Will it save us from the current games as a service cancer...

Will it save us from the current games as a service cancer? Will it give us a massive campaign with expansions and no microtransactions?

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No, you retarded shill. Borderlands 2 has more DLC than a fucking Paradox game.

Get a real job. Your parents are ashamed of you.


Did you play the second game? It literally had so much DLC it had Thanksgiving DLC.

Run you fools!!!! A new story of this game opening up check it key word creation date catalog


Who cares, you can get equivalent gameplay by just opening a command prompt and typing %RANDOM% and hitting enter then writing down the number it gives you. Continue doing this and writing down the next number if it's bigger than the last one you wrote down.

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Its either gonna do nothing or itll make it worse, but its definitely not gonna save us from jack shit

>Will it save us from the current games as a service cancer?
2K likes money so no.
>Will it give us a massive campaign with expansions and no microtransactions?
Randy has forced the game to be completely multiplayer based so expect a smaller than average campaign with a ton of MP bloat. Also 2K loves money so no.

>saving gaming from any cancer

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The DLC is simply microtransactions that cost more money and are released later. You're still going to end up paying $150 for everything when it's all said and done if you're trying to play it all as soon as it's available. Don't act like it's going to be any better than Borderlands 2.

>Will it give us a massive campaign with expansions and no microtransactions?
No, look at BL2 on fucking steam, they have like 40 different DLCs all for 5 dollars that add little to nothing to the fucking game. You might as well just be paying for the different skins and helmets.

>Gearbox releasing at the same time as Blizzard, again
When will Randy learn?

Lol no.

Borderlands games are 90% dlc by the time tgey finish releasing stuff.

Borderlands 2 had 14 dlcs.
4 large and 10 small.

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Yea Forums in 2012
>wow look at these cosmetic dlcs
>not only do they more skins and heads they also add a few more hours of game play
Yea Forums now
>wtf look at these cosmetics DLC
>they add extra gameplay
>this is not cool to the people who didn't spend their money on it

How about you shut the fuck up or actually quote someone instead of making up bullshit strawmen arguments.

lol why would it? were you born yesterday?

hit a little too close to home?

>Will it save us from the current games as a service cancer?
Probably not. Gearbox are whores.

>Will it give us a massive campaign
Yeah up to a point.
>with expansions and no microtransactions?
They are designing expansions and side characters to add even as we speak.
Microtransactions are built into the game's DNA most likely.
We really only have to see if they make the microtransactions for little shit like costumes or for big stuff like unique weapons and mechs and what not.
If they make the game difficult ala freemium games so you have to spend money on that shit then it's time to pack it up.

I'm already pissed that all of the new characters are just random faggots and they pussied out on making the soldier girl into some random cunt rather then tiny tina and completely eliminated generic gun toting straightman to the craziness.

Retard. You're making a strawman so you can tear it apart. Nobody is saying the shit you're pretending they're saying which is why you didn't quote anyone. Nobody's fucking fooled.

u mad bro?

That's what I thought. I'm glad you know when to shut the fuck up.

>season pass
>two additional packs after
>a dlc pack for each and every holiday
>dlc heads and skins for characters
I hope you don't expect them to get better. Especially when we already know about
>season pass
>preorder bonuses
>season pass bonus
>collector's edition bonus
and probably other things I've forgotten.

yong yea
all these gamers do is literally bitch and complain about everything

Here's a (you) next time don't reply after posting a shitpost

Oh they're here in this thread? I didn't know we had CELEBRITIES in here.

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>hit or miss
i guess they never miss

>people may have said that
>but not in this thread

Yeah I'm going to get up your ass for acting like
>Yea Forums now
is saying shit when they're literally not, so go fuck yourself. Yea Forums is not one person, and just because you only like to read stupid shit doesn't mean only stupid shit is posted here. Not my god damned fault walls of text intimidate you.

>Will it save us from the current games as a service cancer?
lmao borderlands its literally the definition of cancer
just look at their fanbase its basically 14 year olds who browse tumblr unironically


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holy fucking SHIT BASED

so do you think dlcs add bad or not mate?
if a majority of Yea Forums is against them you must be for them

I'm generally against the practice of extending the development period of games even further because right now even without DLC the cycle is way too long. They tend to cut content out of 1.0 and double dip customers for what ends up being more than twice the original launch price for a fraction of the effort they put into making the game. There are some examples of good DLC, but they're mired among examples of terrible cash grab DLC. DLC that feels and acts more like an expansion is acceptable, especially if it's free or fairly priced. Some might argue that cosmetic DLC is fine because it doesn't affect gameplay, but they fail to recognize that the absence of being able to earn cosmetic things in game by completing challenges, exploring, reaching certain milestones, etc makes games more hollow than they could have been for the sake of nickel and diming customers.

tl;dr: I don't find enough value in DLC to consider purchasing it unless it's extraordinary.

I really don't see the problem with micro transactions in singleplayer or co-op focused games. It's a pretty shitty practice, but no one is forcing you to buy the skins, xp boosts or any other bullshit they try to monetize.

As with Borderlands 2, I'll just buy the base game and whatever expansions come out. Atleast that's one thing they did right, large pieces of content for 20 bucks, instead of 10 minute long mission packs.

it's fucking weird though, masculine women only mostly exist in western civilization so does that mean this game is racist for describing females of how they are not usually portrayed as?

>mfw when BL3 will still be releasing DLC in 2022

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Hey folks, it's Randy. Thanks a bunch for your support!
Here's a picture of me, working hard to ensure I make BL3 just as well as I made Battleborn, Aliens: Colonial Marines, and Duke Nukem Forever!

Thank you for saving my company so we can continue to fight bigotry and be BADASS for many years to come! YAAAAAAAAAAASSS!

Attached: randy.jpg (400x400, 33K)

>Aliens: Colonial Marines, and Duke Nukem Forever!
these were actual bad games
battleborn was just released at the wrong time and is just under rated

imagine being this angry for no reason

ITT: People who think MORE content is bad.
Get a job and stop being poor.

Twice the content for three times the price is bad, retard.

>battleborn was just released at the wrong time and is just under rated

>skill devoid moba shooter, one of the worst combination game genres ever made which hurts both the moba elements of a moba and the shooter elements of a shooter
>ugly as fuck, visual clutter out the fucking ass at all times, literally worse than fingerless_glove_meter.jpg
>lore and battle dialogue brought to you courtesy of Anthony Burch
>grinding out the ass before you're allowed to have fun
>full of bullet sponges
>buggy and unpolished
>gearshit dropped support after a single year
>"We're not going free to play" (Proceeds to go free to play, because Randy has always been a liar)
Yeah no, fuck off Randy

just because you love to throw money at shit devs doesnt mean everyone else has to, you stupid fucking imbecile

music to my ears

Only the most retarded people imaginable waste their money and brag about it. You see it all of the time in the poorest places in the poorest countries. They believe that by spending more than they can afford that the perception becomes they are richer than they are. Be smart with your money and your decisions and you'll have something to brag about.