What were the absolute best and most fun nintendo DS games Yea Forums?
What were the absolute best and most fun nintendo DS games Yea Forums?
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DS was a shitty console in hindsight, tons of great IP's dead on it
Pokemon Platinum
Heartgold. All the little pokemon interactions were kino. It is easily the best game in the entire series.
post kino PMD music
Spent countless hours playing the online mode, even though it was rampant with glitches and hackers. I miss my old clan
Its a shame the game was shit(Until Sky and ONLY sky.)
there's no significant difference
Rescue Team is superior, anyway
The Rub Rabbits was kinda great fucked up nonsense
It gave me a silhouette fetish too
>Only 2 inventory pages, orbs are a shit, seeds a shit, overpowered boss segments, shit story, partner goes generic after endgame, friend zones
>Only 2 inventory pages
yes; more an emphasis on proper resource management
>orbs are a shit, seeds a shit
dunno what you mean
>overpowered boss segments
the bosses aren't hard as it is
>shit story
Explorers' is somehow better?
>partner goes generic after endgame
sure, but they have a more respectable personality from the outset
>friend zones
you just listed this as a con?
Can back up this game. It's so surprisingly good, the only good product EA managed to make.
Playing TWEWY for the first time
Rhythm Heaven, Elite Beat Agents
>implying implications
>friend zones
Having to visit them every single day to reconstruct your team was pretty asinine, to be fair.
And needing them to unlock characters.
TWEWY, Elite Beat Agents, Radiant Historia, Pokémon gens 4-5, Rhythm Heaven, Scribblenauts, 999, Ghosg Trick, and a shitload more.