So the cheaper Switch model that's supposed to be more portable will be more sturdy than the current Switch and will resemble the Wii U Gamepad.
Will you buy it?
So the cheaper Switch model that's supposed to be more portable will be more sturdy than the current Switch and will resemble the Wii U Gamepad.
Will you buy it?
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cringe and bluepilled
So a GBA XL with dual analog?
I'm interested. It's what I expected, anyway.
Probably. The joycons are the worst thing about this already flawed system and is the sole reason I haven't bought it.
absolutely not
As I vastly preferred the WiiU Gamepad to the Switch's handheld, that'd be bretty neat.
Same here. I always expected a Switch Lite to resemble a Wii U gamepad anyways.
I would like it to be compact and comfortable and to have a proper dpad. That would make it a perfect system for me
thanks doc
they'll need to update that screen though since the gamepad's screen was low res as fuck
Is the gamepad comfortable to use? I've never used one but that looks big.
Fucking this. Idk why people liked the Switch over the gamepad. Gamepad felt more comfy for me. Like playing my Vita.
Could you describe "proper d-pad"?
Why not? Explain.
Not him but a D-pad that isn't split like Switch's.
I already own a regular switch that I never play, no reason to buy a worse version.
How is it worse? It improves on things people complain about on the current Switch
Ah shit I forgot the joycons were like that. I've been using the pro controller 90% of the time.
Well there ya go. We shouldn't need a Pro controller to get a proper Dpad. That's why this new Switch Lite revision should include a proper D-pad which the Wii U gamepad had.
A normal dpad. Not the unusable shit they used on the left joycon. I know its for the multiplayer feature but it just cripples any sidescroller game
This. I miss the gamepad so fucking much
Even the pro controller has a shitty dpad. I loved the one on the wii's pro controller but on the switch is mushy and unresponsive imo
The gamepad's Dpad is the best of all
Those improvements don't matter to me and if it lost the ability to be docked I would consider it a worse product. The rumors I'd seen mentioned that the cheaper model would be portable only. I don't know if that's still the case.
So I'm sitting here pushing both d-pads and can't feel a difference. Maybe its the manufacture/model you got? I know there was some inconsistency in quality for both pro controller models.
Probably, assuming it will be inevitably jailbroken. Been wanting a powerful handheld for emulation, but I'm too scared to buy Android chinkshit
>The rumors I'd seen mentioned that the cheaper model would be portable only. I don't know if that's still the case
It's still the case going by WSJ. Though the cheaper model will atleast have a comfy feel to it if it's similar to the gamepad.
also not feeling a difference here chief
Android stuff is superior.
I actually like the gamepad a lot, played 50+ hours of BOTW on it and it was comfy AF, much better than the Switch's handheld ergonomics by a wide margin.
Have you ever used one?
Do you think the gamepad would make for a better portable than the Switch? Lots of people talk about how much better the battery life is on the gamepad.
I'm sitting here next to my Wii U gamepad pushing the Dpad over and over again along with the Wii U Pro Controller. I'm like 73% certain they're the same part.
Really? To me it seems like the switch pro controller its loose and mushy. I remember previous nintendo dpads being much flatter, allowing for snappy inputs. Maybe I have to dig out the wii to see if im saying nonsense
It's super ergonomic thanks to the large handles on the back and its battery is super easy to change. It actually has space for a much larger one if you wanted to swap it.
replied to the wrong post.
I'd buy it if they priced it under 150 dollars and let it sync with a normal switch to allow Wii U emulation for games with gamepad specific features.
Like I said, it might be that your switch or your wii u pro controller is of lower quality. I've used friends' controllers that dont feel the same as mine so our d-pads might feel completely different. Mine is very snappy on both, btw.
Damn. If the Switch Lite is like the gamepad, I would sell my current Switch and get the Lite one in a heartbeat.
Only way i will be it is 1080p
That would be pretty kino but I figure that would probably drive the price a bit to a bit under 200 if not 200.
That would melt your hands
Honestly as-is the Switch is probably better suited to be a portable than the Gamepad would be, overall the Gamepad is larger in most dimensions, and also has taller control sticks. So I imagine they'd have to change things up about the design of the Gamepad to make it more portable, but the grips on the back of it and the symmetric control sticks feel MUCH better than the Switch design. They also subtly offset the control sticks with the buttons diagonally on the Gamepad for a more natural position along the range of motion of your thumb (much like standard controllers, while the joycons don't do this)
>the symmetric control sticks
This so much. I'm still upset they went full xbox design and offset them for the switch. I still use my Wii U Pro controller for PC games. Perfect controller imo
>nintendo has so many WiiU gamepads left over they are reassembling them in a new form for release
At last I truly see
>be more sturdy than the current Switch
>will resemble the Wii U Gamepad
Does not compute. The Wii U pad was a flimsy feeling cheap piece of shit.
I hope the Lite fixes the fucking joycon drifting
It was actually fairly sturdy, about as sturdy as the 2DS if you ever used it (which was designed to take a beating). The reason it feels that way might be because it was light. It had no weight to it becuase the battery was tiny.
the new 2ds xl is 150 and the 3DS is near the end of its life cycle, you're out of your mind if you think they'll price their new console below that. It'll be $200, maybe $225-250 bundled with some game like Mario Maker.
The gamepad didn't feel that much larger than the Switch tbqh
I'll probably trade mine in and get it, yeah. I hardly ever play switch games on the television, anyway. Hopefully it's at least a bit more ergonomic than the flat slab it is right now. I had to buy a "comfort grip" or whatever the fuck they called it so I don't feel like I have arthritis after playing for an hour.
Hey they might as well use them for something
And Eurogamer said they wanted to follow the 2DS way especially with how sturdy it was so it makes Switch Lite being the Gamepad 2.0 even more obvious
I didn't say I thought they would do it, that's just the only way I'd buy one. I doubt they care about Wii U emulation for games that used the gamepad significantly. I think the Wonderful 101 is the only Nintendo IP stuck on Wii U that would be hard to emulate without one, and I doubt Nintendo gives a fuck about that.
My biggest gripe is the lack of grip.
Figure 1: Why the button placement is better on the gamepad
True. They may still use emulation from the Wii U but not the whole library. Like they could use SMTxFE
This is why I felt more comfortable playing BoTW on my Wii U gamepad than on my Switch. It just felt more comfortable overall.
I kept hoping they'd release some larger "pro" joycons shaped more like controller handles, but I guess that's off the table now.
I mean the switch basically has the layout of an Xbox controller, and many people really, really like that. Also, when split into the 2 joycons, it makes it so the stick is always on the right and buttons on the left.
>mfw playing timesplitters 2 on the wii u gamepad
I hope u based wii u bros know what I'm talkin about
FWIW, in the current switch button placement, using the joycon grip puts the left joysitck and the ABXY buttons in identical spots as the Xbox360 and xbone controllers. The other buttons you have to shift your grip for but you can get the same effect.
A decent controller/handheld needs to have a bit of weight to it though. Not enough to cause fatigue after extended use but enough to not feel like you could easily snap it in half with your bare hands. Think more Dualshock 4, less Dualshock 3.
thanks doc
Why is it off the table?
The Switch in handheld mode doesn't feel great because the triggers and bumpers are two small and bunched together without a grip. I'd have to buy a grip before I ever considered actually playing with the joycons attached for anything other than games that need limited face button usage.
The only way you'll see anything from Wii U on Switch is Nintendo just plopping it on the Switch with no regard for gamepad functionality.
Agreed. I Had a Pro Controller that I almost always preferred to use. I still think it was sturdy, just needed a bit of weight to fix its issues.
We do. That's why we hope the switch lite is gamepad 2.0
The gamepad isn't that light. It weighs about as much as a 2DS.
thanks doc
>The only way you'll see anything from Wii U on Switch is Nintendo just plopping it on the Switch with no regard for gamepad functionality
If Switch lite is similar to the gamepad then this would be a non issue.
Look closer, no other controller besides the Joycons have their control sticks directly vertical of their buttons/dpad. All other controllers slightly offset their control sticks/buttons for comfort.
Yeah it makes playing 2D games on Switch hard
As much as it pains me to say this, I doubt we'll see Nintendo return to the double screen gimmick for a long time.It wasn't popular enough. I think we have a bit of time before asymetrical gameplay takes off again.
Danke Doc
Switch lite that resembles a Wii U gamepad would be great but...
>Move right stick below ABXY
>Actual triggers
>Move LR so they aren't so separated from the triggers
>Less weight, the gamepad was too heavy
>Clicky buttons
>matte finish
You do realize I mean this for the handheld only Switch right?
I probably would've preferred if they just stuck hardware in the gamepad and just redesign it to be a little smaller so it's more portable. Would probably be stronger because of the bigger shell and it won't have to be switching between different modes
>>Less weight, the gamepad was too heavy
Gamepad is lighter than the Switch. Felt more like a 2DS in weight.
It doesn't really need to be smaller. Just work on updating the screen so it won't be low res as fuck.
It likely would be much stronger tbqh.
>Better sticks
>Better d-pad
>Only con is having to claw with your index finger on a stick instead of the face buttons
I don't see an issue and kind of wish the former 2 pros were just part of the package deal with the switch.
I'm the guy you originally replied to and I think you're a retard who doesn't know what he is talking about.
Gracias doc
Yeah I'm sure there was a way to make them like the nunchuck (the analog stick part) so it's a little more comfortable
wait can i get a photo of someone using claw grip to hit the BUTTONS on a controller?
>>Only con is having to claw with your index finger on a stick instead of the face buttons
I would actually be very ok with this. The WiiU gamepad is comfy as fuck.
I wouldnt buy it, Though, unless something happens to my current switch. Id more than likely buy the more powerful switch version.
You're probably autistic so last (You) from me.
Isn't the usual claw grip to use your index finger on the face buttons while your thumb is on the stick? I have no idea because I use my WiiU Pro controller as my PC controller all the time and have just gotten used to steering with my index finger if I need to hold a face button + right stuck
I felt like the Switch would slip from my hand because it had no grip.
How much stronger do you think the Switch Pro would be from the original?
Not really? I'm so confused.
I have no idea. I would be ok with it being like 40% stronger or maybe a little less. Whatever gets the switch more games.
I guess it's possible to use claw grip that way, but I've only ever claw gripped the way you just described specifically with the Pro Controller and Wii U gamepad, and that was cuz BOTW put sprint and the camera on the same side of the controller.
Yeah definitely I think about the same as a base xone but a little stronger. Would be the best portable of all time but I think the hardware would make it a littler heavier no?
I guess but also remove the camera and the mic (maybe?). actually they can still call it a switch, just redesign pic related a little bit so it can output 1080p on the TV and double as a charger and well, a cradle to play on a table (if you have a gamepad or if they even include one)
Maybe next gen
True. Though since I'm more of a portable gamer these days I'm only interested in Switch Lite honestly.
>Yeah definitely I think about the same as a base xone but a little stronger.
Idk about all that. Probably close to Xbone but I doubt it would be stronger.
Yeah the camera and mic can go. Helps in reducing the cost.
And what pic?
I think it would be about the same as
But maybe a little stronger, but knowing Nintendo it'll be a minor upgrade like the new 3ds
People actually liked the clunky oversized lightweight of a controller that was the gamepad?
I forgot the pic :(
I used the bottom cradle for the switch too.
I've never used a switch so i can't compare. But the Wii U gamepad is 'ok' at best. I don't get cramps from it or anything but the wii u pro or xbox controllers are simply more comfortable. If I were to rate it, I would give it a 6 out of 10. It does its job.
I've yet to see anyone pull any of these out in public
What is that
The new 3ds was a big upgrade from the 3ds though
Its rare. I've done it a few times back in college. You have to be near an outlet so places you can do it are few and far between.
2 types of stands for the wii u gamepad. One with charger and one without.
This. It's pretty comfortable
I just doubt they'll bother making accessories for the current Switch if they're prepping to release two more Switch models.
Huh. Interesting. Switch lite should do just that.
Those same accessories could work for those two Switch revisions. Well for the Pro revision atleast.
I suppose you're right, and I guess they could always include adapters if there's a size difference with the pro model.
Do you expect the Pro version to differ in size to the current version?
Some of the many (many) rumors floating around mentioned it having a larger screen size
I wonder how a larger screen size would work on the current Switch model. I'd think the model would have to get bigger itself.
Well reports already confirmed it so all I can hope is that it's screen is better.
thanks doc