Lalalala lalalala

lalalala lalalala

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Drakengard is such edgy trash.

shit taste

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Thanks for playing!

guess you like the taste of taro's dick

was there anything directly confirming that leonard was a pedo in game?

I heard the Japanese script mentioned it.

this game has one of the best soundtracks in all of gaming!!!

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The novellas. Plus the English version leaves out the part on him leaving to the forest to jerk it.

Mostly removed from the localization but there's some hints here and there, I remember pic related and some of the fairy's shit talking.

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him cumming in his pants when the kid hugged him

>obvious underground DrakenNier thread to not alert the Automatababy waifufags
>come in and immediately shitpost just to get people mad
Why is this board like this. Why couldn't you have just hid the thread. No one gives a shit about how you don't like Drakengard.

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It really does, I used to think it was awful, but as I matured it really started to click with me.

Drakengard is the best game Yoko Taro made

it's just a differing opinion
no need for the tears


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with the worst gameplay on the planet
but I guess that's okay because omg she's eating babies so edgy lmao

where are my children

Whats your favorite ending and why?

Better than the 5th grader's philosophy reading that was Nier: Automata

I just beat drakengard and started nier, do you have to do all the sidequests to get all the endings?


At least Automata is playable, you tryhard hipster faggot.

No, just get all the weapons

get all the wepon

Drakengard deserves a remake. Just imagine it - a Platinum made musou.


at least drakengard has a good story, you dumbass zoomer faggot

Drakengard 2 > Drakengard >SHIT >>>>>>> Drakengard 3

2 above 1
That's gonna be a yikes from me

>At least Automata is playable, you tryhard hipster faggot.

Confirmed to never have played Drakengard. While the gameplay wasn't for ADHD kids like you, it was perfectally serviceble and actually added to the themes of the game

Based and Drakenpilled

>LPfags will never know the joy of using Arioch on chapter V
E > B > D > A > C
A is a standard bittersweet ending made for journos but it does a good job of tricking you into thinking the rest of endings might not be miserable nightmares
B is miserable nightmare fuel kino
C is easily the worst one, it makes no sense and Caim's final words are dumb, should've been scraped or have Angelus turn against her fellow dragons because she loves Caim and murder more than anything, would've been a more romantic ending than A
D is unironically the closest to a happy end despite being so ominous
E is the best joke ever made in the industry

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>drakengard has a good story

Do Tarofags actually believe this?

Probably side shit. Taro loves doing that, pretty sure it's where they tell you the Priest guy's pact mark is actually the tattoo on his skull.

I'm pretty sure that after manah called upon the dragons with the seeds of destruction they were forced to bring about the end of the world, similar to how there were a bunch of furies hell beasts in ending b

>D is unironically the closest to a happy end
D was the most depressing since Seere is left alone begging for his sisters forgiveness until the end of time and everyone dies a horrible death. The Song is also depressing as fuck.

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It was at least thematically consistent unlike the last two Taro games

yeah right
you're trying way too hard to be a niche snowflake

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I still like my idea better, it sounds wholesome and romantic in my head
Yeah but at least the rest of the world is okay for like a week until some other horror pops up. You just can't win if you live in DoD's world

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The pactbreaking was a complete ass pull and makes no since

Truth. The only reason people give it a pass is because "LOL THOSE CRAZY JAPS" same as a game being about existentialism and having a character being named "to be"


DoD3 is as good as DoD1

The dialogue in Drakengard III is so far beyond standard shitty RPG dialogue that I appreciate it on that merit alone.

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The soundtrack in this game is indeed interesting.
Endings D and E were a clusterfuck in the most spectacular of ways.

I don't understand D3. Zero shows no remorse as she slaughters hundreds upon hundreds of people and even goes out of her way to do so when she doesn't have to. And yet she puts it all on the line to save the world she hates so much? That don't make no sense.

what I got from it is that Zero is apathetic and desensitized to killing to the point where she wants to be dead to the point where the flower gets lodged in her eye, Drakengard 3 is basically Zero learning to stop cursing the world around her (even though the drakengard world is admittedly shite)

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I like how Ending D does a better job of incorporating all the characters with everyone dropping one by one and the world going absolutely mad, but B was still the most haunting for me.

Just this complete and horrific shift from Ending A's relatively happy conclusion to this entire new branch of the apocalypse brought about by one man's grief and jealousy, with Caim just cradling his sister in the end, watching the beginning of humanity's extinction.

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>That forty seconds

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I personally think too much of Zero's character is played up with cruel apathy for the sake of the twist of her actually being the "hero" of the story as opposed to the villain. It's part of my problem with Dod3 priding itself on not being very consistent in tone. So Zero kind of goes back and forth between her being a legitimately horrific monster, a wacky fourth-wall breaking-sex-joke making super villain, and a tragic antihero.

So I think it's more interesting to just assume that she's doing everything so that she can finally beat the flower out of spite and have the right to finally die on her own terms, rather than pretend that she was doing it for the sake of the rest of the world.

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I just want to see Accord show up in the next game dammit.

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At least... At least she won't have to date Nowe...

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WE NEED A REMASTER OF ALL 3 GAMES (not dg2 only dg,dg3,nier) , for fucks sake.. square enix.. stop being greedy zionist and give some money to this fag taro!!!!

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I love Keiichi Okabe to death, but I do miss these kind of tracks.

That whole broken and otherworldly sense of atmosphere.

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la la la
la la la, la la, la la

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>Caim's final words are dumb
That bit just makes me laugh. It actually could have been really interesting if it was the one ending of the game where he had a legit conversation with Angelus beyond their introduction and was able to just suddenly be a vocal protagonist again for a little while.

But I guess they didn't keep his voice actor around for that long.

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I definitely feel you there. The tone jumps around like a spider monkey, and I kept finding myself wishing it'd just pick something and stick with it after the first few times.

wanna lick zero's arm nub

Na na~ nanananana~ na~ na~ na~, na~ na~ nana~ na~

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Boring Musou trash

Hold on. Just while we're all here, what the ACTUAL FUCK was going through Taro's head, and the devs in general when making 3? It's such a far cry from 1, Nier, and even fucking 2. All these "lmao waifu animu XD" looking tards show up and we're suddenly expected to buy them as canon. In a PREQUEL no less.

DoD1 has better aerial missions, the ones in 3 are pretty sometimes but too much railroad and not being able to use Mikhail in ground missions sucks, Angelus in 1 is really satisfying to use
3 feels like it suffered the most from lack of budget/talent out of all of Taro's games to be honest, it's a shame because I love it
I got a bunch of different motivations like hate-love for Mikhail, not wanting to be a mere tool, self hate. She loves Mikhail in an abusive mother that deep down loves her retarded son because it's the only thing she has left way and wants to protect the world he lives in, her abuse coming from the fact that he's quite literally a retarded child and an antithesis to his previous form Michael which is the dragon Zero initially bonded with
Considering her past as a slave whore I can see why being used as a tool of destruction by some plant wouldn't sit right with her spirit. I also like to think that she hates herself so much it gives her extra motivation to kill her sisters since they were made based in aspects of her memories and personality

Someone help me make sense out of this

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was for

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Kaine exists

Easily one of the most genuinely terrifying things in a game I've ever experienced.
No shit, got a nose bleed after finishing that fight after a straight hour. Shit did things to me.

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I think it's as simple as Taro wanting to try and make something distinctly different with every new project that he works on. Which I can appreciate, even if DOD3's far from my favorite.

Granted, the Intoners being Megucas was never my problem with Drakengard 3, considering how I genuinely enjoyed the DLC and prequel manga specifically about them and not about Zero and her band of boy toys.

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>was there anything directly confirming that leonard was a pedo in game?
Literally everything in the Japanese script + the sequel.

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So what are the seeds of resurrection/destruction

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I assumed it was another supposed tool of the Watchers and/or God to help code the ingredients for the apocalypse to finally wipe out humanity.

But the seals kept them at bay until the Cult started wrecking them.

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I forget but is ending B the one with Caim standing on top of a destroyed building, holding onto his Sisters corpse and overlooking the ruined city as countless cloned eldritch abominations of his sister fly toward him and he does nothing to stop it because he's completely lost the will to live and simply awaits his death? That one is my favorite!

Yes. A song about incestuous love and suicidal guilt plays during the credits too.

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I forgot, why is god so much of an asshole in DoDverse?

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While I find it a bit hard to feel for Zero's relationship with Mikhail, considering that she just shits on him for being a dumb-ass for 96% of the game, I think her not letting herself get too involved or loving with him fits the idea that she wants to keep him emotionally distant enough to be able to kill her in the end.

So on top of already being bitter about losing Michael, she probably just assumed that it would be harder to convince Mikhail to finish her off if they had a genuinely happy and healthy relationship.

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Literally the only good thing about Drakengard 2 is this scene right here. Drakengard 2 should have been about murder hobo Caim hunting down Manah or just killing the asshole who put Angelus through so much pain through the game.

I kind of like to interpret it as an alternate take on the story of Noah's arc. Where instead of succeeding in totally drowning a wicked world, God fails to wipe out the humanity that he's come to regret making.

So he tries again and again. The seeds of destruction, the Watchers, the eye flowers, the dragons, etc. But humanity keep struggling.

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You're not wrong in any of that. I always liked how powerful that hit looked like.

Like it's one of the few times they show the actual weight of somebody that can mow down enemies and as body parts are flying through the air and you see his slasher smile you just know shit's fucking real.

It's so surprising that this was in Drakengard 2. Given the... State of the game.

I wish they'd do a remastered version already of 1 and 2.

I liked some of D2's pact partner ideas. And the whole concept of Manah and Caim basically doing the exact opposite of what they both wanted to accomplish in the first game, with Caim willing to destroy the world for someone he loves, and Manah trying to stop him.

Just a shame that the good ideas are buried beneath everything else.

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This is out of character. Four would never forget to masturbate.

To be fair, the character of Hanch specifically feels like it strolled in out of a better game.

I'm sad Taro is too much of a sadistic dick to allow Manah redemption arc to be canon. No of course only evil people are allowed to live.

The generation is coming to an end and we still didn't get a DoD3 PS4 port where the game doesn't play like a goddamn slideshow

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I feel like to this day people misunderstand Drakengard
It takes massive balls to be to fantasy RPGs what Twin Peaks is to soap operas while also working in Square out of all developers

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With Accord cementing the idea of so many different timelines and potential alternate realities, I guess anything's possible.

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Enlighten us

>this game is shit
is not an opinion, it's a low effort shitpost

It's all a satire and taking it as a non-satire is moronic.
There's your enlightenment

They're so cute together. Dammit Manah why'd you have to stab Caim.

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Dod2 should have been about incredibly unlikely traveling buddies.

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This happened with everyone who got Drakengard right?

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A satire of what

Yeah.. And it's kind of sad how beautiful and emotionally detailed some of the concept designs and character backstory artwork is for dod2 when they're basically just footnotes in-game.

I feel like there must have been a lot of ambition for it early on that didn't get the chance to shine in the final product.

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can confirm, after that motherfucker of an ending I had a mighty need to get fucked full force
not really, I just shut the damn thing off because it was 4 am and I was physically and mentally exhausted

I will forever be mad about Manah stabbing Caim in the eye and reigniting his hatred.

That wasn't what reignited his hatred. It was the full realization that Angelus becoming the goddess of the seal meant that old man Verdelet was locking her up in a state of eternal agony and isolation.

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To be fair Caim was very harsh to Manah and didn't show any kindness to her, plus he didn't want to take care of her, it very understandable why she did what she did even if we don't agree with her action.

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The spoiler text was pretty much the exact same for me, I crashed immediately afterwards.

There's still some implication that he may have been warming up to her in the end, considering that she's apparently wearing his bracelet, but yeah, despite how much more I like the pitch of them finding some form of redemption through each other as opposed to what we ended up getting with Nowe, how it actually played out wasn't exactly a fun road trip.

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I know they look quite cute together but I don't see how they could ever actually begin to forgive each other for what went down in 1.

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leaving the world existing is far more important than a few thousands brainwashed idiots, what's so hard to understand

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Blame evil space babies.

And Manah's awful mother.

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Does Drakengard 2 play better than 1 and 3?