>itsuno is too much of a fag for Kamiya to make Dante and Lady settle down together
Trish was a mistake
>itsuno is too much of a fag for Kamiya to make Dante and Lady settle down together
Trish was a mistake
Other urls found in this thread:
Good Lady is a fucking drunkard who needs someone with discipline in her life. Someone based and redpilled.
Check dev 1 twitter it was posted 40 minutes ago.
Are you Matt, Reuben or Dan
>You fight all three extremely samey versions of urizen in bloody palace instead of actually fighting every boss in the game
imagine making a mode thats worse than just using cheat engine lmao
>Vergil gets laid again
>poor Dante is still a pizza maniac
It's really fucking weird to ship Dante with Trish in the first place given that her most prominent traits are trying to kill him twice and being a dead ringer for his mother.
>Urizen1 fight ends when the shield shatters
Thank god for small miracles, I guess.
The guy talking about enemy designs looks autistic, i like him. Is he the Itsuno protegee?
at this point im sure Dante sees her as her little or big sister.
4k bro needs to make an imgur album
Trying to kill him twice wasn’t so much a prominent trait as a thing she tried to do and they’re cool now. I hope she and Lady get more spotlight, not because I’m a waifufag but because they’re as much DMC as Dante himself is and they’ve both cried
Still hoping for that dlc campaign with them
how will woolie react to the final vergil fight
>vergil has a secret taunt
how the fuck capcom has the balls to say he isn't going to be playable
So who has the best model?
Yeah but Trish dying would be for the best of the series
this will break him
Seeing how they're borrowing heavily from the extended canon (with arbitrary changes mixed in) Dante was literally a slut who was bringing different women to his room on the reg until he decided to cut back after he had so many come through that he could anticipate their insults once they realized they just got pumped and dumped. Basically it's exactly what you would expect. Dante had enough street smarts to strap his shit, and keep his demon seed safe while Virgin knocks up the first pair of legs he comes into contact with.
It's not me.
>I hope you enjoyed the game
No u
3 > 5
Vergil has caused the death of over 250,000 people in DMC3 and DMC5 combined from unleashing hell on massive metropolitan areas and consumed the blood of Thousands to narrow the gap between him and Dante over 20 years
>sorry for making you wait 11 years for a new installment
I fucking knew he always hated DmC. Reuben was right
I bet he's gonna love Nero having the wings projecting from his back even in human form.
Itsuno should just stop giving a fuck about Kamiya's opinion
Hey boomer!
You alright? where did you come to that conclusion?
5, beat 3?
Not in a million years
Daily reminder Vfags no matter how much you rant about imaginary art dominance or offhand comments from producers. It doesn't change the fact your character is dead.
>not in a million years
>sorry for making you wait 11 years for a new installment
>never gonna end up with Trish because too messed up and she's too blank as a character
>never gonna end up with Lady because it's too late now and wouldn't make any sence for both of them, plus she's a blank character as well
>never gonna end up with Lucia because who
>never gonna end up with Patty because age difference and father role
>never gonna end up with random human\demon thot because "bastard child" is a shitty plot move and wouldn't work twice
Absolutely fucking based Itsuno. Every single waifuscum NWFed. What a blessing to be alive.
Japanese autism about respect is too high for this, our only hope is the new director
Hold the fuck up, where did you get this? Matt is that you?
Why is itsuno so pure?
V at least had more integrity in his month of life
>If I beat Nero, it means I beat you, deal?
their Twitter
What the fuck is up with your obsession with this picture?
Christ let it go. Both Itsuno and Matt said there's nothing going on between them. The game fucking tells you this too
he just likes making fun games
BAHAHAHAHAHA DmCucks btfo, game is now completely forgotten.
Is this the new autism in these threads? The V autist wasn't enough for you people?
>he didn’t pick up on the chemistry between nico and dante
He said some poerty shit that made no sense for the most part, and died. It's a shame chicken had to go with him though.
>Sorry for making you wait 11 years for a new installment
>completely ignores DmC
I want all your dab pics right now. Post yfw DmCfags are obliterated to irrelevancy
Isn't Nico same age as Patty though?
>that made no sense
Niddhog detected
Now please don't make us wait for Vergil dlc itsuno senpai
How is Itsuno so based?
His poetry made plenty of sense in context. You're just a brainlet.
Artemis is my boyfriend
Well really Kamiya already regards Itsuno's Dante as "Not his Dante".
He just needs to bite the bullet and accept that their visions have diverged greatly.
>Using nero and dante to get back into urizen is integrity
No? Nico is neros age patty just turned 18
i fucking told you it was just a Japanese PR talk
Vergil won the Dantebowl, get over it Ladyfag. No wonder you dont have female friends.
does anybody have that one piece of art of female devil trigger dante? i forgot to save it last time i saw it
>Sorry for making you wait 11 years
I want to hug this man so much.
This is why they had to send him back to hell.
>I survived DMC 5 development hell
wtf are they admitting to a dev crunch?
Originally the plan was to kill himself (Urizen) but not enough power, then by the end he found out he was dying, and the rest is history
I love Vergil! He's so perfect!
That's why you don't have any male or female friends, fujo
It's probably just a pun.
I'll give you this, it was better him saying shitty poetry than actually trying to conversate. WHERE THERE IS EVIL. I MUST DESTROY kek
Just you wait until modders swap Donte and Vergin into this game.
holy shit is there a way to disable the networking completly on pc, or better, just for every non mission 13?
Every single cameo level my game just lags horribly and not even the lowest of graffics settings make a difference
funny enough mission 13 has no issues
>Itsuno had to tiptoe to reach the camera
Recent interview explains it matt and dev dude decided to make it up for fun
Can't find the article but I think it's on polygon.
Options > Network > off
Would've been a nice nod to have V start spouting explicit Vergil quotes towards the end. Have Hanford talk about being motivated in that voice.
Which he got out at the end?
Jesus christ, what a likeable team.
got a little choked up NGL, I think it finally hit me that this game is out after all the years of thinking it would never happen
Thanks for the bulges!
>sorry for making you wait 11 years
He still used them did you not see the smile when Nero was holding him.
same here, not only its finally real, its fucking great
Aww. Now I want to see Vergil surrounded by Griffon, Shadow, and Nightmare comforting him.
Me too. He really is handsome. I'm so happy he is back.
Capcom was such shit for a long time, glad they got through that mess.
>tfw no doujins about them doing cute yuri things
does it help with the lagging? I'm too angry to try it right now
>Matt couldn't be there so they put a cardboard cutout of him on stage
You can't blame the hate they had for the fans on him.
They all look like nice people, jap devs are really different from western devs
He hates them though since he discarded them as soon as he merged. Why would he miss something from his time as nelo?
I dont think devs that visually happy were treated poorly.
Post top 5 bosses
3.Nelo Angelo (all encounters)
2.Vergil 3
1.Nightmare 3
>No DMC5 bosses
Good taste
We knew this since DMC1
Your traumas never go away completely.
Based Matto-san poster
Its nice to have good Capcom back
What hate?
>no vergil
They aren't THAT good yet
You can punch a pillow
5.Triple Hell Vanguards
2.Vergil DMC5
1.Vergil 3
HM:Both Cerberus, Agni & Rudra
That Mega Buster trailer was diamonds. I love that Nero gets to fuck around and act like a Frank West-level dope despite the realistic style.
5. Cerb
4. Cerb
3. Credo
2. Vergil
1. Vergil
Please stop reminding me that DR is dead
4.Nelo Angelo
3.Despair Embodied
2.Mission 19 Vergil
1.Vergil 2
Facing your fears and traumas and learning to deal with them is an important part of growing up as a person. Him bringing back his summons and would be both a significant development of a character and a fresh air for his gameplay.
Triple Hell Vanguard was pure horror kino
I wouldnt say that necessarily, its just the fucking hack leafs who had control of it got shown the door so itll be a little while for a new one.
Vergil won the Dantebowl. Get over it fag.
The happy ending Vergil got together with the costant retconning makes me like one of those "who da fuk plays DMC for the story, shut your brain"
Thanks Bingo and who gave you the ok
Are they ever going to address what exactly happened after you beat Nelo Angelo for the last time in DMC1 to lead to him eventually ending up at Nero's garage or is this untouchable Kamiya territory?
>redacted out of respect for matt
>that guy who thought dmc5 bloody palace was harder than the others
don't dead open inside
Itsuno said he got back to hell, how he ended up on Nero's garage i have no idea
The game tells you he was just wandering like a zombie until 5 happened. The BtN novel even has some backstory about Mundus and Nelo as well.
Deadweight Deadinside sounds like a Death Note character.
I needs devil breakers for my other arm and my devil arms. Then i'll be unstoppable. Vergil, Sparda, Dante and Mundus together couldnt defeat me then.
5) Agni and Rudra (especially the combined one from BP)
4) all Jester encounters
3) Hell Vanguard (most memorable)
2) Cavaliere Angelo
1) Vergil 2 and 3 are tied
Can't remember how many times I died to them in BP but it was really a blast constantly being on your toes.
>Matt said he was going to lose weight, but in fact he - REDACTED
This. And both are the top of the series. Only a real zoomer would try to make to look bad in any way.
For 20 years?
>Itsuno said he got back to hell
After mallet island?
5. Nidhogg
4. Argosax
3. Gigapede
2. Arkham
1. Infested Chopper
In BOTH 4 and 5, Lady's design copies main elements of Dante's from the previous game
Your mind = fucking blown
Dante just understands that mommygfs are best gfs
Yeah, when he exploded he got back to hell
>Dan confirmed
>Reuben confirmed
>okabe confirmed
Now we need Jeff to comment on something again
>Bringer Knuckle with Overture attached
>Bringer Knuckle with Rawhide for infinite range Snatch
>Dual-Wielding Tomboy & Buster while riding Punchline
You guys remember? I remember
He faced them already and there's no point retreading the nelo angelo stuff when this game was about that, face it they're gone bud.
Of course another dmc will happen one day. The game sold moderately well.
What probably won't happen is DLC for DMC5
>oh yeah this theme was because Mundus son has a godhand or something like that
>Matt cardboard cutout on stage
>Itsuno with the Bringer
This is just too rich
What's this from?
>glad they got through that mess.
Stop falling for memes. There's still a long way for the redemption arc to real.
>Beat Cavaliere on floor 60 to unlock his warm up so I don't have to replay mission 11 repeatedly to fight him. Barely lose 3 bars of HP.
>Get to floor 63 and get my ass kicked and die.
>Start 'warm up', excited to fight Cavaliere again.
>Get bodied consistently 13 times in a row barely getting him past half HP. Can't beat him at all.
what the fuck he wasn't NEARLY this hard in the actual bloody palace.
the only reason why you'd post a DmC image is just for ironic shitposting
>the voices were not, in fact, made by actual demons
>no Gilgamesh
>no Savior
>no window
Shit taste
Itsuno is so cute
Vergil dlc soon ;_;
I bought this album, most of the songs on it are absolute garbage. Big Iron, Billy the Kid, El Paso, and The Hanging Tree are the only ones worth listening to.
Who would be Castiel in this?
Lucia and Patty will both win the Dantebowl.
You see, a few days ago some niggas started spamming about how bad the morale in Bioware studios is, how much crunch they have to do, and how there is no hope in the office.
In this video, some people admitted they overworked, but still the morale and team spirit seem to be on an all time high.
You need love for your work. If i worked in the DMC5, it would be one of the few passion projects i would be willing to slave away for unholy hours just to cram as much detail as i could.
I know, but I think they are ready to stop making the same mistakes.
>Not trying to activate 4 Tomboys at once and go maximum UNGA
Red Queen would basically become a giant sword/welding torch and Blue Rose would fire tank rounds at the minimum.
>Five Nico cosplays right up front
Did the team's women just really like Nico? They probably had a better first impression from that concept art that we did with her model.
Guess so, not like he could do anything else since he could barely walk.
this trailer was actually really interesting, especially the vauge hints that the person was maybe imagining a lot of the stuff
crazy methhead dante is at least obviously not the same character, the dino we ended up getting was just chav nero without the jokes at his expense and the 90's surfer bullshit like air guitars and air surfing
Jesus christ, it's embarrassing that I share a board with people like you.
What's Alex Mercer doing there?
I'd be a lot more cautious tbqh
>implying Itsuno isn't making them dress like Nico
fuck I'm a straight nigga but gotta admit V is a beautiful man
>Not dong ding
same but dante with vergils hair from his BP taunt
Here's your V, bro
now add a nude Dante under it
>mfw DMC5 outsold DmC's lifetime sales since 2013 in 3 weeks
My top 20.
1. Vergil 3
2. Vergil 1
3. Vergil 2
4. Vergil DMC5
5. Vergil 2 DMC5
6. Credo
7. Dante 2
7. Dante 1
7. Nelo Angelo 3
8. Nelo Angelo 1
9. Nelo Angelo 2
10. Cavaliere
11. Miraggio Cavaliere
12. Despair Embodied
13. Nero
14. Agni and Rudra
15. Goliath
16. Miraggio Goliath
17. Berial
18. Beowulf
19. Cerberus DMC3
20. Hell Vanguard
Development hell is more about long slow progressing development than crunch. The series been dead for 11 years, so it fits.
In fact, i think DMC is the only series to make a triumphant return to form after 10+ years that i can remember.
Duke Nuken Forever, Diablo 3, all blunders
>Urizen 3 (but only on DMD)
>Nelo Angelo
>Cavaliere Angelo
>Vergil (all encounters)
No specific order.
This video alone is worth not having Dogma 2 yet.
I'd be okay if they went straight into DMCVI, then went for DD2.
>no leviathan heart
that's a James Bond villain
>nero cuts off all his body parts
>becomes a spectral ghost
>phase out all body parts when he wants
>mfw DmC permanently altered DMC and there is no going back
I didn't think it was that bad.
Post yfw you're not NT
Griffon, Shadow and Nightmare are literal manifestations of his painful memories. He certainly is glad they are gone. At most he respect them for making the sacrifice for him
I'd prefer that DMC5 just gets some DLC for the next year or so while DD2 is developed.
What the fuck is going on with Shadow's head?
the actor is cool no homo
Kirby was close... kind of.
>No big callback or fanservice (that didn't involve being nude)
>Doesn't even interact with Dante in the game aside from like two lines in M10 and then being told to shut the fuck up when she complains about her second Kalina Ann being taken by Dante
>Her character in DMC5 is being a secret miserable fucked up mess because of killing her dad
>She tries to have a heart-to-heart with Nero and he throws himself out of a moving vehicle to get away from her
>She's no longer tough or cool, she just exists to do weirdly teenage catty things with Trish
Itsuno probably doesn't even like Lady despite being his own creation.
>1.Nightmare 3
Ah, a man of guts and honor, I like that.
Made this as a half joke after realizing I'd mistaken A Beautiful Song from Nier Automata as Lunatic Ray in my head: rave.dj
>KC as V
its the faust hat
Can you actually see the bullets in 4k or is this just some promotional thing
You're forgetting she's getting a own campaign in the DLC
5 - Credo
4 - Griffon 3
3 - Agni and Rudra
2 - Nightmare 1 or 3
1 - Vergil 2 (DMC3 Vergil in general)
He's fantastic.
Itsuno is CUTE
How did they go from having characters look better than their source material to this?
idgaf, i would have preferred atleast griffon stuck around, i bounded with the dumb bird way to much to have to kill him at the end.
5. Vergil 1
4. Echidna
3. Credo
2. Vergil 2
1. Cavaliere Angelo
>Used to have depression buddy Dante
>Regret NWF'ing him in the DMC3 Library
>Dante got Vergil back and now she's alone
>Probably going to grow old with no company
She's the most tragic character in DMC. Hopefully Dante puts his candles on this cake soon
>Im just gonna double check something *leaves scene*
What the fuck did lady mean by that in the mission 13 cutscene? No really?
? This is the after credits cutscene
Also you can see the bullets
Good album, honestly.
the retarded trend of deciding characters cant be stylized anymore. The character in 5 still look retarded
wonder what would be people's reaction if Kyrie did ended up betraying Nero like the first story draft but Nero kinda falling Lady instead of Gloria cuz you know she is Trish
god I'm so fucking happy DMC is back
The fact that an DMC 4 Iphone game got a Nero boss fight with you playing as Dante but DMC4SE got only new characters will always boggles my mind
Honestly if Capcom continues on this streak we could get DR5 in the style of 1 and 2 with the RE engine gore system from RE2.
Maybe someday vergil will achieve inner piece and we can have Griffon back when he isnt repressed anymore
>liking the faggiest homo half goth version of an existing character
OR we could get a new pachinko machine!!
Gloria was supposed to be her own character in that original draft
getting compressed into just being Trish was a result of the fucked development the game had
It's a fucking mystery. Trish, Nico, V, Dante, and Nero all meet up while Lady literally just walks out of scene for no reason.
I prefer Subhuman to Devil Trigger tbqfh
Not bad. Both bosses share some similar motifs
>take a break from playing BP/HAH
>watch some streamer take on BP
>he can't get past floor 20
>"Goliath wasn't this hard on SoS"
>he's staying on the ground the entire time
>"let's see if we can buy more DT moves but I have all the important stuff"
>scrolls by Enemy Step
To be fair no girl can get through to Nero who isn't Kyrie. Even Nico had a hard time for a bit before he tolerated her. He legit threatened to throw her ass out for smoking in the house. She respected his wishes in the end though by smoking outside.
Nero was also going to put one through Nico's head if she used Agnus's research for anything hairy. He's an ice cold mutha.
ok niggas just for argument sake, how would you give Dante a romantic partner that isnt Lady and Trish?
if you say Nico at least say why do you think it would work
When like 9 out of 10 youtube reaction people onl know how to spam R1 + Forward and have no idea style switching should be done on the fly or even acknowledge the exceed system existing
>I'm judging you
>If the rule you followed lead you to this, of what use was the rule.
>You should admit your situation, there would be more dignity in it.
Chigurh was stone cold.
don't mind me just posting the REAL Dante's theme
Are there any mods that change King Cerberus theme to the OG Cerberus OST ?
hah what are you some kind of faggot- I agree though
If Nero didnt have the best influence around him, he would end up real bad real fast.
Either like Urizen, Mundus or Donté
The weird part is there are people who have clearly put time into specific parts of the game, like this guy doing lots of ACT and max-ACT, but then doing nothing but streaks and not dodging or jumping ever
well he almost lost Kyrie once, he probably doesnt trust anyone order related
I prefer the in-game use of it. When S rank hits, shit's rad.
No. But feel free to listen to it during the fight. It doesn't fit.
I watched this movie but I'm too fucking stupid to get what the mc problem was.
Remember the clone Dante that Mundus created ? it was malfunctioning and a woman, now Dante can fuck Femdante
this isn't konami, user
The dmc universe version of Bayo
It's a damn shame because Lady is genuinely one of the most interesting characters in DMC because she's fully human and can still keep up with everyone else. I don't know why they ruined her character in 5, like I wanted to see her doing crazy batman-tier shit with her guns and gadgets but instead we got her being naked and messing around with Trish like a twelve-year-old.
>streamer practically cums in his pants and shouts MAX-ACT every time he gets one
>even if in the process he gets smacked and loses a fucking breaker
Based & Omegapilled
he might be a faggy homo half goth version of an existing character, but damn if he ain't a pretty faggy homo half goth version of an existing character
Looks like he let loose an explosive fart in the background.
Why is Itsuno so careful about trying to not piss of Kamiya? I'm convinced that's the only reason Cavaliere isn't outright called Alastor or Alastor doesn't appear in the game at all among other things. Who gives a fuck what Kamiya thinks when Kamiya said DMC5 should have tried to be more like GOW4 and he hasn't made a good game since he left Capcom. Kamiya is a fucking angry manlet hack that needs to succumb to blood pressure already
No idea, man
See that's the difference between a project led by passion and a leader vs. a project led by just trying to check boxes and have project heads who had no clue what they were doing
Kamiya please
Succubus overpowers and rapes him to create a new baby, like Batman and his son.
>someone saved my edit
I forgot to put in chucklefuck though
Yeah that is how he was portrayed in DMC5, like shit.
Yeah but that's like, your wishful thinking (and mine), but in the game it was not portrayed like that. Vergil doesn't give a shit about Griffon, Shadow and Nightmare. "His nightmares" my ass, after they helped him so much as human V? Griffon was constantly showing concern throughout V's journey but Vergil leaves them to die because he cannot face his fears and traumas and he's not strong enough (lolneedpower) to deal with them. Instead all he cares is to win against Dante.
That's Bingo writhing for you
No, Dante faced them for him. 'Cos he's TOO WEAK. he NEED MORE POWER!
>stream yesterday
>Die to Vergil 3 hours later
In the novel that is at least partially canon, Dante admits to being strongly disconnected from humanity, specially chicks (because he slept around and quickly grew disenchanted).
So for dante to have a functional romantic partner he NEEDS a specific woman who resonates with him, and only Trish and Lady fit those shoes.
Trish because she is a demon turned good, understand Dante's struggles and confusion with his humanity (and he seems to be into incest)
Lady because she is a certified CUHRAYZEE human who can keep up with demons and both share a significant loss during DMC3
have you seen how salty Kamiya is? imagine Kamiya starts talking shit and all his rabbid fanbase affects DMC sales, think about from a business perspective, also respect and some shit
Would not even be mad if the Succubus looked like this.
Nico likes dante and it would be cute to have him get with someone who doesn’t bully him and shares his love of cool guns, also seeing nico tease nero about it and telling him to call her auntie would be hilarious
Idunno about that, there's one key difference between Vergil and Nero. Nero always had a good heart like his uncle. And the end of the game reinforces this when Kyrie tells him he always knows the right path from wrong.
why is kamiya so gay anyways?
I like Nico because she makes Nero try to look chill while you can tell he's inwardly about to rage out.
Too much time on Bayonetta
Very nice
It's a damn shame because Lady is genuinely one of the most interesting characters in DMC because she's fully human and can still keep up with everyone else. I don't know why they ruined her character in 5, like I wanted to see her doing crazy batman-tier shit with her guns and gadgets but instead we got her being naked and messing around with Trish like a twelve-year-old.
>they tease the Cerberus theme in the cutscene
>Actual battle is rave music
Wtf Capcom?
How long would it have taken mainline Dante, as of DMC V, to take out the DmC bosses?
Ok, seething Vfag. No matter how much butthurt you have about Vergil, your zoomerfave will never come back.
>Nico badmouthing everyone and compleatly melting everytime Dante is around her going from top to bottom and going haywire everytime someone disses Dante
i can see that work
damn, now that u put it that way, that would actually be pretty nice
>and can still keep up with everyone else
Maybe for mooks. She'd have been helm splittered out of the series if Dante didn't stop Vergil or if Dante didn't prevent her from falling down when the tower expanded.
I don't even think she's fought like an actual boss level motherfucker. They were all quickly wiped up by either Dante or Vergil.
he would dbz autismo the fuck out of those bosses
Shoot them once, like Berial.
I'm really hoping they have something planned with her later on because I can sorta get Trish being sidelined but still present due to the Eva stuff, but Lady really didn't have to be there if that's all she was going to do.
Jesus this guy is on his fifth attempt and he still refuses to use break ages and refuses to buy enemy step
I don't know what he's expecting to accomplish when he can barely even reach stage 20
>keep asking and wondering aloud why he can't get past Goliath
>keep telling him he's not airborne enough and he needs enemy step
>"I don't get it guys why isn't it working"
If not then the budget on Lady should've been spent on getting a Kyrie instead and giving her more scenes.
Yeah. I remember the twins basically treated her as a joke back in DMC3, no?
Dante and Vergil tired each other other out (which Arkham pointed out and everything) but Lady was presumably still in top condition when he owned all 3 of them.
On the other hand, Dante said he viewed Trish and Lady as the two most badass women he knew so I guess they're stronger than Lucia. ;_;
Big dick Dante players, how's the BP difficulty feeling for you? Nero's my bread and butter and I cleared BP twice already, but I feel like those last bosses go down real easy as him.
>Vergil grabs a Griffon egg on the way back from Hell
Answer me this question bros; how is this man so based?
if you dont like it just watch someone else
>1-2-3 swing
>Boss done, time to go to the next one.
>"They call YOU Mundus? Where is the lightshow, the stars, the sky and the lava dragons"?
This your first day, son?
It's in relative terms. I'm sure if Lucia was there he would have said "three most badass women he knew". But they're still the Krillin and Yamcha in regards to DMC's wacky power levels. And like Yamcha sometimes you need to know when you're outclassed and just sit out the next arc(s).
His stance is perfect, no openings.
He's actually cool and passionate about what he does, rather than being a huge cunt like a lot of his contemporaries are.
Where the FUCK is Lucia?
The only thing that's hard is Vergil. Unless you're not used to staying off the ground, to which everything is hard as Dante.
>i thought that there was no many good action games on the market
>then i realised if not me who will do it
I just find it odd that nobody has made any shipping stuff with them, there’s a bunch of nico/lady porn and randomly nico/v stuff, even a nico/nero/kyrie threesome
Dante doesn't like her
its pretty simple when you are pretty adept using QuadS and Cerberus for stuning, Nero's bosses die like flies with Dante, Malphas barely puts a fight, Goliath is the only one that actually is annoying cuz his swings are very erratic, the triple fury fight can be cheesed with Dual Kalina Beam. you can use Urizen 3 as a healing match if you are pretty good at fighting him cuz he gives DT for free if you nuke his purple swords
Anyone knows what font they're using with subtitles? I really like it a lot esp on ingame cutscenes
>Died on Stage 101
>Vergil was almost dead
>another 2 hours of my life gone
I want to father the Daughters of Sparda
I haven’t gotten quad s, do you have to manually deactivate it? And does it skip the start up animation of sdt?
You can't post something like this with no sauce
I would, just to see what my Trish-form would be.
>do you have to manually deactivate it
Yes, otherwise it will consume the gauge as per usual
>does it skip the start up animation
Yes. Also doesn't have the vulnerability delay at the end of it either.
But he is Nero's father? And he happens to have black hair, a black coat and light skin tone.
I don't think it's enough to be goth.
Like this beautiful girl
>everyone say to use Dante in the air
>im in the ground 90% and 10% in the air doing raindance while charging either quad S or DSD
>already beated BP twice with him without deaths
what are the odds
its right there on the pic
how the fuck is vergil even a challenge with dante just DSD round trip nigga
unless you're a giga chad using Rebellion or Sparda, then I respect you
Dante is for Ammy
Sparda is better in every way
Here's your V, breh
Is it just me or is the description for 10 Counts in the skill list wrong? It says that taking damage, jumping, or dodging will reset the count to zero, presumably to force you to use welter move to avoid damage while building ignition. Taking damage might be true, but whenever I try jumping or dodging while building the count, it never seems to reset it.
Challenge run, boy.
if you SDT as a last ditch attempt at killing Vergil with the clone out, jump as high as you can then DT and use the artemis like move that throws dozen of projectiles and once the clone is dead use the black hole and pray that the game doesnt screw you doing the finisher Sword dance move
>Imagine Nicole getting pinned against a gray wall, that’s the same color as her boring bitch-as character who impersonates ghosts became she’s literally a dementia induced unholy wretch with no dignity whatsoever, while at the same time the the demon-whore who suckled the marker’s big rocky alien balls and had so much piss-stained alien cum splurged all over her hair, it got dyed blonde, is being fisted with SUN cola up her Event Horizon-1997 space fetish pants ripped apart, so hard the term necromorph infestation gets a new meaning, and with her last whoreish, skanky, breaths she coughs up the crusty, alien-cum out of her PS3-octagon mouth, leaving her unwhole again, yet her ass filled to the brim
Based and marker pilled.
>kamiya has a mommy fetish
>itsuno has a gyaru bully fetish
>itagaki has a big tiddy fetish
>taro has a booty fetish
When will the eleven with a musclegirl fetish make an action game
I don't have a dab but let me hit that whip
4.Hell Vanguard
3.Vergil 1
2.DMC5 Vergil
1.Vergil 3
Kyrie hair is brown or shes a redhead
I like how Vergil's humanity is the biggest walking faggot around and but from that Dante already had a feeling he was Vergil before Trish told him.
Is Credo hair brown or hes a redhead ?
Its not fucking fair, bros
Same as MGSV ones
the thing was, the doppelganger was right below me, so the Luce projectiles weren't hitting him, and I got Judgement Cut to death
He's a shape-shifting demon, what do you expect
What if there's a Vergil DLC and he gets a different storyline that ends with his fight with Dante and then Nero
But like, they make those fights actually PvP so you get to fight people who are beating the game for their first time
did't he want to make DmC2?
Stop askin for it.
>so you get to fight people who are beating the game for their first time
>Get paid 150k orbs to fuck off
>Cheesed with reviews
>Or literally destroy newcomers or people who's just bad at the game
Lady is a fit tomboy tho
Is bloody palace choppy for anyone else? Might just be my old ass ps4
Credo is blonde
Anyone has the 101 stage available to go on photomode and check the difficulty?
He probably wanted to make it as a FUCK YOU to NT, Imagine Donte doing the Faust dance, it would be the ultimate disrespect.
You realize all these moves aren't balanced at all for PvP?
The reason that Vergil can keep breaking games that he's put in is because he's an adhoc addition originally based on a boss concept.
Like it could be some nice novelty but I would not want them to ever focus on it hard.
Shut up, Vergilfag. I'm a Griffonfag.
I remember everyone saying they were gonna mod this in to replace subhuman
I get that subhuman has been salvaged but I'm still waiting for that mod to be made
>several summoned swords are what makes the heart behind him
>just noticed it recently
I'm dumb.
i'm glad you don't direct or produce anything.
the MC's own kindness doomed him. instead of just taking the money and running away with his wife, he comes back to the crime scene with a jug of water for the mexican guy (who is now dead) and gets spotted by the bad guys who also came back to look for the money. that is his problem: he spends the rest of the movie trying to get away with the money again while being chased by V, who was hired by said bad guys to retrieve the money.
the sheriff was investigating all of this.
it's not that hard, user.
Dude no.
Do you know how gross a Vergil vs Dante pvp would be to play? Everyone literally would be spamming vanishes all over the place not to get hit.
It’d be time-outs everywhere. Devil may cry has fighting games mechanics but it’s not one
never ever playable
WTF this. Somebody ask them on twitter or something
Explain this filename to me. I feel like I almost get it but I don't.
> incestphobic in 2019
why are you so bigoted and problematic
Mass Effect 3
People would just do the same shit they did in Demons' Souls when the boss battle in 3-3 was a literal pvp battle in a small ass arena, disconnect from online before we they get there so a player won't spawn.
Why does Nero wear his blue jacket over a red shirt if he's more overtly like Dante (hotblooded punk) but with Vergil's underlying powerautism?
>Itsuno’s confession
How can a man be so pure! I wanna hug him and say thank you to him so much.
>he doesn't know
im not talking about V
just wait for mvc4
Gloria hurts as much as V and Griffon.
Not Whocia tho
Why? Why does he have to be so perfect?
Well if they throw in Nero, Vergil and Dante as playable they'd be on the right Track at least.
>shit rag for a shirt
>o-oh its because Kyrie made it and hes poor so he only wears what she makes
>has a $1k jacket
Lady's theme
Kys faggot
Because he is Dante's twin.
based vergilbro
>When you wait 20+ years to fight your brother again in a duel to the end, and he shows up with a cowboy hat and motorcycle twin swords.
>tfw stalling on DMD
I hope it's just because I got final papers to worry about. If not, how do I get motivated?
Either Kyrie saved money to buy him that jacket or some of their neighbors gifted him in exchange for work
Post Nero's mom
Are we gonna find out what she looks like in some flashback in Vergil's DLC?
>Play BP with Nero yesterday after work
>Haven't played him in a while due to still beating DMD with Dante
>Struggle at first but get to Angry Spardaman then proceed to get BTFO after trying to parry with overture
>Decide to try again today
>Playing much better, managing to exceed and bringer knuckle almost every attack, charge shotting, max acting, using muh arms, bang bang bang
>Having so much fun decide to start taunting and styling on enemies
>Get to Artemis
>Dabbing on her
>decide to do the old 3 overtures, into charge shot routine
>She starts her charge attack and decide it would be much cooler to end it with a buster while the explosions kill her mid animation
>Mistime the first buster, lose a third of my health
>Nico laughs at me
>she's charging again
>Can still salvage my rank if I manage the buster
>mistime it again and die as Nico calls me a dumbass
>End with a D(eadweight) rank
I haven't had this much fun in years.
Wait, is a damage difference between the swords? I've been using rebellion ever since I've beaten the game.
What a footballer
>How about a kiss from your little brother?
I hope she looked like Trish.
Does anyone have that huuuuuge exhaustive DMC5 parry guide image?
I want more lewd Nero's mom and Vergil art to self-insert.
nice headcanon
Rebellion is weaker than both DSD and Sparda, with Sparda being the strongest across the board and DSD having the expanded moveset. COuld be wrong, though.
Doesn't her model look like Kyrie?
I know the familiars were Vergil's nightmares as Nelo Angelo but couldn't they just say they helped him cope? I'd be surprised if Vergil doesn't miss them a little, they embodied his nightmares but they showed him not to be afraid. He likely locked that time under Mundus control in the back of his mind, like a coping mechanism. I feel like the manga touched on this. He didn't want their help, likely for the same reason they're his nightmares, but there was no way he would reclaim his true form without them. Embracing what makes you afraid and moving on.
PVP?!!!!! HELL NO!!!!!
Because he is VERGIL!!!
All three swords deal the same damage from the same attacks. People say DSD has a higher DPS because of the swordmaster moves you can throw out during combos, but otherwise it's identical damage values.
Sparda has a longer reach than DSD and Rebellion as well as deals the most damage
DSD has the expanded moveset and summoned swords
Rebellion looks cool
well the novel says that sometimes they get food instead of money, so someone giving them clothes doesn't seem that out of place
Not actually that much. Someone posted a screencap earlier.
>oh boy I cant wait for an epic 1v1 pvp match against this dante player
>just does ice age into trickster dash over and over to be completely untouchable outside of a small window
Oh man can't wait for Dragon's Dogma 2
Honestly seeing him smile made the wait and the 60$ well fucking spent
Thought you were kidding Didnt really play MGSV so...
But thanks!
Maybe one of the guys they saved worked for a high end clothing store.
I want to see 1v4 multiplayer where one player is Dante and the rest spawn as random enemies.
Should I put hot sauce on pizza before or after reheating?
>match starts
>get lifted into the air and kept there
>even DTing doesn't free you
Shit game. No balance.
The fuck is your problem?
>dsd sword forces sword master combo on my midair
Oh no please no. Can I change this immediately? I need sword slam back to triangle
Its SoS difficulty, and each time a boss dies he drops green orbs.
V seemed to like them, so Vergil must at least be slightly fond of them.
After all, he even thanked Nero after unsplitting himself.
The thing is that his demon powered autism makes him extremely tsundere, so you'd never see him exposing his feelings like V did.
Quiet, dog.
Back+triangle still is helm splitter
Dante can't juggle them all at once!
pin em to the gray wall
Only final Uri drops orbs. Chair and tentacle torture Uri don't give you any
The fact he thanked Nero was the sign that Vergil isn't like that anymore. The front was just for Dante who was still in "I need to fucking stop you" mode and wouldn't take any other answer than a fight.
Where do I find my stupid comic shit?
Satan why?
>game all about vergil
>we didn't get to actually play as vergil
inb4 the goth fag
You realize the coat, the reproduction, uses high quality materials. The coat itself in the dmc universe is a piece of thrift store shit. The only person who canonically dishes out top dollar for coats is Dante. But he also wastes his money all the time.
Better pick up Rebellion again m8.
I think one of them spawns the plants sometimes that heal you. Anyhow you can just trickster around and air taunt untill you heal with DT
How do I deal with homing tentacle as nero? With Dante you can just trickster that shit but with nero i have no clue.
As someone who followed this series and bought 3 the day it was released that last part made me tear up, can’t even lie. I started playing these games since the 2nd one and I was even fond of it in a way
>controller brainlet is a dumb frogposter and a dumb phoneposter
Color me shocked
Same way you deal with it as V. Just jump forward when it's close and run in the opposite direction.
You tell me.
There was a lineup of all of them. Kyrie has a longer face and bigger nose.
bros whether you like or dislike V you gotta give credit to itsuno because they made vergil a fucking character now and now hes going consistently appear in more games because hes (mostly) a good guy now
im so fucking happy about this revelation bros
I'm not your mommy
a dicks demise
He didn't though. Mission 10 flashback+dialog.
ENOUGH of your pointless meandering, dog. Long has it been written that the masters of such trifling and inferior creatures adequately express their legendary superiority and infinite wisdom in a manner consistent with said creatures' transgressions. And lo, what VILE and contumacious transgressions thy canid beasts have visited upon the superior and godlike, most benevolent masters! Return AT ONCE, pet, to your kennel, wherein all good and obedient beasts of burden reside until commanded otherwise by their infinitely superior and merciful, yet stern and unyielding masters. Heed well my words, pet, and know your place. You have been commanded. Obey, or face swift and true retribution at the hands of your godlike master. OBEY, dog!
He was already a character. I'm just glad they reconciled all the wars over his personality and motives by saying technically, most of the sides were right at the same time so now they have a good path to work on if he shows up again.
That final picture made my eyes moist.
meh, I like him better at a bad guy rather than a vegeta.
I just prefer to style switch on the fly for swordmaster, it’s more buttons but I prefer it is all
You'll get used to in within a week.
I like the depth it's given Vergil and that the entire plot of DMC5 was about making Vergil into a protagonist, nothing however will ever make me like V's gameplay, quite possibly the worst gameplay of the series save for DMC2 but that's a very low bar.
Thread is almost over
Post favourite battle theme
Still won't be playable in the main game so not a lot of interactions can be made with him.
I prefer him to DmC Vergin, frankly.
Your contumacious and transient stupidity and noisome babbling wears upon the ears of your good master, pet. Return to your kennel posthaste; therein you will find others of your brethren, residing in shameful perpetuity in everlasting reminder of their grievous sins as all good and obedient pets must. Reflect upon your noxious and egregious transgressions, dog, and know despair. Await your master's command, and toil until such time is visited upon you with nary a complaint or remonstration. Heretofore has your master turned a blind eye to your tomfoolery, but no longer. Further disobedience will be met thusly with swift and terrible wrath. Hear mine words, dog. Obey and mayhap one day shall you earn your master's pardon. Until such time, be silent as the grave, and obedient as all hounds must. Your master commands you.
I don't care what Vergil is like. He ripped his arm off, and put him into a coma. There is no redemption for Vergil.
Because he's gonna act like a walking homo spouting poetry. Let's not solo forget he's going to turn into a walking "muh son" character now. You know it's coming.
have sex
I don't. Vorgil had the best gameplay of DmC and a mechanic that Vergil should actually use. V is like the underwater section of DMC1.
I hope from now on Vergil tries to be a loving father towards Nero to make up for it but he's extremely terrible at it.
>Nero is too deadweight to pick up any of his skillz
>yells at him and calls him foolish until he cries
>breaks down afterwards because he failed him
>be vergil
>seeth for years and years over not being able to beat your bro
>literally split yourself because of it
>literally your inner self is an emo twink who twirls around like a faggot
>seeth so hard you almost destroy the world
>cut off your own sons arm for power
>eat omega powerful fruit for power
>still get beat up by your chad bro
>seeths about it
>laterget beat up by your chad son who just newly transformed
The absolute state of Vergil.
I like Lady in DMC3. she dressed better and had a good face instead of DMC5 in which she dressed like shit and they ruined her face!!
Vergil was winning against Dante though.
Not really the way he interacts in the van looks like he'd rather be back in hell than with nero.
I'm kinda envious of Dad of War. I want a game where you play as Grandpa Vergil and teach Nero Jr. how to Darkslayer, man.
>Vorgil had the best gameplay of DmC and a mechanic that Vergil should actually use
Such as?
You can tell he's awkward right? Look at his eyes constantly looking around the room.
No one cares about what you want fag.
what? that he was data mined as a playable character and that a piece of code called Lady's night was found? there still not gonna do it
Style switcher for Yamato.
You could just judgement cut him through Ice Age
Stfu, that's why you're not getting vergil dlc HA!
I refuse
>Angel/Devil garbage
I really hoped you'd say Doppelganger style from 3 but whatever
You won't be getting any V dlc either.
iirc Sparda and DSD did 65 damage on one attack while Rebellion only did 60
it's negligible
He's looking for a way to escape from the van.
Quiet, pet. The temerity of your tomfoolery and blatant disregard for the due decorum established as a beacon lighting the way to obedience has briefly amused your superior master, but his patience has ebbed and waned like the flow of the tide. Now, dog, you will show, with nary a complaint or argument, how very quiet you can be should your deific and godlike master demand it. Silent as the grave, pet. Turn forthwith and trudge shamefully back to your kennel, and reside there in perpetuity as you reflect with great recalcitrance and pure, unadulterated opprobrium upon your audacity at having flouted your most benevolent and superior master's sagacious decrees. Go at once. AT ONCE, dog. Your master commands you.
>missing the point entirely
What a faggot. Having a system that changes the properties of how Vergil fights with yamato utilizing Dante's style switcher mechanics is one of the best ideas that came out of DmC and should definitely be applied to Vergil to make him more distinct instead of "the cooler Dante" using multiple weapons/the same weapons. Hell even in 5 we saw Vergil adopt stances we've never seen before so the groundwork is already there.
Yeah that's being awkward, I thought you were one of those that thinks Vergil is angry at Nero for some reason. The man's face is just in a permanent scowl. It's part of the charm.
>A lot of the animations were made last minute
>They still look consistently fantastic
DmC was such a hardcore misstep. Giving a series that rides or dies on whether or not the team behind it is capable of tightening its gameplay to the nth degree to a group of devs that made shit like heavenly sword is definitive proof that inafune was a hack.
I'm sorry but are you saying if the opportunity was available you would choose not to fuck Lady's face?
Barely changed his moveset, and still adhered to the colour coded enemy bullshit. Plus, the whole "trick" thing in place is terrible for the arenas in game.
Why would he be angry at nero, he gave him his poetry book so nero wouldn't worry about him. That's actually nice for someone like vergil.
That was.... heart warming. It's great to know that this game means so much more than to just the fans. I think I'm gonna boot it up.
What did he throw at Dante
It's the core mechanics I'm referring to though not how they were underutilized in DmC (yet still managed to be 100 times more enjoyable than Donte) and having Vergil use different styles of sword play with Yamato turns one blade into 3 perhaps even 4 while paying respect to that strict samurai nature that he has (and Dan loves)
Lady was made for full nelson impregnation.
Are you the kind of retards that loudly laugh at anything?
You do realize Trish came first right? Oh wait, no respect for the original game because it didn't have your waifu. I don't even like Trish but Ladyfags are the worst xfags of the DMC fanbase due to shipping faggotry.
Shut the fuck up ya porch demon.
That's like headcanon for now. The game storytelling doesn't show that Vergil cares about them. They have to sacrifice themselves because Vergil is not able to face his fears and accept the hardships of his past,. He abandons them and doesn't say a word for the rest of the game.
I guess we need an actual redemption arc for Vergil because if DMC5 was supposed to be that, it failed.
I've seen Sparda do more damage. Not much, 5-10% more, but more. It also has larger hitboxes on some moves because it opens up. Sparda's Prop Shredder is explicitly better than Rebellion or DSD's.
They should've given Rebellion Drive. That way even though DSD is the objective more efficient you then choose between slight improvements on the moveset or having Drive available. As it stands Rebellion is only useful to limit yourself or to have the sword you like, and on PC you can mod DSD to be Rebellion.
>are the worst xfags
That's vfags.
>Jump into normal conversations about degenerate sex shit
>Posts constant posts and write cringe worthy fan fiction
Those hours are so bad for these threads that I've stuck to just avoiding them entirely.
>still believing that the only reason Itsuno hasn't put Dante and Lady together is Kamiya
Itsuno replaced Alastor with his own swordfu Rebellion, he completely disregarded Kamiya's version of Vergil (Gilver) and even retconned him into no longer being Vergil at all, and he's completely rewritten who Dante is as a character, all with Kamiya's blessing because in Kamiya's own words the series stopped being his after he finished 1, and in DMC3's case with Kamiya's direct assistance. This whole idea that Kamiya is the only thing stopping the Dante and Lady ship is and always has been fucking retarded. It's not happening because Itsuno doesn't want it happening, end of story.
I heard you can turn off skills you've bought in this game? how?
>The enfant terrible of the development team
Respect for the original game is what's holding the series back. Actually fuck that, Itsuno's respect for Kamiya's bitch ass paradoxically prevents proper respect for the original game. No I will not stop seething.
Go to the skill menu in store. Press the button on your controller that disables them.
those fucking awful face designs wtf is going on
people dont want to accept the actual story, that itsuno is deliberately putting dante into the cuck shed so his OC nero can get the spotlight (akin to kojima and raiden, in both cases they even gave them robot parts) so they make up an "out" for "based itsuno"
So many cannot see V = Vergil
And those who deny this are asking for proper Vergil DLC
Artist is a weird Russian troll who draws Dante/Morrison to piss on fandom SJWs after she got harassed because of some funny Voltron fanart
Tell me situations where it would be useful
it only works on stuff you can buy unfortunately, I'd love to turn off the shitty buster so I can bringer knuckle all the time
>Kamiya's version of Vergil (Gilver) and even retconned him into no longer being Vergil at all
Did Kamiya work on the novels or something? Are they good?
Under what circumcisions would you do this though?
How much of an inbred fucking retard do you need to be to believe that Dante not having a sexual relationship with some human kike is the difference between him being the main character or not?
Yes and no respectively.
oy vey
V+Urizen = Vergil.
V = V, not Vergil. Vergil is both. V is just V, because V is not Vergil without Urizen.
Dropping Faust down to 3 so you can use it without feeling bad about yourself.
Do circumcisions exist in the DMC universe?
How the fuck do you efficently farm with it?
They'd have to because you can't have the ideal "cool" characters without ideal penises
Nero was an orphan church boy do you think he was
Did he DT regen his foreskin when he regened his arm back?
That's completely different, V as a character is vergil but not his playstyle, which is what we fucking want retard.
The DMC boys have healing factor so they're 100% intact. Sorry, Americans.
>missio 10
What am i supposed to believe?
(Also acknowledges Urizen as his brother the whole game, but not V aside from "he returned to himself")
their twitter probably.
We've all seen this before, right?
Are you implying that Sparda made a covenant with man that involved snip-snips?
Yeah I want cold arrogant confident DMC3 Vergil back
Dev 1 twitter
There are no christians or jews in DMC, so everybody is uncut.
Probably the same kind of people who want Trish to be killed off simply because she's 'competition', despite it being made apparent that nothing happening between Dante and Lady has nothing to do with Trish.
He only vocally acknowledged Urizen as his brother. And it's obviously why. But he's known V was Vergil too.
Go back reddit
Basic religions exist outside of fortuna sparda worship in DMC, even a chick on the radio says "we must pray to the heavens above" in the beginning of 5
Wouldn't be surprised if the jews were behind the redgrave incident as well