She's way too perfect

She's way too perfect

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Best girl for sure.

God damn when did vidja girls get so fucking ugly what twilight zone is this?

Sorry about your shit taste, my dude.

>tfw no lady gf

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can you play the game as her yet?

>Short hairs


>he doesnt like short air

the gay people board is in another place.

>Man jaw

At least you DMCucks moved on from pimping La Goblina


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She's better looking than Trish, so congrats on not being the ugliest girl in the game I guess. But she's hardly perfect by any means, especially compared to the dozens of non-capcom japanese vidya girls we got last year.

Of course she's too perfect: she not real

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>drumpftard is a faggot

like poetry

Never played a single game from the series but holy shit she's perfect. I can't stop looking at her.
Should I buy her game?

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Do you want to play the best game of the decade?

so uh how long until Dino Crisis or Onimusha remake with RE Engine?


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the gay board is /gif/

this desu, it's a fucking mess

They just got more realistic, see her pores and shit? Fag

Depends, do you want to see her naked and covered in white goo?

aww man now you got me thinking about good shit that'll never happen

>She's way too perfect

I've seen her look better.

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What's a high polygon pretty Lady good for if she is not cool like in DMC3 anymore

>waiting for Trish & Lady redemption arc DLC

>waiting for Trish & Lady redemption arc DLC
Never ever, bro.

>She's way too perfect
Yes she is!

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Goddam it, Sue. Get out of my car and into my dreams.


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fuck off

Trannies are not women

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Aw poor little deluded cis boy. Your time is over. Sorry you're having a hard time coping.

Please don't be mean to my wife.


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>tfw you lived long enough to see Lady become a boomer

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DMC5 Special Edition with Vergil and Trish & Lady campaign.
secret movie is a teaser for V gang comeback.

Aw yes now that's my Lady!

he hit the jackpot

Yes your obnoxious faggotry spam on Yea Forums is clearly a world changing event. No delusion on your part there.

based and fivepilled

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I like Lady.

Yugi boy, need my 5?

looks like a dude lmao fags

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fucking owned holy shit


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>Lady in DMC3
Stupid edgy kid who just gets in my way
>Lady in DMC4
Stupid cocky bimbo thinks shes tough
>Lady in DMC5
I'm seriously in love. She's perfect.


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Imagine being this delusional


>tfw no girl that looks like this irl that isn't just cosplaying

Pegasus, you has an unfair advantage.

What should her gameplay be like?

Play DMC4 and you'll find out.

I hate DMC4 Ladys design but a lot of people claim to like it.

I'd really rather they not just copy her gameplay form DMC4SE 100%.

Lady came a long way since DMC3.
>First time you meet her in Mission 2, she shoots a rocket launcher at Dante. As far as she knew, he was human and the shot should have killed him. She tried to murder a complete stranger in cold blood purely because he had the gall to speak to her.
>She shot Dante in the face when he caught her as she was falling. Again, she didn't know that she was half demon at the time, so she basically tried to murder someone who tried to help her in cold blood.

When you look at the Lady in DMC5, she's clearly way less trigger-happy and more friendly, even if she has some issues. She's shown cheerfully chatting with Trish as well.

I mean I agree but I also doubt they'll veer far off from it

its not even the best game of march LMFAO

How was she like? Never played the SE.

they should give her pandora

I feel like people are too hard on her for that. She's human, she doesn't have the luxury of waiting to see if a demon is going to attack her or not. Dante was casually hanging out inside an evil tower during a demonic invasion, that's more than enough cause to assume he's a hostile.

As a Devil Trigger alternative.

You people are obsessed with where others put their dicks aren't you?

>basic slow melee combo with the KA, what amounted to a shitty streak, and a helmsplitter
>swapped between three guns: twin pistols, a shotgun, and the KA
>all guns could be charged up to Lvl 3, KA locks you in place while it's charging
>grappling hook moves that launch and slam enemies as her style button, can use Nero's grapple points
>DT launches a volley of grenades everywhere for massive burst damage and i-frames, can also toss out a few grenades that launch enemies as a normal move
>a few special moves like a honeycomb that launches and a great shotgun stinger
>the best thing to do was to whack enemies with the KA while you charged up your shotgun, Lvl. 3 shotgun lasts for a while and does a ton of damage, pistols are good for launching and crowd control as well as ranged damage, and if you got the chance to sit still and charge it up a Lvl 3 KA shot would do insane damage
>essentially you're working with a really limited moveset and have weak mobility, but you get great DPS, including ranged DPS, instead.

Uh huh. And what was SHE doing hanging out in an evil tower during a demonic invasion? He couldn't possibly be there hunting demons like she is.

Also, I just watched the clip. She shot him in the face to TEST whether or not he might be a demon.

In short, Lady is an ugly retard and you should feel bad.

No serious demon hunter would be joking about a party during a job like that.
She shot him in the face because he was a strange man, possibly a demon, who was holding her by the leg over the side of the tower while making jokes, after she said to let her go.

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I wanna hunt with Lady!!!

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I want her to have my kids god fucking dammit

More like Laddy


>DMC3 Lady>>>>>>>>>>DMC5 Lady

Posting the superior version

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You mean the one from DMC4? : >

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Would you smell a fart from her ass? I know I would and I ain't nonscatfag.

>ywn listen to Lady talk about her guns for hours
>ywn play wrestle as part of her training
>ywn be allowed to win just so that she can enjoy the feeling of safety with you in control
>ywn cuddle and give her a massage after she's worn out from work
>ywn find all her old wounds and new scrapes so you can kiss them better
>ywn let her know how sexy she is despite the scars of battle and time
>ywn be allowed to help her clean and maintain her guns as a sign of her deepest trust towards you
>ywn wake in the middle of the night to the sound of her crying for her mother
>ywn hold her close and whisper comforting words in her ear until the nightmare passes

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Not true, they acted like gold digging whores at the end; I like 1 Trish more.

Despite being .02% of the population Trannies make up 40% of the suicides

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40% of the .02% commit suicide.

fucking manjaw

looks like my fat cousin


>It's a face blind autist who needs long hair on women in order to tell them apart from men episode

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Thank god. DMC should be about bros b4 hoes

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Based bros before hoes poster

DMC for my Super Sexy Stylish Men needs
Bayonetta for my Super Sexy Stylish Women needs

>bros before hoes
>hoes before bros
Need them both

Crossover WHEN!?

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>tfw Lady is a 40 year old virgin that still doesn't have a home

She's a human who can contend with demons on skill alone.

Why are we comparing her with ordinary people and their ordinary troubles?

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Look all these niggers falling in love for that man jaw, what the fuck, imagine having trash tier taste like this

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