>American dub is basically a super serious strong womyn without any emotion.
>Japanese dub it's a delicate lovely girl who's barely able to hide her feelings for 9s since the begginning.
How did they managed to fuck up her personality so much?
>American dub is basically a super serious strong womyn without any emotion.
>Japanese dub it's a delicate lovely girl who's barely able to hide her feelings for 9s since the begginning.
How did they managed to fuck up her personality so much?
>American dub was based
>Japanese dub was cringe
Really makes me think. Also 9s was fucking garbage; 2B only had eyes for A2.
>tfw no robot gf with simulated farts that are just exhaust heat
Literally the one time where the dub was better.
So much more fitting for her character
Alright, I'm going to need sauce on that picture, without the white guys.
>making a character not ruled by their stupid emotions
A broken clock is right twice a day.
>French dub sounds exactly like your mother
Had me lose my sides a few times.
Oh cmon, the american dub it's a complete 180 from what yoko taro intended for 2b, it's almost like they thought 2b was a copy of rei from eva and just went for that kind of personality.
It's complete a downgrade in every way possible.
This is why anyone even opened this thread. Prove me wrong. You can't.
>American version acts like a fleshed out person
>Japanese version is generic submissive waifu
I sure hope you're being ironic with the one you think is better.
>How did they managed to fuck up her personality so much?
By giving Rinachunk a job.
Don't even start acfag.
Never played it but the American dub sounds like a compelling character
>>Japanese dub it's a delicate lovely girl who's barely able to hide her feelings for 9s since the begginning.
imagine being this mentally retarded. Kill all shipniggers
>claims Japanese voices are better
>doesn't speak or understand Japanese and needs subtitles
Is that Paolo Bonolis?
Please, am I wrong?
You can literally hear the fragility of her soul since the first line in the japanese dub, while in the american one she act like she doesn't want to be there with that annoing voice.
Yeah. You're also an agenda pushing fool. Fuck back off to /pol/.
Fuck I assumed since it was a Jap game she would have acted like the Jap dub description. Now that I know the American dialog is not utter trash I might actually play the game. Never thought I'd say this on Yea Forums but, thanks OP.
>who's barely able to hide her feelings for 9s since the begginning.
this is also the case for the english dub, just because your a ESL that the subtleties of the language are lost on doesn't mean its not good
>agenda pushing
Having played both the Japanese and English dubs weebs really blow the whole 2B's personality thing out of proportion.
Maybe you should learn from literal robots and not get so mad over your own cherrypicked bullshit, ACfag.
Runkachunk lel
Be female, but don't act female or have anything in the way of a female personality. Got it.
If you allowed women to have good and bad and likeable and hateable personalities and varied bodytypes and didn't allow the faggots, feminists, and business interest to control your sexuality and sense of self then you'd have more women in media.
But you don't.
The Japs have your number in terms of female representation and the Chinese are going to eat your lunch if they ever get their shit together.
>the voice is better?! lol
Original direction versus a guessing game.
Imagine preferring doujin rewrites instead of an actual translation.
>American dub is basically a super serious strong womyn without any emotion.
That sounds better honestly
Are you retarded? The English dialogue is full of her being sarcastic and being long winded. The Japanese dialogue is nothing but, はい、分かった、and 了解 until the end of the first scenario.
>Be female, but don't act female or have anything in the way of a female personality. Got it.
Yes, that sounds great. What's the problem? My experience through all of Nier and Drakengard can best be described as "shut the hell up and let me get to the game". If the characters stopped emoting and crying about their problems and trying to shove cringeworthy humor in my face, the games would be 1000% better. I just don't have the tolerance for the game to constantly stop me so it can tell me that my main character is feeling sad, or needs to talk about their emotions, or has daddy issues, or whatever. I'm here to play a GAME, not watch a movie.
there's no excuse to play with japanese dub unless it's sekiro
Not even once
Please use English words if you expect to convey ideas to me. Italian works too if you dumb it down, I'm not very good at it though.
Sounds generic as fuck.
It means kill yourself.
Imagine misunderstanding bayoneta this much.
Also who the fuck is that between bayo and shantae
I wish I understood nip.
Her voice in japanese is much better, but I want to understand the dialogue without having to look at the subtitles (which would draw my attention away from the combat)
>American dub is basically a super serious strong womyn without any emotion
That makes her hotter...
Ah excellent, you too friend. See you in the next thread.
I speak weeb, he said
>imagine preferring fanfiction [connotations of porn] rewrites instead of a proper translation
The dub is not terrible but 2B's Va is shit and ruins it all.
>Rei is an emotionless doll
When did people mistake this meme for a fact?
not understanding tone, inflection, or emoting are all says of being a fucking autistic
>this is also the case for the english dub
Not at all, the english dub never gives you the feeling that 2b is hiding something inside, hell many people felt like the twist from ending A came out of nowhere because of the bad portrayal of 2b.
Because American voice actors don't get/care about the source material.
they don't want to reveal that they're too dumb to understand the movie, so they made up their own characters and plots instead
why do they change the character so much in the dub? I'm not complaining but I thought the Japs like to have their story and characters be accurately translated
It's been a long time since I played it, but I remember it being the other way around. 2B is extremely cold and standoffish in Japanese because she's trying to distance herself from 9S. The English subs were much more familiar.
Go play pong.
When zoomers got too young to have watched NGE.
God I wish girls were real...
You're actually right
Wait, do people unironically use english voices in japanese games? Are they mentally ill?
>barely able to hide her feelings for 9s since the begginning.
In what way? One of the first things that happens is they go through some shit, 9S keeps her memory, while losing his memory of the experience, and she gets all pissed with her hand clenching fit.
Do you mean in a loving way? That was never conveyed through cutscenes in anyway at least.
If you don't understand japanese you should not bother playing it in japanese dub
Japs dubs are also very melodramatic
Oh, well that's a ridiculous idea some stories have bad writing and yeah fanfiction is way preferable(minus the weird porn stuff). For example: Overlord 2 sucked ass, my head canon though is that the previous overlord comes back from hell and exiles his son. I'd rather have this than whatever the fuck happened in that story.
I didn't realize there was a japanese dub until I already beat the game. I'm so used to getting fucked over I didn't think to check and Nier not having a japanese dub.
Rei has a different character arc, she starts as a girl with barely any emotions who just follows role models like gendo and slowly starts to gain humanity thanks to shinji.
Why over generalize? The PSG dub was amazing and the voice actresses loved the source.
>Automata secondaries are still whining about a couple of changed lines
o i am laffin
Is.. is it ok if we just post 2B pictures?
nobody cares retard
everyone played that shit game for the ass and nothing else
I tried doing jap subs. Looking at the bottom of the screen is too distracting I think.
Automata is probably the only game I've played where the dub is overall superior. 2B is only subjectively worse in the dub whereas every other VA is so much better in the dub
>Japs dubs are also very melodramatic
Weebs love this, it makes them feel sensitive despite the fact many of them have or would strangle a cat for stepping on their keyboard.
>I can't understand a word they're saying but I'm sure the acting is fine!
I Don't use dub voices cause they are most of the time cringe in delivery of lines especially if they use jap words, it's too obvious for when they reuse a VA, on top of the worst thing being changing a characters entire emotion
>Literally the one time where the dub was better
Kid Icarus: Uprising, too.
DMC didn't even have a Japanese dub until DMC4. Some other Jap games also have Japanese voices as a clear afterthought like Ace Combat, which is why even the Japanese trailers usually use the English VA with subs.
Also fuck off with this weeb shit, game VA is different from anime dubs, they're not just hiring the same 10 actors from Texas.
I do know japanese, but if you can't tell a person's feelings just by the tone of their voice you're retarded or have no empathy at all.
And whether they're melodramatic or not that's how the derector intended the character to be.
>he didn't play Drakengard 1 with the dub when the voice acting is half the fun
>he didn't play the superior papa version of Nier
I didn't even play it at all, If I wanted a game with ass I'd play Haydee... and I did... and it was more compelling.
I haven't decided yet. You should post more so I can make up my mind.
Is 9S really better? I thought his "hehe, i'm all jaded and evil now" came off and cheesey and dumb because of bad voice acting. If that's how it actually is in the jap version, they fucked that up. Easily, by far, the worst part of the game.
This is such obvious bait since Automata is pretty much the ONLY game where a majority will agree the dub is simply better. What other threads do you see about dub/subs?
Was the differences in character for the dubs not intentional like papa nier and brother nier?
>that whole picture
lol this is sort of why I like foreign language music
Don't constantly think about the fact that the game was developed in Japan. It's not that hard.
i don't know
japs need to focus harder on making less generic characters i suppose
Might as well. Not like there's gonna be gameplay discussion. That would require Nier to not be a movie.
Like this?
>Not at all, the english dub never gives you the feeling that 2b is hiding something inside
>Flips from 'everything by the book, no emotional investment' to panic and desperation in the very first mission
retards all of you
>don't act female or have anything in the way of a female personality
Sounds good, considering most women act like shit.
Tell us something we don't know.
Obsession will do that to you.
>Automata is pretty much the ONLY game where a majority will agree the dub is simply better
yeah weebs are pretty retarded, like most europoors, such generic taste
>Sounds good, considering most women act like shit.
The women you know who act like shit act like that because they don't have good female role models.
Female role models who act like women are sexist wrong and evil or something.
Oh and shitty women will get on their P's and Q's around a dominant man or man who's opinion means everything to them.
You are neither of those kinds of men.
I like how virgins claim Japshit is better than Western stuff when anime garbage is all the same generic shit for mentally ill loner weebs (Nintendo fans also fit)
Nier is an action game, you mong.
>Female role models who act like women are sexist wrong and evil or something
IN this case, acting like a woman means "dude let's have her waste 5+ hours of cutscenes showing off her tits and ass" or spending 5 hours talking about her feelings and crying. Boy, do I look like I buy video games to watch them play themselves?
>potato from Xenoblade Chronicles X
He sounds like a beta harem anime protag. In route C he sounds like an edgy teenager chuuni instead of someone who's genuinely lost it.
In English the actor tries(and fails) to sound genuinely insane.
So you pick between intentionally bad or almost good but diving straight into cringe because you don't quite have the skill/directing/number of takes to pull it off.
>mentally ill
Now can you say that again like an adult human being and not like a 13yo? I know it's going to be hard for you but give it a try.
>fun to play
Purely aesthetic. No change from Quote, so while that is fun it's just for nerds to whack it to.
>not overtly talkative
She's very sociable and talks a lot, and even gets Quote to talk. In fact, she's one of the most talkative characters in the whole image.
>not just there for sex fanservice
In order to play as her you need to steal her panties. How many games let you steal panties and lock content behind it?
>character development is optional
Her character development of her motherly instincts when she is introduced and fought is MANDATORY. Her character development with her giving Quote the Air Tank to show how much she cares about others more than she does herself is MANDATORY. Her emotions leading her to being willing to die over seeing a friend die is MANDATORY. Only thing optional about her is stealing her panties or saving her, both of which lock away GAMEPLAY so if you want the most out of your game you'd want to do both of those things.
So, by your own metric, Curly Brace is a shit female character, and by extension Cave Story is a shit game and Pixel is a shit, lazy, hackfraud developer padding the game with waifushit and cutscenes. How about actually playing the game instead of just blindly putting her there while contradicting everything about her character in your criteria for good female characters? Are you literally so autistic you see character with a robotic aesthetic and instantly believe the character is without emotion, mandatory development, or fanservice? Never fucking include Curly Brace under your criteria for "good female characters" ever again since you don't know anything about good characters or good games, ACfag.
She delivers it pretty badly, and after that she goes back to that monotonus way of acting, you just forget what that scene was trying to convey.
>it's supposed to be bad
>it's another dub vs sub shitposting thread
Everyone knows original audio is better and anyone saying otherwise is shitposting
strong women with no emotions are sexy, especially when they look like 2B
>Nier is an extremely long movie where you occasionally press a button and a cutscene happens
Unless you'd like to explain why the game constantly interrupts you to deliver narrative and cinematics. The fight against the Engels was anger-inducing because of it.
yeah they will pretend to stop being shitty so the dominant apes who think with their cocks can be drained for all their money. keep dreaming about all this dominant alpha male bullshit all you want the women belong to the state now
Waste of trips
trips of truth
>How many games let you steal panties and lock content behind it?
My domme said I couldn't play video games unless I stole another girls panties. I ended up buying some instead, but don't tell her.
Virgin Retard
>Doesn't like cutscenes in videogames.
>Plays videogames with cutscenes.
Go play tetris lmao.
Obviously, but it's fun to see dubcucks' "arguments"
They're these cool new things called cutscenes. They're used to move the plot forward. It's pretty standard in games now, since we have the technology to convey story in a game now, but it's pretty new stioll. Like, only around 25 years old, so it's no wonder you haven't heard of them before.
I found a cool page that explains them. It's call wikipedia. It's like a book, but on the internet. If you have any more questions, just let me know. I'm here to help.
nobody cares about your blog either, retard
But the games don't hide content behind stealing panties you turdburglar. The domme hides games behind stealing panties you clearly bought and I'm telling her on you.
Nah man, the intro to the game gets between him and the blocks he doesn't like it.
Not him but I love cutscenes, but I also wanna play the game too. Makes matters worse in the case of KH3 where the cutscenes are complete trash and they just play one after another.
>Purely aesthetic. No change from Quote, so while that is fun it's just for nerds to whack it to.
I was also referring to how fun they are to play WITH. Curly makes a decent boss, and she helps team up against the Island Core and hell sanctuary. She's actually useful unlike the slutbait to the right.
>She's very sociable and talks a lot
Not compared to the rest of the characters.
>In order to play as her you need to steal her panties.
That was a retarded thing that Nicalis did. In the original it was just garbage fluff that did nothing. Blame them for being perverts who think such content should be mandatory.
>Her character development of her motherly instincts when she is introduced and fought is MANDATORY.
I'm gonna stop you right there. The brilliance of Cave Story is how you have multiple endings. If you don't care about Curly, you can just ignore all of her story, and she just kinda dies. I'm never forced to care about her.
>Curly Brace is a shit female character
Well, let's compare and contrast, shall we?
>Curly is never once overtly sexualized by the game itself. The one thing you could argue is an optional thing that Nicalis added value to for no reason
>2B is slutbait who exists solely to be fapped to.
>Cave Story has a max of maybe a few minutes of cutscenes
>Nier pushes 5-10 hours, with trash gameplay filler inbetween
I'd say there's a quantifiable difference. Tell me when Cave Story starts devoting entire scenes to Curly stripping and fellating a banana in lingerie.
No emotions is almost as lame as the girl being too emotional. An autistic introvert girl is actually sometimes worse than an ADHD-riddled spaz girl. Also no fun to fuck since you don't get a reaction, positive or negative.
>dubs for DoD and Nier are universally praised by fans
>most of us agree that the Automata dub is pretty good
>Automata weebs come in and start crying about muh pure 2B waifu
Automatafags are a cancer
>buy video game
>watch video game play itself in a cutscene
>this is considered a selling point and not a detriment
2B Sub vs Dub is debatable on the grounds of how you prefer her character to be
But Dub 9S is almost an 100% improvement over the sub
I directly compared the game in question to another game.. in a sentence, but sure I guess any post involving user opinion is a blog.
>the DLCs never got Japanese voice packs
I am so fucking mad.
>I'm telling her on you.
2B and 9S shares the same VAs as pic related.
I like how fans of Japanese media(who are often relationship impaired) with traditionally narrow tastes claim that their specific narrow taste is superior to broader Western media, including a much larger number of cultures and approaches to art.
These men are also often fans of Japanese animation, a medium aimed at differently able relationship impaired Japanophiles and therefore often falls into similar patterns of wish fulfilment. Examination of these mediums reveals their claim to be hypocritical.
>he plays video games for the story
Cutscenes aren't selling points, they're just a part of games. Seriously, how old and jaded are you that you still hate cutscenes? Go hang yourself in an arcade, you old fuck.
>ACfag shitposting thread
>Mikasa, one of the blandest fucking characters in existence
Not really helping your case here
Can't speak for edgy Tokyo Ghoul man because that shit has the most eye-bleeding artstyle in existence
Well said m8
Cutscenes were better 20 years ago. These days they are all lazy in-engine cutscenes and because they are cheap to make they make a lot of them
stop breathing retard
That's more reason to give credit to the jap va though. I can't say, as I didn't play it like that or know what they're saying. Unless he's straight better during the A/B sections. Which to be fair is way more of the game.
Did you even finish the game?, 9S is an edgy little faggot.
you have objectively shit taste, but even worse, poor comprehension and critical thinking skills.
You know what else is a part of games? Low framerate, microtransactions, a lack of balance (aka games being too easy). Being a part of it doesn't make it good. It's a stumbling block that should be dealt with. In this age of modern tech and devs having years of skills, there is no excuse to hide incompetence behind cutscenes. Even story heavy RPGs should be able to relay the plot with as little cutscenes as possible. Maybe 5 minutes worth, max. What are they stumbling across that makes them think it's okay to have the story be 5-10-20 hours long?
Who says I'm breathing, cuck lord?
Damm, you can actually feel the despair in your soul with the japanese dub, the english dub sounds like she's reading a script while suffering from hiccups.
This so hard, I would have loved more cutscenes back in the day, but now they replace parts of the game that can actually be fun with cutscenes.
Should I play this game in Japanese or American when it gets a decent sale this summer?
Why is that?
In the A/B routes he has this retarded way of talking that makes every sentence sound like a question.
Aside from that he's ~OK.
any mention of Runkachunk still makes me laugh like an idiot
You are manually breathing right now though and your eye is feeling itchy
Wait a sec, that's an actor right?
What's the connection between that guy and 2B?
>equating cutscenes to microtransactions
You are grade A retarded.
What games do you even play now that don't have cutscenes? I'm guessing none, since you're shitposting here instead of playing them.
>>dubs for DoD and Nier are universally praised by fans
>>most of us agree that the Automata dub is pretty good
Oh yes, all the 6 of you.
there is no disconnect here, the 2b from the english dub is the same 2b from the original japanese.
Thanks for the reminder that both Pascal performances were excellent and that the post-effects on the robots is far better in the dub.
Unless you're trying to imply that English Pascal was bad, but then you'd be a dumb deaf weeb.
The breathing bit worked, it always fucking does. But the only itch I feel is on my arm, and sure as hell hope there isn't an eye there.
>low framerate
Imagine being a consolefag in the year of our lord 2002+17.
And yet Automatafags wonder why they're hated in proper DoD threads.
From an outside perspective, you are the one shit posting.
>equating cutscenes to microtransactions
They're elements designed to replace gameplay due to lazy developers. Why not make the comparison?
>What games do you even play now that don't have cutscenes?
Mostly indie games. I have a bit of a fondness for shmups like Crimson Clover. I don't even need a plot if you have fun videogamey stuff to keep me occupied. I don't get this push for games to be "artistic movies".
post the original pic of OP
and make them realistically generic like modern western games
You're totally right.
But I think that it's wrong to change a character so much compared with the author's idea
Unless the author agreed with that, just like what they did with the original NiER
Whatever you say, retard. I can sleep easy knowing you're in the minority and will never like as many video games as I like because of your autistism.
That was a really uninspired comeback. Lemme guess you got it from Japan?
>elements designed to replace game play
>because developers are lazy
Imagine being this retarded.
A 2 minute cutscene costs like 50 times more to make than just plopping down some filler enemies for you to fight.
Cutscene overuse is a problem but no sane person would think it's because devs are lazy.
>I was also referring to how fun they are to play WITH.
Fix your image then since you say "fun to play" as in playing as them. She adds nothing when playable. Shit character.
>She's actually useful unlike the slutbait to the right.
Literally just an option in this scenario and can be replaced with a drone and nothing would change. Shit character.
>Not compared to the rest of the characters.
Socreress doesn't speak all that much at all. She speaks more than any version of Samus, good or bad. She also has more lines than BotW Zelda does. She's more emotional than 2B by miles. Shit character.
>That was a retarded thing that Nicalis did.
So it does nothing but add pointless fanservice? Guess it's a shit character.
>If you don't care about Curly, you can just ignore all of her story, and she just kinda dies.
That's not what I'm saying. You can't ignore her in the battle against the Core and her character development is thrust upon the player with her presumed death. Every ending takes place after this moment in the game. So, she has forced development involving emotions. Whether the player cares or not is irrelevant to that scene.
>>Curly is never once overtly sexualized by the game itself. The one thing you could argue is an optional thing that Nicalis added value to for no reason
You mean waifubait so otaku would play the game? Her outfit in itself is sexual.
B is slutbait who exists solely to be fapped to.
I'll concede to that since Yoko Taro likes sexy girls, but she does undergo character development in spite of that so it's aesthetic. The outfit's an outfit and you're not locked out of anything by not looking up her skirt aside from an achievement as you are by not stealing panties.
Irrelevant to characterization. Only brought it up because you use it as a metric for good games for some fucktarded reason. Stay mad at Nier for 2B having fucking flesh-colored skin instead of being a sexy robot like Curly Brace.
The huge mayority don't give a fuck because they basically hate the original work.
Only a few are based and do a very good job
>I have low standards and I'm proud of it!
>I liek moar tings then u
Literally wut?
Don't be so insecure, but if I wanted to inspire something, I would inspire people to pledge their loyalty to me and genocide every numale like you.
>not flying into an autistic rage when a cutscene starts means you have low standards
Okay, user. Go play with Andrew Dobson.
2b has a nice ass and that's all i care about
English version please. Fucking hell where's my translator run of to.
Dude, cutscenes have been around for well over 30 years. You're a bit late to die on this hill.
>Japanese dub
Jesus fucking christ, it is called a DUB because the original audio is DUBBED OVER IN ANOTHER LANGUAGE
American is just a bland cringefest
Nice thread guys
Every time
>A 2 minute cutscene costs like 50 times more to make than just plopping down some filler enemies for you to fight.
Costing more =/ more effort. That's a silly thing to imply. They specifically spent that money because their single digit IQ couldn't piece together how to make this segment videogamey, so they decided to just make it a cutscene. And when you have 5+ hours of this, that's 5+ hours of gameplay you've been cucked out of.
>Fix your image then since you say "fun to play" as in playing as them. She adds nothing when playable. Shit character.
I'll fix the wording then if it'll make you happy.
>Literally just an option in this scenario and can be replaced with a drone and nothing would change
and that's a good thing. Drones are fun to use, so she's not just a helpless escort. what, do you hate fun or something?
Yeah, okay there mate. The point is that she's a mix of good traits. I'd like her to not talk at all, and not have any emotions, but it's minimal so it's more bearable. After all, Cave Story isn't perfect.
>So it does nothing but add pointless fanservice?
It's just pixels. Hardly even fanservice.
>You can't ignore her in the battle against the Core
Actually, you can. You're not even required to protect her or anything.
>her character development is thrust upon the player with her presumed death.
First time I played the game, I didn't even know she could survive. I didn't give a rat's ass about the plot, so I was mostly just doing things for the videogamey part.
>You mean waifubait so otaku would play the game? Her outfit in itself is sexual.
Not when it's so low-pixel. With such little focus on the graphics, it's inherently not sexual.
>The outfit's an outfit and you're not locked out of anything by not looking up her skirt
Except the game forces 5+ hours of cutscenes on you, so it's not something you can easily avoid. Cave Story doesn't even shove a fraction of that towards you.
Did you read the OP? or was this your breaking point?
>thinking runka chunk was good
Studio FOW had a better fucking 2B dub than Square Enix got.
>cutscenes have always existed, that means they're good
>games struggling to reach 30 FPS have also always existed, that means optimizing game performance is a bad idea and we should never try and improve hardware or software stability
Literally arguing from nostalgia.
>Costing more =/ more effort.
Devs are paid by the hour. Anything that costs more takes more time and effort to make.
This shouldn't be a very hard concept to grasp ESL autism-kun.
>one is intended
>one is not
>using english dub ever
why anyone would do that?
>Anything that costs more takes more time and effort to make.
Incorrect. That just means they wasted their time and money on shoddy mo-cap. It takes actual talent to make good gameplay, since you can't just slap teenage fanfiction into the game and animate it. You have to actually make it engaging.
>games that intend to have sub-30 FPS are now good
wtf I love the Order 1886 and Uncharted now?!
Not even reading, just mirin' the meme power that is bonolis paired with a japanese weeb game on Yea Forums
>Japanese dub it's a delicate lovely girl who's barely able to hide her feelings for 9s since the begginning.
That sounds fucking terrible. This is why most anime is shit. God I hate weebs
>Open level editor
>place down some basic enemies
>close off escape routes so the player has to fight them
I had one with laurenti as 2b and i lost it dammit.
>a good story is still just as bad as a shitty framerate
Look, I agree that some games have too much story over gameplay, but Platinum action games aren't fucking it.
>discord tranny
Il culo
Le chiappe
Il sedere
Il fondoschiena
>Mentally ill yurifag shipper
>Completed fucking retard who refers to the original and objectively correct language option as a "cringe" dub
Checks out.
How would you even approach 2B?
>get into making video games
>hate actual gameplay
>decide to make filler so you can ferry the player to your cinematic cutscenes faster
You seriously consider THIS acceptable?
>but what about the 40 hours of gameplay
What about them? I shouldn't have to wade through sewage and fecal matter to get to the gameplay made by devs who just "slap down some basic enemies" due to not caring about good game design.
Why would I want to listen to the sounds I don’t understand at all
Isn't this the brawl taunts person?
It made more sense in context with the american dub. If you assume she had been killing for a while, she would grow to be quite distant from him and build heavy walls. I think it makes less sense character wise but japs have a hard on for kuderes. I do too. But I think colder here was better. If we extrapilate that she killed him thousands of times, I'd think it was appropirate. It feels weird otherwise.
Also I hated the Bot VA in jap and 9s was your standard shonen in the sub, meh. Too much I don't like about it to favour it over the dub.
And I am almost a sub absolutist when it comes to anime so I don't say it on a whim.
I ran the finale by my ear quite a few times trying to figure it out. I think dub 9s sells the scene alot better.
I know Japanese and English. The Japanese version is better. The English versions of both Automata and the original Nier are shit.
Damn it must be time to dilate
>You seriously consider THIS acceptable?
Oh, so you haven't played the game yet. You have to play the game multiple times to get different endings, and you even play as different characters in some of the routes. So that 5 hours is over like 5 playthroughs.
Surely, more gameplay content is good, yes?
So english dub is for soiboys and cucks and jap dub is for virgins and moeshitters. Sounds about right. Good thing I only had to play this shit game once. Such a downgrade from the OG Nier.
Why are tranny freaks so fragile?
Im still amazed how people reply to ACfag dumb ass arguments with longs ass essay long posts about cutscenes in videogames instead of laughing at the absurdity of the statements.
He ain't gonna give it to ya lads.
>Weight of the World English version is just some chick flubbing through it without emotion
>Weight of the World Japanese has the singer break into tears at the end, extremely powerful
I can't understand a word this guy is saying but I can tell he's one of the worst actors I've ever seen on television and he's in a leading role.
Ayo bby want sum fuk?
>Japanese dub has a better 2B, the gimmick side character who exists to sucker people into buying the game who dies halfway through it
>English dub has a better 9S, the actual main character, and A2, the main characters foil
seems like a fair trade to me, it's akin to how english nier, weiss and kaine are an equal trade to japanese everyone else given how much more frequently they talk than the other characters
Discord tranny is so overused it has lost basically all meaning. It's a phrase you chuck at anyone who disagrees with you on anything even when their viewpoints are not even slightly leftist.
>hear the jap version of Weight of the World after Yea Forums tells me it's a million times better
>Singer sounds like she's 12
>Starts stuttering and crying midway through the song
>cringe and close the video
Last time I listen to mentally ill weebs
I'm well aware of the multiple endings, intcluding the pretentious crap about how you have to give up your save file to help someone else because dude socialism. Yes, very striking commentary Yoko. Truly I have come away from this a better man. Let's ignore that for a sec and call to mind that a full priced game is so short and forgettable that it requires 5 playthroughs to not feel like a ripoff. I would forgive it if there actually was a reason to play it. But since I care about gameplay and not a pretentious plot, I'm left with nothing. Repetitious and stale gameplay is far from a valid reason to replay it.
>Surely, more gameplay content is good, yes?
Sure, if it's a non-movie game providing it.
t. mentally ill freak
Get out
3/10, but you still get a (you)
>40 hours of gameplay
BS how long to beat gives it 37hrs for main story + extras and that includes the 5 hours of cutscenes.
Shut the fuck up, those aren’t “playthroughs”, those are just chapters as in any other game
If a Platinum game is a movie game, I can't help you. Nobody can.
Ayo bby are you a chicken farmer?
Cuz you know how to raise a cock.
Weebs of Yea Forums.
Explain why I never see complaints about irritating cows like Sully / Soiree, a Japanese-made le stronk wymon.
Shut up tranny peasant. The Masters are speaking.
holy fucking based
You sir just caused Yoko Taro to lose 10 potential sales and win three Internets for your service.
>I'll fix the wording then if it'll make you happy.
I'll fix the picture for you instead.
>and that's a good thing. Drones are fun to use, so she's not just a helpless escort. what, do you hate fun or something?
There's just no point to her existence or her personality other than waifubait, except not really since it develops the plot.
>I'd like her to not talk at all, and not have any emotions, but it's minimal so it's more bearable.
So a bit more like 2B, who is closer to your metric of a good character than Curly is.
>Actually, you can. You're not even required to protect her or anything.
Because he doesn't need protection from a gameplay perspective up until the point she sacrifices herself in every scenario of the story, in which case she needs protection from a story perspective or else she dies and you don't get your option. She literally does not matter in the fight against the Core other than dealing more damage and only the result of her self-sacrifice due to EMOTIONS matters.
>It's just pixels. Hardly even fanservice.
Shantae is just pixels, too, but official art of either says otherwise.
>I didn't give a rat's ass about the plot, so I was mostly just doing things for the videogamey part.
The plot doesn't care that you don't care Her character develops and it's due to having emotions despite being a robot. That's the point of her character. That's why she's a good character. You have zero understanding of what makes Curly good and are better off having her on the right and thinking she's bad.
>Not when it's so low-pixel. With such little focus on the graphics, it's inherently not sexual.
Again, official art, and the player's imagination. Does a game have to be HD to be sexy?
>Except the game forces 5+ hours of cutscenes on you, so it's not something you can easily avoid. Cave Story doesn't even shove a fraction of that towards you.
Hold Circle and you skip every cutscene in Nier Automata except the first one. So forced upon the player!
Is there a mod that makes the subs accurate? Don't want to play it if the subs are shit
its fine when the japanese do it since they still tend to make the girls cute/likeable in some way
This is one of the few games where the dub is simply better, that's why this bait thread was created.
Anyone else dislike 9S? He felt like he was supposed to be a character for the player to self insert into, which was kind of lame and cringy. I guess him kind of going nuts over his waifu dying was amusing, but 2B died too soon and felt too underdeveloped for me to give a shit about her and her "romance" or whatever with 9S, so I just ended up not caring about what happened to either of them by the end. 2B should have been the main protagonist longer and we should have gotten more time with her alone to get to know her character better. A2 was surprisingly well written and the most developed character for as little screentime as she got.
It's literal cancer I thought Sully was neat until she started acting cute like he mentions. Fucking destroyed a fun character.
Ask me how I know you don't actually know both languages and are a fucking retard.
I just don't like excessive cinematics, overtly emotional characters, and quick time events. Same reason why I hate Bayonetta, and I'm not very fond of devil May Cry.
>I'll fix the picture for you instead.
>he put 2B on the left
Whoa. That couldn't be more wrong.
>There's just no point to her existence or her personality except for being a fun videogamey boss fight, and ally in several instances
>So a bit more like 2B
You mean a character whose sex appeal is on display 24/7 and is absolutely useless?
>Because he doesn't need protection from a gameplay perspective up until the point she sacrifices herself in every scenario of the story,
So in other words, I'm not forced to babysit her and she exists solely to enhance my game experience. If I tire of her in cutscenes, I can leave her to die and enhance my experience. Sounds good to me famalam.
>Shantae is just pixels, too, but official art of either says otherwise.
One is designed to be blatant fap bait, the other was literally made up of a few pixels. Let's just say I don't see Curly constantly changing her wardrobe into slut attire.
>The plot doesn't care that you don't care Her character develops and it's due to having emotions despite being a robot.
And all of that is completely optional in a good way. I'm not forced to care, that's the most important part. Meanhile, characters like 2B and Quiet from Metal Gear are basically there for the devs to jerk off, and try and push a pretentious story.
>Again, official art
None of it is sexualized.
>Hold Circle and you skip every cutscene in Nier Automata except the first one.
I do so love skipping a cutscene, only to be shoved into 50 more.
I mean it sounds rude to say you have lower standards, but if you like more of a medium as a whole compared to someone else you literally have lower standards than them regardless of how low they actually are
Reminder ACfag refuses to play a fighting game regardless of how much mechanical skill they require that is miles above the "pure gameplay" of shit like Super Metroid (which he used a guide to beat) since super moves are cutscenes to him and he's scared of players using projectiles and "duckspamming" to win.
stop pretending you know japanese
What some eng dubs that were kino?
To where Japanese just doesn't feel right.
Holy shit lol.
When did he said that he needed a guide though.
dark souls, kingdom hearts.
there's a reason eng dub is the official one.
bloodborne is an obvious answer
So you literally just want games to be BING BING WAHOO with no story or depth.
>Reminder ACfag refuses to play a fighting game regardless of how much mechanical skill they require
If they require so much skill, why are fighting game generals nothing but people talking about porn? Jerking off to a pic of chun-li does not require mechanical skill.
>Anyone else dislike 9S?
No, you’re the only one with shitty opinions
Big O, most Ghibli movies, OP's game, DMC 5.
BB literally only has English voices in the Japanese version of the game.
I mean, there's nothing wrong with that. Story and depth are memes pushed by game devs who were rejected by hollywood.
Can euro-peons hurry up and all just be banned from the internet already? Article 13 passed, you're just dragging your feet refusing to leave now. Australians are already out the door. Now we just need to get rid of the leafs and Yea Forums might finally be tolerable.
>OP's game
I know Yea Forums has always had more than its fair share of idiots, but when did things get so bad that people started pretending Taro games were better in English?
Crass dub Zero was still best girl.
dark souls doesnt even have a jap dub dumbass
I can't deny that Shantae, Bayo and 2B are sexualised. But their gameplay is still good, and I buy it regardless.
I'm thankful that there isn't a game with ugly women and also good gameplay, because if there were then I'd have to make a hard choice.
>Whoa. That couldn't be more wrong.
>Curly Brace
Yeah, I could be you.
>You mean a character whose sex appeal is on display 24/7 and is absolutely useless?
Only as useless as the player.
>So in other words, I'm not forced to babysit her and she exists solely to enhance my game experience. If I tire of her in cutscenes, I can leave her to die and enhance my experience.
So she's a shit character if you just want to get rid of her on a whim and think of it as babysitting.
>One is designed to be blatant fap bait, the other was literally made up of a few pixels.
Her character portrait makes me nut, so you're wrong.
>Let's just say I don't see Curly constantly changing her wardrobe into slut attire.
Don't see 2B doing that either, and you actually get to see Curly's panties and get rewarded for it in the remake.
>And all of that is completely optional in a good way. I'm not forced to care.
Can we just post more 2B please?
How can someone enjoy Japanese VA if they don’t know the language at all? You can’t even tell where a new word begins as it doesn’t sound even remotely similar to English
>story and depth
This is so fucking stupid. It's like insisting movies should only be about direction and visual effects because its the element they have over books and theatre. "If you want a story read a book lol, movies are for visuals".
Or that books should be all about the prose.
Or that comics should be all about the panel art.
Just because interactivity is an element games have over other media doesn't mean it should be the only element included.
I dunno, I think it's way better when a serious girl more or less starts breaking down because she loves her love interest so much but isn't able to properly express it until it's too late.
Also who is that guy in the OP image? His facial expressions are hilarious.
>Her character portrait makes me nut, so you're wrong.
I bet you'd nut if a girl said your name.
Yeah i prefer angry Zero over jap Zero
Can you fuckers stop shitting up the thread with moonrunes?
So what you're saying is...
>American dub
Generic western character
>Japanese dub
Generic Eastern character
What does ACthread #1435 have in it that isn't already shit?
>what Yoko Taro intended
You mean like that thing where Yoko Taro made two versions of Nier, one for Western audiences and one for Eastern audiences, knowing that Western audiences preferred certain character archetypes over others? Yoko Taro oversaw the English localization for Automata as well. The difference between the Jap dub and the English dub isn't even as dramatic as you retards keep insisting. All the undertones in the Japanese version are still there in the English version, but less exaggerated and played more subtly. That is not a bad thing.
I think people are a little harsh on the English dub. She emotes better in Japanese but her performance is a little more realistic in English. 2B's struggles are supposed to be internal, it doesn't make as much sense for her to start spilling the spaghetti immediately. It also makes the moments where her true feelings shine through all the more meaningful.
>Actually trying to have a conversation when all you can do is run sentences through Google translate
That's pretty sad.
Why? Does someone actually knowing both languages and pointing out that the English dub is shit bother you because you can't go with "hurr durr you just don't understand Japanese so you think it's good"?
get a trip retard
>moving the goalpost.
>Actually trying to have a conversation when all you can do is run sentences through Google translate
that's literally what every post in moonrunes has been this thread though
>their gameplay is still good
>50 hours of cutscenes between them
Yeah, she doesn't shut the hell up.
>Only as useless as the player.
Except she also gets replaced. She literally has no impact on the gameplay.
>So she's a shit character if you just want to get rid of her on a whim and think of it as babysitting.
At least her gameplay is fun. I can discard her story and still have a good time. 2B doesn't have that luxury.
>Her character portrait makes me nut, so you're wrong.
Too bad you couldn't bust a nut to good gameplay, or we might not be so far removed.
>Don't see 2B doing that either,
Except for the blatant slut outfit you see 100% of the time.
Nope. First time through I didn't even care.
>if you don't care about saving curly she's not a good fucking character
I care because there's potential new gameplay behind doing so. The story is irrelevant.
It should be the most important element. Movies are about telling a story through visuals, books are about telling a story through words, games are about telling a story through GAMEPLAY, the only way a story should be told. Not through cutscenes. At the end of the day the game should feel like it doesn't even have a story, since you're too busy having fun with the game part.
Because your on Yea Forums. No one plays games seriously on this site.
No, reedit is no better either. Anywhere people congregate in large numbers to talk about a game, the larger the amount of shitters present.
It's not a goalpost move user. I'm just saying: a game with good mechanical skill would have people talking about it for years, if not decades. A shallow POS would just devolve into porn.
>threads talking about fighting games and playing them with each other LITERALLY don't exist
>horny retards on Yea Forums LITERALLY make up the entire fighting game community and everyone only plays fapbait
>EVO is LITERALLY just a bunch of perverts jacking off
Go cry about Hadoukens some more. Why wouldn't you want to beat horny retards with based robot/cyborg characters like Huitzil, Big Band, or Sentinel anyway? Are you scared someone with their dick in their hands is going to beat you while you screech about jiggle physics? Some fighting games don't even have girls in them either or outright have them as such unplayable garbage not even the horniest of assholes wants to touch them, so what's the hold up?
Jep јe глyпo кo кypaц бpe. Кoм ce дa глeдaт двa пeдepa дoк ce дpкaјy нa јaпaнcкoм?
See how fucking stupid it looks to randomly switch languages and alphabets to have your own mini conversation? Nobody is impressed by your Japanese, it just makes for more shitposts to sift through while trying to have some sort of conversation.
Should we just make a straw poll?
there is literally a Discord called 'Degenerates' with 2,700+ people that spams boards, and that's just the biggest one I'm aware of
I think that's a bit of a copout.
>well everyone else is shit, so there's no reason for us to improve
We shouldn't be content to wallow in our own shit because others are.
>threads talking about fighting games and playing them with each other LITERALLY don't exist
>horny retards on Yea Forums LITERALLY make up the entire fighting game community and everyone only plays fapbait
>EVO is LITERALLY just a bunch of perverts jacking off
user, most of that is kinda true.
Why not, we have 200 posts to go anyway.
The results are just going to be weebs vs western trannies/along with people who actually played the game
Tick tock. Article 13 approaches.
Tick tock net neutrality is leaving.
If you didn't play the game please don't post your opinions on the dub/sub the thread is bad enough as is
It might be, but its also the truth. The only time Ive had any information shared from high level tournament players is either directly when I play them, or the local chat for players in that city, and even then thats a stretch.
Meh may as well do it for the hell of it
Except for the one I made that Google TL would never spit out. Not that you'd know, though.
>Talking about the merits of two different language scripts of a game on a Japanese imageboard talking about a Japanese game
>Get mad that people know Japanese
See how pointless your complaints are?
Or twitter posts. Forgot to mention that. After that, good luck.
I don't care. I'm just so fucking tired of the term being thrown around everywhere. The meme is so dead that even funnyjunk wouldn't touch it.
It's an even lower effort equivalent of wojakposting.
This is easily the worst thread related to 2B/nier I've ever seen and the thread quality is normally pretty low since it's a popular game with a waifu
>I'm just saying: a game with good mechanical skill would have people talking about it for years, if not decades.
Third Strike
Heritage for the Future
Darkstalkers (no, Morrigan and Felicia do not invalidate the demand for a sequel since those two appear in crossovers all the time but people want a new game instead, but it MUST be because of Morrigan and Felicia)
Mortal Kombat Trilogy
Fucking SSBM
People still talk about these games. You have more people talking about playing characters that aren't fapbait than people talking about jacking off to the fapbait. You just see what you want to see and ignore legitimate discussion since you're a scared little boy who would be laughed out of any FGC thread for having no clue what a fighting game is. Tell me, do you see more Smash players talking about what "based" heavy characters they play as like Ganondorf or just posting pictures of Zelda?
Bayonetta is fine
Knowing Japanese is one thing.
Spamming it everywhere in a 10-post reply chain on a predominantly English-speaking board is another.
You don't need 7 fucking posts to prove that you know moon.
i fucking loved 9S' english dub, thought the VA did a great job
You forgot GG and Tekken. Newest iterations might be new but they are very much legacy games that haven't distractedly changed over the years.
>The meme is so dead that even funnyjunk wouldn't touch it.
IT DOESN'T MATTER BECAUSE IT'S THE TRUTH. I know they primarily spam /r9k/ and /pol/, but the link I got to it was posted on Yea Forums. If you don't like it that's too bad, because the whole calling out thing IS to annoy them back.
I thought 2B was fine but even if she was god-awful it still would have been worth suffering through the English dub for Emil.
Why are you making stuff up to try to convince anonymous people on the internet that you know a language you don't know I just don't understand
Lemme just make sure I have weebs attention cause this seems disproportionate.
Literally every one of those is just an excuse to spam porn, or talk about how the evil SJWs are taking away their titties. Look at Mortal kombat and how people got bent out of shape because their sexy waifus were slightly covered up. You couldn't have picked worse examples.
I made a post in moon, and then one more in moon that Google translate wouldn't come up with to show that I really know moon. You're almost as stupid as the two guys pretending everyone who claims to know moon is lying.
>you know a language you don't know I just don't understand
What in the fuck are you trying to say?
It's basically a weeb sport by now, they enjoy it cause the lesser weebs who actually try to learn make them jealous.
Trying to convince me you don't understand english won't convince me you understand japanese
>user, most of that is kinda true.
No horny posts.
Some horny posts but mostly talking about the game and general excitement. More posts about males even.
>people spam porn for Heritage for the Future
Maybe on fucking /y/, you little liar.
lol please user that was proper stand up material.
Your English is ESLtier garbage. Is their any language you can speak properly, you fucking monkey?
>I shitposted but it was only two posts
Two is two too many. Fuck off to /int/ if you don't like English.
>an unfeeling bounty hunter
>a robot
>a robot
>a mute singer
>a bug
>a robot
I'm not saying you're wrong, but those were some pretty bad choices to represent your point.
Why are people mad the japanese voices are better? This is almost always the case anyway and has been for decades.
I mean.. .are we really going to have to fight dead androids?
>Japanese game by Japs devs
>Only has English voices
Then dont go on threads for retards? Dunno what to tell you mate. Go to a major or find a discord that has a game discussion channel.
>not knowing ACfag's boner for robots
user, he put Curly Brace there despite how she's just a human with white skin, both aesthetically and in characterization. He only put 2B on the right because he's mad she's too human-looking.
>another poor soul attempts to reason with the retarded brick wall that is ACFag
Canadians need to be banned from the internet.
ok you're pretty mad at this point admit it
I know both English and Japanese and prefer Jap. Neither of them are my native language so it's not like I'm biased
9S is great in both but I prefer him in Jap, it was like watching Tokyo Ghoul again
Joji Nakata voicing a little girl again was fun too
Well that's it boy's pols closed, guess English is better.
>third post in the smash thread
What is wrong with that selection? Maybe we need to stop focusing on characters being "deep" and "emotional" and "sexy" and start thinking of them in terms of how they can improve the video game.
Its jarring as fuck every single time it happens throughout the game and I never bought it
>not recognizing my poorly-constructed response as strawman
If you can call it strawman since ACfag literally has no fucking clue what fighting game discussion looks like and singles out the entire genre when every game on this board has someone horny for it.
more than 300k polygons of robot ass
What the fuck is my nigga Bonolins doing to that cute android
The difference being that those games don't constantly put those women on display in order to hide blatant gameplay flaws. There's no mission in Hollow Knight where you dress up Hornet in skimpy lingerie and have her dance on a pole. Meanwhile that's the entirety of Bayonetta's shoddy garbage she calls gameplay. Also, I can at least find genuine discussion of those games free of porn. It may not happen every single time, but it still happens. The same can't be said of fanservice tripe.
>Curly doesn't make the game worse and isn't an emotional trainwreck fleshbag disguising herself as a human
Literally vomiting.
>2 posts showing you know the language in question is shitposting
You're an idiot.
All of those games before Sekiro were made for English. Same as DMC and RE.
I really don't know what the hell you're trying to say. I don't speak broken English.
Ah, apparently I'm retarded for not noticing that.
I'm human, won't she worship me like all the other androids?
Nuova madre natura.
Debutta stasera a ciao darwin.
and dies and then comes back as le ebic emotionless doll again for the rest of the series. yeah, cool.
If you need to use translate to help read my English as well there's no extra shame in using it twice
I'm here to do just that.
When Eva comes out on Netflix I'm considering sperging the fuck out and possibly ruining my relationship with my father by watching it with him
He already likes anime though so it might not be too bad
Assuming the new dub is decent (can't be better than the original) (Eva in Japanese is stupid, Shinji is literally a girl and Asuka can't speak convincing German)
fucking excellent
so many S E E T H I N G male feminists
>Also, I can at least find genuine discussion of those games free of porn.
Where's the porn-spam threads for MvC2 or Dragon Ball Fighterz? You have maybe a few people being thirsty for Ruby Heart and 18, but you have MORE people being thirsty for Hornet and Gwynevere in every thread on HK or DS, and more people talking about male characters for those fighting games.
On the bright side you're not ACfag.
What would Japanese in a German accent sound like?
>male feminists
>seething about sex appeal
Nah, ACfag is just an SJW.
You're no better, really. You're equally pathetic in a different way.
>Japanese dub it's a delicate lovely girl who's barely able to hide her feelings for 9s since the begginning.
Is this true? What garbage.
>Where's the porn-spam threads for MvC2
Because Morrigan and Tron Bonne porn aren't a constant.
>Dragon Ball Fighterz
Because Android 21 isn't a thing.
>but you have MORE people being thirsty for Hornet and Gwynevere
Assuming that's even true, characters like Hornet aren't intentionally sexualized, so quite literally "it doesn't count." Gwyn possibly, because they did need something to hide the atrocious framerate.
I'm actually impressed that it's possible for someone to be arrogant enough to knowingly speak broken English and still try to pretend they know the language well. I know ESLfags are all stupid, but there has to be a limit.
Jap 2B is better than english 2B and english 9S is better than jap 9S
Do we really need to have this thread every day
Worst thing was the disconnect between the 2b subtitles and her actual voice. They really fucked up there.
Call me a biased pastanigger but the italian dub it's the best dub of eva.
Fucking honey for your ears i say.
>Canadians are rangebanned from posting on Yea Forums
>ACFag is forced to fuck off
a man can dream.
>The difference being that those games don't constantly put those women on display in order to hide blatant gameplay flaws
What gameplay flaws exist in good fighting games? No mentioning of "duckspamming", "cutscenes", or "projectile spam" since those aren't arguments. No mention of female characters making people horny either since apart from Dead or Alive or Skullgirls, fighting games don't rely solely on the T&A.
Can't be worse than german in a japanese accent
I like the Sorceress, but maybe that's because I'm a pedophile.
>english 9S is better than jap 9S
No he's not. The Japanese audio and script is better across the board.
I'm sorry if not playing along with the game where you try to flex on anonymous posters by pretending to know a language offended you but I don't understand why you got THIS angry
I acknowledged that Dark Souls might be guilty of it, about a few posts above. It happens.
>What gameplay flaws exist in good fighting games?
How about paying 60 dollars for a campaign that lasts for an hour, max? Needing to get my money's worth via online is terrible because when people stop playing it, the game becomes a glorified doorstop. And like that, they essentially force you to spend 60 dollars on the next installment so you can actually play with the majority of people.
What does the "AC" in "ACfag" stand for?
Dang that actually is pretty good. I don't know if that's gonna be on the Netflix release but if it is and the new English dub sucks I might go to that. How's Asuka's German?
Awesome and Cool
Armored Core.
Yes he is. English 9S legitimately sounds like he's coming apart at the seams and losing his mind, jap 9S just sounds neurotic and spastic
There's nothing really wrong with Botw Zelda, except she wasn't a barren old Impa granny when she got rescued after 100 years.
I wouldn't want to play dubbed anyways because then I'd have to hear fucking Rina-chan's voice acting.
why do you make comments on the dub/sub of a game you haven't played
>Asuka's German
There's no accent.
>Japanese dub it's a delicate lovely girl who's barely able to hide her feelings for 9s since the begginning
really? glad I played dubbed then
This. We grew up together but after she moved to LA she thinks she's a big shot and just became even more of a shitty voice actress and gained a fuck ton of weight
>You're an idiot who doesn't know either language
>Haha, u mad?
Great shitposting. Go ahead and sneak one more in.
yo this nigga finna boutta get dubbed on
>Looks like a human
>Acts like a human
>"But she's an android!"
Fucking nips.
No he's not. The English scripts and voicework are both inferior.
Except I have played the game and on top of that, I actually understand English and Japanese. Why do you think your opinion matters if you don't know both?
Nier Automata is better dubbed
I can see the argument for subs in amost every other Japanese media, but not N:A
It got it perfect
Deal with it weebs
Look at it this way, you might not know a lick of Japanese, but that's ok since you can always start learning it now! The only thing stopping you is this attitude of yours.
>Tron Bonne porn
Liar, nobody talks about Tron outside of Mega Man girl threads. Try again.
>Because Android 21 isn't a thing.
Barely a blip on the radar for discussion. A character not even in the game is discussed more. Try again.
You're only seeing what you want to see, which makes me worried since Tron is 14 and #21 is vore fetish.
You don't know Japanese though, why are you lying to anonymous people
>American dub is basically a super serious strong womyn without any emotion.
Wrong and right
If you played the game and paid attention to subtle details and shifts in personality I think you'd actually think this was a great artistic choice
Rei and 2B are very, very different
this, Automata is the exception to the rule but the most steadfast of weebs just can't accept it
Keep acting smug and sarcastic. It'll help cover up that you don't know and will never know Japanese.
Android literally means it looks like a human.
Hi Tumblr.
>No he's not. The English scripts and voicework are both inferior.
Do you have an actual argument or are you just going to keep saying "nuh uh"
>Tron Bonne porn
I wish there was more
There are two great images of her getting creampied while saying "Not inside!" I wish there was more of that specifically
>you actually lived long enough to see Yea Forums filled with so many redditors that people can shamelessly admit they prefer mediocre dubs to original audio
It's amazing how this place has fallen.
Of course I don't know Japanese, why would I want to?
What I don't understand is why someone who, like me, doesn't understand the language at all, would just pretend to understand it instead of actually learning it if that was their desire.
For this specific game, yes. The dub is better. Try it yourself.
Based and redpilled
>nobody can ever voice act better than the japanese
Weebs are so pathetic holy shit
Nuh uh I know jap so I'm better Dan u
Why do you think this thread was made? How often do you see threads souly dedicated to dub/sub on Yea Forums?
It's because Automata is one of the few games where the dub is superior in nearly every way, and posted this thread knowing it would get flooded with (You)s from people who attack every dub (which is normally fine) vs people who actually played the game
pfft oh no no no no
>Liar, nobody talks about Tron outside of Mega Man girl threads
>Yea Forums doesn't obsess over an underage girl with canon porn drawn by the artist themselves
>Barely a blip on the radar for discussion.
And all that vore fetish art was just a coincidence that magically didn't happen?
ahem, i'm waiting
Do you actually know Japanese or are you just pretending your opinion matters on a language you don't know?
anybody order a pizza?
Zelda's not a playable character acfag.
How has this thread not been deleted jesus christ
ACfag shenanigans AND retards posting moonrunes/raging about VAs
Wow, the redditors are really angry today.
Cool you don't have an argument, thanks for letting me know
You do not understand Japanese, why are you pretending you have an opinion
>It's because Automata is one of the few games where the dub is superior in nearly every way
Yes, I'm sure plenty of ironic weebs who don't know moon genuinely believe that.
>canon porn drawn by the artist themselves
Where's my drink?
Straya hours i guess.
When has reddit ever defended a dub?
That's why she sucks. She's not playable, she's not useful, she exists solely for the story to jerk her off as this amazing girl who held off ganon despite being useless the rest of the time. I did all the leg work and personally kicked his ass. But she gets all the credit.
Give me a comparison of some lines in English and Japanese and explain why you prefer the English. Surely if you're claiming one is better, you understand both, otherwise you'd just be stupid.
Sorry if me understand Japanese makes you angry, feel free to try learning anytime.
Here you go, i promise you its not her urine.
2b ass
we were all out of Diet Dr. Kelp, is Kelpie okay?
I know you're really desperate to move the goalposts but I'm not that easy sweetheart, you can move onto someone else who'll fall for it more readily
It was the reverse you tasteless faggot
Wait, that's a lot of back fat... and that ass is looking especially big... what have you been eating, Toobs?
oh look it's another user who magically knows the developers intent
>How about paying 60 dollars for a campaign that lasts for an hour, max
You're literally a lying, scared baby who has never played a single fighting game before. I can still boot up UMvC3 and find opponents pretty easily. The "pure gameplay" philosophy that fighting games tout and you pretend to follow doesn't rely on story modes. There's more gameplay to Street Fighter II than every Armored Core game put together. Play a fighting game if you're so proud of your non-existent mechanical skill. Or are you scared of fireballs and people pressing down?
>>Yea Forums doesn't obsess over an underage girl with canon porn drawn by the artist themselves
You only see what you want to see indeed, since Tron Bonne porn is the second thing you think of when you hear MvC2, especially when someone who apparently wants to find some can barely get any. Find me a MvC2 thread that devolved into pornspam and I'll find you several more that talk about the game itself.
>And all that vore fetish art was just a coincidence that magically didn't happen?
That was a joke. And the point is that more people talk about characters who aren't fapbait than the ones who are. You're a robot, you can do numbers and see which characters are discussed more. I'll leave you with one last beep boop since that's all you understand other than how scared you are of lumps of fat and would shove your dick in the exhaust pipe of a bus. Or as we all know, you'd much rather shove a disc of Other M up your dog's asshole than be good at any video game. Please seek help for your chronic little bitch disease, Doug.
>Everyone is as stupid as me
2 B A S S
Cortana is an AI with a holographically projected "body", not an actual physical entity. Unless she has been given an actual body in later games, I stopped giving a shit about Halo after 3.
Being humanoid in shape does not necessitate looking indistinguishable from actual humans.
she doesn't, they call you the hero of hyrule they legit drop everything when link goes down to bring his ass to the shrine of resurrection. and for the entire game there are NPCs talking about this legendary knight from long ago. It's not direct, but they're essentially jerking link off too. Not to mention the King downright has to ask you, even though it is outside his place to, to go and save the fucking country. Zelda gets moments, but Link is pretty much jerked the whole game more than zelda. Revali makes her wait for his answer because he feels she needs to be desperate for it. He didn't give a shit about her. People have heard of the princess, few know she's in the castle. Everyone knows about link, even if they don't know they're talking directly to him but you can't blame them, it's 100 years later and it's rumored he died in combat anyway. Either way he should be dead, either of age or by succumbing to his wounds.
Literally autistic
>knowing japanese makes me smart
>I totally know japanese guys
>Yeah the dub is better
>No I, don't have any fucking idea what I'm talking about or any basis for comparison
You're very smart
Fucking incredible that in a 2b thread nobody posted the clown version.
You disappointed me Yea Forums.
I responded to me, what the fuck computer.
You're barking up the wrong tree buddy, try someone who'll fall for your obvious bait
Well, I certainly don't feel like playing them for a fading multiplayer that will become useless when people move on to Super Ultra Championship edition, not compatible with last year's version. I feel like a full priced game should have something in the way of a singleplayer worth enjoying.
>The "pure gameplay" philosophy that fighting games tout
If they did fully endorse pure gameplay, they wouldn't need sex to sell, and they would be able to conjure up a better singleplayer. Sadly enough, I'd probably get a better deal buying the latest Call of Duty.
>Find me a MvC2 thread that devolved into pornspam and I'll find you several more that talk about the game itself.
Is that why I'm called a faggot if I try and actually discuss the games in these threads? Even if I say nothing bad and I just try and get some information, I get attacked by people who just want to dump their porn portfolios. And nobody speaks up for me. I'm left alone to wonder why gameplay discussion isn't allowed in these threads.
>That was a joke.
In other words, they were only pretending to be retarded?
The thread has enough robot clowns as it is.
You do not know Japanese, I'm pretty certain at this point I'm the only one who does in this thread.
You do not understand Japanese, please stop posting in Nier threads.
KI:U is a great case for localization being better when the localizers actually care, the game was damned close to totally rewritten and was a lot better for it
>You do not understand Japanese, please stop posting in Nier threads.
If you don't understand Japanese, you can't understand the sub. You can't understand the sub, so you can't understand Nier. Stop posting and take some lessons if you're interested.
che cazzo ci fa Bonolis su Yea Forums porca madonna
Link deserves the attention more because he's ACTUALLY DOING SOMETHING. Zelda is doing jack squat in the castle. The game plays her up like this amazing thing, as if she's holding ganon at bay. But I don't see his influence being held back. He still controls everything and everyone and billions of monsters and the blood moon. So for all intents and purposes, Zelda might as well not exist. and personally, I wish I could've killed her myself for being such a useless bitch. If there's one thing I hate, it's a useless character that the game expects me to care about.
Guys listen to me, i AM the Japanese.
Dang all this time I thought that's what subtitles were for
If you have severe autism subtitles and actual VA might seem the same. But no. Nier is OUR game, so just stop embarrassing yourself.
Imagine actually thinking this.
Eng 2b it's absolutely dull.
>Nier is OUR game
lmao you almost had me, 7/10 at least nice work
>Being humanoid in shape does not necessitate looking indistinguishable from actual humans.
This goes both ways. Being an android doesn't necessitate having non-humanoid features either. Oxford dictionary says that androids are often depicted as being made out of a synthetic, flesh-like material too. The closer to a human while still artificial, the closer to the definition of an android. Doesn't even have to be an automaton either. I know you want your dick ground by gears but come on.
I'd hardly say she's doing jack squat, she's holding the one thing that would destroy the world at bay. It's a commendable thing, but she's only half the equation. You don't even SEE much of Zelda or hear much about her if you don't go get memories. The most important thing she did was not holding off ganon, it was having link taken to the shrine of resurrection. Otherwise he would have died. You're the only one acting like she's getting a ton of actual screen time and mentions. Most of the inhabitants of hyrule know the legendary knight more than they know of the princess being in the castle I don't know what you want, if you just want her to have literally no mention so none of the plot makes sense or if you just wanted a game like Majora's Mask, which Link also gets no credit when he wins in the end.
Beep boop fighting games bad beep. Raping dog good boop. Boob bad for boop.
and yet she's less of a clown then ACFag.
Why did you guys bomb pearl harbor like dickholes?
I feel a lot of people ITT haven't played the game but still have an opinion despite having no idea.
yeah thought I might have been too obvious there, I tried
what I would've liked is to just face Ganon, and not have to deal with all this garbage. I didn't care for Zelda in the slightest, and I had nothing but hatred for the terrible story once I finished the game. I actually had more admiration for the original Zelda, where I just go around and get pieces of the triforce and then I just kill Ganon. None of this hogwash about how Zelda is super important and totally holding him back. I don't buy that for a second.
Heaven knows I've tried. But you can't play a movie.
Because the original DUB portrayed her as such. Do you get it? Do you get how fucking far this can get?
So I guess I'm right then
>But you can't play a movie.
It's boring, though. When your android character is basically a human, what's the point in them being an android? Narrative reasons, sure, but I feel like the narrative suffers from it as well, because it's hard to see the characters as machines emulating humans when they look and act exactly like humans.
I don't know too much about Bayonetta, but with Devil May Cry you can just skip the cutscenes and go fucking kill some enemies. The story literally doesn't matter, you just skip it most of the time. What's your point? Cutscenes shouldn't exist, even if they're optional?
Out of curiosity what does ACfag thinks of sekiro?
It seems to fit his game criterias in whole honesty.
yes, that is his point.
He hates cutscenes because he was raped by one as a child.
>when they look and act exactly like humans.
That's the whole point, they look and act exactly like humans but they aren't humans. Android fiction revolves around the question of what defines humanity
No you're just autistic and can't detect any subtlety whatsoever
Rei was definitely not an emotionless doll in the dub. While we're at it, Shinji wasn't a whiny bitch either.
Why was her thigh so badly shooped and why are people not posting the original? Does the original exist, or only this scuffed version?
Wanna know an actual Zelda game where zelda does absolutely nothing? Zelda 2 but she's still important. Funny you didn't bring that up. By your standards Cd-i Zelda is the best version of the character Zelda in gaming. and if that's the case then I can't take you seriously.
Yui Ishikawa does the same fucking voice for any character she voices because she's been typecasted to hell. Even if you like Japanese better, her voice is so fucking boring if you've listened to her already in any other media.
You're supposed to care about a loli who doesn't do much
Emma is controlled by emotion though, she attacks you in the Shura ending because she both wants to protect Kuro and probably hates what you've become. I like that ending, dark as it is. You stab her right through the throat man. She had no chance. Or even if she stomps she'll eventually have no chance once you get better at the fight.
>stupid emotions
Well what the fuck would they be made of? fucking facts? trivia?
>Angry ESLfag that knows no Japanese and hardly any entire false flags because he's mad some people actually know Japanese
Is there anything more pathetic that falseflagging ESLfags?
you mean the divine child of rejuvenation right because Kuro is a shota.
Some people do in fact know Japanese, just not anyone in the thread
It's not too late! If you just accept you don't know the language, you can begin learning!
Posing that question does not need to come in the form of hamfisted "fake humans". In fact, the question is often even more compelling if something that is clearly a machine is showing signs of humanity.
Neither of you know Japanese. I do. Stop embarrassing yourselves.
Please point to which posts in this thread made in moon are people who know moon and people using Google TL. Anyone who can read even a little bit of Japanese can tell the difference.
Did you like I, Robot?
>What's your point? Cutscenes shouldn't exist, even if they're optional?
Precisely. This whole "cutscenes are good" spiel is said only by pretentious hacks who just want games to be movies.
Depends entirely on the narrative in question, there are good and bad examples of both
>I do
Don't let me down, user.
Honestly, I'd probably agree with that. CD-I zelda is one of the more tolerable Zeldas, if only because she's not constantly whining and complaining and crying. The gameplay is pure ass on shit toast, but at least the Zelda isn't as bad, which is really sad for the rest of the Zeldas. Then again, I value gameplay over story, so it doesn't redeem it in the slightest.
Its still called a dub
I understand jap, but I also understand that in order to voice act you need to be able to act. To get in character.
All the good english speaking actors don't settle for voicework. Its seen as beneath them. Not so in japan.
m8, the appeal of Devil May Cry is the crazy combo shit you can do on enemies. Everyone agrees that the story is subpar. I didn't say that cutscenes were good. They're just the cherry on top. You don't like cherry? Throw it away, don't throw away the entire fucking cake.
It's like you're too fucking stupid to even try.
When I'm paying for the entire cake, I'll definitely have negative things to say about it if they put nasty cherries all over it.
>American dub was based
I therefore cannot take you seriously, even if she only meets your standards on a technical level.
japs don't give a shit about anyone but japs. They don't even know if they're work gets butchered in localization or not.
Please don't post my language when you don't understand it it's very disrespectful.
why hte fuck would buy a cake if you're just going to complain about cherries the whole time? especially if there's other people in the room who are enjoying the cherries and clearly want you to shut the fuck up and leave if it bothers you so damn much you stupid faggotron 9000.
Nips can't into subtlety, you could still tell burger 2b cared.
>all these fags pretending to know jap while using masu and 私 forms
How to play Devil May Cry:
1. Press start once at the beginning of every mission.
2. Start killing shit.
It's not that hard. You have no argument when it comes to Devil May Cry and fighting games.
I mean really, am I supposed to care about any of the zeldas? They exist solely to either be kidnapped, woken up, rescued, or have "deep emotional moments" like this is a tumblr drama.
then don't post mine and go kill youself you dishonorable shit.
I chuckled. That was pretty good. But really, stop pretending.
Nobody in the thread understands it, it's just some posters pretending to understand with google translate and other posters making fun of them with google translate
I can't believe how many jealous women are in this thread.
Can you imagine being jealous of a fictional character?
I wasn't talking about English. And no, English is not your language, it belongs to everyone.
These "people" are stupid enough to compare scripts between two languages they don't know, and that's what surprises you?
If you're gonna push the games are the best things ever made, then you should expect negative feedback and some people not mindlessly lapping it up. This isn't your personal little circlejerk, where everyone agrees with you without hesitation.
>not appreciating based bonolis
>Nobody in the thread understands it,
Actually retard-kun, that's not true. If you didn't assume everyone was too stupid to learn Japanese like you are, you'd realize that.
This. These people think, despite me being the only one knowing a lick of Japanese in this thread, that they're allowed to make any critique on Nier. Fucking insects.
>American dub is basically a super serious strong womyn without any emotion.
which is her character arc in the first place to begin with.
do you even play the game you dumbfuck?
This guy gets it. I, alone, do understand the delicacies of what we call the, with no better words in this ugly language, the "master" language.
I just don't understand how someone who prioritizes gameplay above everything else can hate fighting games. They're PURE gameplay, against another human being. They're as competitive as it gets.
because it is required that the hero and the princess work together to defeat ganon. You could at the very least respect the stories as presented instead of being the shit you are. You don't have to like something to respect the thing and the people who made it. I think the story in BotW is just fine, Zelda included or not. you make so many useless points. You are the very incarnation of someone who fixates on one tiny thing and decides a whole game is just bad for it.
>When people aren't stupid like me, I make shitposts to cover up the fact that I'm incapable of making a point
Poor guy. Life must be hard in the slow lane.
Shut up kamiya go try to resurrect scalebound.
Why are you raging at someone making fun of you for trying to lord a language you may or may not know over random anons, it's the only thing he's posting for
I know, you were talking about japanese. Please stop posting american english it's very disrespectful.
>discord trannies
Why are you so upset that your attempts at humor don't fool people into forgetting you have no idea what you're talking about?
what is this ACfag I kept hearing about?
They're also 60 dollar esports with no good singleplayer content.
>because it is required that the hero and the princess work together to defeat ganon.
Then maybe we should stop focusing on ganon? Alot of Zelda games got by just fine without that useless slut being the center of attention.
>You don't have to like something to respect the thing and the people who made it.
I don't respect developers who think sub-30 FPS is acceptable in this day and age. Neither do I respect devs that are literal billionaires, but still find justifications to charge top dollar for DLC.
Greedy scumbags like them deserve no leeway.
user why are you angry at me now
long story short, he's a thread nazi.
they know if they do that, that it's illegal right? I'm sure tainting a water supply would be illegal.
The obamaleaf of Yea Forums but without the humor
Stop arguing and get out of my thread. Neither of you understand Japanese and I do. Get over it.
holy shit
Calm down with the tard rage.
Dude zelda is barely the center of attention in most of the games. you're making shit up. They don't say "We're counting on you Zelda" they say "We're counting on you Link"
>arguing with EOPs
Typing nonsense into some shitty translator isn't funny, it's disrespectful. Just stop
I'm not even one of the guys you were initially arguing with and I said fucking stop it you disrespectful pig. Seeing you type a language that you don't understand is sickening.
>the mental gymnastics
And every cutscene glorified her as this pure and virtuous soul who's trying her hardest, we swear! By the way you're the poor slob who has to go around and do all the work and then fight ganon. Then your reward is being her slave while she gets to boss you around.
Heh, some reward.
Please stop being mad at eachother it's ok if neither of you know Japanese, none of us do and that's just dandy.
>The people complaining about the Japanese voices are Korean insects
That makes sense.
Fucking die, insect. The fucking audacity to paint me as the very person you are.
>Then your reward is being her slave while she gets to boss you around
That's actually pretty hot desu.
You have quite a mental roadblock to overcome.
観自在菩薩・行深般若波羅蜜多時、照見五蘊皆空、度一切苦厄。舎利子。色不異空、空不異色、色即是空、空即是色。受・想・行・識・亦復如是。舎利子。是諸法空相、不生不滅、不垢不浄、不増不減。是故空中、無色、無受・想・行・識、無眼・耳・鼻・舌・身・意、無色・声・香・味・触・法。無眼界、乃至、無意識界。無無明・亦無無明尽、乃至、無老死、亦無老死尽。無苦・集・滅・道。無智、亦無得。以無所得故、菩提薩埵、依般若波羅蜜多故、心無罜礙、無罜礙故、無有恐怖、遠離・一切[注 6]・顛倒夢想、究竟涅槃。三世諸仏、依般若波羅蜜多故、得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提。故知、般若波羅蜜多、是大神呪、是大明呪、是無上呪、是無等等呪、能除一切苦、真実不虚。故説、般若波羅蜜多呪。