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whats this bait about?

game journalists

Don't you guys have time?

>mfw "gaming journalists" are seething

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Games should be for everyone.

Attached: 1548935575833.webm (640x800, 2.88M)

journos can't play Sekiro and instead of writing about the game they are writing a bunch of articles defending easy mode and demanding it be added to fromsoft titles

The people complaining about Sekiro and saying it should be changed are the same people who complained about Mass Effect 3's ending and said it should be changed.

and im fucking upset about it

sekiro is too hard, deal with it pissbabies

Why don't they just get it on PC and use a trainer?


"Game" """journalists""" can't even complete the first jump in the Cuphead tutorial. Why these people are even given a second of anyone's time of day is beyond me.

>two David Cage "games"

I think there's something contextually that's missing in this argument that I thought about last night. The game NEEDS to be difficult, the design of the game literally balances on being difficult. If the game isn't hard the intent is totally lost

Free copies only for consoles and where you will get trainer before game release?

The reason is that they want industry to cater to them and people like them, they're just a bunch of ignorant faggots.

Here is your easy mode, bro

Attached: babytag steam.jpg (754x159, 38K)

viddy game need ta be assessabel for all audeyances
4/10 add easy mode it get 9.5/10

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Do woman have no self respect?


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>just because a game is easy doesnt mean its bad! just put self-imposed limits to make the game challenging then!

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I unironically had a blast playing Pokemon Moon with exp share off doing the one type challenge with ghost Pokemon.

Why do people care what game journalists think? If I want to buy a game, I watch someone play it on Twitch or Youtube.

So journalists are being butthurt that a game is too hard. Reminds me of that douchebag that couldn't even get past the tutorial of Cuphead.

Anyone have the bird vs journalist webm? Also I hope whoever that was playing Cuphead doesn't get paid to be a complete embarrassment to our species.

Many do, but some of them, like your mom, don't.

Fuck off retard.

>Reminds me of that douchebag that couldn't even get past the tutorial of Cuphead.
Watch his full video.
He can't even beat 1st level, always jumping on enemies and trying to collect mushrooms.

None of them do.

Oh my god. I didn't even see the full fucking video. There's more?!


Attached: easywolf.jpg (1024x576, 105K)

Honestly journos only make up a fraction of the audience complaining about this shit. It's mostly trannys on Twitter.

Prove it.

lol umad bro

Attached: out fucking skilled.jpg (4685x2457, 313K)

They tend to be a combination of trannies complaining or journalists. Sometimes they're both. A fucking awful combination of shit.

The people that unironically think easy modes should always be a thing are the kind of people that treat video games as interactive movies. The "intent" of the game is lost on them already.

>only allowed to kiss them on the cheek
This is what a beta "man" looks like

>how am I supposed to review it if I can't finish it?!

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When are they not

>self respect

women don't understand what that means

You would honestly find someone here who would do it for free and do a better job of it.

I'm fairly sure i could do all that, unironically. This is why professional game reviewers are such jokes, a good youtuber does their jobs far better than they ever could.

>3000 words is considered a lot of work for professional games journalists

To be fair there is an issue with how games are being reviewed. Obviously big sites wants the reviews up ASAP to get the most clicks possible, but if publishers don't send codes in a sufficient amount of time beforehand then reviewers will have to work mad hours to rush through a game, which will more than likely mess with their judgement.

>don't like it? Don't use it!

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This but unironically.

>can't beat them
Fucking how? How is it even possible to be this bad? Most of us beat stuff like Castlevania and Ninja Gaiden as kids.

>I suck at my job WAAAH
Fucking pathetic

If they can't fake a good review after only playing the game for a couple of hours they should find a different job. I discuss games I've never played all the time and no one on this board can tell the difference.

3000 words would be an ass if it actually involved gathering resources and reading through them. But this is just 3000 words of literally your opinions.

Maybe you should take your fucking time to finish the game before shoving a review out dumbass!

He LITERALLY states that his job is more than just playing video games and yet you still felt the need to make this stupid argument.

>Detroit Become Human
They got a bad console game?

I think you might be the babby

Sure, "reviewing games". Sure is hard to review them if you can't beat them. I've done fan reviews for games as well, it's pretty fun.

Nah, respect to the journos who actually beat the games. If I reviewed Nioh after 5 hours I'd give it a 9, but after finishing it it's more like a 6.

A woman's concept of 'self respect' is that they would never do this for a man that wasn't rich enough to be considered attractive

they got ALL the bad console games !


>it’s mostly trannies of twitter

Game journalist are retards, more news at 11

Attached: FE Fates official Gamespot review footage.webm (590x354, 2.2M)

desu I like the clout of beating a notoriously hard game than making the game accessible for other people to play it.

Selfish I know, but fuck it.

Why not add an easy mode to whatever game you're posting epic wojaks about, are you too autistic to press the hard mode button?

>healer in the frontline undefended
>dancer in the frontline undefended
>mages in the frontline undefnded
>archers/ninjas in the frontline undefended

Snoyboys do need an easy mode though. They're too used to "cinematic experiences"

Fact: Sekiro wouldn’t exist if Dark Souls had an easy mode.

Dark Souls and From has found success because of the difficult and the necessity of community (whether it be through discussing strats or in the Souls case actual coop). Dark Souls wouldn’t be where it is if it wasn’t considered hard.

This but un-ironically

Even then it's not that bad. I just wrote a term paper about coffee demand, and it ended up being 4000 words plus a couple of graphs I made. Took all of two days, including research time.

anyone is free to enjoy this game, not my fault gaming journos are shit at them


>I want to review the game without experiencing it the way it was intended by developers who put their time and effort in designing and balancing it
He's unironically a bad person. He blames developers for doing their job properly instead of dumping their resources into making his job easier.

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>A person who is actually quadriplegic can beat Sekiro
>Able bodied "videogame enthusiasts" can't

Here you go, bro.

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