Other urls found in this thread:
>resetera faggot
> Persona 5 Switch Confirmed
> Metroid Prime Trilogy Confirmed
> Female Protagonist for Persona 5 Confirmed
> ALTTP 3D Remake Confirmed
> The Fighter Pass will be all Shills for JP games confirmed
Based, Yea Forums BTFO'D yet again
And Captain Marvel made a billion dollars
Jesus, and this is nothing compared to the amount of asshurt that will happen later this year
> Frozen 2, Elsa is confirmed a Lesbian
> TlOU 2 Getting a 97 MetaScore & Winning Every GOTY
> None of Yea Forums's meme shit getting in Smash
> Final Star Wars Movie of the new Trilogy
> Avengers End Game this month
>Implying they were ever there
But for the sake of argument, let's say they're real. Why is Nintendo selling A Link to the Past? If the SNES service is real, why wouldn't it just be on that? Or is it gonna happen they're just straight up sell SNES games?
>It's a remake
Okay, that raises it's share of questions too, namely that why are they releasing TWO LoZ remakes this year? Link's Awakening isn't the most popular game in franchise, wouldn't it make more sense to try to get people on board with that rather than what is arguable one of the most universally loved game in the franchise? Also, why would they split the dev teams up like that if that was the case?
All this raises questions, but the ALTTP part raises the most
I loved TLOU 1. Yea Forums only hates it because it's a Sony exclusive
What the fuck is this 3D Link to the Past shit? Haven't heard about it.
It's in the "leak", which doesn't make sense no matter how you look at it.
> ALTTP remake confirmed by BestBuy
> Nintendo is officially hiring & getting Monolith employees to work on a new 3D Zelda
Yea Forums clearly hates Persona 5 and Bloodborne
When they're not portbegging, yeah they're trying to pretend how bad they are
>they're trying to pretend how bad they are
Can you refer me to these posts because I always remember everyone referring to the PS4 as the BB and P5 machine
GR2 deserves a spot too but it's too small for that
I legit hate last of us. Any other sony game that isnt cage is fine to ok.
I literally forgot Star Wars 9 was this year, Disney is too busy hyping capeshit
> Frozen 2, Elsa is confirmed a Lesbian
God I hope so.
t. /u/
Dude I'm not searching through the archive to spoonfeed you
Have you beaten Spider-Man and GoW?
I'm just saying I don't see many people call BB or P5 shit because they hate the PS4
Though I do see the souls and anime hate boner types plenty
Watch the movie version on Youtube, the story is genuinely great. You will love the game
It's hard to enjoy something when you find the two protags unlikable and the setting TWD tier
This, it'll be a breath of fresh air to not have punk or butch lesbians for a change
>Frozen 2, Elsa is confirmed a Lesbian
No way. They wouldn't be able to air it in China then.
Have you completely forgotten about the female demographic?
Nintendo hasn’t why do you think a game like Yoshi’s crafted world sells like wildfire despite being easier than taking a piss?
Woman love this shit
Make some cute shit, make it easy to beat make it a bit artsy and watch it fly under the radar and off the shelves
Or children.
That doesn't answer any of my questions.
>newfags literally CANNOT blankpost
Bahamut: Persona 5’s Joker have been announced to join the roster in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, so what’s the opportunity to contribute Joker’s addition to the roster? And what do you looking forward to Joker’s addition (to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate)?
>Hiraoka: Joker joining the roster in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is mainly due to invitation from Masahiro Sakurai (Sora Ltd.), and thus contributed the collaboration. Because Mr. Sakurai likes Persona 5 very much, and I happened to like Super Smash Bros. very much. So, when (we) received the invitation, the first thing we thought is “Great!”, and we are very happy to build mutual corporation.
>Bahamut: As Persona 5 are not published on Nintendo Platform, but the character joined the roster in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate first, does this also means Persona 5 Series will have something to do on Nintendo Platform?
>Hiraoka: On this point, we have no concrete answer, but in my point of view. Nintendo Switch is a very charismatic console.
Chinks are irrelevant, it will make a billion dollars from North America & Europe alone
You don't grasp how huge a market China is.
Girls love Zelda; if it's highly stylized, it will sell extremely well.
reselling this game milks a neglected fanbase for lots of cash
>endgame comes out this month
god damn they are cranking this shit out like a fucking factory. I remember sequels took at least 2-3 years to come out.
I hate to say it just because it was pulled doesn't mean its confirmed faggot it could be because they don't want people spreading bullshit
Infinite Warfare and Endgame are 2 parts of one story
Dang, Nintendo must have cancelled them out of pure spite.
That must have been a super big announcement for them, a port of a wii game.
No but for real folks, it's hilarious how Nintendo is basing their fiscal year on literal ports from the Wii that take under 5 minutes to do and charging $60 for them while Nintendo fans eat it up and praise Nintendo for it because their good little piggies.
>the sheer amount of money I've saved thanks to his twitter
No, user. You are the faggot.
he cute
So.. No Persona 5 for switch?
That makes me really happy
they don't have the balls to demand new games
they were there you stupid cuck, it's probably there to bridge the gap between BotW and the next big Zelda game, Nintendo did this a lot with the gap between Skyward Sword and BotW
Dude chinks bleed money for these games.
They might be bugmen but they’re money is still good
Idk, there were a lot of best buy employees who had the app and verified it themselves, showing their own unique screenshots, etc
This basically
Remember Animal Crossings Hit 2 Million in less than a week because female gamers finally had a game that targets them.
Since no one else serves female gamers Nintendo has that demographic locked up tight
You bet your candy ass there’s gonna be persona for Switch
If it wasn’t real then why would they bother taking it down?
The Nin-Ninjas are really good at they’re job
Detective Pikachu next month
Don't bother talking to user.
Is basically just another Son*gger.