What am I in for?
What am I in for?
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mental retardation
no useless team mates
Just know a couple of things so you don't screw yourself over. Make sure to keep separate saves for each of the three character, even after you clear a character's story, so you can get the final scenarios. Also make sure to get all the Xehanort Reports to unlock it as well. Also the recommended story order (from the creator of the series) is Terra, Ventus, then Aqua.
Know the proper play order.
local retard is too angry to die and turned into the coolest character in the series.
Terra did nothing wrong
A pretty boring entry in the series.
except being a shitty anakin clone
no thanks virgin
a fucking terrible game
Normal play order: Terra Ventus Aqua
Correct play order: Ventus Terra Aqua
This is hilarious.
>"Holy shit Aqua, you suck."
very slow movement if you are not spamming dodge rolls constantly
also really easy to break game
Okay I believe you
Thank you for giving me a name to that beautiful track.
probably the best KH game that isnt 1 or 2
The extra bosses are horseshit balanced on critical
the sad thing that it's fucking correct
the whole Aqua part is so fucking jarring with this shitty writing
>Also the recommended story order (from the creator of the series) is Terra, Ventus, then Aqua.
Nomura is retarded. Ven-Aqua-Terra is the kinoest order.
Fuck you Onsokumaru. It’s been awhile, friend.
>No Ven/Aqua/Terra
The whole game you think Terra is some evil guy and turns out he's just a really naive and dumb guy
and then pure kino
Best KH
>ok we need to explain why roxas doesn't look like sora and explain who the fuck xehanort is
>sure, so there are these 3 kids that are totally not sora, riku and kairi
>the sora counterpart is ven who is not-roxas
>the riku counterpart gets his body stolen by xehanort which is totally not the star wars prequel storyline
>oh yeah there's also aqua who is a mary sue because reasons
Patrician play order: Ventus Aqua Terra
Thunder surge spam
Broken and boring command system.
KH2FM was the last good KH game.
Environments that are way too big, you'll spend most of your time walking. Disney levels are pretty underwhelming besides Enchanted Dominion, Dwarf Woodlands, and Neverland. Literally best endgame lorewise of the whole series, I burned an entire Saturday on Keyblade Graveyard in Aqua's plotline. Which is the best IMO, Terra's is a close second. Ventus is ultimate jobber and his plotline is the least interesting. Also Mysterious Figure is the pleb filter secret boss of the series, there's yet to be one as tough. Maybe Lingering Will in KH2FM but that's for dumb reasons, his attack pattern is all RNG and OP as shit.
Terra is nothing Anakin since he never truly becomes bad.
Aqua isn't a Mary Sue at all since she's a judgemental bitch, is too prideful, and tries too hard to control her friends.
>implying the terra and xehanort relationship is totally not identical to anakin and palpatine
The best boss theme in the series: