Fixed my pc

>fixed my pc
>havent touched my ps4 since then

Nothing beats the freedom of a pc

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>my 2000+ dollar potato pc is better than ps4

Nice blog.

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seething cope

hows the kissless virginity op?

Leave him alone, he's already mentally ill.

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>1.5 games total
>one of them isn't even good

Better then zero games on pc lol

Well Bloodborne is technically on PC through ps now so it's more like 0.5 games.

yeah enjoy malware and network attacks, you retarded tech illiterate pos

crawl back to your console, OP

>nintendo out of no-where

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>build an expensive PC
>sit down and play for 30 minutes and start to feel uncomfortable
>turn on ps4 or switch
>can sit down on couch for hours
Do I just need a new chair? It feels like every desk chair feels like shit to sit in for over 20 minutes at a time

>muh games
literally doesnt matter how many games are on a system for it to be a good system

Are you admitting that Sonyfags don't play games?


*plays risk of rain 2 while you seethe*

le nintendo boogeyman
seeth harder so(n)ycuck

I hate nintendo as much as any snoyfag lmao

nice seethe

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>a console needs games to be a good console
i use my ps4 for things other than games you autistic faggots get a life

>uses his pc to post on Yea Forums instead of actually playing games

>havent touched my PS4 since EDF4.1 and Let it Die got PC ports

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like what, watching movies?

>nintendo deflection
>no u *spams wojaks*
absolutely fuming kek

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3 monitors and the brain to watch them all you poorfag b*tch

like playing bloodborne

Remember you are losing, so go ahead and burn your dread.

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My PC works fine but I only upgrade it to play Civ games.
For other games I use my consoles.