Only 2 guns

>only 2 guns
>slow as molasses movement
>autoaim out the ass
>dedicated grenade button
>reticule bloom
>modding limited to forge tools

Give me one (1) good reason to be excited for this console port.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>dedicated grenade button

As opposed to what?

Cry more quake fag

zoomers should be permabanned

having to enter in entire cheat codes for basic game mechanics


Go play your speed drug cod game you ADD autistic meme child

>Yea Forums likes halo now
this board is ruined

Half of these are wrong and a few of them are assumptions. Please apply yourself you fucking iidot.

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11 years ago horrible offsite faggots like you defend Halo as well. Some things never change.

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>going slow

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So leave then

>if it's fast it must be cod

fat spartan ass

>FPS with a sprint button

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You might've been a sandraker, but you were MY sandraker.


Here's your (You) , boomer.

Cry more your quake servers are dead

>add mediocre fps to a platform saturated with fps games

Is this why Microsoft keeps losing the gaming war?

>Give me one (1) good reason to be excited for this console port.

for "Your son calls me 'Mommy' too" Cortana

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games with community servers never die brainlet

mmm bait

>11 years ago
Well newsflash this isnt 11 years ago dipshit. Stop living in the past.

While quake isn't technically dead, are you having fun sucking dick on Discord to find duel partners that shit on you anyway?

Yea Forums has always been a 40% like Halo and 60% doesn't in my opinion.

Halo 2 is the best game of all time

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Because Overwatch is on its way out and the casuals need to go somewhere else.

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Commandeering this thread

Do you think 50's and boosting will still be as prevalent as it was in 2007-09?

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>343 shit

this is why people hate halo fans

dont forget
halo is shit and will always be shit

shut the fuck up

casuals already left overwatch for pubg then fortnite

>quake boomers
>using discord

Anyone who still plays Quake has been on an IRC channel for 20 years, knows everyone on a first-name basis, their spouse and how their grandkids are doing.

>boomers still complaining about Halo
It was legitimately good. Great OST, kino setting, fun vehicles, good enemy AI and set pieces where positioning and cover really mattered, without bullshit like later console TPS cover mechanics.
Yes it's not as fast as older games and it has issues that came from gamepad controls. But it was still a great game and people who hate it are retards

t. boomer

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I still don't what the alternative to having a dedicated grenade button is.

Adding it to a weapon wheel? Thats clumsy as shit.

And I'm 30.

Holy fuck are you meaning to tell me you have grand kids and still browse Yea Forums? That's a big yikes.

she's the best cortana as far as design goes

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So do CE, 2, and 3 all have updated graphics and cutscenes? If so, are they using the reboot covenant models and sounds that feel like garbage?

halo fans are boomers no one younger than 21 gives a shit about halo


i'm younger than 21 and i give a shit about halo

Grenades are supposed to have their own weapon slot. That way opponents can see you are about to use it & it takes a brain to utilize, like an actual weapon, rather than chucking one at your own feet when you know you're about to lose a fight. Dedicated grenade buttons are because of gamepads and dumbed down the genre immensely.

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Dont bother, it's apparently grandpa's literally doing the "back in my day" shit.

And then we get this.

A team of people said "Yup, this looks good" compared to Halo 4 Cortana

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I guarantee you I would stomp your ass in Halo.

I was tolerating underage tripfags who typed like Gaiafags to get pirated 1080p episodes of Mahō Shōjo Tai Arusu before you were even born, you faggot zoomer.

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>modding limited to forge tools

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This but also for melee attacks
Fucking Halo ruined everything

>hey I know let's not maintain the AI DIGITAL CONSTRUCT theme of neon purple and see-through body and go with A WOMAN PAINTED BLUE

Everything about 343 is shit. Halo 4 and 5 stories are fucking retarded.

with that netcode, can you fault them?

This kills the doombaby

>spend 4 games with a very clear defined model
>nah lets just make her wear a suit of armor for no fucking reason in Halo 5

Who cares you old fart

low test detected

>I trust 343 Studios, a group so incompetent they actually drove Microsoft back to PC gamers begging them to buy Halo

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quakefags are the most insufferable losers on this board

no one cares about your shit dead game anymore, get over it lol

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show your driver license boomer

Don't be excited about it then?

dumb spic poster

>he thinks this is something to be proud of
Just die of old age already

>i-i-its doom fans
>i-i-its quake fans
>i-i-its pc fans

i trust you then?

This bait didn't even work in 2008

Such a good character shouldn't be associated with such a bad post.

Quakefags don't even play fps games, just Doom or Quake despite there being other actually decent old fps games


being an old whiny fuck arguing with children on 4channel isnt something to be proud of

dunno man, you seem to be rather upset just because people like things you don't

It sure ain't Killzone fans

Halo was always a running gag on Yea Forums but it's been dead so long that people don't remember how boring it is. Once that Reach beta launches people will remember why Halo was the undisputed king of underwhelming FPS gameplay until Call of Duty went full retard.

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grenades in Halo have the same sloth physics that Captain King's lunar shoes have though, you have like full seconds to react to it before it even lands

>im not mad u mad
lmao u mad

based underage b& bragging about not being alive for halo:ce

I still play all of the Halo games, but I guess I must be imagining enjoying it.

>he gets killed at niggas throwing granades at their feet
you sound like a huge shitter man, also
>all games must share this same specific mechanic or i'll throw a tantrum
i'm so glad no one panders to your type anymore

I like all the tryhards that replied to this post that pretend switching to a grenade is superior while not explaining how.

I hope you're better at games than you are at arguing. Because that was some of the most retard shit I've ever read. If you think grenades not having their own weapon slot in Halo is a bad thing then you've either never played the game or need to get your reaction times and hearing checked. Also if you're getting stuck, it's because you have retard tier movement. Swapping to grenades would further slow down an already relatively slow game.

no wonder, it is a kids game

so, you are one of these nu-fun niggas?

The first halo was good. Not sure why people care so much about the others since 2 & 3 were just a reason for people to use xbox live and that was kiddie shit anyway.

Halo zoomers are the dumbest fanbase on this board with soulsfags right behind them.

what a sad picture, an old man playing 20 year old games trying to relieve his youth. jeez. get a ps4 and play some siege boomer.

CE is like 18 years old by this point tho

I'm 21

>Dude, what if
>this weapon
>capable of killing multiple people, at once
>with a tiny black projectile
>that bounces
>was just 1 button press
>and you could press it whenever
>even with your gun out

It's retarded. Only a console baby could excuse such a dumb gameplay idea, let alone encourage it to be in every game afterward.

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So why you complaining boomer

Grenades and melee attacks are easily the most useless weapons in pre Halo FPS games.

steam servers and not paying for online.

yep, im fine with halo otherwise.

hear hear

sure you are. post your driver license, oh wait you're so old you probably dont have a license on steam cars lmao

t. old man with bad reflexes

And? Imagine partie babbies is what, 15?


>he doesnt know about the power of UT's melee option
>he doesnt know the setups for instant kills with the Quake saw

>dedicated grenade button
Because manually switching to grenades is somehow better?

You can watch the guy throw lmao how is that even a thing, goddamn you are shit. But it's super skilled using a rocket to instant gib a guy point blank range, right?

I'm a literal tranny and I love Halo. Just FYI

>capable of killing multiple people, at once
Neither of these are true. Halohaters confirmed shitters.

once a year isnt the same is "still play"

Melee+headshot was one of the most reliable options in 2 and 3, you fucktard

Frag grenades don't kill unless your shield is already down.
Also no one fucking used thrown grenades in games where you had to switch to them. Who ever used plain grenades in Quake 2 or Half Life. TFC on the other hand had a grenade key because they wanted them to actually be used.

then what is your standard for an adult game?

>You can watch the guy throw

You can watch the guy throw it between you, forcing you to either disengage or have it eat all of your energy shield just to get 1 kill. It's brainless, takes no skill and encourages meat grinder 1:1 gameplay.

>on console

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>pre-Halo FPS games

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based tranny

>Half Life.
grenade and remote explosives spam was a pretty good way to score frags in multiplayer

how would you know that? do you live with him?

Certainly not the age of the game you walking condom advert, that's fucking retarded even for you

>Halo fans

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I can see the reason as a visual change to denote that just because she appears to be Cortana she's just straight up something different now. Unfortunately Halo 5 is retarded and so is everything else so they probably didn't even think of that basic ass design choice and decided hurr cheef has armor so dus shee.

do you hug them before you shoot or something?, wtf man

cope harder sony gger
like them sour grape huh

don't avoid the question

Its target audience, you fucking idiot.

cry harder sonyfag
your console will always be the console of trannies
halo is the game of dudebros and chads

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>people LEGITIMATELY are excited for MCC on PC
>with fucking 343 at the helm

Just a reminder for those that don't understand the complete incompetency of 343i Studios, the company that made MCC and is currently working on Infinite...

The top is what 343i envisions what Halo CE should look like

The Bottom is the original done by Bungie.

Let that fucking sink in.

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not him, but i'm obviously not old enough to understand, what was there before dedicated grenade buttons
been browsin for 9 years, consensus: halo 1-3 good, halo 4 maybe, halo 5 shitdicks

No halo game but 4(assuming that one pic is official marketing) had children as it's target audience

What's wrong with the top picture?

why do halofags constantly bring up their ages? No one gives a fuck how old you are when your taste is garbage

Top looks better though?

You're the ones always accusing us of being zoomers/boomers so...


Yeah plants need water to live

We're coming /home/ lads

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Its got me thinking about what color the sky should be, my first instinct says the top would be more correct but when I think about it more I become unsure

Why bother wasting time slithering to here if you're just going to straight-up lie?

"my first fps/baby's first fps" isn't referring to an age group, it's referring to the fact that halo is one of the slowest, shallow FPS games out there

>Because i say so!

You act like backing up means disengaging. Most maps are open in a way where that's not true. A grenade is only effective around corners or near lifts or objectives. They aren't good at 1v1s because you have enough time to avoid them. Unlike most games, the grenade's timer only starts after a bounce which gives the opponent more time to avoid it. You literally only get hit if you let it land at your feet at which it still can't kill in one hit.

There's a noise when it's thrown amd when it lands. Plus you can jump high enough to diminish most of its damage.

I can't believe how many trash players there are at Halo.

Doesn't the MCC have a button that let's you witch between old and new graphics for the game?

kill yourself dumb wojack poster

What a load of rubbish

There was always something about the amount of lite in the original that I really liked.

Like you were always in twilight, you could see the stars mid day and everything had a cool tone to it.

Halo 1 anniversary may have updated textures and fancy new models, but it still looks like dog shit. Art style is everything.

Halo 2 anniversary got it right though.

+17 isn't really considered as a children anymore, also at the top of it's popularity the games were considered dudebro stuff at worst, dunno why are you making up shit like this

what.... what am I supposed to be seeing here? different lighting or something? what makes top bad?

Halo 2 and 3 were famous for making Americans skip work.

Don't kid yourself. It's made for dog-tag wearing 12 year olds.

Because you say so?

>All these people trying to pretend that switching to a grenade is better so they look older
Holy shit, stop.

Certainly more valid than pretending the fucking ESRB rating matters to anyone. It's also true.

Shut the fuck up retard

>All FPS's have to literally be Doom, nothing else

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I think he's bitching about how over-designed top is. Yeah it's got fancy new graphics and stuff but it's really cluttery looking and uninspired, almost like a generic sunset. But in the original it's clean, and instantly recognizable as the Halo arching in the sky, and the stars are shining brightly in the background while in the top they're more subdued and hidden behind the clouds

that or he's doing the SOUL vs SOULLESS meme

Fuck dude. A flood of memories just hit me.

this particular example is a bad example, user you should have mentioned how 343 made the goddamn grunts blend in with the pillar of autumn bulkheads on the first level. the problem with modern graphics is they focus too much on realism instead of making it easy on the eyes. the techni-cool, avant-garde lines and angles and busy color schemes make it a pain in the ass to follow whats happening on-screen.

redditspacing your example is fine until you add in the enemies. bungie did a good job to make sure that import things like enemies and characters stood out from the environment (red elites against green grass, hello). in real life you would not want that because it reduces the chance of getting shot, but in a fucking videogame it adds an extra layer of strain. the counter argument here is that other games are even worse, like cod where shit was just brown, but the thing is we're talking about how 343 fucked up an otherwise very functional scheme. fuck man.

Ok bro, let's also pretend you aren't moving the goalposts or anything like that.

well doom 2016 was better than halo in every way so yeah

Why did gaming have to die? Now the industry is literally owned by China.

I like when the Elites are harder to see. I want them to feel dangerous and deadly

I'm not. Halo is a children's game.

>Why did gaming have to die?
you bought that horse armor in oblivion. boomers warned you not to but you did.

I enjoy both DOOM and Halo 3
Get fucked faglord

yeah but halo 2 generally across the board got it's anniversary right

artificial enjoyment

>literally getting triggered by clouds

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There are better things to complain about. For example the Forerunner structures are too brightly lit, and there's too much blue

how assmad you are doom nigger?

>halo 2 ann got it right tho
boy am i glad to hear that, i gave up on ce ann and used the old graphics, didn't get around to h2 so i'll be playing it on pc with 1070ti power.
kids in my class skipped like it was senior ditch day for halo 3, i didn't have a 360 at the time ;-;

haven't played doom since someone smuggled it into school on a fucking floppy like 20 years ago
halo is simply a bad and terribly overrated game

Only on Yea Forums.


Watch out guys, this guy plays "grown up" video games. He's so mature and cooler than everyone else.

my local bowling alley used to have annual lock-ins (sleepovers basically) until like 10am with free bowl, billiards and a few arcade cabinets for youths. at 3-4 am they would start halo 2 lan matches. i wasn't `of age` even though i played it at home, but i would watch when i got tired of bowling or my friends kicking my ass at billiards.

so you entered to a thread about a thing you dislike? Sad pathetic clown

literally babby's first shooter
only even remembered at all for being so slow you could even play it with a controller
like you did a site

lmaoing at your life

>only even remembered at all for being so slow you could even play it with a controller
Wouldn't have a fanbase on pc if that was the case

Halo fags were some of the first "MATURE GAMES FOR MATURE GAMERS" faggots, you have no right to bitch about getting a taste of your own medicine nigger

fuck man, my friends and i would play minecraft and doom on the school computers through flash drives in our typing class. the underclassmen started copying us and in our [class that teaches excel/word] half the class was cursing either demons or creepers at any given moment.

What? You're saying that the developers implemented an auto-aim system because of the limitations of the control method?

Fucking console casual trash, what kind of retard would enjoy that shit?

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Quake isn't Doom
Half-Life isn't Doom
Titanfall isn't Doom
Timesplitters isn't Doom
Duke Nukem isn't Doom
Blood isn't Doom
Serious Sam isn't Doom
Maybe Halo is just a bad game, ever thought of that?

a fanbase that is almost exclusively South Americans

>Halo fags is one person
Idk man, lots of niggas say tons of dumb shit here


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It doesn't.

>i'd buy

I don't care if people bitch

I just wanna play custom mode infected on Sandtrap again, fuck man

Anyone down for that?

El dewrito was a thing, project cartographer is a thing, CE is Also a thing and intallation 04 is also a Thing

Care to back that up?

it's not a bad game, though. bad games don't get extensive fan made pc ports a la ElDewrito you massive fucking faggot.

>what is doom, quake, dick kickem

>what is Brawl

haha, man, they had no security so eventually a guy dumped half life on the fucking server itself and everyone was playing it
when they'd had enough they asked him to remove it, it was hilarious, no computer training to be found anywhere

join any CE or Project Cartographer server and they will be typing in Spanish

people like you deserve the gas chamber

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heh, good one

you know that the source ports added that sprint button themselves right

how old are you seriously

fuck that shit, I was tricked into getting ps4 because my friends told me it had games, my ps4 only plays movies

captain nitpick says: br is portugese

It did have games before EDF, Helldivers and Let it Die got ported, now all it has is Bloodborne

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Please ask me how i know you're full of shit

you might have a point there user. i don't play ssb, but i've heard brawl was not great

all rook same

between xbone and snoy4 you can have no games or no games and some movies. stick with pc and maybe get a switch
t. pc/ps4 owner
bloodbourne and people like persona i guess

Brawl is the result of an autistic crusade by the dev being so butt-hurt about people taking his game seriously that he sabotaged it at every level to make sure they couldnt

Persona 5 is shit alongside being on PS3 and is mostly emulate-able

we left a hidden folder in the shared network documents with a bunch of game files and troll batch files before we graduated. word of mouth said that was our legacy for at least three years after we left. our senior prank one of us made a batch script that made the computer disc tray open and close and beep on startup and the dean went on a wild goose chase for the source of the ""virus"". then again we were dealing with an IT guy that didn't give a shit, a keyboarding teacher that only cared about students who wanted to go mba, and a librarian that thought turning the monitor off and on again was restarting the computer. closing thoughts: we should have played halo ce or quake, but we were too busy with lan minecraft.

i took an independent study for python my junior year and averaged a B until my final project failed to upload and i ended with a D. the faggot dean banned me from taking another independent study and messed with my career path even though i pleaded a good case. and they wondered why i skipped so much fucking class my last year and came in stoned to the bone

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Bottom has a better ring, everything else? Top looks a ton better. Bad example friendo.

>for at least three years after we left.
Nice fucking prank, too.
>and they wondered why i skipped so much fucking class my last year and came in stoned to the bone
Oh yeah, I've been there. Wrote our SAT equivalent first year of high school and got a good enough score I'd never beat it with grades. No point in anything beyond a pass after that(literally, separate admissions pools), those were some good years. Sorry to hear about them fucking you over. I'd keep a grudge, too. Still do over gifted education being illegal here.

never played it, wouldn't know. i grabbed a ps4 for kh3 (kek) and i play multiplats on pc with my ps4 controller while my s.oystation watches enviously. on the upside, i just bought wwe2k19 and an extra controller so my medium function tard brother in law and i can play, it's pretty wholesome, he's bonkers about wrestling and a 45yo neet

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my bro ended up getting a 1480 on his SAT and he still managed to fuck up getting into a standard college

The funny part is how those people often use “quick throw is unrealistic” as an argument after saying aim down sights is too realistic.

no joke, they're completely separate pools here. One of the few boons of being all communized and shit

I'm just looking forward to trying it. I consider FPS to be impossible to play on analogs, so the series was largely inaccessible to me.

>I consider FPS to be impossible to play on analogs
user, there's opinions, and then there's facts. Please try to keep them separate.


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Levels 4 on that warehouse stage, man that was some fun shit. can't wait for it with 4k

Brawl is fun when you're playing the game how it was intended, even modded with millions of items spawning out the ass. People were just pissed it wasn't another super serious MLG-tier game.

The top looks generic as fuck and the poor attempt at grass and lighting makes the visual jarring. The bottom may be low tech, but the art style gives off a unique, alien vibe that is instantly recognizable as Halo.
The top could be any generic game but with a gray pillar in the skybox.
Sometimes, less is more.

>>modding limited to forge tools
343 is looking into official mod support, but even if the fans themselves mod it, there's potential we could get all sorts of insane mods, just look at Custom edition, that was never intended to have custom campaign maps and shit.

People are excited cause people can be optimistic desu.

yea, i dropped that grudge after i quit uni my first year. i went for cy-sec and i wanted to chop my dick off. going into to a forestry career in a couple years tho.

>with a tiny black projectile
Kek, your entire description of the weapon of mass destruction otherwise known as a grenade is hilarious, but what point were you trying to make with this line? You having trouble spotting the grenade, you absolute shitter?

>dropping grudges
get out of here you unautist

Why do boomers never talk about SWAT anymore? I remember that series coming up a lot 10 years ago.

It was pretty obscure even then, and it just died with a whimper, no publisher drama or anything.

Let's be honest, the only people who hate halo 1, 2, and 3 sucked at it. It's easy to bash halo now because it's so bad and nothing like Halo.

This is such a dumb argument since the only way to prove otherwise is a 1v1 which Halo is shit for among other things

>everyone has a grenade
>it's literally a strategy to down the shield your opponent has
>being so shit that you too cant use it to your advantage

holy shit fuck off

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>le wojak and pepe are bad XD

go back