Borderlands 3
your typical epic store employee
yeah I'm also wondering how blowjobs would work with that mask
what's up with the graphics looking exactly like BL2? it's so fucking outdated
It’s cell shading it can only look so good user
ummmmmmmmm it's called artstyle??
They may have been as many as the males, and then there's no reason for the males to go around raping instead of getting an exclusive to rape.
Although, the female psychos are probably used to rape, and they may be sex crazed anyway.
How they aren't all pregnant is the better question.
What do you expect?
Bloom lighting on top of comic book graphics?
not an excuse since BL2 looked technically better than BL1
They're probably all mostly infertile and if they did get preggers they'd probably be incapable of taking it to term or not eating it.
Look at those incest made shoulders
not by much, only thing that changed was the texture resolution
With all the iridium radiation fuckery they probably breed like rabbits offscreen and pop out babies in a snap or are completely infertile. They're psychos so they're probably not the ones getting pretty pregnant. Probably marauders and regular bandits sew their seeds in normal ladies, not to mention that normal people can become bandits on a whim if they wanted to.
Literally the only acceptable answer for why they aren't rape magnets is that they're infertile incapable of having children to repopulate bandit clans and were just tortured to become female physcho's. Why does gender quotas have to worm itself into everything?
>game has hordes of faceless men who exist only to be shot by the player
>this is okay, and if anything proves that feminism is a joke because violence against men in this tolerated
>game adds faceless women who exist only to be shot by the player
>wow what the fuck, why is feminism ruining everything
If there are female psychos...
Could there possibly be thicc mommy nomads?
Shortstack Midgets?
>Higher rank means more T & A
Never stick your dick in crazy.
Wasn't there something in the lore about no female psychos?
>Female Psychos
Fuck my life here comes the waifu fags to further shit up everything
>lore reason states women are captured by drunken, mutant degenerate tribal men for the sole purpose of repopulation and then be tortured to death because degenerates like hearing women scream in agony
Nobody freaked out about Nisha being a female enemy around bandits because she made them all afraid and wouldn't dare touch her lest get a bullet in the face. Fuck off retardera faggot.
>wow what the fuck, why is feminism ruining everything
I'm more worried about the waifu fags, honestly
>being a faceless enemy that exists only to be shot by the player is empowering
wow, you got me there, champ
>giving them more clothes than male counterpart for ethical and rating reasons.
This is the reason women cant be haphazardly thrown into video games where you can just fit a female body type. Too much bullshit around genitalia and image.
Show a naked man and its just a naked man. Show a naked woman and its porn or a subcategory of pornography.
model and texture quality have definitely gone up
There were no female bandits period. Bandits only took females as fuckpig breeding cows to repopulate their tribes numbers that die constantly from wildlife, other bandits and "sane" pandorans. After they've been plowed and give birth enough to the point of being useless they get tortured to death.
I'm insanely attracted to that wild haired cum witch in the OP pic, so you are absolutely right.
Can you imagine rubbing your vagina on those guns?
I'm calling it: their leader will be that female Hyperion doctor who created Krieg. It got teased in the last BL2 Headhunter that she may have become a victim of her own research (likely Jack's doing).
BL2 gun for comparison
Are we just going to pretend Gearbox has created nothing but shit since,arguably, Borderlands 2. And the market borderlands 3 is targeting is already oversaturated in todays age
We might get to play soon lads
cash grab
Wow, the guns don't look as retarded as Borderlands 2. But this is concept art.
as easy as all women bandit faction
Curb your autism
If I'm not mistaken it's got to be at least 80% because of that metallic shine. I don't think they've ever done that before, and if they have they didn't do it nearly as well
those are 100% 3d models user
>pretending to be retarded
Alright dude. I'll break it down for you. It's 'omg wahmen empowahment' for one specific reason. It's that in the previous games, it is explicitly stated and a literal fact that bandit groups would NEVER allow a TYPICAL woman (e.g. just your average woman, not someone with power) to work with them and only tortured and raped them for jokes. The only time women ever got involved is when they were capable of intimidating them to the point of subservience, and still did not work with them per say. Now there's just female bandits cuz lol who cares anymore.
That being said, the only people who give even the slightest shit about borderlands lore and world building have to be the most bottom of the barrel brainlets ever put in front of a video game.
Yeah this one is not true
Female midgets are already confirmed. There's one in the trailer.
No, but we are going to keep discussing it anyway because morbid curiosity and nostalgia are getting the better of everyone
I'm calling it right now, they'll be a unique enemy type in one area for a sidequest or some shit about an all-female clan of psychos. They might be part of the main story if we're lucky/unlucky but they'll only be around for a mission or two.
pretty sure it is fake but it would be awesome if it was true and Randy is getting assblasted right now. lol Randy has a fat wife. I AM GOING TO PIRATE this game in memory of Duke and how Randy fucked his game
Can I get a quote on that? Genuinely curious (and aroused), I didn't think Borderlands lore actually got that grimdark.
>thicc mommy nomads
the bandits are redpilled enough to know that guns>any woman
I agree, the shine adds a lot. There's also some more different shapes and positions for stocks, scopes, and barrels. It looks like all guns will have some kind of alt-fire, judging by the underslung barrels/rockets.
>the lore used used to be that pschos were all faceless, evil, masochistic men
>now there's women among them who are just as bad, and just as faceless
Huge changes to Torgue and they dropped the checkerboard design. I'm liking the vectorized Torgue logo.
Men can’t have anything
I meant to say misogynistic, but yes they are also masochists
Are shotguns still stubby little shits or have they been reverted back to their BL1 look? do we know? are revolvers back?
Why can't men have anything? You're probably the same type of aspie that thinks having women in boyscouts isn't a big deal.
Why isn’t there any black psychos?
It seems only white people can be midgets or crazy
makes sense too seeing as Torgue got fired
They also changed how Torgue functions now unless it's regular mode is the old explosive gyrojets.
>Switch between regular and sticky-projectile fire modes. Stickies do more damage if a bunch of them detonate on the same target.
>Miss Ellie
Torgue banging Ellie now?
He’s dead isn’t he ?
Is that the Unkempt Harold in bottom left? I hope it comes back. Not like pieces of shit like the landscaper and Logans gun.
>why can't men be the only faceless, evil, baddies that exist only to be shot at
The feminists got it all wrong, you guys really don't promote violence against women.
or in the cult yeah
I sure hope not :(
He was probably witnessed, so it's ok.
We still haven’t seen axton, Gaige and Mexican midget
now let's hope the guns themselves aren't shit.
never like Torgues, the projectiles are too slow and they use too much ammo.
based and valhallapilled
Confirmed. Each corporation has their own unique alt-fire mode.
>Atlas - Lock-on seeker bullets
>Dahl - Adjustable burst-fire setting, from single to three-shot to full-auto
>Torgue - Sticky bombs
>Hyperion - Puts up a shield when sight-aiming, and the reverse-recoil is still present
>Jakobs - Bullets will bounce and hit more enemies
>Tediore - Guns still explode when thrown on reloads, but now they grow legs and run to the nearest target
>Maliwan - Two element settings; can switch between them
>Vladof - Various underbarrel weapons
yeah the additional materials add alot and the way the light reacts to it
Tediore and Maliwan sound real good
These look like guns from the original crackdown
>Atlas - Lock-on seeker bullets
leave it to Rhys to ruin the brand
>Two element setting; can switch between them
New manufacturer COV is essentially "unlimited" ammo but but has a random chance to overheat.
If basic weapons are this good then the legendary are going to be busted or lame.
What the fuck, how can bring Atlas back then ruin them with this shit? Is it a gun or a fucking kitchen appliance?
man this all looks good but the Epic thing has really soured me.
How could they fire that man?
I'm willing to bet alt-fire modes will be limited to Blues or better, and even then not always guaranteed.
>Jakobs - Bullets will bounce and hit more enemies
That one month when this broke the game
>blood pressure cuffs
>can't even fucking tell how the gun is held
Rhys, what the fuck are you doing
This is blatantly fake stop posting this, it reads like it was written by a 15 year old who has a vendetta against Randy for no reason
I like that wrist-mounted weapons are an official category now.
>Gun concepts
Yeah just like the soda bottle scopes on bandit shit right
So basically, revised Eridian weapons with a risk aspect. Not bad.
So Athena seems like the "right" choice for a singleplayer playthrough, since she's telling the pre sequel story. Which character do you think I should play in Borderlands 2 if i was gunna play solo? Axion for slag turrets? Gunzerker for off-hand slag? I picked Mordekai for the enhanced version of borderlands 1.
>he doesn't want a gun that also fries eggs
Damn. They actually fixed the spinigun. I'm gonna miss making fun of the retarded ones.
Is the gun on the bottom right supposed to be some sort of chain gun? it looks like a modern day Cerebral Bore from Turok.
This new Maliwan style reminds me of Subnautica
always krieg
Is this the replacement to BANDIT?
Silly user, there are no guns in Subnautica because sandy Hook.
That sniper rifle is fucking sexy
>the old wagon wheel mag is still in
>shotgun is undoubtedly going to be called something phallic
Yep, COV = Children of (the) Vault
That revolver is a big yikes. Everything else is good though.
>Is this the replacement to BANDIT?
pretty sure COV stands for Cult of the Vault, the O in the image also has VAULT on it, not sure why they skipped the T though, or included the O
Lmao it's probably a tranny with bolt-ons
That leather stitched barrel is fucking sexy.
COV sounds a little better to say in idle conversation, like "looking for COV guns".
Is it actually going to be good instead of awful just kike BANDIT? There were only two (2) okay weapons in the whole damn thing which was the Badaboom (poor mans Norfleet) and the Gub which is minigun pistol and one food weapon which was the Slagga.
"cult guns" is even easier to say and understand
Skag loads will do that to a womans reproductive system.
There was already a female Bandit Lord. She was black, obese, perpetually pregnant and ate her own children.
As long as their dialogue isn't cringeworthy, I won't mind more variety.
as long as they wanna be on top, im fine with it. i hope they have good screams. especially when i set them on fire.
the texture is painted on and the lighting is phong shaded to give it that graphic pop, you can't really evolve the style from that once it's established because from an aesthetic standpoint, it's basically perfect already. You can't improve on it very much.
Honestly it's remarkable how well they nailed it on the first try, the odds of doing that are extremely slim.
"CV" works just as well as "COV" in terms of saying it out loud
Is that top left gun some sort of super rail gun or is the the normandy?
So not like normal psychos then?
is BL2 worth pirating?
I remember not buying it when it came out because they turned Lilith into a coalburner
Won't be surprised if the resemblance is intentional, with ME-referencing flavor text like "You should go".
But they’re not dating in BL2 though user why would something like that that happen inbetween games make you say “that’s it I’m not playing this because she fucked a nigger once”
>"You should go".
i don't know why this is so fucking funny to me
i was going through my neo-nazi phase in 2012.
roland was probably too autistic to know what sex was, your video game wife probably never even fucked him
>choke me daddy!
>its that time of the month where i kick your ass
>lets cuddle
>i wanna see if i can fit your head in there
>tampon nunchuck
>its my safe day, i promise
>does this smell infected
>both fists, i want both fists
>of Duke and how Randy fucked his game
Which one, exactly?
They didn't fuck DNF, that was entirely Broussard's fault.
They didn't fuck DN3D, either. Sure, 20th Anniv sucks compared to Megaton. Yeah, the new episode is shit. It doesn't take away from the original episodes. Just don't play it.
Wait, you can shoot and kill women now? This game is extremely mysogenistic and problematic. We need to boycott it now. That Randy Pitchford is a sexist shit head who wants people to harm women.
What the fuck am I even looking at? That top one looks more like a ship from Mass Effect than a portable weapon.
Wow just wow, how is it in 2019 can there be a white person running a company, that's just a stones throw away from gunning down poor brown muslims.
I need Randy to be tried for war crimes in Geneva otherwise i'll never stop being angry.
I like older tiny but why does brick look like Marcus from gears of war
i can't fucking unsee it now
i hate you
I guess he got cancer after apparently losing his third dog
>They didn't fuck DNF, that was entirely Broussard's fault.
Not him, but Randy was still the one who chose to release it in its current state for a quick buck and then cut the final third of the game out to sell as dlc. So in the end he really just fucked the whole IP, which is even worse.
It looks a lot better actually, you can see it if you replay bl2 now
tfw jack's shitpistol is in
I bet you jizzed over botw art "style"
if they fucked with sal at all im gonna be pissed. little degenerate monster needs to be as awful as ever if he even shows up.
Don’t click user
what the fuck is skip leg day MARCUS FENIX doing there
i hope they dont have one shot protection
it was too easy to set up immortality in 2 with a -max hp shield with tons of regen
if salvadors comes back he's probably gonna be a boss, it would be funny if gearbox did the axton is fucking gaige ending
One has to die between all the borderlands game atleast one main character dies won’t be a ton because he’s bi won’t be Gaige because she’s a kid (might be older now since tiny Tina is 18 now) so that leaves Sal and Krieg as the only character we haven’t seen yet
id be down to fight sal
do we have any word on new abilities yet? i wanna know what that robot gets up to
>just black Ellie
fuck krieg sal is based, Brick is the better melee berserker
>axton is fucking gaige ending
not gonna lie, i kek'd but in TPS they act more like Father-Daughter than anything
>Honestly it's remarkable how well they nailed it on the first try
well they steal it to begin with not hard to improve something you never came up with
Gaige wants to fuck with Hammerlock, but he's gay and so she's settling for second-best.
Mordecai still looks autistic I wonder if he’ll ever be happy again or get a new bird
He has a new bird: Bloodwing's chick Talon.
So how will take 2 will fuck this up, they did it with their basketball game, read dead online
How are they gonna fuck this one up and make people mad while putting gearbox on front for their decisions?
i say the rate will be so bad it will force pople to buy exp booster or loot boosters
always online inventory authentication so people cant use save editors
Pay real money for legendary/skins or farm them for hours
No shops, i bet the slots machines will start giving fucking mods and shields together with weapons just making it waste more time and money to get a decent upgrade.
It's more likely that there is only one breeding psycho. A massive flesh blob being bred every second of the day, popping out psychos just as frequently. Maybe there will be a mission to fight her. And once you win she explodes, hundreds more psychos popping out of her ready to fight.
>I turned myself into a Psycho woman, Morty
>I'm Psycho Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick
imagine being a buyfag right now
Given how many you of them you kill on every game, they gotta be breeding somehow.
They'll sell Norfleets for $1.99 a pop.
It looked better because the first one is brown as fuck
>shoot seeker into head
>full mag of free headshots
ruin you say?
I just want to play as Mordecai again and listen to him laugh while destroying people with mashers and revolvers
Randy won't let you shoot pregnant women
I hope there are no pre-made legendaries.
You can also charge your shot with Maliwan
Tina did not age well, but maybe it's just the skinny effect... hopefully not a methhead.
Do what I'm probably going to do and not give a crap.
I would say there's no way they'll balance a literal auto aim gun to be OP, but I was shooting floors and clearing entire maps in BL2 so what the fuck do I know
>10 years of nothing but crumpets and salad
yeah no
Epic is better than Steam, or at least will be better.
I did that and loved every meme screaming second. Anarchy baby
At least she's legal
Being voiced by Ashly Burch will do that to you
Good luck with that, Shang. I'm just gonna pirate. Paid exclusivity is gross and I cannot support it no matter what.
>implying that stopped degenerates these past years
Female Psychos probably repeatedly headbutt male Psychos in the dick with the face of their mask until they cum.
it's a standardized form of graphical fidelity that you're restricted to with this heavy cel shading. It also means that 20 years from now, it's not gonna look laughably bad like reboot or ffx or vagrant story. I don't mean the games are bad, just, compare them to shit we have nowadays, they look awful because of stylistic decisions they made.
borderlands though, it's always gonna look at least as good as it does now, and will never pale in comparison to the new shit.
Pre-sequal was smelly dogshit. I'll never forgive them for changing midget to lil'.
>or at least will be better.
>will be better.
If you suck my dick now I might give you a million dollars sometime in the future. Depends if I think it is worth it.
Not him but I think epic is better now (or would be if they weren't paying for all their exclusives). No stupid social network bullshit is an enormous plus.
>axton is fucking gaige
I'm sorry what
Where is this hinted at
how to make BL3 the best in the franchise
>forget every aussie word/speaker ever existed
there, goty
This. The game trailer looked awesome in that city shot. It's just how they use it. Game looks better than BL2 cause they have more visual variety.
Nothing wrong with sloppy seconds
>>forget every aussie word/speaker ever existed
Fuck you
this Some features are needed, like mod support, and some other neat features are ok to have, and especially automatic refunds.
Those will come.
Epic has a much better split of the revenue than Steam, so they're a much better storefront.
>Anshin will never become a weapon manufacturer
>You will never get vampire guns that shoot giant needles and restore your health on confirmed hits
this sucks, man
>Epic has a much better split of the revenue than Steam, so they're a much better storefront.
What a wonderful feature that means fucking nothing since A) This doesn't benefit customers at all and B) getting a better cut won't benefit the developer either since they're getting less sales overall.
>Roastie psychos
He's talking about the npc from tps
They make more money since Epic pays for the exclusives, and cover any loss of sales.
That's for a limited time of course.
Later on they sell as much and therefore get as much. If you make a UE4 game you need to sell 35% more copies on steam.
It's disgusting what a shitty american "CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT" attitude you have, to think that A is valid.
They were toying with new shader tech but it doesn't look like it made it into the game, it looked really fucking cool and it's a damn shame
You can even see in the trailers that the lighting and shadows have gotten a huge bump.
They probably don't use ray tracing though.
How many corpses did you pass on your way to work today, Wong?
its cute how people think epic will keep their pricing model if they overtake steam
what are you talking about, salvador was a good guy. protected his grandma and defended his town from hyperion even though they were going to hang him. he's the hero pandora deserves.
It's going to be Maya. They've already shown a kid whose hinted at being inheriting her powers.
it was pretty unique for it's time.
Physical retail stores take less than 12% of the earnings.
cool but it doesn't change what I said
>Netflix becomes king of streaming, completely unrivaled
>Everyone begins their own streaming service to try to get a piece of that streaming pie
>As a result, people begin charging Netflix WAY FUCKING MORE to rent out their IPs
>Netflix decides to start making their own shows to slowly try to build itself up and self-sustain without relying on TOO many rented movies/shows from other channels
>To help off-set the pricey cost of this and the mounting fees paid to other publishers, they slowly raise the monthly sub for Netflix
Oh yeah. I imagine it'll only get worse. There's no way.
I wish Netflix stop making shows I wanna watch
They let you use UE4 for free, and unless your gross revenue profit goes over $3k a month.
So if you make a commercial product that earns you $2.5k over 3 month period, a total of $10k a year, you don't have to pay UE4 a single dime for using their engine.
Most of "netflix originals" are shows they've gotten an exclusive deal with for a region.
The funny thing about the example you posted is that now people are trying to pull away from netflix and are trying to make their own streaming apps now and they want to fucking charge you for the same amount as netflix.
Imagine having to be subscribed to 15 unique streaming apps all charging you equal to what Netflix pricing used to be. its not convenient at all.
Think about how similar the situation is here with all these dumb fucking launchers.
>female psychos
Are they radical feminists?
Just imagine the amount of SFM videos that will come from this
If you think about it she'd be getting gang banged constantly by the other bandits.
I really hope the new classes have more than a single active skill.
I'd actually prefer if they shifted gameplay more to skill usage from just shooting guns.
I wish there were more images like yours
I dont remember this character. There was also that bandit queen from tales as well
It's recognizable and easy and will sell millions so they won't change it. I hate the soi cuck normies
Tina has a garrus mask
jesus christ you people are pathetic and petty as fuck
Salvador with a DPUH and grog nozzle paired with a slag magic missile grenade.
Is anyone else having an issue where audio plays just fine during the cutscenes but the second gameplay starts it's completely silent? If so, does anyone know a fix?
Well you're in luck because the new skill trees are supposed to go really deep into each of the 3 skills the new characters have
Also moze best girl
There are. Artist is wokada.
Which one is Moze?
i came
post maliwan and dahl
Nice taste friend. Really excited to see what the skills will be like for each character.
Top left is literally a ripoff of the suros auto rifle from destiny. Kek.
Okay hobo bot will have the remote weapons, commie girl gets a mech abs mcgee is melee siren, what does old hipster do?
So this is Moze? Then you have unbelievable trash taste. She's an irreparable goblina. At least the siren has a nice body if you put a paper bag over her had. But this one? No, just no.
>random chance of any psycho spawning as Krieg as boss in UVHM
Reminds me of this, but without the bottom part.
please do not discuss this shit in this comfy bl3 thread
I just beat the presequel
Why the fuck was everyone a cunt to Jack?
Play the BL1 remaster. It's oddly good looking. Much better than I remember it anyways.
there are an over abundance of looter shooters with story campaigns that don't require online? can you name a few?
They're futa.
In headhunter five he got a new bird
I think the biggest difference between other lootershooters and Borderlands is that in other games, I am trying to find a gun that is cooler than my current one. In Borderlands, I am trying to find a gun that doesn't suck as hard as my current gun.
Like, goddamnit, why is it so hard to find a gun that will shoot in the drection of my crosshair and doesn't have an atrocious projectile speed?
She's from the Torgue DLC, Motor Momma
I really liked Tina in BL2. She cute.
Here, I said that.
Then play BL1
>guns are fixed and look great now
>classes look fun
>but the game is epic store exclusive
>randy makes another shitty drama and acts like a piece of shit once more to the point that his own employees are sabotaging the project
>every fun berserker/soldier class characters are fucking stronk womyn now, get fucked if you want something manly and Duke Nukem-esque like Sal, Krieg or Brick
>every playable male character is a malnourished sissy whimp with brittle bone disease
Unless they release a dlc character which will be the next Krieg, I will skip it. I want picrelated as a playable guest in best case scenario. Especially since Gearbox owns Bulletstorm.
>Please fuck me in the ass, Company-san.
>AAAAH Now let me clean that poop off your dick.
>*slurp* *gag* *schlrrrrrrrrp*
>Ah, yes! Capitalism-Kun my poopoo on your penis is so yummy.
>Oh, what a load. I really love your cummies in my throat, i can feel it going down my belly.
Wow, Tina aged terribly. I hope she dies.
will she ever be a vault hunter one day
Maybe in a spinoff like what TPS was.
>every fun berserker/soldier class characters are fucking stronk womyn now
Just pull that stick out of your ass, user. Don't let /pol/tards control you.
>literally not buying a game because it doesn't have a generic muscular white male to self insert yourself into
get laid faggot
>borderlands is cel shaded
I have nothing to do with poltards. I just don't like playing as a female character no matter how hard anyone tries to justify it for me. When given a choice, I want to be a Serious Sam-like figure, not play a female for a eye candy meme.
>stop self inserting you incel faggot accept our stronk wonyn play ironically as a girl and dress in stocking like the discord trannies reeeee
That's very closed minded and dull, but that's okay, if that's what you like. Just don't make a scene like a girl when you're not given a choice.
Inb4 Zane is op af
>that's very closed minded and dull
Duke Nukem-like character with good writing, charisma and the feeling of power is a hundred times more fun than your tumblrina OC.
>just don't make a scene
I will just not play the game.
Are you ready for the most badass game for badasses ever made? Well, since the last one we made, obviously. Aaaand the one before that, OBVIOUSLY. But you knew that part already, it's right there in the title. It's the third one, so OBVIOUSLY it's going to be more badass than the other two combined. It's like, a matter of honor (and sales) at this point basically. You don't decrease the amount of badassness when you get to the third of something, you turn it up more notches than Guy Fiery. You got to pop open the extra bottles of badass and those army-size cans of badass you were storing under the floorboards in the outhouse shed like a doomsday prepper in case of sudden yet inevitable alien attack. That's how much badass we're talking, and that's barely covering the basics. We're talking Alien 3 levels of badass here, no scratch that, completing Through the Fire and Flames on ultra hard mode in Guitar Hero levels of badass!! With one hand behind your back!
No, but seriously real talk here, you've got to be one huge badass to play this. Like, the baddest badass that ever assed badly. A true ultra badass. Not just a super-ultra badass either, like a, "get up and go to work before going to lectures despite menstruation cramps" kind of total badass. A Rosie the Riveter kind of no-nonsense, ball-busting full-on grand-master-of-the-golden-dragon-belt-badass.
You think you're badass enough? We'll see just how bad your ass is, because this game is only for REAL badasses, and you haven't proven anything yet. At this point, you're less badass and more no-ass. Not that this is a comment on your physical appearance in any way, we wouldn't shame you. But (pun intended, sue us) you really do have to be a badass to get with the total and utter badassery that is is Badasslands- Uh, I mean, Borderlands 3.
>is a hundred times more fun
Is it though?
I like how Borderlands 3 has literally no mention of the word badass in anything shown thus far.
hey dumbass, i'm actually gonna be playing as the only white male on the team, the mech girl is cute but not for me and i honestly don't like the new siren, i don't hate her though, just don't like her
also it's nice of you to show your low iq by posting an overrated meme
I wish customizable weapon like in crysis
>mfw im actually hyped for a game
is it me is does the tone seem alot more serious than the other two
even with that sax solo in the trailer
>hyped for a randy pitchford game
Did they bring Anthony Burch back to write more great dialogue?
>as the only white male on the team
And he is a garbage stealth/gay zero-type character. While female tumblrinas get to play with mechs and cool melee powers. Fuck off, Randy.
Didn't the trailer look a lot better than 2? Either way their artstyle sucks, I fucking hate that half-baked cel shaded shit.
Don't fucking give me thick black outlines around the characters and gradient shadows at the same time.
i bet you didn't even play as gauge you cocksucker
Alright let's hear it lads, who ya picking?
its not cel shaded
and the edge detection can be turned off
>is it me is does the tone seem alot more serious than the other two
It's just you.
Knowing Gearbox the third game will be even more randumbly wacky. The gotta keep the power creep up in all the aspects.
stealth is cool and exciting, go play duke nukem forever if you're so desperate to dudebro
mozter race reporting in
soldiers always get my favorite skills
Absolutely fucking based Mozechad
Punch Siren, having phasewalk to get in/out quickly and phaselock to pin down priority targets plus a melee-centric playstyle sounds fun as balls.
Siren or Hobot
they learned that hiring someone to be a writer because they think there youtube videos are funny is a mistake
>/our boy/ made the front cover
i'm into stealth so zane
Being a psychopathic murderer should be an equal among genders.
serious question
how do we know this is vaughn?
we can barely see his face and he didnt wear that outfit in tales from the borderlands
No one, Borderlands is fucking trash. It's like a FPS MMO with the same stale collection and kill quests repeated a million times, garbage "quirky" dialogue and an art direction that makes you sick.
I got the entire Borderlands 2 with all the DLC (fucking gearbox could teach Paradox a thing or two about DLC gouging) from a friend, and played it. It's a fucking AWFUL experience, in no small part because the games are basically just explosions of shit with random colours that looks like an islamic terrorist bombed a pride parade.
I don't get how people can play these games without eye strain, and those four "heroes" look as uninteresting as they are unoriginal. Come the fuck on, son. I'm here to heckle people who plan to throw money at the shitheap that his Gearbox, but it's more like kicking a cripple that's already down.
The chick with the Titan looks fun but I'm concerned how it'll handle indoors
where'd you get the names?
Whoever has the best voice lines.
What now bullies? beg randy, BEG!
then why are you even here
>i bet you didn't even play as gauge
>squeaky voice 4-th wall breaking retardation written by Burch
>autistically stack anarchy in Sanctuary on a dummy and then proceed to shoot the floor to kill the entire location
No thanks.
they're in the trailer and on the site
that actually sounds fun
She digistructs it so it doesn't drop in, it spawns like any other vehicle in the series
Nigga he's a ripped as fuck manlet and still has the same glasses that's fucking Vaughn
This is the important part
why was this post deleted?
I just fucking told you, you mouth-breather.
The gunslinger dude and the big robot guy look cool, but their abilities sound meh. I'm not a fan of pet classes in games in general.
In the first two BL I gravitate toward the siren characters, so maybe that's what I'll play. If I'm controlling her, I won't have to look at her face, right?
>and those four "heroes" look as uninteresting as they are unoriginal
especially axton, he is probably the most boring milk toast playable character in gaming history how some people main him just baffles me
Nice projection, how do you know he wasn't the "look at this photo realistic fox" poster?
>fucking gearbox could teach Paradox a thing or two about DLC gouging
Ah you fucked the bait up.
Replied to the wrong post.
janny kun takes the n word very seriously
Is Gearbox planning to make a game that's actually worth playing or is it just going to be more of the same?
In played Tales from the Borderlands and it was entertaining enough that I decided to try Borderlands 2, but it's just not fun or a good game. Maybe you need to be a lot younger to appreciate the humor?
i'm not the same user asshat
How is their security since last month? Did they fix the email verification issues or is it still so so?
Does that somehow prevent you from reading the post you replied to and getting the answer, knobgoblin?
He rides eternal
i always hated that, hammerlock while not an asshole, is still pompous as fuck. He's pretty ugly by the games standards as well, like his lips are nasty huge. I just don't buy anyone let alone Gaige being into him (bar her weird robo-fetish)
the funnier jokes are more subtle unironically
an example is when angel describes jack's body double's responsibilities include kissing hands and shaking babies
or the area named the Ore Chasm
>Duke Nukem-like character with good writing, charisma and the feeling of power
Haha oh wow. I've heard some people game to escape reality but this is a whole another level.
Get off your own dick and stop taking games so seriously you lame fuck.
only a guy that respect women could get such a fat fuck
How is that an "enormous plus"? How is not having LESS choice a plus? Are you in North Korea or something?
It's optional on steam and all other platforms that have it.
>splitscreen nice
>tfw no rocket/fire launcher/ ic cube system/ smart bullet/ self exploding gun yet
it still doesn't answer why you don't just leave
who the fuck unironically uses this insult, it's just stupid
I love cel-shading, when it's an art style. Or when it's covering-up small flaws. When you're trying to cover up THOSE FUCKING JAGS like the shit dev you are? Nope.
>meme game written by a cuck
go play destiny for your lootshooting, bitches.
it also has massive flaws but at least the gunplay is fun and the art isn't dog-shit.
>cel shaded
The lines flatten out the depth. The detail and quality has gone up but it's hard to notice because the ink shaders just flatten out all the detail anyways. They should have gone for more of a stylized PBR shader, with hyper-realistic textures, rather than the lines this time around. You can translate a lot of their texture details into 3d and have it still be the same style but without the lines.
>kissing hands and shaking babies
Quality material.
>Ore Chasm
I see they DID get Anthony Burch back as a writer.
Seriously through are you kidding with these examples?
Borderlands doesn't use cel shading. It's been almost ten years and people still get this wrong.
I said something.
>I love cel-shading
>I love
anthony burch is no longer with gearbox
You're retarded.
Competition for netflix, with their own exclusives, means a much higher cost for the consumer. It's a subscription based service.
The game storefronts are free (except steam, you need to pay $5 to use it's social services), so it doesn't matter how many storefronts there are and if they have exclusives.
Okay, what fucking engine is this?
I almost read that as "no longer with us".
>anthony burch
Sounds like a serial killer. At least all he did is kill good games.
literally has nothing to do with weather a game is cel shaded or not
You're an optimist, user. I like that.
>I love cel-shading
>Thinks Borderlands is cel-shaded
Why does my favorite lighting style attract so many fucking posers?
The consumer only pays for what they want. A subscription service absolutely destroys the rights of the consumer. Now, you get whatever they want to give you with a monthly fee. You don't get to choose.
Epic, and Steam are your saviors next to whatever the FUCK google is doing. Streaming games is fucking insane. If that becomes a mainstay, gaming is DONE. Destroy stadia on every social media platform you can. They can not be allowed to succeed, ever.
Take a stand for your games. Or else you're fucking getting angry birds and a complete dipshit casino instead of real games.
Could have fucking fooled me, because this writing is precisely what he would have come up with. Even the "or chasm" joke is stolen from Terry Pratchetts Discworld novel, "Soul Music".
Not that I would have ever expected something original from Gearbox but holy fuck, you'd think they'd at least try. Or maybe they're just being ironically hamfisted, derivative and lame on purpose?
>Brick has 3 paws around his neck now
Well I hope his 3rd dog died of old age or something.
well you still have a game with terrible gunplay, terrible graphics, terrible setting, terrible story, terrible music, terrible enemy design;
how fucking hard is it to understand that anthony burch worked on borderlands 2 but is no longer involved with gearbox
are you fucking retarded
said the risk of rain poster
Settle down, sperg.
>Rhys seems to be the CEO of a reborn Atlas now
>He also has Zer0 in his employ for some reason
What is /our guy/ planning?
>terrible gunplay
>terrible graphics
>terrible setting
subjective AND incorrect
>terrible story
>implying Destiny's is better
>terrible music
do i have to say it?
>terrible enemy design
>post risk of rain concept art
By all means, keep being wrong. It's almost funny.
You keep saying that, but as the writing is clearly just as shit and possibly worse, does it really matter if they have Burch working there or not?
RoR has good music though.
But so do BL.
i just looked at the cast
troy baker isnt gonna be coming back as rhys
stephen colbert is gonna be his new voice actor
Banging Sasha and becoming the leader of the most powerful weapons manufacturer in the universe.
especially not a girlfriend :(
please help me.
dont respond to me or my post ever again
I refuse to believe that.
Female psychos have always been in a thing. There's an Axton shrine in BL2 with a pair of pantsu on a bed somewhere.
>stephen colbert is gonna be his new voice actor
Did Troy Baker, the man who will voice act for literal sandwiches, have that little faith in the game or did they just want to waste money on Colbert?
At least we can masturbate to the inevitable cosplay by empty-headed bitches who will hopefully show a LOT of abs and ass.
>Troy Baker, the man who will voice act for literal sandwiches
Are we talking about the same Troy Baker here?
>jakobs AR
will they be trash again
Now if only there's a head without the helmet and goth hairstyle i'll be all set.
>playing borderlands alone
Umm, you enjoy yourself user
jakobs were the only good ARs in borderlands 2
we better get borderlands 1 gibbing
How big would your grin be if
Anyone else tried the remaster of BL1 seems extremely poorly optimized..
And please, take off BL1 and 2 too.
They strip the flesh and salt the wound, of course
Have you seen some of the things he's voice acted?
It's not to slight him at all, but he tends to accept any role even if there's not much money in it. He's a step away from voicing crowdfunded indie titles and being in the next Super Seducer game.
I cannot in good faith believe they couldn't get him unless it's because he's busy with Death Stranding. And in any case, I don't get the choice of Colbert.
Alright boys so I did some slight digging on troys twitter and he said he would be happy to be Rhys again. Randy even responed saying "I love Troy and think he is one of the greatest actors to ever voice video games. I am so proud that Troy played Sgt. Baker in Brothers in Arms at the beginning of his video game voice acting career and hope to work with him again."
That fucker needs to post his source.
>store queue
>lacks basic features like limiting download speed
>automatically puts itself to run on start up on updates without asking
>likely botnet
>tons of money going into exclusivity deals when it still lacks a ton of shit
that's a yikes from me mr tiananmen
Mmmm, imagine the smell after putting her gasmask on.
>Epic has a much better split of the revenue than Steam, so they're a much better storefront.
When do I see some of that money?
Amazonian Fem Psycho crushing pelvises while she bounces on them, here we come!
For the developers. but for the consumer not so much.
better question is: Why?
in the quality of the devs next game
>He's backed up, so is impossible to kill, he is a recurring random encounter boss, that will hound you the entire game.
But the most expensive videogames ever made are trash.
Maya will phaselock your character and milk it.
The worst part is Tiny Tina might replace him if hes not back.
>Steam does all that
But my character is female.
>Tiny Tina
Did anyone actually like that character?
Unironically, I mean?
Regular milking, then.
the only redeemable character in the entire fucking game
probably became all zen and shit after moving to maya's palace
More DLC please like Train sim
I hope cryo damage is back
why is this one 1313x739
you got thats the same size as the other ones
it just peeved me this one is a different size than the rest
Redditors, Big Bang Theory and Rick and Morty audience, etc.
>we get to see him speak with his inner voice but has random episodes of his psycho voice
i hope they do this
>I will just not play the game if it has a female character as a protagonist
check out this incelord and laugh at him
Actually, i'm not playing it because I can't play as Maya.
Slander again like the USB stick.
He's right, female protags have become cancer at this point.
The characters don't seem that bad tho
>stephen colbert is gonna be his new voice actor
I would fucking laugh so hard my lungs would collapse.
But Borderlands has always been two men and two women.
>make more money since Epic pays for the exclusives
For anyone other than indies or a flop, that's very short-term.
Nah, they are fine, it's just you westerners are a bunch of talentless hacks incapable of creating beauty.
>the character is cancer because of their gender, and not because the actual character is cancer
You've become a mirror reflection of the SJWs you fool.
>assertive woman of color
>badass white girl ready to slay like a queen
>hipster onions boy with ironic handlebar moustache for the male allies
>faceless huge lump of shit for the toxic males so they can't identify with it or feel empowered by it
Yeah it checks out.
Brick is the prettiest waifu.
>assertive woman of color
>badass white girl ready to slay like a queen
>hipster onions boy with ironic handlebar moustache for the male allies
>faceless huge lump of shit for the toxic males so they can't identify with it or feel empowered by it
Trying too hard to make it sound bad.
Then again, Poe's law.
brick was pretty hot
>But Borderlands has always been two men and two women
>1 has Brick, mordy rolan and lilith
>2 has 3 males? and one female
Hol up
Once you realize it, you'll never be able to unsee it.
In an effort to combat men as a whole, they've made sure straight white males can have none of the precious representation and have to either play as gay, blonde waluigi or some sort of loader bot in a bomber jacket.
There really aren't any good choices.
No, what I see is that millennials are a generation of autistic people who deserve to be mocked.
All millennial idealists have no purpose in this world beyond being mocked for the embarassment you have made out of yourselves throughout the 2010s with your pathetic culture "war", thinking you are saving the world by discussing the amount of niggers there are in superhero movies.
Everyone born between 1985 and 1995 should be drafted to active warzones, give you a lesson of what actual fighting is.
Gat dem that shit looks good. Why do people shit on not having updated graphics while there
are definitely some big improvements. It's just the thick outlines that gives it the same look, but that's just the
artstyle they are going for since the first borderlands game. And because of it you immediately know it's that game.
I guess we will know if this post is real or not in four weeks
What line-up would like to see? Taking in the 'lore' and setting of Burderlands.
been saying that since day one
Two tours of Afghanistan, fuckboy.
Anything else you want to add?
TPS has two females, one male and one trashcan.
I bet it was really intense playing all those phone games in those guard shifts at base where nothing happened.
Made for impregnation.
>pathetic and petty as fuck
Like. Fucking. Pottery.
all of them but probably Mecha girl first
>In an effort to combat men as a whole
>straight white males can have none of the precious representation
>Playing the victim this hard
You're weak willed. I hope WW3 erupts just so you faggots die for your artificial ideals and your pretend wars.
Since when does anyone here care about representation? Just because a fictional character doesn't look like you it's an attack to your kind? Do you not realise how that sounds? That's what SJW faggots said and that's why we hated them. And that's why i hate you.
In BL2 you had stuff like those plasma caster SMGs. I don't see why these features would limit further creativity.
The Beast tamer. He looks so cool.
Replace the virtue signal PoC character with a normal woman, more Ripley, less Vasquez. A strong woman doesn't need to be a man with tits.
Make the robot more obviously robotic. Right now it seems like something rejected from Gorillaz or World War Robot by Ashley Wood.
Replace the ugly little woman with an ugly little man. That means there'll be two men, one woman and one machine aka a "non-gender" character which can identify as whatever the fuck you want it to.
I don't know what the fuck they were thinking with that dangly milquetoast hipster, but make his proportions less stupid and either go all the way with the cowboy theme or give it up. Don't stop halfway and make him look like a saloon bartender.
Shame she has long hair now, but the new surge of porn will make up for that.
>waahh waah waah abloo bloo bloo
Dry your eyes, you dumb cunt. SJW's have been screeching about "representation" for over a decade, and you immediately break down like a bitch when someone mentions it ironically.
You're right that we need a world war though, to get rid of your kind.
Why are you millennials so obsessed with representation and self inserting?
They should stop making human characters altogether, lets see if all you autistic 30 year olds finally kill yourselves and rid the world of this retarded culture "war" between weirdos.
>supressor on the under-barrel attachement.
They have a decent looking minigun, but damn they still have retarded designs.
See you dumb, pathetic faggot.
Christ your whining is completely insufferable.
zero was supposed to have a female voice
he was has this voice in the tales from the borderlands
but im glad they changed it for the basegame
Holy creator of cringe.
Dude, how can you not like blowing shit up with a quad-barrel torgue shotgun?
Exactly, you and SJWs have spent the 2010s screeching like a bunch of autists over shitty videogames and dumbass superhero movies and pretending you are saving the world because of it.
That's why what you deserve is to have all your beloved characters that you "fought" either to keep white or to turn into niggers to be turned into robots or aliens that don't resemble the human form at all.
Considering your view of politics is all about dumbass characters in fictional media, this will probably mean there's nothing more to you in the world, and with luck, you generation of autists will kill yourselves and let the rest of the world try to fix your 10 year long cultural terrorism.
Gonna love this shit.
Holy shit the gun variety is great. But why do some of the brands not have
distinct color schemes anymore?
Probably Salvador since he just feels right in the setting of A BILLION GUNS and going crazy duel wielding them
Imagine if they do it right with far-west wizzz sound.
Don't let the fence work its way too far up your ass, retard. You gotta leave room for the dicking you'll be getting when everything collapses and you're the first to go.
I believe its because weapon skins are a thing now.
New weapon company? Nice, but what does COV stand for.
Some weapons here could be legendaries with unique design, the others can also be just white shit loot. Not concerning at all.
if they don't reference this gun with a unique I'll be sad
So Jack is gone for good? I never thought I'd miss that douchebag.
children of the vault
Children of the Vault. It's the cult led by Frieza and edgy Donte.
Oh yeah, you millennials really are going to burn down the world into the ground with your twitter fights.
That's if diabetes and colon cancer doesn't get to your generation first.
Based and snupilled
Fucking gearbox. They could have made a Brothers in Arms game, but they made this instead.
What the fuck is that extended mag on the Double barrel shotgun? Holy fuck that is retarded!
>retarded round mag on the rifle, still there
>it's lever action rifle
This gonna be bad!
What? How and when
Is this your first time seeing a Borderlands game.
>it's lever action rifle
Pic related.
It's the artstyle. I never really cared for it but it does set itself apart from other shooters
>Love the aesthetics of Tediore weapons
>Absolutely fucking loathe the gimmick
>>Absolutely fucking loathe the gimmick
its too powerful and should been nerfed
Not to mention that it is just plain retarded, even on a conceptual level. They should just make it so that it's the spent mag you toss like a grenade, not the whole fucking gun. It could even be rationalized by having the mags heat up as you fire.
I mean just pirate it?
>spent mag you toss like a grenade, not the whole fucking gun
The point is that its faster to just regenerate a new gun than manually reload
Not choosing until I see the skill trees.
>>every fun berserker/soldier class characters are fucking stronk womyn now, get fucked if you want something manly and Duke Nukem-esque like Sal, Krieg or Brick
Fuck you, I want my musclegirl character. There's enough characters of that type you're describing in so many games
nice blogpost faggot
This is too fun of an idea for anyone at Gearbox to think it up
>and one trashcan
no bully CL4P-TP pls :( he just wants to help
>Actual minigun barrel
Maybe this time we will get extreme fire rate weapons that do not run out of ammo literally seconds after you begin firing.
Then regenerate the magazine. Anything but fucking "ebin exploding gun throwing :D"
Regenerate? is this cannon? I always thought it was just a gameplay thing that you don't lose it when it explodes.
They're probably running out of things to reference nowadays, so it'll most likely be there
I'm just pointing out the lever action with the retarded mag combination.
A good lever action rifle needs to pack a punch to make up for the rate of fire and single bullet reload.
I'm affraid it's going to be generic shit without the charm of a .45-70.
>playing Borderlands
>muh day of the rope
hahahaha pathetic
cringe and soipilled
It is canon. Tediore's specialty is digistructing (that's the term for digitally constructing something in moments, even people after they have died) a new copy of the weapon each time the magazine runs dry and the user tosses the gun away for it to explode.
How could you miss that? Tediore is digistructing a new gun every time. It's the archetype of the corporation that doesn't care about environment pollution and recycling with its technology shit.
Haven't noticed how all Tediore guns have the fastest reload? That shields have the fastest recharge rate and short recharge delay, compromising on capacity? It's because it's all cheap shit that is less costly to remake instead of re-use.
Wouldn't it be more logical if they were topless?
>people use twitter screenshots and identity politics to determine whether they want to play a game or not
I hope they are going to give all shotguns a chance to spawn as pump action instead of just the rickety bandit/scav variants. Half of the fun in using a shotgun is cycling a new shell by pumping.
god she is top fucking tier waifu
>found Tina annoying, but also cute at times.
>Now she'll probably just be annoying to me in BL3
>even people after they have died
well I KNOW that is non-canon.
I didn't really think that something like a handheld generator could create something as complex as other generator ad infinitum.
also Is there a reason why people can't equip several shields?
imagine the smell of her airmpits after a full day of shooting
What do you think happens every time you die in a Borderlands game? You get taken to a New-U station that digistructs you (or a copy of you) back together.
Siren on the left makes my pp hard, and melee classes are always fun so probably her
It looks great sorry it’s not for you zoomer. Go back to fortnite.
friend of mine considered him hot (we were teenagers at the time). She liked his voice, politeness and that aura of adventurer.
imagine the smell of her crotch after a full day of running
>>randy makes another shitty drama and acts like a piece of shit once more to the point that his own employees are sabotaging the project
believing the most retarded baits of Yea Forums
but that explicitly isn't canon, it's just a stylized gameplay mechanic.
>bringing slag back
>people already waifuing moze
Based shortstacks
I really hope the rumor of heavy weapons is true.
user don't be retarded. there's nothing "lol random XD" about exploding guns
>Taking the word of Anthony fucking Burch as gospel
I wouldn't be surprised if the rest of the studio considers the stations (and always did consider them) canon.
>haha no time to reload ill just throw my gun and itll explode like a grenade! thats BADASS! :DD
>Not "lol randumb"
claptraps were used as sex slaves in the first game
i wonder if that's still canon
i've gone through the game multiple times and never used slag.
Holodome DLC for the pre-sequel.
She just comments, that Axton is a super-stud, that's it.
I think we are all asking the wrong questions here.
The right question being, of course, is HE in?
The problem was that slag was so effective they balanced TVHM and UVMH along with it and that made it a requirement. I think it was like 4X damage on UVMH, it was retarded.
If they tone it down to +50% or a bit less, it could just add a small amount of damage just like elemental DOT and not influence gameplay, as a bonus on the side if you got a weapon equipped with it.
Supposedly Maliwans can alt fire different elements, so slagging might be less of a pain
>Still no S&S Munitions
It isn't
>cultural terrorism
Why do anti-sjws always overreact to everything, it's super cringe.
Zed is a staple character at this point, and since he isn't fucking dead like Scooter, it's a safe bet to claim that we will be getting our meds from trusty (totally licensed and legitimate) Dr.Zed
but then it wouldn't make sense why jack would even fight the player. no point if he can't stop the new U machines.
you think they would have mentioned them at some point.
Cr1tikal became a real attention ho the moment he revealed his face
I'm anti culture "war" warriors.
Pretty fucking tired of your endless screaming and shitposting and outrage over trivial crap.
Only thing they have in common is dark lips, but that's it.
Jack was the CEO of Hyperion, and the New-U machines in Borderlands 2 were manufactured by Hyperion. I'm pretty sure he could have shut them down if he wanted to. In fact, unless I am absolutely delusional, I remember there being some dialogue in there somewhere about this exact topic.
are they actually putting slag back into BL3?
Redditors are the most retarded people I’ve ever seen
When were they?
Bl1 was gimmicky shit and a grind fest
Borderlands 1 you fucking pleb.
Pretty sure they weren't. Mordecai had skills that affect handguns, both pistols and revolvers, but never only revolvers. They used the same ammo too.
>pistol proficiency levels with both repeaters and revolvers
They were just a different type of pistol, user.
That was BL2, BL1 had separate categories and ammo pools for repeaters and revovers