post your character lads, let this be a comfy thread
Outward thread
Seriously though how do i kill them, they built like fucking tanks
how white are you?
dont, its a roleplaying game, and you start out as a poor peasant with a debt, go out and scavenge shit, come back later with a decent weapon, armor and some skills
pretty fucking european my dude
I downloaded it, but it seems much more fun with a friend, of which none play video games like I do. So...reeee
what are you a girl, you dont need friends, pussy
That's the problem user, i already got all the best stuffs i can, my main quest now is to kill them but i can't because that 2nd Sword guy can 2 hit me and i need to hit him like 100 times
>Follow sandnigger friend to join Heroic Kingdom because seems like they respect individual feat instead of the blood price bullshit
>Solved rebellion, famine and shit. Feel gud
>Friend just betrays you because the war didn't go the way he wanted
Is it possible to convince him to give up?
Is this game actually good?
si muy bien
If you have a lot of patience yes. If you get frustrated easily, steer clear.
It's a 7/10 game, it's comfy but have a lot of janky
It's passable at best, these threads are basically 50% who actually like the game and 50% a couple of dudes from quebec that are probably being offered a Tim Hortons coupon to be a shill for the game. It's okay to like the game, but some people are being way too obvious
donde esta la biblioteca, carbon
>switch to adventurer's pack they said
>it will be fine they said
Just finished the questline of one faction as a melee dude.
The gameplay is really janky until you invest in some skills and gears that make things much better. At the beginning, you only rely on a Kick skill to stagger them then punish. Later on, you have a few more counter skills that can destroy their posture instantly and deal good damage. Weapons can also deal bleeding or poison so you can cheese if things go wrong. Armors make you eat a lot more hits before you die.
Sidequests are rare. There are MMO-tier repeatable quests too. Main quests are alright.
Exploration is great but too much walking. The survival shit is trivialised with questionable game design. There are passive skills that make hunger/thrist/sleep need slow down by 50% and make you more resistant to weather temperature as well. On top of that, there are some always-safe spot to camp. Combine both, you rarely have to care about this system at all. Food only serves as buff for combat.
go around
i want to like holy mission but the candles on their armor is stupid looking and i hate swamps
also fyi 2 handed warhammer is best weapon. juggernaut instant KOs everything in the game
use rocks.
shrimps are dumb. REALLY dumb. they'll forget about you after a few seconds of hiding behind a rock and start to go around it to see if you're there, which is when you can run around the other side and smack them in the ass then dodge out of their close range aoe and go back behind the rock
Speed gear stacks, right?
so how would a pure archer deal with those ghosts? pressure plate traps?
Sounds like Risen, classic Eurojank
Just finished this game, and besides spending 60% of my time walking back and forth it was pretty fun. What other games have this feel besides piranha bites games?
how is couch co op in this game? can i use 2 controllers with a steam link?
>want to play outward
>but it's too expensive
>elex is pretty cheap tho
Oh boy here we go
looks like trash fella
Wish there was more customization options, every face option looks so gormless.
>there are head models in game you dont have access to
>they also have beards, which are completely unavailable to the player
Game is really neat, could use some polish but I like it.
Youve made a mistake, Im not joking. If you are going to play it get a flamethrower as fast as possible, the combat is fucking jank to the point where you can be fighting an enemy and your ally will stand and watch you die, and then when you die they enter combat, this is a regular occurance and not a one time thing either.
>you have stamina
>enemies dont
>enemies attack endlessly
>you have to back peddle like fuck constantly if you dont want to tank hits
How many hours did it take your to complete it?
Tried Kenshi? Its alot more aimless like Mount and Blade but it might be what youre looking for, theres a demo on their website if youre willing.
Why does every screen from this game look like an MMO?
Spooky Challenge mode: Full skeleton armor set, firepoker weapon and lantern of souls offhand.
What does "legacy" do when making a new character?
Open world indie games don't have the budget for grafix but it plays nice.
So I just got out of the first zone after exploring almost everything besides the places with ghosts that I can't kill. Does it matter which zone I go to first to explore or is one zone harder than the other?
Could you shitters please fuck off with your blatant shilling, you will never be gothic
Desert is the hardest one but not by much.
I'll try out the marsh then.
You can find four legacy chests spread throughout the game. Each chest has room for one item. Once you've placed the items you want in them, you can select that character's legacy on starting a new game, and when you reach the legacy chests on the new character you can take the items you left. This lets you keep items that are exclusive to each faction on subsequent playthroughs, like the lantern of souls or candle plate armor.
Tempted to just say fuck all the skills and fill my quickslots with different individually loaded pistols. Who needs magic when you can just fucking shoot them?
Can I get a quick rundown of the factions? I'm thinking of being an adventurous wizard, possibly on the spooky side if that holds any relevance in this game.
Faction choice has no bearing on skill choice. That said, blue chamber collective is all about family. Shared burdens and shared good fortune. The holy mission is about helping people when you can, and getting stronger when you can't, so that you can later. Also destroying the scourge. The heroic kingdom is about fuck all yall, I don't owe anybody anything, bitches and money, bitches and money.
Also of note is that the heroic kingdom is the only city with a fucking slum, so make of that what you will.
>Really wanna play this game
>Know i'll play it for maybe 10 hours then drop it because my backlog is so big and i'm awful at committing to playing one game until I complete most of what there is to do
Yo guys be real with me is the game actually good or is it just the FOTM?
Get the horror bow that applies extreme poison, combine that bow with the ranger skill that applies extreme bleeding and use the rest of your quickslots for obsidian pistols that set people on fire.
After that just watch the enemies drop after a few seconds.
Its barely FOTM even, its a definite love or hate thing that I can see a handful of people discussing later that noone knows what they are talking about.
In saying that its not bad at all. I cant help but think of what COULD be while playing it, like if Monster Hunter or Dragons Dogma game had this survival elements and map scale. I actually really like that you dont level up, you just buy skills, get better gear and git gud.
This is a game to play if you are burnt out on other games similar to it. People mention dragons dogma, its similar to that in some ways.
Id play DD again but.. ive already played it for 500 hours
New to game and just cleared out my first bandit camp, how difficult is it to learn magic? and one of the npcs said something about 3 paths that lead to it, do they effect my choice or do i choose what school when i get there?
they all lead to the same place
this just unlocks the ability to (trade health/stamina to) get mana. The actual skills come from trainers around the world.
Its possible to run through the path right at the start if you know the way you can find guides for this.
See that big fuck off mountain with the spirals around it that looks important? Go in there if you want magic, it was available right at the start. Be wary, you trade stamina/health PERMANENTLY to gain mana, how much you trade dictates how much mana you get. Should alos be noted that magic is OP as fuck in this and definitely worth investing in if thats what youre into, the mechanics for it are also kindof neat, you dont just whip a fireball you have to do a ritual for fire and shit.
the only screenshot I took, because friend wanted to see my character. Outdated as fuck, but I'm too busy to launch the game.
Based porridge nigger
There are three paths to the conflux chamber in the center of the mountain. Take the holy mission conflux path at the foot of the mountain if you want the easiest time. There's an NPC in there who will kill shit for you or die while acting as a distraction while you casually flip the levers to open the door to the conflux chamber.
You can only join one faction, right?
Is there a day/night cycle? Even better if there's weather
How big is the world?
Is the lag in coop bad?
Buy halberd, kill high-ayays, make fang halberd, hit bandit till bleed proc, block roll and walk back till they drop. Even worked on bandit leader with the big halberd.
which bandits you gotta kill? Haven't done any quests but the starter/blood debt one but I've killed a lot of fucking bandits.
If it's the Valadan prison guys you set traps in front of the npc guy before you talk to him and start the fight.
In general Make fang halber for bleed and bow to pull them easier, then after making 1k or so from selling everything from bandits, go to berg and get the bow skills, they are really good.
>open world soulsborne clone with crafting and survival but the combat is shit
This game is shit
Yay i killed the bandit boss, look like i haven't finished the quest though.
I have the Holy Quest which have looking for some tomb and the Village Quest that ask me to attack Vendavel, how long can i delay the Vendavel quest? I think i hear from some user that if i don't do it quick that village will be burn down
The world is fucking empty.
Uninstalled after 10mins
therer's a quest? I just went in there and kill em all.
good game
>not pirating single player games
>don't see the world
>complain about how little of the world you saw
So, are there mounts or is it perpetual walking?
I can handle no fast travel, but I hope there is *some* mobility progression.
so is the prospector backpack the best bag? It seems like the forward lantern beats out the other bigger bags for utility. Seems like only one handed weapon users can justify the bad light placement on other bags
There are items that give you increased run speed, and even a skill that gives +10% if you want to spend a breakthrough point on it
You can get like +50%
Also with the right food and water buff you can sprint pretty much eternally
The power coil lantern is so bright it really doesn't matter that its on your back
Is this game fun in singleplayer? My shitty gaming friends only want to play apex right now.
Magic is crap, you need some fucking crystals to actually do magic which means you are not a mage just fuckwit who uses magic items. Look, I am a mage, I press trigger on a a flamethrower and I conjure flames. True mage makes spless with his mana not crystals and shit.
Can I let bandits birn Cierzo and then complete the quest for rewards? I assume I can't join them and burn the city together.
>he didn't jump on roof
This is the first game I have ever played that is more balanced with infinite HP trainer (and i finished DS1, DS3 and quite a few old games more brutal than those).
Cos HP does not do difference if you don't get hit.
Do anyone knows if Boons / Imbues stack? So like can i have poison rag and fire imbue at the same time?
Well shooould I be jumping on roofs user!?
Better bow where? Random loot?
Immolate and Fire Boon. delete people with your fireballs.
Is that bow in a set place?
Anyone know where exactly the Brass Wolf Backpack is in the Sand Rose cave?
>finally get to Monsoon
>mobs respawn a lot faster than the first zone
I'm drowning in fangs and scales from all these dino spawns. Not to mention the bandits almost always spawn with a steel shield that's worth 60s. I might finally save enough money for some decent gear.
I've determined that the holy mission is the best faction to join.
>Gives you a elixir that kills you in 30 days as a quest reward
defintly fotm but it might be good if you can play it on co-op
I think dev picks it up in one of the steams. Will check.
Can i sell it?
Don't know about late game, but for now, mage - sucking balls.
Which one you using? the bandit camp have a better one
The default one. The camp one was probably random loot.
I found bow there too. It's in the camp close to crashed ship. One of the bandit use it, I don't think they have randomized equip.
Would you lads recommend the game to a solo player? Divinity Original Sin is a coop game I totally adore, yet I highly doubt I would enjoy it as a solo experience. Where does Outward stand in that regard?
My regular coop partner is a poorfag, and I'm in no position to be gifting a game right now, but I still would like to play it. But if we were to play it down the line I'd probably spoil the experience by already knowing all the stuff about the game. Not sure what to do here.
If it helps, theres 3 stories to go thru and the host is the only one that "matters" when co-oping. So you can play one story solo, and host another character on a different story. But yes you will know a lot of stuff by the time you and your friend play together.
I heard you can play co-op using the pirated version but dont know how its done.
If it's some steamworks "fix" / crack that's off the table for me. I've checked if the game had LAN so you could use that to have pirated coop, but it doesn't.
If only there was co-op for three.
Dunno if your coop friend is local to you but the game supports splitscreen.
The game is a lot of fun with or without a second player, but yeah it'll kind of spoil it if you know everything by the time they jump in.
Tunngle or Hamachi. Never used them but apparently you can play coop on pirated games with those or some similar programs. Start your search from there
unfortunately it seems only rune magic is worth using according to people
Posting my character. Hoping someone mods in fast travel at least between main cities before I do other play throughs.
>26 days
>still no attack on Cierzo
I just want to complete this quest I heard a lot about and move on. FUCK
its not going to happen unless you trigger it by having an npc in another zone tell you about it user
Do you have experience with this?
I got it from the big chest on top of the bandit camp near the village
Nigger, I played Sin solo and i fucking love it.
Not yet, have a another friend who's gonna get the game and will have to use it, but from the posts on the mod page, it looks like it works as long as you follow the installation instructions, and that the game scales up to 3 players natively, but no more than that.
damn, I'm a retard.
>its not going to happen unless you trigger it by having an npc in another zone tell you about it user
oh shit you mean i fucked up when i talk to the old lady in berg
What is the mask and where to get?
Movement speed cap with a potion or food buff is 61%
The elixer doesn’t do that you plebeian, you saying “yes daddy I will give my soul over to this random bitch I’ve never met before.” However does
Complete the holy mission story line is the only way to get it. The chest and boots that are apart of the set are gotten about halfway through. It's the candle armor the holy mission knights wear.
>can't save the game at any time I want
I'm too scared that I'm gonna fuck up somewhere and lose all my shit. With those types of games you can never know when you fuck up a quest and get locked out of something.
It's a shame because this game seems really comfy.
Literally just copy SaveGame folder in the installation dir (SteamApps/whatever).
Am I the only one who thinks this game is boring dogshit? I bought it to play with my brother because of the couch multiplayer and while trading for silver might be a little fun actually exploring is boring as hell. I'm really not sure what to even do in the game. It feels unfinished
You have adhd
Have you even played the game, or did you just watch the sseth review and now pretend you know what you are talking about?
Haha funny. I'm cool with slow experiences and taking time with a game but the game really feels lacking. The world feels dead and fails to immerse imo. Cool concept though. Probably gonna wait for updates or something.
Feeling pretty comfy about my battle mage. The mushroom shield is pretty shit but aesthetic, wish it had better durability though. Any other cool shields in game? I was using a lantern until now, for the flamethrower skill.
Bro he's reading off the script lmao
We get it. You played for an hour, never left the starting area and you two got dominated by hyenas while never actually learning the combat system.
Yes, it is boring as shit. And that comes from a guy who WALKED to the throat of the world in Skyrim.
Not at all. We both got maces and shields and ganked all the enemies. We usually kite one away from the other then run back and gank one then the other. The strategy is flawless. Combat is ridiculously easy but fun enough. Anyone who thinks this game is hard has straight potato brain. It was just weird diving into a dungeon and the ghosties don't take damage. We're gonna give it another try tomorrow if you have any tips for getting into it.
You never played DnD or proper DnD based game I see.
I've gone through a couple sessions lol. We always ended up goofing off and shit.
Tell me why you think the game is good. I'm not trying to discredit you I genuinely want to know what you enjoy about it so I can try to relate and find enjoyment in the game.
Depends on how far into the game you are. If you're still in the first area there is a bandit boss that drops a red shield. I can't recall the stats because I moved to the swamp asap and never went back after the starter town got destroyed until i was in end game gear. Best shield I've seen is the wolf shield (wolf is the best looking set in the game imo and one of the best heavy armor sets).
>learning the combat system.
Lmao there's nothing to learn. Enemy AI is braindead.
It gets a bit more fun when you have more skills but early on this combat is some of the worst dogshit I've ever seen for a game of its type.
I didn't play coop so I'm not sure how it's all balanced around it, but one of you should go magic caster and the other stay some sort of melee for more diverse fun. Go join the holy mission if you want to move to the hardest area in the game with multiple boss fights in the zone and lots of enemies.
The AI is dumb, but that doesn't mean there isn't a combat system to learn. Are you just running in and unga bungaing shitty bandits and hyenas who don't do anything to perserve their life? Go fight a manticore.
>this is the same price as Kingdom Come
Which should I buy?
Kingdom Come plays like shit, just watch an lp on youtube.
Kingdom Come is a good game too, but if you're looking to get both and want one right now I'd get this game now because Kingdom Come might go on sale at some point since it's been out longer. If you don't care about that then I'd say Kingdom Come.
Kingdom Come was actually pretty fun. The AI is sorta dog shit. Like if you go on a killing spree they will casually stroll up to you and try to run past you. If you can get past that though the game pulls of a very unique and grounded feeling. Ultra immersive if you're into that kinda stuff.
KC is actually a better game although it's short as hell
read somewhere that it would trigger when you join a faction. it doesn't matter if someone tells you about it. but if you are in the first map, the timelimit will stop as long as you be there.
>Tell me why you think the game is good.
I am not that guy, I actually think the game is mediocre at best. Its just that in DnD ghosts can not be harmed by physical weapons (non-magical that is) which seems to make alot of sense to me, and why common folk would be scared of them more than anything.
>-$0.50 have been withdrawn from your Yea Forums account
Kingdome Come is better game overall if you like shitty "here is your character so read our book in form of a game" type of games, this one at least have decency to have (atrocious) character creation and this one have magic not "muh history realism" Poland or whatever.
I can accept that.
how is it for toaster pcs? i have a gtx 750ti
They should honestly put some more dosh into the artstyle for a follow-up game if that ever happens, because at this point it's just an inconsistent mess.
They're very different, but both very good. KCD goes on sale pretty often, just get it then.
Is this game co-op?
Is there any list of items and things in Cierzo I can find? Like skeleton armor and the spellblade guy, just so I get them all before I see this rotten garbage pile of a city burned to the ground.
Seems to be.
This game feels like cheap asian MMO, but without other players and without boobage.
Any pcfag want a co-op partner for a bit?
infinity. I spend my time avoiding quests.
Very late answer, but yes it does.
yes. rain and snow with effects. like you get fucking wet and cold. you get colds. I haven't been to the desert yet, doesn't sound like they have sunburns.
lots of biggish small pieces? it's very empty so it feels big I guess.
not if you splitscreen
watermelon bro
>even a skill that gives +10% if you want to spend a breakthrough point on it
where the fuck is that. I need more sanic in my life.
see the thing you're missing is when you travel you're scared. you don't want to just stroll up on the bandits or stumble on black cock because you'll get fucking ass raped. it's not like skyrim where shit just stays empty once you've been through, so you're not just mindlessly running from place to place, you're trying to survive to get where you're going.
I've yet to see anybody post 4k or ultrawide screenshots.
thanks for sharing. excuse me rich amerifat coming thru
Because indieshitters play indie only because they have toasters.
Why would one play this when they could play Kingdom Come?
Well, there's one ultrawide but it's 1080p ultrawide lol
imma guess it's going to look like shit
I feel like if you're going to invest in hardware to 4K you probably buy games that look good in 4K is the actual issue
Can't you play split-screen on all versions?
As far as I know yes.
You can even play solo split screen to have a packmule
>imma guess it's going to look like shit
Not really. It's quite nice to play low spec games at 4k. Half-Life 2 looks decent.
Kingdom Come is trash, no magic lol. Why would I want to play some fucking ancient time shit as a peasant without all modern tech? Super in depth combat, lol, grab a halberd (or bardiche whatever that thing called) ovehead swing everyone one-shot kill even knights, like a terminator.
Sounds like an awesome gf game then if it's not /too/ janky
It makes up for the lack of fantasy with super detail and killer graphics. Peak comfy.
>tfw when playing two characters by yourself in combat
Did the devs make this game out of a "What's your dream game, Yea Forums?" thread? It fucking seems like it.
>Souls-similar combat
>Crafting and survival
>Open world
I got about 20 hours in so far, it's comfy as fuck but needs major polish, either by devs or by mods.
Don't really dig the jester hoods, but to each their own. I wish game had depth of Mount and Blade and graphics of Kingdom Come.
It's getting more mods.
More hotkey bars when? I can't be bothered to learn how to mod this game too.
Not a Yea Forums thing but the other main draw is surely a proper split-screen/lan/p2p campaign, stuff like that is half the reason why Divinity: Original Sin is so popular. The only CPU allies that I remember being comparable to a human in this genre were the Dragon's Dogma ones.
Is MnB good even just to play singe-player? I've heard it compared to the comfy faction-roaming of Sid Meier's Pirates, just in 3D.
Pretty fun vidya. I recommend getting the skill that allows you to loot animal corpses for parts, you can make easy bank this way and will help you gear up faster.
But Outward is probably better played multiplayer.
Payfags will never know that awesome feeling when the Codex music starts playing and you feel on top of the world and you can do anything.
How come in some shots it looks fucking beautiful while in others it looks like an MMO?
Nice Zelda look there.
>see the thing you're missing is when you travel you're scared. you don't want to just stroll up on the bandits or stumble on black cock because you'll get fucking ass raped. it's not like skyrim where shit just stays empty once you've been through, so you're not just mindlessly running from place to place, you're trying to survive to get where you're going.
^Why non-casuals LOVED Far Cry 2.
Where's the spear trainer? If I didn't grab it before leaving Cierzo the first time am I fucked?
This game reminds me a lot of dark souls 2.
I think you can get the spear skill in Levant.
Tho I woulds suggest either warhammer mod (warsword conquest) or prophecy of pendor mod, then MnB gets rich flavor.
>>Souls-similar combat
This sounds terrifying considering From Software is AAA and even their combat is still relatively janky. Souls combat balance wouldn't work with sluggish pacing and even worse hitboxes.
Except he is full of shit cos with bed buff and a berry you can run through everything without problem, even without speed gear.
Can do anything except support the games you like and help create more games you like in the hobby you are supposed to enjoy*
But not everyone will uncover that strategy.
A single sale does neither.
Hey Yea Forums I can only buy this or elex
Buy Elex.
Isn't it cool to be antisocial, my piratebrother? I just pushed some old lady over the other day while I was outside and said fuck you old lady, I'm a software pirate I am so fucking cool I can do anything I want hahaha. We are the kings of the underworld, nobody can touch us, we wear a pirate hat and an anonymous mask.
A few devs are still willing to make them in hopes that there are enough loyal customers. But I guess if you want everything to move to lootboxes then you have a point.
A single murder doesn't matter either. Since we are all individuals it won't hurt if we all individually think that way.
It's weird how you're being satirical yet it still sounds cool as fuck, I can't imagine why people would spend hundreds on software over the years when they could have better hardware. You probably play on shitty small screens etc.
I didn't say it didn't matter. In any case a single murder DOES matter, so it's an awful analogy. Payfags are brainlets.
Because you can do both. You are probably too much of a loser you don't even support your own hobbies and make up excuses all the time for why not.
So what? I'll bleep you and get away with it. Only a brainlet wouldn't think that way if there something to gain.
I'd rather save up than support.
Yeah I noticed that you are very juvenile. Probably won't ever understand how the world works.
It's a dog eat bone world, user.
I hole-hardedly agree, but allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go. Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.
Only in subhuman countries (China/India/Russia/Brazil etc.) which stopped evolving past the Stone Age.
You can get the crafting blueprint from the blacksmith at Berg.
The game's made by 10 people completely un-affiliated with any major company, it is super well optimized to the point it can run on less than toasters (with lower settings of course), and it's only about 14 GB.
found a pretty sweet shield that has a little better endurance, no idea if I like it more than the shroom shield.
Can you cast spells while wielding a 2 hander?
I just started and am considering going spellsword but I feel like it's a bigger dvantage to use 2h in this game.
Can you craft anything on the shipwreck site? Logically you should be able to make waterskin from the leather.
I think the game can be described as a very solid open world rpg if you give it the chance, with some questionable design choices that if you work around leaves you with a very enjoyable experience that encourages replayability, with all that said there's technical issues, bugs and glitches out that ass for this release. My advice go wait a few months let the people who bought it full price playtest it for you and suffer then come back and buy it for the fraction of the price when product improves.
Zeer goed
I'm not touching this game until the next round of GPUs come, but by then it shouldn't cost much.
Just delete that backlog of yours and just randomly pick a game out in your library that peaks your interest.
If you play something because it takes your interest is when you truly can dedicate yourself to that game and finish it.
When should i move to one of the next areas?
I've got a prayer claymore and about 8 gold ingots.
>it is super well optimized to the point it can run on less than toasters (with lower settings of course), and it's only about 14 GB.
That's pretty nice for a modern game. Most of them run like shit and take 80 GB of space.
You're good, go to the forest or the swamp
hopefully by then good mods are made and the devs have polished it up more abit
Si, muy bueno*
That is the most slav thing I've ever seen.
>so mad because people do what they want with their money
>does not even have enough brain to download a repack his betters made for him
>"i am so rich you all poor"
'Slav' is not really the word that pops in my mind when I see a whole bunch of fancy looking green tea cans.
AK with an adidas logo is.
If I pirated but want to buy and play (hopefully future patches) can I use my save and just plop it into the save game folder? Similar to how you backup saves?
Also, if you're going magic man, is Rune the only option?
Yeah, but, man, expensive hipster green tea. That will cancel even an adidas AK out.
It's game that you finish it once says "Yeah that was okay" and never play it again.
>expensive hipster green tea
It's a dollar, user.
+1, it have 3 factions which you would think adds replay value but it does not. And its not the type of game that would be fun to speedrun either, so.
where i live it's $3
I killed one using a bow on the highground then when it walked up I just walked behind it and backstabbed (learned from vandavel)
ez shrimp ez lyfe
The same idea works here. Just long range them while sidestepping their projectile or hide behind a shell. I wouldn't dodge because of the long animation. And when they get close, walk behind and smack them with something.
See, this is exactly why you'll never understand why it can't be slav. I bet that adidas is genuine too.
It have all "d"s pointing in the right direction, so...
This. The game has a lot of good idea's and i can see what the devs intended. But they dropped the ball on the combat. And the game doesn't hold up as a result.
What the fug user? it's even cheaper in Mexico, costs less than a burger dollar.
its always nice to see nonwhites talk about slavs, a culture so white they can never hope to fully comprehend it
>fuck off westerncucks
There's nothing cool about delusional deadbeats. People who are into other things don't usually brag about undermining what they supposedly like.
10 of 10, top knocks post
how does it make you feel knowing canadians from quebec are stealing your genre?
huh? Im czech, our genre is arma. Outward seems more gothic like, which is german, never go full retard bro
I'd bet I'm whiter than you. The Russian border is like less than 300km away.
is that a souls clone?
I only ever play mobas and emulators so I may not be in the majority, but I've really been enjoying this.
Dragon's Dogma does feel very similar. DD was more action/adventure where Outward is more try not to die. Even though DD's combat is better, I prefer Outward because I've spent less time meta gaming and trying to optimize skilling two skill trees and more time figuring out the safest way to fish for trout.
Tht is the most soulless artstyle I've ever seen
Why do you care if some anonymous people on Yea Forums don't want to pay for video games
Yes, the last boss is a shameless Gwyn recolor.
yeah, that 18% muslim population is really white, plus bordering and laying itself in fucking asia, really white
It tries to be
fuck off kike
I never said I was Russian or lived in Russia. The user I replied to implied it was a bunch of nonwhites talking about slavs.
Merchant NPC like kebab sellers don't count.
There's also the bird mask.
Which I have no idea how to get other than just spend a day of my life farming birds in the starting zone and hope for the best.
To look like oil spill victim penguin mutant.
It makes no sense to like a game, show up in a thread bragging about stealing it and trying to undermine games you supposedly like. I've pirated games and shoplifted, but I've never thought it's cool or something that needs to be spread as an idea.
In the original D&D 1st edition, your progress was marked by money. I don't think there was even an exp system. You'd go to a dungeon, try not to die, loot it and advance from what you could buy.
This is very much like that. Granted, I play a lot of ttrpgs, so maybe I'm biased (and why I like this game)
You ever consider it's bait to get this sort of rise out of people like you?
As far as I can tell the guy never says he likes it, he just said people who don't pirate will never know how good he feels like that moment, where he's obtaining games by illegal means.
He brags about it because he knows people find piracy morally objectionable or it irritates them and yet knows they are powerless to stop him.
>I've pirated games and shoplifted, but I've never thought it's cool or something that needs to be spread as an idea.
Well why didn't you ever think it was cool and why do you think it shouldn't be spread as an idea, I don't know why you're reading that into what the first guy said, he isn't trying to stand for anything, he's bragging about not paying for something but still enjoying the fruits of its labor that's it.
If you're looking for a reason to steal you need to look elsewhere, sometimes people don't need a reason past the fact they can, so they will.
Greed, Drm, Hatred of a company, Disregard or no sense of obligation past anyone but yourself and people you care about, these are all really common in people, people act selfishly and they've got no problem with that they're in fact the norm. Homeless and hungry people are all around the world and yet we spend out money on digital video games for our pleasure instead of disaster relief or programs to help the less fortunate, you can do both but for cent you waste, it's something that could have spent to a greater cause than your own pleasure but never will and that's fine
Another thing to keep in mind is i think the majority of Yea Forums hates the game industry and genuinely doesn't care if it dies inb4
>but how can you hate something you enjoy
you can like a book but think the author is retarded, you can like an artist who makes music but disagree with the fact he's a pedophile, not everyone separates art from artists. Fuck video game developers.
I think some spells require you to hold a book.
You can backup your save by copying the most recent save, try it out, and if it doesn't work, pop in your back up.
How did you make so much in just the first zone?
I had 4 ingots, sold them for speed boots and blue helm, and was considering heading out after getting magic and taking down the bandit camp
>Holy shit rune magic is pretty fun!
>No mana
Guys please help
I think it tries to simulate combat well. You don't just go whacking things around, you have to wait for an opening and be patient and when you're outnumbered, you're better off running.
>play a female character
>she doesn't get raped by bandits
I thought this was supposed to be a more realistic fantasy adventuring game?
>rune sword runs out mid-battle
>cast Shim
>cast Ego-
>not enough mana
Been looking into this and I was curious about a couple things I've seen in steam reviews before I commit.
Saw something about a co-op bug where the game basically ignores the second person's existence, not awarding them anything for quest completions or spawning equipment for them or anything at all and I was wondering if that was fixed yet.
The other two things were map and inventory bug related with bags dropping through the map and people spawning a mile in the air, and combat related with people saying that it feels clunky which I could see for a small team game like this.
I'm hesitant to take things like that at face value though, because people said Dark Souls had clunky combat too.
I guess what I'm asking is if the game's still a bug ridden mess people are putting up with for the fun game concept, or if they've managed to get the big problems out of the way so I can co-op without 'too' much issue?
What magic route do people go?
Monk seems useless in fights, Rune seems interesting only because it's so powerful.
What else even is there
The people saying that haven't fucking tried anything else. The Shaman line for example unlocks wind sigil which has NO material component and does massive damage combined with other spells like Spark, Conjure and Mana Push. Even the Spellblade line unlocks a very spammable elemental bolt that does good damage.
>Saw something about a co-op bug where the game basically ignores the second person's existence, not awarding them anything for quest completions or spawning equipment for them or anything at all and I was wondering if that was fixed yet.
Not a bug, it's intentional. the Host receives quest rewards and quest progression is given to them specifically.
>The other two things were map and inventory bug related with bags dropping through the map and people spawning a mile in the air, and combat related with people saying that it feels clunky which I could see for a small team game like this.
I have about 82 hours into the game and nothing like this has even happened to me. I'm not saying it's not happening to people but just putting my two cents in.
>Saw something about a co-op bug where the game basically ignores the second person's existence
Pretty sure that's not a bug.
The backpack bug has not been fixed yet, I believe. I don't think combat is that clunky honestly, it just takes some getting used to. Everyone keeps saying it's clunky because they used melee weapons for 2 mins, figured it's shit and opted to cheesing the entire game with bows, traps or magic instead. I haven't run into a single bug, but I always get lucky with bugs. It's definitely not worth the money tho. I'm having fun with it, but I honestly can't say it's more than a 5/10 game.
There's Sigil magic, Chakram magic, and Shaman magic.
Bugs are being patched about every week.
If you're not sure, pirate and test.
Question: why is my mana cap below max? wtf is this shit?
It feels cheap to look up what each one does before hand to play things out but there's nothing in the game so far that really explains.
Chakram/sigils and Shaman. The latter has a bit of necromantic skills
Sleeping burns mana. The Jew Watcher of the mountain told you you would lose many nights of sleep if you became a mage. Have some tea or pop a potion, user.
>Sleeping burns mana
So everytime i sleep it cap off my mana? Fucking hell
He actually says that ppl who don't pirate dont know about "keygen musci" aka 8-bit tracks pirate groups put into keygens/cracks.
Strafe to the left, brother, attack them when they miss.
Yes. Mana functions the opposite of health/stamina by draining when you rest and refilling when you use mana.
Honestly, this isn't a big issue at all, since all the mana consumables are easy as fuck to make. Just gather some seaweed and water and make a fuck ton of mana restoring tea.
Cos some idiot thought that sleeping should lower your mana, instead of sane way of sleeping aka dreaming helps wizard to focus on his dreams and turn them into reality with magic.
This game does have some weird ass mechanics.
>the Host receives quest rewards and quest progression is given to them specifically.
The anecdote I read said that even when they were captured by bandits, the host was the only one to receive any kind of equipment to fight back with.
Are you expected to manually divvy up quest rewards with your co-op partner or do they expect people to play both solo and co-op regularly?
Not saying that's wrong, just that the intentions behind such a decision aren't very clear to me.
>I have about 82 hours into the game and nothing like this has even happened to me.
Well that does help a bit.
>it just takes some getting used to. Everyone keeps saying it's clunky because they used melee weapons for 2 mins
That's honestly what I was assuming from the reviews.
>I haven't run into a single bug
Even more reassuring.
>It's definitely not worth the money tho. I'm having fun with it, but I honestly can't say it's more than a 5/10 game.
This is about what I expected, but had a feeling I'd still really enjoy it since exploration stuff is straight the fuck up my alley.
I'll talk to my friend and maybe see about picking it up on sale sometime soon hopefully.
Sounds like it'll be getting regular patches until then so when we do finally play it it'll be great.
I think their concept was the kind of drop-in coop you see in other games. You're literally just there to hotjoin and help out. The game was NOT designed with 2 players being present in mind.
Does anyone know if the Wolf Claymore has a Radiant variety like the Wolf Sword?
Is it good, user?
Can you get on teh deck of teh ship that you are supposedly crashed on? And what is this freaking sound like some moron scraping his nails on the piece of paper, when you come cose to it? Is is supposed to represent ship creeking or the lightning tower crackling? Cos it sounds like what that scene from Nightmare on Elm street when Krueger scraped the chalkboard.
Do you buy claymore from the same guy?
>I'm hesitant to take things like that at face value though, because people said Dark Souls had clunky combat too.
You ever played dark souls 2?
very good but skycrown is slightly better better
No, I found it in an ornate chest at the Wind Altar outpost in the desert.
FUCK levant and FUCK jews
Levant is the best town.
What do after paying off my bullshit debt and talking to the chucklefucks in town? I feel like I'm missing a quest that's at least pointing me in a general direction. Is it just "do whatever the fuck" from now on?
Explore and go join one of the factions.
Quest should say like "ok my rent is paid now what about the actual student loan"
>americans get in debt for studying gender studies
Got a tsar weapon from jade lich !
Anyone wants to play coop with a pirated copy?
and how does that work? trough steam?
hamachi id reckon, you just ought to edit one .txt file
I just kill everything and take everything. Most valuable stuff was jewels and weapons.
I want to buy this game but i feel it might be too empty to hold my attention.
What do you guys think?
I just don't want an empty world.
You could play Elex.
Don't buy it until you try it
Last breakthrough for Archer/halberd
should I got for swiftfoot + marathoner
or Feather dodge and pressure plate expertise?
running around is a lot of the game and dropping pack isn't too hard, but are the pressure plates upgrade good?
Also kinda looking at spell blade but I think it might be useful since my halberd is my back up.
I will never play Elex, you understand me, user?
never fucking ever.
why not?
don't buy it until you've put at least 20 hours in to it.
This encumbrance system is fucking bullshit. With food and supplies you have to carry around there's only enough space for a couple of weapons before you have to run back to the nearest merchant. Tell me I can purchase a cart or something later on.
The Mercenary seems like a must have for the extra MS
But you can't play it without paying.
You wouldn't steal a car/purse/tv would you?
I'm only considering outward because it looks a bit like fable.
Elex has fucking nothing and is worth fucking nothing.
>I'm only considering outward because it looks a bit like fable.
Yes that's the same thing that made me take interest in outward besides that and combat ideals of letting the player use, Melee, Archery and Magic really easily together. that's where the similarities stop.
Narratively it just doesn't put as much emphasis on the story and lore as fable did.
Enjoy carrying two chests for a bag faggot
Not really
the inevitable sequel might be good but as it is there's not really enough content, and it's clunky as fuck.
just feels like a shitty unity game but one that's actually kind of fun to play.
>get 200 mana without thinking on my first run
Rune magic saved my sorry anorexic frail ass.
Just got the game. I want to adventure not be a homeowner in a village full of cunts. Any crippling reason not to tell them to fuck off and hit the road.
Im quebecois and I should probably support this game but it looks a bit like "de la caliss de marde".
No. It's a crap house in a crap village and they make you PAY to keep it IE rent.
You can just plain get given one for a quest in a better area.
If anyone could magically duplicate hamburger, then they would solve the worlds hunger. Only fast food ownters would be opposted to that.
So when you can magically duplicate information, the most valuable humanity's resource, why is this bad, again? Fucking shills who want to stop progress of humanity.
Is it true you guys say Fucké
Nope just follow your 2 friends and fuck off out of this shit town.
>then they would solve the worlds hunger
we already have enough food for nobody to be hungry, we destroy much of it due to inefficiencies of capitalism
>we destroy much of it due to inefficiencies of capitalism
We destroy it because it's cheaper than shipping it to Africa.
Yes it means "awesome". You can also say "fucké ben raide" which means "really awesome". Like complimenting a girl : "Wow t'es fucké ben raide !"
>start 4th character because can't be assed to find 2h axe trainer
He's in Berg retard.
Then they deserve to die like casuals they are
Can someone redpill me on this game? I just briefly looked at it on steam and the screenshots look interesting. Is it single player? Multiplayer? I legit know nothing about it but I'm tempted.
Looks like a warframe.
Question for the devs : Are any of pyrhanna bytes games (Gothic, Risen etc) an inspiration for you guys ?
Or for those who played it, does it remind you in any way of those games ?
You can easily get 108 carry weight bag.
Is this game even worth it? what are those rpg features everybody talks about besides the survivalist shit?
The technical and art design aspect are shit
The only thing in this game that reminds me of PB games, is that you have to find trainers and pay them to learn stuff. Otherwise, the game is nothing like them.
I don't know why anyone would say that. Magic can't compete with unga greataxe mash damage or pistol juggling in raw DEEPS, but sigils give you some crazy burst damage and the spellblade bolt/gong gives you reliable, efficient, moderately high ranged damage on a short cooldown.
It aint weak at all.
Non putain. Kek. C'est quoi ce pyranha de merde? Il faut qu'un negre se dabbe en vous
Sounds like utter shit then.
Reminds me of Elex kind of. Way different than Risen.
Is there a lightning debuff, like chill or burning? If yes, how the fuck do you apply it?
PB games were not an inspiration for Outward, the devs haven't even played Gothic. One of them played the first Risen though.
Cool, I had a great time with Elex.
jman i wish my country was based enough to sell shit like this publicly japan is miles ahead in terms of social acceptance of perverts
it's weird how you can never play gothic 2 and yet make gothic 2
I feel like they should be an inspiration for low budget open world rpgs. It is clunkly and achievable with low ressources yet extremely addictive and immersive. Why are germans so based?
shield mage. kite the guy then put a sigil down and sit in there as you delete him after buffing yourself with mana ward for Immolate and using the Warm Boon while using a big shield. put down the Fire and Air sigils down for the big ones while using appropriate buffs or potions.
I'm trying to get into this game but the combat feels so urgh, give me some advice guys.
pungent paste
>Magic is crap, you need some fucking crystals to actually do magic which means you are not a mage just fuckwit who uses magic items
It's ritualistic magic. The wind sigil for instance takes no stones at all, but you have to commune and make a contract with the wind spirit of a region first to gain access to using the sigil in a region.
I'm just using runic magic at the moment though. Which gives you 8 spells via a binary combination of 4 runes. Spells range from a protective buff and healing, to a magic light, electric bolts, and conjured swords.
How much mana did you wish you got?
Complimenting girls is for faggots but I actually appreciate that you tried to trick me
Is it better than snorting dust?
you get a 30% reduction in mana and stamina costs, along with some damage increase maybe?
But yeah, dead ends your character and makes it so ultimately spend the rest of their existence in a small room. Only upside is you can still be summoned to cooperative play.
Get a greataxe, sidestep the enemy, use Kick, then do two heavy attacks in a row. Congrats, you now win every fight.
Yea, heterosexual males only compliment other heterosexual males on the account of their sexual appeal.
>is just yellow meth/cocaine
Yeah. I decided I will go Shaman/Spellblade/something with a good passive.
Throwing down a sigil then blasting people to dust I can't pass up
One egg, one fish, one ochre beetle.
It's a good substitute for 4ish hours of sleep.
Wizards using reagents is an old as fuck concept. You're a magical sage that bends the bends to your will with knowledge and research.
You're not a fucking DBZ character or some shit.
*bends the world to your will
So we know the female characters are fully rendered and anatomically correct under their underwear. So why are there no nude modes yet?
Is swift foot or Leyline Connection the better skill tree?
Where? I'm still in the starting village.
Voice acting and text don't even match, not even interesting to begin with. Inventory management at tutorial, has survival bs. Have to travel towards mountain for mana, after 5 minutes of nothing and radiant purple, i completely lost interest. Tried it over 10 times already, but its not for me. Getting too old for these massive time wasters with nothing to show for. Please share what's so good about the game, this the first time I'm unironically thinking the shills got to me.
The bandit camp closest to the starting village. You need to either have 2 Power coils or get in there with a glitch.
Why would i play this piece of shit when this has all the atmosphere i need
Where can I find that huge backpack everyone has on their back?
literally 2 postst above
The door system is too well made to be a glitch, also what's the point of a survival system if you all cheat like this.
Is this game worth buying?
Is the co-op actually worth it? And can we pirate it if we want to co-op?
Can someone redpill me on this game? is this one of those games that are fun with friends?
I played solo for about an hour and found the combat to be too simple, although I enjoyed the looting
Loved that staff w/ light but it felt weak
pls no bully
>put 100+ hours into the game
>Magic is lacking
>combat is lacking
>Items/item sets are lacking.
>Most items/item sets look ridiculous
>magic sets focus on mana reduction rather than increasing magical damage or special effects.
>content in general just feels lacking.
>game has a lot of potential but unfortunately it just feels unfinished.
>Combat is hilariously bad and most fights will have you scrambling to try and get an attack in without the npcs with infinite stamina wrecking your shit.
>no fast travel nor end game means of transportation means you're spending 80% of the entire game running from one place to the other.
>Game doesn't clarify which quests are time and which quests aren't, which could cause you to potentially lose a city, including your player house stash with all your valuable items inside.
>Stashes don't sync with other player homes.
>The autosave feature is atrocious, meaning if you lost all your shit due to a game breaking bug or quest there's no way to get it back without digging around in game files.
>game breaking bugs that cause you to lose your backpack, especially in multiplayer/split screen.
Why people still shill this game is beyond me.
HOW THE FUCK DO I GIT GUD IN THIS GAME????? I'm in like, my 3rd character.
inb4 why did you put 100 hours into it if its shit
I'm also pretty sure this thread is being kept alive by the devs to shill their game.
Probably because 80% of that time was him running from area to area.
Just make a mage and spam magic traps.
>play 2 hours of a game
>play 20 hours of a game
just cant win vs shills
fucking loser
Why would someone play a game for 20hours if they don't like it?
100ish instead, stamina is very important.
so they can leave a review, to try and get their moneys worth, to see if it gets better later, to complete it.
>needing more than 80
You only fight like 2-3 enemies at a time. Just regen between fights.
I refunded this and bought Risk of Rain 2 instead. Best decision I've made this year
>liking a game and discussing it
Learn what shill means you fag
20hours is a long time if you don't like something.
1 hour is a long time if you don't like something.
>faggots don't even know what fucking inb4 is
Right? I love the game but its a bummer the survival mechanics are so forgiving. When I first went into the desert I had full plate armor and a near empty water skin. I fucking died in a few minutes. It was awesome and a struggle trying to figure out how to stay alive. But I figured out what to do almost immediately. Its so forgiving as long as you put out the most basic no brainer preparation.
>have water
>know where you are going
>have attire thats good in the heat
Its that simple. I wish they would really turn up the survival mechanics so its much harder. And also make the desert larger. I would rather this was an Arabian fantasy game with hardcore survival mechanics.
Right now death is way too forgiving. They should add an option to have a chance that one of the possible punishments is permadeath.
I beat it once as a melee focused engineer. It was a lot of fun. I'm now RPing as a homeless black weeab mage and its more fun now. But there isn't much variety in the questlines sadly. The only real change is one largish sidequest for each faction.
+1 Internets to you all for truly epic posts, good sirs.
So I just did that quest where you have to go and purify some corruption with Oliele and I accidently left the area for a second. Did I miss a way to "save" her or is she supposed to get fucked by the corruption anyway?
You need neither of those things to survive the desert. Literally just harvest the cactus fruit on the way and you're good.
Yeah i felt the same way it just doesn't have replayability outside the first playthrough unless you are really into the faction stories and lmao why would you be
i keep getting killed by hyenas and bandits wtf guys?
Of course. You can also run from well to well. The clean water wells cool your body temperature too in a way the water skin won't.
is there fresh water in berg somewhere?
At the entrance where the Hunter trainer and Smith are. There's also another one near another entrance I think.
Water in cities other than Cierzo look likes sqare well. But in starter city it looks like big purifyer machine, to mislead new players.
Silver and Gold is your exp. Safely farm up gold by doing shit in the wild and selling until you can get some good armor and weapons, then start farming up bandits until you have enough stuff to (and magic) to venture out into the other worlds.
I've died twice following this idea without any serious repercussions
>start playing outward
>get killed by 2 hyenas
>wake up
>get told to pay the debts
>leave village
>get killed by bandits
>get wake up in cave
>killed by hyenas
>wake up in prison
>killed by guards
>wake up in village
>try to go to my home to rest
>we've seized your home
>stay on the hill
>wait for bandits an hyenas to kill each other
>laugh like a villain
>one-shot remaining bandit with like 2hp
>loot corpses
>literal PROFIT
>408 replies
>120 posters
You know I’ve seen you posting itt for a while now and misusing the word “shill” the entire time, you say all the fans of this game are “shills” yet you are here trying to shit all over the game for no reason while you make several poor quality post in an attempt to shit on a video game of all things, why do this for free? Or are you being paid off by Bethesda?
>playing outward
>finally unlock magic
>how many points do you want to invest?
>well i hate melee so far so i pick all of them
>lose like 75% of my hp and stamina
>guy only teaches me one spell
>someone else teaches me a buff spell
>beach village has no spell trainers
>cheaper than shipping it to Africa.
yes, the inefficiencies of capitalism
though it was also capitalism that caused the overpopulation of africa
thats a gulag
So I got the game and the one armed nigger is telling me to sleep, but my character wont sleep. imagine selling your $40 game with bugs like this lmao
You are fucked.
Go to Berg (Enmerkar Forest) and you need like 225 gold (325 if you also want backpack that is not shit), buy yellow green and blue runes and the book, shoot lightning balls like the crab always wanted to be.
You have to go to a different region to learn magic or the wind temple. How is that hard to understand
Dumbass, your suppose to get 80 mana and rune spells at Emerkhar forest while the robes and hat which give -35% mana reduction with two combat spells. Reset and try again.
Start the game as administrator retard
Can 2 players be in different zones in coop?
Based thanks friend
Shoulda paid debts.
>while you make several poor quality post
Literally have three posts now, one of those is a question. Haven't closed my browser yet, so can still prove.
This goes both ways.
>Or are you being paid off by Bethesda
Thinking Bethesda is a threat or actually trying in the RPG market.
I'm still here for a decent response, why this game is so well received, because i can't see it.
>80 mana
More like 10 mana. You can literally reduce your mana cost so much that you GAIN mana from casting spells.
I don’t really know either because I don’t play the game, but saying that somebody who likes and enjoys a game is a “shill” is retarded, shilling is what you see in threads like consolewar threads where fags compare sales prices and promote systems for companies they don’t work for, itt people have mainly been discussing the game and other random shit like capitalism for some reason, I haven’t seen a ton of people itt be like “BUY THIS GAME IT HAS XMILLION SALES” that would make this a shill thread, saying they are shills is like saying people who post in DMC threads are shills for liking the game just because I don’t play dmc
What idiot thought that 8 quick slots is enough for all this spell/skill/rune bullshit? And you cant run with menu open either, and even if you could you cant even click to use spells, you need to right click and then select use like some kind of mongoloid. FFS how do you ppl deal with this?
Spellblade isn't mage though.
Yeah they should have doubled the amount of quick slots.
You should specialize in one thing. If you are mage - rune+wind, everything else is useless.
not maxing mana and wearing speed gear
you dont need any mana if you max cost reduction, the game calculates cost reduction first, if it costs less than 1 mana you dont even need to have unlocked mana to cast it
The problem with cost reduction maxing is you are stuck wearing gear thats pretty shit otherwise.
you are supposed to have to decide what 8 things you want to have equipped to increase the challenge of the game, a loading screen mentions this even.
since the state of the world isn't the same in each player's save file, that means my friend and I could go divine mission in my game and desert people in his, right?
>but saying that somebody who likes and enjoys a game is a “shill” is retarded
Nobody said that.
>I don’t really know either because I don’t play the game
Irrelevant poster with shill tactics then, fuck off.
>you are supposed to have to decide what 8 things you want to have equipped to increase the challenge of the game, a loading screen mentions this even.
This is retarded as you might wanna slot in food and life pots for convenience. It's even worse when you play with Bow and 2H weapon and you wanna slot in both weapons so you can quickly switch between them. Having less quickslots doesn't increase the challenge at all, just makes it annoying as fuck to do anything.
>everything else is useless.
wait really how many types of magic are in game?
Look around faggot there are tons of post itt accusing others of shillery without any shillery to be found
>says others use shill tactics
>uses shill tactics himself
There's rune magic, infusions and Sigil magic or whatever you wanna call it. All of them are good. Rune magic is about combining runes for different effects, mostly useful for the armor, heal, trap and lightning ball. Sigil magic is about combining the Sigils with other spells, like Sigil of Fire and Spark make a big fireball. Infusions are weapon buffs.
Fire, cold, wind, rune, chakram
Spellblade is hybrid.
Honestly? I've found the passive gain from the leyline connection is nearly useless. It's 0.15 mana a second. That's 20 seconds to regain 3 mana. It takes you a minute to regain 9 mana and ten minutes to regain 90 mana.
An entire day cycle I think its around 20 minutes? I haven't timed it and can't find anywhere that talks about it. But that means even an entire day in game wouldn't regen your mana if you have the max amount.
Yes you can join different factions for the most part it seems like everyone ignores the co-op character.,
it's like fable 2 co-op minus the xp and the premade characters and the fact co-op people can loot all the stuff you can.
fuuuuck i got it on PS4 because I was afraid my PC wouldn't be able to run it without potato graphics and now it doesn't fit my wonky ass TV right
i can't see the duration of effects like rage and there's no way to fix it
Yea. Basically just tell him to stop and he will.
i thought the only way to see durations was via the status screen
this would not have happened if you did not have filthy degenerate consoles in the first place
What's a good setup if I want to kill everything using MAGIC or if i want to swing a giant MAGICAL two hander?
is it? i assumed it had a little bar under the icon since they're important for combat
Which two handed weapon type has the best moveset?
>I want to kill everything using MAGIC
Literally any type of magic. You can learn all Tier 1 skills in the game if you want to and they don't cost that much, so just try some out. Look up the combinations of rune magic and sigils. The only type of magic I know nothing about is Chakrams, but those aren't really magic honestly.
>i want to swing a giant MAGICAL two hander?
Get the infusions from the shaman on the northern island in Chersonese, the ninja guy in the first village and join the Holy Mission for the last infusion.
Rune. Rune magic literally has a lighting bolt spell AND a spell to summon a ghost sword you can use, and if you cast the spell again after getting the passive breakthrough skill, the sword turns into a greatsword. This sounds exactly like what you want.
Just be aware that if you want to cast while using the zweihander you will need to get the memorize rune skill that lets you cast without a book, but that will lock out the skill that buffs your runes up and makes them super powerful.
Greataxe. For some reason it's the only weapon type that lets you chain its already fantastic heavy attack. Also has a good weapon skill. Halberds are good too, provided you use the ones that aren't super slow and have good range. Also has a good weapon skill.
I'm on pc and i've yet to see little bar or anything like that, I just see icons but no indication of duration.
See pic related for examples i've only ever seen them as this, no cooldown timers or bars or indication of duration outside that page in the menu.
Rune + Wind is the only viable pure mage combo. Don't listen to other fags, they've got no idea what they talking about.
Why wouldn't you consider it to be? It uses mana, does magic damage, and it has passives that benefit mages.
I don't even think it's that useful personally unless you're heavily invested into magic. You can just make some varnishes or rags to get the enchants and you can get better breakthrough passive options if you're not going to be using the capstone skill alot.
Don't give people the wrong idea just because you suck at this game retard.
user, all my responses are for this chain. I don't give a fuck what anybody else outside the chain says, unless it brings useful information forward about the game. Now stop derailing, you're too obvious.
>Halberds are good too
I'd rather use a halberd, but I don't see how this is possible, unless the wiki just doesn't have all the halberds in the game listed. Most of them seem to do not nearly as much damage.
axe has the best moveset in the game period because the combos are so fast
then i'd say spear if you had open area to work with
Halberd if you don't
Sword if you are a swordfag
Mace because you can stack Impact buffs and shit on everything
I'm giving real advices for free, go away.
Honestly, I tried going all the magic sigils route for maximum mage roleplay. But discovered the only thing that lies that way is anguish and madness.
Sooo~ I would say the best mage combo, and it would work with your 2h as well, is spellblade/philosopher/sage. Get your internalized lexicon and run around shooting fuels it of your staff or sword while casting runic magic on the side. If you want to maximize your trainer choices, then go for a sword in one hand and a chakram in the other. Most important picks are elemental discharge, fire affinity, and internalized lexicon if you want to make this work.
Of course they don't do as much damage, they have much better reach and a moveset made to deal with multiple enemies due to wide sweeps. If you don't care about that go for Greataxe. Greatswords and Spears are also fine, but Greataxes are simply broken.
And your advice is shit. Fuck off retard.
If by "viable" you mean "brainless lightning and mine spam that any idiot can do regardless of how bad they are the game", then sure. Otherwise you've got a ton options.
All right boys, I've started cheesing everything and everyone after getting the Ammolite armour and brutal greataxe. I'm basically twoshotting alpha raptors with lightning infusion. Do I get harder enemies or is this it? Feels like there's no real danger anywhere in the world right now.
There's harder enemies, they're just generally not on the overworld.
>And your advice is shit.
How so? My advice is the best here.
>Otherwise you've got a ton options.
If by "ton of options" you mean, same shit but worse, i've got no questions.
Elemental discharge needs a shield to perform the detonation from what it says though.
You're advice is shit, because you are simply wrong. All the magic types are viable. Rune magic is just the easiest one, made for retards who can't get good at the game and just wanna steamroll through it. Just like using 50 traps to kill any enemy like a shitter.
No, it doesn't. You're thinking about Shield Gong or whatever it's called. Elemental discharges just lets you shoot out whatever element your weapon has on it.
>day 1 of outward posting
>just use traps idiot
>day 7 of outward posting
>you are a retard if you use 50 traps
ah so the time have changed
cope more lol
Oh god, you are retarded. Rune magic give you most interesting spells in the game. Anything other is just worse version of it. You look like type who likes to gimp himself, jerk how the fuck you want, but do not give your fucking shit advice, when someone asking for real thing.
Jesus Christ, learn what the word viable means you illiterate troglodyte.
No need to be so vitriolic
Personally I've found that the biggest problem facing magic is that the damage falls off endgame and in a pitched fight you have no guarantees that your sigil will last the battle. The sigil doesn't really last long enough for some fights when you have to constantly dodge and weave your way around it, and it takes far too long to setup again without eating someone's weapon in the process. From what I've found, fire offers the most damage buffs in the game, and infusion spells last long enough for 2 or so fights sometimes. While elemental discharge takes hardly any time to kick off.
It's more annoying than anything so far, I really hope some modder fixes this shit.
Is that the fucking halo font?
>talk to 1 NPC
>choose the wrong dialogue
>game teleports you to prison
Why couldn't I just kill that 1(one) NPC?
it's shit
>Most interesting spells
The rune spells are all pretty straightfoward
You have a damage resistance buff
A heal
Spammable damage spell
Spammable mine
Light source spell
And the the option to summon a one handed or two handed sword.
name a more interesting set of spells in game bro
Git gud.
Seriously though those bandits are not hard. You just have to learn how to fight properly in this game.
If you just charge in and try to out-dps the enemy you're likely to die. Enemies are generally stronger than you in terms of brute stats. You have to fight smart.
Learn how to land hits without taking any yourself. Or just equip a weapon with tons of impact so you can stagger the opponent.
elemental discharge just requires a weapon to be infused with some element.
What that means is, if you don't mind not maximizing the philosophers trainer options, you can run astound with only a lexicon in your offhand and summon a blade which comes pre-installed with an infusion. Light for the 1h and decay for the 2h. Because they are already infused, it means you can -also- use their associated boon on top of the infusion. So possessed or blessed respectively. While casting elemental discharge so long as the weapon remains summoned.
You gimping yourself with shit magic below threshold, so yeah, viable is the right word.
And other magic are just spark, sigil and/or infusion. So yeah, rune have most interesting spells.
>that your sigil
That's why I wrote rune+wind. Wind have sigil without resource and rune can help you, when you can't just stand in sigil area.
any elder scrolls game
>that 2nd Sword guy can 2 hit me
Then don't get hit by him. Lay a bunch of traps and lure him through them.
Use ranged weapons to land free attacks.
Learn how to fucking block.
Use status effects like poison and bleeding and just kite him to death.
Fuck thought that it sounded familiar.
>you can't run with menu open
Press the auto-run key.
They limited you to 8 slots to make you make hard choices about what your build will be.
>That's why I wrote rune+wind. Wind have sigil without resource and rune can help you, when you can't just stand in sigil area.
I haven't had many fights endgame where I could end it after a couple pot shots from the sigil. I've always had to rub away and start a kind of awkward game of magical chairs with the sigil and the enemy mobs while hoping the sigil doesn't disappear before the combat is finished. And without the sigil spark, mana push, and conjure are fundamentally useless.
>you have stamina
>enemies dont
>enemies attack endlessly
>you have to back peddle like fuck constantly if you dont want to tank hits
>They limited you to 8 slots
because that's the max they could fit on a controller.
>start playing outward
>kill 2 hyenas effortlessly because I'm not a scrub
>get told to pay the debts
>just sell everything lying around town and pay the debts
>leave village
>had no money for gear after paying debts, but I kill some bandits, hyenas, and trogs for money with my wooden club because I'm not a scrub
>have a comfy rest in my paid off home
Repaired the sword from the mountain top and bought myself a coil lantern.
Ever since rescuing that guy on the beach I've just been running around exploring. I've not even joined a faction yet. But I will join Levant now soon now that I have a neat sword and a good dagger I can cheese bleeding with.
Just stability break them bro.
Christ I'm no good with Swype. All of my posts are littered with interesting typos.
I wrote about rune magic for a reason.
One of the first mods to come out will fix this. I hope.
Both of those statements are true.
Anyone complaining about being shit at combat can just use traps, but they're a scrub for having to resort to traps.
>spending money on debt
I went in blind so I didn't know about bandage man yet.