What is your favorite fighting game Yea Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Anyone else have a weird irrational hatred of max?

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Nice tits, cute classy woman.

Who’s the tranny? Max only goes for low tier aesthetic Asian women

Rev 2.
I'm extremely shit at it though.
This is a tranny bashing thread, isn't it?

why? he's the nicest dood, he even cries after saying the n-word.

Garou: Mark of the Wolves
Dead or Alive 2
Power Stone 2

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Samurai Showdown 2

I would unironically fuck Sue until he's a cross eyed, sweaty mess.

super ninja dagger 3



>This is a tranny bashing thread, isn't it?

tranny appreciation thread

A combination of his earlier days where he used to try so hard to sound like some fgc og and he would always talk about "arcades back in the day" + seeing his reaction images on youtube before.

>cries after saying the n-word

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Same but only if he still has his dick.

jesus christ his tits look so fake holy shit

Hang yourself already you ugly monster.

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>he even cries after saying the n-word

>he even cries after saying the n-word.
what a fucking pussy
>his avatar is a muscle guy
he also shilled marvel vs capcom infinite

No, but I have a rational hatred of him.


same, I would berry my dick so far inside """"her""""" ass who ever could pull it out would be crowned King Artoria of England

I hate all the punchable cartoon drawings of himself and his dog, they make him look extremely obnoxious and too in your face with it's weeb deviantart style, but the guy himself is pretty chill and dogs are okay irl.

Only because he's rich and I have a hatred of basically anyone well off and wouldn't mind seeing them hang.

I have a rational hatred of trannies.

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Unless you're personally being harmed, sounds irrational.


is this where he gets destroyed by sessler?

I am pretty sure he doesn't draw that shit himself.

you can, because he did.
its ok user, say it because it was already spoken!

My jealousy is as vast as the ocean.

Quite the rat like characteristics he has there

Based and fatepilled.

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>*realizes what he just said*
>tries to play it off
it was hilarious

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Sue is a cute trap not a tranny, we only shit on the deranged ugly freaks.

It's a jew in drag

doesn’t he have a hot sister too?

What's thunderfoot doing with a tranny?

what an ogre lmao

I don't like shitty clickbait youtubers nor do I like those that make tons of annoying overacting reaction videos. Plus, he's a giant corporate shill, his opinions of fighting games are trash, and all his friends are terribly irritating. I wish he would disappear from my recommendations forever.

He takes HRT and has fake bolt-on tits. He's a tranny.


Good to know.
Only self-mutilating freak beasts are disgusting.

>rational hatred of trannies.
Be honest
>inb4 go back to the resetera tranny discord


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Is he in his 40s? And no kids? Playing videogames to pay the bills? Cute wife and cute dog tho he is a good guy a chill but a good guy in the end.

>Max yells nigger on stream
>Kenny and Steve yell NIGGA on stream
They're all based.

>Who’s the tranny?
Max is a tranny?

passable trannies deserve the coveted title of "trap"

Why do you care so much about somebody's gender. This whole thread seems like a monumental waste of time.

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Show me at least one thread in this shithole that isn't.

They're just seething they don't have the courage to become beautiful women and have to be beta males instead

Why does OP care so much about shilling a tranny youtuber here?

Sue isn't a trap, it's an ambush

>Used to watch all his online warrior videos of mvc3
>He had strong opinions on fighting games despite not be the best at any game in particular
>Fast forward to fortnite era, he is a twitch streamer that makes noises, has black friends because why not, and the dr doom actor took of his costume and revealed his shit taste for videogames and movies
I just want the 2011-2013 back, when mike ross and max joinced forces, chris matris and yipes actually commented marvel, and the fgc was dominated by Asia.

Are those even real? They look like literal plastic.

this combined with

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Have you tried moving to Venezuela?

Well I care bc I'm gay af and worship the ground Suzan Thunder walks on. Oddly though Max does nothing for me, he's like a straight woman: does not a goddamn thing for me.

This whole board is full of pol-shitters, at least april fools was fun. This is just annoying.
Because he knows he'll get a rise out of anyone who unironically says the word "Tranny"

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Better. She's Futa.

>Why do you care so much about somebody's gender.

as a straight guy, girly-looking males turning into females is always good thing

but reminder you fags, you shall only top them

You think Max ever thought about fucking his sister?

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It's CHINDER CHAGGER, you morons.

That's not what you call a trap.

I love my wife Sue

Is her left leg rotting?

That's not what you call a tranny

Bloody Roar 3.

>his sister

Futas are hermaphrodites like Kaine.

Sue doesn't have a vagina, only a feminine penis.

This post is stupid enough it could actually be good old baseballtits himself, you will never pass and no straight guy will ever see you as a woman

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>What is "I've never seen a shadow before" Alex

>look up the manlet from the op
>they actually did porn
Dude what?

Outside there are things called shadows, user.

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Night Warriors

who did it better, max's sister or...

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You can't scare me off, I know what I want. I want to make sweet love to this man down by the fire.

no way

But the guy has a dick, doesn't he?

Oh yeah? What do you call it then? A "shemale"?

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He takes HRT and has fake tits.
If that doesn't constitute "tranny" then what does?

Suzi is cute

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i'm not gay, but Sue and Sayuri make my pp the PP

That's a name I haven't heard in a long while fuck

>autists think this looks like a female

golem get ye gone

>then what does?
Cutting your dick off and turning it into a weeping infected frankenstein hole, which sue has not done

Sue has a prostate, which qualifies as a g-spot the closest thing to the female g-spot. And since both sexes have a g-spot, renders gender paradigms irrelevant and elevates them to a higher level of pleasure and free love and understanding.

Gotta admit I was fooled. It's the complete lack of jaw this guy has. Imagine if he weren't a tranny.

unironically Sue, the other one looks kinda trashy like that new DMC chick, Sue is a true Lady by comparison

Come on senpai. You could easily find non trans woman that look exactly like this.

When will he come back? It was fun making fun of his methed-up ass.

More like a female than anything you'll ever fuck, you ugly sweathog

Considered Bolivia.

>cute wife
She looks like a fucking potato my guy

new Samurai Shodown looks fucking awesome, MK babbies need not respond

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Sue here. Stay mad, incel. Straight guys have blown more loads on themselves to me more than any cis-girl ever will gush from their gash about your virgin ass. Cope more.

Futa - is the Japanese word for hermaphroditism. He's not that.
Cutting your dick off.

Plenty of trannies have a dick
He takes HRT, that alone makes him a tranny

Yeah but he posts it in all his videos and recordings of his streams. You can't avoid them.


Mortal Kombat 11
Mortal Kombat X
Mortal Kombat 9
Neogeo Battle Coliseum
Mortal Kombat Trilogy

In that order.

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Evil Zone.

I was fooled for a while too, even her voice is pretty convincing

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It's gay at all user. Remember Freddie Mercury wasn't straight or gay either: He just FUCKED. A LOT.

Liking trannies is the most beta shit imaginable. You're literally admitting you're not good enough for a woman.

you're easy to fool

I guess but it's the mutilation that's the point of no return

He started out with his black friends user

>even her voice
No, go out and talk to a girl at least once in your life, just make sure it's a girl first.


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That's a nigga,man

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why are traps everywhere goddamit

All hatred of trannies is justified. Come off it.

>99% don't pass
>they try to get you fired and killed if you don't play along with their mental delusions
>if they mutilate their bodies they bleed everywhere
>they desperately try to trick straight men on the regular
>some of them when confronted default to UNGA BUNGA and want to fight, showing they're more of a man than they claim to be in the first place
I've met some alright trannies but by and large they are a cancer and detriment to society. Far too many people are also bandwagoning on it for attention and special oppression points, which I feel like actual trannies would give a shit about but they don't see to want to weed out the posers.

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It can be annoying of how much of a fence sitter he can be

>ragequit sekiro like a bitch

lmao fuck max

>her voice is pretty convincing
Sue quit doing porn before she shed her flat baritone Daria voice and spruced it up to the voice she uses today. Goddamn it, Suzy...

Does she have a scene where she gets fucked in that cosplay or what.

I've literally had sex with millions of women and I still think Suzi is cute

The faggot would never call himself sue, made me chuckle though, have a picture

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People who say things like this are the ones who've never actually spoken to a woman

>you're not good enough for a woman
Women aren't good enough for men to begin with. They have no game of their own since the dawn of time and compete with men by emulating them. Women are literally using gay tactics, no originality of their own. Plus they bleed for five days a month.

Nope. Still would. Sue is the ONE tranny that gets a pass.

tranny means transvestite, just a dude who dresses like a woman (or the opposite)

even RuPaul calls himself a tranny, not all trannies are transsexuals

In this order
>3rd Strike
>Tatsunoko vs Capcom
>Tekken 2 (aka the only good Tekken game)
I suck in all 3, though.

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>suzi is cute and passable
>has a gross looking dick
Why can't he have a cuter looking dick fuck

I like Suzie but I prefer Valkyrie's content and the fact that she's actually female.

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>I'm gay, the post

are you sure you're in the correct thread, user?

beta cope

Croatian is a nice language.

There's no such thing as a cute dick outside of hentai

>good albeit jewish face
"""""She""""" Looks female to me

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I don't know.
Tko ti je to rekao?

Trannies are subhuman but damn them titties on point. I want to suck them

>Turns down pussy because busy telling off trannychasers that tons of guys are fawning over leaving tons of women wide open for fucking.
>What an existence

People who say things like
>even her voice is pretty convincing
are the ones who've never actually spoken to a woman

I agree, user.


The dick just makes it better.

Not true, i've seen cute dicks on real traps

i would suck those delicious fake tits 24/7

Just google sue lightning.

I know the only females you've ever heard speak were in subbed anime but there are lots of women with husky, sultry voices in real life

I didnt say beutifull or sexy, I said cute diferent thing, also she is really good cooker.

>admired him promoting fighting games
>randomly get him in KI ranked
>get bodied by his fulgore
>forgot i'm extremely toxic in every fighting game i play

I did it to myself but now I have no other option then to wish something goes wrong in his life being reminded I will never be good at fighting vidya.

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I don't read hentai, but there's no such thing as a cute dick.

But I would still fuck Suzi, no homo.


Feed Nana.

99% of women don't sound like trannies

holy shit, she's stunning. do you have more pics?

99% of trannies just sound like men, there are a few who actually try to sound female though

this is the only unflattering pic I see get posted of this lad
hes cute but isn't meant for porn imo (weird tits/benis)
face isn't the worst but tattoos are shit, saggy tits that I couldn't give a fuck any less about, Oh God Keep Me Grounded. looks like shit desu

you just know



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As a casual, I enjoy playing MvC2 the most.

More recently, I started to get decent at UNIST and have had a really good time with it.

He's a dork and a lot of his fans are obnoxious, but he seems like an alright dude himself.

i love homosexuality now

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Is it just me or does it sound like "shemale" should have the same meaning as "female"

You know she was originally a guy that made a guy cough up cash for her sex change, right?

>another trannybait thread that the mods will let hit bump limit

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>no makeup
>bad hairdo
>bad lighting
>looks worse than photos with makeup, good hair, and good lighting
Really makes me go hmm

Does suzi not do porn now or what, looking her up looks like she's just doing youtube gaming shit wtf

What sex change? Sue never got the surgery

fug XDDD

Mi. Učim bio malo ga godinu dana.

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PixieValkyrie on Twitter:


Check out her YouTube as ValkyrieAurora. She's actually really funny and cute and shit. Her freaking out over the Palico in MHW made my day.

quit porn after fucking Adam Sessler and i really hope she didn't catch any STD with him

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Total dork. Before transitioning they were the typical neck out, cargo pant wearing dork. Seriously though she’s still a total cool person. I know her irl

>with husky, sultry voices in real life
That you will never confuse with a tranny, but you'd not know.

is that seriously a man?

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this thread made me gay again

Virtua Fighter

Is this an actual meme or did this happen, need proof if it did I thought that post earlier was joking

lol fag

thanks, gonna check out her vids

Pretty sure he's clean since he still barebacks trannies on the reg

Yes. Mass amounts of photoshop and plastic surgery work wonders, you know.

just google Sue Lighting and Christian XXX (Adam Sessler's stage name)

fuck you too, buddy

>virgin neet pretending he's ever been brave enough to stand within earshot of a woman without pissing his drawers


fucking worthless.

Not bad, user. Keep up the good work! I doubt you will ever use it, but you never know haha. Serbian is pretty much the same, so you're basically learning 2 languages at the same time.

Uh... Mods?

please gib nihon

I doubt it was STD related, but Christian's a rapey and forceful guy off camera.

This sounds nothing like Adam Sessler.

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How much money did he manage to get out of Anthony Cumia in their "settlement"? It must've been a hefty amount considering all the cosmetic work he's had done + his good living conditions despite basically being umemployed.

Thanks. My background is Croatian, so I'll have family to use it with.

I just wish I learned it before my grandparents passed away ;_;


who is she? salsa pls

>and Christian XXX (Adam Sessler's stage name)
Holy fucking shit, i'm laughing so hard I can't believe this is real.

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look at her face

i'd fuck her even if she packed a 10 inch feminine penis, then run away before her turn

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Are you dumb.

wow one off

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Christian fucked probably ever tranny porn star out there.

goddamn fuck this place

also every midget and every BBW

but she's swedish. she's probably a full sjw who will be raped and killed by a muslim monkey next week.

Literally read the thread like 80% of it is people talking about her

>this is what american /pol/ posters without passports really believe


literally, he even fucks the barely passable abominations

Suzi is the best RE waifu and youtuber!

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...or maybe she will work on another Wolfenstein game. It's basically the same.

Eww, midgets.

Fuck you too, user.

Unironically this. I love Suzi, she's a beautiful woman and I don't want her to mutilate herself. I accept her, feminine dick and all

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As oppossed to getting shot and killed by /pol/niggers

>gated community leaf or bong pretending europe isn't swarming with niggers and muds

sorry you voted to be invaded and killed, m8. for the record, all the other Scandinavians were vikings, not you.

Oh wow you posted the tranny again and made it videogame related to avoid the retarded fucking mods. Good job you.

That's pretty much his main thing now. I'm sure if you look at his websites (TPOV and PureTS) it shows you some trannies that look like they've barely even started transitioning and he fucks them.

>human female
>of or denoting the sex that can bear offspring or produce eggs, distinguished biologically by the production of gametes (ova) which can be fertilized by male gametes.

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Anywhere but slavlands would be fine

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This retarded bitch says she's a lesbian, lmao right. She could have ANY man she wants.

lol yeah that's bc Natalie Mars saw to it he only fuck abominations since he got really forceful with a few. Fucking trannies gets you put on a blacklist automatically in the porn industry. But when you're put on the trans blacklist all you're left is fucking literal circus freaks.

They're most likely referencing the "Sue blackmailed Anthiny Cumia for his boob job". Not sure if accurate.


Damn, trannies look like THAT?!

>worried about /pol/niggers when there are 1billion+ muslims
why are lefties so retarded. they don't want your fag bullshit guys. your fag bullshit is literally only possible because christians and non-religious westerners tend to let it happen

>Has to use arms to tightly push boobs against each other to make it look like he has a chest


This, Sue needs to be protected at all costs. Just want to suck her tiny penis while she plays Claire A/Leon B.


Not a single fucking post about video games. Why is this thread still up?

Before I even knew who Max was or what he looked like, I was fooled by his old youtube avatar. Pic related. So when I watched one of his vids, instead of getting a glorious blonde man, I got a jewy loking recesses chin'd sticc mf. My expectations were warped.
I dont hate Max though.

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really haha damn based natalie
he did fuck a decent looking trap recently though he must be pulling some strings

But she wants a woman you seething cishet

lmao libcucks and trannies finna bouta be dabbed on by muslims

It's accurate. Her association with craterface brother joe pay pig is how she got popular in the first place.

Camilla de Castro was the cutest tranny, imo.

shh don't tell them this. if they catch on they won't get massacred

No because I'm not fucking insane like half of Yea Forums seems to be.

>Natalie Mars saw to it he only fuck abominations since he got really forceful with a few
Based tranny

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honestly thought this thread was going to be about fighting games when I clicked it

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Reminder that trannies will NEVER be cute girls.
See it for yourself

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Well, i posted my 3 favorite games and then started talking about important things.

>trans pornstar


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fuckable, not gonna lie

Guys, I dated a tranny for 4 years, dont do it

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>This retarded bitch says she's a lesbian
Not retarded at all, keeps the orbiters in line and gives her a shield.

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Absolutely disgusting.
What the fuck is wrong with those "tits"?
And what's up with his egg shaped face?
Just disgusting.

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How'd your parents react to you coming out

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Why? I mean, why you dated a tranny and why shouldn't we.

All women want to be fucked hard by a tall handsome man.

CVS 2001 and New Killer Instinct.

Greentext story time, user. Highs and lows. Don't hold back

green text?


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I'm utterly convinced there's no such thing as a passable tranny, just ones that use makeup better than others.
In the end, it's still delusional men.

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Good point.


half the videos on his channel are reaction videos.
>max reacts to new fighting game character
>max reacts to comments about his ken playstyle
>max reacts to a gentle breeze on his face
he should be killed.

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Storytime, user

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Fucking christ.

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some of his best friends are black!

what's her name?

I recognize max but whose the girl?

He's a chill dude for the most part but his reaction videos are dumb and you can tell he's phoning it in. Also his new intro video is too long I always skip it. Other then that he hasn't really done anything super obnoxious or bad to my knowledge.

I bet she takes the nigger dagger.

Holy fuckin...

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im a tranny and none of those things apply to me though. I think you are misrepresenting a large group of people based on the actions of a few, which is no different than sjw's who blame all men for all the male rapists out there.

You cant really have it both ways.

>all these posts and no one pointed out you spelled the Major's name wrong

>arching back
>super high heels
>still barely any ass

That guy looks like younger version of Gill


Benin here i come

>That NYC radio guy that would rant about negroes for over a decade had whatever was left of his career destroyed by a weeb tranny

It's still hilarious to me that this Capcom loving tranny brought down Anthony Cumia. I love clown world.

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Those tits are just terrible, he couldn't just hold off on it really?

>trannies with """""vaginas""""" almost never look female (the exceptions being the old ones from the 60s-80s that were forced at cultural gunpoint to pass) and are just revoltingly terrible people all around
>trannies with dicks can and do look almost passably female, and in many cases act like relatively likeable, well, women
Makes ya think.

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have sex

fuck me up senpai

Begone from this thread
Suzi is a cute girl with a cute cock

her husband is asian

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>none of those things apply to me

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Do people really hate Max? His overreactions are a bit irritating but everyone does that for views. He's pretty good at keeping me informed about FG happenings and his enthusiasm while he's actually playing seems pretty genuine.

>in many cases act like relatively likeable, well, women
you've never met a woman

Basically he snatches up any up and coming trans chicks who haven't gotten noticed or a part of the "community" yet. Sometimes word gets around fast and he's avoided by the plague and other times he manages to snag a few that know dick all about him. he has to stay ahead of his blacklist and hopes potentials don't ask around first.


I expose the truth that makeup, girly clothes and angles can't hide.

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i had sex 2 gays ago with my gf who is hotter than any girl that would ever look you in the eyes for more than 4 seconds
have standards (and sex)

that's a huge fucking ass

are you blind?


>i had sex 2 gays ago

why did that last word not spoiler?

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I fucking wish that were the case.

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Moreso that Cumia's dad thought he was a fruitcake right out the womb. He was right.

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i pass to the point where i get asked if i could be pregnant/the last time i menstruated every time o go to the doctor, i dont mutilate my body and dont bleed, i have never tried to get anyone fired or in trouble because no one but my parents know, hormones made me attracted to women and im one of the most passive anti confrontation people i know.

So yes, none of those apply to me

sarina really let himself go with the plastic surgery and the weight gain. he really peaked in this image.

everyone is mentally ill here op

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It seems like Suzi's living in your head rent free. You always come into Suzi threads with the same exact post and the same emo girl pics

The fuck are you smoking, trannies all have mental issues.
What do you think it takes for someone to think they are a girl?

i'm 100% straight, but i'd destroy prime Sarina Valentina's ass

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>he doesnt fuck gay men in his cooldown period between fucking his gf
in reality it was a typo
its not though

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>Max and his sister have yellow fever
kek. Doesn't he have a brother too? that fit, bald guy?

You mother fucker where is the green text

>i get asked if i could be pregnant/the last time i menstruated every time o go to the doctor
they're being polite

>i had sex 2 gays ago
classic Yea Forumsreudian slip right there

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>I pass guys trust me

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>sarina really let himself go with the plastic surgery


looks like a literal plastic sexdoll now

>id fuck a man a penis
>im 100% straight

I simply deliver the unfiltered truth.
Men can't be women.

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Well at the very least she blackmailed someone that's not sympathetic.

> all these people unironically defending tranny degenerates

I sincerely hope you all get hit by a truck today. you are all lowest form of scum of the earth, deserve to die along with pedophiles and zoophiles.

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:-DDD broll-an Xd

Alright, yall asked for it
> be impressionable 20 year old living in a 3 bedroom apartments with friends
> just broke up with 17yo girl with huge toddies because she was crazy
>hmm, craigslist sounds fun, and I've been looking at traps on Yea Forums since I was 14, so why not?
>she's very passable, just needs prep time every morning
>manage to hide it from my family until a few months ago
>she was batshit crazy and jealous the whole time
>realize I love pussy and I just wanted an easy source of someone straight up telling me I'm attractive unlike most women
>burned many bridges with friends because I had to be with her 24/7
>at the end, I have no friends and not a soul to confide in
It was fun, but she was too crazy and people will inevitably find out. Now I'm lonely as hell, but it was for the better because she just encouraged my bad habits

False you fucking faggot you can hear the man voice easily.

>I had sex 2 gays ago

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Maybe stop making these threads here then

lmao cope

>it's another obsession thread

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>none of those things apply to me

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You can see in that thing's eyes that it's not mentally stable.

i know, i fucked up

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I literally said some trannies are alright you fucking illiterate degenerate. You're only alright though. You fuckers that are alright don't call out the posers and the really fucked up crazy ones.

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Is there a larger version of this photo?

Damn, who is this young, adorable little girl.

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>they're being polite
thats not how the healthcare field works.

How good she look? Any pics?

>she was batshit crazy and jealous the whole time
>burned many bridges with friends because I had to be with her 24/7
That's fucking crazy, user. I really expected trannies to be more like... you know... guys, when it comes to relationships. Gives you freedom and such. Thanks for the story.
How was the sex?

Lol literally just so used to saying it because of the lie I lived for 4 years

Take her back man. I dated a tranny for six years until she killed herself. You never know what you have until it's well and truly gone

Did Cumia fuck the tranny or get fucked BY the tranny?

lmao @ all this cope

make no mistake, when the muslims when you fucks will be gassed

Simmons is his best friend. They're not related.

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lmao, can you imagine that old fart getting fucked by the tranny's dysfunctional microdick

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I would absolutely destroy this boypussy

i didnt even open your clyp but are you the tranny that was telling people that your cock was bigger than theres and whining about people orbiting you over your voice a few weeks ago? if so how big is your wang?

fucked the tranny, Cumia is a straight dude

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>he's straight
Then why does he fuck men in girl clothes.

This is the best fucking thread on Yea Forums atm.


>1 hour
>350 posts
if you're that hungry to gossip about your favorite ecelebs, why not go somewhere that allows it?

Got any pics? You a cutie?

about 7.5 long and 6 inches in girth. hormones were supposed to shrink it but they didnt. its not even like THAT big its just a funny voice recording to post in random threads because people get triggered as most of Yea Forums have milimeter peters


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He's a dude in girl clothes, dude.
That's no "cutie".

They do it out of spite.
Apparently being able to evade bans is the new "kewl"

>that obvious tranny voice
kek my good man

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im not attracted to men im not posting pics

She looked good, half white half Mexican. She started out skinny, but gained weight after getting comfortable. No pics because I font want this shit coming back to me in some horrible way
I was memed into that too because of that 1 pic people used to post. No, she was insecure in herself and basically took it out on me. I was a doormat at the time, so it didn't work out well. Sex was great, she could suck a golfball through a garden hose and she still had all parts attached.
Nah, I want children and a normal life. Plus my family knows now too so that would put too much pressure on me. Not even mentioning she hates my family.

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Was there ever any doubt.

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>3 posts per IP
I guess you're right.

a bit shorter than mine but half an inch girthier, would trade a little length for more girth tbqh

what are you talking about brought down? He has his own video network now and does 4 shows a week.


the funny part is that i had my cis female friend record that for me just to prove a point that Yea Forums is full of shit. thank you user

>thats not how the healthcare field works.
Yes it is. They're human beings with mortgages to pay and children to feed. Be happy your terror attacks have worked.

Post your feet

America needs to be nuked.

It's not gay to top girly men
It's like the most alpha chad thing you can do actually

My favourite fighting game is The CHINDER CHAGGER NIGGER DAGGER!

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girth is pretty nice. i dont usually top but the look on a girls face when she sees it is pretty priceless considering im like 5'5 and smol.

You dont pass. Youre not fooling anyone but yoiurself.

>using the word cis unironically
i literally, truly hope you die. i want you to die.

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>it's not gay to fuck men
Why are trannyfags so delusional?

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Personal favorites Bloody Roar Primal Fury, USF4, UMvC3, Skullgirls, Samurai Shodown VSp, and MK9

The new SamSho is looking fucking great

fuck you faggots I want to talk about video games

That's some extreme cope

jesus if youre that short it must look fucking massive on you, im 5'11 and mine looks big but not gigantic, just proportionate


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>i pass

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Nice! making a big dicked trap cum whilst i rail their ass is pure kino

It's not irrational, he's a faggot

some trannies are made to be fucked by straight men

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>western men obsessed with abusing women

Fucking yikes.

>won't post voice or face
>but I totally pass guys

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yes, he

What is this epic new meme?

How old is that clip? I swear to God, I heard it already somewhere.

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What the fuck is wrong with that person's face?

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>clickbait titles THIS GAME IS... INSANE?!?
>Much like twitter trannies he has like 20 cartoon-sonas that imply that hes handsome and buff and weird shit
>that dog of his is ugly as shit, also Benny is pretty ugly too.
>is an unabashed Crapcom shill
>annoying intros, catch phrases, etc
>his earlier career had very cringey skits
>I actually enjoy him getting pummeled online cause I feel like he secretly has a high opinion of himself with fighters

Not him but that's from a porn video.
She's into getting slapped and choked.

who is this?

as opposed to who?

I know youre baiting but its so nonsensible

Max is just an ugly dude

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anybody got the imgur album of that cute russian trap who's a solid 10?

>Yes it is
as someone who is literally going to school for that exact same job right now, thats not how it works. There is no "nice". Everything has to be exact and objectively correct or your job is on the line.

my feet are the only part of my body i dont like. but its the cost of having a big dick.
you can say this all you want but i have literally had conversations with customers who ranted about he shes who use the girls bathroom and they had no idea they were talking to a person they supposedly hate.

i love you too user
yeah unironically i was never going to be a man. im short, sensitive, emotional and always had a big butt for some reason.

Based cope poster coping with his feelings towards women with extra features

>2 gays ago

Fucking faggot

and sometimes the best girls are born as boys.

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>She's into
Sure she is

'amateur' porn from anywhere besides the US

>with extra features
Such as penises?

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for FREE?

Attached: tranny.webm (180x360, 1.63M)

>but its the cost of having a big dick.
Post your dick then.

>doesn't pay for her own goods and services
shit maybe they are born that way

Attached: Tess-Christiansen-Feet-1396646.jpg (800x1200, 204K)

i did post my voice tho. telling me it doesnt pass when you cant tell me if thats my friend or me just tells me that most of you are full of shit and just want to hate me. and thats ok, i dont mind if you hate me, but i know i pass
pretty old desu i repost it

post feet anyway

Nice DMC V cosplay

Maybe they just thought you were an ugly chick


These people really have no idea how the internet works. It's like they discovered it yesterday.

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>looking normal vs hundreds of hours of editing and manipulation
yeah wow so unfair what the fuck bigot

>i has sex 2 gays ago

I meant have sex with women, fag

Oh no.

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i would say im pretty plain.

wombs. women. its in the fucking word you retard