MFW Paladin/Gunbreaker is the new meta
MFW Paladin/Gunbreaker is the new meta
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hehe booby makes my tiny pepee the small peepee
is it 1998 again
>implying PLD will be a MT when it has Cover and Intervention
What do you have against paladins, user?
>mfw DRK gets the lion's share of updates and improvements
This is it, brethren, the DRK focused expansion.
>mfw Warrior stays as strong as ever, getting extra fell cleaves for no real reason
I don't actually care, I play PLD and WAR equally.
God I wish girls were real...
I fucking hate tawawa so fucking much
No, zoomer, since webm support for Yea Forums wasn't added until like 2014.
>get's cucked by GUN like MNK with SAM
I swear to god
>supporting lossy formats
I wonder if they'll use the gunblade the right way or with the dumb action movie stance that goober Seifer used.
Go watch the video they released months ago and see for yourself
>like MNK with SAM
You mean make DRK meta for half the fights in the game and make GUN useless for everything but one door boss?
gee I wonder who could be behind this post
This review is probably for another show. There are plenty of shows that fit this. Tawawa on the other hand is a rare show (and panel comic) that is able to develop character personalities with ecchi.
You gay?
nope, it's for tawawa
Well then the guy is just an idiot.
I did my first 2 dungeons and they weren't fun, is Gladiator unfun
all the classes are pretty bad at the start, but gladiator/paladin especially so until like level 60
what was the sauce on girl in pic?
I can hear water sfx in my head
Figure it out, doofus.
People in this thread have literally said it many times.
Well user, I have some fantastic news for ya!
That was five years ago, user. Half a decade.
It is a mystery.
this dude gay yall
I found it. For some reason I thought it was from a manga I read awhile back, might be confusing it for something else.
>gay shaming in 2019
Gays deserve to be tossed off a roof desu. No hard feelings but its the rules.
you first tranny
I fucking wish.
>not gay shaming in 2019+
what are you some kind of islamaphobe who hates muslims?
What are they eating in that town?
Hormone infused milk.
Give me shota bunny boys or give me death!
Did you forget where we are?
>but Yea Forums is full of faggots
Yes, and they all hate themselves which is why they're here.
Good joke, WAR will never be replaced as OT
>Tank with the best DPS
hello greylet
Damn, good argument, I'm sure darkside/Sword oath is REALLY pulling that DPS for you
Our time has come. We will awaken the slumbering edgelords.
>mfw all tanks are garbage after the combat system update
Haven't played for years whats going on with it?
Are they reinventing the game again?
No, people are retarded. They arent touching tanks much other then maiing two tanks OT focused and two tanks MT focused
New expac.
Well user said combat system update so i was wondering if they were doing something other than tweaking numbers and adding a few classes that do the same thing as other classes
Remember when we thought SB was going to be the MNK expansion but they were still shit right out of the gate? What makes you think this will be any different? Enjoy your Enhanced Dark Arts offgcd to power up every ability for an extra 10 potency
I fucking wish, maybe then I'd actually be excited for Shadowbringers.
Stay snug, smug!
Top is much better
You're only proving how retarded you are if you think War isn't the the most optimal main tank lol
ok pedo
pedophile begone
>tank that loses virtually no damage for pulling and has the best personal mitigation but zero utility that cares about offtanking
Stay grey, user
It isn't you retard, its the most optimal OT
This is the war player that goes straight into dps stance as soon as the duty starts lmao
Can you back that up with FACTS and LOGIC?
Since we have so many tanking experts in here, how ARE you suppose to play tanks in meta comps? Obviously you can complete most savage fights staying in tank stance the whole time and not giving two shits about your DPS as a tank (Or anyone for that matter; my entire group parsed grey for all four turns of deltascape and sigmascape), but what's the methods to maximize DPS for fights where you're not actually tanking?
whats wrong with dps stance
Warrior uses Defiance with Unchained on the pull, drops it after aggro lead.
From then on, both tanks will only ever use their tank stance the same way you would use any other cooldown: if you absolutely need to, you can turn it on to survive a buster, then turn it off when you can afterwards.
The only other time I turn on tank stance is if everything is going to shit and I need to give the healers as much breathing room as possible without burning CDs that I will need later on.
i'm assuming he means using it to "claim" OT as most tanks in DF do.
>as most tanks in DF do
And the 3% that doesn't is almost always french who will spam the aggro combo and use Holy Spirit never ever and later die to some stupid shit so you end up mt anyways.
Or it's one of those savage tryhards who thinks he can expect everyone else to press 1 fucking button, only to lose boss aggro midfight.
Why is the DPS so important as to justify the extra stress on healers and riding aggro on such a close line? Are the enrage timers that narrow that the extra DPS a tank can pull in tank stance (Barring the warrior, I'm assuming it's around a 25% gain over the DPS of shield oath/gritless DKs), or is it simply a scoreboard measure?
Looking at some of the highest parses of PLD and DRK for alphascape v4.0, it seems like they're pulling a little over 6k DPS, so I'd imagine in tank stance, that'd be 4.8k. Obviously it's not the same for WAR due to how Fell Cleave accounts for so much of their damage output, but wouldn't the extra mitigation from tank stance make the entire run more smooth as compared to the extra DPS (Not to mention the additional mitigation that tenacity could provide)?
Speaking of tanking and cooldowns, do mitigation cooldowns stack additively or multiplicatively? For instance, do I get -40% damage taken when I use rampart in shield oath, or -36%? If I'm using rampart and sentinel, is it a cumulative -60% damage plus another 20% from shield oath, or is the whole thing simply -61.6%? I'd imagine this would make tenacity a consideration since if its an additive damage reduction, every point of tenacity is worth more than the last.
>be WAR
>throw out an extra aggro combo when pulling if i don't trust my party
>never lose aggro
wow so hard
>Fell cleave
>thinking an extra auto attack or a bonus 130 potency can make up for it
EU says hi
>WAR can only fell cleave as an OT
>Why is the DPS so important as to justify the extra stress on healers and riding aggro on such a close line?
because stressing Healerts to get an extra stone cast in isnt as important as Tanks in DPS stance. Assuming youre going for speed clears. If you dont give a fuck a bout speed then it doesn't matter what you do and you shouldn't be asking.
It's not extra stress on healers. Damage in this game is extremely controllable and predictable besides maybe random auto crit strings, but that's why we have things like Lustrate.
Aggro can be completely managed by a single Ninja. If it's a fight that doesn't require tank swapping frequently, the OT voke-shirking and be enough to completely cover it. The only class that has some aggro generation problems is maybe Samurai without a ninja, which can be completely negated by them using their aggro-dump heal a single time during the fight.
Mitigation isn't additive, never stack mitigation abilities unless you are for some reason very low on health and almost certainly going to die without them.
I'm about to blow your mind, my young newbie: You can MT in Deliverance.
>staying in tank stance as MT past the initial pull
hello bottom 10%
What else do you expect them to do as OT? Shake it off? Spam their meter build?
Who said you'd remain in Tank stance?
>What else do you expect them to do as OT?
nothing? i expect WAR to MT.
Unless you expect two WAR, there is no reason to MT
>highest enmity gen with almost no dps loss from pulling
>does the same damage as MT as it would as OT
>best personal CDs
>no OT utility at all
please user tell me why WAR would EVER be OT
>advantage to PLD OT
Not needing to reposition the fucking boss during my goddamn Req phase
>advantage to DRK OT
The Blackest Night
>advantage to WAR OT
literally nothing, does the exact same thing it would be doing as MT and can't contribute to the MT's survivability
>NIN (if no DNC)/MNK (if DNC)
>SAM (if no BRD)/DRG (if BRD)
>DNC (if no NIN)/BRD (if no SAM)
there will be no MT OT split simply because tank swaps exist
>The rare occasion you need to soak a tank buster with Defiance
Bitchboy PLDs can MT, I'm not giving up 100% DPS stance for them.
Only thing PLD has going for it as OT is cover, Everything else is outclassed by WAR.
Are you retarded?
Real talk sicko mode Dark Knight won't TBN the MT.
Hey could you not post pictures of my wife? We're trying to lay low until ShB comes out
Okay you're literally retarded and don't even play this game, glad we had this talk.
>>The rare occasion you need to soak a tank buster with Defiance
you should never have to do this. i have never had to do this. nice job outing yourself as an absolute shitter.
So be honest with me
Is there any actual substance to Nisemonogatari or is it mainly sakuga fanservice? Want to give it a shot, but if it's 99% ecchi i might as well watch hentai
I'm sorry brother-in-law, I'll just post pictures of my husband
>WAR ever not being meta
They'll whine and cry until they get overbuffed like they have the last three patch cycles. Granted, it was actually justified in 2.X, 2/0 WAR was liquid shit.
A WHM spell that increases the parties hp
Right, good counter point, glad we had this discussion
Thats my entire fucking point, there is no reason to have WAR as MT if PLD has better "survivability" as MT without dropping DPS. On the off chance that someone fucks up, PLD is better at soaking it so WAR can continue its DPS un-interrupted.
MNK is quite high now you fucking moron
>PLD has better "survivability" as MT without dropping DPS
but that's fucking wrong. that's the entire point of WAR being MT holy shit you have no idea what you're even talking about.
>WAR can continue its DPS un-interrupted
how is hitting a defensive CD between your GCDs interrupting your DPS? how fucking shit are you?
He literally said right of the gate you illiterate donut.
Sounds enormously retarded. Waste of three good GCDs.
Give him death.
not as retarded as worrying about optimal damage in roulettes
>Half a decade
Twice your age.
I'd take the insecure little shits over this retard holy fucking shit
>holy shit you have no idea what you're even talking about.
>how is hitting a defensive CD between your GCDs interrupting your DPS? how fucking shit are you?
Oh yeah, I'm sure on progression you could soak everything 100% pf the time. If you're talking about CURRENT content, then its dead content and literally doesn't matter what tanks you use. Prog is the only time Tank lineup and survivability actually matters and therefore the only time comp matters. Noone gives a shit if you can gold content 3 months after release.
just because you can doesn't mean you should, heathen
parties are gonna meme and do 3 range now that there's another support
>He thinks comp matters post prog.
we've been talking about what's optimal this entire time you fucking esl. progression doesn't fucking matter.
What do you MEAN. You're talking about the case where the tank has to go into tank stance for a big hit (never the case BTW outside of a few moments in ultimate) , which costs the pld TWO GCDs. PLD loses the absolute most dps by going in and out of tank stance.
comp doesn't matter for prog, either. Only for speedkills
What's the best way to grind MGP?
>the most iconic MMO defender class has been relegated to offtank status
>meanwhile the Warrior is the best tank AND the best dps (for the tank role, anyway)
>everyone is fine with this because muh Fell Cleaves, Xeno said it's okay so I think its okay too
challenge log
Current, to this day, raiding compt doesnt matter. Anyone can pull gold out of their ass. World firsts are the only real achivement.
IF someone fucks up ant Tank needs to soak more then intended.
>Pld losing a single auto is worse then WAR losing deliverance for a GCD or two.
fucking kek
If you're seriously competing for world first it does.
Boku no Pico
>everyone is fine with this
literally no one but fags who only play WAR are fine with this
>Pld losing a single auto
did you even read the post you replied to?
Oh true, I wasn't thinking worlds first scenario since most players don't try for it.
Then where's the outrage? Tanks are literally being marginalized into subroles next expansion and the literal job everyone thinks of when you say 'tank' is being shoved into the offtank status.
Did you read the post you replied too?
Outside of that it really doesn't matter what you use.
A single auto
You can't honestly believe this. PLD loses two skills out of his GCD chain. It's like the WAR were to sit still for 5secs and do nothing. Meanwhile warrior can just fc before and then be back in deliverance before capping on rage.
PLD does not only lose a single auto by going into tank stance. PLD loses two entire GCDs by going into and leaving tank stance, which is way more than WAR would lose since WAR's stances are oGCD. you're making it very clear you don't play any tanks other than WAR.
>Tanks are literally being marginalized into subroles next expansion
there is no confirmation that this is actually happening and in my personal opinion i don't think making designated MT and OT roles would ever work.
>If you're seriously competing for world first it does.
Bullshit, world first UCoB had a fucking DRK in it.
You two Special Olympians make a nice reminder of why to ignore these threads during content lulls.
Right, I'm sorry you're actually retarded. PLD buffs and meter are clearly more important. In a situation where someone fucks up you're forced to take more damage then usual for an extended amount of time. I'll be sure to pass world first off to you guys, you're clearly more experienced then me.
Yeah and World firsts have had a dude literally playing on 6 controllers at once. Its not set in stone faggot, but it sure as fuck helps when you're trying.
>a GCD or two
Nibba is simple math. Warrior loses deliverance for 5 GCDs, because it's ten seconds. The damage penalty doesn't matter because unchained. The most rage you can get in 5 GCDs is 60, so just switch on a fell cleave and you lose almost NOTHING for going tank for a bit on war.
Just the absolute state of warriors. You have it the easiest and still whine
>World firsts have had a dude literally playing on 6 controllers at once
Which ones? Being an autist might win you a medal at the special olympics, but nobody thinks of you as 'first'.
>x is most optimal
you're actually moving goalposts because you were wrong. simply embarrassing.
You realize that GCDs do actual damage, right? It's not just about the meter they generate. If the PLD had to switch the party loses two whole GCDs of damage automatically, if the WAR switches the party loses almost nothing unless he is literally retarded
Why specifically Nisemonogatari?
>WAR getting cucked for longer than a month
>literally ever
you're fucking dreaming mate. someone responsible for class balance obviously plays WAR and it'll literally never be out of meta no matter how much i wish you were right
he's not even arguing about damage anymore. he's shifted his point to "PLD takes less damage in tank stance when you're progging" for some reason despite that having nothing to do with the discussion.
lmfao baddie
In 5 GCDs, a WAR is losing a fell cleave within a GCD or two, its more/less DPS lost depending on when PLD needs to swap over. More often then not its less DPS loss if PLD needs to swap as oppose to WAR.
>mention World first prog a few post ago
>completely ignore it
I believe it was some BLM during Alexander World first, its been a while.
Damn, got me
>>mention World first prog a few post ago
i don't give a fuck about you trying to change the subject that's not what we were ever talking about you double nigger.
Except it was what we were talking about you roodypoo
>WAR is losing a fell cleave
Assuming you liked bake, nise cranks up the ecchi and has weaker characters. Both bee and phoenix are meh, but their stories are important to understanding the superior crab and doll, and phoenix specifically is important to understanding the overplot for Araragi.
Are you seriously trying to still imply that WAR losing a precious 5% damage buff for 10s is more of a loss than losing two entire GCDs worth of potency? Maybe if the other half of your brain was actually functioning you could do the math to try to figure that out.
But because I'm a nice guy I'll even do some of the math for you. Defiance gives Butcher's Block, your hardest hitting combo-ender a whopping 15 additional potency, if you could some how gain the use of Perfect Balance and do 5 combo-potency Butcher's Blocks in a row that is a total of 75 potency.
So a WAR having to go into Defiance loses less than 75 potency for the duration they have to stay in Defiance for. That's not even HALF the potency of Fast Blade, PLD's starting GCD yet alone the SECOND WEAPONSKILL they also miss due to having to blow another GCD to get back out of Shield Oath. Basically what I'm saying is that you are possibly one of the most retarded people playing this game and you should kill yourself. There is nothing worse than a shitter like you pretending to think you have any idea how this game works.
>Except it was what we were talking about
how do you live when you can't even follow a conversation? i'm going to link the start of this conversation right here and prove you wrong. ready?
>insulting a 2.5 year old who can post on the internet
he doesn't know how to manage his meter and CDs enough to delay his fell cleaves for 10s.
>In 5 GCDs, a WAR is losing a fell cleave within a GCD or two
The most amount of wrath you can generate over 10 seconds period is 40 wrath, so no you're wrong. Wrath is only wasted if you've overcapped on it. You're not losing a Fell Cleave if you enter defiance at 30 wrath and then return to deliverance at 70 wrath.
>Hates big breasts because they cause pain for females
How fucking beta can one person be?
Being a pathetic faggot is not something you should embrace.
You'd be pushing it back a GCD or two assuming you had literally no meter when you swapped. If you need to cover a fuck up and you have 50 meter, every GCD you're missing out on pushing DPS, If you caped you're fucked.
>Ontop of crit chance
>Ontop of 20% from Defiance
>Ontop of risk of losing Fell cleaves if you need to tank stance long enough.
I'll be nice, Since PLD would be losing the 20% as well, War would only be losing the 5%, plus the crit, plus the possible fell cleave/meter overfill. But boo hoo, PLD is missing out on a GCD and a an auto attack. I'm sure your weapon will make up the difference.
Delaying DPS, or possibly missing it if everything is poorly timed with the fuck up. Its safer to PLD MT in that situation
You're delaying DPS, if PLD was MTing you wouldnt be delaying anything.
This is just getting silly now
I'll choose giving you death, subhuman pedo faggot.
>How fucking beta can one person be?
The waters run deep brother.
You're right, I'm going to bed. Stay frost faggots, stay away from /xivg/ and may your parties not have shitters.
I swim at the bottom of the ocean and I register your every smile.
I'm convinced now it's just elaborate bait.
Picked the fuck up!
>implying the crit bonus matters when WAR 101 is to meter burn all the time with a cooldown up every 90 seconds that gives you 100% crit rate anyway
>Still can't math out that PLD oath swapping is two GCDs instead of one
>Thinks that holding a fell cleave is "delaying DPS" and still doesn't think that losing two GCDs for oath swapping isn't also "delaying DPS"
>Still hasn't processed that you literally can't miss a Fell Cleave unless you are already stance swapping at above 50 Wrath which would just be "delaying DPS" anyway
Warrior mains ladies and gentlemen. Jesus Christ at least make your bad arguments consistent. I feel bad for other WAR mains in this thread since they now have to know they share the same job as someone as retarded as you.
A webm... for a 2 second loop?
>Two faggots arguing about a tiny dps increase
Holy fuck this is autistic
>tfw spent time leveling DRK to 70 and assembling a glam plate for it in anticipation of ShB
I'll fucking riot if DRK gets cucked.
New jobs are a 50/50. 'Featured' jobs are 1/3, considering the only job featured in the expansion trailers that's actually in the meta is DRG. You MIGHT be able to worm your way into a serious prog group with MNK by reping the NIN. Big might though. Scamurai is fucking trash.
So the likelihood of DRK getting fucked over and needing a rescue in 5.1 is pretty high.
Not that it matters. Unless WAR gets ripped to the fucking ground it's got a spot in the meta for sure. The only way DRK even has a chance is if it gets some sort of party mitigation or a massive damage upgrade. Gunbreaker won't even be looked at by serious groups for at least a year.
Please don't tell me that you FC asap when you play WAR
fuck of fag
kill yourself
Post nipples.