what went wrong?
What went wrong?
Other urls found in this thread:
furry moderators
eceleb threads
Literally when he started catering to the reddit audience, what do you think would happen when a streamer who originated from Yea Forums starts catering to an audience of normies?
furries are worse than normies
This guy was never really Yea Forums, he is plain, boring and safe
I've been watching Vinny and I don't really see what the problem is. Seems like unless he's risking his entire audience for a quick "fuck all jews and jannies" joke you guys won't ever be happy. Just let the man do duck noises in peace.
he's a little boring but hes always been like that, i guess people stopped tolerating it as much?
I hate how he refuses to play RPG/VN games because of "time constraints", but then plays RDR 2 for 80 hours. I'm not saying all of them are great but I hate how he dismisses them for those reasons when he plays video games for s fucking living.
cured his depression
/trash/ is pretty comfy desu
he started doing wacky voices constantly
maybe its they're boring, shit, and not games.
vinny is cute! cute!
>calls RPGs/VNs boring
>would rather watch monotonous horse traveling sequences in RDR 2
user has shit taste confirmed.
dog killing sim was fun, deal with it.
doesn't he have green eyes
>wanting him to play fucking VNs
>even having the authority to call other people's tastes shit
looks like he has scurvy
what is it about twitch communities that attracts such weirdos
Would love to hold hands with this man god he's handsome bros
Jesus without a beard he looks like the protagonist of a generic shitty animated movie. Why is is mouth so fucking small
He's only good for his corruptions/trash streams. That's it. Too taxing to watch him actually try to play normal games.
No he isnt
RPGs are okay, VNs are shovelware though.
I like his low energy. He doesn't react with a wheezing banshee scream every 2 minutes. Besides throwing in a couple inside-jokes every now and then, he makes good background noise.
Joel is also pretty comfy, too. He's refreshingly juvenile and that Ghostbusters album he put out made me audibly fart.
Having so many children watching and moderating that you're literally more likely to get banned for answering a streamer's question than posting the same one-word response that's filled 30 consecutive screens worth of chat, while the streamer himself gets pressured into burning through FOTM indie trash and meme games instead of doing anything remotely interesting.
Twitch needs to implement an age or character count filter.
>tfw he gave Vappy the boot recently
It's only a matter of time before he goes after all the other furry mods
When he stopped doing games he liked for views. He says he doesn't give a shit about view count, or whatever but he so blatantly does.
>blatantly has fun with a game
>chat wants more andriod shitshow
>okay I'll go back to yet another spider hero
>insert 1 of 100 lines he uses for all trash games here
Oh I beg to differ
it attracts friendless losers
wasn't there some milf on pinterest obsessed with him?
he became a sjw redditor.
Any interesting story behind it? I only watch vinesauce on YouTube, so I don't know any of the drama that goes on while it's streaming.
Imagine having such a shitty opinion
>mario turns inside out and a different color
>vinny screech laughs autistically about it for 2 minutes
Tell me more about this Pinterest milf
>when it's nothing but role playing, kpop, political threads, fat threads, generals and mindless shitposting
>that neck beard
he literally just got done with hypnospace outlaw, i'm sure thats raking in the viewers
He doesnt really go into it during the streams either, but just from what I've heard there was a piece of furry porn Vappy made where he just blatantly plastered a picture of Vinny in the background. Vinny then fired him for sexual misconduct or whatever
Terrible fucking child filled fanbase, and he goes off on tangents unrelated to the game he is playing way to much, but otherwise nothing.
but... he only does android shit on sundays?
joel is pretty cute too
better with hair though
sounds super legit
The second picture has got to be photoshopped. Look how he has no groove between his nose and lips, and how thin they are. Unless Vinny has fetal alcohol syndrome or some shit, pretty sure that pic's been goofed.
Musical tangents and Star Trek while I'm not a big fan of them are still more interesting to hear then "YOOOO, LET'S GO!! CAN WE GET SOME HYPE IN THE CHAT FOR X" for the nth time.
Vinny, if you're reading this, your constant wacky voices and loud YouTuber screams are only funny to 12 year olds that have brain damage. Please stop.
didn't he diddle some 19 year old thot then immediately friend-zone her? pretty based desu
The games he plays are boring and repetitive as fuck outside of Sunday stream but even that is getting old, his chat is abysmal for reasons already mentioned and I have no clue how he can read messages when they spam the same emotes and unfunny memes
Jerma and Joel are better streamers and their chat isn't filled with Communists, furries, and other low quality """people"""
Ah, makes sense.
Can't say I hate every furfag associated with vinesauce (Teckworks draws nice tits and Southbird seems like an okay person), but from what I hear from people who tune in live they've become a real pain in the ass.
Oh, I can actually confirm this. Didn't realize Vappy made it, just saw someone post it in a thread for (You)s without the context. It's literally a dragon in a chair with a huge cock and a poster of Vinny's face on the wall. I'm assuming it was intended to be Vappy, thusly the poster on the wall, but Vinny rightfully thought it was creepy. You decide
Then just watch the videos when they go up on Fullsauce? Eliminates chat for the most part aside from Vinny's comments on their existence and you get some comfy background noise for when you're staying up at 2 in the morning unable to go to bed.
Jerma's chat is annoying and constantly distracts jerma. Joel's chat is pretty chill tho.
Always been more into Joel
Sherlock Holmes over here
Yeah, it's definitely shopped.
Vappy. Vaporeron. He's a pokemon furry.
>It's Vaporeon
Can't say I'm too surprised about this. I'm more weirded out by the fact that Vinny found it in his cold dead heart to be affected by this art though.
That's a Vaporeon, literally where Vappy got his name. It's always the pokefags that are the least creative
Jerma's fanbase is legit insufferable
is that the fat dude from malcom in the middle
maybe it's cause you just scanned through it man. nothing forces you to go into those threads
Someone save this poor fucking man
People will say it was the furfag mods or Vinny not telling tumblr fags to fuck off, but no one will tell you the reason things got like this on the first place. The art booru
I've never played a pokemon game top kek
He's a kinda good looking Charlie from always sunny.
Solid 7.5/10
Nothing. He's still fine and fun for a watch. What are you people even complaining about?
>No eyebrows Vinny.
That's decently cursed. Also almost reminds me of Steve from Blues Clues.
I do that, I'm just stating what went wrong and the problems I had with his streams
I love Vinny, but he really looks like a fucking goblin in this photo, holy shit.
his hrt treatment is going pretty well
Just look at him. He's a cold broken shell of what he once was.
Sunday trash has been a thing for a while. It's the only thing that basically "on schedule."
Did someone airbrush his mustache?
That pic is from like a few years ago OP, he's always been dead inside.
He panders a bit too much with the silly voices sometimes but other than that he's fine.
Post the donkey Kong photo
shopped? why are his eyebrows yellow
He puts up with a lot of shit, but I guess actually being in furry porn was too far for him.
>watching his old Skies of Arcadia stream
>chat sounds like it's actually slow enough for him to interact a decent amount
>isn't afraid to offend anybody, calls chat "retarded" when they act so
>is playing a game with anime artstyle and isn't bothered. ironic weebs and his current ironic hatred for anime means he wouldn't even stream this
I think that's just what a shadow looks like after it's been compressed a billion times.
What is it about Vinesauce that attracts furries? He's never seemed particularly catering to that sort of demographic. Is it just the mods enabling it?
Streaming until past 3 am every night
Watch "Why I hate geese" on YouTube for some classic Vinny.
Did you fuck with his face there?
how did he think this was a good idea?
Joel's chat is filled with commies, though. A lot of unironic "fuck capitalism, woo socialism" if it ever gets brought up in game
nah just pulled it off twitter
Furries are not very smart, and have no social skills or shame.
since when does Vinny bend over to the tumbr crowd? he kinda just does his thing while shit stirs around him.
looks like he has ten shades of foundation on
>all those upboated sois in the comments of that video like "Wow, Old Vinny said the r word! He was something else!"
I blame Joel
Its the mods, also Ima, Limes, that other guy who has a literal furry name/icon are furries. Don't know about Dire or Desert but he really likes lizards which is suspect. The others seem fine
>Went into an autistic fit during the SonicFox game awards speech because chat was making fun of furries and started mass perma banning everyone
>Intentionally edited out footage of a Mario rpg stream because Vinny started shit talking vappys boyfriend for trying to fuck with him in chat
>Always makes it a point to be an obnoxious furfag, once commissioned furry porn of Vinny
>Kept all of his uploads hostage and privated everything once he was allegedly fired
>That furfag tweet with the official vinesauce account that Vinny immediately had to step in and say wasn't him was probably vappys doing
>Doesn't do anything that Vinny or even a bot couldn't do on it's own
I'm probably missing a few things here
I'm not convinced the Tumblr crowd even exists anymore ever since the NSFW ban, but I assume the substitute is SJW's with too much time on their hands. Vin just plays bab game or schut game though, no reason to really care from their perspective.
Mostly mods enabling it.
I don't know what's worse.
Unironic weebs and furries in Vinny's chat, or annoying trannies in Jerma's chat who always donate with depressing or insufferable messages that make poor Jerma uncomfortable because he doesn't want to offend anyone.
I remember back in the Chatango days when the view counter on his site would do something special when it hit 777 viewers. That amount of viewers was also special enough for him to say something like "Wow, 700 viewers, what the fuck." It was a lot for him back then and it only happened on things like Ralph Bluetawn streams.
I haven't watched one of his streams in nearly 3 years now. I try to watch a little bit on full sauce but it's just not the same.
Jermas chat is filled with annoying ResetaEra faggots who spam tranny emotes even when it's not relevant to anything, but luckily it's not anywhere near as bad and there's usually people in chat to tell them to fuck off. Joel's chat is even worse than Vinny's
>Jermas chat is filled with annoying ResetaEra faggots
Jerma's chat is full of Yea Forumsirgins being autists and making fun of Jerma for being a manlet
yeah its a bad pic, probably the lighting. i think the guy in the gengar shirt is taking a selfie. everyone but him has a look of slight discomfort that gives this picture an awkward aura, the cherry on top of course being vinny, who looks especially uncomfortable, is sitting, and whose eyebrows are barely visible, besides other stuff. He looks kinda goofy, it's pretty funny.
Jokes are one thing but the tranny shit is pure wannabe activist garbage and it's just done because of the muh culture war mentality
I wanna go back
>tfw you're the only one standing up straight and yet you're still the shortest in the picture
What? Jermas chat has obvious Yea Forumseddit users cause I swear I've seen memes that come from here posted like the ""boomer"" joke, and Joel's chat is nowhere near as big or bad as Vinny, Joel doesn't like furfag shit and banned OwO, his chat is more weeb cause that's what he is
Nothing went wrong, his recent streams are his best yet.
You are whats wrong, posting Eceleb threads on Yea Forums
I know Criken is trying to hide his balding, but he really needs to do something different with his hair, or just wear a hat or something.
It's the size of his heart that counts user
He began delegating the task of finding corruptions instead of doing it live
He gained a large audience of furries and children and began catering to it
>Bans OwO
>Replaced it with GRAND DAD
Truly a fate worse than death
shit dude looking at that pic you can tell that Vinny and Criken easily pass 7ft if they tower over Jerma.
>I don't think the tumblr crowd exists anymore
You do know that tumblr users didn't commit mass suicide when they stopped visiting the sight right user?
>10/10 GAME
>doesnt play game ever again
>doesn't even mention it
Nah I'm fine with that, fuck furfags
Vinny needs to ban that shit the most thou
This video got a lot funnier in retrospect
Vinny looks like a giant in that picture.
How is blocking furfags a bad thing?
furries ruin everything
No I mean that his chat will never get better because there is always some stupid shit to spam
why do they all look like they're about to pass out.
You can't see the noxious gas in the room?
>This boring game is probably gonna be a one-off
>It's alright
>*Streams it non-stop for 2 weeks
The boomer meme reached twitch in general, so even if someone only went on twitch they could still know the boomer meme
>every time this pic gets brought up on stream Jerma has to stop and explain that hes actually slouching there
Every time
He liked DMCV and beat it. Even if he wasn't good at it.
Autism games are the best games to stream, it allows Egghead and vinny to ramble on , giving their best commentary
shut up you fucking wojack-posting baby
you're just mad because he's popular now, so he isn't part of "muh secret club" anymore
Is this photoshopped? He doesn't have a philtrum.
No shit, its photoshopped
This one?
why doesnt vinny stream with mike anymore
vinny/mike streams are godtier
>Recently started watching Vinny on YouTube
>Pretty comfy
>Seems to be kinda normie
>Still likable
I never knew anything about Vinny, but what makes everyone hate him now?
He became a Leftyshill
is this next level bait or am I going to have to find out who you are and shove socks in your mouth
Literally just the fact hes a streamer/youtuber
He used to be a Yea Forums fag back in 2011, but immediately upon gaining popularity he threw Yea Forums away and got some furry mods to appeal to furfags while growing in popularity.
Joel also did the same shit
Basically the only one who's still based because they still browse Yea Forums is Rev, who still browses /f/, Yea Forums, and /tg/ for warhammer autism
Vinny's is even worse, especially given that not only is he much further to the left politically than Joel, but he can't seem to keep it from spilling out on air (case in point, the healthcare rant during last year's Quake stream).
because he got popular and isn't depressed like everyone on Yea Forums anymore
he's the best he's ever been
another Vinesauce shill thread by Vinny, his mods and his retarded site
Where did they migrate to? Twitter ResetEra?
but why do you care about his politics when he never talks about it?
No one actually knows. Apparently Vappy took down some videos on his channel, which are up now. All Vinny said was there's a "logistics issue" with Fullsauce uploads, which has since been fixed. Everything else you hear in these threads is TMZ gossip from Yea Forums posters.
Nice eye. You can definitely see where the blur ends under the nose, it just stops with a rounded edge. On the first picture too. People are so fucked, why would they do this? I fucking hate trannies.
Parts of Yea Forums, and Capicoli I guess, have always been vocal with their distaste for Vinesauce from all the way back in the summer of 2010 when he advertised his Livestream here. It just didn't get noticeable until after SCV came out and he tried to whore out videos on Reddit.
>especially given that not only is he much further to the left politically than Joel
he never talks about politics on his stream, why do you care?
Your beloved streamer is a shill and a virtue signaller.
Vinny has been spamming his garbage shit and begging for viewers on Yea Forums since 2009.
>it's GPM's fault!
>it's Capicoli's fault!
who's your next boogeyman, Vinny? why the fuck do you still beg for viewers on Yea Forums
>spends over half the thread criticizing him
>yep looks like another shill thread
is people on Yea Forums discussing something you have no interest in that threatening to your perception of reality? that's actually what trannys do.
stop being so asshurt and go away
Care to provide evidence for that accusation?
So he's a lefty and he abandoned Yea Forums? I mean it's a shame he's a lib, but his streams are pretty nice.
hey Vinny, stop samefagging and gaslighting
confusing imagination with reality isn't a good thing user
What the fuck do trans people have to do with this?
>I Didn't Read The Post I Just Replied To: The Post
Just in time for 4/20...
He looks so uncomfortable
>hey, two different anons, stop GaSLiGhTiNg
I like Vinny's streams. Watching him fuck up a game I've played before is always a joy. I've been introduced to a few gems because of his streams too.
Who else would make an edit that would make him look so androgynous?
Shit, I wish I was Vinny. Getting paid a modest living to scream at video games 4 - 5 hours a night ain't too bad. From what I've seen, he's never directly called out any of his streams deterrents or done much to highlight behind the scenes drama. What came of GPM, any? I thought he did the same thing he did to Tame and just kicked him off and tried to get things respectfully on stream.
we've caught capicoli trying to fake "evidence" before, man
remember the pastebin he always used to post that spelled vinny's name wrong?
I remember.
>it's another Vinny won't shut the fuck up about LotR stream
I only have two issues with Vinny. I don't give a shit about his moderators or his fanbase, but he's a hardcore Nintendo fanboy, and it really shows, even if he isn't explicit about it. Like that Yoshi stream a few days ago, that game is boring fucking shit for five-year olds, but he's playing it because it's a Nintendo game.
Also, he streams so fucking late. His "Sunday" streams are basically Monday morning streams.
Well he's American, he's got every right to be bitching about his country's terrible healthcare, that shouldn't even be considered political.
These threads are always full of catty homos projecting onto Vinny or acting like scorned ex boyfriends because he's not their pretend sad BF they can relate to any more. Please consume your own hands, it will be for the better.
I think Vinny said it best during last year's Charity stream where he said something along the lines of "We get together once a year for a good cause and otherwise leave each other alone for the most part". Hence why there's no real need for drama, or the very least bringing it up in any public capacity.
Use the archive, but you don't care about actual evidence, you just don't want to admit that you made hundreds of advertisement threads on Yea Forums in 2009 and beyond. It's funny because moot added the "no advertisement" rule mainly because of your constant spam threads and you kept virtue signalling on stream by saying "we don't make threads anymore, we respect moot, please believe me!!!"
Listen, you fucking NEET, I know you don't have many braincells in your head, Vinny, but some of us still remember what you did to get viewers. You weren't the only ones trying to do it. You look too desperate and pathetic when you deny it. The "drama" between you and GPM, Nuk and others were so embarrassing, literally every single thing they said about you a decade ago was true.
I don't think he has ever claimed to not be a Nintendo fanboy. It's pretty blatant.
he is a Nintendo fanboy, but he not a hardcore fanboy, he always call out Nintendo when they do something garbage
Anyone? You got problems. Who hurt you?
>replying to the same post twice again
your blatant samefagging is obvious, get it through ur low IQ brain, vinny
What's this about GPM and Nuk? Also does Datstream even still exist anymore?
Never really understood the appeal of this guy. Watched a twitch stream one day where he was playing Banjo or some shit and kept fucking up simple stuff. He seems like the type of boomer who has difficulty grasping video games and spatial concepts. I guess his random rants were nice, but not really a reason to watch him imo
I really don't know how it got to the point where he decided he didn't want to offend anyone anymore. At the same time, he's become a lot less humble and and sick of chats shit over the years, probably from having to deal with the crowd he unfortunately gathered.
>modest living
is ~$100000 a year modest to you?
Probably when he realized he would make way more money by not offending anyone.
The general vinesauce fanbase is autistic as fuck, it's not worth interacting when you rake in money anyway
Him being a nintendo fan doesn't really matter, just skip some streams like I do. It's not like he shoves joycons up his ass.
I miss Alright then, keep your secrets-posting
Pretty modest in NYC desu. To be fair, he lives on Staten Island.
why is vinny such a chad?
It's just you, Vinny
> fake "evidence" before,
When and what fake evidence? Prove it or you are full of shit.
The funny thing about Capicoli is that he is a drug addict like you too. Maybe you two should become friends?
That's one thing I liked about Vinesauce, especially when it was a team effort before Twitch. Vinny knew how to run a somewhat decent ship in terms of drama. Back when Livestream and mogulus threads would hog the front page you were always guaranteed to see half of them dead because the channel owners were attention whores. At least Vinny has the capacity of thought to realize that shit detracts from the already kinda lowly career choice that is "video game streamer".
Why is Joel such an autistic toddler
What the fuck are you on about faggot fuck off and die
>haha random british voice
It's all in the beard, if he shaved it off or let it grow more he'd look like a soiboi or neckbeard, it's just the perfect length.
Don't even respond to him.
When he started advertising to the more sensitive audiences and got spammed with emails about how his content was too problematic. He'd even get emails when Mike did something offensive, it was ridiculous.
>that silverback pose
truly an alpha at an animalistic scale
isnt it funny how vinny tries to stay away from Yea Forums when he keeps begging for viewers from Yea Forums
hell, his entire fucking stream started on Yea Forums
>he always call out Nintendo when they do something garbage
He's definitely not as sperging as the fanboys who refuse to say anything negative. But he'll still only call out the absolute worst shit, and even then he's very reluctant and apologetic for them.
that fucking haircut
what is he thinking
>That furfag tweet with the official vinesauce account that Vinny immediately had to step in and say wasn't him
wait what
you can't avoid touching shit when you're swimming in a septic tank
he's not a chad, he never gets laid
lol imagine typing this
Of course you don't have any proof.
Go back to sticking those heroine needles into your arm and preparing your weed bong, Vinny.
It was a different mod named NorixWolfe, half the shit in that dudes post is inaccurate.
Don't know but his music is pretty alright
seems he kinda exploded in popularity recently, he opened my eyes to the amount of normalfags that post on Yea Forums
that boom in mother 3 threads didn't surge out of nowhere
Not when he brags about having a "no politics" policy.
>I decide what counts as politics and what doesn't
Eat shit. Your "it's just common sense!" myopia is the excuse that got SJW garbage rotting the industry from the inside in the first place.
A guess streamer during one of the charity streams who lacked the social grace to realize his furry persona was only tolerated and not accepted by the majority of Vinesauce's infantile audience.
Nothing will ever come close to tomodachi life. That was pure comedy gold.
Why does he look like an amish lesbian?
How many years has capicoli been staring these threads?
user, I think that healthcare rant might be the only time he's talked about anything remotely political in like his entire career.
Why was Tomadachi the one series that really brought out the weirdos? It's solely responsible for the 15 year old fujo girls RPing Vlinny and shit.
>I decide what counts as politics and what doesn't
Oh sorry, I forgot that was reserved for you, you braindead fucking hypocrite.
>much further to the left politically than Joel,
Is jobel even left leaning?
it seems like he's a centrist at worst but I'd actually put him slightly right.
because that's what put him on youtube and further catapulted the popularity of vinesauce. Tomodachi Life is a fuckin weird game made for weird RPing.
You can only walk on eggshells for so long before you start to get sick of it and eventually drop the act. I remember him obviously catching himself from being too sassy a few years back in a Super Mario Odyssey stream when some uptight cunt got upset because he called one of Noel Gallagher's band members a "guy".
Joel himself promotes Cheeseburger Freedom man
Tomodachi Life was around the time I stopped watching, it got stupid with how many useless characters were put in.
Fuck Sponge and Pretzel especially
Corruptions are what got him big.
Seek mental help
>Vinny starts streaming Mother 3
>Sudden boom of Kumatora waifufag spam on Yea Forums
>Vinny starts streaming KIU
>Onslaught of TFW NO PALUTENA MOMMYGF spam on Yea Forums
Really makes you think...
How to tell when Vinny is behind a post or thread:
Flamboyant fan posts (omg vinny is so cool because he said that, wow!!!
Constant damage control (why do you say such mean things about vinny? he is a cool guy lol)
Gaslighting (this guy did that against vinny, we should raid them and help vinny!)
Virtue signalling (I hate Trump, I love sanctuary cities, homosexuality is awesome and I want to fix the health care wee woo)
Advertisement (check out this stream, what went wrong etc)
look at the file name
True, but the point is he started posting whole streams to youtube due to the popularity of Tomodachi Life being posted on youtube by vappy.
>starts being politically correct
>immediately turns to shit after going full lefty
Gee, I wonder DID go wrong
Holy fuck he looks malnourished. My mental picture of him is forever changed. I thought he was average in terms of looks but this is really, really bad.
cap wouldn't start shill threads for someone else
keep falseflagging, vinny
everyone knows you're behind all of it
Those photos are legit photoshopped
is there any art or literature that depicts vinny and imakuni engaging in coitus
>Well he's American, he's got every right to be bitching about his country's terrible niggers and immigrants, that shouldn't even be considered political.
You have become the /pol/tards you complain about, and you don't even know it.
I didn't decide it, the dictionary did. You're the one who wants to make exceptions based purely on your feelings because "it's soooooo important!"
He had an environmentalism rant with Mike in one of the old Binding of Isaac Rebirth streams. That leaves two that I'm aware of, with who knows how many more among the thousands of streams he's done.
Anyone think Vinny kind of resembles a younger, thinner Q from Impractical Jokers? Especially in OP's pic.
You sound like a fucking nutcase. If this isn't bait, which I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't, I would suggest seeking mental health for your apparent schizophrenia
jesus fucking christ
Healthcare isn’t an issue here you retarded lefty
People who do this need to be both IQ tested and evaluated by a psychiatrist.
I like how Vinny gets mad and triggered whenever someone exposes him and he starts to autistically reply to the same post several times to defend himself.
It's been a decade and he's still going at it. That's some dedication.
there's some stuff on the r34 website, but its fucking weird. Somebody had a phase of drawing Vinny as a dinosaur.
Wowwee no need to be a buwwy UwU
>+241 replies and 42 images omitted.
>eceleb shit
why the fuck is this shit still up
moot said the advertisement rule was added because of "certain Yea Forums stream networks" in a old Q&A , you fucking gaslighting aspie
cause you're giving the thread a bump ya bum
first time on Yea Forums?
I’m surprised Tumblr didn’t rip him a new one because he said niggas in an older video
Vinny's regular is a mod, figure out the rest
I'm more of a Swedish Vinny kind of guy
Do something about it big boy
That doesn't mean you aren't an aspie schizo.
Cool, you still sound like a schizo, like I said before please seek mental help
people draw him as a dinosaur because of all the screeches he makes
As long as he atoned for his sins and went to SJW confession he's fine. He's evolved into a better person :)
The tumblr community doesn't exist anymore.
Literally everyone has said the n-word. It was a different time. Soon "autistic" will join the ranks of "retarded" and it will fall out of use.
>vinny calling someone "schizophrenic" because they dropped a truth & nostalgia bomb about him when vinny went on a 4 hour rant in skype in 2010 about weed giving him severe paranoia
why is nobody talking about the fucking monster that is the girl on the left
you first retard
you were just way too serious about it earlier, you sounded crazy. chill out.
If you have a problem that affects you personally, talking about it is not political, just because you think any criticisms of healthcare systems have to necessarily be political. But trying to deprogram an American's overly politicized brain is probably a waste of time, so carry on.
this thread was worth it just to watch this meltdown in real time
That can't be Vinny because I'M Vinny.