What games apply to this chart?

What games apply to this chart?

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Fallout 4

piranha bytes games

Mario & Luigi rpg games


Give or take a few points in a category

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Ys games, almost perfectly.

You're going to hate this.

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>good story

this is pretty much perfect, just transfer one point from single player to replayability

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I was gonna say hollow knight but replay value would be higher; graphics might be higher too.

I'd say I good amount of jrpgs fit

Not with the singleplayer bar that full. A few, sure, but usually the ones that are "non traditional".

the extent of Yea Forums's shit taste never manages to not amaze me, only this qualifies for even above average story, the rest is all retarded, especially the weeb shit

Multiplayer should only take 2 or 3 points to max out. They don't rewrite the gameplay from the bottom up.


I never did get to playing those
Should I?

cat lady

What the fuck are you still doing here user? Go fucking play them. Start with Superstar too.

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1 in single player, 3 in graphics, 0 in everything else.

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haven't you guys ever played a game with a story? are these ironic?

>bing bing wahoo

Go on, tell us what game has a good story.

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Read a goddamn book, nigger


0, you're looking for movies or television.

>Read a goddamn book, nigger
That's what I implied to the ones I replied to, most of those games don't even have a fucking plot.

Nier automata

All "exclusives" of ps4

Botw comes to mind. At least in my opinion.

you are all forgetting this image has 0 in gameplay

Hotline Miami 2.

Plot twist in Gothic 1 actually impressed me for some reason so have to agree.

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gameplay falls into single player and online/offline multiplayer

Final Fantasy 4-9



Metal gear solid

Xenoblade 1. You may say the story isn't 5/5 but no game's have 5/5 stories.

if so, then graphic would be 5 and story, replay value and gameplay 0

It's perfect.

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Nier Gestalt

KIU is not that... and I tried to make a actual distribution for it but I kept going over
the problem is its single player is undoubtedly a 5 as well as its replay value and I can't go lower then a 4 for music and its graphics aren't great but are pleasing and good for the 3DS so its probably a 2 and its story is a spectacular fever dream that is obviously at least a 3 if not 4 and then its like fuck the multiplayer categories are fucking great now I'm like ten points over

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>No multiplayer
>Amazing story
>Subpar graphics


Except trade single player story for replayable online multiplayer

Fallout New Vegas, but move one point from story to replayability.

give me games like this Yea Forums

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Undertale has almost zero replayability. Most people don't have ht amount of autism required to do genocide, or get the minute amount of variable text in neutral.

nice movie bro

Long Live the Queen
Warning: Contains little to no gameplay.

Entire Mothet series.

this is what super metroid is to me

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The requirement for a dash of offline multiplayer, makes this difficult.

>5 online mp
>5 graphics
>5 replayability
>1 music/audio
What games?

I thought the Singleplayer row was for gameplay quality though

just enough for one or two hours with the boys on one aftertoon, nothing special

Shit, what game even has offline multiplayer anymore? You'd have to go back to an old 007 game, or perfect dark.
Maybe a Diddy Kart Racing?

It depends what you consider "replayability". Is it even possible to do a Pacifist run without beating all the areas twice?

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Kirby's Return to Dream Land

Yep. I did it. No guides or nothing. I just remembered the tagline "a game where no one has to die". And then I flexed my brain, and made it work.

FFX, but not the remastered edition.

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>3 points in story

If you don't kill anyone on your first playthrough, the game lets you load your save after beating Flowey to access the pacifist exclusive content

How the FUCK does this graph work?

What if I put a single point into Single Player but no points into any other multiplayer options?

What the FUCK is the difference between 1 point in single player and 5 points in single player?

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I always assumed low scores meant minimalist effort.

it didnt feel right to dump them into music and graphics where they didnt deserve that many points, and the part where the giant baby metroid comes to save you is pretty kino

Suda51 games

Deus Ex, if you take a point out of graphics and put it in replay value.

all the ps1 final fantasy games

town of salem

Deadly Premonition

The multiplayer is good in this though

>only 2 in graphics
They aren't the most technically advanced but Suda games are always slick as hell
Take 1 or 2 points out of replayability depending on the game and stick them in graphics

Move 1 point from graphics to story and you have peak SP game design

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There's a difference between "graphical fidelity" and "artstyle", and I was assuming graphics was referring to the former.