Transistor is the next free game
Witness is now free on Epic Store
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when is steam going to do the same?
interesting that supergiant would put transistor up instead of bastion for the free rotation
Trash it's almost like they are trash read the real borderlands story with you know morgon freeman
I got a epic account years ago when Shadow Complex was free.
I still regret it.
Hand out free games? They used to do it constantly. They also have free weekends for games all the time.
I don't know if you're baiting but they give free games all the time.
>Hand out free games? They used to do it constantly.
They stopped for what seems months now
>They also have free weekends for games all the time.
Not the same thing, they gave out Subnautica once months ago and I still play it from time to time
See this is what I love about epic. They give games for free, not stupid "trials" like steam does.
Why wouldn't you just pirate it? It's being given away for free anyways
They don't. When was the last free game on Steam? Those Lego LOTR/Hobbit games? That was a couple months ago
Free patches
not letting me download
first game that actually makes me want to download the launcher
>Free patches
The Witness and Transistor have been out for years. They aren't getting anything new added to them
Subnautica has been patched so you're wrong.
>next free game
What other games have been free? Are they all as shit as The Witness?
Subnautica isn't The Witness or Transistor. Subnautica is a survival game that was also a big Early Access thing. Much more likely for that to get new things added to it than a linear story game like Transistor or a puzzle game like The Witness
You can't get them anymore but Subnautica, slime rancher, oxen free and axiom verge.
tl;dr, they're hit and miss. My favorites have been Subnautica and Thimbleweed
when are they gonna get a good game
>I got a epic account years ago when Shadow Complex was free.
>I still regret it.
you sound like a woman who had sex with a guy but then revoked her consent years later
>bunch of indie shit no one cares about
the witness is too hard, where is my easy mode
When devs ask them, like they have dozens of times in the past.
Based retard
>the witness is now free
McDonald's happy meal placemats are too, if you're into the witness' puzzles
So why haven't they done it recently?
Also Epic does it way better
>2 week notice to get a game
Compared to Steam
>48 hour notice to get a game
Hell I remember when Steam game giveaways were for 24 hours only - it's like it didn't even happen.
Because Steam is not struggling for a market share.
>So why haven't they done it recently?
Because Valve isn't paying devs money out the ass in an attempt to get regular users of their store like Epic's? I don't know why I would use a shitty storefront like Epic's when I could just pirate every single game since they're all single player and Epic's platform has no actual advantages for me as a user. The damned thing is barren in functionality
>>bunch of indie shit no one cares about
>Witness is now free on Epic Store
I'd honestly still pay for it on Steam over taking it for free from Epic.
Yeah, but those games are free anyway. When are they gonna give away games that actually matter?
I really wonder where Epic gets all this money to not just buy game exclusivity but also hand out free indie games like candy.
Sure Fortnite is a normie cashcow but it surely can't be that much right? It's still a F2P game.
Unreal Engine 4 royalties
So even when Valve drones buy games on Steam, Epic still gets money.
>Hur I could just pirate!!!1
Okay? Not everyone cares to pirate
>give away games every day
>12% cut
>constant exclusivity deals
as deep as it may be, that well of fortnite bux isn't gonna be filled for very long
Thanks fuck Yea Forums in loves with Unity right now.
>Sure Fortnite is a normie cashcow but it surely can't be that much right? It's still a F2P game.
The average fortnite player has invested about 300$. the cows around 700$.
that's not counting the first GACHA-esque game that is still running, Save the world.
Fortnite money and UE4 royalties - even Nintendo uses UE4 now
I guess this makes sense. 12% though is like nothing.
I played TF2 for 1200 hours for 3 years straight and didn't even spend that much wtf.
>and didn't even spend that much wtf.
The fact that you spent some means something
It is free on 1337x and rarbg too
>epic store
>comparing having epic launcher to rape
I'd call you retarded but that's actually a pretty good analogy.
Steam drones, everyone
Bugman shills, everyone
>comparing changing your mind afterwards to rape
this is one of the things whats wrong with women
But they do give free games. I got Grid 2 at the end of last month.
Remove DMR and Spyware. I might consider it.
That was Humble Store
>already own The Witness
>already own Transistor
And? It's still essentially a Steam giveaway, since they use Steam Keys that cost the developer nothing unless if they're sold by a third party. There's no fee on making those handouts.
So the Steam drone admits key sites aren't real competition.
I'm not a steam drone, I'm just here to say I got a free steam game recently, because, hey, free games, the more the better. Not everything is a fight, delusion-kun.
how new?
>I would even buy it
>Pretty good since it's free
Axiom verge
Slime rancher
>Everyone already had 3 copies
Super meat boy
>Better than nothing
>Stupid adventure games
the rest
Witness is a stupid adventure game - the fuck?
I see it's finally reached a good value proposition.
Not on a consistent basis and not always through Steam, so it really doesn't count like the way Epic Store does
>still can't redeem game an hour later
anyone else?
If you're doing it through your browser, disable noscript
Don't think that's it. It is stuck on "Loading your order..." but I never had a problem redeeming before. It worked quickly for every other game they gave away free.
Sorry but this doesn't count. Epic is still anti-consumer no matter how many free games they give me.
Again if this is through browser and not Epic Launcher, then it's noscript. I had the same problem for a bit until I whitelisted it.
Yea, you're right. It just took longer than usual so I thought it still wasn't working. Weird though because it never had this problem before.
>not understanding consent
Are you a chinese national by chance?
Here's my entire order history from Epic Games.
I've still gotten more free games on Steam.
Epic added a new exception on the site that noscript doesn't play well with.
... does the Epic Games version of Super Meat Boy have the Headcrab character?
Can we have more comfy witness threads now?
darn chiners
>released on epic
less more likely
I don't know. I haven't even downloaded the Epic Games launcher because I have so many games on Steam that I haven't finished yet.
If something is free then you are the product. Enjoy having your information owned by china
Steam is free and games have been given out for free on Steam - so I guess you're right, Steam drone.
there's a difference between a freebie given to invite customers to a service meant to replace another service and downloading FREE_GAME_2019_PUNJABI.exe
See Oxenfree was the previous free game, but it was free on GOG long before it was free on Epic.
Most of games are shit by normie Yea Forums standards anyway. They're not giving out AAA games; it's all indie stuff.
Subnautica was loved on Yea Forums at release
And I am one damn FINE product babe
The Witness is shit
legit critic or brainlet
wHaT's tHe dIfFeReNcE?
loved by shills
no one cares about that game.
>I've still gotten more free games on Steam.
Are you seriously so dumb that you can't understand why Epic is giving away free games?
They are trying to build a userbase for a completely new platform that has only been out for a few months now. Giving away free games is their attempt to get consumers on PC to switch to their platform, at the very least install it to redeem the free game. It's a "foot in the door" type situation, and they have likely paid the publishers of these games millions to do these sorts of promotions, and millions for them is a drop in the bucket in terms of investment considering the capital Epic has backing their storefront right now. It's the same reason they are buying exclusive rights and outright paying devs massive lump sums that completely cover their development costs; it's a way to essentially force users that want to play games on PC to adopt their platform.
They're not doing it because they love you, or just want to give away free shit, the entire motive is to expand their userbase. If you can't understand this you are a brainlet.
what did he mean by this?
>They are trying to build a userbase for a completely new platform that has only been out for a few months now.
Wow how evil
winnie the pooh
>It's a "foot in the door" type situation
"It's only okay when we do it"
He didn't say it's evil. He said it's not selfless.
>game developed by Valve sold on store owned by Valve
Is this supposed to be an analogy for something?
>durr steam drone
Not really, GOG is better if we're being totally honest.
For those on the fence about this whole fiasco, if you had to pick a side would it be the steam drones or the chink shills?
they keep gifting games I already own
How do you own them?
Unironic thanks Epic.
>They're not doing it because they love you, or just want to give away free shit, the entire motive is to expand their userbase. If you can't understand this you are a brainlet.
Steam literally does this when they give out free games. Why are Steam drones so autistic?
He never said Steam doesn't do it.
Why are Tencent shills so illiterate?
Then why does it matter when Epic does it better?
I never said it matters.
The latest Valve has done this was in 2013 when they gave away L4D2. Developers on Steam does it to promote their latest games. What Epic is doing is paying devs lump sums of cash to have their game on the store to give away for free. Valve doesn't give lump sums of cash to devs to promote on their platform. If you can't see the difference you're literally retarded.
Fuck, I haven't been born yet. My mom won't let me play this.
Every game is free on PirateBay
>It's okay when we do it
Whitelist the site in noscript
>get epic account
>chinese log on it the next day
the fuck epic
>l4d2, their own game, given away on christmas 6 years ago is the same as giving lump sum of cash to devs to give away their games for free
I have like 40 games from twitch through someone who lets me link their amazon prime account. The games were pretty good at first(better than epic so far until Witness) but quickly turned into trash you never heard of.
I use Steam because it's convenient and I like seeing how many hours I have played my games. The UI is nice and it's overall great to use. So what if Epic gives me free games? I have no reason to use their launcher and since they are all singleplayer games I can pirate them no problem. But even then, most of these games are games that anyone who wanted to play them, did so already. I've played everything I wanted from that list already.
>and I like seeing how many hours I have played my games
How cringe
honestly dude it's time to commit suicide for you
Not cringe. Autism
It's neither. Who doesn't like stats? That legit does sound like some epic shilling to complain about that, and I have nothing against epic/picked up all the free shit.
I like having all my games in one place so for that reason Im on team steam. I wouldnt mind switching if epic figured out a way to transfer my library though
When talking about Steam pros people always say shit like "I've made $900 on cards and badges!!" How the fuck do you do this? I've made pennies
I do admit that I am a bit autistic about statistics, I might buy a game on Steam just to have those hours counted, otherwise I wouldn't finish a game if it doesn't have an ingame counter. I don't like Epic because they buy out exclusives in the wrong way. It's not Sony that funds the fucking developement, they buy out these almost complete games, it doesn't improve them, it just makes people who don't use Epic pissed off. It's like that kid in school who had the new Playstation/Nintendo 64/whatever while you still had the previous console. He's not that fun to hang out with, but you do want to play some fucking Tekken.
It’s also free with PlayStation plus
I'd imagine that while Transistor is a great game, and I personally like it more than Bastion, Bastion probably still sells more