me

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>Dyrus plays [st]
I always wonder what washed up league of legends players do after their "career". That is, if I'm thinking of the same dyrus. Was he monotonous as fuck?

Well, that was the worst connection we've had in a while.
It hasn't been too bad after I moved and ended up getting COmcast. Then again, my old internet was Spectrum and we all know how that works for atic. Maybe I'm just lucky in the northeast.

At certain points I suppose. I mean it could be the same guy. He had around 850 viewers. Also if it comes back to me, feel free to skip me as I gotta run an errand, sorry for not skipping in time!

yeah, it's the same guy

Last I heard he was shilling some mobage.
Was he any good?

been there, done that

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pretty decent eltnum
magnets was in the same lobby and he didn't get stomped
was actually even at some points i think

>tfw xfinity is the only provider in your area
spectrum pls come to suburbs

kw: pclobby

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He had red square as Eltnum. I'd say he's better than me for sure. I also saw another player who I believe to be a pro player "Magnets" in his lobby as well so I figured he's well versed in the community.

Oh yeah, magnets is a pretty famous eltnum player from the midwest, cause I'm pretty sure Indiana counts.
Despite the man's skill I keep killing him in irl team tourneys. Optimal combos but he's got a ton of gaps in his strings.

anyone mind if I stream this on youtube? I'd like a little archive I could go back to to watch like the playstation guys have

Do it so I can trashtalk every Hilda player.

sure itll be nice to rewatch my stuff again see how why im messing up

I don't think anyone's going to care, if they do, you'll know soon.

Oh god, this next match will be a shitshow in terms of lag if it's this bad with me already.

How do I into Linne

tk kuuga

She's a child that's illegal.

tk kuuga and 214xx (my goto is BC).

why eltnum round 1 win pose make my pp hard

She's an attractive girl of breeding age so that's a pretty logical reaction to seeing her.

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i'll be back in like an hour pc, friend wants to play other game with me

I think I burnt too much thinking power practicing today, nothing a few drinks wont fix

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Darn, forgot I had grid. That would've gotten me the B hien setup right there too. A shame!

Cool Vat combo. Gonna see if I can do it in the PC lobby.

I know her specials I mean what's her strat? How do I play her? Her A is pretty short. She's fast but I can't really screw around with roll too much to close gaps or change sides because it gets caught easily. Dive kick hasn't really been working for me to get in either. Does she have a good blockstring I can spam? I can zone a bit with tk kuuga and normal charge kuuga I suppose, but what do I pressure with?

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hopefully this works

She's a grappler masquerading as a shoto-ish rushdown character.

shit i don't think it worked

Literally check people with your A and B buttons because her speed is insane and her recovery is pretty decent.
You pressure with long poking range 2C and convert stray hits into 63214A and generally making use of TK kuuga plus frames to just get up in people's faces to mash A on their faces and maybe tick throw them.
2B is godlike at poking out of pressure too. I'll let the Linne main actually give more advice though.

2B is a fast starter to work with.

Also, if TK kuuga gets in, you have a chance to either use 5C if you're within range, 66B/66C if you have the time, or use hien to close the distance and start your standard combo route. of 5B into air combo (or if you wanna mix up you can go for different things from the ground).

At least that's my approach to it as of late (though most of the time I fall back on 2B/2C into 214x into air stuff).

In the corner against Wagner huh?

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Who are you playing
She gets pretty predictable unless they're reverse-beating really well.

Just eat the throw

For longer range characters, threaten them by dash blocking until they get into the corner, then make use of her speed to mix in grabs, assaults and short blockstrings. Abuse air and TK Kuuga in the corner. Midscreen too for the few matchups like against Hyde and Wagner that you can get away with it.
Also this.

Goddamn what are those combos

so sloppy

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Oh and 66B is pretty nifty.

>Knew the throw was coming
>Tech early and get a shield instead
I'm cry

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I know this feel.

One of the worst feelings.

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Nerf yuzu

As Akatsuki, how do I make sure I do dash 5b after 6c instead of 66b? Do I just mash dash or is there a proper window to buffer?

did you dash cancel that throw? that was from downtown lmao

Akatsuki has step-dash instead of run but the way I get around that is just inputting back or down before I press a button to make sure I'm out of my running animation.

>that crouch staredown into throw
Did not expect that one!

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By the way, park. My dropkick is minus unless I hit your shins. I get a lot out of it since you don't mash, but you can punish me pretty easily.
Misinputting the OS is the worst.

it's only minus 3 though, I checked since every time I try to contest you I just get TRM'd or GRD broken

I've punished Linne divekick plenty of times. Phonon's 2A is 5 frames just like Hyde's so it's entirely possible

>another blue sqaure

Now fight to the death

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My inputs just aren't clean tonight. good match either way Seijaku. I'm so used to Merk's constant aggression at this point, it's weird to play another MErkava.

I'm moving sloooow tonight, I checked my reactions and I'm like 50 ms behind my usual average

thanks I'll try it out

If not for CS I would've certainly eaten that one.

Can't find the lobby on PS, so I made a second one. Come join

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Almost really cool, reflect into lizard uppercut.

Ye it's full

Ggs I'm dropping everything myself tonight. Yeah Merk and I play the character quite differently

>that Ex Mujin combo
You can follow that up in the corner with A kuuga, by the way. Not sure if it would've dropped though. It's actually something you'll never use so pretty much just ignore those last sentences.

>give advice
>take it back at the last second

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Head sort of hurts, I'm gonna take a skip break while you guys fight it out.

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Do you mean A TK kuuga?

I'll join up with ya after 1 more go in lobby 1.

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Just to clarify, I mean punish my greediness. I can just block, but if you let me, I'll just keep my turn after the dropkick.
Yeah. A TK Kuuga. The problem is that outside of rare punishes where 2b won't reach, you shouldn't be using EX Mujin in any combos once you start optimizing.

I think it's over for me guys, I might be getting old

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Now's a good time to practice TK kuuga combo connections I guess then.

Don't know how many people here play on stick or even if anyone would care but I got some of those mechanical switch pushbuttons in the mail today. Picked up two kinds of switches with them, a linear and a tactile set.

I just tried out the linear switches and while at first I was surprised at how they were almost completely silent compared to a mech keyboard with the same switches they also didn't feel great to use as fight stick buttons. I have three unused buttons on my stick with the blue switches in them and they feel a lot better, I'll have to swap the full set in and see if that makes it better.

Please subscribe to my blog for more :^)

It's good to practice it a little just to drill it in as an option, but don't spend too much time on it.

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>16.5 frames
The average overhead in UNI is over 24 frames, don't give up just yet grandpa

I get how the laser portion works but I don't think I'll understand the ender unless I actually practice it.

well that was a fucking pain in the ass to set up
actual pc lobby stream/archive right here

Subbed. Is it the gamerfinger buttons? My buttons seemingly work fine, and I can't conceive of the benefits being that big even if I got ones that I liked better. Maybe you'll find some magic buttons work better for you.

This has got to be a placebo.

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oh no, you too. I'm usually hovering between 210 and 230 on an average day but I have a feeling that all the hit confirm drills and special canceling to cover assault out for pressure took its toll

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I wish Gathers Under Night had that little tune in the latter half of Actor's Anteroom.

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>that lobby name
nice, shame the new league is disappointing though

>actors anteroom
best choice in music

My reaction time sped back up after I started playing with you guys last summer. Used to be at 300 ms. Still can barely react to overheads for shit though.

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I replaced ~4 songs with melty music
hope that's fine

Though not optimized, I really like those corner combos you're pulling off, Sai.

Yeah, they're Gamerfinger buttons. They're a novel concept and weirdly while I wouldn't say they're a straight upgrade to Sanwas or Hori's Hayabusas they do make for some nice silent buttons which I wasn't expecting. The ability to change the switches inside of them pretty easily to fit your preferences is also pretty cool.

I didn't really need replacements or anything I just like collecting gear and customizing fight sticks, figured I'd give them a shot.

I hate vatista so god damn much

looks like Melk's vat has leveled up a ton since the last time I played it

Yeah, I was surprised to be able to get 3.8k off that one combo myself earlier.

That being said, I'll go ahead and join up lobby 2 now and see how I fair there.

GGs all in lobby 1, maybe I'll be back later!

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How can you hate BA BA BA BA?

Does anything in this game ever just seem complicated for complicateds sake?

That image gives me cancer

Ggs lads I'm done for the night

Not really

wew not my best showing tonight. ggs PC lobby gotta wake up early tomorrow. Thanks for the quick games

I definitely wore myself out, maybe I'll just play my fake linne and take it easy tonight

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Looks like Lady Lucky is on my side tonight.

Managed to get 3 wins pretty early on in the other lobby and just got it in Lobby 2 as well.

Also it's been awhile since we played but I can already see lots of improvements in your play, Mage.

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I might consider trying them out at some point based on that. I've been using the silent Sanwas so I don't wake up my roommate, but they're literally just normal Sanwas with some foam padding.

All thanks to you guys.

ok gg pc bros

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i keep doing 214 C instead of just C ruining my combo

Those chicken wings took you a while, sean

I actually have no idea why that VO setup didn't work

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had to practice some melty combos

Please change your meme color will, everyone else has nice looking palettes.

Why do I keep dropping my CVO ender damn it

Fuck. forgot to save that last match. Wanted to figure out how to confirm off the weird starter I got near the end.

Clip videos with the PS share function thing.

I'm not a pancake!!!

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he's back

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Be sure not to reply
Be sure to report and ignore

Whoops, thought that was 3

That was a sexy-ass roll

Is my cool pancake friend trying to get some fun matches!

Okay, that was satisfying to finally get you in your own super trap business lamp. Well played hahaha.

How do you even throw people in this game it works like 1/3rd of the time or less for me.

Try to be sneaky in how you approach the throw.

Haven't been here in a bit, explain this probable cancer.

Don't encourage this

You have to condition them. These days I run up 5A more than I throw. You can also stop your blockstring as weird places, though I try not to abuse it in netplay too much. This is as Linne, though.

Some autist from discord that somehow found out about this place. Literally cannot type a post without a bunch of !!!! and his shitty avatar. His Seth is good but fuck me he's annoying

Lag spike right in the midddle of my confirm.......


>try to 66b hippie's wakeup
>get j.b
I'll have to see my labors in training mode come to fruition another day, I don't think playing any more tonight will help me
ggs and have a nice weekend as always
if anyone wants to play a set during the afternoon sometime this weekend, (you) me and I'll see it when I wake up

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I-I dont wanna fight melk anymore

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Don't do it Reisen!

You're gonna drink your milk and like it.

We need to limit his bullying by letting him only play twice

I definitely was getting greedy with dashback bait there haha. nice match there Lamp.

That fucking j2C whiff into grab should have come out
But I just stood there

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>6f with hippie again

It's cool my man. Just let me know and I'll skip you.

it's all good, just getting frustrated fucking up my combos and not dashblocking

Well that didn't go well.

Jesus christ, dia

>try to style with IWEXS
>nearly die
I'll remember not to do that again.

Never assume you're close enough.
CVO pop-up lasts for-fucking-ever, run up to their bodies and let it loose.

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That 623A > CS was really nice Sai

Nice double player timeout.

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Playing against guys like qwill force me to do things out of my element it seems. Felt pretty satisfying to cancel out of that!

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>7 dps in one round

No matter how many times I see it, Wagner's charged shield does not look like an overhead. Literally unblockable.

The chad Hyde vs the virgin Robot.

i was surprised that dp missed me for sure

Flame Tyrant is a cool ass alias

aight, its 2 am so ggs pc bois

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It doubles as her ability's name.

what song is on the pc lobby stream

nevermind its the melty blood opening

Did we get any good UNIST news in the past 2 weeks

There hasn't been news since EVO announcement, which wasn't even made by them so there literally hasn't been anything since like November.

GGs PC. Wasn't watching the clock. Gotta head to bed

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>2 down to the wire rounds
Whew lad.

>swamp lag starts to stabilize after Mika IWEX

Is it a sign? Sorry about that Quil, hahaha.

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Everyone's starting to drop their spaghetti now... real unreal hours.

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Eating a doughnut this late probably isn't a good idea.

Use your CS wisely people. Read a reminder

>woke up at 2AM

That 3DD note should be taught in schools.

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I think the tutorial covers too IIRC

actually ill try to catch one more with hippie before i go

If it's just one I'm sure you'll be fine.

It probably does. I need an excuse to look back over it anyways, it's been too long for me.

you have failed me hippie

GGs all

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I know., uncle andross

Man, just a little extra delay fucks my ability to input so much


The light blue finally happened. Nowhere to go but up now.

We have one other guy stuck in light blue hell, it's finally time.

Also, it's around that time so I'll let you two have the last bout.

>send you to light blue
>still stuck in solid blue myself
Truly suffering.

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GGs everyone, see ya sunday

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Approaching critical drop levels, I don't know what the FUCK buttons are.

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If you want, I can host some more. GGs Lobby 2!

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Yeah that surprised me too. The rando green that dropped me into blue ranked up when he beat me.

ggs to the two of you. Sai, your pressure is good, but you really need to work on baiting reversals

And now I've got one set up. Can go for alittle longer if anyone's interested. otherwise I hope everyone enjoys their night.

Pass is vee!

Well, guess I'll see all of you later. Glad I got those matches near the end of lobby 1 so I got practice before spending both Saturday and Sunday at locals.
Might take a week break next week if I don't have anything specific I want to practice though. see you guys whenever next time may be.

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ggs everyone, I just realized I forgot to use my new DS4 for some reason.

I'm also getting a new cable this weekend so if I can find the time to do the daily training room execution drills I was planning I should hopefully get more consistent. This month looks really busy though.

Yeah, I definitely would like to learn better pressure on opponent's wake-up as I kept eating DPs all night. Seems like you've stepped up quite abit on the pressure yourself in my opinion too.

Let's go for a FT5 if nobody else jumps in.

Sounds like a plan.

ggs pc lobby

least it ended on a win, even if it was a fluke

Time to STOP PC friends.

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GG's pc lobby.

hydes tiny hands in his victory pose bother me for some reason

Show me your hands right now.

A lot of art in this game has kind of fucked up proportions.

Like look at Yuzus weird cone legs. It's like they taper off into points.

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I think that went pretty well overall besides slip-ups in the end. GGs Dia and thanks for the FT5!

Looking forward to our next bouts!

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ggs Sai. You've improved ridiculously. I guess those lobbies have been doing you good.
Just minor comments. Throw in some staggers once in a while. Your A buttons into C buttons are natural staggers, and your B buttons can stagger if you delay a bit. I was mashing OS because I was feeling lazy and got away with it. Also, use DP on wakeup every once in a while. You need to show it to make your opponent cut down on offense. Otherwise we'll just keep meatying you for free. Works especially for me who's deathly afraid of a reversal on wakeup half the time.

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Are combos long in this game? Does it have contant 50/50s into long combos + oki?


Show them you fucking coward.

most are like >10 seconds long but yeah

Kinda yes to yes for the first depending on the character. No to the second.

I appreciate the tips. I'll try to integrate more stagger pressure into my game plan for sure. DPs on wakeup is also gonna be something I'll practice too (since 99% of the time I flub the input from there and usually use it with just CS since it feels more comfortable to use there).


meant ~10 seconds

Don't worry. It comes with practice, especially in netplay delay. Maybe focus on trying it when you get hard knocked down since it's easier then. If you see me constantly get hit and die from near full health in the corner, I'm probably messing up my DP motion several times in a row.

god the combos in this game used to be atrociously long
i hate linne

>Hyde fit TWO IWs into one combo
jesus christ

>corner to corner to corner
Do you think they knew they signed up for FotNS?

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Good to know. I'll probably be eating a fair amount of losses myself in the future then to get it down too , haha.

>two CVOs into 10k+ damage

Well at the very least the old game makes for excellent combo videos.

I always find it a bit funny how we managed to get to Unist from the pure kuso that was Unib.

that one linne combo lasted the entire fucking match
actually impressive how much they toned the combo length/hitstun scaling or whatever bullshit it is

>the moment you get touched by Linne you lose due to time

Then again, that must've been quite a challenge to keep the juggle going consistently right?

>135 hit combo that only ends when the match runs out of time

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What would byakuya have been like in this environment?

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I always see people say Gordeau is the most broken but those 2 matches showcased some crazy stuff already.

What can Gord pull off that stomps these two?

Gord's pretty solidly mid tier in Unist.. His command grab ranged used to have a really big hitbox in Uniel in addition his already long range, but that got nerfed and all the other characters got buffed in general. That video is from the first version back in 2013, and isn't representative at all of the current state of the game.

>unist linne is only fighting at a fraction of her power

Sorry to not be clear, but that kinda combo game does Gord have in UniB is what I meant to ask.