>this is what manchildren actually believe
This is what manchildren actually believe
Sorry the vita died
i grow more autistic every day and genuinely dont care what random cunts in public think of me, they will forget me in 15 minutes anyway.
feels great
>t. guy who never gets pussy
This is satire, right? its really fucking good.
>thinking that playing pokemon on the subway is depressing
Get on my level...you don't even need to use the microphone in that one
OP literally boiling in rage holy shit
i also dont give a fuck about getting laid
im very content as is
jesus the woman one is what made me yike, it's common knowledge their purses are fucking merlin magic pocket universe bags with infinite shit inside
I want to be this since I hear one of the greatest regrets of the dying is caring too much about being judged. Too much of a coward for that though
>writing the left can't meme in your meme that is everything wrong with leftist memes
It's a comic, not a novel.
Your loss, my chode would feel good stretching your ass and rubbing against your prostate. Imagine the orgasm that'd wrack your entire body due to my dick. My dick knows how to please men ass.
they truly cannot meme
That's fucking funny.
The left can't make only paint over creative right and middle memes
The older woman one is funny
The left can't meme because they can't offend anyone.
What they are actually thinking:
I wonder if my merger proposal will go through. I bet Frank will oppose it, that bastard. He's such a moron.
I can't wait to play minecraft/fortnite/insert shitty flavor of the month garbage popular game here when I get home!
Older Woman:
Is he playing a video game? Lord what has society come to. I wonder if he even has a job.
Cute Girl:
Oh god what's that smell? Jesus Christ its that hideous abomination. Oh look, he's got a fucking video game toy too. Typical neckbeard.
This is some weird shit...I always imagined nobody cared that I was playing or not but once i put that I was marrying for a joke on normiebook and out of nowhere everyone started sending messages...the news even reached the grandma of my "future wife" so I don't even know, maybe people keep looking at you in the bus
I play vidya in public all the time and I really don't give a shit what they think unless they're planning on robbing me.
I think the left actually hates people who don't know how to get laid more than the right hates black people. I'm pretty sure I've seen the word "incel" thrown around more in the last year than the word "nigger".
You may be too autistic to realize this user, but this is a cultural artifact known as a "joke"
>How about you just fuck off like this guy after he impregnates me?
What did she mean by this?
It's not that. It's that the ONLY WAY the left knows how to """argue""" (hint: its not actual proper argumentation) is to try and discredit their opponent, also called an AD HOMINEM attack. They think that by calling people incels or virgins they somehow invalidate that persons argument.
In reality, it doesn't fucking work that way. Unfortunately, the majority of people on this world are retarded, otherwise they wouldn't be leftists, and don't realize this. They are unable to use logic and instead fall back on empty emotionalism and sensationalism.
>5 incels baited this easily
this edits works every time
You mean like a meme? Those are so funny : )
It's a joke you mong, just look at the facial expressions.
Your "chode" wouldn't stretch a XXXsmall rubber band you daft faggot.
I believe all of that now what
>playing on a plane
Kobayakawa, please.
Have sex
>filter the word "Incel"
>Yea Forums becomes instantly better
Filter 'have sex' 'virgin' and 'racist' for an even better experience.
Good to see that we still have men of taste around here
>They are unable to use logic and instead fall back on empty emotionalism
Where can I find a happy middle ground between this and "fuck everyone else only you, your genes, and your race matter"? My brain makes me feel bad when I see people suffering
*Walks up to you revealing you only come up to my chest*
You wanna say that again twink?
*Picks you up by your throat*
*Tears your skinny jeans and panties off in one tear*
*Prods your boipucci with my dickhead making you squirm and mewl*
*Slides the rest of my uncut penis inside your manvagina*
Can't say anything with a penis in your ass huh twink?
you might have autism if you can't tell that's the joke
I went to Japan and saw old ladies and old men playing 3DS on the subway
blew my mind how socially acceptable it is there
>Searching for posts that contain ‘"incel"’ and posts after 2018-04-04. Returning only first 6000 of 46010 results found.
>Searching for posts that contain ‘"nigger"’ and posts after 2018-04-04. Returning only first 6000 of 177376 results found.
It doesn't even come close you stupid fucking /pol/tard and you fucking know that
you fags are a scourge upon this board that nothing and no else else will ever be able to approach in how cancerous you are, so don't even pretend you aren't.
Lefties need to be hanged
>Be helping out head honcho of the office I work at one day with IT trouble.
>We're just making small talk while some programs install on his travel laptop.
>Mentions his son spends all his time playing video games when he's not in school, laments that he's worried he's going to keep playing them even into high school and not grow out of it.
>Mention I still play video games to this day and that it was the original springboard into learning programming and IT work.
>Get a 30 minute long speech about how it's such a tragedy that so many men are playing games and not doing something more constructive with their lives, probably spending thousands of dollars on them.
>Tell him that those thousands of dollars would've probably been better spent on hunting trips in Nevada (He was an avid hunter, had tons of stuffed animal heads in his office), and that we younger folk should strive to be more adult in the future.
>Four years later, he's still holding a grudge.
>Where can I find a happy middle ground between this and "fuck everyone else only you, your genes, and your race matter"?
Real life communities and connections.
Not the internet. The internet as a whole is intellectual poison.
Something is missing in your post
Whag does facebook have to do with playing games in public
lol fuck off incels
This can't be real. If you are over the age of 18 and play video games in public you need to grow the fuck up.
You can't. It doesn't exist.
Either you argue logically using facts and extrapolations based on reality, in which case you are a 'worse-than-hitler white supremacist racist evil scumbag', or you are an emotional retard with zero supporting evidence that simply parrots whatever you're told by the left controlled establishment media, in which case you are a....
Well I'm sure you see where I'm going with this so I don't have to say it, do I?
through christ and salvation
nah just kidding, just b urself bro
If people cared enough to talk to an old lady about what was clearly a small joke to anyone who had read the post it's probable that they would pass judgement that you are the scum of earth if you are playing on the train
we have been defeated by facts and logic
Truth of the matter is nobody gives a fuck what you do as long as you don't look weird and aren't obnoxious. Nobody cares when John Cena plays games in public, when Kanye throws his parties with hentai on massive HD screens, etc.
Based, got the /pol/tards all riled up
So many of them can't help but words words words.
Keep the dialog simple, it is a 4 panel comic.
Structure of a joke.
Set-up followed by punchline.
It's called a joke, you megafaggot. Look at the scowls he's getting.
>proving the fragility of the right-winged white male by increasing the number of (You)s the edit is getting
so easy to bait
Is this the actual original?
The left being horrible at memes is their meme.
>IT guy
>talking back
Nice fanfiction. You'd be replaced by a pajeet if you ever spoke up, faggot beta.
Do people really think that everyone just has their brains shut when they're on the train or whatever and they aren't thinking about the people around them at all?
This is the stupidest shit I see on Yea Forums, there are people that will judge you for way less than playing a DS in public (see pic), so you can be sure there are definitely even more people taking note of the only person in the car playing his kids toy.
No, I'm not saying that people are going to do anything over it, nor am I saying they'll remember you, nor am I saying you should care. Just that it's silly to pretend no one can see you when you're doing something that stands out.
>say stupid shit
>other people say you're stupid
>lol ur fragile
Welcome to Yea Forums. Enjoy your stay.
you cant stop me
Pokemon is for kids
I recognize that waiting room
Incels are as bad as sjws used to be. So easily trolled that simply saying incel summons a crusade. The pendulum swings.
They all look the same
incels raging hard
I know this one. Door to the outside is on the right. Person taking picture is basically next to door / corner of the room. Lady at the window is usually rude.
Black fetishization from white women is problematic to black women
based and redpilled because ending digits